heyphil-lewisblog Β· 11 months
Love Interview - Phil Lewis (L.A Guns) πŸ’•
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Year : 1989
Words count : 1432
> Phil Lewis X C < @sunsetdaydreamer
It wasn't so long ago since L.A Guns released Cocked And Loaded, their second studio album and now they were on tour
They were around Los Angeles, really close to where Cee lived
Cee is a 25 year old music journalist, she interviewed a lot of musicians since she first started her career in 1982 when she was only 18
She worked for Hit Parader, she really loved her work, she loved talking to musicians and learning about their life, she was at her work when her boss called her
β€” Okay, well...as far as we know til now, L.A Guns is on tour for their second studio album, Cocked And Loaded, they are around here and i see a good opportunity to put them again on Hit Parader! β€” the boss looked at her with a smile β€” Talk to their vocalist Phillip Lewis
β€” That's great! It will help em' with their album! It sounds so cool, I'm in! Where are the members in this moment? β€” Cee smiled
β€” They're in a hotel really near from here, Four Seasons Hotel
β€” Oh, God, it's practically here! I'm going there! β€” Cee smiled
β€” Great, good luck! β€” The boss said and smiled
β€” Thanks, Jordan! β€” Cee smiled and got out holding her purse happily
Cee got into the hotel and asked about L.A Guns and the lady told her the rest of the members were hanging out and the only one at the hotel is Phil, who was at room 204 (7th floor)
β€” Oh thank you β€” Cee smiled and got into the elevator and waited until it was in the 7th floor
She kept looking at the door and she stood at room 204, she breathed deep and knocked the door
She heard him say : β€” oh, i'm coming β€” his voice is so shy and soft
β€” Hi, I'm Cee, nice to meet you Phil! β€” Cee said as he opened the door
β€” Hi, nice to meet ya too β€” Phil smiled and he leaned his body trying to seduce since he's such a flirty guy
β€” could we hang out? Look, I'm a music journalist and i work dor Hit Parader, i would really like to know if you'd like to give an interview β€” Cee said as she blushed
Phil laughed softly and shy, then he smiled and said, looking into her eyes β€” why not?
He turned off the lights and locked the door, he put the room keys into his "Rip And Tear" pants pocket
They were getting out of the hotel and then they were walking on the streets together
β€” So ummm... β€” Cee started and Phil immediately looked at her, she continuedΒ  β€” I listened to Cocked And Loaded and it's such an incredible album, you guys should reach a number 1 hit at least here in the U.S
Phil smiled and said : β€” Thank you darling
β€” You're welcome. β€” Cee smiled
They got into a restaurant and they sat into a table
β€” You were in band called Girl, with Phil Collen from Def Leppard, you guys released two studio albums in the early 80s, Sheer Greed and Wasted Youth, and later on the you disbanded, in Wasted Youth era, what led the band to be short lived that way? Could you explain? β€” Cee looked at him
β€” Actually, we described Girl as a poem, not an 8 part novel... we didn't want to become big at all, ya know β€” Phil said
β€” Why? β€” Cee went kinda serious
β€” Cause i don't think we were good enough to become big...we sounded terrible, except Phil Collen who is a fuckin talented and dedicated guitar player, so Def Leppard didn't get him in vain but...yeah that's it! We were not that nice, mostly in the U.K! β€” Phil said
β€” But...Phil, you were REALLY NICE! I think, i really do! Never in my life i have seen 5 glam boys singing and playing the way you did! But its okay, its your opnion anyway β€” Cee said
β€” Thank you kindly, darling β€” Phil smiled, flirty and started to rub her chin tenderly
Cee smiled shyly
β€” So...could you tell me about you? β€” Cee smiled
β€” Oh, yes of course! Ummm...i was born in Hammersmith, England and...uh-, my mother was scottish and her family as well, and my dad is english. I actually have a step dad, who i call my old man or even dad since i never knew my biological father β€” Phil said calmly
β€” Oh, what about your mom? β€” Clara
β€” She passed away when i was around 5 or 6 years old...yeah, tough thing for a little kid to deal with, but okay, its life and that is what unfortunately happens to anyone. The only thing left for us is to accept and let it happen β€” Phil said
Cee felt her heart a bit heavy, she never imagined Phil got through this in his life, she decided not ask much about it
β€” I grew up with my then dad and its been wonderful. We travelled a lot, we went to Belgium, France, for examplem Oh, and Spain, by the way, i speak spanish too β€” Phil laughed, he had such soft and genuine laughter
Cee laughed as well
β€” So you experimented and even ate every kind of food and sauce around the world...? That's nice, really nice! Talking about foods, which food do you like the most? β€” Cee asked
β€” Ooooh, you just hit me hard now, Cee! β€” Phil laughed and started to think β€” Hummm, i need to say it's Ravioli β€” smiled
β€” Oh, same! β€” Cee smiled
β€” Oooh, thats wonderful! β€” Phil smiled
β€” Yes it is! ... Well, did you went to normal school, that you go there and gets back home later or boarding school? β€” Cee asked
β€” Boarding school. I lived in school from 8 to 16 years old and then i dropped out and started my real life. And i need to tell you, times living there were wonderful, but also a relief when i left β€” Phil laughed and Cee laughed too
β€” Did you have any friends there? β€” Cee asked
β€” Yes, i did! β€” Phil said
β€” That might be teasing but...what about the girls? β€” Cee laughed softly
β€” Oh, that's okay Cee, no problem! By the way i like to say something about him because its a funny thing. Well, girls from my class used to call me a freak and then the older girls were much nicer, not to mention that some of them used to flirt with me. I did the same and gave them that same flirt back to them β€” Phil laughed
Cee laughed as well β€” You're a nice guy, honestly, i see Boarding School made you a gentleman. I highly appreciate this β€”
β€” Oh, thanks! β€” Phil smiled
β€” No problem! And did you live somewhere else out of England, or Spain as you told? β€” Cee smiled
β€” Yes, i lived in Denver in the 70s, mid 70s. Around 1974, 76' β€” Phil said
β€” Oooh, interesting, nice! β€” Cee smiled with that β€” And...what are your favorite musicians? β€” asked
β€” Oooh, there are so many, Cee, but okay, the main ones are Heavy Metal Kids, as well as Gary Holton, Alice Cooper, Janis Joplin, David Bowie, Japan, Deep Purple, Rolling Stones and Black Sabbath. β€” Phil smiled
β€” Oooh, cool ones! And what about that one, "Japan"? β€” Asked Cee
β€” Oh, yes β€” Phil laughed β€” I am not referring to any japanese band, and they're not japanese, they are actually english. They were my main influence when i was in Girl, they were OUR main influence! The 2 first Japan albums still rocks my world, honestly. I highly recommend you to listen to it, you will not regret it β€” he laughed
β€” Oooh, interesting story! β€” Cee laughed softly
β€” If you look at us in some old Girl memorablias, mostly at me youre gonna see some reasemblance between myself and David Sylvian, if you ever seen of course β€” Phil laughed
Cee laughed and then said β€” Ummm, i think ive ever heard that name...well, im gonna search more about it later β€” smiled
β€” Then they released other really nice albums, and then they disbanded. But its okay, i understand that β€” Phil diz
β€”Ye me too, thats the way it goes β€” Cee said
β€” You are a really easy person to talk to, ya know, i quite like talking to you β€” Phil smiled as he drank his champagne
Cee smiled β€” Same β€” she unconsenquently took his hand he took hers, smiling as well
They talked and then it was time to go, but it such a great night, and OBVIOUSLY Cee would add the best parts to the issue
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