petmasterclinic · 3 years
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What to feed your German Shepherd puppy?
Having made the decision to become the owner of an intelligent, smart, devoted German Shepherd, a responsible owner should know that the health, proper behavior, appearance of an adult dog depends not only on its upbringing, care but also on a well-chosen balanced diet of the animal in puppyhood. It is in the early period that the laying of immunity takes place, the formation of the dog’s musculoskeletal system. It is not difficult to find information on what food is best to feed a German shepherd puppy: you can study a lot of special literature, get recommendations from a veterinarian, and ask your breeder. Of course, it is better to do this in advance in order to have time to prepare before the baby enters your family. Let’s try together to understand the question: what to feed a German shepherd puppy. This is especially important for novice dog owners.
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Choice of dishes to feed your German Shepherd
Fundamental rules
Do’s and Don’ts: Food List
Feeding types
Features of feeding shepherd puppies with natural food
Features of feeding shepherd puppies with ready-made food
Features of feeding german puppies of different ages: how much and how often to feed?
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petmasterclinic · 3 years
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How to feed a castrated British cat at home?
When a British cat is worried, marks, tears furniture, persistently asks for a cat, the best way out is to castrate the animal. This procedure will save the castrated British cat from torment, and the owner from unnecessary trouble.
After the operation, the pet may develop new problems: obesity, urolithiasis, constipation, heart disease. A well-chosen balanced food, suitable for home British cat, will help to save the animal from trouble.
What you can’t feed a Briton?
At home, you cannot feed a castrated Briton with homemade food containing spices, salt, sugar. List of products prohibited for operated animals:
fish, seafood;
smoked, salted, fried, spicy foods;
fat meat; sweets;
semi-finished products;
bakery products.
Sweet, baked, starchy foods lead to diabetes, obesity, other foods are the cause of kidney and gastrointestinal tract diseases.
Magnesium, which contains fish, seafood, leads to the formation of stones, so fish is contraindicated in castrated British cats.
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petmasterclinic · 3 years
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How to feed a German shepherd?
The German Shepherd can rightfully be considered a versatile breed. They can be a faithful friend, a good companion, excellent watchdogs, and service dogs, performing many tasks assigned to them. The Germans are smart, easy to learn and trainable, unpretentious in their care. Many people dream of having just such a dog. But before you bring your four-legged friend home, take a responsible approach to this issue. The eating habit of a German Shepherd is the key to a long, healthy life. And although these German dogs are undemanding in food, for a large breed, careful selection of the diet and menu is required, which is quite troublesome and entails considerable costs. The question of how to feed a German shepherd dog is devoted to a mass of special literature, where the schemes of proper feeding are described in detail and there are even recipes for dishes.
Fundamental rules
The diet of a German shepherd should take into account not only the composition of the feed, its calorie content but also the amount of load and the temperament of the animal. If the dog walks a lot, is physically and emotionally involved, the extra calories will be burned easily. Such a pet will not be hurt by a large amount of fatty and carbohydrate foods. An excess of nutritious food is contraindicated in a calm, sedentary shepherd dog.
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petmasterclinic · 3 years
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What to feed the astronotus?
Freshwater fish astronotus (or cichlids) are quite large in size and heavy in weight, so their feeding in aquarium conditions should be sufficiently rich and thoughtful. The species diversity available today does not pose any particular difficulties. These fish are not too demanding, and if simple rules are followed, even beginners can successfully keep them, giving preference to either ready-made or live food. In this article, we will analyze what is the best way to feed astronotus.
Fundamental rules
When choosing food for astronotus, it is important to understand that these fish are gluttonous. They can absorb food even after full satiety, so food should be served in well-proportioned portions to avoid digestive problems. The preferred feeding scheme is every other: one-day food is served 1-2 times, the next the fish are left without a portion (food in their body is digested for two days). For young individuals, frequent feeding is required – 2-3 times a day in small portions to avoid overfeeding. Scheduled days without food for the growing fry are prohibited – this will be extremely harmful. A healthy daily intake is an amount that the fish can handle within a few minutes. All unnecessary things must be removed from the aquarium.
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petmasterclinic · 3 years
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Scottish Fold cat feeding guide
So that the Scottish Fold cat does not have health problems, pay attention to the diet. Nutrition determines whether the pet will be healthy and cheerful. We will tell you what kind of food is better to feed Scottish Fold cats, whether to give homemade food, how to choose a diet for adult pets and small kittens.
Types and classes of feed
This is a relatively new breed that has gained great popularity. The peculiarity of its representatives is the curved tips of the ears. The weight of an adult Scottish Fold is from 3 to 6 kg. Scottish Fold cats are genetically predisposed to diseases of the connective tissues of the paws and tail. They do not require special care, they are distinguished by an agreeable character, pleasant color, and cute appearance.
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petmasterclinic · 3 years
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What to feed guppy fry?
Guppies are unpretentious small aquarium fish, the simple content of which explains the popularity of the species among both beginners and experienced breeders. An important feature is that they are viviparous – fry are formed in the mother’s abdomen and are born already capable of independent life. One individual can produce from 10 to 100 babies at a time, depending on their age, but then the question of feeding offspring arises. We offer you to figure out how and what to feed guppy fry correctly and what nuances you should pay attention to.
Feeding features of guppies
Before the offspring guppy appears, the pregnant female is placed in a separate aquarium so that the young that appears does not become food for other adults. The guppy fry is housed and fed separately until they become competitive for life in a shared aquarium. The diet of small fish differs from the diet of adults guppies and has the following features:
Periodicity – for babies, it takes 5-6 meals a day, all the food should be eaten in one feeding. The settling of food debris at the bottom of the aquarium creates a dangerous increase in the nitrogen content for guppies, which can lead to the death of the offspring;
Food sizes – unlike food for adult fish, food for small guppies should be much smaller. Dry food before serving in the aquarium is pressed between the fingers to a state of dust;
Lighting – it is forbidden to turn off the light in the aquarium, especially the first week;
The volumes of food served. From birth, for the first two weeks, guppy fry should receive an abundant amount of food, which would exceed their weight by an average of 60%. In a period of up to two months, the portion size to weight ratio is doubled. Only after two months of age, the grown-up guppies fish begin to feed moderately – first, offering food in an amount of a third of the weight, and in the future – 15%.
Three months after they are kept separately, the young grow guppy can be returned to the common aquarium – they are already old enough and large fish will not be able to harm them.
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petmasterclinic · 3 years
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What can you feed a kitten for up to a year:
meat. The meat content in the diet should be 80% of all food eaten by the seal. It can be boiled beef, chicken, rabbit. It is better not to feed Bengal kittens with pork, lamb, and other, heavier-to-digest meats;
offal. Twice a week, you can replace clean meat with boiled liver or hearts, while you need to carefully monitor the reaction of the crumbs’ body to new foods;
a fish. Fish is very important for a growing body – it contains a large number of vitamins, valuable fatty acids that cannot be obtained from other foods. The fish must be boiled, the bones must be removed so that the homemade pussy does not get hurt. Most useful are redfish, such as trout or pink salmon;
porridge. The greatest value for Bengal kittens is oat, wheat, buckwheat. You should not neglect cereals – this is the main source of dietary fiber, fiber, and iron, which are necessary for the full functioning of the intestines;
What to avoid mistakes when feeding a Bengal cat?
An important condition for the correct keeping of the animal is knowledge of the list of things that absolutely must not be fed to the Bengal cat. The following list of products will help you avoid a number of mistakes in the feeding process:
sweet and salty;
pork meat and offal;
fresh milk;
raw liver;
potatoes in any form;
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petmasterclinic · 3 years
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Best way to choose the right food for piranha
The piranha fish is an amazing creature that has received the role of an unceremonious predatory fish that eats living flesh in a matter of minutes. There are many different videos where these piranhas gnaw the carcasses of animals with their teeth, leaving only skeletons from them. Such a spectacle is mesmerizing and makes many people think about purchasing a specific breed for decorative maintenance in the aquariums.
Despite their eccentric temperament, aquarium piranhas require special care and attention. An important condition for good maintenance is proper feeding, thanks to which the popular fish of the Haracin family can feel comfortable and stay in shape. If you overlook some of the features of keeping these animals, then pets may begin to refuse diet and die. In this article, we will look at what food piranhas prefer and what to feed them.
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petmasterclinic · 3 years
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Feeding and keeping guppies
Guppies are the most unpretentious fish living in home aquariums. There are countless colors variety of this species, due to the fact that fish of the same color are not averse to interbreeding with an individual that is completely different from it. Male guppies are distinguished by a large, colored, fluffy tail, the color appears earlier than in females. You need to know how to keep and choose the right food for guppies.
The best foods for guppy fish:
1. Live food (guppies love such food): bloodworms, daphnia, tubule worms (contain a lot of proteins), the fruit fly. In winter, they give frozen cyclops, bloodworms, salted, soaked food.
2. Plant food. They teach it on fasting days, give it a suitable size. Fresh boiled nettle leaves, lettuce, spinach, seaweed are suitable. Sometimes bread, biscuits, slightly overcooked semolina, and rolled oats are allowed.
3. Dry food. Gammarus, daphnia are used as additional, mixed with try vitamin A, C, E (3 drops per size of food from a matchbox) or fish oil (a few drops).
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petmasterclinic · 3 years
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How to feed a newborn kitten without a mother?
It is possible to feed a kitten on your own. The main thing is to get the right mixture or learn how to cook for the animal, as well as choose the right bottle for the orphan’s breakfast.
How to take care of a kitten?
Nursing a newborn kitten without a mom cat is not an easy task, but it can be done.
You have to fulfill several conditions for the successful upbringing of a kitten at home:
1. Find a mixture that looks like mother cat’s milk;
2. Observe the temperature regime (food temperature – 36-38 degrees);
3. Keep the cat warm, from 25 to 30 o C and wipe it after feeding;
4. Follow the signals of the kitten’s body. Diarrhea, constipation, or nausea in the person concerned indicates that the mixture is not suitable.
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petmasterclinic · 3 years
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What kind of water is right for a fish tank?
Water quality is one of the most important conditions for the comfort of your fish. Let’s figure out how to choose the safest water from the whole variety of options.
Tap water
Deionized water
Softened water
Bottled water
Rainwater Water from streams, rivers, lakes, etc
So what kind of water should you choose if they are all imperfect? Fish owners with little experience should still choose the easiest option – tap water. The main thing is to remember about dechlorination and change filters in time. Tap water usually has known and relatively stable parameters, so sudden fluctuations in pH are unlikely, which means your pets will be as comfortable as possible.
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petmasterclinic · 3 years
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How to feed a husky dog ​​at home?
Husky – hardy dogs with piercing blue eyes, adapted to exist in a harsh harsh climate – can safely live in a house or apartment. In order for a dog to be in good shape, to live a long, happy life, you need to know how to properly care for and what is the best way to feed your husky at home.
What not to give?
There are recommended and prohibited foods. The taboo applies to the following types of food, the abuse of which leads to indigestion, kidney failure:
1. sugar leads to skin problems, disrupts the growth of teeth;
2. the husky dog’s pancreas cannot cope with oily pork;
3. you can not feed smoked products;
4. the use of seasoning is unacceptable: spices destroy the mucous membranes of the digestive system;
5. grapes, potatoes cause fermentation in the intestines;
6. you can not add whole milk, sweets, salty, pickled foods;
7. boiled chicken, meat bones cause constipation, intestinal obstruction.
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petmasterclinic · 3 years
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How to brush your cat’s teeth
Brushing a cat’s teeth is an important hygienic procedure that will help prevent tooth decay, gum inflammation, and remove odor from the mouth. Today we will talk about means for cleaning teeth in cats, how to carry out the procedure correctly.
Do cats need to brush their teeth?
Can I brush my cat’s teeth? Need to! More than half of cats over 3 years old suffer from periodontal disease – inflammation of the tissues to which the crowns are attached. It begins as gingivitis (inflammation of the gums) due to plaque accumulated on the teeth, where bacteria colonies live. If plaque is not removed, tartar will form, creating a good environment for germs to grow. In addition, the stone comes into contact with the gum, irritates it, causing inflammation. If the disease is started, the pet may lose its teeth.
Other problems that cats may have if you decide that cats do not need to brush their teeth:
bleeding gums;
bad breath;
poor appetite;
depressed mood;
diseases of the digestive system due to putrefactive bacteria that came here from the oral cavity.
Of course, one could argue that wild cats boast good teeth, and they do not need any cleaning. But they have a different situation. They hunt, gnaw on solid food, which allows them to clean the enamel from deposits. In addition, tough pieces of meat are less likely to get stuck in the teeth, while soft food, which is mostly eaten by domestic cats, is easily deposited between the crowns.
How to brush your cat’s teeth at home
To clean the mouth of a cat, use an animal toothbrush. On sale there are:
a toothbrush with curved handles to make it easier to handle the mouth;
brushes that fit comfortably in the hand;
fingertips – brushes that are worn on the finger.
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petmasterclinic · 3 years
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Paw protection for dogs
Winter walks bring a lot of pleasure to the owner and the dog, but the cold period is fraught with great danger to the pet. For comfortable movement of people, sidewalks are sprinkled with reagents or road salt, which is absolutely safe for humans, but critical for unprotected pads of animals. The problem is relevant for residents of large cities. For owners with the first snow, the question of how to protect the dog’s paws from reagents comes first.
The danger of reagents on the roads
The list of aggressive reagents used by public utilities is growing every year. They become more effective for fighting ice but more dangerous for animals. Constant contact of open pads with substances has unpleasant consequences:
the simplest and most popular mixture is salt and sand. Although it does not sound intimidating, the granules penetrate between the fingers, prevent the dog from bringing the paw, scratch the pads, forming small cracks. The salt mixture acts on damaged skin, threatens with severe depression, pain, tissue inflammation, as well as the formation of open ulcers that are difficult to treat;
other deicing chemicals (including chlorides of calcium, magnesium, sodium) eat into the skin, provoke allergies, penetrate into minor lesions, cracks, causing itching, unpleasant burning sensation, with prolonged contact – serious inflammatory processes.
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petmasterclinic · 3 years
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What temperature should a fish tank be?
A comfortable water temperature in the aquarium is one of the most important conditions for the existence of fish. How to define it correctly and not harm pets?
Why is it so important to monitor the temperature of the water?
First of all, you need to know that for each fish there is a certain temperature range at which it will feel good. Please note: this is the range, not a specific indicator because in the wild there are no aquarium heaters that guarantee that the temperature will always be constant. Rain, hot summer days, cold winter nights – all these factors affect the habitat of fish and can affect the stability of temperatures. Freshwater fish experience daily temperature fluctuations, and even in a reef environment, the daily temperature ranges from 20 to 32 ° C, which can be measure through a thermometer.
If so, why are the fish owners so worried about the temperature stability in the tank? It all comes down to how quickly conditions change. Because oceans and rivers contain a lot of water, it takes a long time for temperatures to rise or fall. This change can take an entire day or even a season. Also, in the wild, freezing fish simply swim towards warmer waters. This is not possible in an aquarium. A small amount of water can quickly heat up or cool down depending on the temperature outside the tank. It is this drastic change that is the problem.
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petmasterclinic · 3 years
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Why does the fish tank water become cloudy?
This problem can be encountered by both novice aquarists and experienced fish breeders. Muddy water in a fish tank is dangerous: it makes both fish and plants sick. What to do?
First of all, you should not panic and refuse to breed fish. You can get rid of cloudy water once and for all if you approach the problem thoughtfully and seriously. Let us find out why the water ceases to be transparent.
1. Careless care
Pour clean water into the aquarium slowly and carefully, without splashing it along the walls. Clouding of water immediately after changing it sometimes happens, but mostly goes away on its own in a week. If a high-quality filter is installed in the aquarium, it will dissolve all unwanted particles without harm to the fish. Do not rush and change the water again: this, on the contrary, will worsen its condition and lead to the multiplication of harmful bacteria. There are two common types of water replacement – full and partial. The first should be addressed when your pets are sick. The second one must be carried out 2-3 times a week, and the replacement should be made by 20-30%.
2. Overpopulation of the aquarium
Sometimes fish lovers have too many pets, and so it becomes crowded together in one fish tank. Then the filter will not be able to properly purify the water, and it will acquire a greenish tint.
3. Overfeeding
Remember, it is better to underfeed your fish than to leave too much food for it. Feed the pets as much food as they can eat at a time. Otherwise, uneaten food will settle to the bottom of the aquarium, start to deteriorate, smell unpleasant and pollute the water. Ichthyologists advise occasionally arrange fasting days for fish: this is useful for pets, and the biological balance of water will be restored.
4. Improper tank decorations...
And many more...
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