dismaycd-blog · 5 years
@phantomphenomenon liked for a starter
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The whispers were more audible in his mind as he stared at the person in front of him, and in a quick motion Akiva tipped his head to the side, eyes narrowed. A grin curved over his lips. “Hello,” he greeted. “Have we met?” It wasn’t a real question-they’d never met, Akiva knew. 
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scathian-blog · 5 years
👫 bugson loves
Four Headcanons
While he uses it as his title during the beginning of their time together, Shadow quickly takes to calling Phantom “Rebel” as a term of endearment. Whatever name he chooses for himself in his time with Shadow and Godhead, in moments of fondness and (probably poorly executed, but sincere nonetheless) comfort he will always be “My dear / sweet / brave Rebel”.
Shadow’s initial intentions for Phantom - to expose him to All / the Void and utilize him as an agent of sorts to keep watch for any further species that would upset the natural state of the Cycle similar to his former hive - quickly fall to the wayside. He becomes far too endeared to the boy far too quickly to carry on with the plan, the softness and curiosity he sees in Phantom goading him to a much more paternal, guardianship role intent on guiding him rather than ordering commands. 
After Godhead, the first person Shadow sees Phantom is introduced to within her temple is. . . Shadow. The cat - or rather the Eldritchian monstrosity which used to be a domesticated black cat - the Godhead named “Shadow” before her ascension when she thought she was being funny. Unfortunate name aside, Shadow believes Phantom will find the creature’s company soothing, and is not disappointed when their first reaction to the boy is to rub its far too massive body against his legs.
Should Phantom choose to spend time traveling away from the temple, he will rarely be doing so alone. At least not entirely. Once touched by the Void and Shadow’s mark, he is able to trail silently and unseen along in Phantom’s wake wherever he goes. It is an unfortunate and overbearing habit kept from when the Godhead was known only as Allison - well intentioned concern for a loved one’s safety seeing Shadow make himself into a literal shadow of them. At least until Godhead learns of this and demands he give the poor boy room to breath.
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replicantdeviancy · 5 years
“ my worth is not defined by a man and neither is yours ” (@connor)
ᴬˢᵏᵇᵒˣ || ᴾᵒᵉᵗʳʸ ᴾʳᵒᵐᵖᵗˢ
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▌ ▲▐ ─────                    “I don’t think anyone’s worth can be defined by one single person or thing. But I do believe that people, individual or otherwise, can help us shape who we are. In a way, that can translate to a sense of self worth, for better or for worse.”
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virahgo · 6 years
{ @phantomphenomenon | ✪ | continuation! }
Had he been sitting there the whole time? She’d gone into the building an hour or so ago to visit an old acquaintance. Not something she usually did, but this one had also been a long time sponsor of the tent and once they’d heard she was in town, she couldn’t possibly deny them a chat over tea. But enough of that. She’d walked in and... maybe, she’d seen the top of his head in her peripheral? For someone constantly aware of who was around her, no matter how unremarkable, it was strange that she’d overlook someone. Luckily, she’d seen him when she left her companion; hence her inner monologue about whether or not he was there earlier.
And that’s why she’d decided to occupy the empty seat across from him, pulling it a few inches closer whilst keeping a reasonable distance in between. She didn’t immediately answer his one-word query. Instead, taking a moment to look at his features. Or lack thereof; too many layers for her to get a good read on him. Attempt seemingly futile, she sighed. Eyes landing on the flower pot, curiosity piqued by it and the stranger’s presence.
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“That’s a nifty lil’ flower pot you’ve got there.”
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withinycu-arch · 5 years
“You have a beautiful voice.” (@Cheza)
Dragonheart starters | accepting
   The song stopped abruptly at the intrusion of another voice- a voice all her sightless senses scream to her belong to something alien. 
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Her small petal-white hands are pulled to her chest. “This one sings for her wolves who are very dear to her. Have you come for them? This one- This one does not know what you are.”
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englacial · 6 years
“ several bad choices have lead me to this moment ”
                         “Only several?” He scoffs unintentionally impolite. “I think that’s selling yourself short a little bit.”
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celestaele · 6 years
“The two things you need to become immortal is vision and a heart.”
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             ‘ is that really it?  guess i just have Y E T to decipher my vision, but                   i have been told i have h e a r t, so i know of half what is needed. ‘
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candlmas · 6 years
“ i keep forgetting there’s ghosts in here ”
𝐏𝐇𝐀𝐍𝐓𝐎𝐌 𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐈𝐃𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐒 𝐎𝐅 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐍𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 𝐋𝐔𝐑𝐊 𝐀𝐑𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐃 𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐘 𝐂𝐎𝐑𝐍𝐄𝐑.  Sarah was   well   aware   of   every   spirit   that   roamed   the   halls   of   the   decrepit   mansion,    the   energy   strong   enough   to   allow   her   senses   to   flare   up.    As   a   part - time   necromancer,     this   was   her   specialty. 
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“   They   are   really   fucking   loud   and   restless   tonight,    I   can   tell   you   that   much.   ”
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nightmarist · 6 years
i deleted an old blog so i can finally put my babe on his own blog instead of sticking him in multimuses 
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and also not bug my friends for another text verification lmao 
go look at my babe @phantomphenomenon 
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scathian-blog · 5 years
//That feel when the bug son you’ve been wanting to adopt agrees to join you in the Void
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replicantdeviancy · 5 years
There were two sets of eyes, blank and unmoving that simply stared at the sorry creature to have wandered just too close to his dark corner. It put him on edge. Lips peeled back to reveal rows of sharp teeth, spine and segmented body, porcelain encased, bent down in cat-like defense. Membranous wings spread to appear much wider, much bigger to thwart away the potentially dangerous. “You shouldn't be here,” he growled, prowling on all fours, half-cast in shadow. (normal thomas @ human connor)
ᴬˢᵏᵇᵒˣ || ᵁⁿᵖʳᵒᵐᵖᵗᵉᵈ//ᴬᶜᶜᵉᵖᵗᶦⁿᵍ...
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▌ ▲▐ ─────                    Wide brown eyes were acutely focused on the creature ( whatever it was ) that crouched before him like a predator on the hunt. The man stood stock still, his whole lean frame freezing in place as if he imagined this things vision was more adapted to movement. A second’s reasoning told him it was not, and Connor considered at once reaching for the service handgun tucked neatly in it’s holster beneath his arm. Surely this beast hadn’t taken notice of it, or perhaps it had. Those eyes which almost seemed to glow in the darkness of the shadows surrounding them felt as if they pierced his very soul.
                   Connor was at a loss for speech, for all coherent thought. Part of his mind told him to back away slowly, never breaking eye contact.
                                                                      ——Don’t run! Don’t run! It can smell your fear!
                   Another part told him to remain as he was, unmoving, and perhaps this beast would lose interest in him and go on it’s merry way. A curse was on the tip of his tongue, yet it never brushed past those gently parted lips. The detective did have an EXTENSIVE vocabulary, yet no curse within his spectrum of knowledge felt strong enough to convey his terror. The only thing that continued to surge through his anxious mind was the need to survive.
                   His fear only mounted with shock as it spoke. “I–” Shouldn’t be here - a gross understatement if he had ever heard one. “…Wha–?”
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#DisasterPreparedness Mother Tynnetta warns 3 Days of Darkness(No Sunlight) "The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught us that such #solareruptions and other #cosmic phenomenon would take place in this time of the Final Judgment of the world and would indeed affect communication systems everywhere on our planet, leaving us in a field of Darkness that would last up to THREE DAYS and three nights with NO visible sunlight. Much of life as we know it would come to a halt; and our orientation and sense of direction would be so drastically altered causing many to commit suicide and manifest other acts of insanity. We have completed an unusual solar eclipse which was observed by many people the world over occurring in three stages—a complete solar eclipse, a partial solar eclipse and an annular eclipse. The sun also appeared as if it were encircled by a ring of fire. Approximately one day before this solar eclipse, it was reported in the news that the sun appeared in a triple form (three suns in a rainbow halo over Northern #China in the province of the Autonomous Republic of Inner #Mongolia). This is often referred to as a #phantomphenomenon." Mother Tynnetta Tynnetta http://www.finalcall.com http://www.noi.org 
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scathian-blog · 5 years
//On tonight's agenda apparently we're weeping over one precious, heartbreaking bug son
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replicantdeviancy · 5 years
"I’ve heard of you." (@Connor)
                             ᴬˢᵏᵇᵒˣ || ˢᵉⁿᵈ “ᴵ’ᵛᵉ ʰᵉᵃʳᵈ ᵒᶠ ʸᵒᵘ” ᶠᵒʳ ᵐʸ ᵐᵘˢᵉ’ˢ ʳᵉᵃᶜᵗᶦᵒⁿ.
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▌ ▲▐ ─────                    It wasn’t surprising; this small revelation. Rather, these days it felt the former deviant hunter would be hard pressed to find another android who hadn’t heard of him even in passing. Regardless, Connor did do his very best to appear at least somewhat taken aback.“Have you?” he queried. “I hope my reputation precedes me in a positive light.”
                   The comment was as casual as it was passive, though there was some weight to it. The RK unit hoped news of his work with Markus and the DPD post-revolution overrode the knowledge of his past, what he had been designed to be. One could only hope for small mercies.
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replicantdeviancy · 6 years
“ our version of living feels more like death. ” (@Connor)
                                                                  Askbox || Poetry Sentence Starters
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──── ⌈ ∞ ⌋ ─────                    While he didn’t necessarily disagree, there was more to it, Connor feared, than words could describe. A strange sense of irony to it all, maybe, for it felt like a curse thrust upon him to outlive those lost, to continue on. As if he had a choice - Connor had yet to find an effective means of release from living. If he starved, his body would not longer be his own, but rather he would transform into some mindless THING, bestial as he roamed and hunted until he had his fill, regardless of personal qualms.
                   There were other means, of course, of dispatching oneself. Often considered, but never taken. Reminiscing on the idea brought with it unpleasant memories, days long since past. Silly little Constance. Vulnerable and weak. What a coward.
                   Brown eyes lowered momentarily and the boy shoved these thoughts from his mind with a frown. Some things were better left in the past. Dead and buried, where they could not hurt him any longer. He sighed, and regarded the other with a faint, tired smile. There was little joy in it. “If only it were so peaceful,” he declared with no small sense of sarcasm. If only, indeed. Unlife had taken much of the luster of living from him, and thus he wandered like a lost spirit searching for what which eluded him, never to enjoy it again.
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replicantdeviancy · 5 years
😩 all three xoxo
                                             ᴬˢᵏᵇᵒˣ || ᴹᵘⁿ ᵀᵃˡᵏˢ ᴬᵇᵒᵘᵗ ᴹᵘˢᵉ
                                                            Hardest thing about writing the muse?
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I think for me the most difficult thing about writing Connor is that delicate balance of conveying how emotional and genuinely sweet he is while still expressing that he is also an android capable or murder without a second thought. Being aware that he can love and feel genuine affection, has anxiety and even mild ADHD, and so many other intricacies that would usually make a person seem soft and gentle is one thing. Being aware of the duality of his character, the fact that he can and has taken out both a whole SWAT team and a group of highly trained military equipped guards is another thing entirely.
On the other hand, for Xander it’s mapping out how his stoicism is not a result of him being cold and unfeeling, or that he has a strange superiority complex. He’s actually shy and words fail him. He’s said the wrong thing on multiple occasions and really has no clear idea of how to navigate a social situation. He comes off as standoffish, but it’s really just ineptitude. Displaying this properly without taking away from those little idiosyncrasies that make him almost seem cold is difficult.
Lastly, Caine can be…emotionally taxing. She and I are similar in a way, as she expressions emotions outwardly that she does not possess. I’m not far off. I don’t feel things on a normal, perceivable level. I’ve come to find that most of my feelings come out as expressionism in writing, as I’m usually very logic based. But she is just emotionally void, and the balance of cruelty and logic that have to be weighed against the mask of what she expresses socially is taxing. She’s a draining muse and it’s why I’ve taken to writing her sparingly.
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