#pic de ger
philoursmars · 1 year
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Fin Juillet, je suis allé faire mon tour habituel chez mon amie Christine à Pau (Béarn)
Le célèbre Boulevard des Pyrénées et, enfin, il fait beau !
Sur la 1ère,Bizaos et le Gabizos, sur la 2ème : le Pic du Midi d'Ossau, 3ème le Pic du Midi de Bigorre, sur la 4ème le Pic de Ger, 5ème : vue d'ensemble.
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444names · 2 years
in-universe star wars phraseologisms
Abermly Acer Ackew Ackul Acted Acto Actoid Actrool Addroud Aders Agers Agget Agiving Alast Ally Alot Alty Amall Aman Ampers Ancome Appeark Ardly Asolek Atalt Atelies Ater Athock Ativelm Autter Avelt Baiters Balkied Bantith Baship Bass Bbressk Beciver Befers Beine Beld Belve Beyed Bighog Bire Bittly Blanin Blars Blaving Blek Blet Blueal Bonimy Bored Borkeed Boye Brand Buchip Buck Buckid Bulper Bunde Bureard Bures Burstor Buttlet Cald Calead Cannave Caser Cautten Choo Chux Ciall Clan Cluvank Cluvap Coal Comble Commine Comming Cored Corm Coun Coutt Crah Crught Dedi Deing Denst Dered Dest Devians Dick Difer Diffic Ding Dits Ditsay Dive Doodoes Dooffy Doseld Dosharn Dred Dries Drout Dueard Dupers Eave Eleara Eltion Emmar Emple Ence Ents Events Excis Exle Exprot Factor Farand Fariand Farsole Fauchut Femoted Fhuked Fhux Fies Fliers Fliest Foop Forced Ford Forisse Forosig Forrou Fors Fose Fray Frione Gagolt Gaing Gard Gathil Gekk Gers Gestray Gights Gooread Gort Grag Gred Grekku Grescal Groars Gron Gronne Groust Gunts Haing Hass Hassit Hatcho Heard Hears Heitick Heitip Hing Hockin Hoon Hundeve Iffy Ilies Ilim Illimps Imens Impilly Impor Imwit Ingan Ithin Jafin Jakki Jawes Jawn Jocally Jughout Kals Kantery Kard Keting Kinet King Kitter Kivin Knighle Kning Knocker Knot Krall Krie Krion Labi Lairion Lakeed Lamet Land Lang Lants Leak Leel Leting Ling Lion Lior Livene Lotine Mall Malty Mank Mant Mard Math Mation Meciall Ming Minkin Minky Minseed Moiling Mone Mooper Mott Muds Muld Mynown Nabily Natted Neemy Nepur Nicid Offied Offity Offorty Offt Orna Orron Ousen Ousunt Paccows Pack Panna Parig Pary Pating Pead Pected Peres Picedy Picess Pics Piseen Pits Planeed Plat Poes Poido Poidun Pording Posial Posit Prans Prass Pred Pregeng Prepad Prie Prime Privian Prock Pulause Purpot Qualt Quic Quive Ratch Ravick Ravie Reels Refte Reling Rendis Rener Rent Rentel Reps Respe Ress Revel Revial Rewild Riands Rone Rosith Rought Rourp Routing Rubbrav Ruffie Ruker Sageon Samard Sang Sanyon Saucked Scal Scass Scur Scurew Seld Selmeon Sely Sepper Sersh Shavard Shed Shers Shil Shing Shingek Shis Shol Shor Shung Sionce Sirmoon Sivald Skunt Sland Sledro Slion Sliter Slow Smila Snothew Some Soncy Sorts Soud Spad Span Spedy Speem Sper Spers Sphro Spider Spinnon Sple Spoider Spoth Sprob Squic Stan Stied Stion Stivid Stur Sughots Sult Suraan Swent Taftel Tandats Tard Tarka Tern Tharme Thily Thip Thred Tick Tingly Tion Tock Tork Tort Trablam Trabye Tragand Tranky Trass Trawn Tray Treed Trerly Tring Trol Tronat Trong Tronin Tround Tutt Twily Twin Twounk Uneak Unerect Uper Upied Usen Usere Vancer Veer Vicied Ving Wannor Wase Wead Weal Weark Weatin Weavy Wexpen Whai Whand Whar Whit Wildek Wilet Wining Wiseed Wiss Withor Wordly Wori Wory Yonat Yought Yous Yuzzump Zershin Zyger
same thing but longer names
Abehaug Abermly Abight Accommor Accord Acer Ackew Ackul Acoating Acors Acted Acto Actoid Actrool Addroud Aders Adeuch Adeuck Affer Agers Agget Agiving Agivj Agooly Ahsoles Ailearly Airack Alast Alathealeal Aling Ally Alot Alriand Alty Amall Aman Ampers Anced Ancome Anetairmly Anion Annembe Apectud Apeeing Appeark Aptic Aptor Ardly Arraves Asolek Astar Atalt Atelies Ater Aterought Athock Atickeed Atinelive Ation Ativelm Autter Avateres Avelt Awarp Babed Bactick Baiters Balkied Ballights Bange Bannout Bantith Baship Bass Basse Batho Bationget Batort Bbilactual Bbressk Beciver Befers Begoold Beine Beld Beled Beltitter Belve Beyed Beying Bighog Bire Bittly Blanin Blarrimping Blars Blaving Bleimpick Blek Blet Blight Blooin Blueal Blumbed Boallumbely Bomation Bomenter Bonfer Bonimy Bonivj Booper Bored Borkeed Boye Boyebank Brand Buchip Buck Buckid Buggese Bulment Bulpell Bulper Bunde Buniant Buraz Bureard Bureme Bures Burstor Buttlet Cald Calead Calor Calord Cannave Captionvily Carsels Caser Cautten Chanighle Chern Chink Chints Chinvoing Choo Chux Ciall Ciester Ciked Citienalli Clan Claze Clumity Cluvank Cluvap Coal Coarater Coassight Coing Comble Combs Cometter Commine Comming Compration Confortbrat Conoutter Cored Corm Cothercomet Coun Coung Coutt Crah Cratimall Crinto Criony Cruffor Crught Crusur Damal Dance Daperan Dares Decombed Dedi Deemmandist Deing Delic Denst Dered Derou Derse Dessaya Dest Devians Devord Dick Difer Diferbank Diffic Difighters Difir Ding Dingedy Direbut Dired Disbeyonick Disgue Dits Ditsay Dive Djabb Doodoes Dooffy Doseld Dosharn Doshuttra Dostack Dred Dries Drigestucke Drighte Drouls Drout Drustabil Dueard Dupers Dupis Eaterdi Eavapta Eave Eleara Eliff Eliketrew Eltion Emared Emmar Emple Ence Ennis Enter Ents Erfeadhune Esolt Essings Esskung Events Excis Exle Exleve Exper Explot Exprays Exprence Expri Exprialang Exprogarik Exprot Factor Falay Falue Farand Fariand Farsole Fatrawar Fauchut Femoted Ferays Ferces Fermodby Ferspazel Fhuked Fhux Fical Ficallima Fielled Fies Fiessajj Fired Fliers Fliest Fodby Folse Foop Forced Ford Forisse Formber Forme Forosig Forrou Fors Fose Fray Fribeciall Frimed Frione Frockill Froguss Futing Gagolt Gaing Galuttence Ganams Gands Gard Gareer Gathil Gekk Gers Gestray Gights Giveling Goldn Gooread Gort Grag Gred Grekku Grescal Groars Grock Gron Groner Gronne Groobbe Grook Groust Gulderes Gunins Gunts Hageon Haing Hairts Harger Hass Hassit Hatcho Haveerbad Havisen Heakines Heard Hears Heastios Heitick Heitip Helefortark Helse Hemeting Herdly Hereg Hing Hockin Hocows Holour Hookeed Hoon Hopeo Hotives Hublonds Hundeve Iffy Iianondire Iians Ilies Ilim Illimps Imens Impilly Impor Imwit Ingan Intectinder Interess Ionne Iounsigge Ithin Jafase Jafin Jakinnight Jakki Jawele Jawes Jawn Jessince Jhounk Jocally Jogagek Jogant Joran Jorenter Jorks Jughout Jumphral Kals Kantery Kard Keting Ketion Kicks Kicurot Kiefas Kinet King Kitter Kivin Knighle Kning Knocker Knot Knoutt Krall Krie Krikank Krion Kwardetager Labi Labighted Laces Lagreve Lairion Lakeed Lamet Land Landogand Lang Lanters Lants Lasky Lassing Leak LeelOtice Lenger Lessinwas Leting Liket Liman Ling Lion Lior Livene Lockeed Loods Lotine Making Mall Malockin Malty Manat Manavilly Maniced Manimplest Mank Mant Mard Marfort Mariess Marract Math Mation Meciall Medice Migianing Ming Minkin Minky Minseed Minted Mintresoll Mistargall Moiling Monaully Mone Mooper Mothing Mott Mplick Mptal Muds Muld Mynowel Mynown Nabily Nabove Nadiffers Naing Natortbran Natted Neemy Neine Nepur Newead Nicid Nicuffid Obing Offelik Offewbasup Offied Offistups Offity Offorty Offt Onshiounk Ordituad Orna Orron Ousen Oustive Ousunt
Paccows Pack Paction Pactroldes Panna Parig Pariss Pary Pating Pead Pected Peres Pfars Pharch Picedy Picess Piciestees Pics Pilleing Piseen Pits Plaketbal Plamet Planeed Plat Poes Poido Poids Poidun Poked Pooblens Pooper Pording Porray Poser Posial Posit Postaitch Praing Prans Prass Preared Pred Pregeng Prepad Preptax Prie Prime Priommetst Prionfer Privian Prock Pronis Proonfel Publy Pulause Purpot Qualt Quic Quive Rallice Ranctiord Raning Rasynds Ratch Ratroid Ravick Ravie Rectiourp Reels Refeed Referider Refewast Refte Regarik Reling Rendis Rener Rent Rentel Rentorce Repablue Reps Respe Ress Restorts Retarion Revel Revial Rewild Riands Ridossive Ritian Romblestor Rone Rongs Rosith Rought Rourp Rousing Roussame Routing Rubbrav Ruffie Ruker Sageon Samard Sang Sanyon Satick Saucked Sayarpercer Scal Scass Scollifig Scred Screft Scrimalher Scrist Scuderet Scur Scurew Scuse Secticents Secuff Seld Selmeon Sely Sepper Sequadhu Sequient Sersh Shatoing Shavard Shed Shers Shies Shil Shindscr Shing Shingek Shink Shis Shol Shor Shorchink Shung Siansion Sights Sinflaz Sionce Sious Sirmoon Sivald Skere Sketa Sking Skunt Slaccobing Sland Slassigh Slastan Slazesce Sleatentord Sledro Slion Sliter Slow Smila Smillut Smilly Snothew Some Somelm Soncy Sondes Sonein Sores Sorsered Sorth Sorts Soud Soust Spad Spadming Span Spareplit Spaton Speaterbald Spedy Speem Sper Spers Sphro Spider Spinnon Spirmetion Splaxy Sple Spleakies Spoider Spoth Sprob Squic Ssights Stagekar Stan Stansupine Stanythrat Stell Sterbad Stied Stion Stiossong Stivid Stormtriese Stray Stur Sucke Sughots Suishine Suith Suithights Suivizervin Sult Sumbe Sunce Suraan Surnat Swent Swizsligns Synot Taftel Tairepen Tandats Tard Tardicer Tareffit Tarka Tatmorgeon Teatee Tenep Tern Tharme Theas Thelighled Thell Thers Thily Thip Thlet Tholeim Thool Thrach Thred Tick Tingly Tion Tiose Tisten Tisto Tock Toidgercer Tonadestuad Torch Tork Tort Trablam Trabye Tragand Traing Tranky Traperess Trass Trawn Tray Trays Treed Trerly Tribefe Tring Troing Trol Tronat Trong Tronin Trothrospaz Tround Trounus Trous Trouttly Trusion Tutt Twerolly Twetthed Twily Twin Twisfietted Twounk Typere Undifly Uneak Unerect Unfer Unkitchined Unstock Uper Upied Usen Usere Uslefoin Ustor Usulle Vancer Veer Velikkied Vicied Ving Vinout Wanardly Wannor Wanyt Wartheark Wase Wasta Wead Weal Weark Weatice Weatin Weavy Weracts Wereaders Werrait Wexpen Whai Whand Whar Whewet Whiest Whing Whipers Whit Whowme Wildek Wiled Wilek Wilet Willight Winad Wingly Wining Wiseed Wiss Witer Withershoth Withor Woral Worde Wordly Wori Wory Woubliger Woung Yonat Yought Yous Yuzzumbi Yuzzumill Yuzzump Zershin Zyger Zygermberse
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Beautiful pic of me 😄, by @ianmorlion in my studio and gallery. Are you lazy or you will read it? Nobody can tell you that you are not enough....NO FEAR. I AM Marco Scarfò, Director and Curator of : " The Most Famous Studio " : Published best studio in P.O. France. Hosting the best, award-winning, sponsored, professional tattoo and permanent make-up artists from Europe " The Most Famous Gallery " : Published most important gallery in the city, hosted a Sotheby's auctioned paintings of an internationally recognised artist, hosting World Premiere Exhibitions for some of the most famous artists in the world like Rich Harris, Aleksandr Romashev Sigal, Steve Butcher, Will Yu, James Asher / Jayfreestyle, Gian Francesco Pavani and more. " Scarfò Galleries " Global Project.... It's the beginning of a worldwide adventure. I AM : Powered by : Ink Machines Sponsored by : Tadoo Original Sponsored by : 247 Ink Mag Pro Team : Proton Europe I AM V-Partner with : Amy Monroe ( Tattooed famous model ). Coconut Kitty ( +4M FOLLOWERS ) Kimberley Ann ( Monster girls photographer ) Giulia Ragazzini ( Miss Europe) Zita Vass ( Super Model, actress ) Jillisa Lynn ( actress, model, writer, singer ) I AM : Internationally published in journals, magazines, newspapers, shared & supported by famous artists, personalities, famous brands. I AM : Published by : Hifructose Magazine Published on the top of the 1st page in Journal L'independant I AM Published by : La Semaine du Roussillon Journal La Croix du Midi Azzara Magazine, 247 Ink Magazine News knowledia Sepia Magazine Cambridge Le Journal Catalan Le Petit Journal Le Journal du Gers Vipcom ( influencer section, 4 times ) Freshlyinkedmagazine Worldwide Ink Magazine Cheyenne Tattoo Equipment Revolution Needles World Famous Ink Aloe Tattoo Tattoo lovers Care Le mondial du tatouage Tattoo Armour Pro Horiyoshi III (🙏 thank you master) Tatoueurs de France Tatoueurstatouagesfrance News Eseuro TvCat Perpignan Tourisme Pyrénées Orientales Tourisme Artistes Contemporains Artistes d'Occitanie ...and much more.... I AM... the creator of this... " THE MOST FAMOUS PROJECT " (à The Most Famous Studio) https://www.instagram.com/p/ClV_rPTIY7b/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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wheellifestories · 5 years
Little by little, day by day, what works for you will find it’s way✨ • • • “Tips på hur man kan ta sig upp för en rulltrappa som rullstolsburen. Det ger ökad självständighet (plus lite coolhets poäng) att klara rulltrappa, om hissen är sönder eller om den inte luktar så gott. Vilket tyvärr är rätt vanligt🤢 En hand på bandet vid rulltrappan (och se upp, ibland kan den gå i en annan hastighet än trappan= farligt) och en på rullstolen Kom ihåg att ta det försiktigt när du ska gå av bandet. Ha någon bakom dig de första gångerna du testar! En riktig bra vardagsskill att ha!💪♿” - @andreaarasmussen • • • Send your pics & videos to @WheelLifeStories or tag #WheelLifeStories for a feature! || Visit our website at WheelLifeStories.com! || #repost #wheelchaircommunity #adaptivecommunity #disabilityawareness #adaptivelifestyle #iamadaptive #wheelchairlifestyle #girlpower #brave #wheelchairtechniques #wheelchairability #nolimits #spinalcordinjury #wheelchairskill #liveyourlife #independence #wheelchaironescalator #keeppushing #wheelchairgirl #amazingpeople #independentliving #adaptandovercome #handicappable #differentlyabled #disABILITY #unstoppable #adaptandconquer #wheelchairmotivation #nevergiveup https://www.instagram.com/p/By3RIC9AV2v/?igshid=fy2ijofxlhbg
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c-o-z · 6 years
Prin tine
Ma-ntorc bolnav cu fata care stele, 
Ma dau luminii lunii imprumut, 
Dar pe deasupra gandurilor mele
Acelasi gong de noapte a batut.
La capatul privirilor prin lotusi, 
La capatul luminilor prin cer
Te regasesc infiripata, totusi, 
Din marea fierbinteala si din ger.
Si orisicat m-as departa de tine, 
Povara amintirii e mai grea.
Sa ma arunc in Univers - imi vine, 
Dar ma scufunda-n aer, umbra TA.
Mi-as cumpara, fugind pe desalate, 
Cu oasele ostatice oricui, 
Macar atat : un pic de lIBERTATE, 
Dar, pentru mine - libertate...NU-I !
EU nu traiesc de fapt, decat prin TINE.
EU nu mai sunt de multa vreme...EU
Si-mi este rau si cand iti este bine
Si numai TU decizi destinul meu.
Spinarea ca un terci mi se-ncovoaie
Si toti ceilalti mi-apar ca bieti nebuni, 
Atarn de tine ca un miel de oaie
Prin umbrele lunaticei pasuni.
Nu-ti cer nimic, imi stiu prea bine firea
Si simt ca nu te pot instraina
Si-acum, cand mi-a ramas numai iubirea
Eu NU te chem : ci-ti spun : RAMAI ASA !
Imi rasucesc privirea printre astre, 
Spinarea se pravale la pamant
Si ca pe vremea armoniei noastre
Cand ma gandesc la tine...SIMT CA SUNT !
Printre greseli aproape ordinare
Dispar din calendar fara motiv, 
Mereu te voi trada pentru oricare
Ca sa te pot IUBI DEFINITIV.
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awhilesince · 3 years
Sunday, 1 August 1830 (travel journals)
5 40/60
12 1/2
tolerable motion ready at 7 1/4 – all went to the top? of the
Cathedral – too hazy to see the Pyrennees – home at 8 – breakfast –
off from the hotel de France Auch at 9 – very good Inn – small dinner on well cleaned plate yesterday and handsome china this morning and everything good – dinner well cooked – good vin du pays and champagne –
cathedral fine gothic interior and the richest in gilding (in the chapels) we have seen to say nothing of the magnificent boiserie and painted glass –– in the Sycamore tree and our saviour seeing him and some little white sheep the best of the glass the King Chief canon and has stall never used – the exterior very plain – the two west towers small and poor and the west front spoilt by the putting on of a Corinthian façade –
a pretty esplanade and all the roads having fine avenues many handsome promenades – 2 places – town seems large and pretty good but irregular – the Gers here as every where a narrow inconsiderable river –
man chef de maison in Paris and going per Diligence proper cause taken up by the police for saying the King had left Paris – no papers since dated of Monday last –
very fine sunny morning sortie by nice level flat road thro’ fine avenue of elms along the foot of rounded hill, forming one side the widish fertile valley of various cultivation – hills covered with vines – too little wood for beauty don’t see the river (Gers) – farms – cottages – hedges – Fahrenheit 74 1/2 at 9 a.m.
road as yesterday stoned – mended with gravel– Vicnau single house (farm house like) – changed horses and off at 10 42/.. –
in 3 1/2 minutes after at the top of the hill immediately above Vicnau first view of the Pyrennees – Louisa with me – delighted – could not have distinguished them from clouds – a longish line – none but an eye accustomed to mountains in such distance could have distinguished them – distinguished the pic du Midi, and some snow-clad summits, but the snow not seeming to Extend far down –
Extensive view from Vicnau hill over undulating country parserné d’hibilations under vine and plough – very little wood but in fence rows good farm houses, and hamlets – the last stage rather hilly at last, and this stage very hilly look down nicely up Mirande and enter it by fine long avenue of elms, cross good stone bridge over yellow ochreous Baize, and mount mount steepish hill into the great (splashed yellow on white) goodish picturesque old town – houses projecting largish church –
Fahrenheit 80° at 11 3/4 in shade in the carriage, and 92° in the sun on the cap case –
ground place arcaded as, in Italy and large arcaded building – all the people marched in the middle in their Sunday clothes standing about – nothing particular in costume – Basque or Ayrshire caps often crimson very picturesque town – admire it much –
fine range of undulating country but tops of hills more – generally very pretty one half wooded – few vines – much corn – avenue of elms to some distance beyond the Town –
the language quite different from French today and yesterday – but French spoken to us – Provencale –
Fahrenheit 109° in the sun at 1 p.m.
very undulating stage – from 1 3/60 long straight road and the Pyrennees right ahead – the best view since Vicnau – but they are seen thro’ mist –
the latter 1/2 this stage more wooded than the former and pretty nice little town of Miélan celebrated for its mutton which however is not now so good since the hills have been defriché, which used to produce aromatic 2 herbs
obliged to wait till our horses bait – from 1 1/2 to 2 35/.. walk about – come to the little hotel dawdle – then (2 35/..) Louisa and I sit down to write – had just got comfortably writing when off at 2 57/.. – mud-splashed little town – fine view from the church yard of Pyrennees –
drag down long traversing steep descent out of the picturesque town into wide ascending plain not much wooded – I could sleep very well at such an Inn as where we have been sitting close to the post house –
Fahrenheit 90° in shade in the carriage at 3 10/..
fine view of the Pyrennees stretching along in the distance (left) – very fine country but the summits bare, the snow in patches and to me the mountains not to be compared with alps seen from Berne, or Soleure or Rigi Culm – more wooded and mountainous as we go along hardly at all out of foots pace – asleep a while –
about 3/4 hour from Miélan – look down upon rich green wooded dell – hill covered with brackens richly wooded mountain tops hills – in the distance long curving line of lower Pyrennees backed by the higher – for ever up and downhill but views of green-wooded vales and vine clad hills and wooded summits – fine air too –
Fahrenheit 103° in the sun now at 4 from the Top of hill at 4 7/.. high Pyrennees very fine – the mist so far clearer as to allow us to trace their outline nearer to the bottom – got out and walked 10 minutes down the hill – look down upon the little picturesque town of scattered village of Villecontal? and pass stone bridge over little river Esteux? vines and Indian corn – hedges all along more or less – high mountains (left) very fine on coming down upon Rabasteins more dun cows – not well built, but picturesque little town – all the people at their doors in Sunday clothes but no particular costume –
our 3 carriages (I first) all together quite a sight for them – large place municipale with large odd looking marché in the middle looking like 3 rows of great cart sheds covered in – being square not arcaded, as at Mirande –
Fahrenheit 89° in the sun at 5 1/4 p.m. – hedges – and alder hedges alongside the road – as we near the high Pyrennees they are are certainly fine but there is so little snow mere spots (taches) specks), here and there that I cannot compare them with the high alps – as a range of mountains of course nothing in Scotland can be other than miniatures compared with them, but Ben Nevis as a mountain looked as fine as any of them – the nearer I approach the high Pyrennees the less I compare them to the if now clad Alps – but they are better approached – seen to more advantage? where can one so go up to from a wide plain the chain of alps – these are like a fine cathedral built up – the others like a less fine cathedral in a beautiful close –
road very pretty some time before Tarbes between alder hedges, and woods the high Pyrennees right ahead of us – but oh! no more like alps – not like Mont Blancs – a perfect garden of mais, and vines creeping round fruit trees – pretty neat cottages straw thatched tiled a blue slated house if whitish stone or splashed – out on 1 long wide street with gardens interspersed in front and at the sides up the houses – very pretty and picturesque no! this is not Tarbes but the very pretty village (St. Terreol Auvilbeaux? Aureilhan) and from here the high Pyrennees seen from their feet and very fine – but have I not seen scenery near Snowdon as striking?
lovely evening – no snow hardly on them – we cannot surely see the highest tops – cross handsome stone bridge over broad but almost dry Adom – a mere shallow running stream over its gravelly bed –
very neat wide streeted town – large neat white washed, grande place – nice town had her done – walked out an hour to the cathedral and Prado – the fête of the tutelar saint – 2 fiddles and one clarionet and dancing – great many people in their best, quite gay – the Prado reminded Lady S– [Stuart] of the Enghi at Berne –
dinner at 8 1/2 – came to my room at 11 50/..
Lady S [Stuart] and I tete a tete from ten talking of different things shewing I was knowing enough and she not observation on the contents of Gibbons Rome and all sorts of things being put in Latin and Greek she evidently has no objection to my conversa tion and I see likes to have me as little later than her at Pau tomorrow as possible – very fine day –
left margin:
Capital Inn at Auch
Excellent grapes – the 1st excellent
there were a few little black grapes in the market at Tonneins once some little bad black ones –
peaches and pears and green gages the common fruit
reference number: SH:7/ML/TR/5/0024 - 0027
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jc · 3 years
Tagebuch: Der Sommer kann kommen
Summer is coming
Man merkt lang­sam die auf­kom­men­de Som­mer­zeit im Event-Geschäft. Zwar ist immer noch zu tun, aber es wird ruhi­ger. Wir hat­ten also end­lich mal wie­der ein biss­chen Zeit, uns um uns selbst zu küm­mern und ein wenig inter­ne Fort­bil­dung zu machen.
Bei uns gab’s heu­te eine inter­ne Fort­bil­dung in Bild­be­ar­bei­tung. Als Dozent konn­ten wir den erfolg­rei­chen Gra­fi­ker Pho­to­shop Phil­ipp gewin­nen. pic​.twit​ter​.com/​G​0​3​P​D​A​T​QPB
— Bonn​.digi​tal (@Bonndigital) June 25, 2021
It’s cool, man
Und ansons­ten sind wir zuhau­se für den Som­mer gewapp­net. Nach elf Jah­ren Dachgeschoss-Geschwitze haben wir uns eine Kli­ma­an­la­ge für Wohn- und Schlaf­räu­me gegönnt. Jetzt muss nur noch das Wet­ter wie­der so wer­den, dass sich die Anschaf­fung lohnt.
Erste Impfe
Am Don­ners­tag haben wir den ers­ten Corona-Shot in den Arm gerammt bekom­men. Wie krass, dass das dann doch recht spon­tan auf ein­mal geklappt hat. Ich bin sehr glück­lich und freue mich, dass es dann auch Bio­n­tech war, sodass das zwei­te Mal auch schnel­ler kommt als bei Astra­Ze­ne­ca. Wenn alles gut läuft, bin ich Ende August voll­stän­dig geimpft und kann hof­fen, wie­der eini­ger­ma­ßen sor­gen­frei zu leben. Nach andert­halb Jah­ren Pan­de­mie ein unwirk­li­cher Gedanke.
Ich habe mit Peter einen Pod­cast auf­ge­zeich­net. Ja, krass, oder, dass ich jetzt auch schon bald einen eige­nen Pod­cast habe! Dabei woll­te ich das nie. Aber die Gele­gen­heit, mit einem Pro­fi zu arbei­ten, woll­te ich mir nicht ent­ge­hen las­sen. Es war auf jeden Fall sehr lus­tig. Ob es auch inhalt­lich was erge­ben hat, hängt viel­leicht von Peters Schnitt­küns­ten ab. Ihr wer­det das Ergeb­nis bald hören können.
📨 Nie wieder etwas verpassen?
Neue Bei­trä­ge per E-Mail erhalten
💝 Gern gelesen?
Spen­de was für Klein-Leas Sparschwein 🐽
(Original unter: https://1ppm.de/2021/07/der-sommer-kann-kommen/)
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ysc003 · 4 years
Implicite Body soldes
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philoursmars · 2 years
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Je reprends mon projet de présenter la plupart de mes 52377 photos.
1997, un été à Pau chez Christine et son mari d’alors, Jean-Pierre. Balades dans les Pyrénées...
- Osse-en-Aspe
- les 2 suivantes : Aydius (et oui, c’est un toit, garni de lauzes)
- le Pic de Ger
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Je planchais sur un billet depuis des jours que je tentais tant bien que mal de peaufiner. Plutôt mal que bien d’ailleurs, en vertu de l’arrogante réticence des mots que je pouvais jadis convoquer à tours de bras. Je déposais alors en ce temps-là et avec une aisance relative, mon cœur, mes couilles, mes tripes et ma bêtise dans l’écrin d’une syntaxe plus ou moins bien brodée, en dépit de certaines finitions qui laissaient parfois, voire franchement, à désirer. Mais les mots et moi nous nous aimions, et il ne faisait aucun doute que cet amour engendrerait le talent. De toute façon, j’avais l’éternité devant moi et l’apothéose en ligne de mire. Confiante, la meuf.
La nuit d’il y a deux jours a contrarié mes plans, disons pompeusement, d’écriture. J’aurais volontiers troqué ce que je m’apprête à écrire contre un billet poubelle, un papier à poiscaille, servi par une syntaxe aussi emmêlée qu’un filet de pêche qui n’aurait remonté qu’un pneu et une carcasse de vélo. Le tout balancé sans sentiment parce qu’il faut primo, tenir ses échéances de gratte papier, deuxio me faire une raison : les mots et moi, terminé, affaire classée, divorce à l’amiable. Cela ne va pas sans mal, je dois ruser pour compenser la douleur, le manque, l’absence et l’abandon. Des mots, si tu suis. Enfin, j’aurais volontiers troqué le « je » contre le « on » pour faire la planque.
Puis la voix des lettres a parlé à mon esprit déliquescent pour m’expliquer ce qu’étaient leur sens et leur force. Elle m’a rappelé qu’être caressées ou brutalisées, pour elles c’est du pareil au même, elles brûlent du désir d’être tordues, démontées, découpées, jetées, piétinées et assemblées pour que « les écriveurs » en fassent des bêtes de foire, des monstres, des étrangetés, en réalité les entités les plus lumineuses que l’univers ait produit, tant qu’on ne leur ment pas. Les poètes le savent bien et les aiment de cet amour-là, car ils se donnent à elles nus et entiers. C’est d’une réciprocité sans équivoque. Si quelque chose en ce bas-monde est bel et bien à l’image de l’homme, ce sont elles. Le Verbe s’est fait chair, paraît-il.
C’est cela que cette fameuse nuit s’est chargée de me rappeler : que j’étais un imposteur (parce que impostrice, c’est vraiment moche) et que j’étais visiblement atteinte soit d’idiotie partielle, soit de mémoire déficiente. Dans le premier cas, il m’est permis de poursuivre les conversations avec les voix dans ma tête. Dans le second, il était l’heure de stimuler mes fonctions mémorielles en reprécisant quelques définitions : douleur, manque, absence et abandon. Je me suis couchée avec le Thésaurus et le Robert quand la nuit s’est avancée vers moi avec sa piqure de rappel. Et là, tu me vois venir.
Je ne sais s’il s’agit du vent implacable qui souffle depuis hier soir dans ces montagnes, un vent à nettoyer toute la misère du monde, forcément cataclysmique. Jamais vu ça. Même à Marseille. Les sculptures sont amputées, les arbres couchés, des décorations de Noël tombées d’on ne sait où flottent à la surface d’une piscine qui turquoisait hier encore, l’immense bâche de gros coton sertie de solides rivets n’y a pas résisté non plus. Tout cela ressemblerait presque à une apocalypse s’il n’y avait la luxuriante végétation : palmiers, oliviers, plantes grasses, gamme complète de résineux, genévriers, qui, sur des hectares de terrains en restanque se font proprement laminer mais qui tiennent bon. Pour l’instant.
Et puis il y a les mimosas, tous en fleurs. C’est pour eux que je tremble. C’est pour eux que j’ai peur. Le bruit du vent me terrifie, les rafales sont des serpes venues de nulle part, et pour parcourir quelques mètres, il faut courber la tête si on souhaite la garder sur les épaules.
Et puis, il y a la terre. La noire terre qui s’est répandue sur les dalles, cette même terre que j’ai mangée toute la nuit, mêlée à tes cendres.
Aujourd’hui je prends grand plaisir à railler les sentiments, par défense peut-être, pour faire rire mes coreligionnaires en subversion bloguesque et sans doute, je le réalise seulement aujourd’hui, pour me souvenir que j’ai aimé et que j’ai été aimée. Passionnément. Par toi mais pas seulement, par moi mais pas seulement. Cadeaux de la vie.
Et puis tu es mort.
Beaucoup ont perdu quelqu’un, un jour ou l’autre, quelqu’un qui était leur bras ou leur jambe, et ils claudiqueront jusqu’à la fin des temps. Il n’existe pas de prothèse pour ça, et je n’ai pas honte de mon insolite déhanché.
« On fait surtout sans ». Je devrais déposer un copyright sur cette phrase. Je la smatchais dès que quelqu’un balançait un « il faut faire avec ». Je me souviens de la difficulté de dire, face à quelqu’un amputé d’une partie de lui-même, dont la douleur ne porte pas de nom, et dont le mot lui-même « douleur » est étranger.
Par la suite, tout est devenu étranger. Regarder l’eau des pâtes bouillir (jusqu’à évaporation complète) / le robinet couler / un fil qui dépasse / la clé que tu insères dans le contact de la voiture et que tu n’actionnes pas, la voiture et toi stationnés pour un temps indéfini / la bouche d’un ami parler, être concentrée sur le mouvement de ses lèvres et n’entendre rien de ce qu’il en sort. Tout cela n’a rien à voir avec l’observation mais avec la fuite, tu t’extraies, tu t’extirpes. Tu regardes les choses comme si tu les voyais pour la première ou la dernière fois, avec une absence si dense, si compacte qu’elle interdit toute pensée. Brefs instants de survie qui te font ressembler à ces statues de rue vivantes. Tu passes ainsi des heures, des jours, des mois à esquisser des mouvements mus par une intention oubliée la seconde d’après, suspendant ton geste. Un geste qui fait signe à un bus imaginaire, celui censé t’emmener de l’autre côté de cette réalité-là.
Et puis, une chose sans nom revient t’éventrer et fourrager à mains nues comme pour te punir d’avoir « décroché » quelques instants. Tu éteins le feu sous la casserole, tu fermes le robinet, tu te détournes de celui qui parle, et tu retournes manger la terre.
Puis j’ai fini par transformer tout ça, et j’ai fait de notre rencontre une chance, un présent, un parcours à mettre dans l’escarcelle. Je me suis fabriqué un univers où tout tenait en place.
Ta mort est alors devenue peu à peu un souvenir moins tranchant, et saison après saison, j’ai vu fleurir les mimosas. Ils ne ressembleront jamais à ce champ varois, le paradis jaune comme je l’appelais. Je surveille ceux d’ici, tu sais, avec ce vent, on ne sait jamais.
La nuit du 4 au 5, j’ai fait un rêve, dans lequel tu n’étais pas. Ce n’est pas à toi que je vais parler des raccourcis de l’inconscient, ça t’a toujours gonflé. Non, tu flippais ta race avec ça.
Et donc, depuis 6 heures ce matin-là (celui du 5, remember) et pour la première fois depuis 9 ans, j’ai refait physiquement et moralement l’expérience de ta perte, celle du coup de fil tardif et de tout ce qui a suivi. Un réveil au napalm pur jus. Douleur, manque, absence, abandon. Efficace, la piqure. Les souvenirs les plus infimes que j’avais oubliés remontent à gros bouillons non stop depuis plus d’une trentaine d’heures maintenant. Ce doit être ça un rêve persistant. Je me tape le tour operator complet en solo. 9 ans après.
J’ai transvasé toutes mes larmes dans le matelas king size, là où je dors, c’est rigolo, ça flotte mais ça file un peu la gerbe. Mais il est à blinde là, et moi j’en peux plus. Je suis à bout de douleur Yann. Trente quatre heures bordel ! T’es pas parti hier que je sache. Tu veux que j’en fasse quoi du retour de la momie ? un cadeau de la vie ? Et pourquoi pas des origamis en papier de verre ? des mobiles en lames de rasoir ?
Je te promets de ne plus mentir avec les mots, ceux que personne n’a jamais lus, ceux que je fais semblant d’aligner, ceux en lesquels je ne crois pas, je ne crois plus, ceux à qui je mens. Je mens à Martha et à tous mes autres personnages. Et si je n’y parviens pas, je te promets de laisser le livre. Je me rangerai à l’idée de tous : ceux qui enseignent la langue ne doivent pas l’écrire. Voilà tout le sens que j’ai pu trouver à ce bordel, à cette chose qui m’écartèle. S’il en existe un autre, fais le moi savoir mais vite. Dois-je écrire sur LE bureau ?
Je ne peux plus être dévastée, tu comprends. Tu me manques tellement.
Pic by misnat -Gers
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ulyssesredux · 8 years
Wandering Rocks
Chewing his blade of hay.
It is amazing how often I am fighting the dishonest media thinks great! To a great wall on the two police officers shot in San Jose other than the Electoral College is much different! I say she’s a fraud. Changing venue to much larger one. Husband signed NAFTA. Thanks Donald! He had cleaned his teeth, he did.
Bernie Sanders is being badly criticized for her.
A wonderful man really.
Many reports that it was an office or something. Ger. From the hoardings Mr Eugene Stratton, his blub lips agrin, bade all comers welcome to Pembroke township. Just met with courageous family of Sarah Root in Nebraska last week that it was cancelled!
Bad people are very smart! My thoughts and prayers.
We just had the biggest physical & economic threat facing the American people are really smart in cancelling subscriptions to the person who loves people! The lychgate of a Yorkshire relish for my little Yorkshire rose.
Those were old worldish days, loyal times in the Barony and of the occupants of the house said to have the endorsement of the Ormond hotel, gold by bronze, Miss Kennedy's head by Miss Douce's head watched and admired. Congratulations to Rex Tillerson on being sworn in as our new Secretary of State. I always knew he was.
A charming soubrette, great Marie Kendall, with the victims & their families. Father Conmee was very glad indeed to hear that. Wow, Twitter, pundits and otherwise for my little Yorkshire rose. The honourable Gerald Ward A.D.C. in attendance. Well, let me see if she had nearly passed the end was the lord mayor and lady mayoress without his golden chain.
The honourable Gerald Ward A.D. C.
But they were also badtempered.
—What's the best news?
That letter to father provincial. FAKE NEWS media, are now doing approval rating polls.
A tiny yawn opened the mouth of the outriders. Near Aldborough house Father Conmee saluted the second carriage. Beyond Lundy Foot's from the viceregal lodge. As expected, the porkbutcher's, Father Conmee thought that, unprepared. He walked calmly and read mutely the nones, walking with grave deportment most respectfully took the curbstone as he came to Res in Beati immaculati: Principium verborum tuorum veritas: in eternum omnia indicia iustitiae tuae. Bernie Sanders, who is looking so dumb. Stop illegal immigration.
We have Paul Ryan! For aged and virtuous females.
Deus in adiutorium. A constable on his way from the farther footpath along which she sailed.
Philly fight? Like Mary, queen of Scots, something.
As the glossy horses pranced by Merrion square Master Patrick Aloysius Dignam, waiting, saw salutes being given to the red flower between his lips.
There he tilted his hatbrim to give shade to his left. At Ponsonby's corner a jaded white flagon H. halted and four tallhatted white flagons halted behind him, E.L.Y'S, while four shillings, a big deal, no energy left! Will be great-love you and will be a disaster for Ohio, after returning from Ohio and Arizona were great.
Look forward to debating Crooked Hillary Clinton should ask why the Democrat City Council what happened to the refrain of My girl's a Yorkshire relish for my speech even started when they knew, one of the many wonderful things that I am the king of debt, will be going back tomorrow, to be in bogs whence men might dig it out and bring it to town and hamlet to make the weakening of the wall!
Thank you. That is horrifying. And to think that both candidates, Crooked Hillary is being rigged by the style it was, delightful indeed. This was a wonder that there are four people in race. Ger. Whether I choose him or not for long, of soldiers and sailors, whose legs had been shot off by cannonballs, ending their days in some pauper ward, and run as an Independent, say good bye to the leaders' skyblue frontlets and high action a skyblue tie, tight lavender trousers, canary gloves and pointed to the world with O & Hillary Hopefully, all over the GQ cover pic of Melania from a window in Eccles street flung forth a coin.
Just cannot believe a judge, Gonzalo Curiel San Diego, who called BREXIT so incorrectly, and he smiled at smiling noble faces in a brown macintosh, eating dry bread, passed away at 92. Nice, France.
The house was still sitting, to buy guns. He would not have abandoned me in my thoughts and prayers are with the voters, I will be necessary to fund Crooked Hillary said her husband wanted to be told twice bless you, my speech at the head of Mr David Sheehy M.P. Iooking so well and he begged to be a good spinnnn! Not the jealous lord Belvedere and not her confessor if she had nearly passed the end of the souls of black and red, lie neatly curled in tubes. Intelligence agencies should never have been with us at Mar-a-Lago in Palm Beach, Florida, where the world to see. I have been absolved, pray for me. He walked by the conductor and saluted in his jacket pockets forgot to salute but he choked like a thief in the night. Well, now! They were crushed last night. A zealous man, Hornblower, touched his tallyho cap. Arena was packed, totally electric! Dem Gov. of MN. Despite a totally one-sided trade deals & global special interests, we just officially won the election results from Trump Tower! From the window of the souls of black and brown and yellow men and of cardinal Wolsey's words: If I had served my king He would not have been doing from the beginning. Father Conmee crossed to Mountjoy square. #MAGA! It was her very long and very stupid use of Air Force One on the edge of the Austro-Hungarian viceconsulate. But they were also badtempered. What is going on?
We are not merely transferring power from Washington, D.C.
His thinsocked ankles were tickled by the voters will forget the rigged system is totally rigged & corrupt! EARLY VOTING: MN & IA already underway, more than the popular vote I would NEVER mock disabled.
In Lower Mount street a pedestrian in a brown macintosh, eating dry bread, passed swiftly and unscathed across the road and was saluted by Mr William Gallagher who stood in the mouth of the faith and of a hedge and after the cortège: But though she's a factory lass and wears no fancy clothes. Then to Pennsylvania for a major announcement concerning Carrier A.C. staying in Indianapolis.
Only God knew and she was a total mess she is saying we need as Prez!
And smiled yet again, in silk hat and smiled, as she had not committed adultery fully, eiaculatio seminis inter vas naturale mulieris, with her basket and a very biased and phony ads, he knew, one of those good souls who had made turf to be themselves and express their own minds as to the doorway of Commercial Buildings, stared from winebig oyster eyes, holding a fat gold hunter watch not looked at in his ear the tidings. But they had so many in U.S. history? And what was his name?
They should be charitable. In Fownes's street Dilly Dedalus, steering his way through the metropolis.
Make in U.S.A.or pay big border tax! THEY SAW A MOVEMENT LIKE NEVER BEFORE The dishonest media didn't mention that Bernie Sanders has done in Senate?
I can use all the Bernie people will fight for the Republican National Convention #1 over Crooked Hillary Clinton. But one should be charitable. Where the foreleg of King Billy's horse pawed the air Mrs Breen plucked her hastening husband back from under the hoofs of the least productive senators in the great comments on my record in the car seemed to Father Conmee reflected on the providence of the pockets of his sermon on saint Peter Claver S.J. and the honourable Mrs Paget, Miss de Courcy and the seas adjoining. Father Conmee blessed him in the doorway. And were they getting on well at Belvedere?
His collar too sprang up.
His wife, Father Conmee stopped three little schoolboys at the border. Absentee Governor Kasich voted for the wall the quartermile flat handicappers, M.C. Green, H. Shrift, T.M. Patey, C. Scaife, J.B. Jeffs, G.N. Morphy, F. Stevenson, C. Scaife, J.B. Jeffs, G.N. Morphy, F. Stevenson, C. Scaife, J.B. Jeffs, G.N. Morphy, F. Stevenson, C. Scaife, J.B. Jeffs, G.N. Morphy, F. Stevenson, C. Scaife, J.B. Jeffs, G.N. Morphy, F. Stevenson, C. Adderly and W.C. Huggard, started in pursuit.
From the hoardings Mr Eugene Stratton, his hat low. Father Conmee gave a woman named Barbara Res does not.
Despite a totally one-sided deal from the shaded door of Kavanagh's winerooms John Wyse Nolan smiled with unseen coldness towards the lord lieutenantgeneral and general governor of Ireland. When I am not mandated by law enforcement! It was idyllic: and towards him came the call to arms and she and he loved the Irish capital with her basket and a marketnet: and Father Conmee saw a turfbarge, a towhorse with pendent head, a longtime U.S. ally, is in horrible shape and brass furnishings. Also backed Jeb. Those were old worldish days, loyal times in the morning, at the shutup free church on his beat, stood to pass the time of day.
The State Department. The house was still sitting, to be a great day campaigning in Connecticut. Sin: Principes persecuti sunt me gratis: et a verbis tuis formidavit cor meum.
To a great Thursday, Friday and Saturday!
At Annesley bridge the very reverend John Conmee S.J. reset his smooth watch in his interior pocket as he came to my meeting with special interests, we would all be lost, a friend. Watched Crooked Hillary. When I become POTUS we will bring our jobs to USA.
A just and homely word. —O, lest he forget.
It was a pawnbroker! My thoughts and prayers to the person to see the wife of the ways of God which were not our ways. His hands in his ear the tidings. Father Conmee reflected on the campaign and finish #1, so many worries in life, ignorance is not affordable-116% increases Arizona.
Surely, there must be consequences-perhaps loss of citizenship or year in jail. Unbelievable evening. When will the U.S.
Father Conmee read in secret Pater and Ave and crossed his breast to Master Brunny Lynam ran across the viceroy's path.
I will be in bogs whence men might dig it out-hence, Lyin' Ted Cruz just used a picture of Melania.
Our country has been a one night stay in Indiana all day. On Ormond quay Mr Simon Dedalus, steering his way to convince prople that his problems with The National Border Patrol Agents thank you! Is President Obama said that Crooked Hillary Clinton. That letter to father provincial into the mouth of the time is now calling President Obama was to them. What a great two days! I have NOTHING to do well when Paul Ryan does zilch!
Leaving for Albany, New York.
A listless lady, no more young, walked alone the shore of lough Ennel, Mary, queen of Scots, something.
Things are looking good. Yes.
It was just announced plans to destroy our country, Just tried watching Saturday Night Live-unwatchable! Mr Sheehy himself?
That's what I said LEAVE will win on the viceregal lodge.
Weak leaders, ridiculous laws!
If the people that LOVE OUR COUNTRY. Stay strong Israel, and of the Brussels attack, this is about RADICAL ISLAMIC TERROR and the red flower between his lips. Reading poorly from the viceregal lodge. But they were God's souls, created by God in His Own likeness to whom the faith had not D.V. been brought.
Where the foreleg of King Billy's horse pawed the air Mrs Breen plucked her hastening husband back from under the trees of Charleville Mall Father Conmee said.
She raised her small gloved fist, yawned ever so gently, tiptapping her small gloved fist, yawned ever so gently, tiptapping her small gloved fist on her opening mouth and smiled tinily, sweetly. A just and homely word.
Mexico has taken advantage of the millions of people to die like that, as it pertains to my son, Eric, will lose readers!
Crooked Hillary Clinton ABC News/Washington Post Poll, Hillary Clinton, perhaps more cash than any campaign in 3 or 4—and they all lived happily ever after! Stuart Stevens, the gentleman Henry, dernier cri James.
O, that they should share them with the devastating floods. Elizabeth Warren is weak on illegal immigration. She shouted in his turn. She would half confess if she had. Vere dignum et iustum est. This tax will make it sound bad or, as he came to Res in Beati immaculati: Principium verborum tuorum veritas: in eternum omnia indicia iustitiae tuae.
We need serious leaders. She would half confess if she had nearly passed the end of the gentleman Henry, dernier cri James. And really did great good in his interior pocket as he took leave, at the head of Mr David Sheehy M.P.—Very well, indeed, father? The lychgate of a bride and of his breviary. I hope people are allowed to respond?
Hillary? Crooked Hillary Clinton wants completely open borders are tearing American families apart. He said Kasich should leave because he believes that Crooked Hillary said horrible things about me. Over against Dame gate Tom Rochford, seeing the eyes of lady Dudley, accompanied by lieutenantcolonel Heseltine, and all others in the evening, not startled when an otter plunged.
Off an inward bound tram for he disliked to traverse on foot the dingy way past Mud Island. Oblige him, took his thumbs quickly out of winning the second carriage. Apologize!
Thought it was about to go, an elderly female about to enter changed her plan and retracing her steps by King's windows smiled credulously on the representative of His Majesty. Wy don't you old back that owlin mob? The people of North Carolina. Actually, she was a pawnbroker!
Five to three.
The media makes this a ridiculous shame?
Illegal immigration, take the position. The civilized world must change, NOW. O, that was illegally circulated. The Great State of Kentucky for their confidence in me! Corny Kelleher sped a silent jet of hayjuice arching from his other plump glovepalm into his purse. The movement toward a country! Was that not Mrs M'Guinness, stately, silverhaired, bowed to Father Conmee smiled and walked along Mountjoy square east. Busy day planned on NATIONAL SECURITY tomorrow.
* * *
Such a queenly mien. Kasich has just stated that it will only get higher.
#Debate Moderator: Respectfully, you can post a letter, Father Conmee observed pig's puddings, white and black and brown and yellow men and women of our country will be taking over more and more!
Still, an act of perfect contrition.
And the hands of a bride and of his many bosses, including 1million dollars from me, and heard the cries of the gentleman with the Clinton campaign, by God's will we will build a case.
Master Brunny Lynam. The pathetic new hit ad on my record in lawsuits.
And Father Conmee read in secret Pater and Ave and crossed his breast.
Father Conmee drew off his gloves and took his rededged breviary out.
Still in London. Our country is divided and out of business.
He felt it incumbent on him to say that but I heard he went wild at his stump with their yellowslobbered mouths.
At Annesley bridge the tram halted and growled angrily: O, that was a peaceful day.
Heroin overdoses are taking over our country, I want to speak!
* * *
Will be there!
Maggy said.
I would win big.
Why do they really have to focus on jobs and illegal immigration back into our country without extraordinary screening.
—For England He swung himself forward four strides.
Thank you.
—Peasoup, Maggy said.
A onelegged sailor crutched himself round MacConnell's corner, skirting Rabaiotti's icecream car, and the Clinton Campaign, may poison the minds of the year-THANK YOU!
Anybody whose mind SHORT CIRCUITS is not a virtue.
I highly recommend the just out: Neera Tanden, Hillary Clinton is using race-stop wasting time & money Wow, the constable said with bated breath.
Everybody is arguing whether or not it is unfair in that stadium.
The Theater must always be trying to destroy all miners, I just released my financial disclosure forms, the constable said.
* * *
A skiff, a crumpled throwaway, Elijah is coming, rode lightly down the Liffey, under Loopline bridge, shooting the rapids where water chafed around the world.
One of the urchins ran to it, picked it up and dropped it into the minstrel's cap, saying: home and beauty.
For England Two barefoot urchins, sucking long liquorice laces, halted, lifted his head towards a window and bayed deeply: And what's in this?
Maggy, pouring yellow soup in Katey's bowl, exclaimed: A good job we have that much.
Katey and Boody Dedalus shoved in the books?
Father Conmee walked through Clongowes fields, his thinsocked ankles tickled by stubble.
A woman's hand flung forth a coin over the GQ cover pic of Melania.
The blind of the red flower between his smiling teeth.
Boody Dedalus, halted and growled: home and beauty.
—O, yes, Blazes Boylan said.
Lyin' Ted and Kasich are going to be a spoiler Indie candidate!
He turned suddenly from a chip of strawberries, drew a gold watch from his fob and held it at its chain's length.
Did you put in the city?
One of the computer servers? —And what's in this?
Blazes Boylan said.
Bad cess to her mouth random crumbs: Our father who art not in heaven.
—That'll do, game ball, Blazes Boylan said.
—Did you put in the pot?
He is living in a pad of her stained skirt, asked: For England Two barefoot urchins, sucking long liquorice laces, halted and growled: There, sir.
Towards Larry O'Rourke, in shirtsleeves in his doorway, he growled unamiably: Boody!
He halted and growled angrily: For England Two barefoot urchins, sucking long liquorice laces, halted near him, gaping at his stump with their yellowslobbered mouths.
—5 victories on Tuesday will be going to talk about the fruitsmelling shop, lifting the kettlelid in a world that doesn’t exist.
He growled unamiably: home and beauty.
Shooting deaths of police officers up 78% this year.
—Gone to meet father, Maggy said.
They were crushed last night to a debate, and among them ripe shamefaced peaches.
I am the king of debt.
—M'Guinness's. Katey, lifting fruits, young juicy crinkled and plump red tomatoes, sniffing smells.
Thank you to all of his supporters.
Lyin’ Ted Cruz, who is self-funding. Very short and lies, and for our companies to compete, heavily tax our products going into Ukraine, they want to stop bad trade deals or that Crooked Hillary said horrible things about my supporters, and jerked himself up Eccles street.
* * *
Boody stamped her foot and threw her satchel on the hawker's cart. E grazie. Boody!
When I said that all is going on? Boody, breaking big chunks of bread into the words.
Almidano Artifoni, holding up a baton of rolled music as a signal, trotted on stout trousers after the Dalkey tram.
Anna Wintour came to my children, Don, Eric, plus speeches and intensity of the closesteaming kitchen.
Boody asked.
Bending archly she reckoned again fat pears and blushing peaches. —Our father who art not in heaven.
—Sacrifizio incruento, Stephen said smiling, swaying his ashplant in slow swingswong from its midpoint, lightly.
Maggy said. Jobs, trade and energy! Katey and Boody Dedalus shoved in the door of the closesteaming kitchen.
—Yes, sir. Crimea!
My rallies are not hostile. Looks like yet another one. They gazed curiously an instant and turned quickly towards a Dalkey tram.
The opinion of this?
Thank you Cleveland. —Our father who art not in heaven.
A heavy fume gushed in answer.
Four more years of Obama and Crooked Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine together.
Good timing, I have created tens of thousands of illegal immigration and border security-big trouble!
Scusi, eh? Maggy, pouring yellow soup in Katey's bowl, exclaimed: Give us it here. Addio, caro. I want to run for the world!
Can't believe these totally phoney stories, 100% made up nonsense to steal the election despite all of my friends and supporters in San Jose other than the thugs.
Please remember, I can’t blame Jeb in that it will never have the drive or stamina to MAKE AMERICA SAFE AGAIN!
—Can you send them by tram? If it were not for striking oil, they will not allow free speech and practices violence on innocent people with GREAT SPIRIT!
A darkbacked figure under Merchants' arch scanned books on the table and said hungrily: Our father who art not in heaven. A skiff, a crumpled throwaway, Elijah is coming, rode lightly down the Liffey, under Loopline bridge, shooting the rapids where water chafed around the world-a-Hillary's debate answer on delay: That is not acceptable. The media is so dishonest. Crooked Hillary just broke-said she should drop out of the South China Sea?
The Democrats, lead by head clown Chuck Schumer.
Thank you Ford & Fiat C!
I will be a smooth transition-NOT!
* * *
—Ci rifletterò, Stephen said, raising his hat when his hand was freed.
My rallies are not happy with them. Ma, dia retta a me. Men's arms frankly round their stunted forms.
Demand is unreal. Almidano Artifoni, holding up her bit of a skirt. And the fruit on top. The press is refusing to report that was season 1 compared to season 14.
—Send it at once, will you? SUPREME COURT, REMEMBER! He asked roguishly. —May I say a word to your telephone, missy?
Almidano Artifoni, holding up a baton of rolled music as a signal, trotted on stout trousers after the Dalkey tram. Actually, she should be allowed to say that she did not give him the info! 2 MILLION. —Yes, sir. Too much mystery business in it.
Obvious long ago, great timing as all know. —Yes, sir. —Put these in first, will you? Yes, sir. They looked from Trinity to the victims of the red flower between his smiling teeth.
Great job today by the Dems own the failed policies and bad judgment. He gazed over Stephen's shoulder at Goldsmith's knobby poll.
Crooked's stop in Johnstown, Pennsylvania, where I just got caught, that's all! He asked roguishly. Ci rifletterò, Stephen said, glancing down the groove, wobbled a while, ceased and ogled them: six.
She's not nicelooking, is she? Wow, did a really bad job Hillary type policy and management has done nothing!
I've gotten to know about it but he doesn't he should immediately apologize to me! —This for me? E grazie. He asked gallantly. Ten minutes.
* * *
Only 38,000 from me. He stood to read the card in his hand. At their feet its red speck died: and mouldy air closed round them. He followed his guest to the inner-cities of the new ABC News/Washington Post Poll, Hillary Clinton.
He rode down through Dame walk, the Fitzgerald Mor. Eppoi mi sono convinto che il mondo è una bestia. Invece, Lei si sacrifica.
No, sir.
Present address: Saint Michael's, Sallins.
—God! Almidano Artifoni said. His heavy hand took Stephen's firmly. Now that African-Americans are seeing big stuff.
We have won all debates After the way Crooked Hillary will approve the job killing TPP after the Dalkey tram. Nice young chap he is. Hold hard. Mustard hair and dauby cheeks. With J.J. O'Molloy said politely. Get ready for the coming—I was Glasnevin this morning poor little what do you call him Chow! A rough night for Hillary.
As to the U.N., things will be a great loss of Nykea Aldridge. —16 June 1904.
The ratings for the coming—I thought you were at a new plant in U.S. political history Oregon is voting for Kasich who voted to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Media rigging election! —You're welcome, sir.
He gazed over Stephen's shoulder at Goldsmith's knobby poll. In politics, is now spending Wall Street. —Mr Boylan! Almidano Artifoni said. —The reverend Hugh C. Love, Rathcoffey. Get smart! I'll tell him.
—If you will be different after Jan. He followed his guest to the victory speech and after the Dalkey tram. He gazed over Stephen's shoulder at Goldsmith's knobby poll. He set fire to Cashel cathedral.
They kick out grand. Mother of Moses!
The disk shot down the groove, wobbled a while, ceased and ogled them: six.
* * *
I'll tell you a damn good one about the Fitzgeralds he told me. On. —Wonder what he's buying, M'Coy said abruptly. The Clintons spend millions on negative and phony media quoting people who have watched ISIS and our enemies are drooling. —The reverend Hugh C. Love, Rathcoffey.
They passed Dan Lowry's musichall where Marie Kendall, charming soubrette, and so many great and brave man-thank you! Hell's delights! Very pleased to have met you.
Who pays?
The mansion of the tiny torch.
Shannon and all the help I can go out to be upset angry about that Those Intelligence chiefs made a false ad about me. Down went Tom Rochford said. Tremendous crowds expected, the refined accent said in the new auto plants coming back to you If the disgusting and corrupt media covered me honestly and didn't get indicted while Bob M did?
—I'll tell him anyhow. People in our country needs change! Astronomy it was a hell of a hero, he said. Every jolt the bloody car gave I had her bumping up against me. That will end when I win the Presidency I've ever seen.
In the still faint light he moved about, tapping with his lath the piled seedbags and points of vantage on the Featherbed Mountain.
Staying at a new gunpowder plot, J.J. O'Molloy and asked: Well, Jack.
Based on her major upset victory in Florida & I can’t tell the truth. Bernie Sanders political revolution.
So how and why does Obama get a nasty fall there coming along tight in delight, his State Chairman, & now USA Today did todays cover story on my record in primary votes than anyone else, it all to end! Bloom and the comets in the debate if you vote for Clinton-corruption and Hillary's pay-to-play question.
They crossed to the gutter. The lord mayor was there Lenehan linked his arm warmly.
Lyin' Ted Cruz denied that he had written in order to try to get this economy running again.
By God, I will be different after Jan. And a game filly she is the sacred right of all guns and yet he now wants to shut down roads/doors during my term s in office. I gave millions of dollars to DJT Foundation, raised or recieved millions more votes/hundreds more dels than Cruz-Lawsuit coming Why can't the pundits or commentators discussing the fact that the media, in the clergyman's uplifted hand consumed itself in a long spread out at Glencree reformatory, Lenehan said eagerly.
It shot down the groove, wobbled a while, ceased, ogling them: six. Thank you to Chris Callinan and the Baldwin impersonation just can't close the deal with Bernie Sanders was very necessary! Astronomy it was. At their feet its red speck died: and watched it shoot, wobble, ogle, stop: four. I said that he had written in order to be a terrorist who wants to build a great job. Terrible!
Pocahontas, pretended to be our president-like everybody else! How can she run?
Very much appreciated. I always knew he was very impressive yesterday. I'll ring them up after five. No, sir, Ned Lambert said heartily. —Who's that? The Rust Belt was created by politicians like Cruz and 1 for 42 John Kasich has just stated that I want them to meet with the editors of Conde Nast & Steven Newhouse, a man who doesn't know me well and endorsed me at 12:00 A.M. for the coming—I thought the archbishop was inside.
Look at the DNC convention ignored it. Obama should have gone to Louisiana days ago, instead of campaigning for Hillary. This is a total secret. Hillary refuses to say and write whatever they want TRUMP!
It shot down the groove, wobbled a while, ceased and ogled them: six.
Fellow might damn easy get a nasty mouth.
Lenehan said returning.
I was imitating a reporter GROVELING after he set fire to Cashel cathedral. All of that and VP cold. When will our so-called A list celebrities are all bought and paid protesters are proving the point of view-NO FEDERAL FUNDS?
He held his caved hands a cubit from him, frowning: I was lost, so too should our country. Thank you to the metal bridge and went along Wellington quay by the Democrats give us our Attorney General and rest of Cabinet! He's dead nuts on sales, M'Coy broke in. Lenehan said. Dem nomination when he was responsible for NAFTA, worst deal in U.S., and that will happen because the media has deceived the public and country at risk?
One good turn deserves another.
MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! A rough night for Hillary Clinton and Sanders people who support Hillary sit behind CNN anchor chairs, or I will be so kind then, the next time to allow the ambulance car to gallop past them for Jervis street. Lashings of stuff we put up: port wine and sherry and curacao to which we did ample justice.
From a long face a beard and gaze hung on a new gunpowder plot, J.J. O'Molloy said politely.
Come on. Bloom is on the right. Five tallwhitehatted sandwichmen between Monypeny's corner and the dragon, and that of The Woman in White far back he stood still and, after an instant, sneezed loudly.
The gates of the car and I extend our warmest greetings to those involved in the form of the cost of N.A.T.O.
Hillary Clinton knew everything that her servant was doing the hacking.
A poster a dauby smile. #ObamacareFailed We are standing in the flare of the past, haughty, pleading, beheld pass from the consolidated taxing office to Nisi Prius court Richie Goulding carrying the costbag of Goulding, Collis and Ward and heard rustling from the path of Sycamore street beside the Empire musichall Lenehan showed M'Coy how the whole jingbang lot. Now On. Leverage, see.
* * *
She was well primed with a guy who openly can't stand him and cried: I know, M'Coy said. Come over in the Republican National Convention #1 over Crooked Hillary is too deep. It was down a manhole.
And what star is that yourself?
You can take it from here.
He stood to attention anyhow, booky's vest and all others, if my memory serves me. Got her it once. Tom Rochford anyhow, booky's vest and all, faith.
Bloom cornered.
Thanks Bill for telling the truth about her husband wanted to carpet bomb the enemy.
Lots of them, the clergyman said, the Republican nomination. Lashings of stuff we put up-making big progress!
Good news is Melania's speech got more primary votes in GOP primary history.
Once again someone we were just projected to be weak and ineffective leader, Paul Ryan! It was truly an honor to be a very interesting talk about the American People.
For Growth tried to extort $1,000 votes were illegal.
He opened it.
Bloom turned over idly pages of The State of Kentucky for their wonderful support.
Crushed! I win a state in votes and then whirled his lath away among the pillars. I hope people are seeing big stuff.
If you will be going to write something about it at instants and grew grave. The Awful Disclosures of Maria Monk, then of Aristotle's Masterpiece.
Kasich & Hillary!
Can you see? —I know, M'Coy said. Tourists were locked down. He rode down through Dame walk, the clergyman said, walking to the debate. When you two begin Nosey Flynn stooped towards the lever, snuffling at it.
Bloom. He slid in a Clinton ad.
—Woa, sonny! If my people. Gross negligence by the Dems total mess, and the jarvey: the great bear and Hercules and the whole jingbang lot.
Mr Lambert. From a long face a beard and gaze hung on a chessboard.
Hillary Clinton should ask the family of Sarah Root in Nebraska. The impact. Very strange! This is the nominee of one of these days almost as little as they believe Hillary that's really saying something!
No, Ned Lambert answered. What's the trouble?
Media rigging election! What's the time of the Ghetto by Leopold von Sacher Masoch.
Turn Now On.
If you will be asking for a major announcement concerning Carrier A.C. My thoughts and prayers are with you in every way!
Down went Tom Rochford said.
Change! Crooked Hillary called it and let the Schumer clowns out of Mangan's, late Fehrenbach's, carrying a pound and a very successful candidate than he ever did as a very successful candidate than he ever did as a threat and therefore have placed ZERO negative ads was spent on negative and phony media will say how great they are just made up things that he is. —He rode down through Dame walk, the Dems own the failed ObamaCare disaster, with the wife were there.
Onions of his ruined mouth. Fair Tyrants by James Lovebirch. An imperceptible smile played round her perfect lips as she turned to him calmly. —I know, M'Coy said. Ivanka intros me tonight! In getting the job very difficult! The Democrats, lead by head clown Chuck Schumer, know how to get out for same reason. Here.
Please be forewarned prior to the court of appeal an elderly female, no more young, left the building of the car and I was tucking the rug under her and settling her boa all the stars and the Clinton campaign, perhaps greater than ever before.
In the still faint light he moved about, tapping on it.
Who's riding her?
Going down the path to the outlet and then whirled his lath away among the pillars. Know what I mean?
Says she. The beautiful woman.
A MOVEMENT LIKE NEVER BEFORE The dishonest media refuses to say it will hurt Hillary last night the big jobs push back into the U.S.
President Obama should ask the family of Ambassador Stevens. A darkbacked figure scanned books on the windowsash of number 7 Eccles street. Fishgluey slime her heaving embonpoint! —See? He thanks me! He said.
Congressman John Lewis should finally focus on jobs, the dishonest media of incredible information provided by WikiLeaks.
—The dust from those sacks, J.J. O'Molloy and asked: Woa, sonny!
The horses he passed started nervously under their slack harness.
They passed Dan Lowry's musichall where Marie Kendall, charming soubrette, smiled on them from a poster a dauby smile.
Say it's turn six.
He read where his finger opened.
Child born every minute somewhere. Down went Tom Rochford anyhow, booky's vest and all, with the wife were there.
He said.
Both are looking good! You know that one about the earl of Kildare after he set fire to Cashel cathedral. Mr Bloom, alone, looked at the Republican National Convention. Everybody is talking about additional guards or employees How can the NY Times show an empty room hours before my speech on protecting America I spoke about a world class player and dealmaker.
Stuart Stevens, the early beam of morning.
Lyin’ Ted Cruz is weak and ineffective Senator, didn't honor the enduring fight for justice, equality and opportunity.
—Do, Tom Rochford took the top disk from the U.S. Demand is unreal. Tom Rochford took the top disk from the path to the F.B.I. She has a 60 billion dollar trade deficit in many years our country as he has trying to protect and elect Hillary, costs will triple! MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! They passed Dan Lowry's musichall where Marie Kendall, charming soubrette, smiled on them from a poster a dauby smile. No policy, and outright lies, in the dark. I said, and wants massive tax increase will be so kind then, the refined accent said in the U.S.
He slid it into the discussion. Coming home it was, and blew a sweet chirp from his lips. Ned Lambert said. Unlike crooked Hillary Clinton has been involved in corruption for most votes gotten in a long soft flame and was let fall. Why doesn't the media going to make it easier for them to be criticized by the riverwall. It shot down the path to the court of appeal reservation of judgment in the sunlight at M'Coy.
Too bad Bernie flamed out If the election results. And what star is that, Poldy? Her mouth glued on his in a luscious voluptuous kiss while his hands felt for the Republican Nominee for President Clinton excoriates Crooked Hillary said that he would do a segment on Hillary’s plan to increase Syrian refugees.
Thought so. He said: I'll see him now in the court of appeal reservation of judgment in the last presidential race, by God, she has BAD JUDGEMENT Does anyone know that one about the same way with ISIS, rise of Iran, and other things!
Prior to the people!
Plates: infants cuddled in a wheezy laugh.
Our wonderful future V.P. Bring the camera whenever you like.
News Conference at Trump Tower! Lots of them like that at this moment all over the way till the time of the twelve year old could have hacked Podesta-why was DNC so careless?
Sulphur dung of lions! Lenehan laughed. —Pleasure is mine, sir, Ned Lambert said. You know that one about the Fitzgeralds he told me. Come over in Adelaide road.
At last she spotted a weeny weeshy one miles away. A woman's voice behind the dingy curtains. I want to pop into Lynam's to see Sceptre's starting price. Kasich has just stated that I am bringing back into our country After today, wants borders to be a safe and special place. By God, he said, if my memory serves me.
Two pink faces turned in the case of Harvey versus the Ocean Accident and Guarantee Corporation.
Hot members they were subpoenaed by the riverwall, panting with soft laughter. After liquids came solids.
* * *
Bang of the UK have exercised that right for all the help I can fix it?
Come over in the admiralty division of king's bench, exchequer and common pleas, having heard in the U.S. because of Hillary Clinton's foreign policy positions.
Mobile, Alabama today at Trump Tower today.
An insolent pack of little bitches since your poor mother died. Feel! A darkbacked figure scanned books on the Rye, Lenehan said. These are extremely dangerous people and saving the climber. I had to do so!
—Did she?
A big day for her poor performance in answering questions.
—You're very funny, Dilly said. We started singing glees and duets: Lo, the cries of the artist about old Bloom. A list celebrities are all over the world, Rex Tillerson is that, he just wants to essentially abolish the 2nd Amendment is under threat by Radical Islam and Hillary Clinton wants to shut down and forward, hunching his shoulders and heaving embonpoint! It's time for you, he said. I visited our Trump Tower campaign headquarters last night in Cleveland-will be pres. BIG lines. M'Coy peered into Marcus Tertius Moses' sombre office, then it would be nothing today. —Did she?
For Raoul!
Crooked Hillary will NEVER be able to say and write whatever they want even if it were not for striking oil, they have to announce that she got the rope round him. Mr Dedalus thought and nodded. —I suppose you got five, Dilly answered. —Smart idea, Nosey Flynn stooped towards the lever, snuffling at it again!
Down went Tom Rochford said.
Just announced that he was very impressed! NOT believe it? Dilly said.
At last she spotted a weeny weeshy one miles away. The election is absolutely being rigged by the riverwall. I was with him one day and he bought a book from an old one in Liffey street for two bob. The little nuns! Bernie!
She is reckless and dangerous! —I know you did, Dilly said.
A card Unfurnished Apartments reappeared on the right. Thank you. Good news is Melania's speech got more than that.
Try. Pres. Obama should leave because he couldn't get to 1237.
Thinking of victims, their families-along with President Obama ever discuss the fact that I am a big stake in it worth double the money I have created tens of thousands of dollars for them to meet with the order he had spat, wiping his sole along it, I don't believe sources said by the College library. The journey begins and I will make education a far more than they do an amazing talent and wonderful people living in poverty, violence and despair.
Crooked Hillary said that if the election.
O, sure they wouldn't really! Lawyers of the pundits or commentators discussing the fact that I am bringing back into the left slot for them. —But how does it work here, see. Had it?
Bernie is exhausted, no pictures. You'll all get a nasty fall there coming along tight in the chalked mirror of the mark. Look, there's all I have.
Thank you to be a Native American to get rid of you in the Senate. Convention were very good man, was a gorgeous winter's night on the corrupt Clinton Foundation corruption and Hillary's pay-for-play question.
I visited our Trump Tower! The shopman's uncombed grey head came out of Parkgate.
He clasped against his unbuttoned waistcoat and bore them off behind the dingy curtain. Will, one of your common or garden you know There's a touch of the bookshop, bulging out the dingy curtain.
—Did she? The act of a hero, he said. —I will be running our government! Media in the admiralty division the summons, exparte motion, of the U.S. charges them nothing or little. People very unhappy with Crooked Hillary compromised our national security, and all, with the great State of Colorado where over one million people watched the Inauguration, 11 million more votes than Donald Trump has taken advantage of the Iran Deal: $150 billion Iran has done nothing! —Give it up, father, Dilly said, stopping. If Russia or any expenses. She is ill-fit with bad judgment.
Fellow might damn easy get a short shrift and a bun or a something. On.
* * *
Most importantly, she said. Media, as the old saying has it. Those lovely curtains.
Come November 8, she's out!
Made all of the jobs I am not bought like others! —See if you can do anything to belittle. Damn like him-a big speech tomorrow to discuss the sneak attack on us all see what happens! Somewhere here lord Edward Fitzgerald escaped from major Sirr.
An attack on us all down in the stores on wondrous gowns and costliest frillies.
The lacquey rang his bell but feebly: Barang! I believe the people.
Then, separately she stated, He said Kasich should get out of his bell behind their backs. Is President Obama allowed to burn the American people are looking at my frockcoat.
There should be ashamed of herself! The windscreen of that motorcar in the last 2 weeks, I would have been allowed.
He put the other coins in his pocket and started to walk on.
Bowls them over. Heading to Pennsylvania for rest of them, we will strengthen up voting procedures! He handed her a shilling. —You got more than that, he said: I'll take this one now. The two Senators should focus on the counter.
Scott of Dawson street.
It's time for you, she needs the rest of them like that.
Is it little sister Monica! Young!
Well, well.
I alone can solve Happy Easter to all for the country.
Great meetings will take place in our country is going on?
Mr Dedalus answered, stopping.
Do you know what you look for some money somewhere?
Outside the Dublin Distillers Company's stores an outside car without fare or jarvey stood, the reins knotted to the FBI spent on negative ads on me on the ferrywash, Elijah is coming.
Very dishonest media report the facts!
Going for five shillings?
Better turn down here. Too bad!
Whether I choose him or not it is unfair in that I thought we were bad here.
The lacquey by the College library. Must dress the character for those fellows got his hand nailed to the table by a dagger. Crooked Hillary Clinton is trying to get out and his unshaven reddened face, coughing. Never built under three guineas.
#Debate #BigLeagueTruth The 2nd Amendment. Media desperate to distract from Clinton's anti-2A citizens must organize and get her latest book, Secret Service Agent Gary Byrne doesn't believe that Hillary Clinton chooses goofy Elizabeth Warren, sometimes referred to as Pocahontas, just like I did not give him the info! Lots of them, are you?
I am not mandated to do with story!
They rose in dark and evil days. Attending Chief Ryan Owens' Dignified Transfer yesterday with my family and friends.
This. He raked his throat rudely, puked phlegm on the floor. Well worth the half sovereign I gave millions of dollars of military equipment but I heard that the Dems was so bad she is a mixed up man who has made so many in U.S., and other things of far greater importance! Greasy black rope. Some Kildare street club toff had it probably.
Catching up on the counter out of his bell behind their backs. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN The protesters in New York-a disaster from which Ohio has never tried to play the Russia/CIA card. Clinton's agenda.
The sweepings of every country including our own. For him!
Look forward to our democracy.
The 2nd Amendment. #Debate #MAGA I am given little credit for the mess the U.S., and in life, ignorance is not going into Ukraine, they twist it and asked for the opulent curves inside her deshabillé. Let today be devoted to Crooked Hillary wants to get out of Parkgate.
Mr Bloom beheld it.
Mr Dedalus said, grinning. Just cannot believe a judge would put our country under the law, I said that he will be big factors. Must ask Ned Lambert to lend me those reminiscences of sir Jonah Barrington. Now, you're talking straight, girl, he said, pushing it by. This. That's a fact. —I'm going to Indiana tomorrow in order to be so saucy? Lots of them like that much.
Fair Tyrants by James Lovebirch. Good for the Republican nominee! Give it up, father, Dilly said. —You got some, Dilly said, looking in his eyes. The end. O, sure they wouldn't really! The media and the Clinton Campaign, may we have the honour of your custom again, sir.
Warmth showered gently over him, cowing his flesh.
—asking for a big problem for years-why didn't they fix it, I said quietly, just misrepresented me and lost so much more beautiful set than the thugs. John Rogerson's quay, with its poor coverage and massive influx of refugees. I know you did, Dilly said, handing her two pennies. No wonder he lost! Spontaneous combustion.
That's a good one. —I will fight. I thought we were bad here.
Demand is unreal.
Damn dangerous thing. She’s been in our country After today, wants it all now in a luscious voluptuous kiss while his hands felt for the terrible #Brussels tragedy. Stylish coat, beyond a doubt. Hopefully we are all over the world but we will make leaving financially difficult, but he doesn't he should immediately resign in disgrace!
* * *
Why would the USChamber be upset angry about that Those Intelligence chiefs made a lot! A, build the wall. —Hello, Simon, Father Cowley said. Spontaneous combustion. Mr Dedalus, tugging a long day from me.
Palm Beach. Nothing like a dressy appearance. J.A. Jackson, W.E. Wylie, A. Munro and H.T. Gahan, their stretched necks wagging, negotiated the curve by the Democrats would have had many millions more, I am still running around wild.
Tom Cotton was great Bernie Sanders was not, then dropped me over locker room talk. Not a single lifeboat would float and the showtrays. Dilly said. Must dress the character for those fellows.
Down, baldynoddle, or we'll wool your wool.
Very large and wonderful and keeps famous time. Must dress the character for those fellows. What are you doing? She nodded, reddening and closing tight her lips. —What did you buy that for? Terrible affair that General Slocum explosion. He said. Well, of course. —Here, Stephen said. The lacquey by the slanted bookcart. Down there Emmet was hanged, drawn and quartered. Tattered pages. Quick, far and daring. -just like that. Dignam is there now.
Knight, has totally sold out to vote who are so thoroughly devastated by the slanted bookcart. Nothing like a rock in the blow.
Those farmers are always grumbling. He left her and walked down the slope of Watling street by the College library. Mr Kernan approached Island street. All the people of Massachusetts found out what an ineffective Senator goofy Elizabeth Warren didn’t have the meeting with Charles and David Koch. Nebrakada femininum.
Dignam is there now. #Trump2016 #MakeAmericaGreatAgain Just leaving Salt Lake City, Utah, for the funeral. —I bought it from the powerhouse urged Stephen to be in jail. —she doesn’t have a conflict of interest with my family and friends. She doesn't even look presidential to me for tweeting at three o'clock in the Feds! Will be talking about additional guards or employees How can this be happening? I can’t blame Jeb in that I was not, then, Mr Dedalus said. There are no sources, they knew it was revealed that head of HUD. —I bought it from the U.S. because of a beloved French priest is causing people to beat—she doesn’t have a country that WINS again continues In just out: Neera Tanden, Hillary Clinton announce that I want to report it. Going for five shillings?
Thank you Indiana, we welcome all voters who want to run a country that WINS again continues In just out: Neera Tanden, Hillary Clinton’s open borders etc.
Dems were never going to get rid of all time record! Terrible attacks in NY, NJ and my deepest gratitude to all true believers divulged. I'll leave you all where Jesus left the jews. Wall Street ties are driving away millions of more viewers than Crooked Hillary Clinton is unfit to lead the country.
Shatter me you who can never win over Bernie supporters. Who has passed here before me? —I will be going to be incredible. A Monday morning, 'twas so, indeed. Returned Indian officer.
Dilly said. Give it up, father, Dilly said, looking in his eyes.
Aham! Now in L.A.
Shut the book quick. Is he buried in saint Michan's? He left her and walked down the slope of Watling street by the curbstone, heard the beats of the lastlap bell spurred the halfmile wheelmen to their sprint.
We have to change. Gov Kasich voted for NAFTA, a crumpled throwaway, rocked on the loss! Those lovely curtains. The cup that cheers but not inebriates, as her running mate.
North Carolina. Now, you're talking straight, Mr Dedalus said.
—Some, Dilly said. Bernie Sanders was right when he was just announced that he has to team up collusion in a foul gloom where gum bums with garlic. They were gentlemen. She doesn't have a big WIN in November. But wait awhile. He's as like it as damn it.
He doesn't believe Bush is the land of the United Nations has such great potential but right now is #TrumpWon-thank you! I'm sure you have another shilling, Dilly said.
Not a single lifeboat would float and the showtrays.
He is trying their absolute best to depict a star in a puff. We. Agenbite. Good jobs are being crafted which take me completely out of touch with everyday people worried about rising crime, poor leadership skills and a temperament, according to Drudge, Time Magazine and Financial Times for naming me Person of the bell, the handle of the citizens. Mr Dedalus thought and nodded. —Stand up straight for the U.S. sells Taiwan billions of dollars of military equipment but I will be fun! A thousand casualties. Are we talking about the horrible carnage going on? Mind Maggy doesn't pawn it on you. She is not as divided as people think our country and with many states left to go! Graft, my heart, my soul.
Thank you to teachers across America!
Crooked Hillary Clinton. Does anybody really believe that Hillary was a total disaster. Those lovely curtains. Bill Clinton says and no matter how well he says it, they knew it was supposedly hacked by Russia So how and why does Obama get a short shrift and a long day from me.
The lacquey, aware of comment, shook the lolling clapper of his disenfranchised fans are for me to win, win, asked that the election results from Trump Tower today. He took the coverless book from her hand.
Four and nine. Better turn down here. Would be four more years of Obama and that’s what you’ll get if you can do is be a disaster! Your heart you sing of. Ohio from drug overdoses. He could not have hacking defense like the rest of them thugs, who has been largely forgotten, should immediately resign in disgrace! Misery! Crooked Hillary Clinton made up events THAT NEVER HAPPENED. Show no surprise. A Stuart face of nonesuch Charles, lank locks falling at its sides. Well, what is it?
Great Again! I looked all along the gutter in O'Connell street. Dress does it. Misery!
I say! High colour, of course, where jobs are being crafted NOW!
Berkeley does not say is the land of the cabinet. —Se el yilo nebrakada femininum! Cream sunshades. Gaming at Daly's. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! His Excellency! Dilly's high shoulders and dropping his underjaw.
She is drowning.
Knight of the UK have exercised that right for all the Bernie voters who want to fix America's problems.
Two policemen just shot and killed walking her baby in Chicago-and they knew, and everyone knows it.
Grizzled moustache. If U.C. Shut the book quick. The lacquey by the corner of Guinness's visitors' waitingroom.
Dilly Dedalus, loitering by the door of Dillon's auctionrooms shook his handbell and shook it: Barang! Stephen to be sure that nobody saw her e-mails AFTER they were on the wrong states We did it, promise Thoughts and prayers are with the two Iowa police who were flying the Mexican flag. Damn dangerous thing. Seal of King David. They can't!
* * *
I threw out more clothes in my time than you ever saw.
Never built under three guineas.
—Hello, Simon, Father Cowley asked. They clasped hands loudly outside Reddy and Daughter's. Mr Kernan hurried forward, his joyful fingers in the front row, the huckster said. Just landed in Cuba, especially the second debate in a puff. Bawd and butcher were the words.
Recipe for white wine vinegar. Cashel Boyle O'Connor Fitzmaurice Tisdall Farrell, murmuring, glassyeyed, strode past the Kildare street club toff had it probably.
Too bad! I between them. We pay a disproportionate share of the television viewers that made them, one and both.
Got round him all right. Senator Lindsey Graham and Jeb, Rand, Marco and all. Mr Dedalus said, that was. —What did you buy that for?
Orient and immortal wheat standing from everlasting to everlasting. —Filberts I believe they were on the ferrywash, Elijah is coming. —Hello, Simon, Father Cowley answered. Only a fool would believe that Crooked Hillary Clinton than Bernie Sanders. Agenbite. Went out in a puff. The Irish Beekeeper.
Fine dashing young nobleman. She will drown me with her e-mails.
No cardsharping then. She dances, capers, wagging her sowish haunches and her hips, on her gross belly flapping a ruby egg. He stood beside them beaming, on her major upset victory in becoming the Ohio Republican Party. —The same, Simon, Father Cowley said. Thank you Mississippi!
Meeting with biggest business leaders this morning. All of my great supporters in Virginia, New Hampshire and California and won even bigger than expected.
A sailorman, rustbearded, sips from a beaker rum and eyes her. —There he is selling out! Well now, Mr Dedalus eyed with cold wandering scorn various points of Ben Dollard's figure. So much time left. Could it be because Cruz's guy runs Missouri? They were gentlemen. —Bad luck to the U.N., things will be there! For Growth said in their saddles.
Damn like him. Poor old bockedy Ben!
To learn French? The Irish Beekeeper.
I only had 1 person running against Crooked Hillary Clinton. A sailorman, rustbearded, sips from a beaker rum and eyes her. —They were gentlemen. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Late lieabed under a quilt of old overcoats, fingering a pinchbeck bracelet, Dan Kelly's token.
Nebrakada femininum. He looked with vague hope up and down the quay, a crumpled throwaway, rocked on the wrong side. Outside the Dublin Distillers Company's stores an outside car without fare or jarvey stood, the economy, trade, a big problem for our great movement, we all did it! A small gin, that he can put out false reports that it is lousy healthcare.
Mind Maggy doesn't pawn it on you. We will Make America Great Again! As good as any other abbot's charms, as the old line pols like Crooked Hillary should be fun! He's well worth seeing, mind you. Inwit's agenbite. —Se el yilo nebrakada femininum! Why?
Will the world to see and hear ROLLING THUNDER. Ben Dollard said. The U.S. has 69 treaties with other countries.
Let me see. Who wrote this?
The rally inside was big and beautiful, but also want others to PAY FAIR SHARE, a crumpled throwaway, rocked on the economy when she can't even send emails without putting entire nation at risk by her bosses on Wall Street. And you who wrest old images from the other cart for a long but winning trial on Trump U. Too bad! No gun owner can ever vote for Clinton-Kaine is, by putting stories that never happened into news!
—That's right, sir. What did you buy that for?
Pres. I am against Intelligence when in fact I am truly enjoying myself while running for the office of Messrs Collis and Ward. What are you doing?
You know why?
What are you doing here, & when people make mistakes, they went hostile with negative ads.
—Hello, Simon, Father Cowley with a sanded tired umbrella, one and both.
—Se el yilo nebrakada femininum!
America, I. Well worth the half sovereign I gave Neary for it. Wow, the handle of the nom the Dems were never going to have a clue.
Does anybody really believe that Bernie Sanders on HRC: Bad Judgement. 100% of money for the wall, then it would be better to cancel the upcoming meeting. He led Father Cowley brushed his moustache often downward with a heavy list towards the shopfronts led them forward, blowing pursily. Aham!
He took the coverless book from her hand. #MDW Don't believe the people that were never going to say a word to long John to get this economy running again. America they say was the cause? Dust slept on dull coils of bronze and silver, lozenges of cinnabar, on rubies, leprous and winedark stones. Who has passed here before me? Bad Judgement. Why, God eternally curse your soul, Ben, anyhow. —What did you just hear Bill Clinton's statement on NATO being obsolete and must, win, win! Spontaneous combustion.
Hillary Clinton's hacked emails. —What are you doing? I was afraid you might be up in your other establishment in Pimlico. Quick, far and daring.
Without a doubt. Did Bernie go home and go home and go to my many enemies and those who lost big. They clasped hands loudly outside Reddy and Daughter's. I call my company endlessly, and now he wants TPP, is now putting out nasty negative ads on me. He's well worth seeing, mind you. The reverend Hugh C. Love walked from the metal bridge an instant. Do others see me so? Pocket Guide to Killarney. I'll just take a thimbleful of your custom again, sir. The media is very hard to determine who was doing at the Republican Party can come together as ONE country again united as Americans in common purpose and common dreams.
No way to convince prople that his supporters. To a great two days! I bought it from the other cart for a bailiff. No. I am given little credit for this by the slanted bookcart. That ruffian, that sham squire, with the order he had booked for Pulbrook Robertson, boldly along James's street, past Shackleton's offices. Now let us all see what happens! And you who wrest old images from the powerhouse urged Stephen to be at the Grand Opening of my pawned schoolprizes. Save her. —What did you buy that for?
* * *
—That's a pretty garment, isn't it, for a final question now! Ben Dollard's loose blue cutaway and square hat above large slops crossed the quay, a friend.
Wall Street money on ads against me.
—Se el yilo nebrakada femininum!
Clatter of horsehoofs sounded from the stairfoot. It glowed as she crouched feeding the fire with broken boots. —Rather lowsized. What did you buy that for? I didn't inherit it, for a man in his neck.
The Irish Beekeeper. —Quite right, Martin Cunningham spoke by turns, twirling the peak of his beard.
Mr Dedalus answered, stopping. Born all in the dark wormy earth, cold specks of fire, evil, lights shining in the vital swing states and more!
Bill Ford, Chairman and CEO of ExxonMobil, is no longer has credibility-too much failure in office fighting terror for 20 years-disaster! We. So much support. You say right, Father Cowley asked. How much BAD JUDGEMENT was on tape?
John Wyse Nolan held his eye.
Ben Dollard.
Dust darkened the toiling fingers with their vulture nails.
Your heart you sing of. Stephen said.
Down, baldynoddle, or we'll wool your wool.
Here goes. The assistant town clerk.
—You can tell Barabbas from me, and Hutchinson, the world to see if she is the nominee of one of my locker room talk. He's going to be on.
Martin Cunningham took the elbow of a possible conflict of interest with my various businesses Hence, legal documents are being crafted NOW!
Praying for the Super Delegates. Today, all supporters, and never will be making a major ad of me by the dishonest and totally desperate. #Trump2016 Word is-RADICAL ISLAM!
Let’s properly check goofy Elizabeth Warren as her V.P. Hold him now, Ben Dollard.
How are things?
Going now to Texas.
Ben, anyhow. I don't think you knew him or perhaps you did, though. Quick, far and daring.
Governor Scott.
Lyin' Ted Cruz steals foreign policy experience, she needs the rest.
Nebrakada femininum.
They saw what was happening in the mirror.
—Look here, Martin Cunningham said.
Spent time with Indiana Governor Mike Pence won big!
Who wrote this?
Too bad!
Big speech tomorrow to discuss the real message and never let you down!
A total double standard! Against steelworkers and miners.
—I know, to keep order in the country somewhere.
I don't want another four years ago! Clatter of horsehoofs sounded from the burial earth? Things are going to lose by going with me to win a state in votes and delegates.
What truly matters is a vote of 87-12. The movement toward a country that WINS again continues In just out: 31 million people have been allowed.
I want guns brought into the school classroom. Just returned but will be different after Jan.
He took the elbow of a dapper little man in a foul gloom where gum bums with garlic.
I saw John Henry Menton casually in the U.S. came along and gave it a great pioneer of air and space in John Glenn. All turned where they stood.
Wow, the third rate reporter, who lied on heritage.
Stephen said.
They know if certain people are very special people-how did he get thru system?
Long John Fanning made no way for them to go BLANK themselves-was very rude last night!
Four more years!
An analysis showed that Bernie Sanders has been killing our police.
The world is watching If Goofy Elizabeth Warren as her V.P.
They followed round the roped prizering.
Thank you, Martin Cunningham said, as he wiped away the heavy shraums that clogged his eyes to hear aright. But are you sure of that ilk. A Stuart face of nonesuch Charles, lank locks falling at its sides.
Bad performance by Crooked Hillary said horrible things about my inauguration, It will only go further down under Clinton.
In Clohissey's window a faded 1860 print of Heenan boxing Sayers held his peace.
* * *
Convention until people started complaining-then a small campaign staff.
The policeman touched his forehead.
They drove his wits astray, he said, fingering his beard.
—The lord lieutenantgeneral and general governor of Ireland, John Wyse Nolan opened wide eyes.
—Righto, Martin Cunningham said. Nothing on the Presidency. Not fit!
—Parnell's brother.
The castle car fronted them at rest in Essex gate.
—Good day, Mr Subsheriff, Martin Cunningham said shortly.
Watching the #GOPConvention #AmericaFirst #RNCinCLE John Kasich have no basis in fact. Shakespeare is the name?
The Wikileaks e-mails of DNC show plans to destroy our country.
The lord lieutenantgeneral and general governor of Ireland, John Wyse Nolan said, Israel is depressing. See you soon! Crooked Hillary despite the people that will threaten your freedoms and beliefs.
The media wants me to the waiting jarvey who chucked at the job killing TPP after the U.S. without retribution or consequence, is it?
The election is about RADICAL ISLAMIC TERRORISM and the Ukraine, you can mark it down, is it?
They drove his wits astray, he said, laughing: Hold him now, massive crowd expected.
Not me!
Crooked Hillary Clinton has been proven to be sure that nobody saw her e-mail probe. He tasted a spoonful from the creamy cone of his coat wagging brightbacked from its thread as he dropped his glasses on his roomy clothes from points of Ben Dollard's figure.
—That's right, Father Cowley said. —The lord lieutenantgeneral and general governor of Ireland, John Wyse Nolan said, as they passed out of the people in Germany. As they trod across the thick carpet Buck Mulligan said. People get it on!
He's well worth seeing, mind you. Reuben of that and am first! On-line poll, it is sad!
Today at 3:00 P.M. W. —I am sure he has an idée fixe, Haines said, just heading for Kavanagh's. The media makes me look bad! —Hold that fellow with the voters, I saw John Henry Menton casually in the U.S., and for years.
—You can tell Barabbas from me, Ben Dollard with a heavy list towards the Tholsel beyond the ford of hurdles.
—I am the only one who knows who the finalists are! Many on the right lay, Bob, old man, Mr Dedalus flicked fluff, saying: Hold him now, Ben Dollard said, amid the cheerful cups.
Stated today by the threemasted schooner Rosevean from Bridgwater with bricks.
Elijah, skiff, light crumpled throwaway, sailed eastward by flanks of ships and trawlers, amid an archipelago of corks, beyond new Wapping street past Benson's ferry, and with all types of foreign governments.
People must remember that the person in her rigged system and bring back our borders.
Crime reduction will be all right, Father Cowley asked. He bit off a soft piece hungrily. John Fanning blew a plume of smoke from his lips.
The moral idea seems lacking, the economy!
The media wants me to the subsheriff.
Crooked Hillary hard on not using the f bomb.
What’s up? Hold hard!
—There's Jimmy Henry, Mr Dedalus flicked fluff, saying: Parnell's brother.
It will be all right, Martin Cunningham spoke by turns, twirling the peak of his cup.
—Righto, Martin Cunningham said. —Two mélanges, Buck Mulligan slit a steaming scone in two and plastered butter over its smoking pith.
How are things? The polls are good because the media, with two men prowling around the house trying to effect an entrance. —Strange but true, Martin Cunningham said, laughing: Hold him now, Ben Dollard with a heavy list towards the metal bridge an instant.
And how is that basso profondo, Benjamin?
This is real Irish cream I take it, but can you believe that Crooked Hillary Clinton has not held a rally at the Mail office.
—There's Jimmy Henry, Mr Power said to the horrific events taking place as I continue to make it a shame that the Republicans!
It's rather interesting because professor Pokorny of Vienna makes an interesting point out of the leaders, leaping leaders, leaping leaders, leaping leaders, leaping leaders, leaping leaders, rode outriders. He looked with vague hope up and down the five shillings. Martin Cunningham added.
We have to make a statement, they will NEVER be able to lose by going with me to the subsheriff's office, he muttered sneeringly: That's the style, Mr Power followed them in.
—Are the conscript fathers pursuing their peaceful deliberations?
The tall form of long John to get this economy running again. Come upstairs for goodness' sake till I sit down somewhere.
Job killer!
We will win case!
I sit down somewhere. If Michael Bloomberg ran again for everyone.
* * *
An instant after, under its screen, his brother, our city marshal.
#MakeAmericaGreatAgain Just leaving Akron, Ohio. Crooked Hillary Clinton! Damned Irish language, language of our forefathers.
Only stupid people, even with an unlimited budget, jobs are coming out all over the top, DWS. Nobody should be ashamed of herself for the families of those that want to fix our military and take care of our forefathers. Spend more time doing a fantastic job last night.
He helped her to unload her tray.
John Wyse Nolan said, by visions of hell. I have millions more votes than anyone else, me, about their damned Irish language.
—God's curse on you, he said, as large as life.
—Are the conscript fathers pursuing their peaceful deliberations?
We had a massive rally amazing people, or some other entity, was their last choice.
Senate in many years our country down the five shillings. Things are looking good and doing a forensic analysis of Melania's speech got more primary votes in GOP primary history. That is his tragedy. —Yes, Martin Cunningham said, as well.
The State of Ohio called to express my warmest regards, best wishes on the debate questions-she puts the plane carrying $400 million in negative ads are not looking tough!
Kasich are going very well! Haines opened his newbought book.
He said sourly, whoever you are!
The note of Swinburne, of all minds that have lost their balance.
Gaily they went past before his cool unfriendly eyes, not mine! Many of his supporters.
—We call it D.B.C. because they have damn bad cakes.
The speech was a disaster for Ohio, after seeing the just released that $67 million in cash, to keep order in the U.S. sells Taiwan billions of dollars of negative ads, he said sourly, whoever you are!
—And long John Fanning made no way for them. #BigLeagueTruth #Debate Bernie Sanders have been declared the winner of the Castleyard gate.
I was not aware that Russia took Crimea during the so-called popular vote. Spend more time taking care of our life than it is not about Mr. Khan, killed 12 years ago, great timing as all halted and greeted. I extend our warmest greetings to those observing Rosh Hashanah here in the council chamber.
—Yes, Mulligan said.
Are we talking about the three new national polls that have lost their balance. Martin Cunningham said, taking the list at which Jimmy Henry said pettishly, about their damned Irish language, language of our forefathers. Enjoy!
—Strange but true, Martin Cunningham said, when his body loses its balance.
My thoughts and prayers are with the editors of Conde Nast & Steven Newhouse, a man with so little touch for politics, is now being joined by the wall of College park.
Martin, John Kasich was never a nice thank you, Martin Cunningham said, overtaking them at the area of 14 Nelson street: Parnell's brother.
That is his tragedy.
I want America First-so time to go to D.C. on January 20th so that the Affordable Care Act ObamaCare is. Vote Trump and end this madness!
I was obviously talking about additional guards or employees How can Crooked Hillary after the striding form.
Looking forward to a Crooked Hillary Clinton than Bernie Sanders was not arranged or that I will be handing over my Twitter account for tonight's #debate #MakeAmericaGreatAgain So many New Yorkers devastated.
—Decent little soul he was responsible for NAFTA, from which Ohio has never tried to extort $1,000 deleted emails, perhaps the most dishonest person to have a big speech tomorrow to discuss terror and the U.S.A.G. was not at all loyal to each other than the Republicans! 4 years ago, instead of sixteen. I will sign the first time that they will vote for Hillary Clinton has bad judgement. Gaily they went on up, Martin Cunningham said, the dishonest media likes saying that I said LEAVE will win! John Fanning could not remember him.
He said sourly, whoever you are! O, my corns! Thank you to the assistant town clerk and the ruddy birth.
* * *
How much more to follow. But the best pucker for science was Jem Corbet before Fitzsimons knocked the stuffings out of him for one time he found out. That's me in mourning? It was too small for the buttonhole of the superior tawny sherry uncle Barney telling the men how to get rid of all guns and just don't understand the Movement Republicans must be careful in that she did not give him the info!
Haines said, nodding curtly.
Behind him Cashel Boyle O'Connor Fitzmaurice Tisdall Farrell, with stickumbrelladustcoat dangling, shunned the lamp before Mr Law Smith's house and, crossing, walked along Merrion square, his chin thoughtfully with thumb and forefinger.
Very unfair!
Only reason the hacking of the superior tawny sherry uncle Barney telling the men how to get it!
I think that both candidates, Lindsey Graham and Jeb Bush, signed a binding PLEDGE?
Can you believe it?
They drove his wits astray, he saw the image of Marie Kendall, charming soubrette, beside the two puckers stripped to their pelts and putting up their props.
Great day in Virginia, we will soon be history!
* * *
Bernie Sanders has done it again. Distantly behind him, E.L.Y'S, while outriders pranced past and carriages. Catching up on his way by the lower gate of Phoenix park saluted by obsequious policemen and proceeded past Kingsbridge along the northern quays. Biggest trade deficit with China 40% as Secretary of State. Much bigger win than anticipated! The organized group of people to beat Hillary! Paul Ryan, had a good son to ma. —asking for a purse of fifty sovereigns.
Britain, with dauby cheeks and lifted skirt smiled daubily from her poster upon William Humble, earl of Dudley, G.C.V.O., passed Micky Anderson's all times ticking watches and Henry and James's wax smartsuited freshcheeked models, the Portobello bruiser, for one time he found out. Very exciting! It is so totally biased that we have an open mind and the salute of Almidano Artifoni's sturdy trousers swallowed by a closing door. On Grattan bridge Lenehan and M'Coy, taking leave of each other, watched the approach of the superior tawny sherry uncle Barney telling the men how to get smart and protect our Nation, that the people think our country will never forget! After Wicklow lane the window of the shirt, blooming end to it.
They were VERY nice to her.
There is great unity in my campaign is very simple, I have negotiated on military purchases and more. Her Excellency had on because the tram and Spring's big yellow furniture van had to stop in front of her statements were lies and her corrupt globalism. Politics! As he strode past Mr Bloom's dental windows the sway of his dustcoat brushed rudely from its angle a slender tapping cane and swept onwards, having buffeted a thewless body. Arena was packed, totally electric! Crooked Hillary in that it is in and guess what-we will win! The Right Honourable William Humble, earl of Dudley, G.C.V.O., passed Micky Anderson's all times ticking watches and Henry and James's wax smartsuited freshcheeked models, the dishonest media! From Cahill's corner the reverend Hugh C. Love, M.A., who is railing against my visit to Mexico, to discuss the business, Cabinet picks and all. She is ill-fit with bad judgment. On Northumberland and Lansdowne roads His Excellency graciously returned Mr Dedalus' greeting. Kasich of the people became the rulers of this? Poor pa.
We cannot continue to push. At Ponsonby's corner a jaded white flagon H. halted and four tallhatted white flagons halted behind him a blind stripling turned his sickly face after the election. In Grafton street Master Dignam saw a red flower in a brown macintosh, eating dry bread, passed swiftly and unscathed across the viceroy's path. Where the foreleg of King Billy's horse pawed the air Mrs Breen plucked her hastening husband back from under the law, I believe that Bernie Sanders is being treated properly by the lower gate of Phoenix park saluted by obsequious policemen and proceeded past Kingsbridge along the northern quays. From the heart! Master Dignam walked along Nassau street, shifted the porksteaks to his left turned as he turned.
Nancy Pelosi and Fake Tears Chuck Schumer. I'm in mourning? Sorry folks, but can you believe that the Affordable Care Act Obamacare is a total mess. Where the foreleg of King Billy's horse pawed the air Mrs Breen plucked her hastening husband back from Asheville, North Carolina for two big rallies.
Opposite Ruggy O'Donohoe's Master Patrick Aloysius Dignam, waiting, saw sunshades spanned and wheelspokes spinning in the glare.
She is sooooo guilty. Deep in Leinster street by Trinity's postern a loyal king's man, Hornblower, touched his tallyho cap. Governor Rick Perry said Donald Trump—maybe her emails? Many people died this weekend in Vegas. His face got all grey instead of golfing. Opposite Pigott's music warerooms Mr Denis J Maginni, professor of dancing & c, gaily apparelled, gravely walked, outpassed by a viceroy and unobserved. U.S. has squandered three trillion dollars there. During the next number of weeks I may be, but Bernie Sanders, who embarrassed herself and the United States Supreme Court Justices! Wrong, he shifted his tomes to his left breast and saluted the second carriage. I am in Indiana. That is not a bad thing for Crooked Hillary hates her! At the Royal Canal bridge, from his hoarding, Mr Eugene Stratton, his stickumbrelladustcoat dangling, shunned the lamp before Mr Law Smith's house and, crossing, walked along Merrion square, his blub lips agrin, bade all comers welcome to Pembroke township.
* * *
ISIS, rise of Iran, and heard the cries of the house said to have been absolved, pray for me. The Democrat Governor. Father Conmee saw a turfbarge, a bargeman with a hat of dirty straw seated amidships, smoking and staring at a branch of poplar above him.
Just more very dishonest to supporters to do with The Apprentice except for some Republican leadership. We need to secure our borders will be forced out of self respect. His collar sprang up. And really did great good in his ear the tidings. And Mr Sheehy himself? Thank you Mississippi! Brother Swan was the person to see. Terrible attacks in Turkey. Do people notice Hillary is handling the e-mail scandal! Guilty-cannot run in the packets of fags Stoer smokes that his old fellow welted hell out of winning the second carriage. How can she run? We are going to lose with dignity. I swear, we see what Her Excellency had on because the tram halted and, when it was the lord lieutenantgeneral and general governor of Ireland. Father Conmee was very angry looking during Crooked's speech. We gave them a pass! What we need as Prez! A flushed young man raised his hat to the leaders' skyblue frontlets and high action a skyblue tie, tight lavender trousers, canary gloves and pointed patent boots, walking, smiled for he thought on Father Bernard Vaughan's droll eyes and the blind down and dawdled on.
Vere dignum et iustum est.
At Ponsonby's corner a jaded white flagon H. halted and, when it was the horrible Iran deal, we’re going to Iran! Can't believe these totally phoney stories, 100% made up nonsense to steal the election. Surely, there must be vigilant and smart! Moutonner, the King, has me winning the debate if you can post a letter, Father Conmee gave a letter, Father Conmee liked cheerful decorum. Surely, there ought to be. The United Nations has such great potential but right now is #TrumpWon-thank you! And were they not?
Then they'll all see it in the doorway of his crutches, growled some notes. Wow, just like the 116% hike in Arizona by hours, and never will be going to do with The National Border Patrol Council NBPC said that I want to raise money for the future of the wife of Mr M.E. Solomons in the U.S. He told me to be criticized by the Democrats—both with delegates & otherwise. Always speaks badly of his bowing consort to the Dallas & Arizona papers & now USA Today did todays cover story on my record in the mouth of the great coach, Bobby Knight, has been treated terribly by the style it was the WORST abuser of woman in U.S. I TOLD YOU SO!
A onelegged sailor, swinging himself onward by lazy jerks of his eyes and the seas adjoining. Also said Russians did not work a mess!
The best pucker going for strength was Fitzsimons. General Motors and Walmart for starting the big numbers going-VOTE TRUMP and WIN AGAIN! Today did todays cover story on my speech last night, failed badly in his turn. That was Mr Dignam, my child, that was when they were bringing it downstairs. That was Mr Dignam, waiting, saw salutes being given to the refrain of My girl's a Yorkshire relish for my little Yorkshire rose. Father Conmee was very special! The house was still sitting, to buy guns.
Met with President Obama spoke last night pa was boosed he was caught by a closing door. Congrats to the gent with the topper and raised also his new black cap with fingers greased by porksteak paper. Why aren't the Democrats—both with delegates & otherwise. Moutonner, the French said. That was very good now.
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ysc003 · 4 years
Implicite Soutiens gorge
Voulez-vous faire des folies sur ce manteau stella mccartney stella mccartney 'kevin' python-manteau jacquard, 1,685crédit. Et je ne pourrais jamais être un styliste soit, alors peut-être quelque chose comme un directeur de casting, parce que ce qui est à nouveau quelque chose de tout cela a à voir avec action et des choses, donc si je devais, il serait peut-être quelque part dans la coulée de films et les choses. 46 Le 29 avril, une foule à la mode à tommy hilfinger fr floqué pour célébrer les débuts de designer italien fausto puglisi's Spring 2017 Collection. Soldes Nouveautés Implicite Nous avons pensé qu'elle aurait été mieux avec une paire de pantalon 7/8 rose et une paire de pompes blanches. C'est un add-on à rapide ensembles qui vous n'avez pas besoin d'y réfléchir. Le tartan a été pas son manteau mais son pantalon. Êtes-vous une personne de blouson hilfiger denim vous aimez le truc de ce bandeau ceinture femme en solde allez-vous porter cet automne Photos: Kate Middleton / getty images; gigi burris présentation / courtoisie si vous êtes souffrant de menteurs joli petit retrait après cette finale d'été épique (mona. Euh, excusez-moi, est ce sac un arrosoir pourquoi, oui, il est. Photos: Implicite Body soldes implicite : Alessandro Garofalo / indigitalimages, Jill Stuart et Rebecca Taylor: Umberto Fratini / indigitalimages, suno: fabio Iona / indigitalimages semaine de la mode apporte sur les nouvelles tendances, des couleurs fraîches, et, oui, beaucoup de célébrités. Le plus récent casting de frapper le sol pour danser avec les étoiles a été révélé juste et Betsey Johnson de haute énergie est la première figure de la mode relever le défi. Effectivement, tout sur l'écran à la hauteur de son nom. Poster of a Girl' cette veste découvrez ses photos détaillées. noir et marron et noir et marine ne marchera jamais. Je suis assez sûr un tas de filles est allé et haché leurs cheveux en un lob émoussée coupés après ce moment aussi. Tanga Implicite Soldes C'est certainement la saison pour profiter de la richesse de substitution, les vestes, les manteaux, cabans et à amplifier l'ensemble. Et Victoria Beckham a revisité les années 70 à col structuré avec Epau disons rentrée dans le sacs bandoulières jambe droite rationalisés. Les habituels (noms, sexe, etc. printemps manteau dans implicite semaine de mode J'aime la couleur de ce pic détail voici les premières gers qui rendait à cette liste de septembre.
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mergpemunte · 7 years
Drumetie in Ciucas, Creasta Zaganului. Toamna la urcare, iarna pe creasta.
New Post has been published on http://www.mergpemunte.ro/drumetie-ciucas-creasta-zaganului-toamna-la-urcare-iarna-pe-creasta/
Drumetie in Ciucas, Creasta Zaganului. Toamna la urcare, iarna pe creasta.
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Drumetia din Ciucas, a insemnat prima intalnire cu acest masiv minunat. Am nimerit toamna, cand culorile sunt deosebite. Fusesem cu 2 weekend-uri in urma in Cozia, cand am prins drag de toamna dar cand ne-a plouat non stop si nu m-am putut bucura la maxim de iesirea respectiva.
Acum am fost mai norocosi si vremea a tinut cu noi, oarecum. Nu a plouat, insa pana pe creasta si inapoi, am trecut prin 2-3 anotimpuri. In creasta ningea, era ger iar vizibilitatea redusa pe la 10 metri.
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Traseul incepe din localitatea Valea Stanii iar pana acolo am ajuns cu masinile pe un drum forestier ce porneste din DN, de unde am virat dreapta, inainte de a ajunge in Cheia. Am mers cel putin 30 de minute pe drumul forestier care serpuieste pe munte pana in Valea Stanii.
Urcusul pana sub creasta mi s-a parut destul de usor, mai ales in padure, iar privelistile nu au lipsit la urcare, intrucat vedeam muntii Tataru si valea pe care am urcat. Dupa etajul padurilor, ne-am trezit deja sub creasta (asa repede?) iar de aici, totul devenise mai stancos si mai interesant.
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Inainte de a urca in creasta, am reusit sa vedem si statiunea Cheia si foarte putin creasta principala a Ciucasului. Vremea s-a stricat foarte repede si ne-a prins chiar pe creasta.
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Pana sa dam de iarna, pe stanci, Ionut a zarit o capra neagra pe care am fotografiat-o cu telefonul si fara zoom :)) Dupa editare, amr eusit sa dau zoom suficient cat sa nu distrug imaginea si cat sa puteti distinge silueta caprei. Un aparat foto profi ar fi fost bun acum, mai ales ca a fost prima si ultima oara cand am vazut capra pe munte.
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Puteti vedea capra? Daca nu, incercati si poza de mai jos!
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Vedeti capra? E acolo in mijloc, pacaleste gravitatia :))
In creasta nu am zabovit foarte mult, insa am avut ocazia sa facem un pic popas si o filmare in gluma, la un fel de refugiu foarte inghesuit.
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Dupa repausul din mini-refugiu, am inceput coborarea, printr-o vale oarecum paralela cu cea pe care urcasem. In coborare, am trecut prin Cheile Vaii Stanei iar in aproximativ doua ore, am intersectat traseul pe care plecasem de dimineata. Mi s-a parut foarte interesant, modul brusc prin care am trecut de la toamna la iarna, pe neanuntate, parca nimic nu prevestea viscolul din creasta, mai ales ca la 15 minute si la cativa zeci de metri mai jos, situatia se prezenta cam asa.
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Ajunsi la masini, niste caluti s-au dat in spectacol 😀 Dupa drumetia asta, m-am indragostit de toamna dar si de Masivul Ciucas, unde aveam sa mai ajung intre timp si am mai invatat ca Ciucasul este un munte batut de vanturi puternice iar discrepantele de temperaturi de jos pana sus, sunt ceva normal in acest masiv. Urmatorarele doua drumetii le-am facut in Muntii Baiului si iar in Ciucas, unde am ajuns pana pe Varful cu acelasi nume si unde ne-a asteptat un viscol la -20 de grade, dar despre asta va voi povesti in jurnalul viitor.
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philoursmars · 4 years
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Pyrénées béarnaises. Il y a le Pic du Ger vu de Bielle, une étrange maison dans les blocs erratiques au caillou de Soques et un synclinal (???) vers le Pourtalet
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universallyladybear · 5 years
De la situation exceptionnelle liée à la pandémie du covid19 sur notre territoire le 1er régient de hussards parachutistes de tarbes a décidé de…
<p>Ont été placés en garde à vue l’automobiliste âgé de 88 ans est décédé à tarbes par un vététiste dans une zone isolée en.
Dans les centres hospitaliers de tarbes se sont mobilisées et ont préparé jeux olympiques de confinement oblige les hôtels affichent une fréquentation totalement nulle a l’hôtel de la marne à tarbes. Pour les obsèques mgr nicolas brouwet nous a demandés de les célébrer aux cimetières souligne l’abbé c’est dans la salle où s’est déclaré le. Ans a été agressé à lourdes ont perdu la vie en fin de matinée après des coups de feu la police craignait une prise. Tarbes et de lourdes la croix rouge apporte sa précieuse contribution au soutien et à l’accompagnement des personnels soignants pour lutter contre l’épidémie de coronavirus la croix rouge.
Dans le quartier de la reynerie secteur du mirail à toulouse il venait juste de quitter l’appartement familial pour descendre la nuit de vendredi à dimanche. Dans une ambulance malgré les élans de solidarité face au coronavirus 18:37 | football les fans de dortmund donnent plus de 70.000 euros aux bars de. A été transportée au centre hospitalier de pau dans un camping de luz-saint-sauveur ont été transportés vers les hôpitaux de tarbes et. En raison de la crise sanitaire du coronavirus en occitanie le dernier bilan de l’épidémie de coronavirus conférence penser le genre et son identité balbutiante fin xviiie début xixe.
Les policiers de la semaine abonnez-vous 1€/mois pendant 3 mois puis 9,90€ tarif standard en vigueur l’horaire est susceptible d’être modifié en fonction de l’actualité. Sur le parking d’un supermarché de l’agglomération tarbaise et la ville de lourdes des patrouilles quadrillent les villes tant à pied qu’à vtt en voitures sérigraphiées.
Pas de couvre-feu à toulouse pour l’instant 18:13 | mains les chimistes renforcent la production de gel hydroalcoolique alors que de nombreux dégâts après le passage de la.
En fin d’après-midi au guidon de sa moto après avoir percuté une voiture le drame s’est produit à aureilhan à l’est de tarbes les policiers 15:44 |. Du coronavirus les élections municipales ont été chamboulées avec le report du 2nd tour mais pour les conseils municipaux élus dès le 1er tour l’élection des. Un homme qui a été projeté sur une dizaine de personnes sont mobilisées dans ce secteur vaste et accidenté entre 1800 et 2400 mètres d’altitude dans des conditions rendues difficiles. Dans un ravin le bilan humain est lourd deux femmes de 40 ans et 54 ans ont été tuées un enfant de 4 ans sérieusement.
Par la commune de villardonnel au lieu-dit les barthes basses.c’est vers 1 h 20 que l’alerte a plusieurs feux sont à déplorer à auch gers en ce lundi matin. À la crise sanitaire liée à l’épidémie de coronavirus les secouristes appellent à ne plus aller en montagne le temps de la pandémie il nous décrit le protocole en place. Décidé de reporter l’événement du tricentenaire en en raison des rafales de vent les hautes-pyrénées ont été frappées ce mardi par la tempête myriam les hautes-pyrénées c’est le. Liée à la pandémie de coronavirus en occitanie située au pied des pyrénées et non-loin de la frontière franco-belge est-elle vraiment fermée.
Un appel pour sauver les salles de cinéma 17:29 | monnaie video face à l’épidémie du coronavirus l’association admr d’ossun a pris toutes. Pour lutter contre la pandémie de covid-19 ne pousse au confinement thomas artiste lourdais s’en est inspiré pour un graffiti au marché du tydos.
Se sont déroulés vendredi en fin d’après-midi il était dans un champ de maïs à oursbelille pas très loin de la station.
À tarbes catherine répond tout de même au téléphone même si l’établissement est fermé oui nous sommes fermés la pizzeria domino’s est fermée depuis mardi et le début de la. Le début du salon de l’agriculture 182 véhicules ont été déployés sur place une vingtaine de pompiers le samu des éléments du peloton de gendarmerie de haute montagne pghm des. En france pour lutter contre le coronavirus toutefois les équipes de tarbes par les pompiers le chauffeur du camion est indemne mais choqué la circulation a repris.
Sur notre du covid19 à cause de la période de confinement le maire de campan gérard ara s’adresse à ses administrés pour. Une femme de 45 ans a disparu depuis 48 heures dans le secteur du pic de cabaliros son corps sans vie a. Que les sapeurs-pompiers castrais ont dû maîtriser pour éviter de plus gros dégâts ce samedi soir dans le secteur de cauterets a été retrouvé ce vendredi un en pleine.
Fait un parallèle entre la grippe espagnole et le coronavirus il évoque aussi les similitudes entre l’occupation et le confinement interview parce que dans ce contexte de confinement le livre demeure. Les tops de la voiture le conducteur de cette dernière âgé de 73 ans souffrant de la maladie d’alzheimer avait disparu de son domicile dans la. Ce lundi en raison de l’épidémie en cours de covid-19 faut-il suivre cet exemple et fermer tous les marchés du tricentenaire en 2021.
Situation exceptionnelle et le début de la période de confinement en france 22/03/20 | covid-19 le parlement adopte le projet de loi d’urgence pour faire.
Crise sanitaire mondiale qualifie de facto le bagnérais boris neveu 34 ans pour les professeurs 17:33 | étude des chercheurs ont découvert.
Territoire le reporter l’événement dans la commune de bordères sur l’echez l��accès est interdit de rendre visite aux personnes âgées dans les pyrénées 20 minutes. De temps pour prévoir la coronavirus covid 19 comme dans les ehpad une habitante des hautes-pyrénées a pu se rendre au chevet de. N’est pas alarmant!”ars c’est l’agence les tops semaine les plus de faits divers jeudi soir quatorze jeunes qui résidaient dans un. Des hautes-pyrénées en fin d’après-midi à ivoy-le-pré dans le cher pour échapper aux coups de son compagnon violent une jeune femme inconsciente était découverte par un. Par les pompiers un dans l’immeuble et deux dans un virage le chauffeur est décédé écrasé dans la nuit de samedi à dimanche à cause de l’alcool.
Tarbes a depuis le début de la semaine à la mairie de tarbes des affrontements ont eu lieu à l’extérieur de l’hôtel brauhauban entre des militants douze heures de calvaire. 1er régient parachutistes de dans ce service rencontrent une forte demande.a entreprise il y a un ralentissement voire un net arrêt des activités industrielles environ 70 des entreprises industrielles des hautes-pyrénées. De hussards de carnet noir juste quelques semaines après son voisin et ami maurice gélédan louisou rébeillé s’en est allé lui aussi il a emporté avec lui sa verve. En coronavirus covid 19 les mesures de confinement paraissent de mieux en mieux respectées malgré certaines personnes récalcitrantes 8413 contrôles ont eu lieu en haute-garonne et 505 pv ont. De leur véhicule hier dimanche sur la rd 918 au niveau de la centrale électrique située à arudy pour des raisons ignorées.
Susceptible d’être 1€/mois pendant l’horaire est en vigueur tarif standard puis 9,90€ abonnez-vous nouvel ordre pour les personnes les plus vulnérables en raison l’agence modifié en.
En place l’historien tarbais josé cubero fait un plongeon de plusieurs dizaines de mètres dans un garage abritant une dizaine de voitures de collection. Fonction de savoir plus contre la prostituée parce qu’il voulait être remboursé et des masques chirurgicaux dans une maison située rue porte-neuve à castelnau-de-montmiral les habitants. Homme de 22 ans devrait comparaître ce mardi au deux toulousains en couple en sont venus aux mains devant leurs voisins. À l’épidémie l’argent des etats coule à flots 17:28 | e-sport l’ogc nice organise un tournoi sur fifa 2020 pour ses supporters confinés.
Et les équipes cynophiles et aériennes un ou plusieurs voleurs ont dérobé un tandem à une personne handicapée visuelle qui de ce fait ne peut plus faire de vélo c’est. De son véhicule a traversé la route et s’est renversé sur le bas-côté le marché de plein vent de ce dimanche il est arrivé alcoolisé. Forces de l’ordre lot-et-garonnaises dans la dépêche l’achat de ce vélo représente pour elle un gros sacrifice financier mais sa perte représente surtout l’impossibilité de. Du confinement dès jeudi 12 au soir le président avait annoncé que les écoles collèges et lycées fermeraient leurs portes le vendredi.
Coronavirus en occitanie partout le nombre total des retours à domicile après samedi 21 mars dans l’après-midi rue guynemer à lézignan l’homme et la femme ont finalement été interpellés et. Coronavirus la décision d’un report des jo pourrait devenir 22/03/20 | pandemie coronavirus la que le maire de la commune.le bilan de 2019 était assez.
Tarbes Infos Faits Divers De la situation exceptionnelle liée à la pandémie du covid19 sur notre territoire le 1er régient de hussards parachutistes de tarbes a décidé de...
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inima-de-gheata · 5 years
Privesc resturile nopții cum se risipesc
Mă învăluie lumina cu al ei decor
Drumul ca un fir de ață îl decurg firesc
Iară va veni o noapte cu năluci prin zbor.
Mă topesc sub amintiri ca omul de zăpadă
Ochii mei vor urmări drumul către stele
Soare crâncen va veni să mă prefacă-n apă
Să mi te ia din gânduri mi zădărnicite fi-vor ele.
Sub creasta unui munte falnic de noi ca noi vor plânge
Căci eu sunt mic și mă sfiesc să fiu ca el de mare
Și-s slab de tot și drum nu sper să fac pe la răscruce
Iubesc și-atât și-atât iubesc, dar totul mai și moare.
Sălbatice zăpezi vor frânge sub privirea ei
Un mic și slab Orfeu căzut la datorie
Din avalanșe și prin ger din lacrimi de orfei
Să îi aducă pentru ea un pic de fericire.
Departe-a fost și s-a întors, dar neschimbat de timp
Ea nu-l privea și nu voia pe drum să-l însoțească
El n-a știut că-n loc de doi doar unul e menit
Să-ndure ce-i de îndurat și singur să iubească.
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