#peter parker x astrophilia!reader
waitimcomingtoo · 5 years
hi, idk if you're taking requests rn but i was wondering if you could do a peter x astrophilia! reader where they're stargazing and he's just staring at her in awe while she rambles about space and she sees him staring and just blushes n goes quiet 🥺
Astrophilia- (noun) Love of and/or obsession with planets, stars, and outer space.
Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader
Requests are CLOSED
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At age fourteen, you didn’t exactly have much on your plate. It was the summer before high school and your days mostly consisted of the same things: Subways rides to the “dangerous” parts of New York (or as far as Aunt May allowed) and trips to random streets you couldn’t find on a map. Some days were spent inside playing Mario Kart until your thumbs hated you, and some days were spent outdoors until the sun had fully set and your parents were just about ready to kill you for being out so late. No matter what you were doing, you days were spent with your best friend Peter Parker. 
You’d been friends since preschool and being apart was not something either of you enjoyed. Today was no different. You were hanging out in Peters room, just three days before high school was going to start.
It was a slow Sunday. You were just sitting on Peters bed, joking around like always. It's been that way for years, Peter and Y/n, the dynamic duo. But you kinda always liked him a little more than a friend. You couldn't help it. Peter was sweet, kind, adorable, respectful, and treated you like royalty. You didn’t know when the platonic moments in your friendship began to feel romantic, but once you noticed, it was all you thought about.
“Do you think the people will be nice?” You asked Peter as you curled into on of his pillows. Peter joined you on the bed and shrugged.
“I’m sure they’ll be nice enough.” He said.
“Do you think the boys will be nice?” You asked the real question that was on your mind.
Peter was quiet for a minute and shifted his position.
“I don’t know.” He shrugged and kept his eyes down. “Maybe?”
You sat up on your elbow and faced him.
“Do you think they’ll like me?” You asked him awkwardly. Sometimes, having a boy best friend made conversations like these harder than they needed to be.
“The boys?” Peter squeaked, feeling a weird feeling in his tummy at your sudden interest in guys.
“Yeah.” You said shyly.
“Of course they will.” Peter stated. “Why wouldn’t they?”
“I’m kinda, I don’t know, nerdy.” You shrugged.
“You think you’re nerdy?” Peter asked. “I wear science pun T shirts and my aunt still packs my lunches.”
“Yeah, but what about the whole space thing?” You asked him. You were a bit of a space geek, something Peter adored about you.
“Y/n, you’re a genius when it comes to knowing about space. That doesn’t make you a nerd. That makes you super cool.” Peter assured you. He hated when you felt insecure about your intelligence. You were the smartest person he knew, and he loved that.
“I’m glad you think so, but I doubt high school boys will find my geekiness ‘super cool’.” You said meekly.
“What kind of guys are you into anyway?” Peter pretended to just think of the question, when he’d really been thinking about it for months. You laughed a little to yourself, know long the kind of guys you were into were Peter.
“I don’t know. Nice ones? I don’t really think about it. As long as he’s kind and can make me laugh, I’ll take him.” You shrugged with a small smile. “And if he knows a thing or two about space, that’d be nice too.”
“You’re telling me all a guy has to be is kind, funny, know a little something about space to be with a girl like you?” Peter asked in disbelief. “There’s gotta be something else, something you look for.”
“A girl like me?” You asked curiously.
“Yeah, uh, I don’t know.” Peter scratched the back of his neck. “It was a dumb question. Forget I asked.”
“Okay.” You watched Peter curiously for a moment before looking away. “And I like musicians, by the way.” You blurted. “That’s the thing I look for. Especially the guitar.”
You and Peter dropped the topic and went on as usual.
The first day of school came and went. When the sun set and you finished your homework, you took Peter to the roof to stargaze like you always did. You sat between Peters legs against the chimney and tilted your chins towards the sky.
“Wow.” You breathed.
“The stars are really showing off tonight, aren’t they? Putting on a show for us.” Peter said softly as he watched your reaction to the sky.
“I could look at the sky for hours.” You sighed and held onto Peters arm, which were wrapped around your shoulders.
“They seem so close. Just a few miles from where we are.” Peter commented.
“Well the closest star to Earth is Proxima Centauri. It’s just 4.2 light-years away.” You absentmindedly told Peter a fact about space. You missed the fond smile he gave you as he found himself wanting to know more.
“And the furthest?” He asked.
“The furthest star right now is 100 million light years away. It’s in the M100 galaxy of the Virgo Cluster.” You said like it was common knowledge. Peters eyes gleamed with an inexplicably fondness for your intelligence.
“How many do you think there are? A million?” He asked, playing dumb now to coax more facts out of you.
“About 200 to 400 billion, and about a trillion in the Milky Way.” You answered, suddenly becoming self conscious of your words. “Uh, I’m guessing.”
“Seems like a pretty good guess to me.” Peter shrugged against your body.
“Sorry. I’m being weird. I’ll stop.” You shifted awkwardly and swallowed.
“You’re not being weird.” Peter said defensively. “Tell me about them.”
“What?” You looked over your shoulder at him.
“The stars. Tell me about them. I want to hear everything you know.” Peter smiled sheepishly.
“No you don’t. It’s boring.” You shook your head.
“Not to me.” Peter promised. A smile tugged onto your lips and you turned back towards the sky.
“So, space is infinite, obviously.” You began. “You got your planets, galaxies, moons, nebulas, and of course, stars. My favorite are stars.”
“Me too.” Peter held you closer and rested his chin on your hair as he listened.
“Stars are luminous spheres made of plasma-“
“Plasma?” Peter asked.
“It’s superheated gas threaded with a magnetic field.” You answered. Stars are mostly made of hydrogen, which they fuse in their cores.”
“Got it.” Peter nodded as if he understood a word you said. His sudden interest encouraged you to keep going.
“That process releases energy, which pushes against the weight of the outer layers of the star and stabilizes it. The energy is also released as heat and light, which radiates out to space.” You continued.
“Amazing.” Peter stared at your profile. The way your face lit up when talking about something you loved made Peters heart melt. He could listen to you all night.
“I know, right?” You laughed happily, making Peter grin. “And did you know stars were some of the first objects to form in the early stages of the universe? We’re looking at the same stars dinosaurs, Galileo, and King Henry have looked at. Isn’t that incredible to think about? The same sun that warms our skin has shown on Alice Paul and Stan Lee. That’s why I love space so much.”
“I didn’t know that.” Peter said gently.
“Because people don’t take the time to learn about it.” You sighed in disappointment. “I mean, they teach us about the phases of the moon and whatnot, but they don’t tell us about the basic groundwork of the universe. Like, have you ever been taught how a star is formed?”
“No. Could you tell me?” Peter asked gently.
“Well, as long as you’re asking.” You smiled sheepishly to hide your excitement. “So, star formation happens in clouds of interstellar gas and dust called “nebulae”, right? The star starts to form when the cloud is nudged into a spinning motion, usually by a shock wave from a nearby supernova explosion or something. Clumps begin to form, and they get hotter and hotter as they gain more mass. When the temperature inside reaches 10 million degrees Celsius a star is born.” You recited. You looked over at Peter and noticed that he was dead silent, just staring at you. Your cheeks heated up when Peter didn’t say anything, and you got quiet. “Sorry. I’m rambling.”
“No, it’s okay.” Peter snapped out of his awe and assured you. “Keep going.”
“Do you really want to hear about stars?” You asked suspiciously.
“No, but I like to hear you talk.” Peter admitted.
"I still can't believe Liz turned you down.” You changed the subject to something more Peters speed. He had asked Liz Allen to the back to school party at Flash’s house and she promptly turned him down. “She's crazy."
You felt Peter shrug against you again and you wondered if you should’ve kept your mouth shut.
"It’s whatever. I didn’t really like her anyway.” Peter answered honestly.
"I know, but still. Who in their right mind would turn you down? She’s lucky you even looked her way.” You said, not even realizing what your words meant to Peter. He felt it too, that shift from platonic to romantic. He was just glad you weren’t facing him and couldn’t see his blush.
“You’re just saying that.” He replied.
“No, I’m not.” You said sincerely. “You're so nice to everyone and so smart. And oh my God, the funniest guy in the world. And not to mention, cute as hell.”
Peters body suddenly felt warm against yours and you wondered if he was blushing.
(Yes, he was)
"Nowhere near as cute as you." He said in a shy voice. You looked back at him gave him a playful shove.
"Oh, shut up. No I'm not." You looked back at the sky to keep yourself from smiling as Peter shook his head.
"You should see the way guys look at you. They practically drool." He muttered, and you could hear a tinge of jealousy in his voice.
"Oh, please. No guys stare at me.” You dismissed. “Why would they? I'm nothing special."
Peter finally looked at you and met your eyes.
"Do you really not know you're beautiful?" He asked, confusion in his voice.
"What?” You asked quietly.
"You know you're beautiful, right Y/n?" Peter sat up a little and sounded serious. Unsure of what to say, you didn’t answer and just chewed your lips.
"Did you really not know that?” Peter asked again.
You shook you head and Peter laughed in disbelief.
"I'm not beautiful, Peter. Not like Liz, anyway. Not even close." You said softly, making Peter look at you like you were crazy.
"Yes you are, Y/n.” Peter said firmly. “Inside and out. I can't believe no ones ever told you."
“Why does it matter?” You shrugged.
“Look up.” Peter said suddenly, and you did.
“You see those stars? All 200 to 400 billion of them?” He asked and you nodded. “You are more beautiful than every single one of them. Even the trillion in the Milky Way. And you’re wrong. The closest star isn’t 4.2 light years away. She’s sitting right next to me.”
“You listened.” You smiled small and looked back down at him.
"I always listen.” Peter told you. That's it, hand me my backpack.” He commanded. You laughed but did as you were told. Peter began to dig in his backpack, emptying it of books to find what he was looking for.
"What are you doing?" You asked him. He didn't answer, but pulled a small ukulele out of his bag.
“Since when do you play?” You asked in shock. You were so sure you knew everything there was to know about Peter Parker.
“Since about three days ago.” Peter answered as he held the instrument to his ear and tuned it.
"Just listen, okay? I know it’s not a guitar, but listen.” He asked calmly. You nodded, dying to see where this was going as he began to strum his ukulele. His fingers soon found the rhythm and a melody flowed out. You didn't recognize the song a first, but soon realized it was You're Beautiful by James Blunt. You smiled and rested your hand on his knee as he played.
"My life is brilliant, my love is pure. I saw an angel, of that I'm sure." He sang softly. Not only could Peter play, the boy could sing. His voice was smooth and angelic, making your heart flutter. You’d never been serenaded before and it was definitely something you could get used to.
"You're beautiful, you’re beautiful, you’re beautiful, it's true. I saw your face in a crowded place and I don't know what to do. Cause I'll never be with you." He continued the song, finally looking away from the strings and into your eyes. You listened to him as closely as you could, basking in the moment. There was that incredible voice that you loved. Peter was always shy about things he was good at, and you wondered if that’s why you’d never heard his singing before. You felt robbed of his glory for the past 14 years.
"There must be angel with a smile on her face when she thought up that I should be with you.” He sang through a smile.
You beamed at him and his cheeks grew pinker and pinker. Peters fingers dragged along the strings as he approached the final verse.
"But it's time to face the truth; I will never be with you." He strummed once more before setting the ukulele down on his lap. He looked very satisfied with his little serenade before looking up at you for approval. You looked up into his brown eyes and broke into a huge smile.
"That was beautiful, Peter. I loved it.” You told him honestly as you reached over and took his hand. “But some of those lyrics are a lie."
Peter put the ukele back in his bag and sighed.
"No they're not, Y/n. You really are beautiful." He promised.
You laughed softly and toyed with his fingers.
"No, not those lyrics." You shook your head and Peter looked confused.
"Then, which lyrics?" He asked.
You held your breath and looked away from his gaze. It was time to take a leap of faith. “The ones that say ‘I'll never be with you’, I mean.That’s not true. At least, I hope it’s not true.” You look into Peters eyes and search them for a reaction. You thank your lucky stars when you see his face light up and a huge grin making its way across his lips.
"REALLY?!" He asked excitedly, then clears his throat and tries to look casual. "I mean um, really?" Peter asked with all the hope on the world in his eyes.
“Really.” You confirmed.
"Truth is Y/n, Liz didn’t turn me down. I actually turned her down for a the party because…” he trailed off.
"Because?" You asked, encouraging him to continue.
"Because, well...you're the one that I want. Not her or any other girl. I wanna be with you." He said softly and carefully, in fear of being rejected.
Little did he know, you had been dreaming of being his for months at that point. You didn't want to spend another second being just his friend. Peter looked at you longingly, expecting you to say something. But you didn't say anything; you just leaned forward and pressed your lips to his, gently in the pale moonlight. Peter seemed surprised at first, but then kissed you back, cupping your cheek with his hand. You leaned forward and pushed him back against the base of the chimney, melting into him. You finally broke apart and stared at each other in a comfortable silence, just enjoying each other's presence. He brought his slightly cold hand back to your cheek and you leaned into it.
"I really like you, Y/n.” Peter smiled, looking the happiest you’d ever seen him.
"I really like you too, Peter.” You smiled back.
Peter laughed in joy and kissed you again.
“Do you want to go to that party together?” Peter suggested “As a couple?”
“I would love to.” You agreed to his offer and turned around again to settle into his arms. You tilted your chins towards the sky again, returning to your stargazing. This time, you weren’t thinking about space. Stars weren’t your favorite thing in the universe anymore. Now, it was Peter Parker.
Tag List 🏷
@maybemona @sunrise-shawn @meghan-8520xx @writing-for-hours-on-end @lavender-writer @captainmandeestudent17 @whatareyouhidingpeter @takenbyheartstrings @ultrunning @imyourliquor-youremypoison @theolwebshooter @autumnlyholland @andreasworlsboring101 @guksmyfav @waiting-to-be-myself @letsloveimagines @ho-ho-holland @peterparkoure @a-villain-vying-for-attention @m19friend
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waitimcomingtoo · 4 years
Peter Parker Masterlist
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Full story
In Case You Don’t Live Forever (Completed)
Rewritten Version (comeplete)
Peter Parker x Venom!reader
You are Peter Parker’s greatest love, and Venom is Spider-Mans greatest enemy
Where We Start Again
Peter Parker x Reader
How do you fake date someone you have real feelings for?
fine line
theres a fine line between love and hate and you and Peter dance it everyday
You love him, but you can never touch him
Trial Run
You stop hating Peter long enough to realize you like him
Nothing is more human than having a heart
One shots (newer posts at the bottom and on second list)
Ice Ice Baby
Peter Parker x ice powers!reader
You’re the newest Avenger and very insecure about your ice powers until a certain wall crawler makes you feel better
Sugar, Spice, and Everything Nice
Peter Parker x chef!reader
When Spider-Man isn’t fighting crime or stopping bad guys, he’s wearing an apron over his suit and learning how to bake with you
It’s my Party
Dad!Peter Parker x Stark!reader
Your dad throws your son his first birthday party, but Peter has other plans 
Like Father
Peter Parker x Lang!Reader
Cassie’s babysitter is cuter than you thought he’d be
Peter Parker x Reader
You have to hide your new ink from your tattoo hating boyfriend
A Soft Place to Land
Peter Parker x Reader
Aunt May finds you and Peter in a compromising position
Best Friend!Peter Parker x reader
You have nothing left to give Peter but a reason behind your actions
Peter Parker x Reader
Peter takes your asthma very seriously
She Will Always Hate Me
Peter Parker x Stark!Reader
Peter breaks up you after your father dies and has to live with seeing you with someone else
Peter Parker x Reader
You’re a 14 year old in love with space and Peter is a 14 year old in love with you.
Remedy Part Two
Peter Parker x Healing Powers!Reader
Your healing powers bring you to the Avengers towers where Tony and Happy play Cupid mercilessly with you and Peter
Have We Met?
Peter Parker x Reader
You know Peter is Spider-Man, but you flirt with each other in public as if you’ve never met
His Kiss, The Riot
Peter Parker x Reader
Who doesn’t like to be kissed on the cheek?
So Quiet Here
Part 2: Anthem
Peter Parker x Reader
Peter Parker has fallen out of love
Peter Parker x reader, MJ x reader
Peter puts his feelings for your aside when you develop feelings for someone else
Peter Parker x Reader
Your obsession with Criminal Minds gets your scared of everything, even Peter
Best friend!Peter Parker x reader
In which your childhood best friend falls in love with you, but you don’t feel the same…right?
Smile For Me
Peter Parker x reader
Peter grows bored during a study session and comes up with a game
Choking Hazard
Peter Parker x Reader
Peters PTSD causes him to do the unthinkable in his sleep
Violent Delights
Part Two: Violent Ends
Peter Parker x Stark!Reader
Tony forbids you from dating Peter
I See Fire
Peter Parker x Reader
Your school bus crashes on the way to Washington D.C
The Cup
Peter Parker x Reader
A monogrammed cup might be the thing that reveals your forbidden relationship with Peter to the rest of the Avengers
That Should Be Me
Peter Parker x Reader
Big Time Rush and Justin Bieber are the I things helping Peter through the fact that you have a boyfriend
Held By Me
Peter Parker x Reader
Peters wonders if the intentions behind your affection are platonic or if there’s something more brewing behind them
Far From Her
Peter Parker x Reader
The school trip to Europe makes you and Peter re-examine your relationship
Wait For Me
Peter Parker x reader
You tell Steve the story of all the times you and Peter waited for each other
You still love Peter even after he’s gone
Cherry Wine
Peters relationship with his girlfriend harbors a dark secret
Take Me Home - Choose Your Own Ending
A hijacked summer vacation leaves you wondering where your heart lies
You end up with Loki
You end up with Peter
25 To Life
Peter faces the repercussions of having his identity revealed
Peter comforts you after Brad plays with your heart
Peter is the only one who doesn’t make fun of your intelligence…or lack of
Captains Orders
You go through the process of finding out Peters secret, losing him, and reuniting
I Thought This Was a Closet Party
You and Peter get ahem…closer than expected when he helps you with a favor
Shake It
You held Peter out of a funk
Secret Langauge
Peter Parker x Mute!Reader
A study in the silence that comes when two people understand each other
Funny Seeing You Here
Tik Tok trend
You join Peter in the shower for a Tik Tok
Better Left Unsaid
Deaf!Peter Parker x reader
What the Heart Wants
You and Peter discover the worst night of your lives was the same night
Simple Additon
You and Peter grow close when he offers to tutor you in math, but he gets upset when you deny your friendship in school
Oh Brother
You and Peter start a secret relationship behind your brother Flash’s back
Laundry Wars
Enemies to lovers! (College edition)
This one boy keeps stealing your dryer
Under The Mistletoe
With the avengers well aware of your feelings for Peter, Tony holds a contest to see who can get you to kiss the most
Cool Kids
You walk in on some domestic bliss between your little brother and Peter
The Hint
Peter gets jealous when you have to flirt with someone else on a mission
Peter finds out you have OCD
Scavenger Hunt
You send Peter on a Scanvenger hunt for Valentine’s Day
Innocent Until Proven Guilty
The Avengers start to suspect that Peter has a girlfriend
After being tortured by HYDRA, you have to obey every command you’re given
You go to HYDRA to reverse your condition
Give Yourself a Try
Enemies to lovers!
You and Peter get paired together for a school project
Full series
You and Peter hook up but don’t know what it means
Peter is skeptical of your new guy friend
You discover that Peter hates the smell of peppermint when you wear peppermint chapstick
Peter sees you in a dress for the first time
Love Potion #9
When Peter and Bucky drink the love potion, they react very differently
Mr. and Mrs. Swift
Part two
Peter accidentally hits you over the head, causing you to forget you’reenemies
Everything Has Changed
High schools tests your friendship with Peter
You like to ask Peter questions just to hear him talk
Wrong Number
Peter sends the right picture to the wrong number
Little Things
When you mess up a mission, Peter recruits the avengers to cheer you up
7 Minutes
When you start driving Peter home form school everyday, your relationship changes
Such a Gentleman
Peter always tries to be a gentleman around you, but sometimes, things slip out
Peter breaks up with you to keep you safe, but he can’t stay away
Peter’s shyness makes him an easy target at his new job, but you always stuck up for him
I Think He Knows
Peter thinks you’re hiding the same secret he is, and makes a fool out of himself trying to get you to admit it
The Box
Tony finds Peter’s box of condoms
Brutal Out Here
Peter gets jealous when you get paired with Brad for a project
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