#phil is usually more of a slow cooker anyways
anartisticdreamer0 · 3 months
ya know on this island, parents have never really had to explain death to their kids. it’s always been an accepted thing that can happen, a fate that might befall any of them at any time, that at any point one of them or their siblings may die.
but now they have to. now it’s not just eggs that die. now they have to explain death. which now leads to different parents having to explain different perspectives of death. so far it’s mainly been phil and bbh, but that makes it even more interesting because they have probably the weirdest povs on death. phil literally explaining how he views death. we legit got lore out of him.
and that’s mainly just in reference to the older eggs, the newer eggs have had a completely different scenario happen to them. in which they’ve gotten told “oh these are your new parents, some of them have dead kids so they might not be receptive to you, but that’s fine they’ll learn”. which creates a whole new relationship with death. em and pepito having to live in bobby’s shadow. sunny knowing she had a sister but she’s not around anymore. and those past relationships affect the relationships those parents have with their “new” kids. not to mention how sunny never has really had death explained to her. the new eggs have not yet had death normalized, they are still scared of it.
that’s not helped by islanders themselves dying. chayanne said (paraphrased) “you’re not supposed to die like eggs” while talking to phil and i think that perfectly describes how the older eggs perceive death. they can die forever and never come back that’s why their parents protect them. their parents can’t and won’t die permanently, they will come back. but tubbo, and now bad have destroyed that mindset. because now parents can die permanently. and that’s what scares them. death overall scares the newer eggs, their parents dying scares the older eggs.
this isn’t even getting to how dapper, pomme, and tallulah have an even stronger connection to death and therefore likely have a slightly different view on it. sunny has had that entire everything with q!lenay’s corpse, don’t get me started on the kinds of tragic and fucked up all that is. or how pepito has 3 of pepito’s parents have dead kids. at the end of the day, these are kids. all of them. and i don’t think we talk about the inherent importance and interest that automatically holds enough. these kids are growing up on an island where if your parents don’t feed you cookies for a week you die. and so you just have to hope someone else does it for you to keep being alive. and some most of you only have one dependable parent, some of your parents have to worry about two of you, some of you can only depend on a babysitter.
then one of your parents dies. and then the babysitter, that everyone has depended on at least once, dies. . .
how safe then is your mom or dad? and if they die, who takes care of you? who makes sure you don’t die?
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