#pess is the bestest girl
abluescarfonwaston · 4 years
Fun fanfiction idea:
Miles crossdresses to avoid being seen in public, and knowing him, it's very convincing. Except for the fact that he's still wearing the exact same shade of red and his hair extensions are the same color.
Maya immediately recognizes him, but Phoenix, being his dense self, takes longer.
Alright which one of you bastards just put me on freaking read? How dare you read me like a freaking children's novel. YOU KNEW I COULDN’T RESIST THIS. Featuring Gender non conforming Miles Edgeworth. Also on AO3
“Earth to Nick.” A cold plastic bag was dropped on his head.
“Ack!” He turned around on the park bench to glare at her. “What was that for?”
“You’ve been totally checked out for like the last ten minutes!”
“I was not! I was completely focused!”
“On what?!” Maya demanded pulling out the ice cream from the bag she’d hit him with and flopping down on the bench next to him. Tearing one open.
“Uhhhh…” His cheeks heated as he glanced back to the focus of his attention. Grabbed the other ice cream to try and cover it. “Nothing.”
It was just… She was beautiful. Silver starlight hair that framed her face and flowed down the curve of her spine. The way her dress hugged the wide expanse of her chest. Pinched down to her narrow hips. The magenta billow of the tail of her dress that still allowed him to see the garters around her muscular calves and thighs when she turned.
She was breathtaking. Just objectively. The kind of women Mia would ask him what kind of conclusive proof he was wearing around his neck to get her to even consider dating him.
She took a step forward in those two inch heels and he swallowed. She was probably at least his height if not taller. Would he have to bounce up on the balls of his feet to kiss her? She’d turn her face up with a teasing smirk and deny him. Did you want something Phoenix?
You know what I want!
Do I?
A kiss! Please!
And that teasing smile would grow just a little bigger and the crinkle under her bespectacled eyes a little softer. Oh I suppose I can do that. She’d angle herself a little lower and kiss him and-
So he might have been a little romantically horny.
Her dog, a big fluffy creature dropped the neon tennis ball at her feet. Play lunging. Tail raised and wagging in anticipation.
She scooped up the ball in her tennis ball throwing… stick. Whatever those were called. Smile widening. His chest twisted. She said something to the dog.
You wanna go? You ready? Is my sweet girl ready?
The dog wiggled. Excitement growing.
She threw back her arm. Go get it! Flung the ball across the park.
Her fluffy beast hurtled after.
“Oh my God Nick.”
Cold ice cream dripped onto his hand jolting him back to his body. He hastily licked it up. Face hot. “Shut up.” I’m allowed to look! I was an art major! I can appreciate beauty while realizing that I’m not allowed to touch!
Or interact in any way with someone so far out of my league.
Gods. She’s pretty.
“Nick is that Edgeworth?”
His head snapped to her then. She wasn’t staring at him laughing at his plight. She was looking at someone in the park.
“What?! Where?!” He tried to follow her gaze to the prosecutor in question. It would be strange to see him out an about. Was he dressed like a normal human being? Was that why she was so surprised? Was he ordering a hot dog from a stand in full Edgeworth Regalia? Gods was he on a run in shorts and a too tight tee, sweaty and slightly disheveled from the exercise?!
He scanned the park as Maya gaped. Jaw working but infuriatingly silent. “Where Maya? I don’t see him.”
If I miss seeing Edgeworth in running shoes and shorts you’re buying your own dinner!
She weakly raised her hand and pointed. Finger shaking.
To… The woman in pink?
He laughed. “What are you talking about Maya?” Just because they’re both gorgeous silver hair people with a preference for light red- bordering on pink-
She cupped her mouth. “Miles Edgeworth!”
He grabbed her. “What do you think you’re doing?!” He glanced at the woman. “See she didn’t even respond!”
“She- he – FLINCHED NICK. It’s TOTALLY HIM! Oh my god!!!” She started to stand. He tried to force her back onto the bench before she humiliated him in front of one of the most stunning people he’d seen in months.
She wiggled free and dashed out towards her.
His life was over. For a moment it flashed in front of his eyes.
… Less of it should have been spent buying food for the woman who was about to be listed as his cause of death!
He scrambled after her. “Maya no!”
“Oh my god! You look so good! Your makeup is on Point!”
“Uh.” She raised the tennis ball stick between her and Maya hiding behind it like a tiny ineffective shield. Face blossoming red. “T-Thank you?” She squeaked out. Her eyes flickered nervously.
Silver. Even her eyes where silver starlight.
He shoved Maya’s head down in an apology bow. “I am SO sorry about her.”
She was taller than him in those heels. Just an inch or three.
His little bi heart was going to give out.
“I-it’s fine.” She laughed airily. Hand grasping at the crook of her elbow as she stared pointedly away.
That felt… Familiar.
“I’m jealous how well you pull that outfit off!”
Her dog trotted right up between them and sat down firmly in front of her. Leaning into her legs and thighs.
Her hand released and buried itself in the thick fur of their fluffy mane.
“We… We should be going.” She fumbled for the leash holstered like Franziska’s whip at her hip.
She- he – They? Flinched.
Oh. Oh fuck.
“What?! You don’t have to!”
“Don’t run!” He begged hands splayed out wide. Miles looked very much like they wanted to run. “Fuck I’m sorry we won’t tell anyone!”
The hand twitched. Almost to the leash. The dog whined.
Both hands were buried in their mane.
“Did you just curse?” Maya stared at him wide eyed like she’d just found an even better target. Deflated slightly at his and Miles face. Forcibly brightened and clapped her hands together. “What’s your dogs name?”
“… Pess.”
“Aren’t you the handsomest little man Pess? What a sweet puppy!”
“Pess is a lady.”
“The prettiest lady!” Maya immediately began to coo.
He rubbed the back of his neck staring off at the tree line. “Like… You?” He tried to ask.
“Ngh… Not… Not as such no.”
“Oh. O-okay. I mean- it’d be fine if you were! You really do make a pretty lady!”
“Yeah Nick couldn’t stop staring at you!”
“Is… that right?”
He chuckled nervously. “Haha. Maybe? Uh would we… Talk?”
“I… suppose.”
“Can I throw the ball for your dog then?”
“Ah.” He looked at the stick. Handed it to her. “Sure.”
They sat on the bench. Miles tucked the tail of the dress under them. Long fingers splayed on their thighs.
“Sooo… Um.”
“If you’re going to laugh just do it already. Go on. Laugh!”
“…”Miles turned their face away as they spit out the demand. His chest clenched for entirely different reason. “My pronouns are he him?” He tried. The fingers eased slightly as Miles turned and peered at him through those silver bangs. “What are yours?”
There was a long pause as Miles studied him. Face dropped back to their thighs. “He him is fine. Although I do not object to they them in private.”
“Does now count as private?”
“Well I certainly don’t want you using he him right now.”
“Got it.” He threw an arm over the bench and stared at them. Even more breathtaking up close. It was unfair Miles got to be hot in all the genders. He could barely manage the one. “So is this like. A hobby?”
“No not. I enjoy dresses and skirts in a gender defying way not. As crossdressing.” They stared down at their manicured fingers. “The extent of this presentation is…”
He waited for Miles to continue. Pressed when they didn’t. “Is?”
Miles raised their chin. “Someone in my position can’t be seen wearing these sorts of things. I don’t appreciate the attention I receive from merely being openly gay. Much less gender non-conforming.”
“Yeah no I totally get that- I mean you’re a private guy- person? – to begin with. Totally fine!”
There was a weak smile. They tugged on their sleeve. “There is another benefit…”
“Oh yeah?”
“I’m not a high ranked prosecutor like this. There are no eyes watching me.” Yeah I don’t think that’s true in the slightest. “No tabloids itching to catch the demon prosecutor doing something distasteful or vengeful people hoping for a moment to come yell at me. I’m not ‘Prosecutor Edgeworth’ so… I can relax.”
“Oh.” He blinked. Squished his face further into the crook of his arm. “Guess that makes sense.” They stared out at the park. Watching Maya pretend to throw the ball for Pess. Shoulders loose and relaxed. Screw it. “Miles.” He tacked on just half a second too late.
The shoulders pulled up and that red tint returned. Red really was their color. “W-What are you?”
“You’re not Prosecutor Edgeworth right now right? So you’re Miles. Isn’t that right?”
The blush climbed their cheeks up to their ears. “No, you’re Wright.”
“Not right now I’m not. Right now I’m Phoenix.” He stared up through the lashes of his eyes at his childhood best friend. All red and silver starlight. “And I’m sitting on the bench with the prettiest person I’ve ever seen.”
Holy shit! That was almost smooth! That’ll never happen again! It’s so good were sitting down or else I’d have tripped on my shoes and face planted as universal karma for that!
Miles twisted away. Hand coming up to cover their face. He could still see their ears burning red.
“Me too.” Miles mumbled.
“Huh?” He lifted his head slightly. Cocked it.
“The bench. That’s true for me too.”
“Uh. Wha?” The bench?
I’m sitting on the bench with the prettiest person I’ve ever seen.
He fell to the ground. All the blood collecting in his face. “Wha- You- You can’t just!”
Miles turned. A teasing smirk pulling at his face. “Oh haven’t you heard Phoenix?” Fuck. “Turnabout’s fair play.”
Bastard. He grinned. Bastard.
Turnabouts fair play.
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abluescarfonwaston · 3 years
Pess takes a nap in a weird position and it's so cute Edgeworth very quietly goes Nghoooh... (She's just So cute!!!)
She hears it and jolts awake to check on him. Now he's petting her in apology for waking her and very close to crying because he loves her so much. They snuggle.
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