#phanes become relevant so that i can go insane pls
fantimati · 9 months
Hey do you guys ever think about how the primordial one's nation is based off of Greek mythology and has a lot of ancient Greek influences (especially if the primordial one is Phanes) and how Mondstadt has Roman influences despite being clearly based off of medieval Germany (and maybe the Holy Roman empire? Idk enough about it to say anything)
Favonious→ name of the Western wind god in Roman mythology
Dvalin/stormterror → East wind god, was thought to bring storms
Andrius/Lupus Boreas → Boreas is the northern wind god thought to bring winter and snow.
Venti → literally "Wind god" in Latin. people keep translating it as just wind in Italian which isn't wrong but I don't think it's right either.
And how Istaroth (Literally one of the shades of the Primordial one) was worshiped in Mondstadt in the past with Barbatos.
And how The thousand winds are only mentioned in Enkonomiya ( part of the unified civilization) and Mondstadt (where their GOD is literally a part of them and Istaroth has a connection to them??)
And Kronos (Greek god of time) is often equated wind which matches up with Istaroth extremely well.
And how the Genesis Pearl (Genesis as in creation of something. Often as "Creation of earth/the universe) is encircled by a snake similar to IRL Phanes' egg being encircled by serpent and how VENTI is the one telling us about this??
Can we talk about IRL Phanes' themes of rebirth and how he keeps getting chopped into pieces and eaten for the power to control the heavens? Because I want to talk about how it matches up with the 3rd decender being chopped into pieces and getting "eaten" (absorbed?) By Celestia to control Teyvat.
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