I did the Top 100 PJO Ships (according to AO3) and these ships were at the bottom of the list. I want to see the numbers. Don't forget that there are the Bottom 10 M/M and F/F polls to vote in too (they'll be linked in the reblog).
Fav of the top 10 f/f ships (poll closed)
Fav of the top 10 f/m ships (poll closed)
Fav of the top 10 m/m ships (poll closed)
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konggodzuko · 6 years
A while ago I read a Percy/Hestia fic, and it’s cursed me because now I have a literally insatiable appetite for the pairing. I say “literally” because that one fic is like, the only good fic of the pairing out there. The pool is extremely extremely shallow and what’s there is either weird edgy nonsense or just plain poorly written. I just want a fluffy, sweet fic about them having a wholesome romance, and it’s becoming increasingly clear I may have to write it myself.
(To be clear: I overall like Percy/Annabeth more, I just like the potential of Percy/Hestia and how cute the pairing was in the fic I read)
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risrielthron · 7 years
Pre-established for either my velf Styxelda before amnesia or Perstia. Your choice of your alt
Styxelda a void - elf who doesn’t know her past. Perhaps she was a Quel’dorei / Sin’dorei who Risri met on her travels and helped her learn the language years ago. My others, not sure how they might work their way into their past. But open to ideas as always.
Perstia - I absolutely could see her being part of the group that helped Mayliah escape Gilneas. 
For Gidget, perhaps Gidget was working with the organization that was supposed to supply the GLF with some tech. The organization was ambushed on their way to deliver. The GLF never got their order and its maybe a point of contention between Perstia and Gidget at the start. 
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asilversky · 7 years
Pre established with my gilnean detective Perstia. Non NYU alt plz
(hittin’ ya’ up with a scene, my dude. :D Usin’ my currently retired wuggen rogue lady. )
The battle for Gilneas, to take back their city, their homes. A black haired woman fought among the ranks of militia fighting for their city, nothing covered her mutilated eye. Fighting among her people for the Liberation of Gilneas.
Plague tipped arrows from the forsaken flew into the bodies of the people Opal fought beside. She ducked down to avoid being shot, slinking her way about the battle field, disbatching undead at every possible chance. The woman turned to see an forsaken warrior standing over another woman. Opal blinked over to the forsaken, sinking her blades into the monster’s skull and throwing him aside with a growl, her body forcing itself into it’s worgen form as she did. 
“Fuckin’ forsaken..” Opal growled out, ripping her blades from the creature’s skull with a sickening *crack*. She turned to the other woman, offering a clawed, bloody hand to Perstia. “I got ya’ back.” 
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Top 100 PJO ships (according to AO3)
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