#pfft sorry to be emo on main
space-ghoulery · 7 years
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namelesswolffreak · 3 years
I've been working on this story concept for....3-4 years now and I've finally managed to work everything out to the point I'm confident in posting this little blurb of the main characters. So, I hope you enjoy and feel free to ask questions about them and their world.
Context: This takes place in a world of super powered people heavily inspired by MHA / Marvel / Miraculous. Waker (Way-kur) Atlas is Dare City's main hero who is put through quite a lot on a daily to weekly basis trying to beat the baddies and Cyrus Fauthrin is his infamous thief arch nemesis turned lover and best friend who causes trouble around the city just to get the Hero's attention.
The melancholy of the day was waning on Waker as he patrolled the quiet streets of one of Dare’s many neighborhoods which was quite unusual considering every seven seconds a villain was after his head. The sun was barely above the clouds, no one was really awake yet and the only thing that accompanied him was his footsteps as he jumped, hopped and skipped to the next platform he summoned under his feet. He happened to be bounding over Lay Wind Park, the foxes fast asleep in their dens to his disappointment, but the Hero Monuments were still a sight to behold in the early sunrise as they shone with brilliance in what little light was filtering over the surrounding hillsides.
The wind blew past his frizzed locks as he stood above the park near a tree in the shade, expression steeled and focused as he watched for signs of trouble as he waited for a certain someone to arrive. Today was uneventful and rather slow, the kind of day Waker preferred if he were being honest. Heaven knew being bored all day was ten times better than returning home to the countless kitchen sink surgeries he’d have to do with worn needles and his mother’s thread pinching into his skin as he sewed up bloodied wounds full of shrapnel and debris. Much better. The birds were chirping a happy, lazy song as they flew by on the breeze and the distant hum of an awakening city filled the natural ambiance of cicadas and crickets quite nicely as he watched and waited. He dare let out a sigh as the scene took hold of him fully, a warmth washing over him that he hadn’t felt in the recent weeks.
Which wouldn’t be for long as the rustling of tree leaves and a “Boo!” have him falling off of his platforms and hurtling towards the ground with an embarrassingly shrill scream.
“Waker!” A concerned voice follows as a blue blur dives after him.
Ground spiraling as he falls, Waker braces for impact, too late to conjure any platforms beneath him to break the fall so, he readies himself, waiting for the hurt and pain that would surely follow with some scrapes and bruises…………...But it never comes. He unscrunches his eyes and removes his arms from his head to see a blue, sparkling light surrounding him.
Irritation and embarrassment take over him immediately.
His face turns a copious amount of red as he’s carefully scooped up in pale arms that hold him close and, humiliatingly enough, in bridal style. Oh god no, he curses mentally, murmuring a soft “No…” into his shield of arms. This was so not how he wanted to show up in front of his partner after their long and grueling few weeks of not being able to see each other outside of villain fights and breaks in between their testing week.
The sudden warmth of a chest presses against his side and the delicate rhythm of a frantic heart race beneath his one hand as the other quickly grabs for his cape to hide his strawberry cheeks. There was no way in hell he was letting ‘he knew who’ see him in such a state, there was no possible way he could let the witch-like thief catch him like this. A brave hero didn’t get scared or spooked by rustling leaves and the word boo! Absolutely absurd! Though a voice in the back of his mind said he already had.
“You are such a fucking clutz, I swear.” And a huge scaredy cat, the blue-clad ravenette doesn’t say aloud, but his tone implies anyways. “I should take you to my ballet classes sometime, maybe then you’d actually learn some balance.” The comment only makes him clutch the soft fabric tighter around himself.
He’s loathing the thought of unveiling himself now, but he knows he’s been caught, his normally stoic or serious persona now broken and practically burned away as he knows his cape isn’t doing much to hide his warm face or the tenseness of his grip. Plans to forever sink himself into a hole where nobody could possibly ever find him again after this mess are shortly abandoned for now and gaining courage Waker swallows the huge lump in his throat and tries to cleverly reply. “H-hey, what’s a-....What’s up, Witch Boy?” And he knows the intended playfulness doesn’t go through as he’s met with a narrowed glare.
The other isn’t amused. “Witch boy, really? Did I actually scare you that badly that you lost a couple of brain cells?”
“Shu-shut up, Cyrus!” He defends as this “Cyrus” just sighs at him, though his stare more sly than pointed now.
“Get out of that stupid thing so I can see your face.” He says with a tremble in his voice that Waker can definitely tell is laughter, the prick. “Or I’ll totally drop you again.” And like hell he will, Waker knows, but he takes the threat seriously nonetheless and loosens his grip on the cape just enough to see the Ravenette’s brilliant and ever playful smile.
For a moment Waker just stares and admires him, those brilliant blues sparkling, no, literally sparkling as he says something Waker doesn’t catch. The sun is framing his face so perfectly in the light, highlighting those perfectly red cheeks he would love to kiss every morning, and the slight upturn of his lips as he smiles down in reverence at him, and the slow flutter of his lashes that compliment his features nicely. Though braided off to the side Cyru’s hair never fails to make him look so ethereal as the gentle morning breeze brushes back his loose strands. Waker swears it looks like its made up of space itself when he lets it go during the night time, convincing himself he can see stars within the strands when he stands beneath the moonlight. It doesn’t take much to make the hero swoon regarding his partner nowadays. Daydreams of peaceful nights alone on the couch watching movies together after his nightmares keep him awake and alert run through his mind, or the times Cyrus has saved him from getting beaten to a pulp and they spent hours talking over stitching him back together about nothing at all, and every single time Cyrus has stuck up for him at school, reminding him of the warmth this person carries with them and all the love and affection he’s constantly showered in when they’re together. It’s strange how much Cyrus has changed over the past few months from raging emo to ride or die friend, but he wouldn’t change it for the world. He doesn’t even try to stop the lofty sigh that escapes his lips as more dear memories cross his mind.
And Cyrus is all too quick to recognize that dumb look on his face.
“Oh, hell no!” Is the only warning he gets before being promptly dropped, this time no blue aura to save him from hitting the dirt below, landing with a thud. “Not this early in the morning!” Though Waker could have sworn Cyrus was sharing the same look with him not minutes prior.
“Ow! Why’d you drop me, asshole!?”
Cyrus cocks his hips as he floats there, his wide brimmed conical now covering his eyes in an intimidating manner, making him way more menacing than he should considering his current attire. “Oh please, don’t even act like you’re hiding that stupid look on your face, Idiot! I ain’t dealing with your whole sappy dappy act this early in the morning.”
By “sappy dappy” Waker knows exactly what he’s referring to and scowls accordingly. Apparently, holding hands and having morning cuddles while complimenting everything about Cyrus is considered sappy and lovingly disgusting. Well at least to some people, it’s called affection and admiration!
“It’s a look that means I like you, asswipe!” Waker shoots back, malice nowhere to be found in his tone though, barring more on playfulness.
“Do you think I’m in love with you or something!?”
And they then stand there -well float there- in silence, both looking each other in the eyes, narrowed brows testing the other to make the next move or say the next snappy comment. And for a moment it looks as if the words really have cut too deep, but Waker isn’t one to remain serious for long as his shoulders begin to shake, prompting the other to clutch his stomach and stifle a grin as their eyes water over with laughter.
“Oh, no, not me, I could never.” Waker quips, leaning back and hugging both his arms, not caring for the dirt now caking his suit. Cyrus is quick to come back with his own natural snark.
“Pfft, as if! Absolutely not. Me and you, the orange haired frizz ball who kicks my ass more than twice a week over that one time I stole a candy bar? You gotta be fucking with me!” He bellows, Waker taking note of the boy flipping upside down where he floats in the air, his face a contortion of joy and happiness as his ripped dress flows with the wind.
He finds the display rather adorable, recalling that such a thing only occurred by accident when the thief was getting emotional. His inept ability to control his powers never failed to amuse the Hero. The little wrinkle of his nose didn’t quiet his thoughtful admiration either as he blushed in between bouts of giggles.
"I wouldn't have time to be your lover anyways!"
“It’s only 6am, when can I admire my boyfriend so it fits within your busy schedule?”
And the laughter is immediately quieted, a heavy silence filling the air, even the crickets and cicadas falling victim to it. The world is waiting in bated breath as if listening to the drama unfold.
Waker holds in a breath. Oh shit, oh fuck, he really fucked it up this time! Way to go, Atlas, you really did a number on today!
“I-I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to, I just did-”
“It’s ok……” Cyrus breaths out, taking a long drag of air before finally finishing. “It’s….ok.” He manages to lower himself to the ground, dress falling at his sides, and crosses his arms in doing so. “We’re-I’m going to have to get used to it eventually.” He shrugs. “Right?”
There’s a weight to his words as Cyrus steps closer to the redhead that Waker recognizes near immediately. They’ve had this talk before, a talk that has led to a misunderstanding or two between them in the past and a verbal fight at that. The term “Boyfriend.” It was a touchy subject to say the least and while it had been a challenge for even Waker himself to start using it, it also seemed Cyrus was struggling to accept the lofty title. A long time ago before the two even met, the word had a different meaning to it for them both, but Waker had long since come to terms with it himself, but understood Cyrus’ hesitation in saying the word freely. He considered his next words carefully.
“I know you don’t exactly like the ter-”
“It’s not that I don’t like it Waker…..”
“I know, Cy, but.” Failing to put his thoughts into words Waker scrambles forward to catch Cyrus’ hands in his own, pecking each delicately, square on the knuckles, gauging his reaction whilst he does so. When Waker is met with a soft smile, he returns it, though his much softer and kinder in Cyrus’ eyes. “I shouldn’t have said it when you’re not ready. Just because I moved past it doesn’t mean you have.” Noticing his smile slipping he clumsily adds in, “And that’s ok! Really, it’s ok and I mean, and I love you and-uh, I get it and I mean I just say boyfriend because that’s what everyone else says, expects- wait no- I didn’t mean to phrase it like that uh-I don’t really get the need for a title for what we have anyways, like so dumb right!?”
Followed by more ridiculous rambling that has Cyrus covering his mouth trying not to giggle. It’s a nervous habit that has come to amuse the thief to no end. “And-it not like it means anything to us, its just there for other people so they know that um, we, us, you and I are an um item I guess wow that was cheesy and dumb and I am so sorry that you have to put up with me oh god I’m rambling and no, don’t look at me like that. I’m doing the thing again aren’t I-” Shaking with laughter again Cyrus has to put a hand on his shoulder to get him to shut up because he knows if he doesn’t Waker could go on well into the night and has before. It didn’t help that he could feel the tremble of the others fingers, realizing Waker was going to throw himself into an anxiety attack if he didn’t.
“Waker!” And Waker promptly closes his mouth, panic clear in his eyes that Cyrus quickly combats by brushing strands of orange out of his face and behind his ear. “Just take a deep breath.” And Waker does, following the instruction intently. “And let it out, slowly.” And Waker follows that too, looking that much calmer as Cyrus pulls him closer. “Slowly.” He rubs his thumbs over Waker’s hands. The trembling is still present, but less so. “There you go.” And doesn’t stop telling him to breath calmly until he feels Waker’s grip relax in his own.
Delicately and softly, each flyaway is combed back into place only to immediately pop out again, but Waker appreciates the sentiment anyways and Cyrus has no problem being given an excuse to keep combing through such lovely soft tufts. He loves the soft mane of fluff on his partner’s head that even since their first meeting has remained as untamed and wild as ever. -Such a shame he always ties it back when he’s on duty though- It just adds to the contrast between his actual self and hero persona, the sweet and endearing ball of anxiety vs the serious and battle ready hero of Dare city who couldn’t catch a break. And he wouldn’t be ashamed to admit to which one he preferred.
“You don’t need to tell me-er.” Waker quickly corrects, trying not to sound patronizing. “I don’t need you to explain yourself Cy. You-we don’t need to have a name if that’s what you want, that’s what I’m trying to say. Official or unofficial or whatever, I won’t treat you any different.”
“I know Waker. I…..I really want to call you that, just I-.......I just like what we have right now and-”
Waker just pecks him on the cheek quickly and pulls away to pat at a spot on the ground, looking longingly back up at him. A soundless “You don’t want to lose me.” goes unsaid as Cyrus complies, Waker taking the shorter one in his arms once more.
It wasn’t a matter of Cyrus being afraid to commit, though maybe it was, not even he was sure of what was going with himself anymore, but a fear that the wonderful friendship he’d built up with the hero would end or change or just not be the way it is now because they suddenly started calling each other boyfriends. He’s had it happen one too many times at this point, every one of his previous “boyfriends” changing everything once they started dating, acting as if kissing and romantic outings were supposed to be their only interactions from now on. They were no longer interested in the random silly things he found on the internet or just hanging out doing whatever, but were interested in using him, his body, parading him around and rubbing it in peoples faces, being denied having fun if it wasn’t their idea of “fun” and more. Cyrus' stomach curls remembering being ignored for weeks to months at a time because he wasn’t feeling up to being in bed with them or awkwardly sitting off to the side while his one boyfriend at the time showed him off to his friends and bragged. It was the same guy who he used to play videogames and eat cookies with on the weekends, talking about anything and everything…...It hurts him to realise there probably was never a friendship there to begin with. Just an elaborate ruse to get him into bed at some point.
And that was one thing Cyrus feared when they had held hands for the first time after awkwardly admitting to harboring feelings for each other after the high of a fight they were forced to join sides on. Never had the thief felt more relieved that his feelings were reciprocated, but also more scared that he had just ruined the one healthy relationship he managed to make in those many months spent together.
Cyrus removes his hat and huddles under Waker’s chin, placing his head right on his heart that gives out a steady, comforting rhythm and brightens when the taller of the two puts his head on him in return. No, Cyrus thinks, this is different.
A long silence falls between them as they cuddle in each other's arms, just watching the sun come up. Basking in each other’s presence, taking in the warmth of their bodies pressed together in this nice early morning, and relishing in the calm which was far and few in between with their double lives and they were thankful. There’s no need to exchange words now as a quiet understanding befalls them both.
It’s only after the sun seems to peak at the crest of the hillsides does Waker make himself heard again.
“Is that why you dropped me?” And Cyrus blinks for a quick second, processing the question before understanding and then playfulness cross his expression.
“No it’s because you’re a dunce.” He huffs. “And fucking heavy as hell.”
Waker chooses to ignore that last bit. “But I’m your dunce.” He boops his nose.
“Damn, straight you are.” And Cyrus retaliates with a kiss on his.
Boyfriend or just “friend who I like to kiss and hold hands with sometimes”, Waker loves him and Cyrus doesn’t doubt that for a second.
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S2 ep 3 reaction
I have no idea what's happening
Ok this is a pretty clever intro
Also I guess the main antagonist this episode is a bdsm, emo, vampire... named Jurgen
The look Sam gives Max when he's having his vision 💗💗💗
Lol Sam doesn't question the zombies until the Commissioner calls
"You know what they say about guys with big feet. They have big thongs."
Sybil is so done with Abe. Have a feeling they'll get back together tho 😒
Poor Leonard
Bosco's is closed :(
Sybil actually seems happy to see the boys 🥰
Sam thought Sybil was becoming a prostitute
"I'm not going back into that closet. Not after all we accomplished."
Don't trust Harry alone with Sybil 😕
Abe is sulking in Stinky's
Girl Stinky asks me to get rid of Abe and I'm like, "anything for you queen" (I don't actually know how to do that yet tho)
Why does Abe have confederate money?
Well, neither Stinky or Abe were helpful
C.o.p.s. once again are the most useful of the minor characters
I don't like the delivery mini game 😒
Superball!!!! My love 💓💘💗
"Superball." *thunder and horse winnie*
Oh hey, garlic cigarettes in the garbage... Sure that's useful considering y'know
Sam honey, why are you putting grave dirt in your coat
Oh, it was a brain... that's worse
Wait, how is the torch lit in a downpour
Oh hey, I figured out the garlic puzzel quick :)
Ah, I can’t take the cigs with me and Max won't eat them
It's nice of Superball to indulge Max by doing the voice
Jurgen is disrespectful. He must die
"I never knew Vampires were so... fruity." "Not all vampires, Max. Just the European ones."
Haha Max is dancing
Oh I can have Sam dance with the zombies
What a bicon, using finger guns
"Okay Jurgen, kill ya later."
"Is that your hand?" "Oops, sorry little buddy."
Haha, Jurgen looked like an idiot while nearly burning alive
Let's make the edges rhyme
Ew he drank Max's blood
Let's grab our cigs and go somewhere
Wait... the studio?
WAIT I thought midtown cowboys got canceled
Oh well.
Ok, apparently it's popular enough in Germany (?) that it's the only one show the studio films???
Oh, I see what I have to do.
And I know how to get the holy water too!
Aw, it gives Max a little halo 😇
Dumb bitch boy intentionally smokes something that can easily kill him.
Love that him drinking Max's holy blood seems to just give him indigestion.
Oh, he actually killed the boys. Now he really has to die.
At least they're zombies?
Zombie Lincoln
The boys don't understand the difference between Stone Abe and zombie abe
I'm going to harass people as zombies
Superball can't understand us 😞
I like that Sam and Max can only communicate in groans
Oh, we can talk to the zombies now.
"But we're the Freelance Police, we can't die!"
I have to get into the VIP lounge
Zombie Abe followed us into the factory
The game is running real slow for some reason 😴
I'm going to restart my computer and see if it'll let me update Steam
Ok, since it was the monster factory that made things freeze last time I'm going to go to the studio and to The Neighborhood first to see if I can find anything new.
Oh, I can’t go to the studio :(
Jesse James hand ran off
The hand has Girl Stinky! We have to save the problematic queen!
Okay, figured out how to get it stuck
Aw, she called the boys her heroes
Sybil completely unaffected by the boys being zombies
The moleman doesn't want us to touch anything haha
Oh I forgot about her soul mater
She just keeps talking to them as if they're not zombies
I clicked on Harry a bunch and Sam just... shoved his finger in Max's mouth??? "What are they doing?"
Ok I don't think I can do anything now so I'm going back to the Zombi Factory
Zombie abe followed us again
Whoa, it's Flint Paper!!!
Aw, he came to rescue Sam and Max 💕
Lol, he shot Abe's brain out
Oh, their souls are in a cage
The souls don't want to go back to their bodies????
Ok got the intenna to charge up the alchemy table
Lol, the boys are so dramatic while bringing the monster to life
"I am... alone." "You got us." "Please kill me."
Aw, we get to introduce him to Sybil
Aw, Sybil defending the Zombie boys from Harry's prejudice 🥰🥰🥰
Oh, we were able to set Harry up as a jerk
Aw, she kicked him out because he was mean to the boys 🥲
Oooh!? Agent Superball X Sybil??? I like!
Ok, got the chocolate, let's turn it to gold.
Oooh! I know how to get behind Flint now!
"Bleh! Flint tastes like cigarettes and cheap scotch."
Oh, so we're just leaving Flint on the ground?
"Wanna play doctor, Max?" "For the last time no-- OH! With the monster, sure."
Yay, monster has a proper name now
Superball thinks sybil is beautiful 🥺🥺🥺
I want him to end up with her not stone Abe or the monster!
Maybe in a fix-it fic
Sybil is a canon monster fucker
Superball is sad 😥
Oh no! She's going back to stone Abe! I knew it was going to happen
Sam and Max blowing kisses Yakko style at the camera
Pfft Girl Stinky is still tied up
Lol, soul Max's reaction to getting sucked back into a body
Also, they switched bodies!?
"Ah, so there's where you keep your gun." Uuuuh
"I bet those candy-assed vampire hunters just don't know how to do it."
Ok that's a pretty cool way to beat him actually
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kageyamarltsu · 5 years
Okay first off, a bit of a preface: They’re a bit based off these guys from the 2003 tmnt
Tumblr media
fyi tho, rottmnt is my first tmnt media, I actually never got into tmnt before then because it never really interested me (I only watched media with lots of girls when I was younger,) And while I do plan to watch the 2003 n 2012 ones eventually, I don’t know much about the other turtle universes ^^; sorry!
Next thing, I imagine them being sometime after the whole Shredder arc, and being like the turtles next main foe. They’re created by Baron Draxum of course, and they’re around the same age as the rest of the turtles. Major difference is that they’re essentially “””raised””” by Draxum-- not actually, as he doesn’t regard them as his children, and doesn’t give them names, they’re called by their numbers; he’s a bad parent. He treats them like soldiers, and since they only know that sort of lifestyle, they just go with it.
They all each mirror their respective turtle, in both personality and body type/character design shape.
Second preface: they are all girls.
‘Why?’ you may ask. Simple, I love girls, and you can’t go wrong with more girls in your show! Also, goes with them being raised soldiers and having higher and stricter standards held by Baron Draxum as a sort of metaphor for how girls are raised to higher standards at a young age and don’t get to act like teens as much. (Though one of the major plot points with them is them learning to act like teenagers and have fun, through both the turtle crew and April)
Now to finally introduce them.
#1 Mirrors: Leo
I’m imaging her more-so mirroring (from my little knowledge of) past iterations of Leo. Where she’s the oldest of her sisters, has a lot of responsibilities to uphold, and is the leader of her sisters. She’s the only one of her sisters who actually looks like a turtles (I’m still deciding if the others look somewhat similar to a turtle-- like with having shells-- or are completely different animals). I’m still deciding though if I want her to be a red-eared slider like Leon, or a different turtle breed from all the main boys entirely.
She’s considered Draxum’s favorite due to her being the envisioned soldier he wanted. She follows orders clearly and concisely, is one of the strongest of her sisters. Although Draxum expects her to be cutthroat, when she actually doesn’t like the idea of being murderous. She attacks hard and strong, but she doesn’t wanna kill anyone! She’s incredibly protective of her younger sisters, and would do anything to make sure they’re safe (even if they may not do the same for her)!
Also since she’s Draxum’s favorite, he let’s her use his like seed things he uses to to make those purple vines. She uses those similar to him, but mostly to make twin swords (another relation to Leo!), and she can combine them hilt-to-hilt to make one bigger sword that she can spin around n stuff. She can also use them to make other weapons or used for other purposes if she wants to, but she prefers the swords.
Doesn’t immediately bond with Leo at first, because she’s emo and angsty. But when she grows a bit, she joins in on memeing with him. She also likes puns, and makes them a lot too! (Even in the beginning)
#2 Mirrors: Donnie
Like science nerd baby Donatello, she’s the brains of her group. Major difference is while Donnie has his *Leo voice* Emotionless Passion™, #2 is passionately emotionless! She’s like feral and just always hyped about things, but has zero morals in an evil way. I know a lot of people like to poke at the idea of Donnie going to ~the dark side~ but I never think he would, he’s still a good boy at heart. #2 however has been raised to be evil, so...
She’s part chameleon, so she has cloaking abilities, and makes tech to work with it. She probably has similar tech to Donnie, but instead her main weapon would be like a naginata (that can change and stuff like the tech-bo).
She’s Draxum’s next favorite, because she makes him new weapons.
She likes to hang out with Donnie a lot, and actually does even when their both enemies, and the exchange ideas and designs for new tech. For the ~~~science~~~ Thing is she’ll sometimes suggest something that’s even a bit too much for him.
#3 Mirrors: Mikey
She’s similar to Mikey where she’s really cute and (appears to be) the smallest of the four. However, since she’s actually a middle child, and not the youngest, so she’s a bit more feral compared to Mikey, as well as more deadly! She’s quite free-spirited, and is able to be since Draxum cares more about the older two.
She’s part poisonous frog! Thinking something like either the harlequin poison frog or the golden poison dart frog black legged dart frog! She crouches a lot, so she looks like shes the shortest, but when she actually stands up tall, she’s the tallest and is really lanky. She’s still got a mostly circle character shape to her though.
Her main weapon is her skin being deadly to touch, so she fights mostly with her fists. She may get an actual weapon, but I’m still thinking it through (I’m thinking something with a long chain to mirror Mikey's weapon, pfft). She can jump really high and far like a frog, as well as, crawl on walls and maybe ceilings idk how frogs work very well. She’s quite deadly and fast when she wants to be.
Both her and Mikey like art! They have funsies, and Donnie n #2 both eventually make some sort of tech where her skin isn't as super poisonous anymore, and her n Mikey can play more.
#4 Mirrors: Raph
She’s baby! She’s super big and hulking like Raph, but she’s the youngest of them, so instead of being the type to lunge in headfirst and think later like Raph, she’s a bit more level-headed because she has lower expectations with Draxum focusing on mostly #1 and #2. She’s similar to Raph in being a big softie, and incredibly lovable of course!
I’m not still finalized on her species yet, but She’s part komodo dragon! Quite big and deadly if she wants to be (but she never really does, she mostly would only be so when following orders). She has a large tail that she can use to sweep at enemies.
And similar again to Raph, her main weapon are her brawns. Thinking something similar to brass knuckles or blades coming from her hands (I don’t know a lot about ninja/shinobi weapons, but I do know they have stuff like that).
Her big sisters are very much protective of her. Mostly emotionally, not physically, because they know she can defend herself.
Her and Raph both like plushies, talking about their siblings, and training with each other to hone their own abilities/strengths!
Major character development with them, is spending time with April and learning teenager things (probably eventually getting phones through her help), she also gives them names (I personally headcanon April gave the turtle boys their names, considering Splinter tends to call them by their colors), and while #1 is the first to initially protest it--  with the others being on board with it-- she eventually gives into it, and it helps all four of them become more of their own selves. I haven’t decided what names yet, because I don’t know a lot of Renaissance artists, sorry ^^; this is also why I refer to them by their numbers in the entire post too...
Another scenario is they kidnap Leon and Donnie, #1 and #2 go disguised as them (because #1 looks most similar to Leon, and #2 has a similar body type to Donnie, and just has to add a few things and use her cloaking to look like him), and they use this to infiltrate the turtle lair. There, #2 tries to survey everything, and studies a lot of Donnie's things. #1 has a heart to heart with Mikey over her self-esteem/high expectations issues. (She also becomes protective, like over her sisters, over Mikey because of this).
Another scenario that can really be a part of anything, is a situation where they have the turtles down, and Draxum wants #1 to finish them off. While the others are whatever about it--possibly #2 n #3 excited about it (mostly because they don’t have as much of a good sense of morality yet, except for maybe #4)-- #1 is very hesitant about it, and eventually tries to sneakily let them go. Leo's the first of the turtles to catch on that she let them go and that the Draxum soldiers are likely not pure evil or unredeemable; which eventually leads to wanting to help them escape Draxum.
They also eventually do become friends/siblings with the turtles, and either Draxum becomes a good dad or they ditch him. Though this is more-so an end-of-arc situation where then they’d might eventually leave NY and go somewhere else to fight evil yokai, and like sometimes visit the turtles and April for funsies.
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gloomy-goober · 7 years
Glam Up a Rainy Day
In which a young Creativity and a young Anxiety bond during a rainy day in Thomas’ mind. 
@holdnarrytight @justanotherpurplebutterfly @twinkly-lights @here-to-vent @that-space-gay-writes
Anxiety sat by the window in the main hub. The youngest side had his hood pulled up over his head and his hand pulled into the over sized sleeves. Outside the little home light grey clouds hovered over the sky and let rain drops go and hit the ground. 
It was not caused by any terribly bad day that Thomas was experiencing, if it was Roman would be outside trying to fight it off. No, it was merely a normal occurrence of bad emotions appearing that any young teenager gets. Seventh grade was not an easy ride after all and neither is puberty.
The other sides seemed to be effected by this rainfall in Thomas’ subconscious. 
Heart, usually happy and bouncing, had lost his step and went to take a nap when the light rainfall briefly became a downpour. Logic went with the usually peppy side to make sure that Patton was not alone. Creativity had been going in and out of his room like a nervous squirrel. 
Virgil seemed to like the rain more then the others. It symbolized Thomas letting out some of his pent up emotions that made the anxious side’s job hard. He had a small desire to just go out and lay outside. Let the water seep into his hoodie, but he also did not want to risk a cold or Patton’s worry about him disappearing out into what was normally Roman’s domain. 
This did not stop him from cracking the window open slightly so he could listen to the rain and smell the calming scent. He liked listening to the other sides talk but this rare moment when the hub was empty made him realize he slightly missed his alone time in the basement. 
The boy let out a sigh and rested his head on the glass. The pitter patter of the rain lulling him into a blanket of security. He had probably would have sat like that all day if it was not for the afternoon interruption of Roman “Creativity” Sanders. 
The side did not seem to notice the newest addition over by the window as he dropped his stuff onto the hub’s coffee table. The usually green clad side had seemed to have taken a costume change in the direction of a disney character onesie. Virgil could not tell if it was Chip or Dale but he honestly expected a princess or Mickey Mouse. Maybe Pansy was feeling off today. 
The silent side shifted his watchful gaze from the window to the new interesting thing in the room. 
He watched as Creativity turned on the T.V. and stuck in a movie. From the sound of it the movie was Peter Pan. The Disney obsessed side did not look at the screen as he started to set up the things he had brought out. 
The young side dug around in the box he had brought out. Taking things out to put them back in after he set up a bunch of small glass bottles. Each one was a different color and Virgil slowly realized that they were all different kinds of nail polish. He pulled out cotton balls, nail clippers, a nail file, and a bottle that read ‘nail polish remover’ before the side closed the box and set it on the floor. 
A burning question burned in the back of Anxiety’s mind as he watched Roman look over the different colors before he grabbed a red colored bottle and began to shake it. 
What is Roman doing? Does he know I am here?  Would he be mad that I am here? 
Anxiety hugged his knees to his chest. His eyes were locked on Roman even though his thoughts were elsewhere. 
He probably would be mad. He hates me because... I’m too quiet.  Not outgoing. Stupid. A nuisance.  An unwanted addition. 
Just a terrible side for someone to have. I don’t do anything productive. I should just leave before I ruin his time out in the hub. He was here before you technically. 
“I know I am handsome but there is no reason to stare.”
The statement made Anxiety jump out of the darkest part of his mind and brought him back to reality. Creativity had stopped shaking the bottle and was looking over at the other with an unreadable expression. 
Virgil’s face burned with embarrassment. The dang habit of staring off into space was one he had not been aware of until he joined their world upstairs. He looked away and made sure that his hood casted a dark shadow over his pale face. 
“Sorry. Just...wanted to...” he began to say but let it trail off into mumbles. He still was not the best at expressing his thoughts verbally, it was something Patton was working with him on. “I’m sorry...I’ll go.” 
Virgil slipped from the window sill quickly and hunched his shoulders. He barely made it two steps away from the window before Roman’s words froze him in place. 
“Now hold on a second, Anxiety. Come over here.” 
He is going to yell at you for staring. Tell you how you were being really weird.
Anxiety sucked in a shaky breath and curled into himself more. He wanted so badly to run away back to his basement but that would only make Creativity even angrier. Roman was not known for his easy temper. 
The nervous side took in a deeper breath and forced his feet over to the couch. The boy sat as far as he could from Roman without letting on that he was scared. It was a skill he was learning was pretty hard; to put on an act of uncaring. 
“What?” His voice squeaked a little and he was going to pretend it was Thomas’ physical changes not his nerves. 
Roman held out his hands with the palms facing up. He did not say anything; just waited for Anxiety to get the idea. 
Virgil looked at him confused from under the shadow of his hood. 
Is this some kind of trick? What does he want?
Roman raised an eyebrow at him and looked down at his hand then back up at Virgil expectantly. This happened a couple of times before Anxiety finally understood what the older side wanted. 
Hesitantly, Virgil brought his hands out of his pocket and put them in Creativity’s outstretched ones. He held back a gasp at the feeling. 
Roman’s hands were weirdly soft and warm, not unlike Patton’s but there was more of a noticeable trace of growling callouses. This is not what made Anxiety sit up straighter. Creativity was also Thomas’ self confidence, positvity, and dreams. He was the opposite of Anxiety’s role as the caution, self-hatred, and pessimist. 
The warm, positive energy that Roman was leaking fought against the dark that plagued Virgil. The youngest side wanted to pull away and lean towards it all at the same time. Whatever Roman’s plan was with the holding hands, Virgil was not going to complain. It felt oddly nice for the thoughts to be completely quiet.
Creativity had locked his fingers around the other’s hands as soon as they had touched his palms. The grip was gentle yet firm as he got right to work. He pulled them up close to his eyes and observed them with a quiet noise that sounded like a tisk. 
“Bitten almost down to the bone,” Roman muttered, “But not completely irreparable.” 
Virgil wished he could do some other expression besides confusion when around Creativity but it seemed this side could only spur that emotion. 
Just as quickly as Roman had latched onto the hands he let them drop back to Anxiety’s lap. The warm positive feeling disappeared with the loss of the touch and Virgil had to do his best to not let the disappointment show. The boy just pushed them back into his hoodie’s pockets and watched as the older side looked over the items on the table. 
“Well, I am not specialist but I think today is your lucky day,” Roman said after a moment and held out a hand expectantly.
“What?” Anxiety got out, finally voicing how lost he was. 
Creativity rolled his eyes and pulled one of Anxiety’s hands from the cover of the pocket. The same warm feeling passed over Virgil but he kept his mouth shut about it. His eyes locked onto the nail clippers that Roman held in the hand that was not holding his own. 
“I am going to fix this nail biting problem. It is simply a terribly thing to do to your nails,” Roman said and began to work at clipping down the ragged ends of the youngest’s finger nails. “You are so lucky that it was me you came to for this.”
“I didn’t...you called me over?” 
Roman ignored the quiet supply of the true information. “I doubt Logan or Patton could fix them in this stage of terribleness.” 
He clipped the last nail and looked them over with an approving gaze. The fanciful side set down the clippers and grabbed the nail file; working with experience that Anxiety could not help but wonder where the other got it. 
“Choose a color.”
Roman blew over the other’s hand to get the dust off and nodded his head to the table that was still strewn with different colored bottles. There were pinks, blues, red, greens, and even glitters. It was a little overwhelming for the quiet side. 
“I don’t really have greys or blacks or whatever you emos like,” Roman set down the hand he was working on and grabbed Virgil’s other hand. The anxious side not even reacting to the flood of positivity this time. “But I am sure that you can find something dark enough to appease your little gremlin soul.”
“Do I need to choose a color?” Anxiety whispered. The flood of positive emotions spurred him on a little. 
The question made Creativity pause. The boy mid-clip of a terribly torn up thumb nail as he seemed to mull the question over in his mind. 
“No?” he said the word slowly and unsure before he seemed to find a train of thought that appeased him. “But the polish will hopefully help in stopping this bad habit. You would not want to bite this stuff off your nails; trust me.” 
He’s...trying to help me?  Why?
Virgil bit back the question with a bite to the lip and looked over the different colors again. The free hand almost went and grabbed a sliver bottle before he spotted a color that was set near the blues. It was out of his range of motion with Roman filing down his nails so he had to point over to it. 
“Can...can I have that one?” 
Roman blew off the dust and looked over in the direction the darker clad side pointed. An honest shocked expression passed over the young side’s face as he let go of Anxiety’s hand. 
“Royal Purple?” 
Virgil nodded. The more he looked at the color the more he liked it. It was weirdly bold while also having a calming effect. 
“Well,” Roman paused and took a glance at Anxiety’s eager face before the pre-teen gave a dramatic sigh. “Fine. I was going to paint my nails red today anyway.” 
The creative side grabbed the bottle and set it down close to the two of them before he grabbed a clear bottle. The began to shake it. 
“We need to put a base coat on first. It helps the polish stay longer,” he explained when he caught the shadowed expression on Anxiety’s face. 
The next few moments were filled with Peter fighting hook on the T.V. screen as Princey carefully dusted off the last of the dust with a rag and then began to paint Virgil’s nails with a clear coat. Neither of them said a word to each other but Anxiety had to admire how the simple clear polish made his usual disarray nails look better. 
“Wave your hands around,” Roman commanded as he put the bottle up. “We want that dry before I put on the purple.” 
Anxiety felt ridiculous doing it but he was not going to question Creativity. He waved his hands around to dry the polish and while he did Roman began to clip his own, much nicer, nails. 
Roman set the down the clippers when he was done and gently placed a hand on Anxiety’s wrists to get him to stop. He held one of the wrists in a gentle grip and grabbed the purple polish.
“Alright, be super still for me. I don’t want to get it on your skin. I don’t like to clean edges.” 
Virgil was as still as a statue despite his nerves. The young side stared down at the other as he worked. Every time a clear coated nail turned into the vibrant purple he felt a small spark of excitement go through him. 
Roman did not even have to tell him to wave his hands when he finished the last nail. The quiet side going to the action without question. Virgil did not even move to pull his hood back over his head when it slipped down. He did not want to mess up Creativity’s work. The flamboyant side grabbed the nail file to work on his own hands while they waited. 
When the color was done drying Roman put another clear coat over the nails. It seemed to take the purple and turn it into jewels in Anxiety’s eyes. 
“And there, when that dries you will be all done. Course you could do a pedicure but I refuse to do feet,” Roman said as he set the bottle down. 
Virgil stared down at his painted nails with wide eyes. Sure the skin around the nails still had the obvious signs of dry skin and his cuticles were not the best in the world but they looked amazing. Roman had done an amazing job with the limited experience. 
Roman and Virgil were shocked when the youngest side suddenly lept forward and hugged the other. The two frozen with Anxiety latched onto Roman in a hug. 
“Thank you.” 
Creativity was not given an option to respond. Just as quickly as the other had shown affection he let go and hurried out of the main hub. The basement door closing before the other side could blink. 
It was nerves that drove Anxiety into hiding but they were not the standard nerves the young side was used to. They were the kind of nerves that made someone want to giggle, jump, spin around in a circle, or just all over be happy. The positive energy that Creativity had unknowingly leaked still running through him as he made his way down into his room in a careful way to not mess up his hands. 
Upstairs, Roman did as he said he was going to do. He painted his nails red; bright rubies that would stand out against his usual green outfit if he decided to change back into it.  The movie he had put on covering up the fact that the rain that had been falling outside in Thomas’ subconscious had stopped. 
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jinniejohns-blog · 7 years
get to know me tag
okkkk so i was tagged by @whenjikookhappens and @idunknowhyimhere for one version, and @sashagirl1116 for another version...right?? maybe more but honestly for some of ‘em, i’m super late to getting to this OTL forgive me, but i’m combining them since they’re similar and i’m lazy :3
1ST RULE: Tag 9 people you want to get to know better (I think I might break this rule, because I don’t have 9 people askhakjss)
2ND RULE: Fill in the categories
Appearance: i have shoulder-length curly ass hair that’s dark brown (so dark to the point where it just looks black at this point-). i am 5′5″ i believe (approx. 167cm according to google) and have brown eyes. i’m always wearing black because i live that #Emo lifestyle....jkjk, no but i always wear either sweaters or hoodies/overthrows and pants- it’s a rare occasion if you see me in a dress, skirt, or shorts but it can happen if i’m feeling up to it.
Personality: i’m super quiet and reserved if i don’t know people (i try not to be online, but am still awkward as all hell) but i’m super lame when you get to know me. like, very lame. so lame i’m surprised if you don’t leave. that lame. i like to make lame jokes and puns a lot, but sometimes hold myself back because even i embarrass myself sometimes (all the time). i like to tease the people i feel close to, so outsiders may think i’m just a bitch, but i swear i’m not...or at least i try not to be *hides* ummmM i’m also sarcastic af if i know you well (or feel that comfortable) and i speak fluent meme. i’m very emotion-based in my actions, so don’t mess with those i love unless you’re looking to catch these hands!! :)
Ability: iiiiiii don’t have any “SUPER WOW AMAZING” abilities lol, but i draw and write aaaaand can play piano by ear *shrug* i dunno what my IQ is but apparently i pick things up quickly and am good at teaching myself stuff from either just experimenting or using...my...brain... so people say that’s smart, no idea. (i don’t believe them but sure, why not-) i dunno if this would count as an ability, probably a negative one, but i’m a toTAL WORD DUMPSTER. like, you’ll see in this because i can just type and type and talk and talk and saljsalsja i also ramble a lot along with this, so that’s also great. but yeah i shall stop myself now.
Hobbies: as mentioned above, writing and drawing are my main hobbies! also just listening to music (or musicals) in my cocoon (blanket) lol i don’t do much  because duh, i’m lame. 
Experiences: hmm this’ll be more like injury stories because those are fun. ok story uno: i was born with a hole in my heart!! :D i was apparently super close to dying because duh, nothing was functioning right and had to get my first surgery ever while only a couple seconds old. mmm there was also this one time where i was riding my scooter in my family’s garage on easter (i was like 6 or 8) and i bumped into the grill which had rose clippers on it. the rose clippers fell and sliced my foot open from heel to toe. i didn’t even notice tho and kept riding until my aunt was like saying how i’m trailing blood somehow and looked at my foot and screamed...then i started crying like a baby (ofc) and got 8 stitched and a cast. i didn’t understand why they wouldn’t let me walk tho and made it worse becAUSE I WAS A STUPID ASS KID. uhh another time i was riding my bike on the road and i was standing and riding (like this) and my foot slipped so i fell right on the road. my face hit the concrete and my arm was twisted and underneath the bike. me being the stupid 8-11 year old i was froze and started to cry because there was a car driving towards me and i thought they’d run me over. the car stopped, duh, but i was still convinced i’d get hit and i couldn’t frickin move because i was weak, so my mom had to come and get me after i was screaming bloody murder for her nonstop. i’m so embarrassed by that one because i was so dramatic ugh...and iN PUBLIC TOO ASKHSLJSA i’m the clumsiest person ever (namjoon level, bro) so injuries (either minor, major, or just plain stupid) happen a lot.
My Life:  well i go to a charter school, which is basically home school except i have to go onto “campus” (we call it campus, it’s a regular school building) twice a week. but majority of everything is completed online. mmmm right now i’m trying not to fail math as i continue my hate for biology ^_^ i live with my parents, grandparents, and younger siblings. i wanna be some sort of artist or writer, but i’m just not sure yet soooo yeah.
Relationships: i’ve never been in any sort of serious relationship. i once dated this guy online but i was, like, 12 so i don’t really count it, nor mention it (until now pfft). bUT my tumblr wifey is none other than @ithefanfictionwriter (aren’t i just the luckiest person alive to have them?? *sighs fondly*)
Random Stuff: if i get into the right mindset i like to bake. like, a lot. i always have these random bursts of creativity and/or motivation where i just wanna try shit .. like right at that moment, no waiting because i’ll most likely not wanna do it later. so now. right now. i’m also impatient af if you couldn’t tell. hmmm most of the time, i don’t like watching movies or anything like that because i have such a short attention span and will most likely get bored within a couple minutes. i’m in other fandoms that aren’t relating to kpop- i.e., talk to me about hamilton, heathers (both the movie & musical), deh, camp camp, eddsworld, rick and morty, etc. etc. and i’ll love you forever!!!!! i used to be into hetalia but only when i was younger so majority of it’s been pushed outta my mind, hence why i never mention because i don’t want people to think i’m hARDCOre ‘cause i’m honestly not. 
das it!! wow, look at all those words. i’m sorry if you read through it all. this is why all my essays turn out to be 2000 words over the word limit majority of the time and- shit i’m doing it again. I’LL SHUT UP AND TAG PEOPLE: @futuristicgardenerbasement , @jhopesun , @chimchimswifey95 (i know you lol but no one else does so get typing dorky), @thewordbedlookslikeabed , @neckpillows , @chockenscritch and that’s all because i dunno who else to tag (oops).
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ratmonologue · 7 years
Mash for the TV series one and all the questions and star wars for the salty asks
Favourite character: Dr.+Captain Benjamin Franklin “Hawkeye” Pierce, the one and only, and love of my life even though he really shouldn’t be
Funniest character: They’re… all hilarious in their own ways…. I love Hawkeye’s punning, Trapper’s one-liners, Frank’s patheticness, Klinger’s sheer zaniness…. Though Hawkeye and Trapper have had me in tears of laughter the most out of everyone, so I guess them
Best-looking character: None of them are especially handsome/pretty or anything, but I’ll go with pre-mustache BJ. I have yet to see anyone else pull off a pink henley like he did.
3 favourite ships: I don’t romantically ship anyone. I like how Hawkeye and Margaret’s relationship develops, the Radar/Henry father-son dynamic is adorable, and Frank and Margaret did make for some comedy gold even though she deserves sooooo much better than him.
Least favourite character: I honestly love all of the main cast. A lot of the one-off military brass higher-ups were complete assholes, so I guess one of them? I know this is cheating but so there.
Least favourite ship: I don’t see romantic Hawkeye/Trapper or Hawkeye/BJ (sorry 90% of the MASH fandom), so those, even though I love both friendships.
Reason why I watch it: The quality comedy, the zany characters, and the hope and humanity that (usually) persists even in the middle of the most depressing circumstances there could be. The show (and especially Hawkeye) was also one of the main things that helped me get through a pretty rough patch in my life, so, yeah, I’m eternally grateful for Alan Alda’s existence.
Why I started watching it: It would be on TV and my mom would sometimes watch it and I just kinda got sucked in
Aaand Salty Star Wars under the cut, bc this is probably gonna get long
1. What OTPs in your fandom(s) do you just not get?
Reylo. Sorry. But no. I hate that fucker and Rey deserves so much better.
2. Are there any popular fandom OTPs you only BroTP?
Most of them, tbh….. I’m really not a shipper.
3. Have you ever unfollowed someone over a fandom opinion?
OHHHH YES. Many times.
4. Do you have a NoTP in your fandom? Are they a popular OTP?
I already mentioned my disgust for reylo right
5. Has fandom ever ruined a pairing for you?
Not in Star Wars, at least, but that’s because I don’t ship anyone anyway. Except for Han/Leia and Kylo/purgatory. Those I do ship.
6. Has fandom ever made you enjoy a pairing you previously hated?
7. Is there anything you used to like but can’t stand now?
The oversaturation of TFA stuff (especially when compared to Rogue One, which was, imo, a FAR superior movie but doesn’t have a third as much fandom recognition) cooled my feelings toward TFA somewhat. I still like it, but in more of a “whatever, it’s alright” sort of way.
8. Have you received anon hate? What about?
Pfft no I’m not that important
9. Most disliked character(s)? Why?
Kylo. Whiny little pissbaby. I don’t like Anakin either, but at least he had REASONS why he was such a tortured little whiner. Kylo doesn’t have any of those backstory sads, he’s just a not-so-little emo fuck with a nonsensical boner for the dark side.
Jabba and Palpatine are also terrible people, and I really do not understand the fandom’s obsession with Hux. He’s so boring. He’s just….. occasionally kinda there.
10. Most disliked arc? Why?
Attack of the Clones is irredeemably terrible in every single way. Sorry. (Not.) Though the Padme+Anakin “““romance”““ is especially cringeworthy.
11. Is there an unpopular character you like that the fandom doesn’t? Why?
I don’t see enough love for Qui-Gon Jinn and his fuck-the-council-I-do-what-I-want poncho-wearing fabulousness
12. Is there an unpopular arc that you like that the fandom doesn’t? Why?
I like the ewoks. Fight me.
13. Unpopular opinion about XXX character?
I think I’ve slandered Kylo enough for the time being
14. Unpopular opinion about your fandom?
Can the Rogue One fandom maybe please stop shipping everyone in sight? I like Cassian/Jyn too, but frankly this is getting ridiculous. Also Bodhi. Y’all fuckers need to start showing some more love for him.
15. Unpopular opinion about the manga/show?
God forbid Star Wars ever becomes an anime…..
16. If you could change anything in the show, what would you change?
The entire prequels tbh. Just…. scrap them entirely, rewrite them from scratch so they actually make sense, practical effects > cgi, and hire a halfway competent director.
17. Instead of XYZ happening, I would have made ABC happen…
Instead of Padme dying because “she lost the will to live” (?????) I’d have made her start what eventually becomes the rebellion and die in a way that actually means something and makes sense for her character. And wait a few years for that death so Leia actually CAN remember her like she claims to in RotJ.
18. Does not shipping something ‘popular’ mean you’re in denial and/or biased?
Uh…. what the fuck is this asking…… people can have different opinions and also everyone has biases……..? there is no ~objective shipping truth~ that people must be in denial from…….? what the fuck
19. What is the one thing you hate most about your fandom?
Shippers. That goes for any and every fandom.
20. What is the purest ship in the fandom?
I guess Finn/Rey or Finn/Poe is as “““pure”““ as it gets. Have I ever mentioned that I hate tumblr’s obsession with “““purity”““, by the way? Because I do. I fucking despise it.
If we’re talking literal ships, then the Millennium Falcon is the most perfect piece of junk in the entire galaxy.
21. What are your thoughts on crack ships?
I mean, smugglers and drug dealers have to make a living too, though personally I think that captaining a crack ship would be too dangerous.
22. Popular character you hate?
Never mind I guess I’m not done bashing Kylo yet. Also, Yoda’s a reasonably interesting character but god I hate him and his terrible TERRIBLE black-and-white outlook on the world. Most of the Jedi Council is guilty of that, actually. I kinda hate them all.
23. Unpopular character you love?
I think I’ve already mentioned Qui-Gon and Bodhi
24. Would you recommend XXX to a friend? Why or why not?
Yes because for all its flaws Star Wars (the original trilogy at the very least) is a classic and deservedly so. It’s such a great archetypal underdog story with wonderful characters and action and MUSIC, DEAR GOD THE MUSIC, ALL HAIL JOHN WILLIAMS FOREVER AND EVER AMEN
25. How would you end XXX/Would you change the ending of XXX?
I mean, Star Wars as a whole is still ongoing. I’d change quite a few things in TFA, especially the whole Han/Leia (lack of a) thing. That was so unnecessary.
26. Most shippable character?
Han Solo spends his life in various spaceships, so probably him. Luke, Poe, Rey, and Anakin also qualify, as they have plenty of spaceship time.
27. Least shippable character?
Do we ever see Jabba on a ship? I think he’d be too heavy and take up too much space, personally. He should stay on the ground.
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tehtarikgelasbesar · 8 years
RE: Kepada Semua Ex Girlfriend
#1 Hai, apa khabar? Lama betul aku lost contact dengan kau. Dengar kata kau sekarang dah pindah jauh dari sini. Macam mana cuaca kat sana? Best tak? Sorry, sebab aku buat watak kau macam jerk gila dalam novel terbaru aku, dan dalam novelette lagi satu, aku matikan je watak kau. Lagipun, kau bukannya kisah pun kan? Takpe kan?
Lagu: Love Buzz (Nirvana) #2 Hai, kita mungkin dah breakup lama, tapi, kau ada loan duit aku RM1,000 walaupun masa tu kita tak lagi couple, tapi sebab aku ni jenis lelaki senang kena pijak kepala, kau sanggup datang kat Bangsar masa aku kerja kat sana sebagai wartawan, dan kat Old Town bawah LRT Bangsar tu bukan main lagi kau merayu-rayu nak pinjam duit. 
Bila kau nak bayar? Hari tu member aku jumpa kau, kemain kau makan sedap kat kafe hipster. Aku ni makan la megi kerat empat. Kalau rasa ada kemaluan tu, sila-sila la contact balik. Dah lima tahun dah ni kau hutang aku.
Lagu: Money (Pink Floyd)
#3 Hai, last jumpa, kau dengan suami kau yang jadi wakil pemuda Terengganu kat persidangan UMNO di PWTC. Kalau dapat contact lagi, aku nak mintak borang UMNO. Senang sikit dapat kontrak. Sedap sikit bawak kereta Honda Ridgeline macam suami kau.
p/s: suami kau nak buang plastik gula-gula, kau piat telinga dia tak kalau ada perempuan merokok kat situ?
Lagu: Hey Jealousy (Gin Blossoms)
#4 Hai, terlalu banyak sejarah aku dan kau. Tapi aku nak mintak maaf sebab aku mengorat adik kau masa kau MIA memanjang. Adik kau lebih nak mendengar dan lebih nak tahu pasal aku masa tu. Mungkin masa tu kita memang selalu bergaduh memanjang. Aku rindu segala perbualan kita bersama, dan walaupun kita bergaduh pasal ahli falsafah yang dah mati, tapi kau adalah ex-girlfriend aku yang paling enlighten aku. Terima kasih.
Oh ya, besok hari lahir kau. Selamat hari lahir yang ke 31.
Lagu: Mr Brightside (The Killers)
#5 Hai, bak kata lirik lagu Juneau - Funeral For A Friend, “and I’m nothing more than just a line in your book.” Kau ex rebound aku selama seminggu. Dan kau satu-satunya ex aku yang lebih tua dari aku. Kau kahwin tak jemput aku pun kan? Haha!
Lagu: Juneau (Funeral For A Friend)
#6 Hai, dah berapa jantan kau kikis duit topup dia? Kau punya Ferrari Lamboughini dan segala sembang tu kau dah jual ke belum? Hari tu kemain nampak kau hisap shisha kat Hartamas. Lepas tu aku panggil kau, kau buat-buat nak pergi hisap rokok. Kahkahkah!
Lagu: Gold Digger (Kanye West)
#7 Dah sepuluh tahun. Saya masih rindukan awak. Setiap malam saya tunggu awak dalam mimpi saya. Awak yang paling terindah dalam hidup saya. Terima kasih.
Lagu: My Immortal (Evanescence)  #8 Hai, ex girlfriend paling lama. Lama juga tak berbual. Makin tembam nampak. Kehkehkeh! Anyway, take care yourself, semoga cepat bertemu jodoh.
Lagu: Back In Your Head (Tegan and Sara)
#9 Hai, hijabster pencen! Last sekali kita jumpa, kau ada problem dengan suami and somewhat macam nak balik ke aku. Pada mulanya aku on je, tapi lepas tu somewhere in between, dua-dua senyap. Entah apa jadi kat kau sekarang pun aku tak tahu. Aku harap kau masih hidup lagi.
p/s: Suami kau tak kenal aku kan? Fuuhh!
Lagu: Hapus Aku (Nidji)
#10 Hai, sorang lagi hijabster pencen! Selalu gak nampak kat Insta bersama suami. Semoga happy selalu walaupun cara kau dump aku tu agak celaka juga ya?
Lagu: Maps (Yeah Yeah Yeahs)
#11 Hai, kau antara ex girlfriend aku yang sangat signifikan dalam hidup aku, walaupun pada pengakhiran relationship kita berdua lebih banyak bertekak dan tuduh siapa yang curang. Dan cara pengakhiran relationship kita tu somewhat buat kau lah ex girlfriend yang aku tak tahu apa nasib kau. Kau terus delete semua medsos kau, dan aku cuma dapat tahu kau dah kahwin. Aku harap kau happy. Oh ya, Jack kirim salam.
p/s: Kau pinjam buku aku tapi tak reti pulang. Aku bab lain aku tak berapa kisah, buku ni aku kisah. Aku harap satu hari nanti kau reti-retilah pulangkan. Ada buku rare tu aku bagi kau pinjam.
Lagu: Good Riddance (Green Day)
#12 Kau antara ex rebound yang aku tak tahu kenapa aku couple dengan kau at the first place. Aku harap kau ok je kat sana.
Lagu: Go On Your Way (Fleetwood Mac)
#13 Satu lagi ex rebound aku yang aku tak tahu kenapa aku couple dengan kau. Dah la tak pernah jumpa. Weird. 
p/s: Semalam Arsenal kena tiau jangan sedih-sedih ya?
Lagu: Don’t Think Twice It’s Alright (Bob Dylan)
#14 Bonjour! Ca va? Kau mungkin ex rebound aku tapi kau baik sebenarnya. Tapi somewhat, aku fucked up. Aku minta maaf. Aku harap kau ok je kat Vichy France tu. Pfft, banyak-banyak tempat, Vichy jugak kau nak duduk. Tu dulu port Nazi lepak.
Lagu: Blue Jeans (Lana Del Rey)
#15 Namaste, bila nak balik dari India? Nampak happy je dengan boyfriend baru. Hope you’ll doing great. Satu lagi rebound yang tak kemana-mana.
Lagu: Black Tangled Heart (Silverchair)
#16 Aku harap kau janganlah suruh boyfriend kau sambut birthday tiap-tiap bulan macam kau suruh aku buat. Pengsan, kau tau tak? Dengar kata pergi Kemboja hari tu. Baguslah, aku nampak kau dah ok sikit berbanding masa aku kenal kau. Dan aku minta maaf sepanjang kau kenal aku, aku fucked up.
Lagu: I Don’t Want To Talk About It (Rod Stewart)
#17 Kau MIA. Memang bunyi pun macam nama kau jugak. Entah mana kau lesap, aku pun tak tahu. Tapi kau ada jugak pinjam duit aku RM400 dulu sebab nak bayar yuran. Aku bukan nak berkira sangat, tapi kau kata hari tu kau pinjam, tapi kau pun macam #2. Kau pun duduk dekat-dekat jugak. Entah, perangai korang lebih kurang je.
Lagu: I’m Broke (Limp Bizkit)
#18 Thanks sebab semalam call. Aku minta maaf kalau tulisan Mia Khalifa aku tu buat kau rasa emo dan somewhat menimbulkan rasa bersalah. Ya, sepanjang aku bersama kau, kau buat aku rasa bahagia sejak nombor #11 tinggalkan aku. Dan aku boleh katakan kau adalah seseorang yang buat aku paling rindu sejak #7. Too bad mak kau halang relationship kita. Tapi kau pernah kata pada aku, satu perkara yang indah tentang angan-angan ialah kita tak perlu bayar untuk itu. Kau dan aku punya imaginasi yang indah, tapi dihancurkan oleh realiti. Aku harap kau bahagia dengan boyfriend baru. Kau semalam ada cakap kau berharap sangat aku akan bertemu #19, tapi aku tak rasa aku boleh jumpa, terutamanya dalam keadaan aku yang fucked up lepas tragedi kita. Kau terlalu indah untuk aku, Kuantan terlalu aku rindu, sampai aku tak mahu jejak ke sana. Terlalu banyak memori di sana untuk kita berdua. 
Aku harap kau tak pernah lupakan aku, macam kau janji pada aku. 
Lagu: No Distance Left To Run (Blur)
dan #19...
Kalau kau ada, datanglah cepat. Kalau kau tak nak datang, beritahu aku awal-awal. Kalau kau nak datang lewat lagi, aku takut aku dah malas nak menunggu lagi. Umur aku makin tua. Kawan-kawan aku anak dorang pun dah masuk tadika. Kalau kau nak dengan aku, kau kena bersedia dengan attics dan depression, dan panic disorder aku. Aku harap kau boleh terima keadaan aku yang fucked up ni. 
Dan aku dah tak larat untuk #20. Sumpah. 
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