#pet friendly accomodation
zoyawon · 16 days
What are the Criteria for finding suitable pet-friendly accommodation?
Travelling with your furry companion is like the most carefree holiday you ever had. The cuddling and every playful moment with your pet friend is something you always cherish. So this time, when you are scouting for suitable accommodation, lots of pet-friendly accommodations can help you create the best holiday memories with your adorable pet. So, let’s see what you should consider while searching for pet-friendly accommodation. 
For more Info visit: https://barringtontopsaccommodation.blogspot.com/2024/05/what-are-criteria-for-finding-suitable.html
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beachgetawaysvictoria · 3 months
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shitty-mcyt-aus · 1 year
modern q!philza centric au.
phil lives in a two bedroom flat with his nephew tommy and the two cats that have made themselves very much at home, chayanne and tallulah. whilst chayanne is his cat and has been for years, tallulah belonged to wilbur before he left for university, where his accomodation doesn't allow pets.
forever is his absolute cunt of an upstairs neighbour, who he can't really decide if he hates or not. it depends from day to day. he has custody of his son, richarlyson, every now and then, and his sister (or friend? phil can never really tell and it feels rude to ask) baghera drops by quite a lot, usually with her daughter, pomme, not too far behind.
missa lives in the flat below and isn't too bad. he happens to love phil's cat, and chayanne has no issue in making himself at home. Phil doesn't know how he got to the point where he has shared custody of his own cat, who he feeds and shelters.
fit supposedly lives in the same building (take this with a grain of salt - nobody has actually seen him enter any of the flats), and is one of his few tolerable neighbours. they get on quite well, and his own cat, ramon, seems to be on friendly terms with chayanne and tallulah.
tommy is having the time of his life playing matchmaker with his uncle and their variety of neighbours, usually with the help of the cats and the owner of the complex, kristin. she and phil have known each other for a while, and she takes no issue in laughing at his misery. of course, nothing will ever come of this. phil doesn't see any of them in that light (though if he had to pick, it'd probably be missa) and never will. regardless, tommy and kristin are having the time of their lives. bonus points if he keeps his friends, such as eryn, freddie, jack, bill, ranboo, aimsey, tubbo and the whole gang updated regularly. extra bonus points if you include other qsmp creators.
mcyum is also somehow involved, this is non negotiable.
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zooophagous · 11 months
Hi! I'm here from a popular post of yours about humanity's love for sheep and saw you were a sheep caretaker. This is a job i really want to do. That said i am extremely frail (i have no disability that i know of, but it still sucks) and fear that the job might be too physical for me. I cant find any resource detailing the average day of a sheep caretaker in my native language except for websites trying to hire. So i guess my question is... what does your day look like (or can you get accomodations of sorts, like focusing on milking the sheep idk)! I am really motivated and ready to accept a part time job but if i knew i could manage with a full time contract i would love to get that extra money lmfao
Hi friend. I'm glad the post inspired you to love sheep as much as I do.
I will preface this with a very important distinction: my sheep were petting zoo sheep. It was a very small managed herd in a relatively small area that was kept immaculately clean.
These sheep had lots of 1 on 1 time with humans and saw caretakers as a source of food and safety. A commercial sheep operation has the potential to be VERY different.
Range sheep are often barely handled except to be given vetting on a tight schedule, and otherwise live in large flocks outside where they don't directly interact with people on a daily basis. These range sheep can be semi feral and not at ALL cooperative like a small herd of sheep managed by a hands on shepherd like what you might see on, say, a smaller farm or just for fun operation.
So suffice to say, if you're working with a very large herd of range sheep, your experience will differ from my experience with my Jacob's sheep pals who saw me every day and got hands on messing with several times a day.
I know exactly how you feel with being frail. I've never been a strong person and I have a low heat tolerance. Farm work, even on a petting zoo setting, is always going to be very hard work.
My day consisted of raking out the sheep pens daily, including sweeping out any old hay or straw and replacing as needed. The entire pen, even the outdoor areas, was cleaned. I would then feed the sheep (a hay bag with approximately 5 pounds of hay per sheep) and water the sheep (five gallon bucket which had to be dumped and refilled and carried back to the pen by hand)
I also gave the sheep enrichment items such as branches or small pieces of fruit. Old enrichment items had to be removed and reusable items like balls or toys had to be cleaned. Reusable items would be taken back to the dish station far away from the pens, scrubbed, and returned.
In addition, I would also take the sheep waste in a large trash bin to the compost heap with the help of a small tractor. The waste bin containing the droppings and old hay could weigh anywhere between 15 to 40 pounds depending on how much water waste got into the hay that day. This bucket had to be loaded by hand into the back of the compost tractor.
These tasks would continue every day no matter what weather. Our weather here is highly variable and can range from 100F in summer to -50F in winter.
It is a very physically demanding job to care for a petting zoo, and while I was often physically exhausted, I did also gain quite a bit of muscle from the experience and by the end of my time there I had more strength and endurance than when I had started.
Keep in mind, if you were to get a position similar to mine, you would be dealing with more than just sheep. I was also personally responsible for horses, cattle, goats, chickens, rabbits, alpacas and a giant sulcata tortoise. So you will be doing all of the same stuff you did for those sheep for the other animals in your care, and if you get big ones like cows, the weight limit goes up. I often had fifty pounds or more of cow waste alone. And that too was loaded by hand.
My animals were friendly and a joy to take care of, but the level of cleanliness demanded by the facility meant that the work done was very messy and had lots of lifting.
If you work with range sheep, you probably won't be scooping poop with a rake while a friendly lamb bothers you for attention. You may be physically pinning an angry ewe nearly as big as you are in a pen to force feed her an antibiotic while she tries to smash you. You may be herding sheep on a four wheeler. You may be assisting with births and expected to perform procedures such as banding, docking or mulesing.
If that level of activity is off putting, you may be able to find some fulfillment in volunteering for a livestock rescue or even working part time at a livestock auction house. If you're strong enough to manhandle a sheep you could even learn to shear. But regrettably there isn't any physically easy way to care for sheep that I am aware of.
I hope this helps you get a feel for the level of activity you'd expect in a similar role. Livestock animals are very fun and rewarding despite the effort they take. I hope to own my own small herd of Jacob's sheep as pets and pasture ornaments some day.
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sidewalkchemistry · 1 year
Are you looking for a place to go on holiday? Are you looking for a way to make your travels more meaningful?
What if I told you could book an Airbnb & 50-100% of the Costs would go to Animal Sanctuaries? 💓🐤🐄🐖🐇
With The Vegan Stay, you're able to stay at a vegan bed & breakfast or an animal sanctuary. The worldwide accomodations range from jungle bungalows to peaceful rural stays to luxurious resorts to apartments to...animal sanctuary sites themselves. So, you can choose to have a plant-based, animal exploitation-free, eco-friendly travel experience. And, if you wish, you can get the opportunity to meet and pet rescue animals. You can learn first-hand just what these sanctuaries do for animals who have escaped unfortunate conditions. That's why this unique "Airbnb" platform exists; it seeks to support these animals to get all the care they need.
Jamie's Corner on YouTube shared her experience with The Vegan Stay in the video below:
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disappearinginq · 1 year
You know when things seem to be going suspiciously well, and then you're like 'why should I be suspicious? I deserve good things' and then the universe is like SOUNDS LIKE PRIDE - BETTER KNOCK YOU BACK A FEW STEPS. 
I got laid off very unexpectedly at the end of March. And I mean, out of the blue on all sides. My boss legit cried telling me that they’d just gotten rid of my position entirely and if she didn’t have two kids at home, she would’ve rage-quit on my behalf. This layoff came in the middle of the one year I decided to spend money - by paying for half of a major home renovation that my parents couldn’t afford otherwise (or would eat so far into their savings they would have none). Cue Panic Time. 
But because everyone was so upset, they bent over backwards to help me get another job, and I was unemployed less than a week, got a job doing basically the same thing but for $10/hr more (no more unlimited vacation, though, which is lame). Huzzah! Panic Time is over!
New job was gonna start right in the middle of kitchen demolition, which I was supposed to help with to save money (my parents are in their 70′s and 80′s). 
New job let me push my start week back a week to accomodate. Yay!
New start date is the date my new puppy was supposed to be coming home, and I’d originally planned on going out to get him. 
It’s fine - new boss is a dog lover and said I could take a sick day to go get him and it’d be fine. 
Things are looking good!
Here’s where the universe really sucks. 
This was going to be the first time I didn’t get a dog from a rescue in my 37 years of owning animals. But between my niece and nephew, my dad being in his 80′s, my oldest dog going senile and my youngest one afraid of everything bigger than her, and not wanting to get an emotional grab bag of various and unknown behavior/health issues (we’ve seen it all - cancer, a stroke, early onset arthritis, severe and unpredictable aggression, etc), I decided I wanted a dog that I knew the parents, grandparents, great grandparents, etc, from someone who went out of their way with love and adoration for their pets to make sure they were healthy, happy, and sane. 
I picked out Dalmatian (which are specifically bred for 3000 years to do what I wanted and needed from a dog), and his name was Oreo. He had a flower on his nose, and he was adorable. I was going to meet him for the first time in three weeks, after watching him grow up on camera. 
Instead, the next door neighbors’ demonic and aggressive German Shepherds broke through their electric fence and attacked the farm where he was. They went after the horses, which needed to be sutured up, and they killed every last puppy, and maimed the mama who was desperately trying to save her nine babies from these monsters to the point they don’t know if she’s going to make a full recovery. 
I love animals as much as the next person, but I absolutely would’ve shot these dogs. I don’t know that I won’t if I see them when (if) I decide to take home one of the other puppies from a different litter. This is not the first time they’ve come after the animals and even the people on the farm. 
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Fucking fence your dogs in. Electric collars and fences don’t mean shit. Especially if you have absolutely no recall on your dog. I have been attacked more than once by supposedly “friendly” pets. Golden retreivers. Labs. Huskies. Cocker Spaniels. Shepherds. Mutts. And every single time, all I’ve been doing is walking my dog(s) by on a public road on a leash, and every single time, the owners have gotten mad at me for my dogs (or me, in one very memorable moment) for defending ourselves and our right to a peaceful existence. I have had to pulls dogs kicking and biting off of mine, getting bitten in the process. I have brained one with a branch I found on the side of the road. I have kicked one so hard it literally went flying, only to land and come back after us. I have had to chase them down with a horse when they were loose in the woods and wouldn’t return to the owners and tried to bite the shit out of one of the two horses with me. I have had my neighbors’ Dutch Shepherd go after my horse while it was in its own paddock for the night - a half mile from the goddamn property line which is fenced meaning he jumped it or gnawed his way through it (Phoenix is a sociopath though, and kicked in the dog’s jaw - $6000 reconstructive surgery and zero fucks given by me). All the while, the owners are screaming at their dogs to come and being ignored, and then screaming at me for defending myself when their dogs don’t listen. I don’t care what breed it is. I don’t care what age it is. My barely fucking civilized coyote mix had 100% recall in the middle of a fight. I don’t give a fuck what your excuse is. Your dog doesn’t have more right than me to live. 
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harrytheehottie · 9 months
The whole do not accomodate pets is false. It’s only certain rooms that are not pet friendly/for children. The place says it welcomes pets as long as they are on a lead. Where do people get their info from?
the black mold growing inside their homes and seeping into their brains
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silvercanuck · 1 year
I'm so pissed. I have to move AGAIN. That'll be 9 times in 4 years. I can't seem to catch a break. Poverty is putting me so far behind. This landlord said he was open to me staying another year, then turned around and told me he wants an all new group of people so he can raise prices. I'll have to pay to travel to view potential places to live, and on top of that, moving is damn expensive and so so stressful for me. I have to find an affordable (ha!) place to live that's also pet friendly for my emotional support cat. Being disabled, I have to find a place that can accomodate at least some of my needs. Wish me lots of luck.
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vulqan · 1 year
one of our adoption cats was just returned after a year because the owner is moving and couldn't find pet-friendly accomodation :( this is a 9 year old cat that was a bitch to adopt out the first time, too. i'm so sad for her.
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ashleighhotel · 2 years
Business Name: The Ashleigh Hotel
Address: 6 Southcote Rd, Boscombe, Bournemouth BH1 3SR
Country: United Kingdom
Business Phone: 01202 558048
Business Email: [email protected]
Website: https://www.ashleighhotel.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ashleighbournemouth
Instagram: https://instagram.com/ashleighbournemouth
TripAdvisor: https://www.tripadvisor.co.uk/UserReviewEdit-d192232?m=66883
GMB Site: https://ashleigh-hotel.business.site/
Business Description: Pet-Friendly, Boutique Bed & Breakfast in Bournemouth. 10 charming, individually decorated rooms, each with its own unique contemporary style.
Google My Business CID URL: https://www.google.com/maps?cid=10013674412996548179
Business Hours: Check-in time: 4:00 pm Check-out time: 10:30 am
Services: Hotel, Dog Friendly Hotel, Pet Friendly Accomodation, Comfortable Bedrooms
Keywords: pet-friendly hotel Bournemouth, Bournemouth dog-friendly accommodation, Luxury B&B Bournemouth, Boutique B&B Bournemouth, dog-friendly hotel Bournemouth, Bournemouth B&B, Luxury B&B in Bournemouth, guest houses in Bournemouth, pet-friendly hotel Bournemouth, pet-friendly accommodation Bournemouth, dog-friendly B&B Bournemouth
Service Areas:
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staystrailsama · 2 years
Feel like home even when you are away from home!
Baba Budan brought seven beans of coffee from the Port of Mocha in Yemen to Chikmagalur in India & that's where the origin of coffee began in India.
Chikmagalur is a beautiful district situated within the rainforest of Karnataka. The city is known for its coffee plantations, pepper vines climbed up on the trees and pleasant climate. Amidst beautiful landscapes and untouched environs, the Bababudan Giri ranges is one destination that you must explore. The hill station, thanks to its picturesque landscapes and greenery has earned a lot of attention from tourists across. Translated as the Young Daughter’s Town as it was presented as dowry to the younger daughter of the Chief of Sakrepatna, Rukmangada, this serene city is also known as the Coffee Land of Karnataka, tranquilizing you from within with its aroma. There are many opulent cottages in Chikmagalur that further let you explore the best parts of the city. Are you planning to visit Chikmagalur and searching for luxury villas in Chikmagalur?
Built in 1914, the Arabidacool Bungalow is one of the finest & most historical cottages in Chikmagalur. 
The bungalow is nestled at a height of 4000ft above sea level & takes you one step closer to the sky. There is a slice of history in every corner of the Bungalow, from its elegant upholstery to the red brick shade. Home to the legendary and extremely rare Kent coffee, Mylemoney estate is nestled near Mullayangiri - the highest peak in the region with lush green forests, home to rich wildlife and a variety of deer. Thomas Cannon a renowned  English planter discovered this ideal location in the early 19th century & thus came the association of coffee & the Arabidacool Bungalow.
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This cottage in Chikmagalur offers amenities like an iron & ironing board on request, air-conditioned rooms, 24 hours hot water, ensuite bathroom, hairdryer on request, tea/coffee maker and a flat-screen television in the room. Arabidacool Bungalow is a beautiful bungalow that is one of the best luxury villas in Chikmagalur. The calm and tranquil ambience of the bungalow is what you need in a quiet getaway. Immerse in a soulful experience with Ama Stays & Trails cottage.
You can reach the Arabidacool Bungalow via the nearest airports and railway stations in Mangalore, Bangalore and Kannur. There are several cottages in Chikmagalur but none is like Arabidacool Bungalow. One can enjoy a cozy and comfortable bonfire with your friends and family and visitors can indulge in snacks and/or dinner (extra charges applicable) in the warmth of the bonfire on chilly. One can walk through the lush coffee estate attached to the bungalows and enjoy a heavenly cup of filter coffee at the end of it, accompanied by delectable regional snacks. A sprawling, coffee-scented paradise reverberating with a symphony of birds - everything about the region is sure to beckon the nature lover in you. Immerse yourself and soak in the natural and restful ambience of the luxury villas in Chikmagalur.
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To know more about the ama bungalows visit us at our official website and book your luxury stay now.
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zoyawon · 3 months
What are the good sides of choosing a Pet friendly accommodation 
Are you planning a holiday with your pet at Barrington Tops? Also, are you looking for a suitable pet-friendly accommodation where you can live comfortably and safely with your pets? If yes, then don’t worry, as lots of options are there when it comes to pet-friendly hotels. People with pets need to go for these types of hotels because they have many pros. So let’s move on and explore some of them in low down points. 
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Enjoy full Emotional support and companionship 
For loving pet owners, spending holidays with your furry friend is the most beautiful thing. Definitely, it builds your bond with them at the same time, creates a strong emotional attachment. Also, your adorable pet won’t feel lonely or stressed. Besides when you are in Pet friendly accomodation Barrington Tops they make sure to take care of the Pet to the fullest. 
Both the health of Pets and pet owners improves a lot
A pet-friendly accommodation NSW with all the best facilities ensures that the pet and the owner get all possible services to improve their physical and mental health. In a picturesque place like Barringtontops, you can engage in different outdoor activities like hiking through the mountainous path or playing on the private lawn. This will ensure that your Pet, as well as you, enjoy sound health. 
Pets feel more secure and safe in Pet friendly hotels
Though you are with pets even when you are out of your home. But you need to make sure that they feel equally secure, like when they are at home. So when choosing pet-friendly accommodation, make sure you go through the Pet-friendly features of that particular hotel. Ensure it has dog parks, Grooming areas, special pet foods, etc.
Final say 
Thus, these are some of the plus sides of choosing the Pet-friendly accommodation Australia. Therefore you can look for the same accommodation facility to have a comfortable stay.
Learn more:
Pros of booking a stay at a Group Accommodation NSW
Features to look for in Family-friendly homes Newcastle Australia
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boozye · 2 years
Would Dani ever be interested in adopting a pet? I know they are a lot of responsibility but I think Dani would be a good pet owner. If they end up paired with Satan they might not have a choice and end up with at minimum 1 cat lol
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Daniel loves loves loves animals. They would absolutely get a pet if they could. They grew up surrounded by animals, and that was a huge part of their formative years (5 dogs and 4 cats, ducks, chickens, a toad, a turtle and a parrot, divided in 2 houses). Their family would adopt strays and care for them, and still do. Growing up they were a huge zoology nerd. It was all they'd read and watch shows about (90's animal planet... my beloved, RIP Steve)
Right now, in adulthood and having left their native town, they simply don't have the means or accomodations to keep an animal. It saddens them but all they can do is keep on keeping on.
Needless to say all the animals at HoL are immediately in a "want to befriend" list, regardless of what status their respective demons are at with Dani. And Daniel is dispirited that Cerberus doesn't seem to have a friendly bone in his body 😔 Real hell is not being able to pet the dog you live with...
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jamessarah · 5 years
Important Things to Consider When You Are Planning A Family Holiday
Planning a family holiday is a real challenge from managing the needs of your family members to booking an accommodation that fits into your budget.
When you are traveling with your family, it can be difficult to find places that can accommodate groups of three or more guests. On the other hand, couples’ accommodation NSW can be found much easier and accommodations for solo are in ample supply.
When planning to travel with your family, it is significant to research thoroughly and search for family holiday resorts in Australia. Make sure you check the family-friendly accommodation reviews before booking.
There are a lot of things to consider before booking aside from checking the online reviews of the accommodation.
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Below-listed are suggested things to keep in mind when booking a property for a family holiday.
·        Location of the resort
One should select the resort by checking out its location on Google maps or visiting the resort website. It should be located in a safe area or within walking distance to the major attraction you are planning to visit.
·        Family-friendly accommodations room features and amenities
The resort should be well-equipment with all the basic and some add-on amenities as per customer’s preferences such as larger rooms, separate bathroom, parking facilities, laundry services, etc.
·        Size of the rooms
If you are looking to accommodate the entire family (up to three-four people) in a room, it is significant to make sure the size of the room is spacious enough well-fitting entire family. Be sure the resort has an extra bed facility in case you need one.
·        Special facilities for children
It is crucial to check-in advance if the resort offers facilities especially for children such as children's playground, separate swimming pools for kids, etc.
These above-stated are some of the things one needs to keep in mind while booking a property for a family holiday.
Learn More- Organizing the Perfect Family Holiday
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what-the-fic-khr · 3 years
Hi sorry about asking on the wrong blog D: green tea, coffee, and milk tea for Dino if it's alright. Also I hope you're having a good day ;w;
DINO REQUEST NUMBER 1 LOL THERES 2 OTHERS IM GLAD YALL LOVE HIM AS MUCH AS I DO. and don’t be afraid to request anything else in the future anon!!
character/s: tyl!dino, mentions of tyl!sawada tsunayoshi and tyl!gokudera hayato, reader-insert (gender-neutral)
word count: —
warnings: mentions of blood...ish?
prompt: tea prompts (green tea, coffe and milk tea)
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green tea; how do they comfort their s/o?
Dino’s a touchy kind of person, I think, so he’d hold you and all that kind of stuff. do things to try and distract you, and only talk if you want him to
“Hah, Dino...”
He watched you quietly make your way across his office. You’d been in the bathroom for a while, rubbing at your hands endlessly to rid of the blood on them, but it seemed as your thumbs ran over dyed skin, it didn’t completely wash off.
You could usually handle it all so well, but you must’ve been having a bad day.
He held an arm out for you, and you trudged over, carefully sitting in his lap and slumping back against his chest. He used his free hand to gently pry your hands apart, to stop you from irritating the skin any further, and instead brushing his thumb over the area as softly as he could.
“Are you alright?” He wondered. He watched you pull a face as you thought this over, but he figured he’d know what the answer was. “It’s okay.”
“Ah, you don’t... have to.” You reached over to tap his thigh, breathing out slowly and closing your eyes. “Keep working. It’s fine.”
coffee; do they get jealous easily? how do they show it?
I don’t think he’d the type to get jealous, really. if he does it’s probably because of something really specific, and from a person he knows quite well. he probably wouldn’t get jealous over strangers. he’s mature so he doesn’t get angry, but he does get pouty lol
“What is he doing...?”
You smiled crookedly at Hayato’s question, continuing to pet Tsuna’s head. “Who knows?”
The former narrowed his eyes a little at the blond behind you two, only to get an even bigger pout than before.
Before Hayato could try insulting you partner, you turned to wave at him. “Seriously, what are you doing? Come here.”
Dino trudged up to you, arms crossed and eyeing Tsuna over which earned a nervous smile. “Nothin’.”
You huffed out a soft laugh, pulling Tsuna’s head closer to your shoulder. “Aw, are you upset? I’m just being friendly. I haven’t seen him in so long.”
“Yeah, but...!”
With a soothing noise, you reached up to pet Dino’s hair as well, smiling when he visibly relaxed. “But I see you all the time. Let me have this for now?”
milk tea; what are their kisses like?
soft? his kisses, the ones you get on the daily, are light and gentle. he gives you a kiss if you ask, or if he’s close and admiring you, or feels like he needs to give you some affection. he likes to kiss his s/o, quite frequently. he’s super cute about it haha
“Ohh, thank you, Romario...!” You waved as Dino’s right-hand left to fetch something for him, and got a smile in return before the door closed.
You jumped a little when arms snaked around your waist, having not expected Dino to be behind you so quick. You looked over your shoulder, closing an eye when he pressed a soft kiss to your eyelid.
“Something on your mind?”
He smiled at you, shrugging his shoulders. “Nothing really. It’s nice you two get along so well.”
You nodded once, humming when he kissed the crown of your head. “Well, of course. It’s important that we do. He’s important to you, so he’s important to me.”
Dino blinked slowly before smiling widely, and you almost faltered at the blatant admiration on his face.
“You’re so wonderful.”
“Eh? Am I–?”
You made a soft noise of surprise, taken aback by the proper kiss Dino landed on your lips. His arms tightened around your waist and tugged you closer to his chest, so you had to tilt your head further to accomodate.
You reached a hand back to grab blindly at his coat, trying your best to reciprocate with the odd angle, and you could feel his lips tug upwards in the middle of the kiss.
You pulled back before making sure to peck him on the lips again for good measure. “What...?”
“Mm. Nothing.”
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em-two-point-oh · 3 years
It's been awhile since I have been here. I have mostly kept my writing/ journaling to my yellow notebook but now I am resorting to tumblr because I want to type. I could have done it on One Note but it seems to be slowing down and I would keep deleting the last letter I have typed instead of moving forward.
Moving forward.
Two words that I am focused on right now. A phase that I am in.
I have been on quite a journey for a couple of years now. The highest highs and the lowest lows. And as my life unfolds day by day, it tells me that it has its own weight that I need to take on, has its own battles, has its own challenges.
The thing is, I am still letting go and shedding off my past and my old skin, but I need to face every new day. I am hurting and healing, but I need to show up for others and be gracious. But I have become this guarded person. If you do not show me the same willingness to interact, if I am losing, I will detach. I have learned in the past two years that I would keep on giving and accomodating and adjusting just to be thought of as enough, as good, as the best. But it has always lead me empty and hollow, and forgotten and abandoned. So right now, I am in the phase of keeping my distance, rebuilding myself and just maintaining boundaries. I have had enough shit thrown at me that I just want to keep all the drama and shit that other people have at bay. I cannot be bothered. I want to focus on me.
But it is seen as being selfish. Or indifferent. Apathetic. Distant. Cold. Uncaring. I think I am going to lose a lot of friendships. And I have also tried reaching out for and testing the waters, but I am not ready. My love tank is quite dry these days. I have also deleted the dating apps. I have deleted, by far, three apps now because I know I am just bullshitting myself seeking compliments, attention and validation. But also, I feel like I am hurting myself putting myself in a position of being vulnerable when I am still very much broken. And also, I am just scared that I am going to hurt someone else. Again, I feel like I have nothing to give.
Then there's the issues and drama at work. I left my previous workplaces because I just want a work life that has less drama, and I can just easily leave work at work. But I guess it is true that you are going to meet the same person in different personalities until you have learned your lesson. So what is the lesson to be learned?
A. I think I have an issue with authority? haha. I feel like this stems from when I was a child always being the teacher's pet and being expected to be the best and I cannot make a mistake because everyone's eyes is on me. So my response has always been to shrink so I can just be invisible and no one will pay any attention to me. I can just stop trying to be the best. Which is well problematic, because I internalise everything and take things personally even if I try not to. And then I will try to be non confrontational which is another problem. Because I should learn how to address the problem head on and be assertive. But where and how do I start?
B. I always have high expectations of me and myself. I am confident but I don't like being questioned. Also, my old workplace had a completely different work culture and I unknowingly brought some of it with me and I need to shed it off.
C. I am still dealing and healing my own personal wounds so I really don't want the drama or to do anything to make it bigger, so I keep to myself but this has been misunderstood. And I am expected to say something but really, I think I should just let it rest? Although they do have a point that this is a matter of clearing up my name perhaps?
D. My former manager Carole, her voice is always echoing in my ears. Never trust anyone completely at work. Which is true. But sometimes I am gullible and would like to believe otherwise. But all the time I am proven she is right. So I have to balance and learn how to be professionally friendly but not naive and too trusting.
I still do not know what to do. I think I will just go talk to my manager on Wednesday and try not to dwell on it till then. And also accept the fact that people would have already started talking and making the issue bigger. I will tell her that I learned my lesson that I should have escalated the issue to the seniors with me that night. OK. I think that will address it.
Other things. New room. I love my new room so much that I rarely want to leave. And I am just enjoying my new bedspace too much and snuggling in it. Then there is the shared bathroom/ kitchen thing. It was so much easier at Flat 16 with the girls. Here it is so unpredictable and impersonal but at the same time you have to consider when everyone is using the facilities because it is a small space I think, I now realize for 5 strangers. I still curse my agent silently for telling me this was an all girls flat, and that there was just 4 people in it when in fact there are five. Someone also spends too much time in the toilet. They did come up with a system of writing down their schedule to use the toilet/shower. I haven't put mine in. First because I work long days/ nights so I will do it before or after anyone else's. But it's the spontaneous calls of nature that are hard. Specially when someone is luxuriating on the high water pressure of the shower. But all that said, I also know that I am barely a month in, and I should be patient. But I also know in myself that I cannot last long like this. Haha. I at least might need an en suite, or a friend next door. Although I am still enjoying my own company.
So that's it for now. I had a good cry earlier because I realised that my past is still pretty much affecting how I look and deal with the present, and it hurts so fcccckkng bad. But I felt better after a good cry. And then I watched Adele and cried some more. That woman is my Queen. Hahaha. Anyway, planning to explore the park tomorrw and then maybe hit the gym if it's still too cold.
I am going to sleep now feeling better because I have written my thoughts down.
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