#picked rooftop crying cinder because I couldn't fucking find a torso screenshot quickly
onewomancitadel · 3 years
Okay, so I have a headcanon for what I think Cinder’s next outfit should be and what clothes I want her to wear, especially for my fic where I have basically almost described them already but my perspective character is SARTORIALLY CHALLENGED and can you stop checking her out already
The following opinions are not really grounded in character theme TOO much but literally just head empty thinking about my personal runway daydreams, although I do think Cinder’s design will eventually move away from the older styles she previously wore and they’ll be a little more lively and youthful reflecting her actual age
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1. V4-5 Cinder exudes the most nonchalant hotness, her pantyhose is very ladylike, and I love the Grimm malfestedness mixed with this femininity (which is honestly a great character design imo). Caters directly to me. Her short hair is also cute and Ruby-like, though her long hair is probably my favourite from V1. Her mask is very cool though character-wise kind of heartbreaking because I wish she didn’t hide herself. I like her upper arm a LOT. I like her ear piercings.
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2. V6 is sort of shapeless, and I don’t really like the short-shorts paired with the thigh-high boots, I think the design is a bit top-heavy especially with the cape, which I understand is supposed to be echoing Ruby’s design. I think it could have been reworked a little, I do prefer her more simplistic silhouette compared to the rest of the V7 designs (of which Weiss’ is my favourite). Overall though I do like it because it’s so rogueish.
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although actually now I say it this was literally saved right beside a photo of Cinder in my folder, I think if her thigh-highs were more chunky boots and higher it actually could have worked. That being said the top was also a little.. well I don’t think the mesh was quite right for how the shirt transitioned between her breasts and the rest of her torso/abdomen. Anyway, I liked the all-black, especially because it has an alchemical reference which I can’t remember now but basically this is the important transformative stage for her as flame. I hope her next outfit incorporates some of her pendant colours, cuz I have theories about her SECRET COLOURS and I think orange/blue would look really nice
3. V1-3 is my least favourite because she looks like she shopped at Supre. Like, I guess that makes her much more of a teenage girl in my eyes, and to be honest her V1-3 persona is pretty much performativity and a mask she’s wearing, so it DOES work - a young woman’s idea of a much older, bossy woman, going down with a 50 dollar note to Supre with the girlies to buy a skin-tight longsleeve dress and then go get Boost and post it to MySpace, like I guess that really IS quite apt. Wait, isn’t that a RWBY Chibi sketch?
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anyway I can’t wait to see what she wears next. I’m pretty convinced that like in Cinderella she makes her own clothes, so I like what that carries for her character (and I think it’s implied you have to be quite clever to Dustweave into clothes, and obviously V1-V3 is Dustwoven).
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