#peter mccabe
andrew-buchan-fansite · 4 months
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...and did he tell you where to find the lace?
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Gerry Drew - the wall crawling, venom-blasting, proportionate strength of a spider baby!!!
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In Spider-Woman (2016) & Spider-Woman (2020)
Art: Veronica Fish, Pere Pérez
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myfavoritepeterotoole · 8 months
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Laurence Olivier and Peter O'Toole at the National Theatre on 22nd October, 1963 / photo by Robert McCabe
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genevieveetguy · 1 year
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How am I supposed to get experience when you won't give me a shot?
Boston Strangler, Matt Ruskin (2023)
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carmelawarhol · 1 year
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a look back into the dandy warhols’ glanstonbury 2002 performance.
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gettothestabbing · 1 year
“Upon receipt of unevaluated intelligence information from Australia, the FBI swiftly opened the Crossfire Hurricane investigation. In particular, at the direction of Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, Deputy Assistant Director for Counterintelligence Peter Strzok opened Crossfire Hurricane immediately. Strzok, at a minimum, had pronounced hostile feelings toward Trump.”
“The matter was opened as a full investigation without ever having spoken to the persons who provided the information. Further, the FBI did so without (i) any significant review of its own intelligence databases, (ii) collection and examination of any relevant intelligence from other U.S. intelligence entities, (iii) interviews of witnesses essential to understand the raw information it had received or (iv) using any of the standard analytical tools typicallv employed by the FBI in evaluating raw intelligence,” the report concluded.
“Had it done so … the FBI would have learned that their own experienced Russia analysts had no information about Trump being involved with Russian leadership officials, nor were others in sensitive positions at the CIA, the NSA, and the Department of State aware of such evidence concerning the subject. In addition, FBI records prepared by Strzok in February and March 2017 show that at the time of the opening of Crossfire Hurricane, the FBI had no information in its holdings indicating that at any time during the campaign anyone in the Trump campaign had been in contact with any Russian intelligence officials,” it said.
“In the eighteen months leading up to the 2016 election, the FBI was required to deal with a number of proposed investigations that had the potential of affecting the election. In each of those instances, the FBI moved with considerable caution. In one such matter… FBI Headquarters and Department officials required defensive briefings to be provided to Clinton and other officials or candidates who appeared to be the targets of foreign interference,” it said. “In another, the FBI elected to end an investigation after one of its longtime and valuable CHSs went beyond what was authorized and made an improper and possibly illegal financial contribution to the Clinton campaign on behalf of a foreign entity as a precursor to a much larger donation being contemplated.”
“And in a third, the Clinton Foundation matter, both senior FBI and Department officials placed restrictions on how those matters were to be handled such that essentially no investigative activities occurred for months leading up to the election. These examples are also markedly different from the FBI’s actions with respect to other highly significant intelligence it received from a trusted foreign source pointing to a Clinton campaign plan to vilify Trump by tying him to Vladimir Putin so as to divert attention from her own concerns relating to her use of a private email server,” it said.
“Within days after opening Crossfire Hurricane, the FBI opened full investigations on four members of the Trump campaign team: George Papadopoulos, Carter Page, Paul Manafort, and Michael Flynn. No defensive briefing was provided to Trump or anyone in the campaign concerning the information received from Australia that suggested there might be some type of collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russians, either prior to or after these investigations were opened. Instead, the FBI began working on requests for the use of FISA authorities against Page and Papadopoulos.”
“Our investigation determined that the Crossfire Hurricane investigators did not and could not corroborate any of the substantive allegations contained in the Steele reporting. Nor was Steele able to produce corroboration for any of the reported allegations, even after being offered $1 million or more by the FBI for such corroboration.
“The FBI learned that Steele relied primarily on a U.S.-based Russian national, Igor Danchenko, to collect information that ultimately formed the core allegations found in the reports. Specifically, our investigation discovered that Danchenko himself had told another person that he (Danchenko) was responsible for 80% of the ‘intel’ and 50% of the analysis contained in the Steele Dossier.”
“In December 2016, the FBI identified Danchenko as Steele’s primary sub-source. Danchenko agreed to meet with the FBI and, under the protection of an immunity letter… the FBI conducted multiple interviews of Danchenko regarding, among other things, the information he provided to Steele,” it said. “Danchenko was unable to provide any corroborating evidence to support the Steele allegations, and further, described his interactions with his sub-sources as ‘rumor and speculation’ and conversations of a casual nature. Significant parts of what Danchenko told the FBI were inconsistent with what Steele told the FBI during his prior interviews in October 2016 and September 2017. At no time, however, was the FISC informed of these inconsistencies. Moreover, notwithstanding the repeated assertions in the Page FISA applications that Steele’s primary sub-source was based in Russia, Danchenko for many years had lived in the Washington, D.C. area.”
“The FBI knew in January 2017 that Danchenko had been the subject of an FBI counterintelligence investigation from 2009 to 2011. In late 2008, while Danchenko was employed by the Brookings Institution, he engaged two fellow employees about whether one of the employees might be willing or able in the future to provide classified information in exchange for money. According to one employee, Danchenko believed that he (the employee might be following a mentor into the incoming Obama administration and have access to classified information. During this exchange, Danchenko informed the employee that he had access to people who were willing to pay for classified information.”
“The FBI converted its investigation into a full investigation after learning that Danchenko (i) had been identified as an associate of two FBI counterintelligence subjects and (ii) had previous contact with the Russian Embassy and known Russian intelligence officers… at that earlier time, Agents had interviewed several former colleagues of Danchenko who raised concerns about Danchenko’s potential involvement with Russian intelligence. For example, one such colleague, who had interned at a U.S. intelligence agency, informed the Office that Danchenko frequently inquired about that person’s knowledge of a specific Russian military matter.”
You can read the report here.
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mitjalovse · 3 months
Martin Glover's name can be found on a variety of platters and one does ask oneself – which one of these might be the work the most people are most definitely familiar with? Personally, I would say Urban Hymns by the Verve is the most famous work he's associated with. True, he didn't produce all the tracks there, yet those he did gave the group a taste of success that eluded them for so long. The tune on the link became their biggest chart success and the group also did something they probably didn't intend – they showed a way forward for Britpop. You can already hear the strains Coldplay shall develop on their own, while several other groups will take the balladry into the soundtracks for medical soap operas. However, the original still has a power we cannot deny.
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greensparty · 3 months
Talking with Peter Holmström of The Dandy Warhols
Portland, OR alt-rockers The Dandy Warhols have been letting their freak flag fly for 30 years now. Seriously! The band was formed in 1994 and have consistently been releasing one psychedelic rock album after another. To coincide with the band's thirteenth studio album Rockmaker, which drops today from Sunset Blvd. Records, they began a tour a few weeks earlier. The new album is very much a rocker and it's worth picking up. Prior to the album release, they put out the single "Danzig With Myself", one of the coolest song titles in recent memory!
In my review of the band's 2019 album Why You So Crazy, I wrote that it was "the band’s best album since 2000′s Thirteen Tales of Urban Bohemia." Happy to report the new album is the band leaning into their hard rock tendencies. When I saw the band at Royale in 2019 celebrating their 25th anniversary, they played a ton of hits and dropped balloons on the audience at the end. I wrote "This band really made me believe the dream of the 90s is still alive!" When the band returned to Royale on March 5, they didn't have the balloon theme, but they didn't miss a beat. There was a brief technical glitch, but like any professional, they kept it going. This show was super special in that they were doing some new material off the album before it was even released. They also did a ton of their standards like "We Used to be Friends", "Good Morning" (one of my favorites FYI), "Bohemian Like You" (a big soundtrack song), "The Last High" and "Not Your Bottle" (a song they hadn't done in 20 years) among others.
Through this blog I've had the chance to cover The Dandy Warhols quite a bit. In 2019, I interviewed leader Courtney Taylor-Taylor via email. In 2020 I interviewed keyboardist/bassist Zia McCabe via zoom. So the next step was my first Dandy Warhols in-person interview with guitarist Peter Holmström backstage before the Royale show. He was relaxed, cool and very generous with his time. In addition to his work with The Dandy Warhols, Peter also has the side project Peter International Airport and he has played in Rebel Drones, The Mutants, and Sun Atoms! Busy guy indeed, so I appreciate his meeting with me while he was in Boston.
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Peter Holmström and me
Me: In 2020 the band released Tafelmuzik Means More When You're Alone, a 3.5 hour album! You're making a lot of musicians feel downright lazy in contrast.
PH: Honestly, that's just us being lazy because that's stuff that was recorded a while before that we had and we just felt like we needed to put something out. More for everybody else during that time.
Me: Now the band's new album Rockmaker, which drops on March 15, is a much leaner 41 minutes. Tell me about the new album?
PH: The concept was that all of the songs start with a riff essentially, which is not a new thing, but it's new for us. We mostly write songs starting with a chord change and a melody and the riffs come later. This time we decided to come up with some heavy guitar riffs and come up with some songs around that, which was a very fun exercise. I was not into it at first, the idea that it was going to be a metal record. I had no interest in that. But as soon as I figured out that it wasn't going to be metal, just heavier guitar, then I came up with plenty of riffs and we got a record made.
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cover of the new album Rockmaker
Me: The Dandy Warhols have always had a lot of rock star friends, but this new album features appearances by Slash, Frank Black and Debbie Harry. What was it like working with these icons of music?
PH: Unfortunately we don't ever get to be in the studio together. But still, having Debbie Harry sing on a song I co-wrote, that's...I didn't know that was on my bucket list! That's an amazing thing that my teenage self would be freaking out over. I'm still freaking out over it. Truly amazing!
And Slash - whoever would've guessed? That's just crazy. And Frank Black is super fucking cool! Another never would've expected that. But, hey - great!
Me: It's funny you mention bucket list because my next question is: are there any musicians on your bucket list you'd like to work with?
PH: [pauses] Yeah, of course there's lots of people. With my side project [Peter International Airport] I try to work with all of those people, because they're more the people I want to work with. But with The Dandys' it's not necessarily the ones who make sense, it's more the curveball ones that we end up with. I mean Mark Knofler - that's odd. I mean, Daniel Ash is somebody I would've loved to have been a part of this record. He doesn't seem to play on other people's records.
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Zia McCabe, Brent DeBoer, Courtney Taylor-Taylor and Holmström live at Royale Boston on 3/5/24
Me: In addition to The Dandy Warhols, you also have your side project Peter International Airport. Any chance they might be opening for The Dandy Warhols soon?
PH: No. I would do it, but Courtney doesn't seem to like that idea. He doesn't like any of our side projects opening up. And it would be exhausting.
Me: I do need to ask, this year marks the 20th anniversary of the documentary film Dig! about the friendship and rivalry between The Dandy Warhols and The Brian Jonestown Massacre. I know the band has had a complicated history with both the documentary and director Ondi Timoner, but what's it like for you to know that this film has amassed a cult following, just had the 20th anniversary treatment at Sundance and has brought in new fans?
PH: I try not to think about it too much, because it's not an accurate documentary. She told a story - a very captivating story - using real footage (for the most part) and we gained from it but we also suffered from it. Right when that came out that was right around the time the press wanted to turn against us anyway and we got just terrible reviews of our record that had nothing to do with the record. It was all about their view of who we were from the movie. Like big ones, Rolling Stone and Spin. Just horrible reviews. And then Anton [Newcombe of Brian Jonestown Massacre] got people showing up at shows and just yelling at him to get him to freak out for years. And finally it's come back around so it's about the music. So yeah, it's a weird one. Zia wanted to take part in the 20th anniversary screening at Sundance but none of the rest of us did.
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The Dandy Warhols live at Royale Boston
Me: Favorite album of The Dandy Warhols?
PH: It's a bit of a cliche but it's probably always going to be Thirteen Tales of Urban Bohemia. Just because pre-Thirteen Tales there was an innocence that got changed as soon as we had an actual hit. Then everything changed after that, including the way we recorded because that's when digital recording kind of took over. It stopped being about writing songs, then learning them, then going into the studio. It became more about building songs in the studio. There's nothing wrong with that it's just different. Because of that, there's an innocence to the magic thing that happened that we'll never go back to.
For info on The Dandy Warhols
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thebowerypresents · 3 months
The Dandy Warhols Return to Webster Hall Ahead of New Album’s Release
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The Dandy Warhols – Webster Hall – March 9, 2024
The Dandy Warhols are one of those bands that inspires all manner of wordsmithery in attempted service of what best captures their rather hard-to-describe-but-unmistakable swagger. (I like appealingly louche.) These songs, especially the ones that made them famous as alt-rock scene-stealers starting in the mid ’90s, balance affected distance (you’re convinced you’re just not going to feel as cool as they are) and unspecific but embraceable aggression (this is often so groovy, head-nod-able, danceable, even). Their psychedelic pop and woozy rock leanings set a vibe, and it carries for as long as they choose to keep it coursing. 
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Set up at Webster Hall on Saturday evening, the Dandy Warhols delivered a 75-minute panorama, mixing tunes from throughout their thirtyish years as a going concern, including a few new cuts from their upcoming album, Rockmaker, out on Friday. Some tunes announced themselves with sardonic insistence: “We Used to Be Friends,” “Crack Cocaine Rager” and “Summer of Hate” all pulled you along with various flavors of midtempo chug, pogo or hammering psych. Others took a more subtle approach, such as the bouncy, seductive “Styggo,” the ethereal “I Love You” and “Arpeggio Adagio,” folkie, druggy and trudging. Many of their classics from the late ’90s and early aughts (“Bohemian Like You,” “Godless,” “Boys Better”) turned up as a run of punches and sugar rushes toward the end of the set.
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Frontman Courtney Taylor-Taylor, drummer Brent DeBoer and guitarist Peter Holmström climb on top of this music and its gauzy sounds and deliver it nonchalantly, as if they don’t have to produce its cool, just direct it. And the ace in the hole, as ever — with the most entrancing vibe onstage — is Zia McCabe, all over her island of keyboards but never without something extra, whether a piece of percussion shaking from an unoccupied hand, a lead vocal here and there or dancing from her perch — yep, all swagger. —Chad Berndtson | @Cberndtson
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Photos courtesy of Dana Distortion | distortionpix.com
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andrew-buchan-fansite · 4 months
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..and do you work for the thief taker?
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Lindsay McCabe and Mary Jane 'MJ' Watson: They Should Meet, Etc.
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longliverockback · 7 years
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The Verve Urban Hymns 1997 Hut ————————————————— Tracks: 01. Bitter Sweet Symphony 02. Sonnet 03. The Rolling People 04. The Drugs Don’t Work 05. Catching the Butterfly 06. Neon Wilderness 07. Space and Time 08. Weeping Willow 09. Lucky Man 10. One Day 11. This Time 12. Velvet Morning 13. Come On —————————————————
Richard Ashcroft
Simon Jones
Nick McCabe
Peter Salisbury
Simon Tong
* Long Live Rock Archive
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aaronjhill · 2 years
Yes, yes, and yes. But it isn’t just him. The DOJ and FBI have made serious, stupid, and costly mistakes. The raid should never have happened. People need to work with Trump, instead of pursuing, persecuting, and possibly prosecuting. Unless you do the same with Hillary Clinton, John Brennan. James Clapper, John Kerry, Andy McCabe, Peter Strzok, James Comey, and any other officials who have committed crimes, then this reeks of partisan political selective justice. Justice is supposed to be blind — impartial and fair. As is the case so often with Trump, it rarely is. He has been convicted by so many before any charges have been filed, before any trials, before any due process. That seems to be the purpose of all of this.
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magical-grrrl-mavis · 6 months
There have been 82 Doctors at this point!
Keep reading line because the list is so damn long.
Main Continuum
(In order of appearance)
Classic Who
First Doctor (William Hartnell 1963 – 1966, Richard Hurdnall 1983, David Bradley 2017, 2022)
Second Doctor (Patrick Troughton 1966 – 1969)
Third Doctor (John Pertwee 1970 – 1974)
Fourth Doctor (Tom Baker 1974 – 1981)
Fifth Doctor (Peter Davidson 1981 – 1984)
Sixth Doctor (Colin Baker 1984 – 1986)
Seventh Doctor (Sylvester McCoy 1987 – 1989)
Eighth Doctor (Paul McGann 1996 movie)
Nu Who
Ninth Doctor (Christopher Eccleston 2005)
Tenth Doctor (David Tennant 2005 – 2010)
Eleventh Doctor (Matt Smith 2010 – 2013)
The War Doctor (John Hurt 2013)
Twelfth Doctor (Peter Capaldi 2013 – 2017)
Thirteenth Doctor (Jodie Whittaker 2017 – 2022)
Fourteenth Doctor (David Tennant 2023)
Fifteenth Doctor (Ncutu Gatwa 2023 - ?)
Pre - Memory Doctors
(Timeless child my beloathed)
Morbius Doctors (Robert Holmes, Graeme Harper, Douglas Camfield, Philip Hinchcliffe, Christopher Baker, Robert Banks Stewart, George Gallaccio and Christopher Barry 1976)
The Other (Sylvester McCoy, 1990)
The Fugitive Doctor (Jo Martin 2020)
The Timeless Child(ren) (TBA, Grace Nettle, Leo Tang, Jac Jones, TBA, Jesse Deyi 2020)
Brendan (Evan McCabe 2020)
Possible Future Doctors
(italicized parts of names are the title of that Doctor's first appearance, if I can't find a better name)
Father of Time (No Actor, 1987)
"Merlin" or The Battlefield Doctor (No actor, 1991)
The Army of Shadows Doctor (No actor, 1991)
"Fred" (No actor, 1993)
The Relic (no actor 1997, 2002)
The Storytelling Doctor (Tom Baker 1999)
The Web of Caves Future Doctor (Mark Gatiss, 1999)
The Blue Angel Future Doctor (No Actor, 1999)
The Curator 1 (Tom Baker, 2013)
The Curator 2 (Collin Baker, 2022)
The Watcher (Adrian Gibbs 1981)
The Valyard (Michael Jayston 1986)
The Obverse Eight Doctor (No actor, 1999)
The Metacrisis Doctor (David Tennant 2008)
The DoctorDonna (Catherine Tait 2008)
The Dream Lord (Tony Jones 2010)
The Ganger Doctor (Matt Smith 2011)
The Spriggan (David Tennant 2022)
Alternate Realities
Dalek Films
Dr. Who (Peter Cushing 1965, 1966)
The Inferno Universe
The Leader (Jack Kine, 1970)
Doctor Who and the Daleks in Seven Keys to Doomsday
The Doctor (Trevor Martin 1974)
Previous Doctor (Nocholas Briggs 2008)
The Lenny Henry Show
The Seventh Doctor (Lenny Henry 1986)
What If?
The Eighth Doctor (No actor, 1997)
The Infinity Doctors
The Infinity Doctor (No actor, 1998)
The Curse of Fatal Death
The Doctor (Rowan Atkinsen 1999)
The Quite Handsom Doctor (Richard E Grant 1999)
The Shy Doctor (Jim Briadbent 1999)
The Handsom Doctor (Hugh Grant 1999)
The Female Doctor (Joanna Lumley 1999)
The Chronicles of Doctor Who?
The Doctor (no actor, 2000)
Klein's Story
Johann Schmidt (Paul McGann, 2010)
Father Time
The Emperor (No actor, 2001)
Scream of the Shalka
The 9th Doctor (Richard E Grant 2003)
Doctor Who Unbound
The Doctor (Geoffrey Bayldon 2003)
The Unbound Doctor (David Warner 2003)
The Heartless Doctor (David Collings 2003)
The New Heartless Doctor (Ian Brooker 2003)
Martin Bannister (Derek Jacobi 2003)
The Victorious Valyard (Michael Jayston 2003)
The Previous Doctor (Nicholas Briggs 2003)
The Exile Doctor (Arabella Weir 2003)
The Warrior (Collin Baker 2022)
Gallifrey - Disassembled
Lord Burner (Collin Baker 2011)
Gallifrey - Regenerators
Commentater Theta Sigma (Collin Baker, 2011)
False Negative
The Doctor (No actor, 2017)
The People Made of Smoke
The Sixth Doctor (Dan Starkey, 2020)
Unspecified Doctors
Yeah sometimes they just say "The Doctor" and don't bother specifying...
The Cabinet of Light Doctor (No Actor, 2003)
The Dalek Factor Doctor (No actor, 2004)
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undying-love · 4 months
Beatles biographers saying totally normal things about John and Paul: A compilation
"‘John always used to say,’ Yoko told me at one point, ‘that no one ever hurt him the way Paul hurt him.’ The words suggested a far deeper emotional attachment between the two than the world ever suspected - they were like those of a spurned lover." -Philip Norman
"No matter how much he loved Yoko, the Gibraltar ceremony seems like something close to an on-the-rebound reaction to the loss of his first great love, Paul McCartney." -Chris Salewicz
"Almost in each other’s face, John and Paul quickly gained an unusual closeness, little or nothing hidden. Paul noticed that ‘John had beautiful hands." -Mark Lewisohn
"With Yoko present, Paul McCartney’s reign as Lennon’s princess was doomed.” -Peter McCabe
"John's in love with Yoko," Paul confessed to a reporter from the 'Evening Standard', "and he's no longer in love with the three of us." But for all intents and purposes, he might as well have been talking about himself." -Bob Spitz
'I thought Paul's was rubbish,' opined Lennon, saying that he preferred George's All Things Must Pass. McCartney studied the article with the morbid fascination of a jilted lover receiving a kiss-off letter. -Howard Sounes
“Lennon could have abandoned the (US) immigration case and returned to Britain, and possibly even to McCartney, but that would have meant accepting that his relationship with Ono was over.”-Peter Dooget
"Theirs was a volatile relationship right up to the end, and was fraught with emotional summits and valleys. While the connection between them was strictly heterosexual, it was deep, passionate, and highly explosive." -Geoffrey Giuliano
"John was insecure, and when he saw Paul he wanted to look cool. He gave up all his friends for Paul. Aunt Mimi recalled that John jumped around the kitchen when he told her about his new friend. She sarcastically said to John that they were like ‘chalk and cheese’ meaning how different they were. And John would start hurling himself around the room shouting ‘Chalk and Cheese!'’ smiling and laughing. He was fucking in love with him, he adored him. She understood he found the partner of his life.“ -Thomas Rhodes
“The last week in August, Paul McCartney returned to Liverpool, tanned and noticeably slimmer. In addition to starting school, he came back to begin a relationship he seemed destined for: hooking up with John Lennon." -Bob spitz
“Seeing Lennon focus on Ono rather than him [Paul] was as devastating as it would have been for Cynthia Lennon to witness the couple making love.” -Peter Dogget
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woso-dreamzzz · 7 months
Arsenal Women x Teen!Reader
Summary: You join Arsenal Women at age sixteen
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Moving to England hadn't exactly been your plan when you started to play football.
To be honest, there hadn't been a plan at all, seeing as you were four when your parents first signed you up for your local academy in Sweden. It was just an excuse to keep you out of the house, so your parents didn't have to take time off work to look after you when school finished.
It helped that your school was partnered with the academy so a representative would come and walk all the academy students there and back.
Football may have been a convenience but it was clear to everyone that you were somewhat of a prodigy. Linköping Fc signed you as soon as they could, forcing you to make the move from your tiny town to the city.
Your parents were more than happy to finance the move - the kind of parents that happily parent from a distance but brag to all of their friends about how smart, how talented their daughter was.
You were happy to be rid of them.
You were even happier to get the callup for the National Team for the World Cup.
Your chest thudded in your throat when you received the call. You hadn't thought you would get the call-up, not when you were so young, so you had been at a café with some of your school friends when your phone rang.
You had picked it up absentmindedly and almost passed out from shock when Peter revealed he wanted you on the team.
The World Cup came and went and the bronze medal you won stayed with you. You had flat-out refused to give it over to your parents, who wanted to put it in the trophy cabinet in a house you no longer lived in.
The high of the World Cup bled into the high of getting a call to sign for Arsenal.
You hadn't even really thought about it.
You just accepted.
Which was how you had gotten here, rocking back and forth on the balls of your feet as you waited for Stina to lock her car and walk in with you.
You couldn't help but look at your jersey in awe. Your number combined with your last name on the back of an Arsenal jersey felt like a dream come true.
"There she is," Amanda said when you finally wandered into the meeting room, free from media duty. She pushed out a chair that was clearly meant for you at the table she was sitting at.
You sat in the seat awkwardly, suddenly feeling shy and awkward.
"This is y/n," Amanda said to the others, presenting you to them like you were someone really exciting.
"Hi, y/n. I'm Jen."
You didn't tell her that you already knew who she was, who they all were. You just sat there and let everyone introduce themselves to you because that was the polite thing to do.
"You're young, aren't you?" Asked Kim, even though you knew that she probably already knew that.
You nodded though. "Yeah." Your voice was barely above a whisper. "I'm sixteen."
"But she's a superstar." It was nice of Amanda to butt in. It saved you from having to speak.
"I think we know that," McCabe said with an eye roll," I think we all saw that match-winning goal against Australia."
You winced slightly as you snuck a glance to McCabe's other side where Catley sat, the very defender that you megged before scoring your goal.
Your eyes widened in horror when she made eye contact. "Sorry." You looked down at your lap, hiding your shaking hands under the table.
"Don't sweat it, kid," Catley replied with an easy grin," No hard feelings. It was a good call." She smirked at you. "Though, the deer in headlights look you had after it went in was pretty funny."
Laughter rang out through the group and you relaxed marginally, groaning at the reminder. Everyone you knew had sent that picture to you and you knew for a fact that it was still circulating the internet as a meme.
It was easy to settle into life at Arsenal.
You were still shy and awkward off the pitch but you fit in well with the other girls and Lina, Stina and Amanda were always ready to sweep you away when they noticed you getting too overwhelmed.
Somewhere along the way Catley became Steph and McCabe became Katie.
You weren't really sure when that happened but it was a welcome change from when you first joined.
"Come on, kid. You've been studying too much," Katie said as an arm dragged you away from your laptop to where the others were playing FIFA.
You were dumped between Less and Vic while Lina laughed.
"She's always studying."
You rolled your eyes. "Just because you don't have to go to school anymore, doesn't mean that I don't."
"Online school isn't really school," Cloe said before swearing when Gio scored another goal," It's like...school without the deadlines."
"Except the deadline is before Christmas," You replied with a huff," I have essays to write, Katie! Let me go!"
"Don't let her go, girls," Katie said from where she was curled up with Caitlin.
Alessia mockingly saluted as she bracketed you in her arms while Vic pinned down your legs.
"Less! Vic!" You squawked as you tried to wiggle away from them.
Their holds were unrelenting and made even worse when Kyra popped up out of nowhere, digging her fingers into your side and tickling you like you had personally offended her or something.
"Stop! Stop!" You laughed, tears running down your face as Kyra remained unrelenting. "Cait-Caitlin! Caitlin, help!"
Caitlin looked at you thoughtfully, humming to herself before giving you a faux look of sympathy. "Sorry, y/n, I can't. You see, I'm still holding a grudge against you for grabbing that bronze medal." She winked to let you know she was joking.
"Oh, come on!"
It took you nearly two weeks of being in London to meet the ACL squad and it was only because Kathrine slid in for a tackle at the wrong time and hit your ankle.
You hadn't even been on the ground for that long but it was enough that Jonas sent Gio to take you to the physios to get it taped up with an extremely apologetic Kathrine following after you.
"I'm so sorry," She was saying when Gio shepherded you into the room," I'll make up for it. How does one of those big jelly baby packs sound?"
"I'm not allowed to eat them," You replied," Stina said that they'll rot my teeth."
"Fine, fine, I'll think of something. How about dinner? I'll buy you dinner for your cheat day. Just tell me when."
You rolled your eyes, having no intention of doing so but still nodded.
"What's up with all this commotion?"
You had to admit, seeing Leah Williamson in person made you feel a little starstruck and you immediately retreated into yourself.
Gio jerked her thumb at Kathrine. "Kuhl hurt the kid and seeing as we need the kid, Jonas wants her ankle taped."
"My ankle's fine," You said stubbornly but allowed a physio to usher you onto the bed between Goldie and Wienriother. You gave them both one of your trademark awkward smiles as you let the physio pull off your boot and socks.
You didn't want to look at your ankle, already knowing it was bruised by the way that you saw Goldie wince sympathetically at you while the physio moved away to grab some ice.
"That looks nasty," She said," Does it hurt?"
"Not too bad."
"I'm Teyah, by the way."
"I know." She smiled at you. "It's nice that there's someone younger than me and Naomi now."
You looked down bashfully. "Happy to be of service."
Next to you, Weinriother laughed. "Don't mind Teyah, she's just glad no one will call her kid anymore. I'm Laura, by the way."
"And I'm Beth!" She leaned over Laura to shake your hand before indicating to where her girlfriend was being worked on. "That's Viv, she's a little prickly sometimes but if you ever need some peace and quiet, I'm sure she wouldn't mind you sitting with her."
You nodded, still feeling a little awkward even though the tension had disappeared.
"You're living with Stina, right?" Leah asked," How's that going?"
"Good," You replied, focussed on the way that the physio was moving your ankle," She lets me play music on the speakers while I study."
Leah laughed. "I live right round the corner. If you ever need a break, feel free to pop in. I reckon I'm more fun than Stina anyway."
You hated asking for help.
You hated it even more when you had to ask for help on schoolwork.
You were smart. You knew you were smart. If there were two things that a lack of parents in your life gave you, it was excellent football skills and the ability to solve your own problems.
But this maths section in your textbook was causing you more pain than a Katie tackle in training ever could.
You glanced around the room. The media room was almost always empty at this time of day - the two and a half hour window between morning training and the gym session.
Almost everyone lived close so headed back home to rest before coming back. Stina had asked if you wanted to head back home with her but you decided not to, needing to finish your maths homework.
Lina had asked if you wanted her to drop you off on her way to her own place as well but you didn't relent.
You hunkered down in the media room with your textbook and, after just over an hour, your eyes stung like you hadn't slept in three days.
You glanced around again and finally swallowed your pride.
"Frida?" You asked the least intimidating person in the room," Can you help me?"
She looked up from her phone. "What is it?" She dragged your textbook towards her. "Oh! I can help!"
Despite her optimism, within a few seconds, it became clear that Frida could absolutely not help you. The more she read through your problems, the deeper her frown got until she was holding a pencil between her fingers and mouthing the question to herself as if that would help her understand.
She looked positively ill when she looked up at you before she cleared her throat. "Lia? Do you know how to do fancy algebra?"
Lia, from across the room, sighed as she approached. "I used to be quite good at algebra," She boasted," What's the problem?"
"Algebra," You deadpanned, shoving the textbook and your notepad at her," Help."
To her credit, she got further than Frida did, jotting down her working out before falling at the last hurdle - just like you did. She frowned. "Give me a second."
She rewrote all of her work but still ended up stumped at the same place as before.
"Kim? Jen? How were you at maths in school?"
Kim and Jen tried to help as well but it was like the blind leading the blind. You were going around in circles.
"When are you going to need this in life?" Kim said, drawing a line through her most reason equation and sighing.
"Unless you want to be an engineer, never." Jen sighed and flipped the book shut. "You don't want to be an engineer, do you, kid?"
"I'm happy playing football."
If you weren't doing schoolwork at every spare moment, it was safe to say that you napping.
Back at National Camp, it wasn't uncommon to find you curled up in bed or with your head in Frido's lap while everyone watched a movie.
It seemed that your need to nap every moment you weren't occupied had carried over to England.
It got a little embarrassing the first few times you had been caught napping in the communal space. It was even worse when you woke up to Viv staring down at you with an unreadable look on her face, taking in your form curled up under your travel blanket.
You had smiled nervously as she stood in front of you, unmoving.
When Beth appeared through the door a moment later, Viv shushed her sternly and tucked your blanket up over your shoulders again, taking a seat nearby with a book.
Beth, it seemed, hadn't been able to keep her mouth shut about it so your constant naps had just become an expected thing and, after Leah had accidentally woken you up and gotten yelled at by Viv for it, the team tended to just leave you alone.
You were slightly delirious and warm when you woke up from your nap, eyes fluttering open and then shut again.
The low murmur of chatter let you know that contrary to when you started your nap, you were now no longer alone.
You were still quite confused, brain still thick with sleep, but you could recognise Sabrina's Canadian-accented English so you gathered that the keepers had finished their morning practice and had found you asleep in the media room.
You also recognised that your head was now slightly elevated so one of them must have moved your head into their lap while you slept. That was nice. Sometimes you would wake up with a crook in your neck from sleeping on the beat-up sofa that Leah swore she was one bad back away from replacing herself.
Your eyes fluttered open again, blearily blinking.
Across from you, Naomi laughed. "The kid's awake."
"I'm not a kid," You said stubbornly even though you were," You're not that much older than me."
"Still older," Naomi replied.
Next to her, Sabrina laughed.
That meant that Manu was sitting with you, your head in her lap. She laughed as well, jolting you slightly as you clutched your travel blanket tighter around your body.
You yawned.
"How long until gym?"
"Hour and a bit," Came Manu's answer.
You hummed and yawned a second time.
"Don't tell me you're going back to sleep," Sabrina said.
"Fine. I won't tell you."
You spent the first few matches stuck on the bench.
You were young and not as experienced as your teammates so it made sense that you would be stuck there for the time being. Besides, it made you feel a little bit better that Kyra was stuck on the bench as well so you had someone who acted younger than you to muck around with.
"Chin up," Laia said with a grin, an arm thrown over your shoulder as she walked onto the pitch with you for warmups," You're starting today. Aren't you excited?"
"You look more excited than me," You replied a little sourly," I...I feel a little sick if I'm honest."
"You'll do great."
"So long as you tie your boots correctly and don't trip," Noelle said in way of greeting.
Your cheeks lit up in flames instantly at the reminder of training a few days ago when Beth had snuck up behind you and made a stupid sound in your ear. You had jumped into the air in shock and your laces weren't tied correctly so you tripped over your own feet and went tumbling to the ground in a way that made you look clumsier than Alessia.
"Don't be mean," Lotte chastised as the four of you passed a ball around," y/n knows how to properly tie her laces." She sent you a teasing smile and a shrug. "Besides, I'm sure she'll have some of the older girls lining up to make sure they're done properly."
You huffed as you kicked the ball back to her. You spun on your heel. "You're all mean," You declared," I'm gonna warm up with Vic and Less."
The ninety minutes of your debut match were gruelling.
The ball went back and forth between the teams. Every shot that went in was equalised quickly. Everyone was growing tired, especially when five minutes of extra time was awarded and Katie was one dirty tackle away from earning herself a yellow card.
You took a moment to catch your breath, pulling up your socks before breaking into a sprint.
The opposing team's defence was in shambles and you could see their goalkeeper getting antsy.
A long ball from Katie fell neatly into Alessia's feet and she began her run.
You followed after her quickly as the opposing defence broke their line. It was carnage for a moment as you both approached the box.
The goalkeeper came off her line ever so slightly as the defence mobbed Alessia, who passed quickly to you.
Your foot moved automatically as you chipped the ball over the goalkeeper's head and into the back of the net.
Your instincts got you the goal so when your brain finally caught up, you were sporting the same look on your face as the one you had when you won against Australia.
The final whistle rang out as you stood there in shock.
Half a moment later, the team crashed into you.
Less made it to you first, pulling you in for a tight hug before everyone else converged on you.
You felt a bit like a dog, with the amount of head pats you were receiving but the blinding smile on your face more than made up for it - especially when Viv meandered over and gave you a hug and congratulations.
"Come on, l/n!" Katie cheered as she dragged you through the victory lap. "Party tonight! I'll pay for the drinks!"
"She's sixteen," Lina reminded her.
"I didn't say we had to go out to a pub! It's legal for sixteen-year-olds to drink at home! What do you say, kid?"
You laughed. "Good luck getting Stina to agree."
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