Phavors Set to Release Debut EP, “Petals”
Phavors gets ready to debut their four track debut EP May 28, 2020
 Written by Lana Leonard
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In the last few months, Phavors has certainly opened themselves up into the world. The dream-pop duo of Kayla DeRosa and Phil Marflak, strikes the DIY music community with their debut EP, Petals. Completely mixed and mastered by Marflak, the music collection beautifully encapsulates what the band has made their mission from the conception of Phavors: Seeking out the truth of self via vulnerability and community as so to find self-loving comfort.
Set to release May 28, expect the title track single release of the EP, “Petals,” to open up this record’s voyage. From “Waste Time,” to “Water is Still,” to “Home” the power of Phavors seems to manifest out of an invitation for lightness—to come as you are. The vocals of DeRosa will place you in a dreamscape and the eclectic timing and impressions of Marflak will distill into fine, crisp echoes you may sip.
Petals renders rest for the mind and bounties a realm of timelessness. In our historic hour of incubation in isolation, Phavors offers you a golden hour; a moment in time where you should feel pleased to waste time before the day dims to nightfall. A gentle breeze, the four track record takes what could be the most magnificent thing about life in quarantine and builds a stained glass fort to watch the stars through.
Ultimately, there isn’t a promise that goes unkept with Phavors. The lyrics and words relinquished into the music community ring back with promises kept. There is no arguing against what Petals is capable of evoking in the band’s commitment to music. For that, this EP will come to you in pure bliss.
Continue to look for news and upcoming information for Phavor’s upcoming EP at their website, www.phavorsmusic.com. For information on press/media email Phavors at [email protected]. And to listen to the title track single release, “Petals,” visit Phavors on spotify.
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