swords-of-a-soilder · 9 months
It's Christmas I'm drinking wine and thinking about sugar duo
Specifically that time Forever confessed his love (again) to Phil by wearing the love shirt with Phil's skin edited in instead of Burinim's.
And that moment always gives me such whiplash, because despite Phil staying, "you only love me for my looks" and forever is insisting it's not that and he's saying over and over "it's not about that"
And I believe him, but the problem was his attempts at gaslighting Phil before and I look at his edited shirt and I wonder if this was supposed to represent him letting go off burinim's and if he editing the shirt wasn't an act of gaslighting and rather an attempt to show Phil how he ment to him; That it wasn't about burinim and that place he held in Forever's heart had been replaced by Phil?
I do know it's hard to believe that, considering he was gaslighting Phil not long ago before this.
But if want to believe him, I want to believe he's telling the truth, and maybe that makes me delusional but I can't help it
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clamsjams · 1 year
no anxiety it is very unlikely that they hate me so much that they kicked me without even saying anything pls shut up
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valecristobal · 9 years
Phil Collins moment #chrisinthecar #phil4ever
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swords-of-a-soilder · 5 months
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swords-of-a-soilder · 6 months
The Healing Process
Chapter 8
Full recovery
Philza awoke to a bright light burning his retinas as he squint his eyes at the sight. He then reached his arm out to block the light, appalled to find his hand was normal.
He glanced down at Missa, asleep on his chest, he then attempt to nug him awake. "Missa, come on wake up."
"Nooo, Cinco minutos más!" Missa complained as he open his eyes, suddenly he jumped up observing Phil. "Philza, you're normal again!" He then glanced down at his feet. "Erm mostly normal."
Phil knit his eyebrows as he lift his feet to observe what peaked Missa's interested; he eyes widen in shock of the state of his legs, now exactly like a crow's. "Well this is new."
Missa stood up then helped Phil up as well, allowing phil to use his arm to balance himself. "Woah, Philza Your wings!"
Phil glance behind him appealed at the sight before him, His wings were at least four times bigger than before. he shook out his wings insistently admiring the size.
Recognition flashed in his eyes as he made his way to the balcony, almost tripping in the process. "Philza, please be careful!" Missa requested as he ran to the balcony.
He watch as Phil careful climbed atop the railing, then observed the sight below himm He took a deep breath.
"Philza?" Suddenly he took off, glading though the air with ease. Missa quickly made his way downstairs to observe Phil, he watched as he swam though the air.
Beaming from ear to ear as the wind run through his hair, he laughed loudly as he flew through the trees.
Joy painted his face as he burst through the clouds, laughter filled his soul. Admitly however his eurphoric state was distracting as he hadn't noticed an incredibly large tree, until it was too late.
His attempts at landing gracefully was foiled as he still wasn't use to new legs, instead he got knocked from the tree into an all to familiar pond of water.
"Philza!" Missa called as he pushed throw the trees. "Philza are you ok?!"
Phil chuckled to himself as he pulled a Cod fish off his head, "That.. was.. amazing, I haven't flown like that in ages!"
"But you flew like that just yesterday." Missa corrected.
"Right but..I thought I'd only get to do that as a bird..." Philza explained.
Philza walked with his arms interlocked with Missa's as they crossed the bridge to Cellbit's castle, they would soon come upon Cellbit talking intently to Forever in the yard.
Whatever interest he had in the conversation immediately dropped as Cellbit eyes laid upon Philza's new form. "Philza, you're back to normal!" He noted, "well mostly."
"Ha, that's what I said." Missa added .
Phil freed his arm from Missa then attempt to Walk into the Yard, failing horribly be decided on rested his arm on Forever's shoulder.
"You doing ok Forever?" Philza asked noting Forever was desperately avoiding eye contact.
He could quite literally hear his own heart pounding in his chest, he couldnt bare to look at Philza, not until he calmed down. "Yes, I just had a bad taco for lunch. "
"Oh tell me about it, I had to throw away half the Taco's I made for Tallulah. This is why I usually just stick to avocado toast." Phil related
"In Tallulah's defense, the bread is starting to go stale." Missa debated
Phil rolled his eyes at the notions, "ok well bread is still easier to make than a whole taco."
Forever chuckled, spearing tiny glances at Phil, "Well Philza's toast has never giving me a bad stomach."
Missa scroff in respond, then fooled his arms as he lend against the entrance. Soon Cellbit offered his arm to Phil, successful gaining his attention. "May I speak with you?"
Philza agreed allowing him to take to him to an undisclosed location. Forever exhaled deeply at this action, holding his hand to his chest. "What the fuck, he looks like an actual Angel!"
Missa chuckled at his misery, he was simply happy Phil was back to normal, by now he had gotten use to Philza adventurous lifestyle he was joyous to be the calm one. "He can't walk very well though, he had to balance on me the entire time."
Forever hum in response, taking note of that information. Meanwhile Cellbit lead Philza through an unfamiliar hallway in dead silence, Phil anxiously observing the area.
He observe Cellbit's face, the tension in his expression wasn't bring Phil any peace. "um Cellbit, were are we going?"
Cellbit didn't respond, instead he continued to drag Phil with him. Amongst the dead silence with the expectations of their footsteps, the walls were dull and grey, with a lingering faint smell of Iron to add to this they were at least five feet underground.
He needed to get out of there."You know I actually forgot to tell Missa something important." Phil try to deflect.
His attempt to walk away was foiled by Cellbit's tight grip on his arm, understanding this, Phil momentarily accepted defeat.
He couldn't run, he still wasn't use to walking with his new legs much less, he'd flop on his face. He could try attacking him, he had a dagger in his invertory but this was Cellbit He was talking about.
He seen the man tear people apart with a simple butter knife in purgatory, besides that, he didn't want to hurt him.
Soon they stop at a metal door, Cellbit open the door, then encouraged Phil to enter.
Phil weighted his options; chances were they was a tool that would empty his Inventory in the room. He then obseverd the room interior, a desk with two chairs on either side.
He glanced down at the floor, noting the red light on the ground, Yup, he was fucked.
"C..Cellbit can we just talk out-" before Phil could finish his questions, Cellbit pushed him in the room soon following behind him.
He slammed the door shut, then turned the latch. "Why don't you have a seat Phil?"
Phil used the table to pull himself off the floor, how did he mess up this badly to get the Forever treatment? "I..I rather not.."
"Philza, we can do this the easier way or the hard way. Not that I doubt you can't take me in a fight, but I imagine that would be difficult." He pulled an army knife from his bun, letting his hair fall down. "since I'm the only one with a weapon right now."
Phil with hesitation finally sat down, soon after Cellbit sat down across from him. "Apologize for my hostility, but you're not leaving me much of a choice."
Cellbit pulled open a folder left in the middle of the desk then flip through the documents. He landed on the ender king, notes of his behavior and statments reflected in that paper.
He flipped the folder horizontal to face Phil, the sketch of the ender king slide out with folder immediately peaking Phil's interest.
"Looks familiar?" Cellbit began
"You looked pretty intently at it, I'm Inclind to believe you have."
"I don't know who-" before Philza could finish Cellbit slammed the knife into the desk, startling Phil in the process.
"You must think I'm actual stupid, you've seen him before, you know who he is!" Cellbit insisted
"why dose it matter?" Phil spat
"It matters because you lying to me!" He pulled his knee to the his chest, staring daggers into Philza "ok how about this, Why are you keeping him hostage?"
"oh for Christ sakes." Cellbit complained, as he flew his head back.
"I genuinely don't know what you're talking about."
"the Ender king says you were this one keeping him hostage, you clearly recognize his apprence dispite your original story of never meeting them, He called you his bloodline!"
"He called me what?!" Philza interupped
"you really expect me to believe you don't know anything?"
"I'm telling you the truth, I swear on Bolas!" Cellbit suddenly sprung up then pulled the knife from the table, which he pointed at Philza's neck.
Phil lean back in reflexes, partly frozen in fear. "You don't get to swear on Bolas, on Bolas you looked me in the face and lied to me. For what, are you gonna tell me you don't want our help? Because that's not an option."
"I only told you what I remembered." Phil calmly explained
"I'm telling you the truth!"
"Hm." Cellbit flipped around the knife, pointing the jaggered blade at Phil, "So you just happened to be able to enter the Ender king's domain, he just happened to attach himself to you?" He voice was laced with sarcasm.
Phil was silent for a moment, seemingly deep in thought. "I mean.. he tired to reach out to me before.."
"And you're just now, telling me this?" Cellbit asked with raising anger.
"I want sure it was real!" Philza defend
"Let me get this straight, I tell you an entitie's been possessing and you don't think to tell me about the time that exact entity tried to reach you?"
Phil fell quiet once more, realizing the ridiculousness of his behavior. Finally Cellbit pocket the knife, then sat back down. "what did he say?"
"y.. you have to understand why I doubted it."
"You're not answering the question."
"The eggs couldn't see it, Fit couldn't see it, I thought I just lost my mind!" Phil frantically explained.
"What.. did.. he ..say?"
Phil took a deep breath as he recalled the memory, virtual searching his brain for the answer. "He called me greedy..said I deserved to loss my mind." Phil scratched at the table as he spoke. "He said he wanted to help, that I was supposed to wait for him this time."
"that implies another time." Cellbit noted, "was that the only time he reach out you?"
"Well ... No, it wasn't him." Phil shook off.
"Another entity reached out to you?" Cellbit asked in disbelief.
"Gods, I don't know!" Phil exclaimed while he buried his face in his hands, "it was easier when I thought none of this was real. The eggs were missing we were all processing the grief in our own ways; Forever had his pills, you were killing people, I thought I was just lossing my mind!"
"Ok, ok!" Cellbit interupped, "what did it say?"
Phill griped his hair as he stared down, trying to make sense of the Chaos. "Shit I hardly remember, I mean it was so much all at once; Fit couldn't see it and then I was trapped with those crows, those cursed crows just chattering all the time!"
Cellbit squint his eyes at Phil, noting the panic look in his eyes, perhaps he pushed him too far. "..we can come back to that later, you've been helpful this far."
"No, if I don't say it now, I'll forget it completely again." Phil insisted.
Cellbit agreed with hesitation as he waited for Phil to organize his thoughts. "it wasn't long after we started reciving message from the eggs. I had already check the structure but since they wasn't anything I decided to clean up Spawn, since everyone blew it up."
Phil turn to starching at the table once More in an attempt to Smooth his anxiety, "I looked at Tallulah's Garden through the window and I saw the back wall was different so I went to check it out."
He took a deep breath in an attempt to steady his already shaky voice, "It was covered in vines, with rose flowers and there was this picture.. a crow's skull, with roses growing out of it.."
"what else?" Cellbit inquired, noting the sudden pause.
"there was a book, um.. there was a child who used to rule the sky" he began paraphrasing, "where did you go child of the sky, healing must be done, come to this location.. alone."
"do you remember the corridents?"
"Um..no but I marked it with waystone." Cellbit nod in approval, "it was a birdhouse, I thought maybe the kids built it so I went in but..."
"Cucurcho...he showed up out of nowhere, locked me in." Cellbit's eyebrows knit at Phil's confession, of course Cucurcho had something to do with it. "I dreamt I was in that world again, but it feel like I was really there.."
"the world with the gods?" Cellbit inquired
"yes, but the crows-"
"yeah you mentioned the crows, what did they say?" Cellbit Interupped
"Lots of things.." He lent one hand fall to the table while he rested his hand in the Palm of his hands. "I don't think they had malicious intent."
"They were just really annoying." Phil explain with a chuckle. "the spoke in squawks yet I understood. They asked me question about my day, start conversations, They kept me company."
"Yet, they were annoying?"
"Because they would just randomly say nonsense sometimes, what's their obsessions with opals?!" Phil exclaimed
Cellbit buried his chuckle with a attempt to clear his throat, however Phil noticed immediately, It oldy put him at ease.
"I actually miss them a lot.. but after what felt like months, I woke up in the birdhouse. The door was open so I spoke to Cucuchro.. Gods I can't remember what he said, but.. then I woke up at home again."
Cellbit squint his eyes at the mer mention of Cucurcho, the existence of the bear truly boiled his blood. "I see, so the letter was a trap from Cucurcho?"
"no, no it was an entity, I could sense the presence I just don't know which one." Phil explain
"you don't know or you don't remember?" Cellbit inquired
"..I don't remember.." Philza ended
Cellbit drag the folder close to himself then flipped it around as he explored it, "if Forever could get you to remember everything you've forgotten would you consent to it?"
"I'm not sure that's a good idea, I mean I'm repressing it for a reason!" Phil debated
"I understand the memories might be painful, trust me no one understands like me what it feel like to recall traumatic events." Cellbit explain, "but sometimes It's important to take these step, so you can move on. "
Cellbit placed the printed document in front of Phil, briefly he tapped on the signature line with a black pen. "You're children deserve someone they can fully relay on."
Philza let out a sigh, then took the pen and signed the paper. He then slide it back to cellbit whom observed the signature. "Thank you Philza."
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swords-of-a-soilder · 6 months
The Healing Process
Chapter 7
Flight or fight
Forever observed Cellbit pace back and forth as he remained seated at Cellbit's desk; Richarlyson also sat nearby, sketching in his notepad Cellbit's description of the elusive Ender king.
Amongst the group were remnant of Cellbit's late night research; mountains of papers, some neatly organized, others scatters about.
Stood close by was a corkboard, covered completely in images and documents all connected by red strings.
"Okay," Cellbit started suddenly. "So we know the entitie's name, we know Phil travel's to his domain though dreams.."
"we know the entity has been controlling Philza during the night time, and that it's obsessed with rest." Forever added.
"And we know the entity claims Philza is the one keeping him captive, also that Phil is some how related to him." Cellbit stated
"The word bloodline could mean anything, he could be his son or his twice removed cousin for all we know."Forever noted
Cellbit released a sigh as he stared at the corkboard, his eyes darted back and forth. "Forever, can't you enter people's minds?" Cellbit recalled
"You have to be more specific," Forever informed, he rest his chin in the palm of his hand. "if you mean deep state, then it's a little more complicated than that."
"How complicated?"
"we'd need a sensory deprivation chamber and Philza would have to consent." He stretch his arms behind his back, "besides that, a spell like that takes a lot of power."
Richarlyson finally finished his sketch then showed it to Cellbit, whom seem overjoyed at the work.
He gasp the book then show it to Forever, who observed the figure carefully. "Spooky." He commented.
"It's even worst in person," he joked. Suddenly his phone let out a alarming sound, Cellbit pulled it from his pocket then observed the message. "Philza's awake, wanna come check it out?"
The group approached the Nest, stationed at the bottom entrance as they awaited Missa's approval to enter. Soon enough Missa would show up, slopping down the stair case in exhaustion.
"Well he's still a bird." Missa began, "for two weeks my husbands been a bird, I'm a man with a bird for a husband."
"I see.. how's his injuries?" Cellbit began.
Missa eyes feel half lid as his shoulders slouched, "you know what, you guys tell me." He suggested as he pointed to the stair case.
Cellbit briskly ascending the stairs, while Forever waited behind. "You know if you're having a hard time, I would happily take your place." Forever joked
"Ha, you don't understand how difficult it is to watch over Philza like this!" Missa rebutted as he then also acessend the satirs.
Forever followed behind Missa, catching up with him in the main hallway. "Well it's the sacrifice you make when you marry an adventurous man like Philza." Forever teased
"Can you believe this man?" Missa poked at Cellbit.
"Well they're both crazy, if anyone knows how to manage him, it's likely Forever." Cellbit joked
"Exactly.. Hey wait a minute!" Cellbit Chuckled as he acessend the leader, the group soon followed behind him.
"Good morning Philza." Cellbit greeted, Philza glanced over at him, then stood up to stretch. Forever step around cellbit as he approached Phil with cautious.
"Philza, may I see your wings." He asked. Phil though hesitate spread his wing for inspection, which Forever observed intently.
"how does it look?" Cellbit asked
"Like brand new, seems he's fully healed."Forever informed, "So why is he still a bird?"
Cellbit let out an Irritated sigh, then sat on the hay that built the nest. he rest his head in his hand while he quietly complained.
Meanwhile Richarlyson finally stumbled up the leader with Tallulah and Chayanne behind him. He then immediately rushed to Phil, where they collapsed on his form.
Phil simply crackled at this, then sat down covering Richardyslon with his wings. Chayanne took the opportunity to climb under Phil's wings, Tallulah however simply sat next to him.
"He's always more patience with the eggs." Missa complained.
"hm parental insistence ." Forever stugessed
"what?" Missa asked
"Philza was always the fatherly type before this right?" Forever debated, "wait is insistence the right word?"
"I don't get it." Cellbit interupped, "It's just makes no sense!" He pointed towards Phil, "I mean he's a bird, like he's straight up just a bird now?!"
"yes, I'm also struggling with this event." Missa commented.
"For what it's worth, I don't think even Philza understands what's happening." Forever debated, Phil shook his head in respond.
"the difference here is I'm supposed to be the one who does, People know me as the guy who knows things, what good am I otherwise?" Cellbit ended
Philza suddenly sprung upright, taking Cellbit up by his collar, he threw him on his back then flap his wings in perparation.
The children seeing this, grasp onto Phil tightly; followed by forever whom quicky climb on before Phil took off. Missa then quickly grabbed Phil's leg complaining loudly as they took off.
The minute they were air born Cellbit cried in terror, not even the grapple tool could prepared him to explore the earth at that rate.
Meanwhile Forever pulled the others closer, allowing for safer travel, "everyone hold on tight." He warn.
"Philza put me down, Philza!" Phil would ingore Cellbit's pleaded and instead flow through the trees prompting the others to cheer.
He would go from looping through clouds to rushing perpendicular through the tress, Cellbit found his fearful screams became joyous laughter.
The wind in his face, the rush of Adrenaline, once he got over the terror it was actually really fun.
Eventually Phil glide to a stop in a shallow pound, bringing a gentle fade to everyone assumment.
"I think this is our stop." Forever chuckled out as he slide off, then help the others.
Cellbit fell into a giggle fit as he made his way through the shallow water, settling happily on the shore.
"Richarlyson, he's not gonna let you stay." Forever informed as he held his hands out for his son.
Richarlyson blew a raspberry in his father's direction as an act of rebellion, however as Phil flipped over Richarlyson was completely semerged underwater.
"I Tried to warn you." Forever chuckled, Richarlyson climbed from under Phil weight then went to brother the remaining eggs.
Forever took the opportunity to return to shore, he then sat next to Cellbit as he observed the children, splashing each other as they roamed around in the water. "Feeling better?" Forever asked.
"Yes, oddly." Cellbit admitted.
"you have to stop talking down to yourself." Forever requested, "you don't need to have all the right answers, no one expects that from you."
"Missa expected me to tell him why his husband was still a bird." Cellbit debated.
"you're allowed to say you don't know, no one's going to crucify you for it." Forever insisted, "you're not doing this alone, don't put so much pressure on yourself."
Philza observed the group from afar, soon closing his eyes as slipped into a peaceful sleep.
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swords-of-a-soilder · 3 months
The Healing Process
Chapter 11
Pillow Talk
Phil gently pulled the mug of tea closer to himself as he sat around the table in silence, once again he had been left to his lonesome; though it hardly matter since he could clearly hear the others in the room over.
Forever had thrown an large blanket on him ages ago, during this time Cellbit also gave him a large mug of tea, it seemed to pyshical pain him to do so.
He rather not think on the recent information dug up in his head, he didn't want to focus on the feeling of his heart stopping, or the guilt that hung over his head.
He rather not but that wasn't an option, reliving the memory, a memory he Intented to forget was just as traumatizing as experiencing it the first time.
He'd have a few words for Rose if she was still alive, now that he was a Father himself he couldn't help but be judgmental. He'd ask her why she felt it fit to frequently abandon a child, where she got the nerves to Judge his diet like that.
He would ask her why she had forsaken him, if his actions were truly unforgivable.. he'd tell her he's sorry.
He'd be thrown out of his thoughts from Cellbit's verbal expression of shock in the next room, slightly he jumped at the sudden increase in the level of his voice.
Phil release a sigh as he lossen his shoulder, then did his best to listen to the conversation though the walls.
"And you're sure it killed him?" Cellbit seemed to be inquiring about the memories he was force to relive, right, he was the one who wanted him to do it in the first place.
"Cellbit I'm telling you, I felt it...he died." Forever clarify
Phil's expression shifted to exhaustion as he sloughed in the chair. He sipped his tea with tired eyes, he wanted nothing more than to sleep for at least 5 days but it seemed cruel to leave his friends with the Ender king for that long.
"Maybe he used a totem?" Cellbit debated
"When you use a totem, you feel like a pop in your chest.. " Forever recalled for his own experience. "I didn't feel that.."
"Do you know where he respawned?" Cellbit inquired
"I don't..I don't think he did..not in the moment at least." Forever continued, "I'm not sure to be fair..he woke up so quickly."
"Hm..A Demi-God..." Phil truly couldn't keep his eyes open anymore, if he could just rest for a few seconds then he wouldn't have to worry about his friends facing the consequences.
It's he just allowed himself to sleep for for few minutes, or maybe an hour.. just five hours.. surely they'd be fine.
Finally giving into the desire to doze off, melting in the warmth of the blanket. His ears rang from silence as the feeling of his lung filling with water forced him awake and back into reality.
Phil cough up a fit as he put the mug aside, then rest his head in the palm of his hands.
His head was spinning enough as it was, it didn't help how exhausted he was yet simoustainly so stressed. He was afraid of having nightmares, terrified of lossing control of his body.
Soon enough the duo enter the room, in semi whisper before they eventually acknowledge Philza. Cellbit sit across from Phil immediately noticing majority of the tea was gone, it didn't seem they left Phil that long.
"How are you feeling?" Cellbit began
"Exhausted.." Phil respond
"Oh I can imagine, that must had been incrible difficult.. I'm sorry please know that I appreciate you doing this."
Phil found himself experiencing a phenomenal he hadn't in ages, something he once threw away, something he said he was above.
He wanted someone to pity him, not in the casual way of saying they were sorry that happened, but truly pity him.
He wanted them to ask if he was ok then to double down on it, he wanted them to constantly reassured him, he want the hand on his shoulder treatment, he wanted, nay needed to hear 'it's not your fault'
He wasn't gonna get that, he knew that. It was his own fault in the end, dont treat me like a pity case, mate.' Well now he truly was.
Almost as if Forever had read his mind he rested a hand on Phil's shoulder, instantly gaining his attention. "Cellbit, go easy on him, huh? I'm sure he wants nothing more than to pass out right now."
"What, I wasn't grilling him!" Cellbit debated, "that can wait you know."
"Of course, so do Philza the favor of taking him home." Forever suggested
"No, I dont-" Phil cut himself off, realizing just how pathetic he sound. He knew the likelihood of the Ender king taunting him was at a higher in his own home, he didn't even want to consider the possibility of waking up to his kids gone.
The council wouldn't do that right, they wouldn't steal his kids as punishment for habering a criminal.. right?
The kid would be safer in N.I.N.H.O, he'd like to believe that at least, If a binary monster can't get them, then the council probably can't..right?
"Philza?" Forever threw him out his spiral of thoughts, "are you ok? You're zoning out."
Phil immediately glanced at Forever then back down as he bit his lip deep in thought, suddenly he sprung up from his chair then dragged Forever with him outside the room.
Once they were safely some distance Phil lose his grip as he meet Forever's eye contact. "Forever please don't take this the wrong way..but could I sleep with you tonight?"
Forever though deeply before he respond, truly wanting to make sure he wasn't taking Phil's question the wrong way. He supposed Phil meant it in the literal sense, but even that felt a bit intimate..
Though he supposed he could always put a pillow between them, it Phil truly only needed the company. "Sure, if you need to.. Erm, I shouldn't have said it like that, it's not a problem at all Philza."
Phil released a sigh, thankful Forever understood what he meant. "Thank you..um..if it's not too much trouble, could you help me move the kids to N.I.N.H.O?"
"Ah, right now?"
"I just don't like the idea of them being...the council could.."
"It's fine Philza, really it's not a brother at all." Phil hummed in respond, "do you want to talk about it?"
"Yes." Phil couldn't help how boldly he answered, he just didn't expect anyone to even ask, so when the offer came he didn't want to miss it. "After the kids are safe."
"Okay, let me talk to Cellbit and then I'll be right with you." Forever informed.
Forever kept to his words as he explained the situation to Cellbit, to which Cellbit accepted defeat. He briefly apologize, insist he truly meant Phil no harm them make his way home.
Of course Forever believed him, the problem was Cellbit had difficultly when it came to highen emotions and Phil was in a sensitive state.
He would eventually met back with Phil whom he assisted in moving the kids to the more secure hotel room though his base warp plate.
Forever would warn him that wasn't safe, and Phil agreed to such removing it entirely. That is only after they made sure to check every inch of the rooms.
Phil sighed in relief as he entered Forever's bed room, he removed his rob then stretch his wings as sat on the edge of the bed.
He then removed his hat and pull his hair tight loss, he ran his hand through his hair as a smoothing ritual.
Eventually Forever would observe him from the door way, brushing his teeth in the process. "Are you going to sleep in that?"
"If my wings don't have the freedom to stretch my back will be in knots." Phil explained.
"That's not what I meant, that top is too tight, it'll cut your circulation when you sleep."Forever further explain
Phil took the moment to process Forever's concerned, the lack of circulation probably explain why he woke up with tightness in his chest so often.
"Um, I have a virgin killer sweater in my closet, it's made for a thicker built so, it should be oversized on you."
"Oh.. thanks."
Forever hummed in respond as he returned to the bathroom. Phil pushed himself upright, using the wall as support as he made his way to the closet.
He finally pulled the sweater from the closet, his eyebrows raise as he noted the cloud shorts, slightly longer than they usually are.
Phil quickly changed into the outfit, immediately melting into the softness of the sweater, he then collapse into the comfort of the bed.
Eventually Forever would return with a hair dryer blowing through his hair, which he then playful turned towards Phil.
"Agh, stop my hair is already dry!" Phil plead pushing the hair dryer away.
"Why are you getting my pillows wet then?" Forever teased
"If you give me split ends I'll never Forgive you!" Phil rebutted
Forever accepted defeat and switch the dryer of which he then tost in the closet. He then noticed Phil had taken, most the pillows, which he seemed to be using for back support.
Forever sighed pulling extra pillows from the closet, including a body pillow to sperate them. Once he sent up the pillows he also joined Phil in lying on his back.
Though Phil seem to have his wings spread out from each side, the pillows seem to be keeping him slightly off the bed. It was almost as if he built a nest from the pillows, perhaps that was his intention.
"So.." Forever began, recalling Phil wanted to talk about things. "I have a sense you have complicated feelings with Rose."
".. She's not a bad mother.. she's not ." Phil started
"Sure." Forever respond beneath three layers of disbelief.
"She just gets busy, she is a God afterall."
"That didn't really help you feel less lonely though, did it?"
"I mean don't get me wrong, mate I'm very upset about her frequency to leave me, but I understand she didn't do that on purpose." Phil explained
"But that didn't make you feel any less like a burden."
Phil knitted his eyebrows at the accurate description, wonder just how much of that experience Forever was forced to take with him. "I guess if you could feel me dying, you probably felt my emotions at the time."
"Ah no, no I'm guessing." Forever backtracked
"Burden isn't the correct word, I don't think so."
"Everyone was always doing something big and important, I wanted to do something just as big to prove I wasn't.."
"A burden?" Forever Interupped, Phil sighed as he sunk further into the pillows, realizing his emotions were truly on display.
"But Phil, you made an amazing garden and tons of birds, that's extermly important for the environment."
"Forever, don't patronize me."
"No I'm serious, richer oxygen for example. What you did mattered even if it didn't feel like it."
Phil breath deeply, it really felt like Forever was telling him specifically the things he needed to hear, he was thankful for that of course.
Yet it felt so wrong to accept he was worth anything more than he already perceived himself to be, even if he wanted to try.
"Hm..I didn't think the Ender King was going to be so close to you." Forever quickly changed the subject.
Phil chuckled at the though, "I'm a lot more relaxed to know he wasn't so much a threat and more of an annoying Uncle.. literally."
"It's good to know he has no truly bad intentions."Forever agreed "a lot less scary now."
"You don't think the council is actually going to come, do you?" Phil inquired
Forever thought for a moment before speaking, "if they do, we'll be prepared."
Phil observed the focus look in his eyes, and thus decided to trust Forever on such. Phil then closed his eyes, allowing himself doze off once again.
"Philza?" Forever called
Phil open his eyes, slightly annoyed. "Yeah?"
"You do realize it's not your fault right?" Forever inquired, immediately silencing all the thought Phil had bouncing in his head.
Soon he heard hushed crying come from Phil, almost as if purely on instincts Forever quickly sat upright, wiping the tears from Phil's face.
Phil however gasped his hand, allowing himself to melt in the touch. "If I just listened, none of that would have happened!" He mumbled into Forever's palm.
"Phil, you were six years old, missing your mother, it's understandable." Forever debated
"I would have seen her a lot longer if I had just waited." Phil rebutted
"Would you blame Chayanne if he was in your place?" Any further agurment Phil could think of was immediately silence the minute he put Chayanne in his place.
He wouldn't blame a kid, if he had disappeared on Chayanne so frequently of course he'd want to follow him.
"You're being too hard on yourself." Forever informed, "you were a child, you didn't know any better, you can't hold that over yourself.."
"Then why did she Forsake me, if it's not my fault then why?" Phil plead
"Perhaps she just hasn't found you yet," Forever suggested, "I'm sure she cares for you, maybe it you build a beacon or something."
"Hm.." Phil noted, "A rose colored beacon."
Forever once again attempt to whip Phil's tears, this time with both hands. "Phil, you need to rest."
Phil silently nod in the embrace, thought he found himself odly cold at abstinence of Forever's touch as he laid down.
He wouldn't overthink it, he was simply to tired to think anymore, so he allow himself to fully pass out.
The comfort of the pillows, paired with the crickets bearing face, all this with Forever's not so gentle snore.
These peaceful sounds gave Phil the first undisturbed sleep he's had since purgatory.
Forever would awake the next morning to find Phil had not only completely flip over but somehow ended on top of him, nuzzled into his chest.
Only one thought could enter Forever's head at the moment, meus Deus, Ele é fofo. He would briefly Pocket that thought to ponder how Phil had even manage to get that close, then realized the pillow he had put between them some how ended up at the foot of the bed.
He could help but wonder if that was Phil's doing, If he had intentionally move the pillow or if he was just that bad a sleeper.
Forever couldn't complain much, he wouldn't complain at all, instead he ran his fingers through Phil's hair, partly to check if he was awake.
"Philza, this isn't fair you know, your making me have all these thoughts about you again.." Forever commented, "I'm supposed to be over you.."
As Phil truly was asleep their was no response, Forever attention would be stolen however as he phone buzz.
He quickly pick his phone up to see Cucurucho had sent a mass email to him requesting his presents to an scheduled meeting.
Forever rolled his eyes and put the phone back down, instead he let himself fall back asleep amongst the comfort of Phil's body weight.
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swords-of-a-soilder · 9 months
You know what q! philza has two hands!
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swords-of-a-soilder · 5 months
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swords-of-a-soilder · 9 months
Forever, Look at me!
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swords-of-a-soilder · 9 months
Don't worry guys I'm almost done with my art I'll feed the PHIL4EVER shippers tonight lol
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swords-of-a-soilder · 4 months
The Healing Process
Chapter 10
Child of the Sky
Philza the young crow-hybrid felding awoke at the sound of and all too familiar voice calling for him. He peered down from his treehouse to observed the Goddess, much taller and wiser than the felding. She look around as he called from his attention, noting his absence.
Philza ran down to the ramp with quiet feet as he sunk up on Rose, effectively scaring her in the process. She grasp her chest as she caught her breath, laughing off the scare.
Philz circle her as he ran back and forth cheering in excitement, "Mom's home, mom's home, mom's home!" He repeated as he ran around.
"Ok ok, I'm back." She mused. The Goddess was a thing of beauty; wearing a crown of roses over her head and a strawberry dress, she had skin like chocolate and a strawberry blonde hair, she stood out among all the flowers in the Garden.
"You took forever!" Phil complained, "you said two weeks you were gone all month!"
"I know I know, I'm so sorry." She began, she rest her hand on his shoulder then scoot down to meet his level, "Father underestimated how much there was do." She informed.
Phil's eyes feel half lid at that information, clearly not Impressed therefore Rose decide on changing the topic, hoping they would avoid dewling on her absence.
She ran her finger though his hair with a raised eyebrow, "your hair change." She noted
"Yeah... you don't mind do you?" Phil inquired "Uncle has been looking after me while you were gone, it wasn't really on purpose."
"Not at all, blonde is a much better look on you anyways." She dismissed as she messed up his hair then got back to her feet.
"Oh you made more crows." She noted observing the crows on the structure of the treehouse
Phil fixed his hair as he observe the birds along side her, "well yeah I was lonely." He explained. "And you took much longer than You said you would!"
"Honey I have nothing against you making birds, it's just..." Rose allowed a lone crow to perch on her finger. "How are you even making this many?"
"It's easy, see!" Phil pick up some of the loss feathers of the ground the clasp his hands as he breath deeply; his wings ruffled up on their own before he even open his hands to relieve a crow felding in his hand. "There's four thousand, two hundred and thirty..three." he informed
"Dear I don't think you should make a crow everytime you're lonely, that's a lot of responsibility!" Rose attempt to explain.
"You have a bunch of hummingbirds!" Phil debated
"Those hummingbirds are three generations down, They mostly reproduced on their own." Rose informed, she then watched as Phil shoulders drop in annoyance, he let his hand fall as the felding took flight.
Rose release a sigh before Turing his face to her, "Child of the sky all I ask is you don't create life soly to cope, I promise I'll do better to get her on time okay?"
Phil eventually nod his head solely, however his mood change quickly as recolliion flashed in this eyes. "We can go to the Garden, let's have a picnic!"
"Of course, let's stop by the market on the way." Rose suggested
"Why, we already have lots of veggies and meat!"
"Well we could use some bread and fruit!"
"We have fruits growing on the tree, and uncle made lots of bread!" Phil insisted, he observed the Goddess tilt her vision, seemlingly deep in thought. "If you're looking for Auntie Sandy, she already left. She went to a royal meeting."
"Ah..I'm that transparent, am I?" Rose began, "very well, let's go!"
The two soon sit on top a plaid blanket with the picnic basket in the center. Rose watch with a mix of emotions as Phil chewed his steak.
"I don't know how you can stand to eat those things." She finally spoke.
"Meat ...? It's good!" Phil debated
"That's your uncle blood line speaking, not mine!"
Phil started down at his plate in misery, he could understand why Rose was a herbivore, but he couldn't say he was the same.
He needed that extra protein he couldn't just not eat meat, seriously he tried. "It's not my fault I'm a omnivore.."
Rose expression soften at Phil statement, the possibility that she was being too cruel bare face in her head. She released a sigh as she prepared to back track, "Darling, what I meant was "
"Goddess of Life!" Before Rose could finish she was interupped by the Ocean lord, a normally livingly fellow with Sea form hair and emerald eyes, was in a much different mood as he approached them.
With focus on his face he would spear a quick soft glance at Phil before falling back into his serious behaviour. "Your presence is required by the high council." He informed
"Couldn't the high council spear me the mercy?" She began, "I have just returned, I've hardly gotten to spend time with my Felding."
The Ocean Lord bow in a gesture of apology, "Forgive me my Highness, but your long absence makes your attendance all the more important."
Rose released a second sigh, before standing to her feet, she lightly dust her clothes before turning her attention to Phil, "apologizes my child, I won't be long, please stay in your domain."
"What, but you just got back!?" Phil insisted
"I know, and I am so sorry, I promise I will be back before you kno-"
"Why can't I come, I'm a god too!" Phil interupped
"No way little man, the council considers thou an abomination. They've been wanting to be rid of you for years, don't give them the opportunity."
"You don't think there's a better way you could say such?" Rose pleaded
"Ah yes, sorry my highness!"
"And stop calling me that, you know my name!"
"It's disrespectful, my father would strike me down if he hard me call thou Rose, Oh No I've said it!" He exclaimed as he covered his mouth.
Rose rolled her eyes at the information, "You now better than this Perseus, your father isn't as cruel as mine." Rose defended, she turn her attention back to Phil, "I'll be back soon, promise me you'll stay in your domain."
Phil started at the ground before sighing in defeat, "..okay.." he accepted.
Rose dismiss him with a pat on the head , then turned away to attend the meeting. Philza would soon miserable return to his domain, where he sat angrily in his tree house, many crows surround him.
The crows would jump from shoulder to shoulder or simply danced around him, insistant on putting the young God in a better mood, they were failing miserably.
"This isn't fair, she just got back!" He debated, "besides I should be involved in the meeting, I'm a god too!"
The crows shukled in annoyance, unsure how to improve his mood, Phil rolled his eyes at the notion. "Maybe I should just go, I have all right, I'm on of them!"
The crows quicky flock around him, vocalizing their disapproval but Phil seemed unbrotherd as he pushed himself upwards and made his way to exit his domain.
The crows would block the exit hopping to stop him, but we're only pushed out the way. "No, if you come I'll be caught!" He warned as he exit.
The crows seemed unsettled by this and thus followed from a distance. Phil would soon enter the passage of the gods, marble floors, vendors selling treats, colorfully banners and all stores of unworldly beings wondering around.
Men with lone necks, sheep with connecting horns being drag by massive woman with starslight eyes. It was a place that would make an unfamiliar being terrified.
Soon enough he'd come across the main hall, where he sneaked in so he could evesdrop on the meeting. He would hide at the entrance, listening to the statements made.
"Now Goddess surely you understand our concern." The host of the meeting, He Began.
He was a darker man, he body engulfed in flames, with patches of orange all over his skin, his eyes stared through the darkness of his way.
"My concern is that you're wrongfully accusing him of action he did not commit. " Rose debated
"No such thing!" She interrupted. "Your bother is the only one with the abilities to steal domains.
She was only slightly different to He, as she had many shields orbiting her. In addition to this, the flames that surrounded her was a much brighter Red.
"Oh I'm not sure of that."Rose began, "I could think of a few others who could."
"Becareful of your tongue!" Him interupped "don't fall to your brothers level, when our entire universe could fall apart!"
"Don't be ridiculous, there's no wa-" Rose cut herself off as she noticed the ground shaking everyone quickly noticed this as well.
Soon enough the celling started to crack, pillers fall to the ground, one of which almost knock Rose down. Philza in a panick ran out to her, however the floor beneath him spilt in uneven halves ristircing his ability to go further.
"Child!" He yelled, "your neglect to your domain has doomed us All!"
Phil continued to call for his mother, only to be met with with more chaos as more and more piller fall to the ground. The crows soon flew down, attempting to drag him away.
They attempts would go poorly as Phil refused to leave. "Philza!" He heard Rose call, as she finally came closer. "My hand, grab my hand!" She plead as she offer her hand to him.
Phil immediately reached his hand out, unfortunately the floor broke apart under his feet causing him to fall to his death.
Philza finally awoke In his current state, pulling himself out the water with his death grip on Forever's arms. immediately he buried his face on Forever's chest, snobbing as he proceed the reality.
Forever would do his best to offer comfort, stroking his back as he pulled his closer, Philza would melt into the touch.
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swords-of-a-soilder · 8 months
One thing I fucking love with Phil4ever is when Phil is a tsundari yes yes yes give me a yander with his tsundari boyfriend like yes sir feed me more
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swords-of-a-soilder · 9 months
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swords-of-a-soilder · 9 months
The Healing Process
chapter 2 Exhaustion
Forever eyes scanned his many documents as he rest his Chin in the plam of his hands; he glanced at his alarm clock then internally rolled his eyes at the time.
Three am was far to late for him to still be up, but as Cucurucho insisted he finished the reviews and get back to him first thing the next day, he had no other choice.
He struggled to keep his eyes open, becoming painful awear that he was no longer processing anything he was reading. information had simply become nothing more than words on paper, words that made zero sense to his exhausted brain.
He finally accepted defeat, deciding it was time for bed he stretched his arms behind his back then glared in the aquarium bear of any fish.
Among the still of night, or rather early morning, the silence bought his mind to ease; while it was admitly late for him to be up, he appreciated the vibes that came with the time. That was until said vibes was interupped by a booming, shaking his office.
Forever hurried to his main yard, meet with Philza's unconscious, badly injured body. A large gash in his back, scattered between wings; of which he wasn't even awear Phil had.
But one thing was more important to him right now; he lifted Philza, then turned him around, he rested his head on Phil's chest and After hearing his heartbeat breath a sigh of relief.
He carried Philza, bridal stlye to downstairs, where he temporarily left him on his sofa. He took the opportunity to serach his bathroom for First aid suppiles but strangly found only classified federation documents.
He assumed in his exhausted stated he must of brought them there, he released an annoyed sigh then made his way to the office, supprise still that he had not found the first aid kit but rather more documents.
Forever becoming more annoyed by the second and as well as serivly concerned for his friend, brought himself to his secret room where he search any available chest for a first ad kit, then thankful found one.
He made his way back to the living room, but upon entery noticed Philza's abstance, In fact the only sign of where he went were feathers scattered about. so of course Forever followed them.
This lead him a hefty distance, exhaustion worn him down as he traveled at least a thousand blocks on foot. However he refused to turn back, his friend was hurt and that mattered a lot more.
Eventually he found himself on the top of a moss covered mountain, a large glisitening pond in the center; in that pond he noticed Phil, floating on his back half asleep.
Forever admitly stared in aw, at the sight in front of him, Phil's wings spread out on each side of his body, his eyes only partly close and his sapphire eyes bealry starting up at the moon.
The moon herself, bathed Phil in faltering lighting, the soft glow of the white light bounced so perfectly of his face, bringing out the beauty on his face.
Forever knocked himself out his self induced trance and instead attempted to enter the pond, he knew Phil wasn't in his best State of mind, so he couldn't possibly leave him there alone.
He thread the water with caution, then upon reached Phil gently took him arms and swam back to shore; he sat on the surface, holding Phil in his lap above, water.
Forever soon noticed a Waystone not too far on from them, thus he carried Phil with his as he approached the stone, taking the opportunity to warp back to his home.
Once Phil was finally back on his couch, Forever place the first aid kit down next to him, he explored Phil's back again, appalled to find the ealry wound had mostly healed, only leaving a rather unsightly scar.
Raised ever so slightly, it was the kind you'd get when you rub you skin against something sharp but it its still too dull to break skin, instead leaving behind a irretated mess that would likely go down in a week.
Noting Phill was in freezing cold water before, forever took that as enough of a disinfectant as he had no intention of taking soap to Phil's back. Therefore he once more carried Phil braidal stlye where he surrendered his bed to him, then adjusted the couch for his own sleeping purpose.
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