#person for perpetuating it and legitimizing it for my issues ? is fhat insane to say? it looks wrong now that i wrote it down but its
kokikwii · 7 months
I know this is my blog so in theory I could say whatever I want but I am so afraid to say anything bc any problem I have is so minimal compared to everyone else on here and especially in the world, I'm afraid to vent on here or to anyone bc i don't want to be whiny and it isn't even that bad but I'm spiraling anyways, I want to talk to someone but I don't want to be a bother and I hate that they pay walled human connection bc i feel like i need to talk to someone who knows what im talking about but also I don't want to force anyone to be my therapist but I also need to get this out of my head and writing it down in a journal doesn't help anymore and I'm too afraid to talk to my partner about these things bc im afraid they're sick of me always having problems and every day when I do something that is frustrating or exhausting they are one step closer to breaking up with me, so every time I panic or cry over something small it becomes gargantuan because I am so so terrified THIS will be the moment they end things, and I am afraid if I keep crying about the same things forever and ever they'll realize how exhausting i am and realize they'd be better without me, I'm afraid my friends feel the same way and everyone can't wait for me to get out of their lives and are relieved when I stop talking to them
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