#personally im a big fan because i like the colour blue. and harry is one depressed old man
catboyhdb · 1 year
what is it with harry and the colour blue
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Get to know me 
tagged by the wonderful and amazing @petrowriting!! thank you <3
Share your wallpaper: 
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This one’s my home screen, I took a photo of a cabbage when I was like 12 years old and did something to invert the colours and have had it ever since lmao. My lockscreen is this fanart of Will Graham because it’s amazing and gorgeous and I’m obsessed with it
The last song you listened to: Through Me (The Flood) also by Hozier alksdaslkdhf. i’ve been obsessing so much it’s such a good song. i have maybe described listening to this song as a religious experience too many times for someone who has never had an actual literal religious experience 
Currently reading: 100 pages into the Red Dragon book and it is a trip lmfao. it’s so fun seeing the ways the dialogue was repurposed, and the prose is wow, but ohhh boy. thomas harris. babe. get help<3
Last movie: Jane Austen Book Club! i love grigg very much despite his stupid name. gonna start alternating between hugh dancy and mads’s movies bc I’ve been doing that accidentally I think lmao. Last three movies I did went like Confessions of a Shopaholic -> Charlie Countryman -> Jane Austen Book Club. but on the other hand I deeply need to watch like four hugh dancy movies as soon as possible for emotional reasons 
Craving: For it to be like a week from now so I’m healed from my wisdom teeth surgery. also to have no work or responsibilities for a month and just be able to write and read hannigram fics aslkdf. 
What are you wearing right now: this is my first time not being in pyjamas since getting the aforementioned wisdom teeth out lmfao. black pants and dark blue t-shirt
How tall are you: 5’3 </3
Piercings: love the aesthetic yet terrified of getting it done and also them catching on things. I got these clip-on gothic glow-in-the-dark dragon earrings a bit ago from a targeted instagram ad (my first and last time ever doing so) because I have zero impulse control, and they broke immediately. 
Tattoos: none, but have been microwave-spinning the concept of getting a hannibal tattoo since I watched. the heart from primavera would be so cool
Glasses? Contacts?: Glasses, my eyesight is deeply blurry without them
Last drink: classic water, big big fan of the stuff. reminds me of nbc hannibal because because there was water in the show a lot
Last show: watched two episodes of The Last of Us at like 5am yesterday, it was great. also perpetually rewatching hannibal by getting everyone I know to watch, and then watching with them
Last thing you ate: soft tofu in broth. there are, not a lot of vegan post-wisdom-tooth food options (also I’m very picky lmao), so I’ve been rotating between that, vegan ice cream, mashed potatoes, and vegetable smoothie for like 3 days. 
Favorite color: ohhh this is painful, is it a cop-out to say all of them? Big big fan of purple, orange with purple, green, and blue. 
Current obsession: it’s been hannibal and nothing else for 9 months now, and im going strong
Unrelated obsession: not sure if this counts exactly but there’s a writing app where you set a timer and start typing, and if you stop typing for longer than 5 seconds it deletes everything, and it’s so cool. I’ve been calling it stream-of-consciousness writing in my head for like a year bc it’s like a personal stream-of-consciousness even though ik that is not how to use that term alksfhd. I do 3 or 5 minute sprints and store them in one document, then have a second document where I edit and refine, and for a few I’ve put them side to side and colour-coded all my changes and it’s so fun
Any pets: two cats! Miles, my grey one, is extremely sweet, and possibly too smart for his own good. My other one Chico has a very adorable snaggle-tooth, and is incredibly stupid <3. he’s very bad at knowing what direction he’s going or recognizing any parts of the world around him and I love him very much.
Do you have a crush on anyone?: only in that vague abstract way, almost without direction, catching little wisps of the concept of the feeling from scattered bits of interactions with the world around me
Favorite fictional character: im absolutely refusing to choose between hannibal and will so im listening them both and you can’t stop me
The last place you traveled: i’ve literally gone nowhere since the pandemic started </3. i’m in Canada and the furthest I’ve been is just one city to another in the same province like 1.5 hours away. Hopefully going to Italy in the summer though!!
Tagging: @stranded-labyrinth, @valentinsylve, @elvislefilm, @disaster-vampire, @sacha-da-1, @dreamed-itself-waking, @em0fagz, @cannibaltranssexual, @hisjimct, @im-urchin, @ghostforwhat, @f0undationsofd3cay, @det395, @a-pigeons-soliloquy, @mysterist, and anyone else who wants to!
zero pressure, also i’m always v forgetful with tagging so if i missed anyone sorry and ily! 
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Ranking every character's design 'cause why not
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Let's start from the bottom, shall we?
Note: if you really want me to comment some character that I didn't list, just send me an ask. There are simply too many.
Side note 2: took every information given about history and cultural facades as not canon. These are only resembles that I've found. Thank you.
Side note number 3: the only bad categories are the the last 2.
Peeves according to the canon shares some similarlies to a medivial jester; the acute shoes-tips, the hat, an occasional bustier and the color gradient are a common element together with geometrical figures or occasional adding (like the stars on his shirt). Instead of colors like orange or sky blue you can always catch some works with gradients of red that shades to black or textures that reminds of dirt and dust. And the hat usually does not have this elvesish shape, but is more similar to to original jester's headgear with two or more spikes: some artists decided to let him dress as an elisabethian courtesan (ring nut included) and I have witnessed some examples of more recents attires with 1800's jackets and scarf. So not anymore a court entertainment worker but someone who works in deep contact with people. A street acrobat or a wizard (im the muggle meaning).
Here they tryed to give him more the operestic figure of a jester (if you look at the tonnage you could catch a resemble with Verdi's Rigoletto or Quasimldus from the Hunchback of Notre Dame) and thus allowing the face to be more expressive: big mouth (like the one of a monkey or a frog), non-existent neck, thicker limbs so he could interact more with the environment all around and allowing the animation to move fluidly.
It's not a bad design at all. It just gives me pyjamas vibes.
Though- you know what instead IS an aesthetic crime?
Yes. Exactly. Jacob.
Resumable in 4 words: Indiana Jones gone wrong.
We'll talk later about Rakepick's well done execution and how she has a very ponderate style. No worries.
Jacob's facial features are fine: I'm a fan of the eyebags (in the 1400's he would've been considered a great beauty with some gender bendering and stuff), the jaw is totally took from Peregrine, I personally have a bald brother (finally something that I could relate with MC! YES!) and well, the only experience that I had with bald-guys-designs in medias where actually both superheroes, bullies and random dudes. So I'm not again it. If you think it twice, he dosen't have to tell you something with his hairs!
This kind of representation, aka when you imagine a character, hair/no hairs are important only under some circumstances and you aren't obliged to explain why you OC decided to style them that way.
It's Harry Potter, not...Tangled.
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In HPHM the understanding of organic graphics usually comes hand to hand to with a character. To put this simple, you don't care if Jacob looks as if he's joining the Navy, you care about him begin your brother.
The red-shirt is what could save this whole man: it helps to keep the focus on Jacob (also cute fun fact that we'll later re-use for Patty, but he's literally dressed as an archeologist! Especially in southern regions where sun hits hard, some years ago shirts were popular because not only they were air-conveient, but if dryed in colours like red or green they didn't attract the sun rays!), iself works and boy, together woth the belts almost made a miracle.
The whole point of Jacob's begin plane is because he has already a certain characterisation that consist in begin MC's disappeared bastard brother.
He can rely in what he ideally represents, not in what he is thus shows. As a person he isn't that important; the whole plot goes around him doing disasters. The nature of this kind of disasters is not in JC plans.
I want to break an arrow and say that MC is customisable so it would've been hard to find a decent standard design for everyone aka Peregrine's case.
Cedric is strange, because it does not resemble him at all; we can safely say that la, it's the 80's, I see it, it's accurate & the goofy sweatshirt is a good evidence.
In the only film where he appears he always wears something comfortable, like large jackets or shirts, with very neutral colours (TOTALLY THE YELLOW FRO HPHM🥸).
The stripes may be a reference to his first outfit in the Globet of fire (where forb the records it was just ONE) and here...I don't like it. It's an easy solution for a character that deserved a more suited natural & smart attire. Maybe more practica? It would've been a nice occasion to use a jacket, even a scarf.
Here he's far from having the charm that oh-so-got in the nerves of Diego's. True, he's a freshman and he's guilty to have been introduced by a general hype that made him look much cooler that what he's really.
Also I want the messy hair back & I'm torn between saying thay the eyebrows may need to be set a little more distant than this or stay quiet. The facial features are quite weird with Cedric, as if they made him older. Idk
The dementors unfortunately resented of the animation assessment; they have this plastic shape that does not fit at all with the general sense of scratching and dissolution/ fading that they've supposed to have. Especially the wrist line does not have a particular amount of animations thus leading the character to be static, as if they were wandering around with towels.
This is an issue thay I've found in almost every big tessie panels, or with parts of clothes that where an unique block; they still managed to do a great work out of it so bravo JC! ❣
Dmentors also have a peculiar reaction to light; is it possible to see some violet or whitish grey when they interact with fogs or the Patronum spell, which gives to them some points in percentage.
FPK was in an higher position, because the freaking face paint still gives me life.
In "stereotyped" you will find some characters that are used archetypes but this doesn't mean that they are bad! From there you can say that starts the good designs part!
Btw some people deserved this category (like the prefects) but ended up above for reasons that we'll explain.
Emily is by far the most historical accurate character of all in every aestetical aspect: sporty outfit, the high ponytail (80's diva), the popular skirt with leggings under it, the neckerchief made from wool, the visible make up, a feminine touch with class.
She's perfect, yet-..I'm honestly tired to see pink associated with antagonising in Harry Potter.
The whole pink=bad in movies is literally a 1990/2000's product.
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In acient times (ROME AND GREECE MY BELOVEDS) it meant union, rebirth, hope for the future, life, love.
Funnily enough assuming that pink is the color of the mean girls could be an heritage from the Romantic painters that usually colored Helen of Troy's clothing with that. Lol.
Penny ended up begin the more traditional; you may find examples of buns with a particularly like that, though the two twins braids were a curious addition, since it could be both a reminder to more domestic hair-styles or to the hippie influence, especially considering the back where she has a bunch of unwrapped hairs & that she has more than one flowers combined in other occasions.
While braids where a distinctive trait of women style of Northen Europe's tribes (take example the entire zone of Scandinavia, they were primary used by not-married girls. But it wasn't like this everywhere, so who knows!) the three-braid combination was used a lot by the Romans, with Penny ending up using a model from the northern natives American. An example of imported aestetical born both from the person background but also from the beginnings of the globalisation.
The casual outfit is fine. Definatly Penny-like & with some retro influences.
I totally adore the headcanon of a friend of mine that sees Diego with Indigenous descending.
But, this aside...
I've always considered his look a derivate of his personality (Zorro but with a magic wand and 0 decency) and incredibly...It lacks of the total passion and well, uhm, the fire that he should definatly have to be considered a fallimentar Casanova?
You gave him a boring jeans jacket, with a scarf that cover EVERYTHING & a bunch of shoes of camel's skin.
The hairs are gorgeous though-
For Ben I've always felt as if he was the reboot of Neville. Not a bad sensation, I really like the casual outfit; he has a simple design but very effective.
Andre's biggest merit is wearing his scarf, too beautiful to even exist.
It think that he wears at least some make up? It would be a great addition, fits the person & most importantly gives another reason to stan representation in HPHM?
The causal outfit is also fine. Not in my likings but I love the necklace & the shirt jacket. Seems that he's a violet fanatic and it surely looks fantastic on him. A detail is that he's dressed for a party/ a disco night, with the use of dark colours and straight trousers & lucid shoes.
Belive me when I say that the prefects are an example of a minimum of good storytelling with the minimum visual effort- expect begin the ultimate incarnation of "Hogwarts Houses but if they where people"
Angelica is a strong girl, very sportive & stubborn, and they decided to give the generic short/curly ponytail thay screams "soccer mum" everywhere. Plus, this is not a very pointed out topic about her, but having the eyebrows so thick and high let the player literally felling judged or uncomfortable. That's geniality right there. Her second outfit with the ribbon is also a nice adding: shows that she's over with a chapter of her life and that she's starting again from 0.
Have you ever wondered why Felix & Chester have such cheekbones?
Well, I don't have the canon answers, maybe is genetic, but I can say that cheekbones are considered part of the perfect face. Even in ancient times they were symbols of perfection and harmony. The fact that Felix is perfectly symmetrical even with the hair while Chester has a tuft should say something; in Felix's case is possible that they found inspiration in some illustrations of victorian's novels (your stereotyped aristocratic gentlemen) when this cult of the cheekbones was established. Funny how he has the eyebags that where considered back in the Middle Ages even a sign of beauty/ nobility both in France and England.
Chester is more modern, but could resemble something that his father would've wear if his was was accountant worker: the eyelashes always suggested him begin overstressed or overworked which could be unironically true; in confront of his old colleagues he also wears a formal uniform.. Poor man.
Of Jane I just like seeing a face like mine finally begin there. It's a beautiful sensation, mixed with that retro 60's touch that fits her oh so well.. That's it. That's the post.
Rowan is an easy win for me, they have one of the most iconic glasses of all & for the hair they even followed an Indian 70's trend so not too bad!
A fun fact is that whatever you'll choose to buy for them at Diagon Halley os historically accurate & not total bedding as the game make it sound. It's bad because you see it with 2022 eyes!!
Merula is unique.
Even the Scottish frame of the jacket that she wears in the casual outfit is in context since in the 80's there was a re-discovery of traditional clothing & texture. I do like the fact that she's wearing contact lenses (it was confirmed somewhere) & the double colourisation of the hair-dying may be a family thing but it's indeed a nice finding; even her dark make up has a place in this design that was handled well.
It was claver making them messy, so they wouldn't been too much difficult to animate; the purple damaged shirt is a also a favourite of mine, with the bracelets begin a reminder of Merula's punk/ dark style.
Plus the booties of her school uniform that perfectly match with Ismelda are pretty cool!
So, a thing that I have to confess: I love that Chiara Lobosca is white and has blue eyes even though she could have some Italian blood.
If we consider that Italy was invaded from the 375 to the 1945 and that there were significant immigration masses, considering also the variety of the geography inside the the country, Chiara is the living example of a character with an aestetic not forced or dependent from some aknologed common ideas.
And I' writing this because I've actually had a similar situation so good job JC, give us the Italians if you can!
Fun fact, but Chiara in one of the most popular names there and it means "clear". It came from the Latin adjective "clara/ clarum" that means "famous, innocent, pure.
Lobosca is somehow bound with the forests/woods.
She has some Orion's vibes with the large sweaters sleeves (looking like a fairy) & the necklace (which for some reasons is the same?) and the hairbstrands reminds me of the furry of a wolf, somehow.
Jae stands mostly because they decided to give him that sub-urban attire that fits incredibly well; even the yellow sweater itself gave you the impression of someone who's doing shenanigans in a outskirt. Just kidding.
A thing that I do appreciate about his clothes is that they used the typical "cool kid" attire (aka a large top with a vivid color & trousers with geometrical fantasies) that has succed even in his family's native country!
He's not a lost member of the BTS ante litteram but could surely present himself as it.
Props for the messy hairs.
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Talbott makes me crack every time because I think that whoever decided his line design is a genius.
First of all, he's functional in every way possible: introduced in a TLSQ about animagus, looks exactly like an eagle.
The note similar to the beak of an ragle, the straight-back hair, the red big eyes, even the colour scheme ecc...
A thing that I do like is that they've included elements of Native Americans culture in the dating-outfits (presence of feathers, using of pearls, light color material mixed with others more bold, abundance of ornaments for neck and hands and stuff; also the connection with the eagle ecc ecc)...
Wish they did the same with is every day outfit that I don't hate-the scheme colour still is gorgeous- but does not fits him at all. Looks like a fugitive from an orphanage.
Another fun fact is that I'm starting to think that his nose is probably a reference to another great poet.
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Having eagle nose, talking about men that became eagles and stuff...
Talbott openly quotes a sonnet of Shakespeare in the official-dating quest so I want to dream. 👀
Talking about Orion requires some time. Take sit.
Let's debunk the myth that he's an hippie...But not because this isn't true!
Orion has multiple influences in his general aesthetic that yes, may be a consequence of his personality and the years that went by, but our beloved captain (not MC) is a very particular son of the flowers.
First of all, understanding where Orion is from is...Complicate.
Orion is a Latin name (and so is Merula, Felix ecc...) but it's also a transliteration from Ancient Greek Ορίων & appears in a similar form in English.
Overall Amari means "bitter" in Italian (becoming an infinite passive of the verb "amare/ to love" meaning "to be loved in Latin) so I'll just assume that his origins may be from South italy; more specifically Sicily where the surname Amari is indeed popular, could explain a possible migration & has the vantage of begin extremely close to North Africa, where probably and quarter of his blood comes.
This is an important aspect to overcome because explains the particular material that is used for his long jacket ( could be jute) and probably his carefree attitude, which may be am heritage from what was happening in this region back in the 60's, where hippies tried to bring back life in villages forgotten by everyone, rioted a lot against the scholar system and stuff.
I genuaky like him because he brought with him so many elements (including the freaking beard) that are just stunning.
For Ismelda the talk could be the same of Merula, I appreciate more the emo/geeky persona that she shows: the metal elements are a must and her casual outfit is my favourite XD.
Tulip deserves an Oscar for the best hairs design, hers are amazing.
Plus, she has a solid school's outfit that shows every single aspect of her (from the joyful side with the Zonko's pocket to the more serious Ravenclaw's one) with the Celestial Ball's dress begin the best of all.
The ellenistic vibes, the romantic ribbons on her shoulders, the skirt and the colours scheme are amazing.
On the top of the top we have, with surprise of no one, the one and only legend Skye Parkin as know as Jam City's biggest graphic achievement.
Emily was perfect? Skye is superior.
She's an atomic combination of elements that are traditional (the braid disposed in a Celtic way) mixed with stuff from her times like the jacket and the shoes.
The hair dying is her strength point. Looks like a childish contrast with what she wears?
That's the entire point! Skye is childish, but she's also very easy going and friendly (in her own way)!
I like that she has short hair, because in the 80's I was common among women at the Olympics or whatever sport competition.
On the other end, she has tons of logos sewed all together: I like this because shows that she suffer from attachment to something that it's bigger than her (the school, her family's team); she's proud of it because at first her identity as a person is deeply connected to all those logos.
Aside that, she's not completely a tomboy: juat look a the way that she wrapped her shirt, the trousers size & the model of the shoes.
Erika would be a nice example of tomboy-ish style with a light personal touch.
Ethan resembles her in all of the problematics listed here: the sense of belongings towards his roots (with the traditional element begin the moustache), the childish aestetic and stuff.
Overall they did a great job with him because you can tell that he's Skye's father (Peregrineeft the chat). The face is also well sculpted and rich of details, I love his hair-style!
Patty of our heart has clear inspirations from Carter's campaign photos (with the coat and large sleeves maybe connected to the beduins) and an hair-style that resembles perfectly the 1950's cinema divas.
That's it. That's the post. Have a nice day 🥰
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poetrusicperry · 3 years
Hi if the ships are still open can I have onehi! i'm a 5'4",  ravenclaw bisexual demigirl. i love horror media  90s and old music I and my favourite colours are  purple,beige,pistachio,and green i have curly/black hair, which is  long i have blue/greenish eyes. My personality, type is infj im very shy and very introverted and i get awkward at events where i dont know a lot of people i am a fan of my down time that involves either reading, writing, or watching tv and cosplaying. i dont really enjoy talking, I’ll always listen if someone needs to vent to me and I love hearing ppl talk about their nerdy sides lol. i also tend to ramble a bit in conversations and im open to sharing a lot of things about myself. I’m also a very honest person who keeps it real with people and is straightforward about how i’m feeling and i like honesty from other ppl as well. I sing in choir and love music, I’m also sort of into theater, I’ve watched a good amount of musicals I read a lot, I also love Harry Potter and can talk about that for ages. Feel free to ship me w who you think is best thank you
hello !! apologies that this has taken so long, but here it is !! i hope you like it and thank you for the inspiration (:
before getting halfway into your description, i just felt you should be shipped with meeks hehe
fairly certain you guys would meet at a small grunge concert where meeks would rescue you from some really drunk guy who was giving you a hard time (“guys are total douches when they’re sober, but they get even worse when they’re drunk. sorry about that. i’m stephen meeks, but everyone calls me ‘meeks’”)
after the concert, he’d ask if you guys could hang out again sometime; when this happened, you’d be wearing something hogwarts/ravenclaw, inciting a four hour long conversation about harry potter and the wizarding world (i think meeks would maybe be a hufflepuff).
you’re a listener ? that’s completely cool, because meeks is totally a talker (about lots of geeky things, too heh)
but when you did tend to ramble, meeks would be just as attentive, absorbing everything you’d say, tucking it away in his mind to cherish and use for gift ideas (if you went on a rant about things you loved)
meeks is just one of those people who seems ultra-respectful, so he’d establish such an open and honest form of communication with you, always conscious of the fact that you liked your downtime/alone time (“how are you feeling today ? what do you need ?”)
he’d like the fact that you employ honesty so strongly and strive to be more like you in that regard; you were a constant source of inspiration for him in all facets of life (:
the amount of shows you guys would watch/binge ? insane. pitts would leave the room to study in the morning and come back in the evening to you guys starting a new show (since you’d finished the previous one while he was gone all day)
meeks is also a big reader, and you guys would trade books, annotating as you went and having lengthy discussions about said books (mostly meeks would go off on tangents as you sat and listened, chipping in a thought or two here and there)
appearances and looks were never that important to meeks, but he was completely head over heels with the contrast of your hair and eyes (your eyes were his favorite features and he liked to play with your hair a lot)
overall, you guys would be that super chill, open couple that always tended to have good vibes (:
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