#phantasmal spiral dragon
purity-town · 4 hours
Ask responses below the cut! Lots of thoughts on Terraria lore and Purity Town worldbuilding -- mostly focusing on the Crimson, the war, and Guides.
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Reasons why I chose Corruption over Crimson, off the top of my head:
Artistic reasons: Chris was always going to lean towards magenta & dark blue weapons/armor where possible as a nod to the nebula pillar coloration, and I felt that it was easier to work with those colors against a purple/gray/brown background than a red one. Similarly, the purple of demonite matches the Corruption colors, making it easy to tie a visual connection between demonite and the shadow orbs' evil energy.
Personal reasons: My first world was a Corruption one, and I tend to favor Corruption in general as I like the music more.
Practical reasons: It's much, much easier to draw worms and the various other Corruption enemies than it is to draw the Crimson enemies, as the Crimson enemies are far more complicated in appearance and poses. Plus all the blood and brains puts me in an awkward spot as I don't want to run into issues with any of the websites I post the comic to.
Lore reasons: While the Brain of Cthulhu does very nicely match up with Moon Lord's actual design, it doesn't have a Mech boss associated with it, and I didn't want the Destroyer to feel like it came out of nowhere; I felt it was easier to justify the EoW being related to evil/Moon Lord in some way than the Destroyer existing in a Crimson world. The Corruption's shadow orbs also naturally tie into the idea of the "ancient spirits of light and dark" being released from the underworld, as the Crimson doesn't really convey the "dark" side of things that well. Also, the Crimson is generally associated with health while the Corruption is associated with mana, and since Chris is a mage I wanted to lean into the magic side of things.
As for my ideas with the Crimson:
Theme-wise, the blood and gore is easy to relate back to the same consuming, flesh-melding energy of blood moons. (While blood moons already have a link to Corruption/Crimson in the form of corrupt/vicious animals, the Crimson just makes more sense.) The massive skeletons in the background bring up similarities with bone serpents and wyverns/phantasm dragon, and the eyeballs with the EoC/WoF/True EoC.
Where the Corruption is more of the culmination of sin and dark thoughts and eldritch energies that twist whatever they come into contact with, the Crimson is a growing, living being that spiraled into wild mutation from eldritch energy. The Corruption naturally grows over time through additional sins giving it the power to spread, while the Crimson grows by actively consuming more and more living material; contamination vs. infection; acidic vs. corrosive.
The Crimson is a hive mind, of the sort where each new mind adds its knowledge and input to the collective, and likewise has its will overridden by the majority. At the core of it all is the Brain of Cthulhu -- intelligent, but not something that can be reasoned with or spoken to; the sort of being whose mind is so fundamentally different from a human's that anyone who comes into contact would be left mentally shattered. Much the same way one who stares into the darkness seeking to study the eldritch and bizarre could be left broken.
Where the Corruption chasms are worm tracks, I've always interpreted the Crimson chasms as a heart and the arteries spreading out from it. Or maybe the tendrils of a spreading infection? Not really sure!
Side note, the general theme (flesh/blood) and many of the monsters (face monster, crimera, blood feeder, etc.) also tie very well into the Wall of Flesh and its hunger. The justification for the WoF being so...flesh in the comic is that Andrew is a human*, and so the WoF's form is influenced by what his soul knows (flesh and blood body), mixed with lots and lots of eldritch energy giving it the visual ties to the EoC/Moon Lord in the eyes/mouth. But it's not as natural of a link as "the WoF's form is steeped in overflowing Crimson energy locked away in the center of the earth."
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Instead of shattering, I imagine it would just poof into a particularly liquid-looking red smoke. Something to combine it being an immaterial/magical collection of energy with it being bloody and gory. Less of the sharp/shattered/sparkly look of shadow orbs, and something more organic and primal.
As for Crimson hearts...I suppose it's the other side of the coin of shadow orbs. Keeping with the theme of Crimson being vaguely health/damage-related while Corruption is mana-related, where shadow orbs are pustules of evil and eldritch magic, I could imagine Crimson hearts as concentrations of the life energy that's been consumed by/generated within the Crimson. Something that pulses with the hearts and minds of the countless creatures that have been incorporated into the Crimson before. Hence the panic necklace; something that fills you with adrenaline and the vitality to push forward and run for your life when hurting (compared to the band of starpower boosting your ability to channel magic).
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BAD. Really, really, really bad.
The most obvious reason was all of the general destruction that the world had suffered at that point. Land masses ripped apart or twisted/distorted. Civilization shredded, infrastructure destroyed. What wasn't outright blasted to bits was warped beyond recognition or so corrupted there was no hope of salvaging what had been there before. Loss of homes means exposure to the elements, and loss of farmland means starvation; many societies crumbled or were staggered by the loss of vital industries and resources.
The main surviving communities were small subsets of what were once larger cultures. They were the ones lucky enough to have enough resources nearby to be self-sustaining -- cities had it the worst, requiring resources to be brought in from elsewhere, while more remote communities tended to be affected the least. Andrew, for instance, grew up in a very small community out on the plains, and while they did have contact with other communities, trade was limited to only specialty goods. Everything else came from the local area.
On top of the physical loss of land and infrastructure, there was also the loss of knowledge. The people who stood up to fight were the most powerful mages and strongest warriors, trying to hold back the destruction and stop the eldritch power contaminating the world; when they died, their knowledge of the world died with them. Similarly, Dryads were far more common back then, with people relying on them to interpret the weather, bless the crops, protect them from harm, and purify any imbalance of good and evil. So even the folks who did survive had to suddenly adjust to having no Dryads to fall back on.
Then, just when they thought the worst of it was over -- that their world had ended and was something new and scary, but stable -- the first Blood Moon rises and everything goes to Hell in a hand-basket once more (albeit only for a night). So now, rather than the night being a time for mages to practice their craft, the inherent chaos of the dark is now dialed up 1000% (even moreso during blood moons). Hence the push for some folks to try and find solace beneath the earth -- building the underground cabins, establishing the Dungeon, and the Lihzahrds locking themselves within a temple away from the sky.
The world was finally given a chance to breathe again once most of the eldritch magic, and in equal measure the divine hallow, was locked away in the core of the world. But by that point the old world was already a distant memory. It's been 500 years since the war, around 450 since most magic was locked away, and what did remain from before the war gave the world a significant boost in recovery. Old magic items and technology can be studied and recreated, and while technological/magical advancement is a bit uneven from region to region depending on their level of development and general population, the Guides have worked hard sharing everything they know between them to rebuild.
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Purity Town, and the smaller villages immediately surrounding it (in the desert, snowy mountains, etc.) has such a low population/is so remote that they don't have much in the way of established governance. Various NPCs arguably have varying levels of authority within their specialization: Heather is the go-to for healing, Malik is the local monster hunter, and so on, but it's all very informal. The individual villages probably all have people who handle day-to-day things -- there are various random folks who live in the region to fill out each village outside of the established NPCs -- but it's just something going on in the background to keep the place running.
Guides aren't really meant to be politicians either, but they do often fall into a default leadership role since they're the go-to advice guys!
They're meant to preserve and share knowledge of the world, its languages, and its cultures; a reaction to the vast majority of that knowledge having been lost in the wake of the war 500 years ago. So Guides are out there fielding questions like "how do I make this medicine/when do I harvest this plant/is this edible/etc.," but they also are expected to know enough about situations like weather/celestial events such that they can give advice no matter what crops up. Extend that attitude to a more general "this person knows how to handle Problems, so let's default to whatever they tell us whenever we run into Problems," and you end up with Guides often taking pseudo-leadership or advisory positions.
Andrew is in something of a weird spot, as he took over for a much more established/respected Guide after she retired and threw him into it, and is not particularly good at commanding authority or dealing with people in the way she could, even though he tries to be nice. But he's extremely, extremely knowledgeable, even compared to other Guides due to having been around for long enough to pick up so much knowledge, so at least he can fulfill that aspect of the job easily enough and the townsfolk trust him to do so.
Tangentially related, but the lack of solid governance is specific/unique to Purity Town's remoteness. With a small enough population, folks rely on the cooperation and skills of others much more, and any disputes would be worked out among the townsfolk proper.
The world isn't fully settled, but there are some locations with enough of a population to be considered actual kingdoms (see: Princess NPC) with established government (see: Tax Collector). Chris' hometown, which sees a lot of ship traffic/trade, has a proper government, local guard, etc. along with their own Guide. Purity Town is just particularly out there! But it's still been around for long enough to have seen some trade, built up some skills among the residents, and establish basic infrastructure so that residents can live comfortably. Like comparing a small town in the modern day to a remote village in medieval times, residents still enjoy a relatively high standard of living, despite being a scattered and remote population.
The world hasn't recovered to where it was pre-Moon Lord, but it's certainly not a post-apocalyptic wasteland anymore!
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number9robotic · 8 months
Random personal character/worldbuilding
I wanted to design at some point an original roster of fighting game characters and my life spiralled out of control thinking of new ideas so I gotta share what I got:
Pitch: It's about a group of superpowered teens who get sent to a school training them how to be good superVILLAINS.
Slightly more specifics: The world is like ours but there are supers around. There exists a school for "superpowered opportunists" that is ostensibly to raise up-and-coming supers but is very transparently corrupt and just a legally-permissible way to raise future allies to whatever mustache-twirling nonsense they have cooking up. The students are sourced from all over the world and are mostly good kids, but they have wild powers to deal with that are very easy to look at and go "yep, they're born to join the dark side."
Character list at the moment:
"Anti" (Canadian), timid but ambitious, well-behaved, reasonably "normal" kid from the suburbs who discovered that their shadow is alive, and can rise up and kill people. Was involuntarily sent to the school by their parents who believed it would be a good fit, for better and for worse. Now basically trying to survive. Fights with a quarterstaff, shadow deals its own attacks, turns staff into a scythe and other scary sharp things, wants its host to join in the fun.
"Hellgirl" ("Eastern European"), a princess to an impoverished noble family who -- in a desperate bid for power -- sacrificed her as part of a draconic ritual, with her coming back as this cursed half-dragon that has to be bound in magic tampering chains to stop her from ripping peoples' heads off. Genuinely a proper lady and actually kind of a sweetheart when lucid. Requires a buncha physical accomodations but can still fight even when in chains. Also, breathes hellfire. Cool beans.
"Smoggy/The Vigilante Smog Monster" (Australian), a living swamp monster summoned by an Aboriginal tribe who believed him to be a guardian spirit, and though he had no idea what they were talking about, he remained their guardian until he was separated and stumbled into scouting agents for the school. Shifts between a gross, sludgy humanoid form and horror smoke with the power of ancient wooden masks he keeps around him. Huge and imposing, but surprisingly a pretty swell dude.
"IDKYS/I Don't Know You, Sorry" (Filipino), aspiring would-be idol whose voice has overpowering hypnotic properties -- got enrolled in the school in order for her to develop her skillset without it. Ostensibly like a "cute mute" sorta scholarly student, actually very, very salty. Wears a cool mask that converts her voice to text and then back to into monotone text-to-speech (for safety reasons), is also rigged to an amplifier mic on a stand that she wields like a mace, has the power to blast people apart with SFX.
"Twintails" (Japanese), a transforming kitsune wizard/ninja who is two separate people from different secretive clans in one: a male wizard and a female ninja, who got "fused" together by a trickster yokai that caused them to share the same body, swapping between identities whenever they sneeze. They're both aware of each other and hate each other, habitually accusing the other for being the imposter yokai cohabiting their body, but are forced to work together to make it work.
"Metal Alice" (French), what was once the innocent young daughter to a supervillain, who perished following his last evil plan gone wrong. After attempting to resurrect her, Little Alice's spirit was "restored" into an old doll-like animatronic, which is itself now a walking portal to the ghost dimension. Is able to draw various weapons of phantasmic metals out of her body, from speared parasols to chainsaws. The "cute" kind of scary!
"Magnum" (American), the newest cyborg prototype from a company for mad scientist tech, designed of indestructible metals. Has the power to explode virtually any joint in his body like a bomb before automatically reassembling. Does it to fire his fingers/arms like projectiles, and is also a grappler. Was sent to the school to fix his raging ego problem. Speaks and dresses like a cowboy and has a nice hat. Deal with it.
"Hotshot" (Chinese), a guy who thinks and acts like he's the "shotoclone" protagonist of a normal fighting game (arrogant young martial artist with fire powers and always rearing for a fight), but is too arrogant to realize that this isn't the kind of story he's in (and also that he's a jackass). Despite this, he's very popular by way of the popular jock/bully who's a total dickhead but also so cooooool, and definitely the best student at a straight-on fight.
"Vioelectrolysis" (Motswana), a mad scientist in training who just LOVES making her crazy super-chemicals technicolor and do weird and unexpected things. Carries a bunch of it around in this modified fire extinguisher/gas tank that she can use to spray various super-fluids or swing around like a flail. Has a gas mask for her own protection; may or may not have mutated herself with something cool at some point.
"Marmaron" (Greek), an incomplete statue of a marble-like material that accidentally came to life while being made by a mysterious artist that Marmaron proceeded to kill, supposedly in self-defense. Doesn't have a face or a finished hand, splashed paint where his face should be to look even scarier presentable. Has the power to turn people into stone, but only temporarily. Spends his time minding his own business with painting and poetry, doesn't mind that everyone thinks he's creepy as hell.
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i have images for every archetype on the list now, but i lost track of time and ended up staying up way too late. oops.
Don't worry about having missed the submission window or something like that! No matter how many submissions I get, i'll figure out some way to make it work. and once i decide when to stop taking submissions, i'll be sure to make it clear to everyone when that will be ahead of time.
here's the current list, by the way! key: bold: someone has specifically submitted it and it will not be deleted except in special cases italic: i put it in myself and there is the chance it will be deleted to make the number of entrants more convienent Since i copypasted it the formatting may be messed up a bit. sorry.
there's also a document where i keep this info and more up-to-date so check that out
/Assault Mode @Ignister A.I. Abyss Actor Aesir Alien Ally of Justice Altergeist Amazement Amazoness Amorphage Anti Ancient Gear Ancient Warriors Appliancer Arcana Force Armed Dragon Aroma Artifact Arts Angel Atlantean Attraction Batteryman Battleguard Battlin’ Boxer Battlewasp Beast Gear Beetrooper Black Luster Soldier Blackwing Blaze Fiend Blue-Eyes Borrel Branded Bujin Burning Abyss Buster Blader Butterspy Bystial CAN:D Cat (Rush Duel) Charmer Chemicritter Chronomaly Chrysalis Cipher Clear Cloudian Code Talker Codebreaker Constellar Constructor Crusadia Crystal Beast Crystron Cubic Cyber Angel Cyber Dragon Cynet D/D Danger! Dark Contract Dark Magician Dark Scorpion Darklord Deskbot Despia Destiny HERO Destruction Sword Digital Bug Dinomist Dinomorphia Dinowrestler Djinn Dododo Dogmatika Dracoslayer Dracoverlord Dragon Ruler Dragonmaid Dragunity Dream Mirror Drytron Duston Earthbound Edge Imp Eldlitch Elemental HERO Elemental Lord Elementsaber Endymion Entity Evil★Twin Evil Eye Evil HERO Evilswarm Evolsaur Evoltile Evolzar Ewekai Excutie Exodia Exosister F.A. Fabled Fairy Tail Fire Fist Fire Formation Fire King Flamvell Floowandereeze Flower Cardian Fluffal Fortune Fairy Fortune Lady Fossil Frightfur Frog Fur Hire G Golem Gadget Gagaga Gaia Galactica Galaxy Gandora Geargia Gem-Knight Generaider Genex Ghostrick Ghoti Gimmick Puppet Gizmek Gishki Gladiator Beast Gogogo Gold Pride Gorgonic Gouki Goyo Graydle Gravekeeper’s Guardian Gunkan Gusto Harpie Hazy Flame Helixx Heraldic Beast Heroic Hieratic High Tech Dragon Hole Ice Barrier Icejade Igknight Impcantation Infernity Infernoid Infinitrack Invoked Inzektor Iron Chain Jinzo Jointech Junk Jurrac Kaiju Karakuri Kashtira Knightmare Koa’ki Meiru Kozmo Krawler Kuriboh Labyrinth Laval Libromancer Lightsworn Live☆Twin Lunalight Lyrilusc Machina Madolche Magical Musket Magician Girl Magikey Magistus Magnum Overlord Majespecter Majestic Malefic Malicevorous Mannadium Masked HERO Marincess Materiactor Mathmech Mayakashi Megalith Mekk-Knight Meklord Melffy Melodious Mermail Metalfoes Metaphys Mikanko Mist Valley Monarch Morphtronic Music Princess Mythical Beast Myutant Naturia Nekroz Nemeses Nemleria Neo-Spacian Nephthys New Order Ninja Nimble Noble Knight Nordic Number Numeron Odd-Eyes Ogdoadic Ojama Orcust P.U.N.K. Paleozoic Pendulum Magician Penguin Performage Performapal Phantasm Spiral Phantom Beast Phantom Knights Photon Plunder Patroll Poker Knight Prank-Kids Predaplant Prediction Princess Prophecy PSY-Frame Purrely Qliphort Raidraptor Red-Eyes Reptilianne Rescue-ACE Resonator Rikka Ritual Beast Rokket Rose Dragon Royal Rebel’s Runick S-Force Salamangreat Scareclaw Scrap Sevens Road Shaddoll Shadow Flower Shinobird Shiranui Simorgh Six Samurai Sky Striker Skysavior Solfachord Speedroid Spellbook Sportsdragon Spright Springans SPYRAL Star Seraph Stardust Starry Knight Steelswarm Strike Dragon Subterror Sunavalon Super Quant Superheavy Samurai Supreme King Sushi Fairy Swordsoul Sylvan Synchron T.G. Tachyon Talismanic Tearlaments Tellarknight Tenyi Thorn Prisoner The☆ The Agent The Weather Therion Thunder Dragon Time Thief Timelord Tindangle Toon Topologic Traptrix Transamu Tri-Brigade Triamid Trickstar Tron True King True Draco U.A. Ultimate Flag Umbral Horror Unchained Ursarctic Utopia Valkyrie Vampire Vanquish Soul Vaylantz Vehicroid Vendread Vernusylph Virtual World Vision HERO Void Voidvelgr Volcanic Vylon War Rock Warrior Watt Wind-Up Windwitch Witchcrafter World Legacy X-Saber Yang Zing Yosenju Yubel Zefra Zoodiac Zubaba ZW -
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theharpermovieblog · 9 months
(Without the Halloween and Christmas lists)
1. Banshees of Inisherin (2023)
2. The Visitor (1979)
3 The Hunt for Red October (1990)
4. The Four Seasons (1981)
5. The Burbs (1989)
6. The Blob (1958)
7. The Blob (1988)
8. Raging Bull (1980)
9. River's Edge (1986)
10. A Shot In The Dark (1964)
11. Violent Night (2022)
12. Pearl (2022)
13. It Happened One Night (1934)
14. Secretary (2002)
15. Dracula (1992)
16. Hard Target (1993)
17. Skinamarink (2022)
18. Head Of The Family (1996)
19. Rubber's Lover (1996)
20. Dr. No (1962)
21. Goldeneye (1995)
22. On The Silver Globe (1988)
23. Top Knot Detective (2016)
24. Fantastic Voyage (1966)
25. Crimes Of The Future (2022)
26. Get Carter (1971)
27. Dog Soldiers (2022)
28. Demon City Shinjuku (1988)
29. Death Line AKA: Raw Meat (1972)
30. Indian Jones and the Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull (2008)
31. Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (1984)
32. Invaders From Mars (1953)
33. The Velvet Vampire (1971)
34. Cobra (1986)
35. Assault On Precinct 13 (1976)
36. Batman Returns (1992)
37. My Dinner With Andre (1981)
38. Beyond The Darkness (1979)
39. VIY (1967)
40. Communion (1989)
41. The Cable Guy (1996)
42. In The Mouth Of Madness (1994)
43. From Beyond (1986)
44. Wings Of Desire (1987)
45. The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the Eighth Dimension (1984)
46. The Living Dead At Manchester Morgue (1974)
47. The Man Who Would Be King (1975)
48. Casablanca (1942)
49. Swamp Thing (1982)
50. The Unbearable Weight Of Massive Talent (2022)
51. Cronos (1993)
52. Spiral (2021)
53. Boss Level (2020)
54. Kids In The Hall: Brain Candy (1996)
55. The Menu (2022)
56. Altered States (1980)
57. The Terror (1963)
58. The Sword And The Sorcerer (1982)
59. The Verdict (1982)
60. Nothing But Trouble (1991)
61. John Wick Chapter 4 (2023)
62. Maniac Cop (1988)
63. Maniac Cop 2 (1990)
64. The Thing From Another World (1951)
65. AntiChrist (2009)
66. Dungeons And Dragons Honor Among Thieves (2023)
67. Revenge Of The Ninja (1983)
68. The Raven (1963)
69. Lost Highway (1997)
70. The Devil's Rain (1975)
71. Critters (1986)
72. Jackie Brown (1997)
73. The Night Of The Werewolf (1981)
74. The Bridge On The River Kwai (1957)
75. The Super Mario Bros. Movie (2023)
76. Cocaine Bear (2023)
77. After Hours (1985)
78. Batman Forever (1995)
79. The Big Lebowski (1998)
80. Things (1989)
81. Onibaba (1964)
82. Commando (1985)
83. Jacob's Ladder (1990)
84. Saint Maud (2019)
85. Fright Night (1985)
86. Fright Night Part 2 (1988)
87. Joe Versus The Volcano (1990)
88. Kingsman: The Secret Service (2014)
89. The Hobbit (1977)
90. The Lair Of The White Worm (1988)
91. Tango And Cash (1989)
92. Desperado (1995)
93. Puss And Boots: The Last Wish (2022)
94. The People Under The Stairs (1991)
95. Tales From The Crypt: Demon Knight (1995)
96. Robin Redbreast (1970)
97. The Missouri Breaks (1976)
98. Pumpkinhead (1988)
99. God Told Me To (1976)
100. The Cabinet Of Dr. Caligari (1920)
101. The Hateful Eight (2015)
102. Nowhere (1997)
103. Tommy (1975)
104. Last Shift (2014)
105. Multiple Maniacs (1970)
106. Bronson (2008)
107. Child Of God (2013)
108. Subspecies (1991)
109. Batman: Mask Of The Phantasm (1993)
110. The Hound Of The Baskervilles (1959)
111. Blood Simple (1984)
112. Bloodstone: Subspecies 2 (1993)
113. Beneath The Planet of the Apes (1970)
114. The Fly 2 (1989)
115. Berberian Sound Studio (2012)
116. Antiviral (2012)
117. Evil Dead Rise (2023)
118. Sundown: The Vampire In Retreat (1989)
119. Terrifier 2 (2022)
120. Shivers (1975)
121. The McPherson Tape (1989)
122. Moonage Daydream (2022)
123. The Saddest Music In The World (2003)
124. Masters Of Horror: Cigarette Burns (2005)
125. Lurking Fear (1994)
126. The Passion Of The Christ (2004)
127. Rambo: Last Blood (2019)
128. Fantastic Planet (1973)
129. Old Henry (2021)
130. Halloween Ends (2022)
131. The Shakiest Gun In The West (1968)
132. M3GAN (2022)
133. Smile (2022)
134. DUNE (2021)
135. High Noon (1952)
136. Hot Fuzz (2007)
137. Infinity Pool (2023)
138. Tales From The Gimli Hospital (1988)
139. Bullit (1968)
140. Jesus Shows You The Way To The Highway (2019)
141. Subspecies V: Blood Rise (2023)
142. Dario Argento's Dracula (2012)
143. Barbie (2023)
144. The Man Who Knew Too Much (1934)
145. The Dead Zone (1983)
146. The Neon Demon (2016)
147. Krull (1983)
148. Stephen King's Graveyard Shift (1990)
149. Elliot (2017)
150. Dogville (2002)
151. Eastern Promises (2007)
152. Sorcerer (1977)
153. Dagon (2001)
154. Zatoichi (1989)
155. Equinox (1970)
156. Clash Of The Titans (1981)
157. Calvaire/The Ordeal (2004)
158. Waxwork 2: Lost In Time (1992)
159. Matinee (1993)
160. Blood For Dracula (1974)
161. Murder By Decree (1979)
162. Ghostbusters: Afterlife (2021)
163. A Night To Remember (1958)
164. The Night Stalker (1972)
165. The Night Strangler (1973)
166. Don't Torture A Duckling (1972)
167. Fargo (1996)
168. Bloodsport (1988)
169. Robin Hood: Prince Of Thieves (1991)
170. The Terminator (1984)
171. 4D Man (1959)
172. Magic (1978)
173. Trilogy Of Terror (1975)
174. Paprika (2006)
175. The Changeling (1980)
176. The Devil's Chair (2007)
177. The Omega Man (1971)
178. A Nightmare On Elm Street 4: The Dream Master (1988)
179. The Time Machine (1960)
180. Three Thousand Years Of Longing (2022)
181. Red Riding: 1974 (2009)
182. Red Riding: 1980 (2009)
183. Red Riding: 1983 (2009)
184. The Devil's (1971)
185. Once Upon A Time In The West (1968)
186. Lonesome Dove (1989)
187. The Never Ending Story (1984)
188. The Seventh Curse (1986)
189. Dreamland (2019)
190. Money Plane (2020)
191. Dune (1984)
192. Halloween 2 (1981)
193. Fool's Paradise (2023)
194. The Straight Story (1999)
195. A Serious Man (2009)
196. A Streetcar Named Desire (1951)
197. Misery (1990)
198. Forbidden Planet (1956)
199. Time Bandits (1981)
200. Escape From New York (1981)
201. Escape From L.A. (1996)
202. HEAD (1968)
203. Leptirica (1973)
204. Indiana Jones And The Dial Of Destiny (2023)
205. The War Of The Worlds (1953)
206. Godzilla: Minus One (2023)
207. Horror Express (1972)
208. TÁR (2022)
209. Runaway (1984)
210. Shock Treatment (1981)
211. Apocalypse Now: Redux (1979)-(2001)
212. Barry Lyndon (1975)
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terrorgeist · 1 year
what to say
when you want to fucking die. when the poetry is drained out of you, and what you realised was housing you all along, hope, is red, now black, now blanched white. features of species defy death through their idol-worship and their heads follow suit with a meandering coil. spirit castaways remember jet blue heels and the crunch of gravel in the drive, the revellers spinning like daisies, perfumed and curtain-drawn, gitanes run low to embers, idling, butane phantasms spiralling from the coals of bitter wind nights, collars high in the front seat, cargo load in the hold as the shipmaster sings the song of old houses and reaches for the flagstaff in his amber withdrawals.
the night howls. the limitless blood bank settled debts of o-negative ecstasy and the mounting graves piled upon mojave nightwatchmen crack sunburst like flares across the lusitania, across the bow and rollicking white parchment, away from where be dragons and magnanimous ocean liner, fresh as glistening bait and oxen-led stalemate. this is the california of your dreams. this is the sunken cost of mirror screens, of marble dynasties and cobalt mine churchyards. minutiae moth flights bold as eventide scotch tape and ticket-stamped parades with their oxybenzone acess. marvel at the courtyards, the rain in July, a sonnet painting scorecards and the same for your wife. 
proust saw all this, and then some. the procession of towels, honey crowning an empire. you will not see any of it. the fog is in our blood. 
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sanctummilitis · 1 year
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NAME: Arturia Pendragon (otherwise spelled Artoria, Arthuria or Altria) NICKNAME(S): Turi [thanks Toshi ily] ALIAS(ES): Saber, King Arthur, Artorious, King of Knights, The Once and Future King, Britain's Red Dragon, Blue Saber, Elise Watoson
AGE: 15 (physically), 25 or 35 (canonically), 1500 (historically) SPECIES: Human / Heroic Spirit PRONOUN: she/her
ORIENTATION: bisexual ZODIAC: when your son has a birthday but you don't MORAL ALIGNMENT: Lawful-Good
ABILITIES/POWERS: oh god let me be very cliff notes to spare the dash, she's uncapped
Charisma — attack up to herself and allies Dragon Reactor Core — increases effectiveness of Buster attacks and damage inflicted by her Noble Phantasm Radiant Road — increases Noble Phantasm charge
Excalibur (Noble Phantasm) — anti-fortress; capable of dealing tremendous damage to a wide area, the collective willpower and energy of her surroundings and the dreams of Heroic Spirits who are drawn to its light Invisible Air (Noble Phantasm) — concealed Excalibur in a sheath of air to prevent its recognition by enemy Servants as Worlds Most Famous Sword and figure out who she is right away Avalon (Noble Phantasm) — Excalibur's scabbard; grants limited immortality, capable of healing all wounds, including those which should otherwise be fatal, and takes the destruction of the wielder's brain to actually kill them.
regeneration — passive ability by Servants to heal via Master's mana Lady of the Lake's blessing — capable of traversing water, no matter how vast and deep (just don't let Morgan turn it off she can't swim)
INTERESTS: swordplay, driving & racing, animals and their care, good food FEARS: failure, inadequacy, the annihilation of who and what whose sake she fights, octopi and other tentacle-heavy monsters thanks Gilles GUILTY PLEASURES: food! SPOKEN LANGUAGES: Welsh, English, Japanese, whatever the FATE system throws her into uses
PROFESSION: King of Britain, Chaldean Servant, freelancing around Spirale BODY TYPE: slender HEIGHT: 154cm, 5'0"
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emperor-uncarnate · 7 years
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Duelist Profile - Loch Duelist Type: Mercenary Deck Type: Sea-Serpent
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fyeahygocardart · 5 years
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Phantasm Spiral Power
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lokh · 5 years
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for day 2 here is my favorite ygo monster: phantasm spiral dragon..... currently my deck is built around them with a philosophy of ‘if i cant have effects then no one can’
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cwart6 · 5 years
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Yugioh art of Sonata and her Phantasm Spirals.
My Twitter: www.twitter.com/Crovetis
My Instagram: www.instagram.com/c_w_art
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spiderstaff · 4 years
(Repost, don’t reblog!)
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Name: Kay
Title: "Up to No Good”
Rank: Hypergiant
Series: Dungeons and Dragons (OC!)
Abilities (unlocked):
Cantrips - Chill Touch, Mage Hand, Prestidigitation, Dancing Lights, and Ray of Frost
First and Second Level spells as per her level - Charm Person, Disguise Self, Illusory Script, Silent Image, Spider Climb, Invisibility, Phantasmal Force, and Mirror Image
Story Earned Spells - Life Transference and Scorching Ray
Ability to talk to spiders, superior darkvision, inability to be magically put to sleep, and resistance to being charmed. (racial abilities)
Weapons (unlocked):
Spider Staff
Wooden Staff
At least 3 knives (gifts)
Important Items:
Cell Phone
Mountain Bike
Motorized Scooter
Hello Kitty Parasol
Her grandmother’s earrings
Enchanted teardrop earring (from home)
Threat Level:
Medium. Kay’s a highly trained rogue who’s been getting thief training since she was born. She knows some high level spells for her age, and has a dexterity of Very Good.
However... she IS still only 9, and can be naive, and easily overpowered in the strength department.
Friendship Level:
High. If you’ve talked to her for any amount of time and aren’t overly hostile (and sometimes even if you are), Kay already considers you friends. She’s befriended villains, heroes, morally grey characters...
You can’t escape friendship.
Main Places of Activity:
The Mistwood, Cotes, Barry’s House, Vaati’s House
Places they never visit:
Intraspace (Technology confuses her), the swirling gulf, anywhere sunny
Annoying Vaati until he pays her to go away
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shepshao · 5 years
Archeypes for OC’s: Ideas
So it can be difficult to find Archetypes and Decks for Yugioh OC’s to use. However, it doesn’t mean you should give your OC HERO’s or Blue-Eyes like everyone else, especially given they are already used by canon characters. Instead, I would consider using one of these Archetypes completely unused in the Anime or Canon Mangas (Of course you can do what you want, this is just a recommendation). For a (long) list, look below Amorphage Aroma Artifact Atlantean Batteryman Bujin Burning Abyss Charmer/Familiar-Possessed Chemicritter Counter Fairy Crusadia Crystron Danger! Digital Bug Dinomist Dragon Ruler Dragonmaid Dragunity Dream Mirror Duston Elemental Lord/Elementsaber Empowered Warrior/Aether/Summoner Endymion Evil Eye Evol F.A. Fabled Fire Fist/Fire Formation Fire King Flamvell Fur Hire Geargia Generaider Boss Genex Ghostrick Gishki Graydle Guardragon Gusto Hakai Hazy Flame Herald Hieratic Ice Barrier Igknight Impcantation Infernoid Infinitrack Invoked Inzektor Jurrac Kaiju Karakuri Knightmare Koa’ki Meiru Kozmo Krawler Laval Lightsworn Lunalight Lyrilusc Madolche Magical Musket Majespecter Mathmech Mayakashi Mecha Phantom Beast Mekk-Knight Mermail Metalfoes Metaphys Mist Valley Mythical Beast Naturia Nekroz Neo-Spacian/Chrysalis Nephthys Noble Knight Orcust PSY-Frame Paleozoic Phantasm Spiral Prank-Kids Qli Ritual Beast SPYRAL Scrap Shaddoll Shinobird Shiranui Six Samurai/Shien Sky Striker Subterror Super Quant Sylvan Tellarknight The Agent The Weather Time Thief Traptrix/Hole Triamid True Draco/True King U.A. Vendread Vylon Watt Wight Wind-Up Witchcrafter World Chalice World Legacy Worm Yang Zing Zefra Zoodiac
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perhapsibility · 5 years
SO! i finally beat trails of cold steel 3!!! and i couldn’t just leave myself hanging on that cliffhanger like that so i went and bought sen 4 like and idiot with zero regrets. but it’ll take a couple of weeks and i’m not done with all this trails hype SO instead i’m just gonna share some of my most favorite songs from all the games!
Trails in the Sky FC:
rock on the road (evo version)
sophisticated fight
secret green passage (evo version)
wandering in the darkness
peace given by darkness
ancient makes
Trails in the Sky SC
silver will, golden wings
strepitoso fight
fateful confrontation
floating city “liber ark”
gravestone struck by lightning
the merciless savior (evo version)
the whereabouts of bonds
Trails in the Sky 3rd 
the stone of recluse
the garden of recluse
the circular corridor
beard the lion in its den (evo version) (yeah, i don’t get the name either)
a faint glitter of light
Zero no Kiseki 
CSPD - Crossbell State Police Department
mainz mining town
intense chase
limit break (evo version)
ancient pulsation
Ao no Kiseki
silence in the sunlight filtering through the trees (evo version)
signs of unusual incident
elie’s screaming roller coaster (evo version)
unexpected emergency
miss you
descent of the god’s machine
truth of a rainy day
unfathomed force (fun fact! the opening note is the exact pitch i scream whenever i battle against... her)
Trails of Cold Steel
into the abyss
heimdallr, the vermillion capital
castle of the saint
to grasp tomorrow
unknown threat
i miss you
Trails of Cold Steel II
still countryside
the witch of the abyss
transcend beat
blue destination
E.O.V. (listen. i’m a choir kid. i’m an absolute sucker for operatic elements)
i’ll remember you
reverie corridor
Trails of Cold Steel III (oh shit this one’s gonna have waaaay too much...) (also, potential spoilers)
Einhel Keep
parm, the spinning town
hamel -remains- 
step ahead
alley of silence
the caged crossbell
unplanned residue (i like how there are elements of arc en ciel’s performance in here)
between the forgotten phantasm -sen version- (i’m so happy they kept the same music!!!)
brilliant escape (i’ve never fallen in love with a song as much as this one!!!)
doomsday trance
spiral of erebos
mourning refrain
god i can’t wait to play sen 4 now!!!
anyhoo, thanks for checking this out! i fucking LOVE this series. i’ve never played a game series that had such incredibly detailed story, world-building, and characters, the best turn-based combat system that i’ve ever seen, and with such awesome music to top it all off! 
anyhoo, i got some bonus stuff here which i don’t think a lot of kiseki fans have ever heard before so i just want to stick it in here
tracks which turn out to have vocals:
a faint glitter of light
more closer (how to walk in liberl)
kohaku no ai (sung by takehito koyasu, olivier’s voice actor)
itsumo omou koto (grancel)
maybe it was fated (fateful confrontation)
also, because i’m a fucking huge agate fankid, it turns out agate has his own theme music! (it’s actually really pretty...)
Dragon Dive ~The "A" in Agate is for Akage~
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kingofconquests · 5 years
“Now is the time. March, to the great beyond!”
Chariot standing in the middle of the war zone, the ancient king folded his arms over his chest. Winds picked up where none existed before, and grains of sand began to roll across the ground. A blue sky picked up, replacing the dismal white background of the battlefield.
Anyone near Iskandar had been transported to the golden Persian sands, among ranks of soldiers spanning from Greece to India. The sun shone on the steels of their spears, arrows, swords, staffs, shields... The hundreds of demon-faced monsters caught in this alternate dimension--a Reality Marble, for those mages and Heroic Spirits familiar with the term--all turned around to get a sense of the land they were trapped in.
Anyone among the king’s ranks with the will to fight was given a weapon, if they didn’t already have one.
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“Come gather once more, fearless fighters that aimed together to the farthest end.”
A voice sturdy as stone addressed the soldiers and citizens of Spirale behind him, bringing to mind the very things that gave them strength to keep fighting. Warriors gave whacks of encouragement to their comrades, grins on their faces.
“The ruts carved here are our honour!”
The swarm of monsters hunched their bodies--both cannon fodder and dragon-like monsters in-between. Raising his sword high, bulls of his chariot ready to charge, Iskandar let out the cry of his greatest treasure; the ultimate Noble Phantasm he possessed.
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“To victory! Ionioi Hetairoi!”
With their morale high and impenetrable, Rider’s army began their attack, charging toward the demons that roared in their optimistic defiance. There were many of them--in fact, they outnumbered the soldiers in sheer numbers. But trapped in these sands, they had no ability to call to others for help.
Working together, you can destroy them.
Anyone in Rider’s proximity were brought into his little pocket dimension, which looks like a desert and where his army (and horse) resides. These soldiers will help your muses fight if they get cornered by stronger monsters, and will give them means to arm themselves.
Attack values/strength of everyone in the reality marble is enhanced by 20% due to his kingly charisma.
Eventually when all the monsters here are killed, you’ll return to the Fantasia battlefield (you can choose the timeframe)
Feel free to use this temporary setting to either rush in and slay some monsters with some temporary companions, or take the time to heal your wounds while the monsters are occupied.
To anyone not in the Hetairoi... a whole bunch of people and monsters just dead-ass vanished. And they’ll show up again, with a whole bunch of monster corpses and a sense of accomplishment later!
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ygoreviews · 6 years
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Jerry Beans Man ———————————————— 'Jerry, a bean soldier, believes he is the strongest warrior in the world, but his true abilities are still untested.' ———————————————— Can Be Found In: Cybernetic Revolution (CRV-EN004), Starter Deck: Syrus Truesdale (YSDS-EN007), Battle Pack 3: Monster League (BP03-EN001), Dark Revelation Volume 4 (DR04-EN004)
Many years ago Normal Monsters were the main lead of most Decks in the game, using their high stats to battle each other as Effect Monsters took a supporting role. But Effect Monsters taking over and become the norm was expected, as with Normal Monsters' lack of abilities the card game could've become stale in options. Nowadays Normal Monsters are usually seen in roles as materials for all kinds of summons, as thanks to a massive pool of options they become easily accesible in all sorts of situations and position. But that doesn't mean that Normal Monsters are unable to stand on their own, as with said supporting cards as well the opportunity to work along Anti-Meta effects they can brute force through the field like in their glory days.
"Jerry Beans Man" is a popular monster among the playerbase mainly due its particular name and design, but has some solid stats to reign over some strategies. Its most noticeable trait is its high ATK for its Level, making one of the strongest monsters of this category. And despite easily overshadowed by many other powerful Normal Monsters by stats alone, the combination of a high ATK with a low Level makes "Jerry Beans Man" one of several creatures capable of pressuring the opponent while keeping them at bay along the proper support. Thanks to its position as Normal Monster, "Jerry Beans Man" can keep a constant pressence during a Duel for all kinds of purposes. Together with other Normal Monsters is quite easy to swarm the field with "Jerry" and others right from our first turn, starting with cards like "Unexpected Dai" and "Rescue Rabbit" to later on cards like "Treasure Panda" recycle cards in the Graveyard for the same purpose. With its Plant Type "Jerry" gains further options to assure its arrival, either by "Lonefire Blossom" tributing itself for its summoning or coming from our hand by "Twilight Rose Knight" and potentially work together as materials. A "Jerry" in the Graveyard is far from useless thanks to the inmense amount of revival effects we can add to our Deck, from basic options like "Swing of Memories" and "Miracle Fertilizer" bringing it back for any purposes, to monsters such as "Masked Chameleon" and "Crane Crane" reviving it upon their own summon. From our first turn to last, "Jerry" might rarely leave the field for more than a single turn.
Despite the simplicity of Normal Monsters, "Jerry Beans Man" can stand out over more powerful creatures under the right setups. "Jerry" became well known for working with cards like "Level Limit - Area B" and "Gravity Bind", making this monster and other strong low Level creatures like "Sonic Bird" and "Mad Lobster" take over the Battle Phase as we only have to worry about Xyz and Link Monsters. The more invested on "Jerry" and other Normal Monsters the more Anti-Meta options we can use in our favor, with cards like "Heat Wave" and "Tyrant's Throes" forbidding the summon of Effect Monsters, as well "Skill Drain" nullifying any effects on the field. While "Jerry" has enough options to keep the opponent under control we might require a few improvements on its attacks to ensure our lead, with cards like "Sky Dragoons of Draconia" destroying cards after dealing battle damage, or working arround the Phantasm Spiral cards to power up "Jerry" as they summon "Phantasm Spiral Dragon" in one way or another.
"Jerry Beans Man" might not seem that different compared to many other Normal Monsters with high ATK. However, its small Level difference makes it the lead monster of a build capable of stalling the opponent as we break through monsters disrupted by our Anti-Meta effects. Combined with the flexibility of its kind to work as materials and/or assist "Phantasm Spiral Dragon", "Jerry" can have the advantage over other Normal Monsters if we play slightly more defensive. Unfortunately, said strategy relied on Level stats to work, and with the popularity of both Xyz and Link Monsters nowadays it will fully affect a very few builds. But while still relying in other cards and effects like any other Normal Monsters out there, "Jerry Beans Man" still remains prevalent thanks to a cult following and the Deck that made it famous.
Personal Rating: A-
+ One of the strongest Level 3 monsters in the game + Greatly supported from early to late game + Can work in Stall Decks while keeping the offense
- Depends on other cards and effects to be effective - Its Stall strategy lost efficiency with the introduction of Xyz and Link Monsters
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fyeahygocardart · 7 years
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Phantasm Spiral Wave
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