#in my own skin
symbolicmind · 11 months
How do I feel like myself again?
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angelnumber27 · 1 year
I am so tired of looking in the mirror and crying. Can’t wait til I have a stable enough income one day to afford little procedures :/
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goodnessgraciousgal · 2 years
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Original Vs. Ablaze
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liefst · 2 years
i can't believe i used to worry about being tanned enough to 'be able to' show skin in summer. i used to be SO embarassed about my white legs. but you know what, who gives a shit?? i'm very pale and don't tan easily and that's that. my white legs are actually fine and even beautiful. look at them! i won't damage my skin any longer :‐)
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formationlapsz · 2 years
it's so hot I hate this fucking country
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shtaintright · 3 years
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Everyday I have to talk myself out of moving to South dakota. Not because I think life will be easier but because I think life will be different. The culture. The turn of phrase. The customs. The people. The history. I just want something different flowing through my veins than what im living right now. Why am I always chasing somewhere else instead of here. Why am I always chasing something that doesn't exist. A shadow on the horizon thats nothing more than a dead tree on the shore of a dirty scum covered pond. But a different tree on a different shore of a different scum covered pond. Im chasing the high of the difference
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ihaveabrainipromise · 4 years
When you realize you were actually feeling dysphoria all these years and its actually not weight insecurity :/
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enbiebaby · 6 years
I’m Nonbinary
I’ve always known. I’ve always felt like this in between kind of human being that never really fit in the gender box. When i was in pre-k our class of little boys and little girls was pretty heavily divided. We would play separately. I’m afab so I was roped in with the little girls. They played with dolls and worried about what they got on their clothes. They talked about pink and putting glitter on all their craft projects. These were all things I never identified with. So I went over to the boys. They made me tie back my hair, made me vow to never talk to the girls at play time, and handed me a toy truck, and while I identified with some of I didn’t identify with how they picked on the girls that they had crushes on, or the way that all they wanted to do at school was talk about how tough they were. Those things weren’t me either. When I went to beg for the girls forgiveness they shunned me. Things were never the same after that. I had forever put myself in this unidentified box. Little did I realize that without noticing, that was exactly where I needed to be. Being uncomfortable with rejection I tried to break out. I tried to shift the social tide back in my favor. So I tried to force myself to fit where I was assigned. I dressed pretty, dated guys who tried to reinforce the feminine ideals I thought I had to adhere to, and every day I was more uncomfortable. I absolutely hated myself.
Fast forward lots of embarrassing years and multiple attempts to put myself back in the female box. I’m now sitting in front of this computer and typing out my story for complete strangers. I floated in the sea of uncomfortable clothes, low self esteem, and finally found a boat in the trans community. Step by step, I dressed in clothes I wanted to dress in, cut my hair the way I wanted, and I’m finally getting a taste of what it likes to feel comfortable in my own skin. So with that comfort I have something to say to total strangers. I’m here to tell you that I’m Nonbinary, pronoun indifferent, and not ashamed anymore.
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space-ghoulery · 6 years
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rab1bit · 6 years
Ryan Caraveo - In My Own Skin (OFFICIAL VIDEO)
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bong-bunny · 7 years
it just wouldn’t matter if i died to anyone surrounding me i dont matter to my mom i dont matter to uh, anyone! And when you live your life being your own best friend you get shy eating when you’re not alone, you look at friendships and cry because you want a place of belonging like that to. when you’re your own best friend sometimes you give too much of your heart at any chance, then it feels that you’ve just groveled, made a fool of yourself, and you retreat with your heart and lock it with a key and swallow it whole and it’ll eventually rupture inside of you when you try to reach out to an old friend, when someone asks to be yours, when a boy in a hospital bed thanks you for giving to him saying about your soul “I dont know where you got it from”, holding your hands. sometimes you cry, most of the times its silence when everything’s burning in confusion, it burns my face and maybe that’s why my mother thinks I’m ugly. it was my first birthday that we woke up under different roofs. I miss my dog
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fiatpofficial · 7 years
honesetly, i kinda hate myself rn and im really angry that im not one of those super skinny beautiful thin faced white folks with killer 50$ eyeshadow which perfectly dyed hair so that’s basically tumblrs picture of a nonbinary person, and it makes me feel bad cause im none of those things? idk
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g0d-fvck · 8 years
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sigilosaalpasar · 8 years
I could never tell my mother that I actually have anxiety attacks because even when I was clinically diagnosed with hyperactivity, she said I did it for attention.
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