#pick your poison saruhiko GJHDFG
deathfavor · 1 year
@ofsavior​​​ said:  ❝ there’s quite a lot about me you don’t know. ❞  (Saruhiko to Yukari or Nagare)
arcane sentence starters
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   “  Affirmative.  “
   Rather than disagree or claim otherwise, the Green King simply acknowledges the fact without pressing further. But it seemed that wasn’t a sufficient answer. Yukari or Mr. Iwa might say something about carrying conversation. But based on observation of Saruhiko’s behavior, it seemed more likely that the newest J-Rank was wary and expecting of something. Like the fact that JUNGLE didn’t know everything about him was something that he should be on guard about. Ah.
   “  If you wish to share more about yourself, I do not mind listening and learning. While I do have recorded documents of information in regards to you, that is not all a person is. Yukari for example cannot be someone contained by pure facts. It is not in human nature, humans are not machines. Information only does so much, although predictions can be made off of a pattern or history.  “
   But that is not the point that Nagare intends to focus on. He’s sure Saruhiko understands these concepts.
   “  You are suspicious of this. That we do not pry more information from you?  “  It’s a blended comment - half question and half statement.  “  You understand that JUNGLE does not operate in the way that other clans work. We are much too large for that. The other clans are restrained to the city or the government. JUNGLE expands across the entire world. We do not demand people tell everything for admission, as you well know. This does not change even as you raise ranks.  “
   Surely this much was obvious? But the jump from a U rank to J rank was quite large. Perhaps he had expected more for it. Was he disappointed?
   “  .   .  .  Is there a dream you have, Saruhiko?  “  Nagare inquires, leaning forward with a slightly more emoting expressive than he usually had. Maybe his newest member was displeased he had not asked that of him yet.  “  I will listen, and seek to make it a reality if you do. I know Yukari and Mr. Iwa’s.  If you do not, then sharing in mine is enough.  Sukuna also did not have one when he joined. Perhaps you will find you dream along the way if you do not already possess it.  “
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