#personally I settle for them having just nostrills . like you know birdies
sumbier0 · 1 year
What if trolls used makeup to make themselves more similar to their respective lusii
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mishaphades-blog · 5 years
Dead End | Michael Gray
Author: Birdie
Summary: Y/N Y/L/N finds herself in trouble when Michael Gray seeks her out due to her cousin being shot.
Warnings: the usual peaky blinder stuff, lol
A/N: this is part one of a new little mini series I'm starting on here
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BARE FEET padded against worn hardwood boards, pale and cold like they were every night. A cigarette was soon lit, lighting up the dark room only a small fraction of a second before darkness enveloped the only body in the room again. The only window in the room was open, the cold air blessing Y/N's skin as she inhaled the nicotine, thoughts about her cousins whereabouts almost coming to a completely stop. Almost.
Vincent was only two years older than her, the two left to take care of each other after Y/N's aunt, Vincent's mother, had passed away. They had to maintain the house somehow and while her cousin was out doing god knows what, she was selling herself off. Somehow, she was fine with it at the time before she had gotten her job at the library. The income that they had both made went without question and it kept a roof over their heads and food in their bellies.
Her concern for him wasn't as big as his concern for her. Despite being only two years younger, Vincent still thought of her as a baby, one who was too pure to know about what he was doing just to take care of her. She never told him what she used to do as well, when they were more desperate for money at that point in time.
Now, they managed to do what they had to without any complications, only seeing each other a few times a day. Not much talking would occur between the two, there was nothing to say anyway.
Y/N knew it was late - not too late though, the laughter and shouts from the Garrison a few streets away filling her ears like it did at all hours of the day. In there, some men were bound to drink their issues away, drowning in alcohol like it was healthy for them. The dark haired girl had her fair share of moments she wanted to forget, doing so by drinking as well. She thanked whoever she could that it didn't become a daily thing.
For Vincent however, that wasn't the case. He drank away like a flower collecting too much water, killing itself right after. She knew he wouldn't care if some kind of illness took him, death was a positive thing in his eyes. Suffering was something he did behind closed doors. Sometimes, Y/N would hear him cry between the thin walls that separated their rooms, and often times she couldn't drift off.
The urge to climb out of bed and knock on his door was strong as well. Wanting to tell him that she loved him and that everything would be alright was something she could never accomplish merely because it wasn't true. Nothing was alright and it never will be. Nothing would bring back the family members put six feet under through the years that she has been living.
E/c eyes scanned the empty streets for any sign of her cousin, hoping to catch him and try to talk before he disappeared into his room, negative thoughts preventing him from catching the sleep he so desperately needed. Maybe she could make him some tea like he used to do for her when the tears couldn't stop spilling from her eyes, quiet sobs sounding painful to his ears.
Vincent wasn't a very affectionate person, he hadn't hugged Y/N in a long time. Never joked around with her like he used to when they were little, when times used to be better, happier. When the sun was still shining and the clouds weren't casted over the blue sky.
Y/N inhaled once more, her night dress hugging her skinny frame as the harsh wind blew through the window. Goosebumps covered her skin and her teeth chattered slightly, lips pressing into a thin line after.
She exhaled, the tinge of mint prominent on her tongue as she put the cigarette out. With nimble fingers, she closed the window and made her way to the closed door at the corner in the far left, walking into the dimly lit living room. It gave off a homely feel despite not being used much at all. Aunt Helena would knit in the creaky rocking chair in the corner, a quilt draped over it.
For the first time in a long time, Y/N smiled slightly, chapped lips curling upward. To most, it would look like a snarl almost. The feeling was foreign to her; happiness that is. Genuine happiness.
With numb feet, she walked into the tiny kitchen, searching the small cabinets for the only pot in the house. Cooking utensils became almost extinct in the household, seeing as no one ever ate there anyway and things were becoming rusty.
Y/N watched as the pot heated up before she put the water into it, something she had a habit of doing in rare moments when she would actually sit down and make something. Vincent had multiple favorite teas but Black tea seemed to take the number one spot and so that's what Y/N made, letting it cool down a bit. He always came home around the same time every night.
She knew this because when he came home, Vincent couldn't keep quiet to save his life and would often stumble through the hall in a drunken state. She had woken up to his racket on many occasions and often glanced at the rusting pocket watch on her night table, letting out a long exhale as soon as she saw the time.
Although she had work tomorrow, Y/N couldn't bring herself to crawl back into bed and go to sleep. For no reason in particular, her belly was in knots, a sinking feeling settling itself below as well.
The front door creaked open, sending all the thoughts that jumbled around to fly out as her gaze snapped toward the chipping wood. Vincent's dark shoes could be seen, the material peeling a bit from its place.
He hadn’t seen Y/N yet, standing there with her arms crossed, hair disheveled and sticking up in all sorts of directions. His face contorted as the door slammed shut accidentally, a string of curse words being mumbled under his breath.
“You don't have to worry about me being asleep.” The words came out hoarse, her throat a bit dry and scratchy.
Vincent slouched, his back still against her. She hadn't seen his face yet, and he didn't plan on showing her any time soon.
“Don't you have work tomorrow?” His speech was slurred, at this Y/N rolled her eyes, shaking a leg as she stood. The floorboard creaking with each shake.
“I do, but I haven't seen you in days.” That wasn't a lie, he would always be gone before she had to get up for work. She had gotten used to the house being so silent that she had convinced herself she had lived alone most times.
Vincent hesitated before speaking, “Please go to bed,” She could hear him swallow.
That comment went ignored. Y/N ran a hand through her dark locks, fingers getting caught in the knots. “Turn around, Vince.”
She didn't know why he wouldn't just fucking do what she asked of him. It wasn't that hard to rotate your body.
“Just please turn the fuck around,” A sigh escaped her lips.
A shaky breath left his lips and he lifted his head, turning to her, eyes dark and covered by pain she could understand. The bags under his eyes were visible as well. Something that was also visible was the large discolored area on his right eye socket, dry blood crusting over.
The sharp inhale that Y/N took made her dizzy. She tugged her bottom lip between her teeth, biting down on it to prevent the tears from spilling over.
“What happened to you?” Without warning, her feet moved toward him, he just stood there.
His gaze averted down to the floor, voice low. “It's better if you didn't know.”
Her veins were now hot, blood pumping quickly. “Bullshit.”
He went to speak again but she held up a finger, looking toward the pot, nostrils inhaling the pleasant smell of the tea that she had forgotten.
Seething, Y/N grabbed a small mug from one of the top cabinets, rinsing it out before grabbing the pot handle, pouring the hot liquid inside. From behind her, she could hear Vincent moving about, setting his thin coat on the rack near the door.
“I don't like how you don't tell me things.” The lump in her throat was swallowed soon after as she grabbed a small roll of bread from the bag on the dining table.
Her cousin stumbled over, pulling out a chair as she set the tea down in front of him, slamming it almost as she did the same with the bread roll.
He sighed, deciding against opening his mouth again, that would only get him into further trouble. Slowly, he watched as she wet a clean rag, twisting it to release all the water.
“I can clean it myself.” He said after he gingerly sipped the warm tea, taking a big bite of the bread after. Y/N had said on many occasions that it would soak up the liquor. Ever since then, he had been eating bread non-stop since he got drunk almost every day.
She was bound to slap him upside the head sooner or later.
Scratching the back of his head, he closed his eyes as she came near him, stiffening in his seat as soon as the rag came in contact with his right eye.
Vincent sucked in air between his teeth as she dabbed over the blotchy skin. Her touch was harsh. If he wasn't mistaken, she was hurting him on purpose, taking her anger out on his already injured. Despite his age, he was babied by his cousin to the extent that he felt like the younger one.
“I want you to tell me how you got that black eye, eh?” He could hear the sharpness in her voice as she practically poked at his eye.
He clenched his jaw, “What the bloody fuck, Y/N. Are you actually trying to poke my fucking eye out?” Vincent grabbed her cold hands with his calloused ones, squeezing at them before slamming them down on the table.
When he opened his eyes, his vision was blurry. Blinking multiple times, he raised his eyes to look at her. Her eyebrows were right up into her hairline, as far as they could go. A laugh arose in her throat, not a joking one.
“I just might.” She threw the rag at him before stomping to her room, slamming the door behind her.
After that it was silent, deathly silent. With an angry sigh, Vincent downed the last of his tea and ate the rest of the bread, setting the cup in the sink before he retreated to his own room.
Truly, their relationship had become strained, almost beyond repair. He didn't know why he had let it go this way for so long. Y/N was actually trying and he was dodging her like you would a bee. He had concluded that he was a coward, internally dealing with his issues by himself instead of telling the only family he had left. That's where he had fucked up.
Y/N wasn't one to hold grudges, she was always open to conversation. But he knew that she would continue to press forward and he would have to lie to her in order to protect her.
He thought that not telling her the truth would protect her, but that wasn't the case. Not at all.
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fearofaherobrine · 7 years
Roleplay Server Log #296
“Nameless Server, Trender and the Passports, Deerheart’s Pottery Lesson”
[???] Has wandered far from any builds, just wandering in the woods.  His clothes a bit more tattered then when he first arrived-
[Grinny] Is cleaning his ass on the carpet in the middle of the vine room-
[Doc] is talking to Yaunfen and catches him- Grinny! If you're having trouble pooping you need to say something! Don't wipe your butt on the rug!
[Grinny] - Fuck you!
[Doc] That was overly mean.
[Yaunfen] you said fuck to Mada. Bad kitty!
[Grinny] Hisses at Yaunfen-
[Yaunfen] hisses back -
[Doc] Now now, let's not fight. But seriously Grinny, are you having an issue?
[Grinny] - No
[Doc] Gestures at the rug- then can we not? Please?
[Grinny] - Nah, it bothers you so I'm gonna keep doing it
[Yaunfen] you made a stinky! Maybe you need a bath!
[Grinny] - Don't you dare!
[Doc] swats out the soiled wool blocks resignedly and replaces them with cobbles instead
[Grinny] Grumbles and swats at Doc-
[Doc] the claws glance off hir boot- you can only have one since you're being naughty. - Xe sets a white wool block on the surface of the floor. - I'll fix the others whenever I have time-
[Yaunfen] grumpy cat
[Grinny] Huffs and starts sauntering off- By the way, that love struck idiot with no name wandered off
[Doc] How long ago?
[Grinny] - Maybe a few days
[Doc] oh damn it. I've been so busy....
[Grinny] - Well then it sucks to be you
[Yaunfen] takes out a lollipop and licks it- adventure?
[Doc] Don't be a pissant Grinny, the worst that can happen is he'll get lost .
[Grinny] - Whatever
[Doc] turns to Yaunfen- yes, time to go server hunting
[Yaunfen] Yay! Do I get to ride?
[Doc] Yes you do
-the two flip forms as they venture outside and Yaunfen climbs aboard Doc before Xe goes flying off low towards the servers place signal
[???] Is just sitting in the shade of a tree-
[Doc] touches down and Yaunfen hops off, prancing happily with a much smaller lollipop- there you are, did you get lost?
[???] - Hm?  Oh, no.  I've just been wandering
[Doc] Sorry to be a pest then. Your fellow servers decided to become real so they've been off server for a couple of weeks now
[???] - That would explain how empty the seed feels
[Doc] They'll be back soon enough, apparently they can auto adjust to their surroundings. Currently they both look human, it's odd.
[???] - Ah...  You know, I wonder how long it took the others to realize their names...
[Doc] Flux in not sure, she might have chosen her own. I sometimes wonder if Deerheart came with hers to indicate why she was formed.
[Yaunfen] Mada named me!
[???] - It's just, I can feel it on the tip of my tongue, but it just won't come out yet
[Doc] Do you want me to look at your files? It might be there
[???] - You can try
[Yaunfen] curls up next to Doc as they loaf comfortably- [Doc] pulls out hir command block and pushes it up against his foot- lets see what we have here-
[???] Watches curiously-
-The coding is complex, like the other servers but the file Doc is looking for is being evasive-
[Doc] How odd, it's like it's trying to get away so I can't read it...
[Yaunfen] Can't we just give him a name? Splender gave Pinwheel one!
[???] - It wouldn't feel right kiddo
[Yaunfen] Sad face-
[Doc] Have you tried meditating at all? I've heard good things about it.
[???] - Meditating?
[Doc] I have a friend who's a witch. She balanced Flux's energy for her so she'd stop corrupting things accidentally. You just take slow deep breaths and try to think about nothing. It's supposed to relax you so you can think more clearly.
[???] - I can try
[Doc] just do this - Xe takes long, slow breaths in through hir nostrils and out through hir parted lips. Just try to relax everything and not move.
[Yaunfen] is imitating Doc
[???] Imitates Doc, all around them energies begin stirring and coalescing around them in waves-
[Yaunfen] Lets out a little yawn-
[???] His eyes snap open and he sways a little- Woah...
[Doc] What is it?!
[???] - I may not know my name, but I do know what I embody
[Doc] What is it? You seem like a vital person. Something nature oriented I bet.
[???] Smirks- The wild
[Doc] for better or for worse I bet. The passive and hostile mobs forces in tandem
[???] - Well, that's one thing solved!  I'm sure the name will come along soon enough!
[Yaunfen] leans over and is making soft snores with hir head on Doc's paw-
[Doc] You're probably right, it's good progress at least.
[???] - I think your little one needs tending to
[Doc] leans over to give the little dragon a kiss on one of their horns. Xe curls hir tail around to cover the child with hir fluff. - they're safe with me.
[???] - I think I'll just go wander some more
[Doc] just don't be a stranger okay? Call for help over the chat if you need it.
[???] - Will do
[CP] Has been pacing nearly nonstop and had increased the temperature in the bunker due to agitation-
[Deer] - CP calm down, you're turning this into a sauna
[Notch] is up and moving around a bit, but still feels poorly.
[Flux] - CP, why don't you go outside for a bit?
[CP] - No need to
[Notch] I'm not looking forward to this, but I think it's probably time to head out.
[Flux] - Are you sure?  There's not that much of a rush...
[Notch] There's the cop to take into account...
[CP] - Well who all will be going then?
[Deer] - I'd like to go
[Flux] - I am most certainly going
[Notch] You know I'll have to take a plane right? It's gonna be rather boring.
[CP] - Not necessarily, I think you can still pay cash for trains...
[Notch] Across an ocean?
[CP] Shrugs- Boat?
[Notch] Again. Across an ocean? That could take more time then we have. I mean we can go on a cruise someday if you really want too.
[CP] - Oh fuck no!
[Notch] I didn't think so.
[CP] - Fine then, I'll just go ahead and teleport us to Dawn's island then...
[Notch] Is everything arranged? I know it's short notice...
[CP] - Who cares
[Notch] Sighs-
[CP] Reaches out and grabs a bit of each of them and concentrates, one moment they're in the bunker and the next they are on a sandy beach-
[Notch] Looks around. - well this is pretty.
[CP] - Yeah yeah, whatever.  Let's go find Dawn- Starts storming off
[Mort] Is cutting the long grass in the yard shorter with a scythe.
[Deer] - Ah!  Mort!
[Mort] Hello? Do I.. know you?
[Deer] - It's me!  Deer!
[Mort] Deerheart? What happened to your.... - waves his hand vaguely around his head-
[Flux] - Our programming allowed us to adjust so we would not stand out as much
[Mort] Oh!
[Dawn] Is coming down off a ladder, with several roof shingles and a hammer- So I presume the other vision is Flux? And Markus. Nice to see you going irl again.
[Notch] It needed to be done.
[CP] Is at the back of the group-
[Flux] - It is good to see you again Dawn
[Notch] Blinks suddenly - Oh crap....
[CP] - What?
[Notch] I need my passport....
[CP] Starts laughing- You're going to get screwed over by that!?
[Flux] - Passport?
[Deer] - What's that?
[Notch] They'll check it when I re-enter the country! It's supposed to be traceable remember?
[Mort] It's shows your identity when you're in a different contry.
[CP] - Do you even know where it is?
[Notch] In a box under my bed.
[CP] - Well then it sucks to be you
[Deer] - CP that's mean, go get it
[Flux] - If it's required to get in...
[Dawn] If it makes you feel any better I did get you one thing you'll need.
[Notch] Hmm?
[Dawn] Opens the front door and drags out a decent looking suitcase that was obviously bought second-hand. - I got some loose clothes too, and the basic toothbrush, toothpaste and deodorant combo for travellers.
[Notch] That's very thoughtful.
[Dawn] No problem.
[Flux] - How are Deer and I supposed to get in then if we do not have this passport item?
[Deer] - Ohhh, that might be a problem
[Notch] Helpless look.
[Dawn] I thought you guys could copy things?
[CP] - Copy yes, but making it match them would be very difficult
[Dawn] Then I don't know. I can get you a ticket, but you still have to pass airport security.
[Deer] - CP, what about your teleportation abilities, could we just meet Notch there?
[CP] - Well yes, but that doesn't mean I want to
[Notch] Either way I still need my passport. -hopeless tone.
[CP] - Oh for fucks sake fine!  I'll be right back- He teleports over to Notch's apartment into his bedroom, keeping his eyes closed until he's down low enough so the glow won't be visible from the outside.  Opening his eyes he casts around for the bed and starts reaching under
-There's a shoe box with worn edges near the wall. Along with several single socks, a koosh ball, a lot of spare change and a mario amibo.
[CP] Grabs the koosh ball and then drags out the box out and opens it-
-the box has a passport and some old photos. A birth certificate and some bank register books.
[CP] Grabs the passport and teleports back to the island before throwing it at Notch- Here's your fucking passport!
[Notch] gets swatted in the face with it- ow.
[Dawn] Could Doc do something with it? The security stuff is tiny digital printing after all.
[CP] - Oh fuck no, they do not need to be involved, I can go talk to Slender and see how he manages it
[Samhedi] wanders out and investigates Deerheart's feet. The other hens stay a few steps behind him, just hunting for bugs-
[Deer] - Awww, hello birdy- Is hesitant to touch it
[Flux] Looks at the black rooster curiously-
[CP] Teleports off-
[Samhedi] Curious head cock and the beak opens and closes slowly-
[Mort] It's okay, he's friendly. You can pick him up if you want.
[Deer] Touches him and shudders- Oh....  That's distracting...
[Dawn] He's just a rooster. I mean he's a bit unusual since he can't make noise, but that's all.
[Deer] - I see, but now I know what Doc was talking about when they said everything was distracting...
[Dawn] I guess if you're used to lower detail I can understand. - turns to Flux- How are your energies faring?
[Samhedi] Firmly sits on Deerheart's foot.
[Flux] - Well, I believe...
[Deer] Looks at the rooster- Oh, okay
[Samhedi] Settles into being warm, his feathers are extremely fluffy-
[Dawn] Rubs her hands together and passes them over Flux's front slowly- Muuuuch better. Especially your lower chakras. Been having fun?
[Notch] Turns a bit pink.
[Flux] - You mean intercourse?  Yes
[Dawn] Not the most romantic way to put it, but I'm happy for you. I can feel the love radiating off of Markus here. You found a good one.
-Some of the hens sit down next to Samhedi, effectively surrounding Deerheart-
[Deer] - I think they like me
[Mort] You have peaceful energies. They're sensitive from hanging around us. Hey... you want to see my latest artwork?
[Deer] - Sure, but somebody might need to move these guys
[Mort] You have cats right? Same technique
[Deer] Carefully gets her foot out from under the rooster- Okay, I think I got it
[Mort] You've got it. Come on over here, heads for the side of the house-
[Deer] Follows curiously-
-There's a shed with an open side in the shade of the house, there's a kiln and a kick wheel and several shelves of pottery at the back.
[Deer] - Did you make all of this?
[Mort] Oh yes. Dawn taught me, but she only keeps a few favorite pieces in the house. The rest goes to the shop. I'm still practicing. It's kinda hard when your fingers are so poky.
[Deer] - I would guess so...  The only things we can make out of clay at home are flower pots and bricks
[Mort] Aww... I think you'd like the wheel, you seem like someone who appreciates getting dirty.
[Deer] - Yeah, I miss my hooves though
[Mort] Will Doc fix them when you go back?
[Deer] - They should just transition back...  But that...  Wheel, thing is interesting
[Mort] Here, I'll show you how to use it. Just sit right here - Indicates a small stool that will put the round part of the wheel between her spread legs-
[Deer] Sits down and carefully touches the wheel-
-The metal is cool and grooved in a circle, it turns a little as she bumps it sitting down-
[Deer] - All this seems so weird...
[Mort] How come? - He's taking a big ball of wet white clay out of a bucket-
[Deer] - I'm just not used to it and there's so much detail
[Mort] Pulls up a chair next to her- Then I guess relish it for being a new experience. I gotta slam it, I'm saying so I don't startle you.
[Deer] - Okay
[Mort] Bashes the ball of clay against the center of the wheel- It won't stick otherwise.
[Deer] - So what do you do?
[Mort] try just kicking the pedal on the right to get a feel for it. It makes the whole thing spin. - He puts a bowl of water next to her.
[Deer] Gives it a kick, it's a bit rough on her tender feet-
[Mort] You don't have to kick it hard, just kinda pump the pedal -
-The wheel spins around slowly-
[Deer] Tries it, she's fascinated by the motion of the wheel-
[Mort] To start out, You gotta get it symmetrical - He dips his hands in the water and presses one on top of the lump and the other on the side, making it into a puck shape as the wheel turns it
[Deer] Watches closely-
[Mort] Now you can play with it. Wet your hands, try spinning it and stick your thumb in the middle as it goes.
[Deer] Dips her hands into the water and puts them on the clay, she is quickly distracted by the feel-
-The spinning mass forms a hole around her thumb and the grainy clay is slightly scratchy as it burrs past her wet fingers.
[Deer] - I can't...  I can't draw away from the feeling of this...
[Mort] You don't have too. Just use your hands, kinda pinch from the outside and the inside at the same time with one hand.
[Deer] Moves her hands and shudders-
-The clay rises in a decent wall under her hands, it's kind of a tube now.
[Deer] Pinches too hard-
-The wall collapses and a little rind peels off the top and flips away into the basin under the wheel-
[Mort] whoops! That's okay. Just be gentle. - He pressses a hand next to hers, lowering the wall of the tube so it looks more like a puck again-
[Deer] - This is kinda overwhelming, I'm not used to feeling so much
[Mort] Good or bad?
[Deer] - Good, but overwhelming
[Mort] Smiles- Try again then. I'll fire whatever you make and you can take it home with you.
[Deer] Nods and starts over again-
-The wall rises under her fingers again and gets to a decent height-
[Mort] Much better-
[Deer] - Now what?
[Mort] What do you want it to be? It can be a bowl or a vase, or a big mug. A plate wouldn't be much of a challenge, but handles and legs and things can be added later.
[Deer] - Let's just start with a bowl
[Mort] Then put your fingers around the edge and guide it outwards a little-
[Deer] Follows the instructions carefully-
-The edges flow outward a bit and the tube becomes more bowl shaped-
[Deer] - Accidentally scraps her foot on the wheel and hisses in a breathe-
[Mort] You okay?
[Deer] - Scraped myself
[Mort] Checks her foot-
-There's a bit of blood coming from where she scraped herself-
[Mort] Aww, here, I'll get some clean water. Just let the wheel slow to a stop on it's own.
[Deer] - Okay
-The wheel cranks around to a standstill and the bowl looks pretty nice for a first try.
[Mort] Puts a bowl of clean cool water by her foot to rinse off in.
[Deer] Sticks her foot in- Thank you
[Mort] Looks over her work- You're welcome. And it's okay. It needs to dry on the wheel a bit before I can cut it off. Tell you what, pick a color combo and I'll finish it for you. It'll need to dry for at least three days before it can be fired anyway.
[Deer] Thinks for a moment- Hmmm, purple and yellow
[Mort] I've got kind of a plum color and a yellow, is that okay?
[Deer] - Sure!
[CP] Teleports back with a couple of small books in his possession-
[Notch] Jumps as Cp appears rather close to him-
[Dawn] eyebrow-
[CP] - Well, learned a lot about how the other pasta's get back to the manor if they aren't there when it moves
[Dawn] Do tell.
[CP] Holds up the books- These are basically blank passports with a bit of Slender power embedded in them, more specifically their power to bend what others perceive.  A bit of blood from Deer and Flux will bind these to them and anybody who looks at them other than those two will see a legitimate passport
[Dawn] Niiiice trick. Though making a blood oath with a book implies a certain level of trust.
[CP] Or necessity after having to retrieve the others a number of times
[Notch] ... I wish you would have gotten three...
[CP] - Why?
[Notch] Mine doesn't have a stamp showing I left Sweden in any legitimate way....
[CP] - And that's my problem how?
[Notch] Sadly-  I didn't say it was...
[Dawn] it would have made things easier.
[CP] - I don't wanna go get another one though!
[Notch] Looks down- I'll just... deal with it..
[Dawn] Gives Cp a look because he's being shitty to his dad.
[CP] Ignores the look-
-There's a bit of static amongst the tree's-
[Flux] - Will not having this stamp cause problems?
[Notch] I have no idea. I guess I can just make something up. But I risk getting in more trouble by lying.
[Dawn] Gets a crawly sensation on her neck and is looking a bit more alert.
-There's a bit of movement amongst the tree's before Trender comes out-
[Flux] Takes Notch's hand- Then use mine, I'm sure with CP's help I can get over there without the use of a plane
[Dawn] Friend of yours?
[CP] - Fucking Nether
[Trender] - I'm sorry to intrude, but brother sent me
[Dawn] Slender I presume?
[Trender] - Yes, I am Trender by the way, a pleasure to meet you, not so much your clothes
[Dawn] Dawn Razor, charmed I'm sure. What's wrong with my clothes? I was working on the roof when everyone showed up.
[CP] - It's his thing, just ignore it.  Why are you here?
[Trender] Holds up two more books- Brother happened to scan your mind while you were making your request and realized two books would not be enough
[Notch] Grateful tone- Thank you for that. It was my fault partially for not remembering that I needed exit stamps from where I was too.
[Trender] - Yes, and one for Herobrine as well
[CP] - Why the fuck do I need one!?  I don't need to go on the fucking plane!
[Notch] Peanuts?
[Dawn] Little chuckle-
[CP] - Does it look like I can even fit in one of those tiny ass seats?
[Trender] Sighs-
[Dawn] I can maybe get an upgrade? It's short notice and it won't be cheap....
[Trender] - Cost does not have to be a problem, I can easily reimburse you
[Dawn] That's very kind of you. What's your deal anyway? You look like a fashionista and it looks tailored too. You sew your own gear? It's very nice.
[Trender] - Yes, I do make my own clothes, I tend to feed off of the confidence when people are happy with what they are wearing.  Thus why I will find proper clothes for them or make them for them
[Dawn] You know... maybe I can do you a favor as well. I'm bad about hoarding stuff I'll never get around to using, Stay here a sec. I'll  be right back.
[Notch] Watches her go and then looks up at Trender. - The party was decent if you're wondering. Everyone looked really nice.
[Trender] - Ah, that's good.  I'm glad it was enjoyed
[Notch] You shoulda seen Doc's outfit. Cp about had a coronary.
[Trender] - Oh really?  With your permission, I could see it in your mind
[Notch] Really? Okay- He focuses on the memory of Doc leaving in hir short dress and long boots accompanied by Yaunfen in their little bowtie.
[Trender] - Could be a bit better fitted, but otherwise passable
[Dawn] Comes back with a rather large cookie tin-
[Trender] Glances at it curiously-
[Dawn] I've had these forever, take them with my blessings- She opens the tin and holds it up. The sunlight glitters on the contents. It's full of beautiful antique buttons grouped onto little strings to keep the matching ones together. There's metal and crystal and delicately cut glass. - I never wear fancy clothes anyway. Attracts too much attention in my line of work- grins-
[Trender] Lifts some of these to inspect- Ah, these can definitely be put to use-  He takes the tin from her
[CP] - Can you go now?
[Trender] - Oh alright, here are the books- He hands over the books and then teleports away
[Notch] a bit too late- Thanks-
[CP] Throws a book at Notch-
[Notch] Gets hit in the chest with it and just picks it up resignedly. - Dawn? Can you hold onto my other one for safekeeping? It's probably illegal to have two.
[Dawn] Gladly - takes it.
[Notch] How do I do this? Just prick myself with something and make a print?
[CP] - As far as I can tell, yes
[Notch] Can I borrow your sword?
[CP] Rolls his eyes but holds the sword out-
[Notch] Pricks his thumb on the tip and the little bit of blood dribbles down the blue diamond surface. Then makes a bloody print on the book with it before sticking his finger in his mouth.
[Flux] Looks at her own book before reaching out for the sword as well, her blood color is much darker, almost a purple, but just red enough to pass as human-
[Mort] Takes out a wire on two little sticks and wraps it around his hands like a garotte- Watch this. This is how you get the pot off. - He draws the wire under the pot along the surface of the wheel like someone cutting cheese. - Then you just scoot it off. I'll put it on the table for now to dry. We should probably see what the others are up too anyway. I'll take it from here.
[Deer] - Oh!  Right, they're probably about ready to go
[Deer] Hurries back over to the group- Are we ready to go?
[Dawn] Did you have fun? You're both covered in clay droplets.
[Mort] We had a nice little lesson.
[Deer] - Guess I did get a bit dirty
[CP] - You do realize you'll have to put your shoes on, right?
[Deer] Whines-
[Dawn] Yeah... some places won't even let you in if you don't have shoes on.
[Mort] [who is only wearing a pair of shorts over his bare pelvic bones] Or a shirt either.
[Deer] - But I prefer being naked!
[Mort] Amen sister. Well I like having my waist covered, but otherwise. Yeah.
[CP] Tosses the third book at Deer] - Just get a bit of your blood on this
[Deer] - Why?
[CP] - So you can get through customs
[Dawn] It's irritating but it keeps people from getting suspicious
[Deer] - CP, can I use your sword?
[CP] Groans but moves the sword towards her-
[Deer] Cuts herself and marks the book-
[CP] - Can we go now?
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