#personally i think vanitas doesnt really remember that
beanyboobee · 4 months
Random Vanitas No Carte on Noe again:
Theory: Noe doesnt know his actual name, This is why he esspeically hates when people around him are refurred to as numbers (in case of vanitas) what they are (In case of Louis (Cursebearer) and Dante (Dhampiere)
Because something that I find odd on how quick it was breezed passed, was Noes past, we got little peices of it, But some things are not adding up, Unless Noe magically remembered his name when he was found wandering in the woods with no memory of how he got there, It is safe to assume The older couple gave him a name, but then when he died and Noe was taken by the human traffickers I highly doubt they respected that and Im assuming he eaither didnt have a name or was a number, He also didnt know what an Archiviste was till his teacher explained to him so it's safe to assume his teacher was the one who told him his last name.
We also have to remember that in this story there are true names and the teacher tells Noe not to tell anyone his true name (no surprise no one is suppose to go around sharing true names willy nilly) but i think because the teacher is the manipulative bastard he is, This could of been done because Noe's name could be something shocking to the story, maybe something like....Krusnik. (To those not up to date with the manga dont worry I wont dive deeper into that here)
Not to mention that Noe is in reference to Noe of Ark, aka the last man, and the teacher would be cruel enough to name Noe that, as he, Is the last Archiviste.
Noe didn't have a name until his teacher gave him one, which is why he adores his teacher so much, not just because he took him in but because he gave him something no one else did before. An Identity.
Noe's strong distaste for people being referred to as things and not by names is more than just him being a good person, but rather because he is projecting this deep-rooted hatred he had for that part of his life. A part of his life no one knows, and maybe a part of his life that he pretends never happened.
Noes past is a strange topic of debate that I don't see brought up nearly as much as it should be. So far we have gotten a good look into most of the character's back stories, and yet. our main protagonist Noe still remains a mystery. Only ever telling us the sugar-coded version, unless it pertains to the death of Louis. Why? Because Noe does not think his own problems are worth someone else's time. Time and Time again we see Noe not bring up things he is doing or problems he has faced unless they involve someone else. He wasn't even the one who told Vanitas about his past with Louis, That was Dominique who told him. I think it would be interesting to see what happens when Noe is pushed to talk.
Because if he really didn't have a name until his teacher gave him one. Then he truly is like a lost kitten? Right?
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elikaruna · 2 years
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Vanitas: *rolling his eyes*
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ocdhuacheng · 2 years
thee promised thots and onions:
1. Noe my boy my baby boy my best friend my little guy hes such a lad and i would do anything for him
2. I dont really like vanitas sorrrrrrryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
3. DOMI IS SUCH A QUEEN okay first of all the vibes. The way shes, and i quote “popular with the girls” , and how she makes her automaton release literal roses like some shoujo manga everytime shes being a bisexyual infront of women like. legend behavior. Im obsessed with her. Bisexual queen. And her sister is super hot too but like, what a bitch come onnnnnn. Like the contrast between their ice, how veronica’s (thats her name right) was described as being super violent but when domi conjures ice its like a dance…… waagh
4. Also completely enamoured with the relationship between domi and noe, like not just in a romantic sense but like in general. Like first of all im a complete and total slut for childhood friends tropes, but also, domi’s crush on noe literally puts nothing awkward between them? And its so refreshing. Like usually when female characters have a crush on their male friends it makes them so blushy and irritating. But with domi shes just like. It issss what it isssss, like yeah i have a crush on him but before all else hes my best friend and im not going to make our relationship awkward because of this. Its just so nice. Not to mention her bisexual shenanigans with other girls. Domi really said im attracted to girls and noe ONLY. Also noe is just too dumb to notice skdfnskdjfn bless him
5. ON THE OTHER HAND………… -_- the relationship between vanitas and jeanne is so annoying and i hate it like. Vanitas literally SEXUALLY ASSAULTED HER, HARRASSED HER EVERYTIME THEY MET, AND MANIPULATED HER INTO A BLOOD DRINKING CONTRACT AND YOU ARE TRYING TO TELL ME THAT SHE STILL FALLS FOR HIM AFTER THAT???? bLOCKED AND REPORTED Like ms mochijun i love you but that is NOT THE VIBES. Like i get she has TRAUMA, and EMOTIONAL ISSUES from being a [french word for executioner that i cannot remember right now] but like. Its sooooo fucking uncomfortable i cant even enjoy all the cute jeanne moments because its all just about vanitas when he doesnt deserve to have her affection. its so forced and contrived 
6. Anyway.
7. Okay like vanitas is just. Like im pretty annoyed with him over the jeanne thing and also the things he says about domi (please note im not annoyed at the writing over him being a jerk about domi like its very in character for him to be like that its just that his character annoys me sometimes. also Vanitas really said misogyny win) like okay vanitas has his moments and i do feel for him with his backstory and i get why he is the way he is but hes just not for me ig . i just dont really care about him sooooooorrrrrrrryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
8. Mr Noe meanwhile. Literally the perfect man. Tall. pretty. Is Vampire. Has Fangs. Has Claws. Gets lost. ADHD bass boosted. Excellent fashion sense that isnt actually his but domi’s (also side note domi and him playing dress up in her clothes when they were younger……. Sobbing fr)  Has to hug things while sleeping. Can’t cook. Cat person. Just a goofy little guy. Literally the kindest person you will ever meet. turning _red_awWOOGA dot gif. also If i see anyone whitewashing him its on SIGHT
9. Also murr i have to give a shout out to my little man murr. Though the fact that he and germaine teacher whats his face has the same eyes give me one fear.
10. Anyway anyone else think its weird that noe is so casual about his entire family being massacred. And like how casual and downright cheerful he is about being literally child trafficked when he was younger. Like “it was just a fun trip” honey that huge bandage covering half your face says otherwise. Like. i just feel like hes being such an unreliable narrator about his own story. Like hes giving us all the gorey details about vanitas’s trauma but he really is just brushing aside his own. It makes me think if he isnt just ptsd repressing these childhood memories himself, that ugly motherfuck “teacher” he has stole or altered them because 1) we know thats possible bc it was a real fear that vanitas had and 2) ruthven did SOMETHING to noe to make him forget that meeting they had in the cafe and 3)  like ‘teacher’ acts kind but he really was super creepy about noe and louis like he basically was observing (ex[perimenting on?) louis as if he was a lab rat, and purposefully kept noe ignorant about many important things, is specifically keeping noe with him for some unknown reasons because he has the archiviste powers, had no issue killing louis literally right infront of noe and then i dont even want to KNOW what exactly he did to mikhail like. Im going to tear that freak apart limb from limb.
11. WHYYYYYY were the archivistes all killed i need to know i need to know more about them im shaking my computer so hard rn the website says 20 days till the next update bites the bars of my cage
12. Noe please join the My Entire Clan Was Massacred Therapy Group consisting of scar fma sasuke kurapika (hbd aries king) lan sizhui wen ning etc
13. Ruthven (?) having mind control power over noe to make him do whatever he wants and noe DOESNT EVEN KNOW is so scary like……… biting my nails to nubs over this
14. The social viewing (? sorry i cant think of a better word) of blood drinking in the story… like honestly one of the most uncomfortable scenes in the story was when noe woke up in a bed without his clothes with someone on top of him drinking his blood like. Vile fr……... i dont even have to explain. Like i do like chloe but that scene really made my stomach turn ngl. And also the way vanitas sorta manipulates jeanne into drinking his blood is. Less overt than that scene but it still had some really uncomfortable implications to me like maybe im just reading into this too much and being too sensitive but just the vibes i get from blood drinking is that its a very intimate thing and well noe specifically says drinking blood without consent is a crime and like. yeah.. and Vanitas toying with jeanne like that made me so uncomfortable. this isnt a dig at the writing necessarily (ok it really is in the case of vanitas and jeanne because what he did was wrong and its just not treated as a big deal) its just an aspect of the story and characters (specifically chloe and vanitas) that i found disturbing. like on one hand you have noe who is very much aware of the consequences of non-consensual blood drinking especially from his point of view as an archiviste, and then vanitas who (granted is a human but still) was treating it as something to hold over jeanne. idk where im going with this but just some thoughts are being thunk :/
15. Some more things that made me kinda depressed…….mikhail. What a creepy child but like. You need to be wrapped up in a blanket and given a nice hot chocolate. And perhaps a little smooch on the forehead. I feel so bad for him……. Like i get he was the cause of literally all the grief in the last arc but . HES A CHILD OKAY………. I just feel awful for him. And the motherfuck teacher allowed him to hurt himself like that just for what. Like treating him as an experiment the same way he did with louis..
16. Anyway.
18. anyway sorry vanitas nation i just dont really like him. noe stans please call me.
19. Ok thats it for now bye
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iamoncewas · 5 years
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By the end of KH3 Sora has become aware of his "fate". He says he knows that it will lead him "home". YMX told Sora he was done, and his time in this world was over. We see in the secret ending that he is not home, and is, I think, in the "abyss." Where no one should be able to find him. So why would the intro monologue suggest his mental state when he seems to be in a not great situation?
Sora's home is Destiny Islands. I believe Sora, Kairi, and Riku and their name choices reflect the island itself, land in the middle of sea and sky. The island itself then, is Riku. Their home. So one of the intended meanings of this statement, I think, is that Sora now knows that what he feels for Riku is beyond friendship, or romance: it's fate. He knows that they are fundamentally connected, and even though they are seperate they are a greater whole. They were destined to be by each others' side. He shows that he kind of instinctively knows this in DDD, but he doesn't yet understand the scope. But Joshua gets it.
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Even though Sora is lost in the deepest darkness and no one should be able to find him, Riku does. They are seperated, but they aren't. This is what the Power of Waking was intended for, traversing hearts to reach worlds. Riku was led by Sora's heart. Sora also used the power correctly when he opened the door to the Realm of Darkness following Riku and Aqua's hearts, and when he woke Ventus.
When they do their Mark of Mastery exam, which Sora only agrees to after hearing Riku question if he himself is still worthy to wield, it culminates in Riku literally unlocking Sora's heart. Once Sora is freed from the Armored Ventus Nightmare [which I think was Vanitas possessing Ventus's armor] he sinks deeper into his heart's darkness. Riku picks up Sora's dropped Kingdom Key, which was once his, to do this, instead of using Way to the Dawn. Keyblades could be said to be the key to ones heart, and he gave his to Sora. He then used it to unlock Sora's heart, freeing him. This is literal and metaphorical, and I think this is why, in KH3, Sora can now Formchange instead of using Drive Forms. Drive Forms incurred a penalty for overuse in Anti Form. Formchanges do not, and I think this is Sora's true power as a keyblade wielder, the ability to change the manifestations of his keyblade, and to be able to wield so fluidly. Which is why they no longer incur a penalty, because Sora is using his powers as a keyblade wielder properly for the first time. Final Form has been replaced with Ultimate Form, which is Sora's true... ultimate form.
So Sora did achieve the Power of Waking during his exam, and like Ventus said, he never lost it.
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So then why the hell did Yen Sid only name Riku a Master if Sora achieved all this power? Why did he send Sora to find the Power of Waking when he already had it?
Because Riku discovered the source of true strength, which is what truly matters; true love. His motivation is Sora.
This is that "untold power and wisdom" Kingdom Hearts holds that people covet so much and start Keyblade Wars over. It's just the power of true love. And it resides in every heart.
While Sora was affected by Riku unlocking his heart, Yen Sid knows that he hasn't yet discovered what the source of his true strength is, his love for Riku. Which is why he sends him right on over to Hercules, so Herc can tell him about his act of sacrifice for Meg. Yen Sid knows what's up, which makes me think he might have the Book of Prophecies and is aware of Sora and Riku's ultimate importance.
While Sora derps around Olympus, Riku and Mickey talk about his newfound inner strength, his resolve, and how it comes from his desire to protect what matters. Sora. When Way to the Dawn breaks, this is reference to him completely overcoming the darkness within him, his jealousy, fear, doubt. It manifested from Soul Eater, which manifested from his heart's darkness. His new keyblade is Braveheart. It has 9 notches, the 7 at the tip I believe representing the hearts of the 7 Princesses, the 7 Pure Lights. And the other 2 near the hilt representing himself and Sora. It also has a Mickey token, whereas Way to the Dawn did not. This is significant because the only other keyblades with Mickey tokens are the Kingdom Keys. So Braveheart is of the same nature as Kingdom Key, directly tied to Kingdom Hearts. And Riku and Sora's combined keyblade, when complete, has a Hidden Mickey near the hilt.
It's hard to tell when Sora actually realizes that's hes meant to be with Riku. In the tunnel, after rescuing everyone's heart but Kairi's, when he finds her, he gives her all the credit for his surviving. So this to me implies that when he said this, he didn't get it yet, since he doesnt mention Riku at all. And he says the light was her even though he instinctively called out Riku's name when he first saw it, contradicting himself.
But right after that it shows scenes of Rapunzel and Eugene, and Anna and Elsa after their respective acts of sacrifice. Specifically, it shows the joyful embraces afterwards. In Arendelle that scene went like this:
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This is when he realized what exactly Riku was saying to him through his act of self sacrifice. Which was, "I love you." And I think he also realizes that love is what reversed death in both of these cases. Like Elsa says, "Of course. Love!"
And then upon arriving back, this happens.
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When he reached for that light, I think he saw Riku reaching out to him [which has kind of become his... signature stance, reaching out his hand to Sora]. Even though Riku isn't standing there when they arrive. Nobody is. Which is why he looks so flabbergasted that theres nothing there. Sweet Kairi then asks him if hes okay, and shes talking about on an emotional level. Kairi knows Sora had a profound realization through this ordeal. Kairi knows. So I think Sora also knows at this point, which would have been the turning point in the timeline. So in the first timeline that ended with Riku's death, he apparently didn't get the message for whatever reason. He never heard Riku's "I love you." Or, if he did, he did not take it seriously enough. [I'm now convinced one of the stars in the Final World was the Riku who died in the original timeline, and he showed Sora those visions. If it was, this would have been why Sora didn't get the message originally. Because Riku wasn't dead yet. So this Riku star is waiting in the Final World for HIS Sora, the Master of Masters. Who isn't dead. Once the MoM gives his heart to the present Riku and is healed, I believe he will pass on like Repliku did, and join his Riku in death. He won't need to exist, because the world already has Sora. Like what Repliku said to Riku.][Also, its heartbreaking that Riku had to die for Sora to realize how much he means to him. Keep in mind the meanings of the Re:Mind title Nomura gave: reminder, being reminded of something, reconfirmation, confirming it AGAIN, and hearts regeneration.]
Data-Namine said Sora had very painful memories that would be too much for him if he became aware of them, but they are not his memories. I believe there are memories in there related to the fact that he was going to have to choose between Riku and Kairi eventually. He originally sacrificed Riku to save Kairi and he lost everything. In chess, any piece except the king may be sacrificed.
Kairi's sacrifice allowed Riku to live in this timeline. [I see people refer to what happened to Kairi as fridging, but really, it was a sacrifice that I believe she was aware had to happen. A noble act of true love, just like Riku's act of self sacrifice] So to me this confirms my suspicion that Foreteller Ava is Kairi/Namine/Xion. Which is why she never appeared in the Epilogue. She carried out her role, which was to ensure the survival of the light. And she did. Riku survived through Kairi's sacrifice [showing that Kairi holds immense love for both Sora and Riku]. This is why, when she questioned the Master about her given role, if she were the right person for it, he replied thusly:
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The 7 hearts that must be saved not only referred to Sora's friends after their death, but also to the hearts of the Master and his 6 Apprentices. Ava has been saved. She is safe, or the... many manifestations of her are. The others still have parts to play, and Sora is now following his heart to Riku, [his fate] and as long as he does that, they will be saved. I also find Ava to have the most devotion to, belief in, and trust in their Master than any of the others. I find this parallel to Kairi's unwavering belief in Sora. Only Luxu may have equal devotion, weirdly enough. He went through quite alot at the will of his Master, and his face shows it.
Gula's role was to find the traitor and stop them. I believe Gula must be Demyx. This just sounds dumb, since Gula is so cool and Demyx is a goon. But there is one Demyx moment everyone remembers because it was so very out of character for him.
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While many Org members referred to Sora as traitor in reference to Roxas, I believe this is a hint to Demyx's past, now that its confirmed that hes an ancient keyblade wielder. And like he says to Sora:
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So Demyx/Gula will play a part in Sora and Vanitas's reunion. If Vanitas's heart is lost Sora will never be complete, so they must unite in order for Sora to become what he was destined to be, the Master of Masters. Along with Riku, the True King, they will be the World's defenders, just what Kingdom Hearts made them for, and what their entire journey has led to. Everything happened exactly the way it had to for them to become what they are.
Almost like it was their fate or something.
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luxsea · 5 years
For the character ask, ven and riku!! 😆💖💖
*axel voice* two? >:Oand youre hittin me with my faves too oh boythis is a bit long and ranty so im putting it under a read more
How I feel about this character: ohhhhhhhh thats my boy right there. thats my ultimate comfort character, my son, my stars, i really really love him a lot, can you tell? idk why im so drawn to him, i guess hes kinda the goal of how i wanna be as a person, kind hearted, strong willed, a great sleeper. i just think hes neat
All the people I ship romantically with this character: absolutely no one idk thats just how it is. i think its bc of his weird transcending age and i see the heart hotel as fam 
My non-romantic OTP for this character: ive fabricated the perfect dream friendship that is ventus and roxas but nomura teased it and left it out just to spite me. ive got so many headcanons i need fulfilled, all the mischief and the pranks, the identity crisis talk, anything, WORDS, not this blank stare secret telepathic convo 
My unpopular opinion about this character: im guilty of callin him a baby i guess but i get it, its fun and harmless but people do infantilize him in a way and that does.. shadow parts of his character. he’s a complex character just like everyone else. hes really cute and sweet but also devoted, brave, self-sacrificing and rlly badass. like, i never believed in the whole traiter ven theory but i did rlly like it bc it was like the first time i saw ppl putting him in a more serious light… even if it was kinda fucked up. i do think the way terra and aqua treat him sometimes with their whole older sibling/parental role is why ppl see him as such a kid. even tho he’s technically grandpa with amnesia and eternal youth. i love kingdom hearts.  
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: besides the roxas interaction, idk, im just..this sounds weird but im glad my fave is a character that is certain to have a future in the series. im just so excited for him, to learn even more about him and to see him grow, learn about his past, deal with the trauma of being in every keyblade war ever.. ouch. hmm i do want them to address his pure heart, bc technically he’s a prince of heart then? not even sora is like that, with all the darkness extracted out of him into another person. they gotta touch on that more. also more vanitas interactions that go farther than what we got in kh3.
How I feel about this character: top 10 anime crushes, i wish i was joking but whenever i think of him i cant help but remember when i was like 8 playing kh1, i would restart my ps2 over and over just to rewatch the opening and see him. i had such a huge crush on him and i still do. hes another big comfort character. also i think hes the most well written kingdom hearts character. i could literally write a book on him but i wont. yet.All the people I ship romantically with this character: im diehard soriku endgame actually, i have never invested more brain power and love into a ship as i have with this one, it just brings me so much comfort and joy and everything about it is so tender, sweet and devoted. it doesnt matter how you see it, they love each other so much and that love is the power that keeps the series going, the motivation to protect one another, to yearn to grow to love. i m gay. My non-romantic OTP for this character: oh gosh i might just list a few. rikus a bit complicated bc most of his relationships with others havent developed far so ill just list some interactions i wish to see more of. kairi!! i long for the bond they used to have in kh1, roxas, i find this one funny but they could bond so much after the loss of sora, xion too!! i loved their interactions in days i need more, namine too. mike mouse! thats his dad,, theres a lot more i just rlly want riku to have more friends he deserves all the loveMy unpopular opinion about this character: idk if this is unpopular but these are hot takes i see that kinda make me lose my mind. ppl thinking he has no room for more character development? that his story is over, that he should have actually died in kh3 bc hes done, as if thats what you do for a character once theyve been developed past a certain point, it just makes no sense really and it seems ppl have other motivations for these opinions like they wanna get rid of him bc they fear how far he will go in a way. real bad takes. im one of those ppl that believe riku is gay, theres not beating around it thats just how it is. there is no convincing me otherwise. also i want him to grow his hair out again.One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: he has reached the height of just one phase of personal growth and development. his story is far from over, there are still open ends with him, secrets he is keeping, things the series CONSTANTLY is hinting at. ofc, i want a soriku confession, some kind of openness of their feelings or at least some kind of adressessing of how much they care about each other. tho i dont wanna let myself down for future games, i know for certain there will be plenty more surprises. 
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rxcusant · 6 years
Lol explain Kingdom hearts to me. Like all of it. Cause I'm confused as fk. Not KH3 tho cause I'm still going through it.
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buckle up lads
so theres a buncha keyblade masters called foretellers and theyre all runnin round like headless chickens cause their master disappeared and nobodys telling each other anything so they all start fightin (except this one guy luxu voiced by max mittleman, he grabbed a box and high tailed it outta there) and then it sparks a keyblade war for all the light in kingdom hearts i think ??? and then i legit forget what happens from here because i hate ux with every fiber of my being but it made this cool place called a keyblade graveyard, its pretty dope.
fast forward 1000 years and we got the cool wayfinder trio all living in land of departure about to take their mark of mastery except terra doesnt pass because Mark Hamil Said Darkness Sucks. also we meet this old guy Xehanort he kinda sucks a lot. theres these enemies called unversed rolling around and mark hamil tells aqua and terra to go stop them but ventus said HEY IM COMING TO and ran after terra so aquas left to be the mom to bring them both home idk and its revealed ventus is made of pure light and xehanort literally split the darkness form his heart and it made vanitas-- hes responsible for all the unversed, he sucks, we dont like him but we love him-- in an effort to forge this thing called the X-Blade (PRONOUNCED LIKE KEY BLADE I HATE THIS SERIES) that will open the door to kingdom hearts, and the x-blade can only be made when pure light and darkness clash, and like... restart the keyblade war and bring about balance?? idk. And xehanort wants to live long enough to see this happen so he literally possesses terras body. Cool! Just what the poor guy needed. Ven and vanitas fight and ven sacrifices himself so he goes to take a Very Long Nap and vanitas just dies like the bitch he is. But ven’s heart finds his way to baby 5yo sora who decides HEY ILL HOARD YOU IN MY HEART FOR THE NEXT 11 YEARS and thats why roxas looks like ventus. Aqua yeets him in the land of departure and then like..locks the world up and it turns into castle oblivion.  meanwhile terra and aqua punch each other and terras about to fall into a darkness pit but aqua sacrifces heself to get him out and so she ends up trapped there for 11 years and terra??is now terranort and has amnesia and this old dude Ansem The Wise finds him and adopts him and an apprentice. yeah. bet he wont regret that decision ; )
10 years later kh1 happens and sora and riku and kairi are chilling on destiny islands until it explodes and riku fucks off to the darkness and kairi fucks off to soras hearts -- i hope she said hi to ventus in there-- and sora ends up in traverse town where he meets donald and goofy. YOU SEE king mickey of disney castle also fucked off because worlds are disappearing to darkness and he left donald and goofy a note to go find The Key cause thatll help. so they do and they journey around with sora and become good buddies i love the trinity trio so much. eventually they meet riku at hollow bastion again and hes been posssessed by this dude Ansem whos not Ansem the Wise but is actually Xehanort’s Heartless (i hate this fucking series) and they find kairis comatose body chillin in the corner and they have a fight scene thats engraved in the memory of Everyone whos ever played PS2 KH1 KAIRI! KAIRI! OPEN YOUR EYES! ITS NO USE. THAT GIRL HAS LOST HER HEART. SHE CANNOT WAKE UP. oh my god why didnt they add a skip scene button. anyway they punch the possession outta riku and sora stabs himself with the keyblade to release kairis heart BUT it also releases his own heart which created his nobody, Roxas, who got vens heart???who thats why he looks like ven?? and it created namine who is kairis nobody because??i honestly forget i hate this goddamn series. anyway soras a heartless for a few minutes but kairi got her heart and life back and wanted to get some sweet sweet screentime and so she saved sora and restored him Thank you kairi. so sora dumps kairi off at traverse town and goes to give Ansem / Xehanort’s Heartless a good ol ass whopping ad they win and restore the worlds but kairi and sora are separated again I’LL COME BACK TO YOU, I PROMISE! I KNOW YOU WILL! WHEN YOU WALK AWAY YOU DONT HEAR ME SAY PLEAAAAAAASE OH BABYYY DONT GO oh also riku and king mickey and sora closed the door to kingdom hearts and trapped riku and mickey in the realm of darkness, that was a thing.
and then chain of memories happened. theyre in castle oblivion!!! whoa!! we meet the organization for the first time! whoa!!! we meet namine!! whoa!!! so like namine has sora-memory powers and can tinker with his memories and the memories of everyone hes connected to (AND HOLY FUCK IS THAT BOY CONNECTED TO A LOTTA PEOPLE NAMINE IS VERY POWERFUL) and the organization is making namine rewrite soras memories as he progresses throuhg castle oblivion to turn him into marluxias pawn so he cna use sora to like..overhtrow the organization, i think?? i hate this seriees. but it all works out in the end except soras memories are so scrambled he decides to sleep for a year to get all the right ones back. MEANWHILE RIKUS IN THE BASEMENT OF CASTLE OBLIVION and hes fighting his own demons i mean darkness i mean ansem i mean xehanorts heartless and he meet up with mickey a few times and then he meets DiZ and he also meets a replica of himself--yeah by the way the organization is making replicas, That Sure Wont Ever Be Referenced Again : )-- and its this game that rikus like YEAH I CAN USE THE DARKNESS AS POWER AND STRENGTH and HES GONNA WALK THE ROAD TO DAWN and then every riku rper put dawn in their url and i got confused trying to keep them all straight lord please help me im a little ol sammi
then we have 358/2 days for the DS which i never replayed cause it was tedious af which is all about the organization and roxas’s time in the organization and meeting his best buds axel and xion and saix standing in the corner being a jealous little binch PLEASE SAIX JUST BE NICE THEYLL GIVE YOU ICE CREAM TOO IF YOU ASK POLITELY Xion is another replica except shes a replica of sora but something got messed up and she got his memories of kairi which is why she looks like her but with black hair for whatever reason, i think nomura just wanted a cool goth girl to add to the series and we all thank him for it, and she and roxas become so close they kinda start influencing that weird memory shit going on and xion keeps trying to leave the organization to set things right but axel always gets stuck with the icky jobs and we got the iconic GO ON YOU JUST KEEP RUNNIN BUT ILL ALWAYS BE THERE TO BRING YOU BACK and i think around this time roxas is also super fed up with the organization and decides FUCK YALL IM DONE and punches saix and leaves. but xion finds him and they have a cool boss battle sequence got i love you xion you are a POWERHOUSE but roxas defeats her and she dies and its the saddest thing in the world AND NOBODY REMEMBERS HER WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT ABOUT!!!! anyway roxas decides hes gonna punch kingdom hearts next cause it was xions last wish but riku, who is sporting a cool blindfold for edge, is like HEY WE NEED YOU TO WAKE UP SORA and roxas is all SORA THIS SORA THAT I DONT GIVE A FUCK and tey fight! and riku loses cause roxas has two keybladees! OBLIVION IS THE BEST KEYBLADE IT LOOKS SUPER COOL I LOVE IT SO MUCH WOW but riku rips off his blindfold and summons the darkness and he takes on ansems, xehanorts heartless, appearance and he squeezes roxas until he passes out and then they yeeted roxas into a data twilight town for a few days.
so enter kh2 with the 6 hours roxas tutorial in the data twilight town until he goes to find sora and returns to him. SO FINALLY AFTER AN ENTIRE YEAR sora wakes up with all his proper memories and so does donald and goofy and theyre like COOL LETS GO FIND RIKU AND KING MICKEY and they go journeying around the worlds again to stop the organization. meanwhile axels gettin desperate to see his best friend for life roxas again and kidnaps kairi but shes like HEY I AINT HAVING THAT and runs off and ends up in twilight town but axel finds her and kidnaps her anyway but then saix kidnaps her to the world that never was. and so soras like WE GOTTA GO SAVE KAIRI AND RIKU NOW cause by the way earlier like midpoint of the game maybe Mickey was like SAY FELLAS DID SOMEONE MENTION THE DOOR TO DARKNESS and its one of my favorite quotes in this hell franchise, so like THYE KNOW KING MICKEY IS OK that just leaves kairi and riku and stopping the organization. so they find kairi and they find riku and sora cries a bit and im just happy the destiny trio is together again. And DiZ showed up again, hes actually ansem the wise, and he talks about computers and hearts and research and xemnas, the organizations leader, is likeI WAS YOUR APPRENTICE! BUT YOU DIDNT LET ME DO ILLEGAL HUMAN EXPERIMENT SON HEARTS SO I KICKED YOU OUT AND RREMOVED MY OWN HEART AND THATS WHY THERES A HEARTLESS AND A NOBODY OF XEHANORT and ansem the wise is like YEAH BITCH and he explodes and riku turns back to normal but he also really needs a haircut. so they go punch xemnas in his zebra coat and riku and sora chill in the realm of darkness for about ten minute son the beach, i guess aqua was hanging out somewhere else, and they get a message form kairi in a bottle and the door to light opens and they go home and it was literally!!!!! a better fucking ending!!!! than kh3!!!!!!!!! thats my tea!!!!!!
so then we have KH3D, dream drop distance, which begins telling us ‘hey when you kill a heartless and a nobody that person is gonna be recompleted so uhhhhh xehanorts coming back Thats Not Good, make sora and riku do their mark of mastery test in the realm of sleep to get the power of waking’ and thats the whole game but its great because flowmotion! dream eaters!  TWEWY TWEWY TWEWY T W E W Y!!!!!! playable riku!!! fun worlds!!! soriku!!! except KH3D’s fatal flaw is THEY INTRODUCED TIME TRAVEL INTO THIS FUCKING COMPLEX HELL HOLE I WILL NEVER FORGIVE THEM FOR THAT. anyway rikus been doing a great hecking job!!!! except sora ended up in twtnw and kept chasing the dreams into the deepest pit of slumber and the organization broke his heart so they use him as one of xehanorts vessels [gesutres to my blog with will smith arms] yeeah babey. and riku is understandably like HEY GIVE ME MY FRIEND BACK and xehanort is like FUCK OFF TWINK and mickey and donald and goofy and axel, whos been recompleted as lea, arrive and steal comatose sora back form xehanort and xehanort monologues about the X-Blade split into 20 pieces- 7 of light, 13 of darkness- and so hes gonna make 13 vessels of darkness with his heart inside them and the guardians of light gotta gather 7 lights to clash and bringg about the keyblade war or bring about kingdom hearts, i-- i literally hate this series so much Why do you think i went on a year long hiatus??? i needed to calm the fuck down-- either way xehanort yeets off with his darknesses and soras STILL comatose and rikus like I WILL DIVE INTO HIS SLEEP AND SAVE HIM BECAUSE DEARLY BELOVED IS PLAYING AND if i continue this joke someones bound to get mad at me for ‘’’pushign a soriku agenda’’’ BUT YKNOW WHAT, RIKUS A REAL MVP AND PUNCHES A NIGHTMARE VEN AND SAVES SORA AND SORA HUGS HIM AND ITS GREAT AND I LOVE MY SONS SO MUCH and the kh3d ends with them saying ‘hey look kairis gonna do something!’ but Little Did We Know.
and thats your summary of what the fuck happened in kingdom hearts. i hate this game so much.
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