#pet sitter hannibal
slashyrogue · 1 year
Au-Gust 2023 Day 5: Pet Sitters
Will had a problem. 
He had another teaching conference next week, his third in six months, and he had to be out of town for almost four days. 
And all the pet sitters refused to take his pack. 
Will knew it was his own fault, he may have been a little strict with a few sitters in the past and gotten angry at the slightest mistake, but this was his pack. 
His family. 
He wasn’t gonna just let anyone take them. 
Which was why he finally caved and went to PamperedPooch.com. 
PamperedPooch.com was a very expensive pet sitting site where the creme de la creme of society found their pet sitters. The cheapest sitter was almost five hundred dollars a day, not even counting overnight, and as he made his account he made sure to be polite while he posted pictures of the pack. 
Well trained pack of seven dogs very used to pet sitters. 
May need overnights for four consecutive days. 
Send message below. 
He waited, chewing his lip, and after thirty minutes he went to let the dogs out thinking maybe he could make an excuse to his boss that he had to miss this one. 
Not that Jack would be happy with him. 
It wasn’t his first. 
Will ate lunch and came back to the computer where he found several messages asking for astronomical prices that he deleted immediately. Then he got to the last message and as he read the sitter’s reply he smiled. 
Hello Will
I am a very experienced pet sitter who has worked in the profession for nearly ten years. I can handmake all your pack’s food - following my own or a provided recipe of your choice - and I will if need be take them to my home if I cannot stay at yours. I will need to be provided adequate ingredients ahead of schedule for their meals but will make my own. For four days I would charge one thousand dollars. 
Please tell me if you’d like to meet in person or we can talk over the phone. 
I look forward to your reply. 
Hannibal Lecter
Will answered back fast, feeling so happy he could burst, and agreed to meet Hannibal later for coffee. He went to give the dogs treats, still smiling, and got himself together putting a nice shirt and some clean jeans before he headed out for the city. 
He got there early, the shop a little pricey but not overly, and looked around waiting for Hannibal to arrive. 
And froze as a man in an Armani suit started to walk towards him. He blushed, looking the man over with way too obvious interest. 
It couldn’t be. 
The man paused in front of Will and pulled out the dog bone they’d agreed upon to show who they were. 
Hannibal Lecter smiled and held out his hand. 
“Hello, Will.” 
Will blushed as he took the man’s hand, and found himself almost uncomfortable with how good looking he was. He never would’ve guessed this man was a pet sitter. A doctor maybe? A model? Not a pet sitter. 
“What is it you do, Will?” 
He blinked. “What? I…I don’t know why that matters.” 
Hannibal leaned forward and smiled. “I’m merely curious. You’re not my usual clientele.” 
Will blushed. “I’m a Biology teacher.” 
“Ah,” Hannibal said, as a woman came over, “A man after my own heart. I will have a Americano, three sugars please. Will?” 
Will looked at her. “Um, a black coffee four sugars.” 
She smiled, and Will was surprised to see her unusual name. 
“Coming right up,” she said, winking at Hannibal who just smiled back. 
Will frowned. “She…” 
“That is my sister,” Hannibal said with a sigh, “She’s much younger than me and likes to…observe my meetings.” 
Will smiled. “That’s…kinda cute.”
“Is it? One would think the older sibling would be the more protective. Mischa is barely out of her twenties and treats my job like every client may be a secret serial killer.” 
He laughed. “You never know.” 
Hannibal smiled. “No, I suppose you don’t,” he said, looking at Will oddly, “So…ask me anything, Mr. Graham. I’m all yours for the next several hours. What do you need to think of me as a potential pet sitter?” 
Will blushed again. “I…I just…I’m a little picky, that’s all. I’ve ran myself off of so many sites and I…” 
“You love your dogs, Will, that’s not a bad thing. What scared all of them away?” 
He sighed. “I want everything perfect, that’s all.” 
Mischa returned and put the cups down in front of them, eyeing Will the same odd way Hannibal did. “Anything else, guys?” 
“Just privacy.” 
She laughed. “Yeah, not gonna happen. I’ll be…over there.” 
Will watched her go, her blonde hair so different from Hannibal’s and, he smiled at him. 
“So…you’ll do anything I ask of you then? Anything at all?” 
“Yes. Perhaps, I can come to your home and meet the pack to see how they like me. Would that ease your worries?” 
Will frowned. “I…I guess so.” 
“Wonderful,” Hannibal said, pulling out his phone, “Give me your address and we can set this all up as soon as possible. I….I really am looking forward to meeting them and…working for you, Will.” 
Will wiggled in his seat. 
This was a bad idea. 
Very, very bad. 
But he took Hannibal’s phone and gave him his info, feeling Hannibal’s eyes on him the whole time before he handed it back. 
“I think maybe you might be my ideal dog sitter,” he said, laughing nervously, “It’s like you were made for me.” 
Hannibal smiled as he sipped his drink. 
“You seem like the ideal client,” he said, “Perhaps…we were made for each other.” 
Will blushed again. 
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skiplo-wave · 5 months
Hannigram AU
Hannibal became a tucker and Will is teacher and pet sitter on the side
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darling-i-read-it · 4 years
...And the Beast From the Sea
Hannibal Lecter x reader x Will Graham 
Hannibal Re-Write Series Masterlist
Word Count: 4k 
Warnings: spoilers for hannibal, murder, guns, pregnancy, worries of miscarriage
Author’s Note: Dudes I love this one so much. I  really really liked this one. It’s hella long but the last one was short so I think that’s okay. I am very excited for y’all to read this one because I made some expenitonal changes to the script which I’m excited for you guys to see. Enjoy!
I used some direct quotes from the script so some things may seem familiar 
Official Episode Summary: With a full moon approaching, Jack and Will are certain that Francis Dolarhyde will strike again but they lack a solid lead; Alana gives Hannibal a chance for redemption.
I don’t own these characters. They belong to author/director 
Tag List (is always open!) : @llperfectsymmetryll​ @ericacactus​ @vlightning95​ @sweetgoodangel​
(not my gif) (top two @/rocktheholygrail)
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“Nightly news countdown to the next full moon. Chicago and Buffalo police are under a media blitz,” Jack said. You, Will and Alana were all in his office. Will had made it a sport to argue against you going with him anywhere these days but he knew he would lose the fight. 
“Two days left. And he’s not going to kill again in Chicago or Buffalo. He’s moved on,” you muttered. You were sitting beside Alana. Will was standing behind you. 
“Let me fill you in on what’s up for the twenty-fifth.”
“When he does it again?” 
“If we have a problem on the twenty-fifth.”
“Not ‘if’. ‘When,” Will muttered.
“He didn’t kill the docket at the museum. What if he’s trying to stop?” Alana asked. 
“He would’ve been better killing her. And both of you,” Jack suggested. You pursed your lips.
“I know we don’t get along Jack but that’s just cruel,” you teased.
“You think there's a way to push him to be self destructive?” Jack asked, ignoring you completely.
“You mean push him toward suicide?” Alana asked.
“Suicide suits me just fine,” Jack muttered. 
“If he was really trying to stop he’s not going to kill himself. How could he be sure his death would affect whatever's inside him?” Will asked. He had his hands shoved in his pockets, his mind reeling. 
“You must know something about him otherwise you wouldn’t have found him,” Jack leaded. You gave him a look. Will gave him a harder one.
“Jack Crawford. Fisher of men, watching my cork move against the current. You got me again.” Will was bitter. You liked it. “Hannibal told me where to find him. He knows.” 
Hannibal and Francis talked to each other. Francis was relying on this conversation to clear some things up. A couple of things. 
“I..put my hand...on her beating heart. Heard the sound of her..living voice. A..living woman. How bizarre,” Francis whispered. Reba flashed in his mind. Beautiful. “I don’t want to give her to the Dragon,” he whispered. 
“The Dragon is in your belly now. The Dragon wants her alive, you don't’ have to worry about feeling love for her,” Hannibal explained. Francis looked at Hannibal.
“Is that how you stayed with Y/N?” At the mention of your name Hannibal tensed. Ever so slightly. If Francis wasn’t paying acute attention he wouldn’t have noticed. He read it as something bad. Something that struck something dark in Hannibal that he wished to be rid of. “And Will Graham. He interests me. Odd looking for an investigator, not very handsome. But purposeful. They’re married aren’t they?” 
Another slight change in attitude. 
But there. 
And if he wasn’t going to kill Reba then he had to kill someone else.
“Yes, yes. I see.” Your voice was quiet. Will watched you speak, your hand holding your other arm. You were on the phone with the neighbors that were watching your dogs. “I’ll be back as soon as I can. Thank you so much for calling.” 
You hung up the phone and let out a long sigh. You looked over at Will. You were both standing in one of the main rooms of Alana's hospital. You finally looked over at him and he grabbed your hand gently, bringing you toward him.
“That was the neighbors girls. They say that the dogs have been sick, all of them. I’m going to go home and see to them, make sure it’s all okay.” Will nodded quickly as he held you in his arms. He was happy about this. He didn’t want you here, in harm's way. The safest place for you was home. “I’ll sleep the night, take the dogs to the vet and return the next day. I’ll bring new doggo with me.” You moved away from him to gauge his reactions.
“This is good,” he whispered, brushing a piece of hair out of your face. “It’s safe at home.” You shrugged.
“I like to keep you safe.” 
“But you have to think of yourself now. You have to keep safe,” he whispered. “Both of you.” You closed your eyes for a moment and took that in. It sounded so pleasant from his voice. A child. His child. You loved the idea of a curly haired little boy running around that had his blue eyes.
“Two days we’ll be away from each other. And I shall call you when I get there and also when I am about to leave. And probably between that.” He nodded.
“Of course.” 
“I have to do a little homework,” Francis said. Reba handed him a fresh martini and he took it, sitting on his couch between the projector and screen. Music played softly around them. Reba sat beside him, curious to what he was up to today. 
“Sure. If I’m keeping you from working, I can go,” she suggested. He shook his head quickly and realized she couldn’t see him. It would take some getting used to.
“No. I want you to be here. I do. It’s just some film I need to check. It won’t take long,” he promised.
“Does it have a soundtrack?” Reba asked. 
“May I keep the music?” she asked. 
“I think I’ll stretch out for a few minutes, if you don’t mind.” He started to move so that she could lay down but she shook her head gently. “No, don’t move. I have plenty of room. Wake me up if I drop off,” she whispered. She lied down on the couch, holding the glass to her stomach. The tips of her hair touched Francis' hand beside his tight. He flicked the remote switch on and the projector began. Light flickered and whired across both his and Reba’s face. “Are these your nocturnal animals?” she asked quietly.
The picture moved down from a bright white moon to find you, smiling and laughing as you moved toward a cabin in the woods, holding a blanket in your hands. A pack of dogs excitedly milled around your feet. 
“They know they’re being filmed?” Reba asked.
You stood in the vet anxiously. As the vet came back in you stood up quickly. You had talked to the girls who were taking care of the dogs and they were just as worried as you had been. 
“They may have gotten into something they shouldn’t have. Has there been any change in their diet?” she asked. You took a deep breath and felt the guilt creep in.
“Wi-my husband usually makes their food from scratch. We’ve been out of town with some dog sitters and I told them to just give them canned food,” you explained. 
“Was it canned food made in China?” she asked.
“Is it bad to be made in China?” you asked anxiously.
“If you’re pet food. Dogs get poisoned by Chinese pet food all the time. Pet food safety isn't’ regulated the same way as human food. And it’s barely regulated at all in China. There have been thousands of illnesses and deaths.” 
All of the sudden you thought about having to call Will with the news that, despite the fact you were having a human child, all the dog ones were going to die. That was a call you never want to make. Ever. 
“Are the dogs going to be okay?” you asked, moving the long sleeves of your shirt up to wrap your fingers around it. 
“Yes. You got them here fast and the activated charcoal should soak up whatever’s in their system. But it’d be helpful if you brought me a sample of whatever they’ve been eating so we can run some tests,” the vet said. You nodded quickly. 
“I’ll bring it by tomorrow.” The vet put a hand on your arm with a warm smile.
“We’ll keep the dogs overnight so we can monitor their recovery. They’ll be fine.” 
You nodded with a smile released. 
Will walked into Hannibal’s caged room. Hannibal got up from his desk and walked over to the glass.
“I’m not fortune’s fool. I’m yours. ‘Behold the Great Red Dragon’,” Will said. 
“And did you?” Hannibal questioned.
“I had a random encounter.” Hannibal looked behind him as the door shut quietly. He furrowed his eyebrows.
“Where’s Y/N?” 
“The Brooklyn Museum is closed to the public on Tuesdays, but researchers are admitted. You know that’s when we’d both be going,” Will said, ignoring the question. Hannibal tried to push you out of his mind. Likely just toying with him. 
“A sophisticated intelligence can forecast many things. I suppose mine is sophisticated enough. You’re so close to him now. You and the Dragon are doing the same thing at various times of the day,” Hannibal said, allowing his ignorance of you to seep. 
“He’s contacted you.”
“How do you imagine he’s contacted me? Personal ads? Writing notes on admiration on toilet paper?” Hannibal asked. 
“Alana thinks he’s trying to stop,” Will suggested. Hannibal came closer to the glass and Will did not move. 
“To begin to understand the Dragon, to hear the cold drips in his darkness, Dr. Bloom would have to see things she could never see,” Hannibal promised. “She would have to fly through time.” 
“There is a family out there who don’t know he’s coming. We could save them. Tell me who he is.” 
“I don’t know who he is.” Will studied Hannibal’s face and knew he was telling the truth. “And I do not know the next family, before you ask.” He was telling the truth about that too. 
“You’re willing to let them die.” 
“They’re not my family Will. And I’m not letting them die. You are.” 
“I’m sorry to interrupt. You have a telephone call. It’s your lawyer. Would you like to take it?” Alana asked. 
“Did he say why he was calling?” Hannibal questioned. 
“I called him. To confirm that he hasn’t called you. Not since you’ve been declared insane,” she stated. Hannibal shrugged.
“I could have told you that.” 
“If only I’d known to ask.”
“If only.” 
“Would you have told me the truth?” she asked.
“In my own way, I always have,” he promised. Alana pressed a button and spoke into the telephone.
 “Mr. Metcalf. That’ll be all for now. Thank you for your time.” She killed the call and now her cold anger showed. The door behind her opened and Jack entered. “You were speaking to the Tooth Fairy.”
“I think he’s earned the right to be known by the name he’s chosen. He is the Great Red Dragon,” Hannibal said. Jack approached the glass wall. 
“You have hubbed hell, Dr. Lecter.” 
“I often do.” 
“You got what you wanted. Suddenly, you’re very relevant. There is one way for you to stay relevant...and comfortable,” Alana said. Hannibal thought about it for a moment.
“You want me to speak with the Dragon. You believe he will seek counsel after the next kill.”
“We’ve got to make your contact work for us. Standing trace order for any time you’re on the phone. When he calls, you keep him on the line.” Hannibal inclined his head.
“I can’t refuse him a sympathetic ear. He no doubt needs it.” 
The house seemed so empty. The dogs gone, Will away. You had to pick them up in the morning and then be gone again. In the meantime, you were staying up late to make as much dog food as you could.
“Yeah and add a little bit of the meat I have in the fridge,” Will said over the phone. His voice was staticy but there. It made you feel safer.
“Alright I think we’re good. Thank you sweetface,” you said, leaning into the phone. 
“Anytime. Have a good night's sleep. Drink water. I love you.” You smiled gently to yourself. 
“I love you too. Sleep tight!” You hung up the phone and then it was empty again. You glanced at the clock. Much too late. You shouldn’t have kept Will up, he needed to sleep. “I suppose I should sleep too,” you said aloud. You convinced yourself you were speaking to your unformed child rather than yourself. That sounded less insane.
You put the dog food in the fridge and finished up the last of the notes for the neighbors teenagers. You took a deep breath and turned around, eyes catching the green of the alarm monitor. 
Caught it just soon enough to see it go dead. 
You didn’t realize what that meant right away. Then it hit you. Fear slammed into you and you tensed up completely. You grabbed your phone and shoved it in your pajama pants pocket. You grabbed a knife from the knife block and quietly walked over to the kitchen table, where your keys were. You peaked out the window and saw a man outside, walking up the front steps.
Your breath caught in your throat.
You tried to control your fear as you quietly walked around back. You heard the door jiggle open. You were suddenly reminded of your second body, Will’s words screaming into your heart. Both of you to keep safe. 
You suddenly missed Will terribly. You opened the back door quietly and stalked around the side of the house. As you ducked underneath windows you felt your heart beating in your ears. You held the knife tightly in your hand as you peaked around the side of the house to see if he was outside. 
The coast from where you were to the car was clear from what you could tell. 
You closed your eyes tightly and then opened them just as quickly. 
You sprinted to the car and unlocked it on your way. You jumped into the driver's seat and struggled to put the keys in the ignition. 
Your attacker had heard the car unlock and he was on the porch now. Gunshots broke your front window and shattered onto your lap. You squealed just as the car started and you were able to pull out. 
You, however, were not able to miss the gunshot that hit you in the shoulder harshly. You let out a harsh surprised noise as your arm pretty much went limp. With your other arm you were able to drive away from your home. Your home. The place you had found so sacred. Will’s and yours first place together.
You focused on driving through the dark, winding roads and hoped that he wasn’t following.
Will ran through the hospital. A horrible glare of the hospital fluorescents over his face as he approached Jack Crawford.
“Where is she?” he asked rushingly.
“In surgery now.”
He did not seem to be any more eased at that. 
“You’re both safe here,” Jack said and Will gave him a harsh look. 
“Now is not the time to talk to me Jack. Not the time at all.” Will pushed past him. He didn’t know where he was going. He couldn’t see you. All he could do was pace. He wanted to ask Jack about the baby. He wondered, terribly, if the baby was gone. Two times in a row his child would be ripped from him by the puppeteer strings of Hannibal Lecter he was sure. 
Will couldn’t make it make sense. He thought that Hannibal liked you. He thought for sure that you, if anyone, was safe from his wrath. 
Jack took his turn approaching Will again, now that some time had passed by. The doctors promised you would be okay but made no mention of the baby.
“You think you might lose me after this, Jack? You think I might go back to my family?” Will asked, teeth almost barred. Jack stared at him. 
“For a minute, I did.”
“I want so badly to. If she had died because of this I would have killed you with my bare hands Jack. She warned me against you time and time again. And again. If she had died because of you…” his voice trailed off but Jack got the message. “But then I realized what you realized. I can’t go home, and neither can Y/N, never, until the Red Dragon is out of the way.” Will looked away. 
“As soon as Y/N can be moved we’ll put her at my brother’s house on the chesapeake. Nobody in the world will know where they are but you and-”
“She’s pregnant.” 
Jack stopped. This information hit him and it sunk in, very slowly. He took a deep breath. He was careful speaking.
“Have you asked-”
“No. I’m too scared to,” Will admitted. He looked back at Jack and shook his head. “But if the baby lived or didn’t, if she is able to walk, she’s not going to leave my side now. She’ll put on a brave face and walk with me wherever I’ll go and you will let her.” He paused, thinking. “I’ll let her.” His eyes lightened slightly. “And even if she didn’t, she wouldn’t want anything from you. She’d be glad to see you in hell with your back broken.”
Something about the truth in that made Jack want to smile.
Will walked into the room. You had been awake just long enough to talk to the doctor. Will had been in the bathroom when you woke up but now he rushed toward you. 
He practically skidded on the ground to grab your hands. You gave him a weak smile but your face was practically dead. You swallowed and squeezed his hand. Will didn’t say anything for a moment.
“The baby is alright,” you whispered. He let out the breath he didn’t know he was holding. “The bullet hit my shoulder, far away from anything that could harm them.” Now that that was out of the way, he could apologize for you. You had been hurt. That was impossible.
“The dogs are safe. I’m going to pick them up tomorrow and bring them here.” You nodded.
“Bring the vet the canned food.” He laughed dryly.
“I don’t think that’s a priorit-”
“Bring it,” you stated weakly. He nodded, not willing to argue with you right now. You looked up at the ceiling and then over at him, smiling at his pretty face. “I made the food. You have to bring that too, I’m proud of it.” He nodded, kissing your hands he was holding.
“I will.” There was a beat of silence.
“You aren’t going to get me to leave. The second I can sit up I will be back out there with you.” He nodded lightly.
“I wish you wouldn't. But I know.” You looked into his eyes, hard.
“Hannibal did not advise this.”
“He knows about the killer, things he couldn’t possibly know unless he knew about him. There’s no way that this wasn’t him.” You shook your head.
“He wouldn’t. Not to me.” Will believed that, despite it all. He kissed your hands again and stood up.
“I’m going to ask him.” He waited for you to respond but you just thought about that for a moment. 
“I wanted to be the one to tell him. But I see now that you must.” He nodded. It would add to the effect, whichever way that effect went. 
“I love you,” he said. 
“I love you more.”
Will quickly walked up to Hannibal’s cage. Hannibal could tell something was wrong immediately. Will looked like he was about to kill someone with his bare hands. 
“I’m just about worn out with you crazy sons of bitches,” Will stated. Hannibal raised an eyebrow.
“It hasn’t hit the papers yet. Care to enlighten me on the family this time around? Did the dog make it?” Will stared at Hannibal, dumbfounded.
“You really don’t know do you?” Hannibals face scrunched into confusion. 
“I’m sorry, should I?” Hannibal questioned. Will’s lips turned into a bitter smile. He knew that Hannibal had talked to this killer and Will was about to relish in the fact that he got to tell Hannibal his efforts had messed up someone he cared about. 
“Y/N went home to tend to the dogs for the day,” Will started, really milking this out. “Dr. Lecter, the killer went for her.” 
Hannibal’s mind worked quickly. He took a deep breath in and for once, hung off the words that Will was saying. He hadn’t suggested Francis kill you but he should have known he would. He should have known. He was almost angry at himself for not seeing it.
“Is she alright?” 
“Yes.” Hannibal let out a barely audible sigh of relief. For once it was the two men, almost in love with each other but definitely in love with you, just happy you were alive. “She was shot but she’s fine.” Will paused. “She’s pregnant. Still pregnant. You didn’t get this child and you won’t.” 
Hannibal took that in quietly. He would deal with that later.
“I’m happy for her. Happy for you both.” Will turned to leave, finished with this conversation and wanting to return to you but Hannibal did not let him. “Will?” 
He turned.
“I didn’t know it was her.” 
As the orderly came into the room, Hannibal almost jumped up. But instead, he kept his dignity and walked over to the phone, taking it in his hands. He knew that Jack and Alana were listening. He had to keep this careful. 
“If I’m not as strong as the Dragon, she will die. I know that,” Francis said firstly, bluntly. “I need to think. I need to think. I told her I can’t be with her.” 
“Y/N Graham is not dead,” he pointed out stoutly. Francis did not like that he changed the subject so quickly. 
“I chose Y/N because she rejected you. I chose Y/N and she should be dead.” Hannibal straightened his back. “I’m afraid she will come to the house. To talk. I don't want what will happen in the house.” He was now referring to Reba, not you but Hannibal knew how to steer a conversation. 
“What made you think I wanted Y/N dead?” 
“You insinuated-”
“No. I did not.” Hannibal stared through Jack and Alana, enjoying an audience but wishing these next words were spoken in confidence. “You thought wrongly. You insinuated wrongly.” Hannibal straightened his lips. “Think about how you wanted to hold Y/N in your arms, as she lost blood and her heart quivered like a bird until it went out. Think about it.” He paused, allowing him to think. “Now think about Reba in her place. Because that is what is coming.” 
Francis didn’t know how to react to that.
“They’re listening,” Hannibal said and hung up the phone. 
Alana and Jack looked betrayed but Alana was all too happy for what came next. 
“You’ve just lost your toilet Hannibal,” Alana said.
And Hannibal did not say it but he knew it was worth it.
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bearplush · 4 years
tag 8 people you want to get to know better!
tagged by: @iamacolor (thank you! 💜)
favorite color: sunflower yellow, forest green, and a dusty reddish/rose color. so kind of like a really desaturated traffic light
last song i listened to: nectar by wayv on repeat all day baby
favorite musicians: obviously wayv, and red velvet/clc/shinee (and lately pentagon!), but some non-kpop musicians i also love are lexie liu, niki, sza, yuna, frank ocean.....idk i cant really think of anybody else i’ve been on wayv lockdown for too long 😭 please rec me good non-kpop music
last film i watched: i literally couldn’t tell you if my life depended on it, i never watch movies (maybe i will give enola holmes a try though!)
last show i watched: the last show i finished was the baby sitter’s club on netflix, which was clearly targeted at kids lol, but it was actually quite good! and then i’m currently rewatching hannibal, which even though i watched it back when it aired (so it’s not like i don’t know better) i keep making the mistake of putting it on in the background while i cook and/or eat which is, as i said, i mistake 😬
currently reading: doctor zhivago, but i just finished the first half the other day and conveniently one of the ebooks i had on hold at the library also became available that same day (shorefall, the second book in a fantasy/steampunk-ish trilogy) so i’m taking a break to read that!
sweet, savory, or spicy: savory > sweet > spicy
sparkling water, tea, or coffee: (iced) coffee! i finally weaned myself off of caffeine during quarantine (i cannot believe how much caffeine i used to consume on a daily basis 😳) but i still drink 2 cups of decaf iced coffee every morning just because i love the taste/the ritual of it 😌
pets: i don’t have any 😭 but my roommate has a cat who is cute enough to make up for how annoying he also is lol
tagging: tbh i have no idea who has or hasn’t done which tag games these days so i won’t tag anyone, but i always like to know what you guys are up to so please feel free to do this and say i tagged you :)
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tiny-fox-paws · 5 years
Okay first of all, you are the DEVIL. Second, bold of you to assume I won’t do this. At this point, it’s a pride issue, so HERE GOES:
Spotify, SoundCloud, or Pandora? - Spotify
is your room messy or clean? - Depends on the day! Pretty messy today!
what color are your eyes? - Brown :c
do you like your name? why? - Eh, not really! It’s not common so people sometimes mispronounce it.
what is your relationship status? - Happily in a relationship!
describe your personality in 3 words or less - Bubbly cute goblin.
what color hair do you have? - Right now it’s a red-brown color
what kind of car do you drive? color? - Slver Honda Accord! 
where do you shop? - Good question...Amazon/other online shops mainly! In person, Gamestop, Hot Topic, Forever 21, etc.
how would you describe your style? - PASTEL GOTH AS HELL with the occasional girly outfit! Mostly it’s just t-shirts and shorts if I’m not going out, but dressing a little nicer if I am.
favorite social media account - This one....
what size bed do you have? - Queen!
any siblings? - Yes, one brother
if you can live anywhere in the world where would it be? why? - Ireland! It’s beautiful.
favorite snapchat filter? - What tf kinda question is this
favorite makeup brand(s) - I don’t really have one, but Too Faced has some cute products!
how many times a week do you shower? - Sadly I’m one of those people that have to shower everyday, or else I feel gross! 
favorite tv show? - It really depends...I love Hannibal, The Office, Parks and Rec, New Girl, Dexter, etc.!
shoe size? - Mostly a 6, sometimes a 6 1/2!
how tall are you? - 5′4″
sandals or sneakers? - Depends on my mood! 
do you go to the gym? - Nope!
describe your dream date - OH JEEZ. I don’t really have one! I’m just happy to be with the person that makes me happy. I’d love to do anything from getting ice cream and walking the park together, to dinner and a movie, to takeout and Netflix, to a drive-in movie. I just like surprises man. I’m pretty simple!
how much money do you have in your wallet at the moment? - Exactly $1 in cash, and the rest on my card! I don’t generally keep cash around.
what color socks are you wearing? - No socks right now!
how many pillows do you sleep with? - One normal, and a few stuffed animals!
do you have a job? what do you do? - I’m a pet sitter!
how many friends do you have? - That’s a pretty loaded question! My best friend currently lives in Florida, and I have a few other areas, and some good friends here! I’m a huge introvert so it’s hard to make friends sometimes.
whats the worst thing you have ever done? - THESE 100 QUESTIONS.
whats your favorite candle scent? - I love vanilla, cinnamon, anything floral, lavender!
3 favorite boy names - I can’t narrow them down really, but I like Jace, Logan, Jack
3 favorite girl names - Again, can’t narrow it down but I like Ellie, Korra, Esme, Taylor
favorite actor? - I don’t have a favorite, but I like Robert Downey Jr., Leonardo DiCaprio, Elijah Wood
favorite actress? - I don’t have a favorite, but I like Ellen Page, Anna Kendrick, Natalie Portman 
who is your celebrity crush? - None, but some people that are adorable are Ellen Page, LIGHTS, Brendon Urie, Emma Watson, Keanu Reeves 
favorite movie? - Howl’s Moving Castle (I love Studio Ghibli!), Your Name, Inception, The Great Gatsby, etc.
do you read a lot? whats your favorite book? - I used to read a lot before my ADHD got worse. I’m working on starting again! 
money or brains? - Hmm
do you have a nickname? what is it? - Mer, short for Meredith
how many times have you been to the hospital? - Oh boy, Let’s see...4 major times!
top 10 favorite songs - Don’t make me choose...but lately I’ve been into electronic music from LIGHTS, FRND, Kailee Morgue, TheFatRat, etc.!
do you take any medications daily? - Yes!
what is your skin type? (oily, dry, etc) - Oily...I was cursed.
what is your biggest fear? - Hard to determine, probably abandonment or unrequited love. I’m also scared of heights, suffocation, a lot of things really!
how many kids do you want? - None, as of right now.
whats your go to hair style? - I usually just straighten it and leave it down, or put it up in a high ponytail. I’ll occasionally curl or wave it!
what type of house do you live in? (big, small, etc) - I don’t mind, probably a medium size!
who is your role model? - I don’t really have one
what was the last compliment you received? - I believe it was on my hair!
what was the last text you sent? - Not sure!
how old were you when you found out santa wasn’t real? - Bitch you think I remember?
what is your dream car? - I don’t have one!
opinion on smoking? - Terrible. I’ve watched smoking consume the lives of people close to me
do you go to college? - I have a degree, but plan to go back eventually for another.
what is your dream job? - I don’t really have one. I enjoy working around video games and animals though.
would you rather live in rural areas or the suburbs? - Either!
do you take shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotels? - Nope
do you have freckles? - Yes, on my cheeks and nose!
do you smile for pictures? - Usually?
how many pictures do you have on your phone? - A lot...
have you ever peed in the woods? - Nah
do you still watch cartoons? - HELL YEAH, some of my favorite shows are cartoons (Avatar: The Last Airbender, and The Legend Of Korra)
do you prefer chicken nuggets from Wendy’s or McDonalds? - Wendy’s
Favorite dipping sauce? - Ketchup or nacho cheese
what do you wear to bed? - a t-shirt or tank top with undies or sleep shorts
have you ever won a spelling bee? - Never been in one!
what are your hobbies? - I like playing video games, watching shows, drawing, painting, organizing stuff
can you draw? - Sort of!
do you play an instrument? - Not currently. I played violin for 4 years though
what was the last concert you saw? - LIGHTS!
tea or coffee? - Tea
Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts? - Neither
do you want to get married? - HELL YEAH
what is your crush’s first and last initial? - Wouldn’t you like to know! 
are you going to change your last name when you get married? - 100%!
what color looks best on you? - Blue, black, wine red!
do you miss anyone right now? - Most definitely!
do you sleep with your door open or closed? - Open for my cat to come in and out!
do you believe in ghosts? - Yes, even know there’s no logical way to justify it!
what is your biggest pet peeve? - When people ignore me, interrupt me (though I can understand that one sometimes because I have ADHD), some other stuff!
last person you called. - My bf!
favorite ice cream flavor? - Chocolate Peanut Butter, or Cookies and Cream!
regular oreos or golden oreos? - Regular
chocolate or rainbow sprinkles? - I’m not really a sprinkles person, but I guess chocolate!
what shirt are you wearing? - A Kingdom Hearts t-shirt!
what is your phone background? - 
are you outgoing or shy? - Shy mostly, but once I get comfortable with someone I am outgoing!
do you like it when people play with your hair? - YES, I LOVE IT. Please play with my hair ;u;
do you like your neighbors? - I like one, I hate the other
do you wash your face? at night? in the morning? - Morning!
have you ever been high? - Only a few times but weed does NOT react well with me
have you ever been drunk? - Only a few times
last thing you ate? - A brownie!
favorite lyrics right now - I don’t know, my guy
summer or winter? - Winter
day or night? - Night
dark, milk, or white chocolate? - Milk
favorite month? - October because Halloween!
what is your zodiac sign - Cancer
who was the last person you cried in front of? - The last time I cried was in my car. I make it a huge point not to cry in front of people, because I have a fear of vulnerability.
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pragnificent · 7 years
14. Leave in charge of my home while I’m away (Alana, Will, Hannibal, Jack, Jimmy)
This essentially means feeding and watering the pets, so - 
Will (He’s judging me bc I don’t feed raw but w/e). 
Hannibal (I was going to say that, even tho they are both established as decent pet sitters, Hannibal is below Alana bc he Snoops. But then I realized that Alana def snoops, too, and probably finds ways to justify doing so as being in the best interest of the person she is snooping on. But Hannibal is still lower bc he is considerably more likely to use shit he finds to frame me for murder).  
Jimmy (he also Snoops and then he tells tales in the office, so that’s no good). 
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c-valentino · 7 years
Have a Kevin of the Day - Day Four
– The Day Kevin brought Caesar along Day 4
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Kevin: I’ll be there in 10! Neil: okay
Neil tied his running shoes and grabbed his keys. “Andrew, I’m going for a run!” From his boyfriend came only a short, noncommittal reply. He had been busy with a new video game recently. This morning however, they both had read a post about Kevin that had gone viral on social media. ‘Kevin Day found his rebound!’ — Awfully soon after he had just broken up with Thea two weeks ago. Last night someone from his team had tweeted that single line and people went crazy about it. Kevin himself had not commented on it yet and Neil was more than a little curious. He went outside to wait for his friend.
Kevin, as usual, showed up on time for their run. What caught Neil’s eye though was the new furry companion at his side. Black and white with blue eyes, a husky stayed close on Kevin’s heels.
“Hey,” Kevin greeted cheerfully, no post-breakup depression detectable.
“Hey,” echoed Neil. The dog sat down right beside Kevin and looked up at them. Young, Neil thought, still almost a puppy. “You got yourself a dog?” He bent down and reached his hand out for the husky to sniff but found a still too big looking paw on top of his hand instead. He grinned and shook it a little.
“I did,” Kevin replied, smiling down on his new companion who was on his best behavior, making friends with Neil already. “You know, thought it might be good.”
“What’s his name?”  
“I don’t know yet,” Kevin said and scratched the back of his head. “He’s a rescue but they didn’t know his name, so they called him Kujo.” It was obvious that Kevin didn’t agree with that name for his dog. Neil thought his friend was already going over all those historical figures in his head. “They said he caused trouble with the previous owners, but you know… people get dogs for Christmas or something and then have no clue how to deal with them. He needs a crazy amount of exercise, it’s great!” The puppy was jumping up Kevin’s leg now, impatient to move on, tongue lolling to one side, right paw stretched up in the air. Kevin reached his hand down for a human to dog fist bump.
“I see.” Neil tried to imagine a little guy like Kujo here causing enough trouble or harm to justify someone getting rid of him. He couldn’t. But then he was a sucker for rescues himself and would never understand why people would treat their pets badly.
“Let’s go,” Kevin said and they made their way down the street. The husky was on a bright neon green leash but never left Kevin’s side, staying right in the middle of the two men, keeping pace with them.
“So… any ideas for names yet?” Neil had long ago gotten used to running with Kevin. The taller man’s long legs were eating up the distance effortlessly, but Neil’s pride wouldn’t take a blow by making him slow down to compensate for their difference in height. He just ran a little faster and his stamina allowed him to keep the conversation between them going.
“Some,” Kevin nodded. “Alexander, maybe, or Hannibal.”
“Wait, what? Like Hannibal the cannibal?” Neil was frowning down at the dog and Kevin looked at his friend in disbelieve. And people always accused him of having no general knowledge.
“No, like Hannibal the Carthaginian general who marched an army following war elephants from Iberia over the Pyrenees and the Alps into Italy during the Second Punic War.”
“Ah, that one,” Neil nodded, as if he had known all along. “Nerd,” he then muttered under his breath and Kevin rolled his eyes. “People would still think of Anthony Hopkins,” Neil insisted and Kevin thought he might have a point there.
“He doesn’t look French or short.” Neil eyed the dog again.
“Napoleon’s height was average,” Kevin corrected him.
“Still, doesn’t look French to me,” Neil nitpicked and Kevin sighed.
“What about Caesar, then?” They rounded a corner and crossed the street to enter the park, picking up the pace a little now that there were no cars or other obstacles in their way anymore.
“I like that one actually.”
“Oh, I have the approval of the great Neil Josten whose cats are named Fluffkins and Sir Fat Cat Mc… whatever it’s name is.”
“King Fluffkins and Sir Fat Cat McCatterson.” Kevin still thought those names more than a little ridiculous.
“Yeah… that.”
“Jealous?” Neil chuckled a little, then shook his head. “So, Caesar then? —By the way, when Noah posted that about your rebound…”
“Yeah, he meant the dog. I brought him along yesterday, let him meet the team. They love him already.” Kevin grinned down at Caesar who seemed happy to run with them, bright eyed, vigilant but always attentive to his new master. “Why?”
“Had me worried there for a second. You just broke up with Thea after all.”
“Isn’t that the point of a rebound, though?” Kevin seemed entirely unconcerned, which gave Neil the feeling the perfect Exy couple had not been as perfect as they had wanted them to believe.  
“Maybe? I wouldn’t know. Seems like you found your perfect match though. Who’s taking care of him when you are playing away matches?”
“Private dog sitter. Great guy, brother of one of my teammates. He’s studying identifiable behavior patterns in aggressive dogs. It’s the same guy who told me about Caesar here.” Kevin tested his dog’s new name and was pleased. They ran up the hill and as usual sprinted the last stretch towards the lake, where they slowed down and took a break at the patio. Usually this was their place if there were matters to discuss that took a little too much attention to talk them over during a run. They had come here many times, talking about problems with their teams, the unwanted attention of the media, rarely about private matters or their pasts.
“He doesn’t tire, does he?” Neil observed amazed. Caesar sat down next to him, panting a little to cool down, but didn’t seem tired yet. His attention was on the swans and ducks on the lake. Neil thought about having a dog who could run with him everyday. He met Kevin only twice a week and Andrew usually declined his invitations to come along.
“Eventually. I’ve been working on his stamina. He likes to run but he’s also pretty clever when it comes to tricks. He learnt giving fist bumps on our first evening together. We are working on ‘speak’ right now.” Caesar turned his head towards Kevin when he heard him say ‘speak’, knowing the command even though he hadn’t figured out what it meant yet, it still got his attention. Clever little guy, Neil thought. Yeah, a perfect match for Kevin. His friend always stroke him as a dog person, valuing unconditional loyalty, and a breed like this one would surely be able to keep up with Kevin’s endless energy.
“If the cats like him you can bring him over when you are busy,” he offered.
“If the cats like him? Don’t you mean Andrew?” Kevin laughed and petted his new companion’s head affectionately.
“Andrew? He’ll love him. He might not tell you that though.” They thought about the goalkeeper. Andrew liked animals in general, even though he didn’t talk about it. They liked him too, which lead to those unexpected cute little moments Andrew would straight out deny had ever happened afterwards.  
“Yeah, sounds like him.” Caesar was rubbing his head against Kevin’s leg and the striker bent down and humored him by petting him some more, rubbing his ears. “Caesar,” he called, starting to familiarize his dog with his new name. He had never called him Kujo, knowing he wouldn’t keep the name. Caesar looked up at him, waiting for a command. “Caesar, speak.” Authority came naturally to Kevin and the dog would easily accept his leadership. Caesar fidgeted a little, unsure what Kevin wanted of him. “Speak,” Kevin repeated and when the tension got too high Caesar let out a little whine. “Close enough,” Kevin chuckled and petted his companion some more.
“I’ve never seen you so kind while teaching,” Neil teased and Kevin shrugged.
“He’s young,” he made excuses. “He wants to learn and I need to figure out how to teach him right.”
“So there is hope for your future history students after all,” Neil grinned. “They might not hate Mr. Day and his notorious teaching methods.”
“Kids love me,” Kevin frowned.
“Kids love Kevin Day the unbeaten Exy striker. People get fooled by your media acts. You are still an asshole on the court.”
“And look how that turned out for you, Josten.” Now it was Neil’s turn to shrug.
“Yeah, I’m not complaining. I can deal with it. I’m not a kid though.” He crouched down and the husky turned towards him, rightfully expecting more attention and affection. When he got both from the young backliner he nearly pushed him over while jumping up with his front paws onto Neil’s knees and licking his face. Neil laughed and turned his head away.
“Caesar,” Kevin rebuked his dog. “Down.”
“It’s fine,” Neil chuckled while Caesar let himself be pushed back to the ground into a sitting position.
“No, it’s not. He’s going to get bigger.” Kevin gave a short, low whistle. “Down.” And Caesar lay down at his feet. “Good boy.”
Later that night Neil sat on the couch next to Andrew and watched his boyfriend’s digital avatar run through an amazing looking fantasy world. While Andrew entered another dungeon Neil checked his phone. Matt had forwarded him some pictures from Kevin’s Intagram account. ‘True Love’ The striker had commented below, a nasty hit in Thea’s direction. He had uploaded a series of pictures of him playing with Caesar, and the combination of Kevin Day showing affection in the cutest of ways, cuddling a young husky with strikingly beautiful blue eyes in front of the camera made the fans go crazy and the comment section explode. Neil smirked and handed the phone to Andrew who thumbed through the pictures. The goalkeeper scoffed and wrote a comment below the last one where Kevin was playfully biting Caesar while they were both on the young man’s bed. Andrew tossed the phone back into Neil’s lap and resumed his game.
‘Always knew you were gay’ The auburn-haired young man frowned down at his phone. “You know that’s my account.” A smirk tore at the corners of Andrew’s mouth. Already the fans were commenting on his —well Andrew’s post. Even Matt sent him another text.
Matt: omg Neil!
Followed by an emoji that was crying tears of laughter.
“You know, half the time it isn’t even my fault people call me savage.” It was true. Half of the posts on his social media accounts that got the most attention were written by Andrew. The goalkeeper’s own accounts were almost dead because he almost never bothered to post something there.
“And half of it is,” was Andrew’s only reply.
<<<Day 3                                                                                   Day 5>>>
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darling-i-read-it · 4 years
Worry About Him
Will Graham x reader
Word Count: 1k 
Warnings: talks of murder
Author’s Note: I. Love. Will. Graham. Also, fun fact, I can sorta draw like sometimes but I’m not very good at portraits and Will is literally the only person I can actually draw that’s how much I’m in love with him
Summary: Just soft Will. Taking care of him. Because I love him. 
Genre: fluff
I don’t own these characters. They belong to author/director 
(not my gif)
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Will was always under some form of stress. That was easy enough to say for anyone who knew him even for a few minutes. He was always worried about something or someone or an event coming up or one that had just happened. He had seen things that many people would never see. He had thought about things that no one would have to think about.
It was about time that someone worried about him.
You set out that night to his little home with all of his dogs. You were lucky to have access to his place whenever you wanted. Few people could say that. You were his best dog sitter though. Sometimes he wished you would just stay overnight and if the two of you didn’t have work you were more likely to. You usually had to decline but tonight you had other plans.
You pulled up and a few of the dogs started barking. They knew your car and they knew it was you coming over. Will wasn’t expecting you but he figured it was either you or Hannibal whom he had recently handed an address over to. 
You knocked on the door, despite having a key. He walked over and opened it, leaning against the door frame. He looked tired. He was wearing his glasses, clearly about to go to bed. 
“Hey,” he said, his voice gravelly. You smiled and held up the bags that you had.
“You mind me staying over?” You held your overnight and another bag which caught his attention. It was in a party bag, the outside all solid red. 
“What’s that?” 
He nodded and moved aside, gesturing for you to come in.
“What’s with the sudden need to stay over?” You shrugged and put your bags down. You could see him peeking into the bag but the contents were carefully covered with some tissue paper. You were also standing in front of it.
“I know about that case, the one that you’ve been worrying about lately. I figured you were so worried about it that I would come over, try and keep your mind off of things.” You rocked back and forth on your heels before you knelt over and pet the dogs that had gathered around your legs.
After that you walked over to Will, giving him a sweet kiss. He leaned into you. It was easier for him to lean against you when you kissed and to be honest you preferred it that way. You put your hand protectively on his upper arms and looked into his blue eyes.
“I’m sorry, if you don’t tell me what’s in that bag than-”
“Okay okay.” You moved aside and walked back, picking up the party bag. You grabbed his hand and dragged him into the living room. He sat beside you on the couch and you put the bag on the floor beside you. You gestured for him to open it.
He moved aside the tissue paper and as he grabbed the things inside, you listed them. You smiled.
“Your favorite movies, borrowed by me, returned to you.” He laughed, shaking his head. “Your favorite hoodie, borrowed from me, returned to you.” You could tell you were making him feel a little bit better at least. “Finally the new stuff. I made that tonight so you can have it for lunch tomorrow, I know you like it when I bring it.” He had pulled out a tupperware filled with food. “A blanket.” 
As Will pulled out the blanket he couldn’t help but smile. It had a large picture on it and then a few smaller ones around it of you and Will in different places and some pictures of the two of you and his dogs. One was of you, Will and Hannibal whose house you had dinner at one afternoon.
“So that when you start to feel a little lost, everyone who loves you will be with you. Oh!” You grabbed the last thing out of the bag. “Photo album. With the blanket rejects.”
He took it and his hand brushed over it. He was careful as he opened it and relived the memories. 
“So used to reliving the bad memories,” he muttered almost as though he didn’t mean to say it aloud.
“It’s about time you looked over the good ones. Come on, you can’t tell me the one time I dragged you to Disneyland wasn’t the best time ever.” He held those memories fondly. He didn’t like sociable situations, he could never stand them, but you had only taken him for a day and he had to admit, seeing you so happy was something he held dear.
“Do you know how much money we spent there? Did you ever count it?” he asked you, laughing. You shook your head.
“Counting it is in bad spirits Will!” You shook your head and leaned against him, rubbing his back. You kissed his cheek gently. He let out a content sigh.
“Thank you. For all of it.” You shrugged.
“It’s the least I could do. You wanna go to sleep? I know I woke you.” 
Will was silent a moment and you wondered if you had triggered something bad to ruin the moment before he spoke.
“You came all the way over here just to sleep?” he muttered suggestively. You opened your mouth in surprise and shoved him. 
“Will!” You both laughed. You looked into each other's eyes for a moment longer.
“Well-” You rolled your eyes. 
“Oh shut up and kiss me.”
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