#peter pensworth
ethanjhake · 2 months
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This was supposed to be a sketch of Peter Pensworth before he gets isikai'd (I named the file "pre pensworth") but I just didn't like the way it turned out. He looks oddly like Ryphl
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ethanjhake · 19 days
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A WIP sketch from today,
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ethanjhake · 2 years
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“As soon as I accepted that I was lost, I realized that I had nothing to lose.”
— Peter Pensworth (Journal No. 1)
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ethanjhake · 1 year
Journal Entry: Frayash and Geia
Frayash (FREY-ash) and Geia (GEY-uh) are two characters from classic Traivelt literature. Frayash and Geia are twin sister horses, one with a white coat (Frayash), and the other with a black coat (Geia). 
They appear often throughout Traivelt imagery as a symbol of sisterhood, friendship, and synergy. 
Frayash is strong and fast, with a bold spirit and a will of stone. Geia is gentle and wise, with a quick wit and knowing eyes. Throughout their adventures they tend to balance each other out, using their differing talents and temperaments to solve problems in the best way possible. One legend claims that they were born simultaneously in a thunderstorm, Frayash being born out of the lightning and thunder, while Geia was born out of the wind and rain. 
Probably the most popular and exemplary story about them is one where the two sisters become separated by accident and individually meet a dragon named Syngard who attempts to convince them that he has captured the other sister and will only relinquish her once the one has brought to him specific treasures to add to his hoard. Using this scheme, Syngard plans to have treasurers brought to him by both sisters simultaneously, always promising that he will release the other sister once they have brought him the next treasure, always of greater value than the last. So even though he hasn’t really captured either sister, he has caught them both in a lie.
Geia finally sees through his lie and calls his bluff by offering herself for her sister’s release, knowing that Syngard can’t fill his half of the bargain. Syngard realizing his mistake, panics and swallows Geia whole. Soon, Frayash comes with a new treasure to trade to Syngard. The dragon, newly inspired, says that he will let Frayash’s sister go, so long as Frayash will let him eat her in exchange. Frayash sorrowfully agrees, and allows the dragon to eat her. Syngard greedily swallows Frayash whole and falls asleep content with himself. Inside of the dragon’s stomach, Frayash meets her sister who explains the dragon's scheme to her. Frayash is glad to see her sister alive, but when she hears how she had been tricked, she becomes enraged. Frayash begins to stomp about inside the dragon’s stomach so forcefully that it causes Syngard to vomit up the two sisters along with all his organs, so that he never awakes from his sleep. 
Alive and reunited, Frayash and Geia leave together with all the treasures in Syngard’s hoard. 
In other well known moments from different stories, Geia tricks a troll into eating himself, Frayash races a giant and runs so fast that she begins to fly, Frayash eats a poison fruit but survives out of sheer will power, Geia reverses time by walking backwards.
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image: Frayash is eaten by Syngard
— Peter Pensworth
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ethanjhake · 1 year
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“A Revenant—a type of ghost where the subject’s Aura is detached from the Body and Shade. Without the direction of the Aura, the Body is allowed to morph and contort in unnatural ways, and the Shade is left without direction for it's motion. The result is a person who's body begins to  misshape and who acts without reason or thought towards their surroundings. The subject pictured is largely unchanged, but her fingers have elongated to an unnatural length, and if uncured, will likely continue to grow. The empty shadowy eyes are also a tell tale sign of Revenant. The condition is, thankfully, curable. So long as someone close to the subject is able to awake the sleeping Aura and guide it back into their Body and Shade, then the person will be restored to life.”
Peter Pensworth ~ Life and Death in the Traivelt
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ethanjhake · 2 years
Notes on Scydans
Scydans are a race of Humans who dwell mainly in Scyda, a mountainous region of Terrath in the third corner.
Scydans are typically lean, with fair skin, platinum bond hair, sea-foam or sky-blue eyes, with heights varying from 4 to 6 feet tall. 
Hair dye is common, with either darker browns and light tips, or colorful streaks running through braids. They will also often have piercings, with nose rings, ear rings, and even pricings on the eyebrows and lips, though loose jewelry is uncommon and considered gaudy.
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Because of the colder climate of the third corner, Scydan will typically dress in several layers, wearing a loose fitting outer garment, with closer fitting clothing underneath to help insolate and conserv body heat.
Clothing is made out of woolybird wool, dyed colorful pastel shades, and decorated with floral, fiery, and ocean wave patterns.
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Scydans make they're living around the woolybird, which are a domesticated breed of woolybeasts, breed to be flightless, produce more wool, and be smaller, for easier handling.
— Peter Pensworth (journal no. 12)
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