#phgs for ts
What do you think Snow's plan would've been had the next Hunger Games after Katniss's not been a Quarter Quell? I mean, the Quarter Quell was a great excuse to get her killed without Snow really taking the blame for it, you know? If the next Games after hers was, say, the 73rd, do you think Snow would've just let Katniss and Peeta play out their wedding and whatnot before ultimately sending them in for the 75th? Wouldn't that be too late to kill them (3 years), considering the country's unrest?
 I think Snow will use his reliable tactic of targeting her love ones to get her to do his bidding, which he has started to do before the quell. Prim being reaped twice in a row is too much of a coincidence tho, so like with previous victors,I think  snow will target her family and Peeta’s outside of the public eye. 
As for the Games itself, the rebels, at least Plutarch,  were expecting Katniss and Peeta to be mentors next, so i think whatever they had initially planned to make her the Mockingjay it involved with her and Peeta as mentors and it’s the rebellion plan that would have played out instead. So perhaps the extra spectacle of a Quell would have bode better for the rebel’s plans, but with the popularity of the star-crossed lovers, i think they would have upstaged a regular year of the Hunger Games anyways. 
I think just like with the quell, their wedding would be bigger than the Games that year, and both Snow and the rebels would also feel they can use their wedding to their own advantage.  
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Do you happen to still have CF script file? I'd love to read it and the file is down, can you upload it again or send it to me? Thank you
i have it here, tho just fyi it might be frustrating to view in order since it’s in individual jpeg images on google drive. if there are missing pages, let me know. 
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I just finish catching fire again and I have to say tat the little gem inside this book is the moment when peeta tell katniss how she'll be an amazing mom and she dreams about peetas kids... which are actually hers becuase who you think peeta want to have kids with? so its a very sweet moment when katniss foreshadows the epiloge
I agree! She can barely stand to see a naked girl make small talk to him in an elevator, let alone picture someone else as his baby mama. ;p
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Oh my god!!! I love cinemasins I hope he do a back to back and we get tomorow the second part!!!
ah yes I also love cinemasins! part 2 is here:
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In Catching Fire when Peeta's heart stopped after hitting the forcefield, if it hadn't happened during the bloodbath, how do you think Katniss would've reacted to hearing the canon go off for Peeta's death - and also, how do you think she would have reacted to having to watch the hovercraft carry his body away?
I feel like it would not be that different from how she reacted in Mockingjay after she found out Peeta was hijiacked, I think she would focus all of herself to do something to stick it to Snow in front of all of Panem and give the districts their martyr for the revolution from the quell arena.
Katniss entered the QQ prepared to die, failing to keep Peeta alive would I think push her to do sth monumental against Snow and his gamemakers. She’ll probably do sth even more drastic than what she has done for Rue before the hovercraft took her body, but what that sth is, I’m not sure.
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What do you think who've happened if Gale had volunteered for Peeta in the first Games? What strategy do you think he and Katniss would use? And what do you think would happen if Gale and Katniss were the only two left at the end of the Games, and only one of them could go home?
I’ve answered sth similar in the past here.
I personally don’t think Gale would have volunteered for Peeta in the first Games, especially after Katniss had volunteered for Prim. In fact, him not volunteering did not come up when he said goodbye to her, and I’d argue that when gale was cut off saying “remember, I--” he was referring to keeping his promise about their pact to keep each other’s family alive.
BUT in the event that Gale and Katniss did end up in the 74th Games together, like I said in my linked post above, there’s no way things would happen the same way for them as it did with Peeta and Katniss. I think their dynamic during the Games would not be that different when they were at war in Mockingjay.
Gale and Katniss would ally with each other immediately, if they already hadn’t started butting heads before entering the arena. Together I’d think they’ll get far in the Games, but only if they get their hands on the weapon they need. And that’s where I think could easily be their downfall. 
There’s a chance that Gale might not even survive the bloodbath if he insisted going into the cornucopia. If he does and was able to meet up with Katniss, they’re going to be Career targets. I think Gale could also talk Katniss into a risky strategy that could get them killed.
Gale is also good with a knife and bow and arrow, but not as good as Katniss. He can’t climb trees as high as her either. He’s not as good with hand to hand combat like Peeta is. He is good as setting up traps, so that will work in his/their advantage, but if those traps got Rue or some other helpless tribute and not a career, idk how Katniss would feel about it. Either way, I’m sure Thresh won’t be as forgiving this time around. 
i honestly don’t think Gale and Katniss would make the top two. Haymitch might get a good number of sponsors for Katniss because she’s the Girl on Fire who scored an 11, which could also be a source of conflict between them, but I don’t think the star crossed lovers act would be existent in their Games. Even if they tried, I don’t think they’ll will be able to sell it as well as Peeta did with Katniss.
BUT if they do, I think they’ll be different people and have a different relationship by the end of it, just like they were in Mockingjay. If not coz of Prim, then Rue. I’d say Katniss would win just coz the gamemakers willed it and she had momentum on her side since sponsors like her more. 
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Why you think finnick cares about peeta that much?
Aside from Finnick being a precious cinnamon roll, I think because Finnick identifies a lot with Peeta, as someone who will go extreme lengths to protect the person they love the most and as someone that was used, abused and exploited by the Capitol more than the usual for a victor. 
I’ve said it several times in the past, but i also see finnick and annie as a parallel or an AU to katniss and peeta, and I think finnick also understands what peeta and katniss are through because at some capacity, I think he has experienced the same thing with Annie early on in their relationship and what they are individually going through, hence sharing with both Peeta and Katniss his coping mechanism with tying knots. 
As I’ve also said my tags previously, finnick is like the mom friend, so I think it’s natural for him to gravitate to someone like Peeta. Even before he was hijacked, Finnick saw the innate goodness in Peeta that Katniss and Haymitch also saw in him, and it triggered in him a sense of protectiveness over Peeta. 
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Hi I know you already answer my question but I really want to hear your opinion on other scenario. What would have happened if peeta was never rescued by 13? Thanks!!!!
Never rescued, ugh that’s tough. I think two things could happen: any longer in Snow’s hands he would have died as the hijacking intensifies, he wouldn’t survive the process. I do think tho the rescue, even if expected by Snow, it’s earlier than he had anticipated. If Peeta was rescued any later, if he had not died he’s probably be too hijacked to still have the ability to return to his old self or to just be able to sort out what’s real or not real inside his head even with rehabilitation.
Second thing that could happen, if Peeta wasn’t rescued and Snow was able to fully hijack him without killing him in the process, then as the rebels speculated, Snow would drop Peeta off in a district somewhere, perhaps in District 2, since that seems to be the where the rebels were headed next before his rescue. In this scenario, at this point I think Peeta would also be hijacked beyond any hope of rehabilitation, if the rebels hasn’t killed him.
As far as the rebellion goes, once she finds out the Peeta has died, Katniss would be fueled by his death as much as she was fueled by his hijacking. I think Katniss said sth like Snow hijacking Peeta is worse than finding out Snow killed Peeta. So if Katniss didn’t die in the Capitol while attempting to assassinate Snow, she would have successfully taken that nightlock pill after she shot Coin. 
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Have you seen the Hunger Games deleted (or, I suppose, extended) scene of Gale and Katniss in the meadow, talking about tessarae? If so, what are your thoughts on it? Personally, I thought the way they explained it seemed too...explicit, I guess. It was very obvious that the only reason they were talking about it was because they wanted the audience to know about it (at least, that's what it came off as to me). Anyways, I'd love to know your thoughts on it! I love your blog!
I did see it once and i can’t find it now to watch it again before I answer this, but I actually remember it as the opposite, it did not explain it well, I think they didn’t mention the word tessarae or explained well the connection between getting more grains and the reaping. It certainly gave a bit more information, but I don’t think it explained the whole thing any better than what did make the movie. 
If anything, I think the extended clip wanted to further set up the closeness between Katniss and Gale more than it wanted to explain the difference between Seam and Merchant when it comes to the reaping and why does the tessarae reinforces the divide between those two classes in D12.
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oh well then lets make it simple :( what you think would have be an event that could have played different base on the characters choises thta would have change the story the most :))
Oh lots of things would have played out differently if certain characters chose to act differently, but I think for the most part, choosing to act differently would have been OOC for them and it would be not that easy for me to comprehend why would they made have acted differently if all other things are held constant. 
But I did get part 3 of your Q, so from the events you listed from CF:
CF: Katniss and peeta doesn’t have the friendship talk, They all run away from 12, Peeta is reaped instead of haymitch for the quarter quell, Katniss and peeta leave finnick in the quell, Katniss and peeta leave the group in the beach, Katniss and peeta decide to stay together at the end of the quell (part 3)
If Peeta didn’t have the friendship talk with Katniss, I think like in the first Games, he would have protected her anyways in the Quell. 
The movie explained it differently, but even before the quell reaping, Katniss and Haymitch already had an agreement if it’s was Peeta and her, they would do everything to help him win the Games, Haymitch volunteering in his place was never an alternative for Katniss, since Haymitch is family to her too.
If Katniss and Peeta left Finnick, Peeta would have died after hitting the force field, or they might not have survived the fog or the mutts without Finnick. Their mentors individually might not have been able to get enough sponsors to afford to send them a spile. 
If they left the group before Beetee’s plan, arguably the careers would have gotten to them first, coz unbeknownst to them the Careers also launched a preemptive attack before theirs materialized (that’s how i interpret why Beetee’s plan went, well, haywire). Would they have defeated both Brutus and Enobaria at the same time? Hard to tell. But one on one, Peeta did defeat Brutus. 
Katniss and Peeta deciding to stay together at the end of the quell is the biggest probability and why so many fics have been written about that canon divergence, coz personally, the book never really strongly justified why they needed to be separated or why Katniss and Peeta felt they didn’t have a choice to object. I believe they had more leverage to insist staying together than allowing themselves to be separated. I think both book and movie did a lousy job of justifying it. 
So if Katniss and Peeta stayed together, they would have either been rescued together or captured by the Capitol together, and I think the war on both sides would have played out very differently. The propos from both sides would have been different, the attacks launched from either side would take place differently or perhaps not at all. I’m of the opinion that if Peeta was with Katniss in 13 right from the start and never hijacked, she would have made different choices as the Mockingjay, but she will still be the Mockingjay. I think she’ll figure out how to be a politician earlier. Peeta would have helped her articulate her positions better. 
One thing that I really missed from Mockingjay is to finally reap the benefits from the development of Katniss, Peeta and Haymitchrelationship from the previous two books, esp with how they approach the war together. Arguably we can still say we did see that in Mockingjay, Katniss is still very much connected and influenced by Peeta even though he’s in the Capitol, Katniss and Haymitch still understanding each other despite at odds with each other, and Peeta still driven by the instinct to protect Katniss, but they did so while very fractured and in their own corners, instead of functioning as one whole unit, which is what i had expected to see when I first read Mockingjay.
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Honestly, as vile as I consider Trump, even trying to parallel him to Snow falls flat when you actually analyze the type of government, their relation to the government, and their rhetoric. If anything, and if there's going to be a parallel, Trump represents the worst element of the Rebellion in terms of using the media to whip the unwashed masses into a frothing maelstrom of hate instead of directing frustrations into something constructive and stable. Also, I don't get deifying politicians
(Full disclosure for those who don’t follow my personal blog: While I initially/briefly supported Bernie Sanders, I am supporting Hillary Clinton.)
Agree and agree. I really encourage people to get their political information outside of tumblr memes and even cable news because of what you exactly said. Tumblr can be a bubble, especially when tumblr has a culture of the more notes a post has the more valid and factual that post appears to be, and that’s just a very dangerous way to be vetting information, especially on something as high stakes as this elections and it’s real life, not fandom. And to echo what you said, we can’t treat politicians like fictional characters and assign them as heroes or villains. 
For me, and this is a very personal opinion, Trump and Sanders are doing the same thing, taking the anger of people to serve their own agenda and steering people to make irrational decisions and act out of anger by making them believe in their false promises. I get that Trump is going after on women, immigrants and Muslims while Sanders is after the top one percent and taking money out of politics, but both are employing similar means to justify and achieve their end goals. And based on how i talk about the books, you know how much I feel strongly about that.
And honestly, the way Bernie Sanders supporters go after Hillary Clinton with false information and coz she’s running for president sexism is suddenly excusable, it’s hard to tell them apart from GOP. And while Sanders is not as direct and blatant as Trump with the insults, the tonedeaf sexism and racial discrimination is also in his words, and for me that’s actually more dangerous coz it’s not as obvious. And he enables his surrogates that are more comfortable with playing dirty. I get that politics is dirty, but there’s a certain amount of hypocrisy there coming from a campaign that claims it wants to keep it about the issues and claims to be running a positive and clean campaign. Plus the fact that he is appealing to mostly young voters too, I just hope they don’t feel even more disillusioned and apathetic when he doesn’t end up being the nominee.
The only acceptable parallel between Sanders and the Mockingjay i’m willing to accept is neither of them became president coz they know that while they are leaders coz they carry a strong message of changing the system, they know neither of them are cut out to be really president and the people supporting them or who agree with their message also recognize that. 
And if i’m going to make comparisons with Coin, she’s not Hillary Clinton. If people on Tumblr actually take time to watch even just one debate or townhall, read up on her actual record and policies in comparison to other candidates, or read articles why Latinos, African-Americans, Asian-Americans, LGBT, disabled, differently abled, women (yes women) of all ages are with her, why she’s appealing to not just one group but to a diverse group that reflects America, hopefully you’ll see what I also see in her and why she’s the most qualified and deserving to be the next POTUS despite her flaws, shortcomings and mistakes in the past. 
And even if they don’t still support her, I hope they vet their candidate as hard as everyone is vetting and scrutinizing Hillary’s record, and hold their candidate accountable as much as they would Hillary Clinton. 
As for Trump, I just hope American voters actually go out and vote for the Democratic nominees for President and for Congress, coz if we think we are not that stupid to elect Donald Trump, well that’s what the GOP thought at first and now they are stuck with him as the inevitable standard bearer of their party.
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What do you think about the deleted scene?
I love it but I’m not super crazy about it, just coz we’ve seen it in bts already and it’s not unexpected that we got that scene.
I was still happy to see it tho, in the bts the scene appeared more antagonistic between them, but in the clip you can see the internal conflict in katniss even tho she’s trying to push peeta away and you can see how peeta understands why she’s saying what she saying but still heartbroken by it.
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Where did you get the deleted scene from The Hunger Games? Is the video posted somewhere?
You probably found the video by now but here’s the link anyway: http://www.popsugar.com/entertainment/Hunger-Games-Deleted-Scene-Katniss-Peeta-40345877
I just reblogged the video too. http://posthungergamessyndrome.tumblr.com/post/140084959829/jennifirlaurence-new-deleted-scene-from-the
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Once again, thanks for your answer. On personal level, I´ve got zero self-esteem, however, I´ve got principles; that´s why I wouldn´t want to be a piece in anyone games, either. I also hate when Peeta is Katniss’ human doormat; but I think that´s pretty common in fanfic because Katniss not always showed respect for him, his feelings or skills. I really like your analysis, I hope you keep going.
you’re welcome and thanks again! and it’s a fair argument, that it could be principles not self esteem that drives not wanting to a piece in anyone’s games, so i don’t want to make a lot of assumptions and generalizations coz we are all motivated and shaped by different things even if we all end up sharing the same values, but specifically for Peeta, imo i think if not wanting to be piece in the games is purely from holding on to a principle or philosophy, he would have acted upon that philosophy very differently after he got reaped. He could have approached it from a puritanical stand point, like refusing capitol sponsors or pledging to not kill anybody no matter what. 
Instead, he started to court capitolites to sponsor him even before he got off the train, played along with Ceasar, initiated the star-crossed lovers angle for him and Katniss, and allied with the Careers. He did all that not because he was hypocritical about not wanting to be piece in the Games, but he knows that it’s a more efficient way to turn things around and put the odds in their favor, esp for Katniss.  Simply boycotting the Games, like how movie!Gale thinks if they just don’t watch the Games it’s sticking it to the Capitol and  that the Games will be gone,  is dangerously naive at best and won’t do anything for him or Katniss. But by doing what he did, Peeta was able to show how he is not a piece in the Games AND also save Katniss AND forced the Gamemakers to change the rules of the Games, and we know the rest of the story. 
I must confess i haven’t read many fics lately and i’ve always had strong preferences with the kind of fics i read, which is why when people ask me for recs i mention the same fics over and over again, so as someone who hasn’t read majority of everlark fics compared to others, my statement on fanfic tropes is more anecdotal rather than a reliable statement to generalize the everlark fanfic community. Maybe i’m just unfortunate that the fics that exemplify tropes i don’t like and characterizations i don’t agree with are the ones I stumbled upon, but even then I also recognize the overall quality of everlark fics have been very impressive and appreciative of the time and talent the fandom puts into them. 
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Thanks for your answer about K choosing P (although sometimes I feel it was because she felt in debt with him). I know P wanted their relationship to be real, but do you think because of his lack of self-value since forever but especially after him being hijacked and the war, he would be just content with whatever K could give to or take from him? Sorry for my English and for being so dense.
You’re welcome! & don’t apologize for your English, it’s great and it’s not like this blog is Time magazine, lol.
I do want to challenge the peeta has lack of self value tho, coz while peeta has self-deprecating humor, willing to sacrifice himself & thinks no one truly needs him, I think he places a lot of value in himself for him to not want to be a piece in anyone’s game, and to also exude confidence in his abilities but at the same time also secure enough to recognize his own weaknesses in other areas and have a girl protect him and not act “alpha male” about it.
One fanfic trope I really hate is peeta as katniss’ human doormat and I always push back against that, coz that’s not who peeta is and not how katniss treats him or see him as.
Although there’s truth to katniss and peeta thinking the other deserve better than themselves coz they think very highly of each other, but that’s very different from thinking katniss settled for peeta or peeta settled for katniss, or that they decided to become a traditional family without being truly in love with each other.
I think even moreso after the war, Peeta wouldn’t want to be with Katniss if he feels Katniss doesn’t want to be wholeheartedly with him or has any doubt or guilt about being with him. He already had enough of that when they were star-crossed lovers, and especially after what he and they both have been through, he is not going to settle for anything less than real between them.
At the same token, I don’t see katniss being romantically involved with peeta, much less have not one but two kids with him, if she didn’t love him as much as her parents loved each other and if she didn’t feel with Peeta “the kind of love that leads to children”, which is how she had defined the utmost demonstration of love by two people from her pov.*
*not making a blanket statement that couples who don’t decide or can’t have children don’t love each other deeply or not committed enough, but that’s how Katniss defined to us what completely falling in love means to her and what that kind of love ultimately leads to at the end of the first book and we see her have that with peeta at the end of the series.
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“Peeta wants to be somebody’s first choice. How great is it that he eventually finds that somebody? And it’s Katniss”. I just happen to see this old post. I know it´s not yours, but it seems you agree with it. Peeta was Katniss first choice, really? Excluding the situations when she felt guilty or in debt with him, when he was first before Prim or Gale? Thanks in advance.
@worldwithinworld please feel free to chime in if you want since it’s your OP, but I think where that post was getting at with that last statement is Katniss chose Peeta in the end, not coz she settled for him since he didn’t have competition there anymore, but it’s coz he didn’t have competition anywhere and that they would have happened anyway. And it’s not only Katniss who knows that, Peeta realizes that as well, or else he imo wouldn’t have chosen to be with Katniss in the end either, coz one thing Peeta didnt want was Katniss forced or feeling forced to be with him, either by the Capitol or anyone else, he wanted it to be real. And imo, the only way it’s real for him is if he also knows he’s Katniss’ first choice no matter what.
As for when Peeta was first before Prim and Gale, I think there are several instances to point to that. In the 74th Games, Katniss volunteered for her sister and promised to win for her, but she also took great risks to save both Peeta and herself, even when despite rule change she knew people back home wont blame her anymore for abandoning Peeta since he was already half dead. 
In the Quell, she chose his survival over hers and over going back to Prim or Gale, a choice she could make that Peeta wouldn’t allow her to feel guilty about, a choice that he in fact wanted her to take but she didn’t, not just because Snow wants her dead anyway and it makes sense for her that Peeta survives instead, but she would be broken beyond repair if he dies.
She couldn’t be the Mockingjay anymore after she realizes how Snow was using Peeta, and Katniss’ focus to kill Snow was largely driven by revenge, particularly after she finds out Peeta was hijacked. But Katniss’ choosing Peeta doesn’t mean he was her first and only priority every single time. She does things coz of Peeta but for other important reasons as well, I think that’s in large part what makes her more nuanced and three-dimensional as a YA heroine. 
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