#pheww nice save
luty-month · 2 years
hello hello hellooooo
have you ever thought, "wow, i love ludmila and naty a normal amount. i would not be indifferent to an entire month being dedicated to them in silly (and not) little prompts so i could showcase all the normal time i spend thinking about them"?
well my friend, look no further than this beautiful little blog of mine: introducing,
⭐️luty month⭐️
what is luty month?
ok so, ill let you guess who came up with this idea. one, two, th- yes its me its @iristhedeadflower. who's surprised? surely not me. it came to me in a blurry vision one night, let me set the scene, i was thinking about the sillies as one does. then suddenly i was like, wait, i could put all this time spent thinking about the sillies to good use. why not share the silly propaganda? (i dont remember when i got the idea ok. im sure it went this way más o menos)
after that, the idea corroded my brain for months until eventually i decided to do something about it and here we are!
when is luty month?
we are taking over february 2023! there are two main reasons why i chose this month: 1, luty literally translates to february in polish, and 2, its my birthday month and im selfish. :)
how does luty month work?
later this week, i will post the list of prompts for the month: it consists of 28 prompts, one per day. all prompts are one word each, so your imagination can run as free as you can let it! obviously, it's not required for people who join to do something for every day, just do as much as you want and most importantly, have fun!
(i want to take the time to thank the looters over at discord for helping me come up with the prompts and supporting the project in general, i might have come up with the concept but this is mine just as much as it is yours <3)
how can i participate?
any way you want, my dear friend! drawings, fics, edits, headcanons, anything you can think of, as long as it's somehow connected to the prompt of the day, the floor is yours! all work tagged #luty month (or tagging this blog in the post) will be reblogged here :)
this month is truly about sharing our love for the little girls, so please don't stress about deadlines or not doing enough - even just supporting the content that comes out during the month is enough!
i myself will not be able to post something every day, but i will post little sketches for every prompt to start the day, and will write drabbles and fics that may not come out in time, but they will come out, rest assured.
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and that is all from me, stay tuned for more information and the prompt list dropping soon, and if you have any questions, don't be afraid to send an ask my way and I'll answer as soon as i can! other than that, start your engines, and get ready for luty month :)
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powluna · 2 years
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Little sneak peek of what made me struggle so much today :D For Valentines Day I want to make a little set of formal wear for girls and boys like I did last year for toddlers. I started with this bottom length dress, because we don’t have nice long dresses. The only one I found in my catalog is this one and, for me, the shape of the dress is very weird.
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I wanted something that looks more elegant and I think the mesh turned out great. What made me struggle was to make the mesh working ingame, but after hours of weight painting, vertex painting, saving and loading the game 100x I finally got it.. pheww.. otherwise I had to scrap my plan and make something else :D
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barissoffee · 3 years
I can't be the only one who thought that ep 7 of tbb where tbb and Rex go to bracca had nice rexwalker au set up. Like I was thinking for the whole time how fucking great it would be if Anakin (that didn't turn to the dark side and survived order 66) just showed up on the shipwreck (bc reasons) while wrecker was trying to murder everybody and knocked him the fukc out and then ~rexwalker reunion~ and since Rex probably thought anakin was super dead until right now that would be just *chef's kiss*
WAIT okay so hear me out so we know that Cal is on Bracca SO imagine after order 66 and Anakin survived/didn't turn and he's been tasked to go save Cal and bring him home to there new temple hide at on a safe planet (and lets just say that Cal sent a distress signal or something) and so Anakin goes to get him in his FULL post order 66 incognito outfit (so he doesn't get recognise) and he would be wearing a cool mask or something and so ep 7 of tbb still plays out and maybe we have tbb and Rex meeting Cal or finding him and looking after him only (but also cal is probably still scared of clones so maybe he runs off and hides) for Wrecker to activate his chip and attack everyone and Cal and Omega run off and they get cornered by Wrecker and just when Rex shows up to stun Wrecker, Anakin crashes through the ceiling and knocks Wrecker out with a few good punches and so Wrecker is lying unconcious on the ground and Anakin still wearing a mask saying stuff like "pheww man that's gonna leave a mark" being his usual cocky self and Rex just freezes and drops his blaster and is staring at Anakin's back in shock and the rest of tbb appear behind Rex just looking at each other in confusion wondering whats happening, All while Anakin is still unaware of whats behind him and removes his mask so that Cal can recognise him and Cal runs to him yelling "Master Skywalker!!" and throws himself at Anakin for a hug cause after everything that's happened Cal needs this and Anakin is reasurring him saying it's okay and he'll take him home and THAT spurs Rex into action and he manages to choke out ".....Anakin?" (or maybe "General?" both is good) and Anakin still holding Cal goes so still and slowly turns around, tears in his eyes, and softly says "Rex?" and then they would do the classic reunion of "how are you alive?" "I thought you were dead" and having a quiet moment, perhaps holding each other (FOREHEAD TOUCH?) and now they're both crying, both happy that the other is alive, Cal happy for them, Omega confused but thinking good for them!, Echo just looking at them fondly, and Tech whispers to Hunter "I told you they were together"
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josaphire · 6 years
The Journey Has Begun. Welcome to Australia!
Welcome to Australia!
To start 2019, I flew to Sydney, Australia. Set aside all hassle before the trip (Visas, tickets, booking room, etc.), this is a great and special trip for me. I, finally, take the courage and all my guts to actually doing the study abroad program, and this definitely will be a good experience. The program is not starting until tomorrow, Jan 13th, and I arrived 2 days early. Thus, I have so much time to walk around and see things.
Arrived to Sydney at about 7ish, it didn't take me so long to go through the customs; actually, it took roughly 5 minutes (or less) to get through the gate. Pheww! The public transportation here, especially the train is great; it really easy to figure out where to go and how to use it. I am very lucky that I did not get lost or getting any trouble using it since I have lived in Delaware since I came to America, and as you know, we rarely use the train (or not using at all). And one thing needs to be noted, I am very very bad at direction; I get lost easily even the most simple road. Finding the train route was terrific, finding the way to the hostel is not so good. For some reason, my activated sim did not allow me to use the internet ( which I found out later that it needed some more manual set up). I had to only rely on my skill, which is not so good, to find the way to the hostel. Walking around the King Cross neighborhood for roughly 30 mins, I still couldn’t find my hostel, and it's raining! ( or actually sprinkling). A kind man and a lovely girl helped me to find it. They were eagerly asked everyone around to help me. Funny enough, that place was right around the corner, its entrance just is in a different street. I was like, I found the hostel's wifi but I couldn't find the physical place. Weird, right? Long story short, I found the place; the party people over there help me to bring my luggage upstairs, which was very nice of them. The place I stayed is a backpacker's place; it's full of young, adventurous people. Staying in a mixed gender, dorm-like hostel is so new to me, but somehow, it's still a great experience.
Getting up early in the morning ( due to the jet lag, I guess) I have the chance to get out of the house and explore a couple of places around. Being a cheap thrill, I tried to find a free destination to visit, but first, I need to check in to the most popular destination in Sydney, the Sydney Opera House.
The weather in Sydney today is perfect to walk around, so I take this chance, going around the harbor, visiting the Royal Botanical Garden, Eating Vietnamese food in Koreatown ( which is definitely weird), and found World Square Center !!!!. I'm still a little bit jet lag, but bubble tea saves the day! For now, I'm having a lot of fun by myself, but I can't wait for my people to come here and hanging out together. What's next? I don't know, but one thing I know for sure, my journey has just begun!
With love,
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Are you infected by the travel bug? We Have Shortlisted 5 Must Have Travel Accessories for You
Whether you’re packing bags for your first or last trip, it’s always good to make a checklist of the things that you may need irrespective of if it’s a romantic international getaway or just a long weekend away from the city chaos. We all have been in the situations where we forgot to pack the most essential things or the things we left assuming that we won’t need them. Apparently, it turned out to be a disaster and we ended up making a fool of ourselves.
If you have witnessed any situation in which you forgot to something really important then here we have created a short list of must-have travel accessories for you:
1.        Personal Care and Hygiene Products
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If you are relying on the personal care or hygiene products that you will be getting in your hotels then you probably should give second thoughts to it. When you’re going to a new city, the weather and the environment will be absolutely different so switching to different personal care products won’t be a good idea. Trust the ones that you have been using religiously whether it’s your sunscreen, face wash, lotion or shampoo. Don’t forget to pack the hygiene products like sanitizers, mouthwash, wet wipes and toilet rolls (just in case if the public washrooms or the ones in mountains are running out of them).
2.        Smart Accessories
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There’s no way that you will be running here and there to find a charging port in the middle of a beach, so you need to pack a portable power bank (with USB and charger of course), headphones (to keep you calm and distracted from the noise), I pod or MP3 players and a digital camera to save your phone’s battery from dying. You can also pack a wireless Bluetooth speaker, torch, quick dry towel and water purifier bottle.
3.        Foldable Shoe Bags and Storage Bags
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It’s all rainbows and sunshine when you’re packing your bags with clean ironed clothes and shoes that turn out to be a disastrous mess when you’re checking out from your hotel. Who has the energy to nicely pack bags when you’re coming to your cozy home? You can save your time, energy and probably other stuff in your luggage from getting stained or damp with your dirty clothes and shoes with foldable shoe bags and storage bags for clothes. Pheww, just stack the dirt inside bags and you’re ready to roll back to your home.
 4.        Scented Travel Candles
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Scented Travel Candles are becoming a thing nowadays, it could be carried while you’re on a business trip, solo tour or a romantic getaway with your mate. No matter how beautiful a destination is, you always end up seeking for comfort and warmth of your home. A scented tin candle would do wonders for you, whether it’s shooing away your jet lags during a business trip or making your hotel room more welcoming. You can also use it to spice up the romance during a romantic getaway, just light up a rose scented tin candle and order some wine, chocolates, and flowers while your partner is taking a shower. This will surely melt their heart and make them drool over you. Did you know? Beyonce loves the warm and sweet aroma on vanilla scented candles and she has them all around in her house. She confessed that she has someone to lighten up the vanilla aroma candles at her home when she’s away, so that her home smells like vanilla when she gets back from vacations.
5.     A Good Book and Green Tea  
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Traveling in countries like Europe or Asia means a lot of downtime on subways, trains and waiting for short flights or switching between the terminals to catch the connecting flights. You could read a book about the next city that you’re visiting, or a book on the great food of that particular place. You can also carry along some green tea or detox tea to flush out the toxins (that you probably got while munching that lip-smacking street food).
If you’re fond of aroma candles and love travelling then you will surely be interested in buying some travel tin candles? If yes then Lighthaus Candle houses one of the finest range of tin candles available in extensive range of fragrances, browse through our website at
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