#peter lewis kingston wentz iii is entirely to blame for this
thefreakandthehair · 2 years
here we go! the first of my So Much (For) Stardust x Steddie project! this was originally inspired by this post and my tags on it, but then Fall Out Boy released Heaven, Iowa and I haven't known a second of peace since. shoutout to @bayouteche for reading this through, as always, and to the Discord peeps for tolerating my FOB worm era. <3
A few deep breaths and he starts. 
“I can’t stand here and pretend that I know Eddie better than anyone here. I probably know him the least,” Steve starts, uncharacteristically nervous and sweaty with his friends’ eyes on him, all equally wet and red-rimmed. “But I can stand here and say without doubt that Eddie is—” 
He stands stark still, the realization that Eddie is past tense slams into him like a hammer to the skull. Steve clears his throat and wipes a hand down his face, pausing at the bridge of his nose to pinch the place he’s learned after years of practice will hold back the flood. It doesn’t work this time, tears falling at too quick a clip, crashing over the levee. 
“Was, one of the bravest people I know. Not just for what he did for us, for this town, for the world, but for showing up as himself in a place like this. And it’s… it’s so fucked that we have to honor him here in silence, in the town he died saving to protect his goddamn memory. That we can’t memorialize him as loudly as he lived, that we can’t lov—” 
A sob cracks his chest open unexpectedly, guttural and agonizing sounds spilling from his mouth.
He can barely say the word, can barely choke it out without giving it all away. Steve’s always fallen too fast, always fallen too hard, and this time, he’d speedrun through a sexuality crisis mid-apocalypse on his way to Eddie. But then he was gone. And he’s still gone, and Steve’s trying to put that into words without outright saying it, but how can say the word love now and not crumple to the forest floor under the weight of it? Of losing the possibility?
After a few long seconds, Steve manages to situate his metaphorical mask and continues as best he can. 
“Dustin, you said it best a few days ago. That more people should’ve gotten to know Eddie, and now they just don’t know how much they’ll miss. But I do. We do. And we always will.” 
A shiver runs through Steve, the wind and moonlight wrapping his scarred skin in what almost feels like an embrace. 
[read the rest of scar-crossed lovers on ao3!]
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kaylielw · 8 years
Fall Out Boy Creations Challenge | by kaylielw
Theme: Relationships | Prompt: Patrick and Joe
Word Count: 1,592
Warning: Mentions of Suicide
Notes:  Save rock and roll Era 
Patrick’s POV
It was such a nice day until Pete barged in the living room, with a grin on his face and when he has that, it’s bad for the entire band.
“Hey, guess what?”
“What?” Joe had to ask.
“These” Pete practically threw the thing that was in his pocket on the coffee table. What he threw was 4 charms only with two pairs of colors black and white. They were just flat and each had a uniquely carved symbol. Joe took a white one and carefully inspected it.
“You like them? I was casually walking by and saw this newly opened shop about 6 blocks from here. I walked in and some hot chick went to me and sell me these. Apparently, they’re for ‘good luck’ and ‘prosperity’ or something like that. It only costs me like a dollar so I was like ‘Why the hell not?’”
“Dude, you seriously believe in that bull?”
“Yeah so?” Pete pulled off another signature look, it was the puppy eyes face. It has that look that clearly says ‘ do it or I’ll commit suicide like last time’ look it’s very unlikely but he could do it.
“Fine,” I said after having a debate in my head. I took the other white pair from the table while the guys took the pair of black ones.
“So is anyone up for GTA?” Pete asked.
“I’m in”
“No,” Me and Andy said in unison.
“Don’t blame us if you guys missed the fun” Joe threw Pete his PS3 controller and waited for the game to start. I went into my own room tried to read a book from my personal library. I noticed that it's already night so I grabbed the leftover salad from my mini-fridge and a bottle of water. Two bites before I finish it, a wave of drowsiness hit me so I quickly finished up, changed in my sleeping clothes and hit the bed.
Joe’s POV
It was 11:30 p.m. and me and Pete switched to Mariokart. I suddenly got super tired and wanted to crash on my bed. There were a few boxes of leftover pizza lying around but I was feeling too tired to bother. I placed my controller on the table.
“You quitting because you can’t handle it?” Pete asks
“Unlike you I actually need sleep”
“Whiner” He used it as an insult.
“Cheater” I retorted back, went to my room and flopped onto the bed without even bothering to change.
The next day
I woke up super early like 6:00 am early which is very rare. This is the second time I woke up this early usually it’s noon or afternoon. The only thing to do now is to cook and prepare for the day. Wait did I just said ‘prepare’? Something weird is going on, but I can’t put it on my finger on what it is. I just shrugged it off. I saw Andy playing a video game at 6 am instead of Pete.
“Hey.” I slowly approached him. Usually, he’s exercising or jogging around the corner, but video games this early? Something weird is going on, but I have the patience to wait until everyone is awake.
“Oh, hey” He looked at me for a second before turning back to his game. I wanted to ask a question, but I’m afraid what he’ll say.
“Did you feel weird last night?”
“Kinda. I couldn’t sleep so I went here and saw Pete heading off to bed, leaving the place clean. I played COD the entire night”
“Okay” Something needs to be discussed by all of us, but it’s rude to wake up Pete and Patrick, so I’ll wait until noon. Until then, I’ll cook me and Andy some breakfast. In the end, I made fruit salad, some boiled eggs for me and those vegan waffles he likes.
“Andy, breakfast is ready,” I said and he slips through the kitchen. When he saw what I made, he went to the fridge.
“Would it kill you to cook some meat?” and he suddenly stops in his tracks saying “Did I just say ‘meat’?”
“Yeah, I think you did” He’s kinda getting what’s going on.
“What the hell is going on? I couldn’t sleep, I feel like I could bounce around the room and now I’m craving meat of all things. I’m a straightedge vegan and I’m craving meat last time I had that was when I was 19.Did something weird happen to you too?”
“ Yeah, I woke up early and cooked actual simple food”
“What do you think caused this?” I could tell that he’s freaking out; I, for once, was thinking properly and the only ones who can actually think properly in the band are Patrick and Andy. Considering that Andy’s freaking out for craving meat and the fact that he’s energetic...does that mean?
“I need a favor”
“I need some very negative insults”
“Are you sure?”
“I hate you.” Those three words suddenly made me want to cry. and that’s exactly what I need. For some odd reason, I have Patrick’s personality.
Patrick’s POV
I woke up groggily at noon. I was looking at the ceiling, wondering why I woke up so late. I usually wake up either early or late morning, but I just shrugged it off, because I was very tired last night. I could smell something cooking in the kitchen, I went there without even bothering to take a shower and change. I see the other guys waiting for me.
“Patrick, have a seat. We need to...discuss something” Pete said, Joe was quiet and Andy was whimpering. I just sat down without even bothering to ask what the hell the meeting is about.
“Alright, I’ll cut to the chase. Anyone who feels weird since last night, stand up” I wanted to stand up but to my surprise, everyone else did. I stood up as well.
“We think that this caused it in the first place” Joe took out the charm Pete bought yesterday.
“You’re blaming me?” Pete looked calm, but I could tell that he was angry
“No, I’m not blaming anyone here. I’m stating the reason of why we’re like this.”
“Okay,” Andy stopped whimpering and had his composure straight “You’re saying that the charms Pete bought are magic? Then what should we do to break the curse? Even it’s actual magic we don’t know how to use witchcraft”
As soon as he said that I could feel something hot, burning almost I see mine, as well as the others, are glowing. I immediately let go of it and let it burn on the table. Something was being newly engraved into the charms.
Well done my frens. You have figured it out but in order for you to return to normal, solve this riddle and all will be solved
All will be done if one can conquer their heart's desire
It’s an easy one boys either solve it or stay like that until the end of time
“It’s kinda easy when you look at it,” I said after rereading it a few times.
“Basically we need to confess what we want to say” I suddenly felt like I couldn’t breathe.
“That’s it? What we need is just some simple heart-to-heart?” Joe was kinda skeptical
“I don’t think they meant that. I think they meant our darkest secret.” Andy’s voiced was strained when he said that.
“If it’s that hard for you guys I’ll start. Um...” He just kept stammering, refusing to get the words out.
“What is it?” Joe was quite curious.
“It’ll be better if I just showed you.” Andy went to Pete and kissed him, full-on lips.
“Peter Lewis Kingston Wentz III. I’m madly in love with you”
“I’m in love with you too” And they started kissing again.
I was scared to admit my feelings to Joe because Andy and Pete already admitted love. I’m scared of what he thinks of me.
“Patrick Martin Stump, you really think you can avoid destiny?”
“Well get over here,” Joe said, arms open. I went to crush him in a powerful bear hug. I could feel a weight being lifted from my shoulders. Five years, five years since I had a crush on him.
Joe’s POV
Seven years since I developed a crush on him.
“I used to waste my time of dreaming of being alive, now I only waste it dreaming of you.”
A weight was removed from me. I feel like I can do it after so long.
Everything was back to normal, well almost everything. All of us was happy for once. We went to double dates, people thinking it’s just us guy, but in reality, it’s four guys who love each other very much. I want to say to Patrick “I love you” but I’m scared that’s why I wrote a letter for him. I asked him to go with me for a stroll at the park. I knelt down on one knee and said.
“Patrick Martin Stump, I write this to you as a message and the message is simple. I love you. You gave me reasons to keep on going even when I don’t want to,  you gave the light to all of us especially me. I want to say that I gave you everything and you did the same for me. Thank you.” I kissed his forehead gently. It marks a new adventure filled with problems, hate, and pain, but in the end, we still stand with smiles on our faces.
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