#personal blamble
katasdollhouse · 7 years
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This is a lot more childish than many of my usual Love Nikki outfits. I guess the reason why is because we found out last night that our landlord’s girlfriend is expecting. Therefore our happy home of friends and housemates is going to be broken up and we all have to move rather abruptly.
I also turn 30 in a month (on October 1), which is majorly tripping me out as well. I just want to stay young and childish and do dumb things with my friends always! Thank goodness for games, wherein I can stay youthful and idiotic forever.
I guess I’m not going to be spending any money on games for a while, since I’ll need to be saving to move. That’s no great loss– frankly, I was just spending the money I’d spend on lunches at work on games– I just hope we can find somewhere good to live. Keep your fingers crossed for us.
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werebeastbones · 7 years
Sails, and Cerulean?
Sails: Describe your perfect partnergosh honestly anyone who would be able to handle me in all my messes & moods when they come & go, they’re not often as much anymore but as someone who’s very clingy & a bit protective I would want them to be/feel okay with things like that ya know? I’m still learning to better myself with those things but if that’s something they’d be fine with then that’s more than enough for me.Other than that, I’d also hope they’d be okay with being smothered in love. like constantly. it never ends.Cerulean: Do you believe in true love ? So as not to blamble on for probably 10 minutes haha, I do. Personally I believe in the idea that soulmates across all lives past or present, will eventually come back to & find each other no matter what life it is. You’d get this feeling of serenity when you see them or feel them, like coming home after a really long day at work & letting out that breath of air you didn’t realize you were holding in. Everyone has a journey & a story (some might even have more than one) & I think there’s nothing more beautiful than being able to find someone who accepts and cherishes that about you. All in all I believe once one has found their other half, both paths that were once separated will merge together & create something even greater.
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werebeastbones · 7 years
One day I'm gonna lose the 0.01% of self control I have left & just riP the sleeves off all my shirtS
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