#pickled trotters
dolljunk · 6 months
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Here is my Create a Monster Triclops girl rerooted in hot pink saran from @custonmdollhairAU. I'm slowly working on my small collection of Create a Monster dolls, and I'm really happy my housemate collected MH back in G1 and held onto different dolls than I did in the intervening years.
Even though she's based on the web series background character, she had noticeably more saturated skin and colours, so I opted to go with a pink that made her skin pop rather than slavishly recreate the design since I also didn't want to cover up her arm and leg markings.
However, I gave her Art Class Catrine's jacket to make her outfit seem a bit less plain and two sets of Avea Trotter's bracelets as they matched her shoes and had a similar motif to the buckles on her shoes.
I'm really happy with how she looks now instead of struggling with her wig she had.
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ktwritesstuff · 1 year
The Babysitter (a Last of Us fanfic) pt. 6
Title: The Babysitter Fandom: The Last of Us Rating: Mature Characters & Pairings: Joel Miller x Reader Word Count: ~2,700 Summary: Calm before the storm. Beta-read by the immaculate globe-trotter, @bs-fangirl.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 (below cut) | Part 7 | Part 8
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Somewhere Outside Richmond, Virginia. Summer 2010
After Atlanta, the three of you were careful, stayed away from populated areas; you rarely encountered the infected.  The world outside was more beautiful than FEDRA’s propaganda led you to believe–green and quiet–it was a shame you weren’t feeling well.
At first you tried to brush it off as allergies; it has been so long since you had been in actual nature, but allergies didn’t usually come with nausea and body aches.  Of course, sleeping on the ground didn’t help.  Eventually you admitted that it had to be flu or some other virus; you didn’t know how you picked it up when you hadn’t seen any other people in weeks.  
The nights were getting colder and you were running low on supplies.  You were hungry and exhausted–the lymph nodes under your arms so swollen and tender you couldn’t even carry a backpack without crying–so Joel and Tommy took turns exploring the mountainous terrain while you rested as best you could.   
Joel had been gone for little more than an hour and you didn’t expect him back until closer to nightfall, so when you heard footsteps approaching through the trees Tommy raised his gun.
“It’s just me,” Joel called.  “Calm down.”
“What are you doing back?” you asked, sitting up from where your head was resting on Tommy’s pack.  “Did you find food?”
“Better,” Joel said, reaching to help you up. 
“What’s better than food?” 
“I’ll show you,” he said.  “Come on.  Trust me.”
You and Tommy followed Joel about a mile into the woods until you came to a steep ledge along a riverbank.  Joel lowered himself down and reached up to help you.  
“I don’t like this, Joel,” you protested.  Your arms and legs felt weak and the rocks were wet and slippery; you gripped Tommy’s hand harder as he helped to lower you down.  
“I know, Sweetpea,” Joel put a hand on your back to support you as you made your way down the ledge.  “I got you.  We’re almost there.”
After wading through the river and trudging through the woods in wet socks and shoes for another twenty minutes you reached what might have once been a gravel path or road, now overgrown with grass and greenbriars.  
At the bottom of the hill there was a perfect little cottage bathed in dappled light.  The tin roof was covered in moss and speckled with dandelions.  A black walnut tree was growing through the remnants of the porch.  There was a clear pond and a garden that had gone wild with bolting greens, summer squash that had gone to seed, and runner beans trailing up the pawpaw saplings sprouting up through the yard.
“Joel,” you gasped.    
“There’s more,” Joel said, grinning like a maniac.  
The porch groaned under his weight as he climbed the steps to the house, you and Tommy following carefully behind him.
In the front room there was a wood-burning stove, a wooden rocking chair still in good condition, a sofa that was mostly dry-rotten, and a whole shelf full of books, even an antique sewing machine with a foot-pedal and a basket full of scraps where squirrels had made their nest.  They scurried through the window as you came into the house.     
The area behind the cabin was overgrown with wildflowers and brush.  Tommy actually whooped at excitement at the sight of a fat doe bending down to nibble on the tall grass, which caused her to turn tail and run.  On the other side of the room there was a set of narrow stairs up to a loft and a little kitchen where Joel was already throwing open the cupboards which were stocked with rice and beans and mason jars full of soups and tomatoes and pickles.
“I know it looks like a lot, but we still have to be careful,” Joel said.  “With a little planning, it should get us through winter.”
You covered your mouth and sank on to the floor; every muscle in your body finally giving out in relief.  Joel grabbed you by the waist and hoisted you back up; you held onto his shoulders for support.
“This is ours,” you laughed.  “Our house.”
Joel nodded, his pride evident in spite of his usual seriousness.  
“If the well is good, Tommy and I can get the pump working–we might even have running water.  There’s a bedroom back here,” he said, guiding you into the back room.  There was a double bed with a cast iron frame, a wardrobe, and a cedar chest of linens and wool afghans that Joel tossed onto the bed.  
“There’s plenty of wood, I can get a fire going in no time,” Joel explained.  
You nodded, sinking onto the bed, tears streaming down your face.
“Stop that,” Joel warned, but his voice was soft.  “Everything is going to be okay now.  We’re gonna make some food–you can finally get some rest and get healthy.”
You slept like a rock until Joel roused you with a mug of hot soup–a bean and vegetable number with tomatoey broth.  You wished you had some crackers to settle your stomach, but even without it was the best meal you had eaten in months.  
After, you slept again until after nightfall when Joel came to bed, undressing in the dark.  
“Tommy’s going to take the loft,” he explained.  “I’ll stay down here with you.”
“I’m afraid of getting you sick,” you protested as he climbed into bed beside you.
“If you haven’t gotten me sick already, you ain’t gonna,” Joel said.
You spent a few days subsisting on applesauce and oatmeal and sleeping as much as possible.  Joel mostly kept watch over you, hauling firewood, and fixing things up around the cabin–reinforcing sagging floorboards, patching holes in the roof.  There was a shed on the property with tools and supplies, but without electricity things took time.  Tommy helped out whenever Joel needed an extra set of hands, but mostly he passed time exploring the surrounding forest and stalking deer–so far unsuccessfully.  The house had come with a rifle and a small supply of ammo, but he knew to be judicious with it.  
You spent your few waking hours cataloging the contents of the wardrobe–women’s clothes, much of it handmade, most of it too small for your frame, but there were a few dresses you could use–and the cabin’s modest library–cookbooks, field guides on local plants and wildlife, and herbal remedies.  Little by little, a picture began to form of the cabin’s previous occupants.
You dreamed of her often.  Sometimes a lone pioneer, sometimes a fairytale witch.  You woke feeling feverish and ashamed.  You felt haunted.  Joel fretted over you when you screamed yourself awake, unable to explain why.  He never slept much either, so you weren’t surprised when you woke one night to an empty bed.  
The wind was cold.  You could hear black walnuts thunking against the tin roof as it blew.  You wrapped a knitted blanket around you and padded out to the kitchen in bare feet.  
Joel and Tommy were speaking in hushed tones out at the table.  They had a fire going, sharing nips of alcohol from an ancient-looking bottle of whiskey.  You wouldn’t have thought much of it, except they went silent real quick when they realized you were out of bed.  You couldn’t avoid the question that had been burning at the back of your mind any longer.  Who would have left this place when it had everything you needed?
“Joel, was there somebody here when you found this place?”
Joel cleared his throat, not meeting your eyes in the firelight.  
“There was an old woman,” he said.  “She was dead when I got here.”
“You swear,” you said.  “Do you swear she was already dead?”  You almost asked him to swear on Sarah, but you decided against it, knowing you would have to live with the answer.
“Jesus, Sweetpea, I swear,” Joel said.  “She died natural, as far as I could tell, in her bed–which makes her a hell of a lot more fortunate than the likes of us.”
“In the bed where we’ve been sleeping,” you wailed, pointing back to the bedroom.
Tommy chuckled.  
“You see why I didn’t want to tell you,” Joel said.
You closed your eyes and took a breath, choking down a sob.  People died all the time–you had lost your entire family in one night and barely shed a tear–so why were you suddenly overcome by the loss of this person you had never even known?  
“What did you do with her?” you asked.
“I wrapped her up in the comforter and walked her down the hill; I flipped the mattress over and I came and got you and Tommy,” he explained.
“Joel!” you shrieked.  
“What was I supposed to do?”
“We have to bury her,” you said.  “She left all of this for us; it’s the least we can do.”
You hardly considered yourself a Christian anymore, but still.  It didn’t sit right with you to leave your predecessor out in the open to be scavenged by wild animals.
“Fine,” Joel growled.  “We’ll take care of it, first thing tomorrow.  Go back to bed–you need to rest.”
True to his word, in the morning, Joel dug a modest grave.  You thought about looking at the remains before they were interred, but couldn’t bring yourself to unfold the threadbare fabric of the old quilt.  You covered the mound with river rocks.  Tommy whittled two dowels down and bound them with twine to make a cross.    
“You don’t know that she was Christian,” Joel protested.  You glared.  
“Would you like to say a few words?”
“I think I just want to say ‘thank you,’” you said, standing over the grave with a bouquet of Black-eyed Susans from the field behind the house.  “I know you don’t know us, but because you planted a garden we get to eat and have a safe place to sleep. And I just want you to know, we’ll take care of your home.”
After the funeral, it felt like a spell had been broken.  You were sleeping through the night and your appetite returned.  By the end of the week, you were feeling much stronger, so when Tommy finally brought home a deer, he and Joel showed you how to field dress and butcher it. 
Joel put the knife in your hand, standing behind you, guiding you through the motions.  
“Keep the point away from you and go slow,” he warned.  “Be gentle, you just want to go through the skin.  Puncture the stomach or intestines and all you’re gonna have is a fucking mess.”
You made it through the first layer of skin and the membrane beneath without too much difficulty.  Without the heart beating, there was less blood than you expected.
“This is a fat fucking deer,” Joel laughed, helping you scoop out the guts.  “Hell yeah,” Tommy agreed.
“She’s beautiful.”
You ran your fingers through the coarse fur, around the rose-like bloom where Tommy’s bullet had entered the deer’s shoulder and struck her heart.  Tommy knew what he was doing: a clean kill, quick, and as close to painless as it got.  You wondered where they had learned this; imagined that maybe they had gone on hunting trips with their father when they were young.
“You alright?” Joel asked.  “You look pale.”
You nodded, shaking off the wave of sickness.  
“I’m okay,” you said.  “What next?” 
“Reach inside,” Joel said, guiding your hands into the stomach cavity.  “Feel that muscle there, you’re going to cut through to get to the heart and esophagus.  Once you cut through that we can pull everything out to let it drain.”
“You’re a natural,” Tommy said, patting your back encouragingly.
“Takes a soft touch,” Joel agreed.  
Tommy took the deer to drain the rest of the blood.
With no refrigeration, the three of you realized you didn’t have a reliable way to preserve the meat; it was going to be much more than you could eat before it went bad.  Joel thought if he took the pelt and the extra meat to the Richmond QZ, he could trade for medicine or other supplies.  You didn’t like the idea of him out there alone, but neither he nor Tommy were willing to leave you alone.  
By day three with no sign of Joel, you started to panic.  Tommy put on a brave face, but you could tell he was just as worried as you were.  When reading could no longer keep your anxiety at bay you walked, exploring the forest.  You collected black walnuts and happened upon a strawberry patch up the hill from the cabin (though it was too late in the season now for strawberries), you even found chicken of the woods.  Tommy refused to touch it, convinced you were going to poison him.  
It was close to sunset on the fourth day when you finally caught sight of a figure with Joel’s approximate proportions and coloring, limping along from the rocks overlooking the old gravel road.    
“Joel!” you called out, scrambling down the hill.  “Joel.”  
“You had us scared half to death,” you said, throwing your arms around him.
“M’alright,” he said, relaxing into you.  “Twisted my damn ankle.  I’m sorry I scared you; I’ve just been moving slow.”     
Joel let you take his pack, and you ducked under his arm to support him on the path back up to the cabin.  Once you were within earshot you called out for Tommy and he helped you get Joel back up to the house and settled onto the bed with pillows under his bad ankle.  
“You got any Advil in here?” Tommy asked, rooting through Joel’s pack as you struggled to get his boot off his swollen foot.  There was a hint of bruising, but Joel could wiggle his toes.  It didn’t rule out a fracture, but if there were, hopefully it was small enough to heal on its own.  
“I wish,” Joel grimaced.  “Managed to find a new pressure switch for the jet pump, though.”
While Joel and Tommy went over their plans to get the well back in order, you sorted through your jars of dried herbs and spices, mashing up comfrey and wild garlic to warm on the stove with a few drops of oil from the pantry.  
“What the hell is that?” Joel said as you went to wrap his ankle with the paste.
“An herbal poultice,” you said.  “I learned how to make it from one of the books–been using it on cuts and scrapes.  Arnica’s better for a twisted ankle, but it doesn’t grow wild in this part of the country.” 
“I’d rather have some good old fashioned ice,” Joel complained, gritting his teeth as you tightened the bandages.
“Well we don’t have ice, now do we,” you snapped, tying off the bandages a little tighter than you needed to.  “So you’re just going to have to keep off it.  Now, are you hungry?  We’ve got fish.”
“Yes.”  Joel frowned; you knew he hated being laid up, but at this point there was nothing else you could do until his ankle had a chance to heal.  Thank heavens, it wasn’t worse. 
“I’ll put a plate on the stove for you,” you said.  “You have to rest.  The well can wait a few days more.”  
It was dark by the time Joel had eaten and dinner had been cleaned up; you changed into a flannel nightgown by candlelight.  You hadn’t even realized how scared you had been until you felt the relief washing over you as you climbed into bed beside him.
“I missed you,” you said, tucking yourself close to his side.  “It gets cold at night.”
Joel put his arm around you and kissed the top of your head.  You realized he must have been scared, too.  Or at least he was glad to be home, as much as he liked to complain.
“I even asked Tommy if he would come down to keep me warm,” you teased.  
“You did?” Joel chuckled.  “How did that go?”
You laughed.  “He gave me his blanket and told me to go sleep by the stove.”
Baby's First Taglist: @stilllivindue2spite, @amethystwonders11, @teacupcollectorr, @jbaby2, @flyingmushroomsss, @boysddontcry, @cated18, @sunnycamm
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December 17th
Today's question is: Talk about customs for opening presents, either in the past or now.
One present gets opened on Christmas eve, then on Chrisrmas day, the pickle gets found and the gifts are opened in rotating order. The family gift (usually the biggest) is saved for last.
Today's song is "White Christmas" by Bing Crosby, John Scott Trotter and His Orchestra, and Ken Darby Singers!
( Listen to the whole list here!)
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monsterhighdiaries · 2 years
Neighthan Rot’s Profile
Parents: Since my dad's a zombie and my mom's a unicorn, I'm what I like to call...a zombicorn!
Age: 17
Killer Style: I like spike details to match my horn and bold, bright colors because they do a better job of camouflaging the results of my spills and clumsiness. Also, and I hope this doesn't come across as arrogaunt, but I think my mane and tail look pretty clawesome.
Freaky Flaw: There is no hiding the fact that I am just flat-out clumsy, and some days I think I could actually trip over the wind. If you need something dropped, spilled, or broken, I'm definitely your manster.
Pet: As clumsy as I am, I think the only pet I'd trust myself with is a mastodon, and I hear they take up a lot of room.
Favorite Activity: I like hanging out with my beast friends. I know that doesn't sound adventurous or exciting, although it can be, but I'm a social monster, and it's what I like to do.
Biggest Pet Peeve: When monsters make judgments about other monsters based only on what a monster looks like. It's not fright, and I don't like it.
Favorite Subject: Monster Psychology. It's frightening how much you can learn about a subject if you love it. I want to help monsters heal on the inside. The wounds that take the longest to heal are often the ones we can't see.
Least Favorite Subject: Dance. I wish I had two left feet, I think it would improve my coordination.
Favorite Color: Primarily Red, Yellow, Blue
Favorite Food: Fried pickles and brain puffs--not at the same time because that would be nasty.
BFF's: Avea Trotter, Bonita Femur and Sirena Von Boo
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greedyapron · 3 months
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2/3/2024 - Dinner
📍 Good Luck BBQ 上上签四川小酒馆, Chinatown
🥚🌶 Century egg with chili - the chili also has a nice smokey taste. IT"S SO GOOD. Century egg itself was alright but the chili was WHOOTS.
🐷🥣 Pig trotter soup - its thick and creamy, very collagen-y
🐷 Fried Intestines - very crispy and very fatty
🍡 Skewers - most of the skewers were on point (esp chicken skin!) , apart from the enoki beef which was too oily.
🥂 Really good yuzu wine!!!
🐟 Suan La Fish - not bad, fish is smooth and huge portion too.
Bing fen dessert - it's not bad. Jelly has a break in your mouth texture instead of springy. Topped with pumpkin seeds, raisins, some mochi balls and haw flakes
Mochi balls with black sesame filling - it's quite good actually!!
🐓 Chicken feet - it's sort of pickled? Not even sure what we ordered but it's not what I was expecting
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megantga · 6 months
Wednesday 6th December 2023
Naming my pie & research
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Victorian street food and what did they sell?
The Victorian’s was also Fast Food eaters but their Fast Food was not the same as our Fast Food, most street food contained:
hot eels, pickled whelks, sheep's trotters, ham sandwiches, peas'-soup, hot green peas, penny pies, plum 'duff,' meat-puddings, baked potatoes, spice-cakes, muffins and crumpets, Chelsea buns, sweetmeats.
Hot Eels sounds very gross
Eel pies
The pies began life as eel pies, but over time the pies were made with minced beef and onion; mashed potatoes speak for themselves; and the liquor is the special part. It is made from an eel gravy and is heavily flavoured parsley sauce. You must put on liberal amounts of salt, vinegar and pepper or chili on there too.
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Street foods around the world
Taco El Pastor
Taco stalls are iconic and populate the side streets and markets of every Mexican town serving delicious soft corn tacos with a distinctive flavour. Tacos al Pastor are made from pork marinated in achiote, guajillo and pasilla chillies with pineapple juice and oregano
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Old Tiong Bahru Bah Kut Teh
After exhausting all places to eat on a particularly busy weekend lunchtime, our Singapore relatives finally got down to taking us here instead, in Old Tiong Bahru Bah Kut Teh
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Location: Within the Tiong Bahru streets, in Chinatown district
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Setting: Typical Chinese restaurant, with real China girls as workers there
Atmosphere: 8/10 (very hustle-bustle, good patronage, even though it's already late into lunch hour and people still go for here)
Design: 6.5/10 (standard design, could use a bit more wider space)
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Random shot of their wet wipes
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We're eating for four, so the bulk of the food here includes:
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Cha koi (oily breadsticks)
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Broiled tofu skins
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Broiled tofu strips
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Pickled veggies
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...and pig trotters
We ordered two kinds of bah kut teh, one with the innards (spare parts) and one with just the meat. Both of them are pretty similar, the only difference is that this is the first time we've seen bah kut teh served in white soup, because most of the time, the bah kut teh we ate were dark and black in colour due to the herbs, but looks like they cut out the herbs part
A pretty delicious place, but it might just be a little dear to the wallet because when our relatives paid for it, they got very little change back, so yeah, even eating in regular kopitiam would cost you an arm and a limb in Singapore... -_-;;
Overall rating:
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0 notes
perthfoodreview · 1 year
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INVITED // Our feast at @davidsmasterpotwa in Victoria Park. Menu on last two pics. Picked the “pork bone soup” and “golden pickled soup” options as I can’t do “mala” which is numbing spiciness. Also tried their vegan tomato soup base which was really nice. Soup bases were rich with depth and flavoursome. Love how there’s a lot of fresh meat options for the MaLaTang - especially love the coriander beef, braised pork trotters, and eel ball for the ingredients. Love the addition of crunchy chickpeas on top of the MaLaTang - this added crunch was delicious. For sides we had the yummy pork trotter soup, crispy prawn spring rolls (love the jicama filling that reminds me of the Nyonya ‘Jiu Hu Char’ dish) and jiggly steam egg. Also tried their special spicy duck blood with intestine - I washed off the mala bits and loved the intestine (soft and fresh). For desserts we had the fried pumpkin pie with red bean filling and glutinous donuts with brown sugar. This malatang franchise which is related to Wu Ming Hotpot will be opening this weekend with lots of promotions - 50% off the bill and free hotpot for the year for the first 25 customers in line - check out their Instagram page for more deets. Thanks so much Sean, Yen and the team for your hospitality and invitation. 🫶❤️ #Invited #DavidsMasterPot #MaLaTang #Perth #PerthMalaTang #PerthChinese #PerthFood #PerthFoodReview #PFR_Chinese #PFR_DavidsMasterPot (at Victoria Park, Western Australia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpAVnVWP60E/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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misspeppermint2003 · 1 year
Fact: In the first season Bob the Builder, he appeared in the episode "Travis Paints the Town", Spud was given an opportunity to getting up to mischief and then unhooked Travis's trailer with the line-marking machine and lies to Travis by saying Farmer Pickles needs him by the pond. Travis starts rushing out, not knowing the line-marking machine is hooked up to him, leaving white linedls on the road. Roley sees this and becomes frantic, and starts chasing down the tractor, along with Farmer Pickles taking a ride with him. Wendy is soon called by Farmer Pickles about the trouble, and calls Bob. Later, Spud is soon found out by Farmer Pickles, with the scarecrow admitting he is to blame, and is forced to clean up the white lines as punishment.
In the spin off "Bob the Builder: Project Build It", he moved with Spud, Scruffty and Travis to Sunflower Valley and in the episode "Spud's Straw Surprise", they lived in their new house Bob and the crew build from the blocks of hays. He opens and owns his own sunflower oil factory.
In "Bob the Builder: Ready, Steady, Build!", Farmer Pickles now lived in Fixham Harbour with Spud, Scruffty and Travis.
Farmer Pickles is a nearby farmer and a good friend of Bob who often helps out in his construction projects. He is the owner of Travis, Sumsy, Packer, Scruffty and Spud. He is a busy and kind farmer. He acts as a fatherly figure to Spud, and often tells him off for causing trouble. He cares for his machines.
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azahar · 1 year
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An absolutely gorgeous meal at @islaresnorte #bilbao with chef Julen @skoorp, somm Marco and FoH Irune. Wonderful team. I think l’m missing a couple of photos for which l blame Marco distracting me with so many fab wines 😅 (more on those later!). Just six months old @islaresnorte is a place to watch, and be sure to book well in advance because it’s a cosy spot, across from the Guggenheim. Cannot recommend it enough 💛 Aperitivos... Broth of Galiña de Mos with Espelette pepper Ascain duck tartlette and radishes in cider Pickled partridge, Cantabrian sea butter and truffle Pheasant pâté and oak molasses Macerated pigeon in sardine garüm Menu... Wild rabbit terrine with carrot marinade Celta Pork trotters in green sauce with kokotxa Toulouse beans Cod a la Urcelay Stewed wild boar and fried cachelos Sweet potato, hazelnut and chocolate nougat (photo MIA) #bilbaorestaurants #bilbaogetaway #azaharontour (at Islares) https://www.instagram.com/p/CoUypqcsuqi/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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yourjuhyunghan · 2 years
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2022.10.11. With mom at the garden. Today in the morning ate a meal with vegetable pancake and potato salad and cooked rice. Sister Sujung went to work. And ate buckwheat noodles with spicy sauce and trotter and pickled onion. In the afternoon did laundry. And served vegetables and pork and made jajang. Did dishwashing. And did winter clothes wool laundry. In the evening ate dinner with today’s menu jajang with cooked rice and kimchi. Listened to the radio hr-iNFO and the classical music on YouTube. Tomorrow will rest at home. Have a safe and good weekend.
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dolljunk · 4 months
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One of my very last customs in Australia was this Avea Trotter I gave Operetta legs to. Avea's torso was leftover from my Centaurette custom, and I wanted to keep Avea's torso as is because of her torso joint.
When I was frantically downsizing, I decided to combine the broken neck/missing arm Operetta legs with Avea Trotter's torso. I snipped away at Operetta's torso using Plastic Nips until the shapes more or less fit together, superglued them together, and then filled in the gaps with superglue and cornstarch.
If I were going out of my way to make this combination, I would have used a Jane Boolittle, but considering I just needed to combine two leftover parts that would not have their way to England otherwise.
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vanhoadoisongvn · 2 years
100 từ vựng tiếng Anh về Tết thông dụng, phổ biến nhất
Nguồn tham khảo (Source): https://vanhoadoisong.vn/100-tu-vung-tieng-anh-ve-tet-thong-dung-pho-bien-nhat-1368/
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Tết đến Xuân về với bao niềm nô nức hân hoan cùng những hình ảnh quen thuộc như bánh chưng bánh tét, cây mai cây đào, pháo hoa, lì xì,… Vậy bạn đã biết những điều quen thuộc ấy trong tiếng Anh là gì không nào? Bài viết này sẽ giúp các bạn biết thêm 100 từ vựng tiếng Anh về Tết thông dụng, phổ biến thường gặp. Cùng theo dõi bài viết nhé!
Từ vựng các món ăn ngày Tết
1. Boiled chicken: Gà luộc
2. Chung cake/ Vietnamese square sticky rice cake: Bánh Chưng
3. Dried bamboo shoots: Măng khô
4. Dried bamboo shoots soup: Canh măng khô
5. Jellied meat/ Frozen meat: Thịt đông
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Chung cake (Bánh chưng)
6. Lean pork paste/ Vietnamese sausage: Chả lụa/ Giò lụa
7. Meat soaked in Fish sauce: Thịt heo ngâm nước mắm
8. Pickled onion: Dưa hành/ Hành muối
9. Pickled small leeks: Củ kiệu
10. Pickled vegetables: Dưa muối
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Vietnamese Pickled Vegetables (Dưa món)
11. Pig trotters: Chân giò
12. Pork braised with Eggs: Thịt kho trứng
13. Salad: Gỏi/ Nộm
14. Sour meat pie: Nem chua
15. Spring roll: Chả giò/ Nem rán/ Gỏi cuốn
16. Steamed sticky rice: Món xôi
17. Sticky rice: Gạo nếp
18. Stuffed bitter melon soup: Canh khổ qua
29. Tet cake/ Vietnamese cylindrical sticky rice cake: Bánh Tét
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Vietnamese Traditional Tet Holiday Foods (Món ăn truyền thống Việt Nam dịp Tết)
Từ vựng về hoa quả, bánh mứt ngày Tết
1. Banana: Chuối
2. Cashew nut: Hạt điều
3. Coconut: Dừa
4. Custard apple: Quả na/ Mãng cầu
5. Dragon fruit: Thanh long
6. Dried candied fruits: Mứt trái cây
7. Fig: Trái sung
8. Five-fruit tray: Mâm ngũ quả
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Five-fruit tray (Mâm ngũ quả)
9. Mango: Xoài
10. Orange: Cam
11. Papaya: Đu đủ
12. Peach: Trái đào
13. Pear: Trái lê
14. Persimmon: Trái hồng
15. Pistachio: Hạt dẻ cười
16. Pomelo: Bưởi
17. Roasted sunflower seeds: Hạt hướng dương
18. Roasted pumpkin seeds: Hạt bí
19. Roasted watermelon seeds: Hạt dưa
20. Watermelon: Dưa hấu
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Candies, Dried Candied Fruits (Kẹo, mứt trái cây)
Từ vựng về các hình ảnh, sự vật, biểu tượng ngày Tết
1. Banquet: Bàn tiệc/cỗ Tết
2. Calligraphy: Thư pháp
3. Candy tray: khay đựng bánh kẹo
4. Carp: Cá chép
5. Firecrackers: Tràng pháo
6. Firework: Pháo hoa
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Firework (Pháo hoa)
7. First caller: Người xông đất
8. Flower market: Chợ hoa
9. Flower street: Đường hoa
10. Kitchen god: Táo Quân
11. Lion dance: Múa lân
12. Lucky money: Tiền mừng tuổi
13. Neu pole/ Lunar New Year pole: Cây nêu
14. Pagoda: Chùa
15. Parallel sentences: Câu đối
16. Red envelope/ Red packet: Bao lì xì
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Red envelope (Bao lì xì)
17. Reunion: Sự đoàn tụ, sum họp, đoàn viên
18. Swallow bird: Chim én
19. Taboo: Điều kiêng kị
20. Toast: Chén rượu mừng
21. Traditional festivals: Lễ hội truyền thống
22. New year wish: Lời chúc Tết
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Traditional Festival
Từ vựng về hoa Tết
1. Apricot blossom: Hoa Mai
2. Chrysanthemum: Cúc đại đóa (Cúc mâm xôi)
3. Kumquat tree: Cây Quất (Tắc)
4. Lotus: Hoa Sen
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Apricot blossom (Hoa Mai)
5. Marigold: Cúc vạn thọ
6. Orchid: Hoa Lan
7. Paperwhite flower: Hoa thủy tiên
8. Peach blossom: Hoa đào
9. Sunflower: Hoa hướng dương
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Peach blossom (Hoa đào)
Từ vựng về mốc thời gian/ Khoảnh khắc quan trọng của Tết
1. Before New Year’s Eve: Tất niên
2. Countdown: Đếm ngược (đón giao thừa)
3. Lunar calendar: Âm lịch
4. Lunar New Year: Tết Nguyên đán
5. New Year’s Eve: Giao thừa
6. The New Year: Tân niên
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Happy New Year 2021
Từ vựng về những phong tục, tập quán, hoạt động ngày Tết
1. Ancestor worship: Thờ cúng tổ tiên
2. Decorate the house: Trang trí nhà cửa
3. Dress up: Ăn diện
4. Exchange New Year’s wishes: Chúc tết
5. First footing: Xông đất
6. Give red envelope: Mừng tuổi/ Lì xì
7. Go to pagoda to pray for something: Đi chùa cầu nguyện…
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Go to pagoda to pray for something (Đi chùa cầu nguyện…)
8. Go to flower market: Đi chợ hoa
9. House cleaning: Dọn dẹp nhà cửa
10. Reuniting family/ Family reunion: Đoàn tụ với gia đình
11. Sweep the floor: Quét nhà
12. Visit relatives and friends: Đi thăm họ hàng bạn bè
13. Watch firework: Ngắm pháo hoa
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Visit relatives and friends (Đi thăm họ hàng, bạn bè)
Những từ vựng thường dùng để chúc Tết
1. Fortune: Vận may
2. Fun/ Joy: Niềm vui
3. Health: Sức khỏe
4. Happiness: Sự hạnh phúc
5. Luck: Điều may mắn
6. Peace: Sự bình an
7. Prosperity/ Wealth: Sự thịnh vượng, phát đạt
8. Success: Sự thành công
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Chúc mừng năm mới Tân Sửu 2021
Bài viết vừa giới thiệu đến bạn 100 từ vựng tiếng Anh về Tết thông dụng, phổ biến. Hy vọng với bài viết này sẽ giúp bạn trau dồi thêm được vốn từ vựng tiếng Anh của mình. Chúc bạn một năm mới thật nhiều sức khỏe, ngập tràn niềm vui và hạnh phúc!
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beensaputra · 2 years
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$21.99 Only! ~ Big John's Pickled Pigs Feet. 3 Pouches..TROTTERS Brand. Cooked Ready To Eat, Best Deli Meat, Pre Packaged Meat, E001 BUY HERE!
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jim-webster · 3 years
All the time in the world
All the time in the world
Over the years I’ve travelled more widely than many of my fellow citizens of Port Naain. Some of this is perhaps due to my romantic nature, my love of the new vista, new people, new customs. Rather more of it is probably due to the cantankerous nature of some of my fellows. Off the cuff, I produced a short verse about Boggis Callow, who irritated me immensely for reasons I can no longer…
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lady-o-ren · 2 years
My Dearest Disaster
// Jamie Fraser finally meets the girl of his dreams … too bad anytime he gets near her disaster strikes and he ends up in the hospital //
Chapter One // Chapter Two // Chapter Three ao3 link (HERE)
Chapter Three
It's late November now in Edinburgh. The sky is thick with wooly gray clouds and the air carries the prickly promise of a winter chill.
Jamie's been spending the day with his sister as her own personal pack mule, shopping for the bairn to be. She's seven months along now and looks like she's carrying around a watermelon beneath her gray coat. An observation he thoughtlessly (stupidly!) shares with her and why he's now walking with a limp.
Big bellied she may be but Jenny was quick as a cat with nails twice as sharp and killer aim too.
Though at the moment she's sweeter than the hot cider she's sipping on, cheeks round and flushed as holly, but her eyes are searching every shop she passes, with a loving hand on her protruding belly.
“Hungry?” Jamie asks, with a helpful hand of support against her back as they walk up an incline. Jenny gives him a grateful smile.
"Always. The bairn has me eating everything from pickled pig trotters to curly wurlys. Sometimes I even get a hankering to eat them together.”
She nods, chuckling at Jamie's grossed out expression, and tosses her empty cup into a street side bin.
"Ian has the same look whenever he catches me eating the trotters straight from the jar and sipping the brine. Says I'm marinating puir wee Jamie."
The elder Jamie shivers.
"Ye're giving birth to a monster, Jen. Ye ken that right?"
"I've been wondering the verra same," she says, rather untroubled, while rubbing her belly with glowing affection. "I asked Mam if she had any filthy cravings wi' us. She said nothing strange wi' me, just a strong need for crisps every hour of the day, but wi' you . . .
Jenny then goes on and on about what terrors Jamie inflicted on their poor mother's digestion and how she still gets a sick hankering for cold haggis with ketchup before stopping mid-sentence.
“Oh, did mam tell ye what her auld goat is doing?”
“Auld goat?”
“Murtagh, ye big numpty! Mam says he's been tinkering in his shed trying to make something special for the bairn.”
“Does she ken what?” Jamie smiles, imagining his grouch of a godfather covered head to toe in pastel paints, hammering away at something wee for the child.
Jenny shakes her head, hands diving into her pockets when a cool wind skirts over her.
“If she does she won't tell me. Only that he's good wi’ his hands so expect something bloody spectacular.”
“Aye, he's been a great help around Lallybroch lately. Loves it as much as we and mam do.”
Jenny stops walking and cocks her head to one side, keenly scrutinizing her younger brother.
“Ye ken I've always regretted putting ye in my pram when we were bairns, Jamie. Never did I think ye'd bounce right out to the pavement heid first. Now here we are and ye’re still no better than a half-wit. ”
Jamie narrows his eyes at her.
“What are ye on about, Jenny?”
She snorts. “Ye ken ye’re just proving my point. Now come here and let me see if ye've still got that massive dent in yer skull.”
Jenny then tugs him by the lapel of his jacket down to her level (though she still has to tiptoe to reach him).
"Be still, Ruadh!"
“Ye wee flea! I haven'a got anything wrong wi' m’heid!” protests Jamie, as he squirms beneath his sister's surprisingly iron-strong grasp as passerbys give the Fraser siblings odd looks. Something they both are accustomed to and have long stopped caring about.
“Ha! I was right!” She grins, ruffling his ginger locks before letting him loose. “Still flatter than a bannock and hard as a damn rock.”
“And ye’re still the wee she-devil I've always kent ye for,” he growls, trying to smooth his hair one handed while balancing her bags with his other.
Jenny throws her head back and cackles like the wicked thing she is and locks her arm around Jamie's.
"Til my last breath, m'lad."
As they walk, the street lights begin to flicker on like fireflies, reflecting their dewy glare in the windows of the shops they pass. One in particular catches Jenny's eye that the bairn kicks their feet too.
“That's it!” Jenny points with the excitement of a child.
Jamie eyes the restaurant up ahead warily.
“Drowning my wee namesake in chilis now?”
She snorts. “I'll spoil my bairn however I like, especially when their uncle is paying. Now come on before I get a taste for trotters again and drown ye in the brine.”
Jenny skips on ahead with a surprising light foot, long straight hair flying behind her, and all Jamie can do is puff his cheeks out with a sigh as he follows her.
It's not that he didn't like Thai food. He loved it. But just smelling the basil spiced aroma waft under his nose was enough to remind him of that one dinner where he flirted with disaster.
He could even feel his tongue start to swell.
In fact . . .
Jamie began to feel a familiar warning itch across the back of his neck spreading like a rash and frantically looked every which way knowing what that meant.
Who was drawing near.
But he needn't look far.
There, walking out of the restaurant, was Claire Beauchamp.
"Shite," chokes Jamie, and grabs his sister's arm, steering her away. "Let's go somewhere else, Jen. Anywhere else. Wherever yer wretched heart pleases. Just -"
Jenny plants her feet and twists her wrist, yanking Jamie to a stop.
"I'm not going anywhere until ye tell me what's got into ye."
Jamie's eyes dash over her head where Claire for the moment is too distracted to notice him as she waves goodbye to the friends she'd been dining with.
Jenny follows his gaze and instantly puts it together.
"Oh, that's her, isn't it? The sassenach."
"Aye. Now unless ye want to see me splayed on the street with my skull cracked open, ye'll take pity on yer only brother and start moving yer big yeti feet."
Hearing the desperate pleading in Jamie's voice, Jenny for once does as she's told (taking note to kick her brother black and blue with her" big yeti feet" later). "A'right, bràthair. Let's get a move on."
They cross the street but Jamie in his hurry drops a wee fluffy lamb from one of the bags he carries and wouldn't have noticed if it weren't for a curly haired lass calling for his attention.
He turns around and feels his heart cease to beat, not because of who he sees but because of the car barreling down the street.
There's a flash of blinding headlights and scraping tires.
A whirlwind of curls and gaelic shouts as Jamie throws himself over the lass he always knew would be his wreck and doom.
And then the world goes black.
Please keep in mind this is meant to be easy breezy reading (and writing). I'm not about the details in this fic. This was really just written on a whim.
*Eye of the Thai-Ger is a real restaurant somewhere but I borrowed it since I'm bad at puns. I also thought it was a great name considering our leonine eyed lass was walking out of it.
*The marinating your insides line is what my Grams told my mom when she was little when she caught her drinking pickle juice straight from the jar as a kid lol (I also have accidently eaten one! it looked like a funyun!!)
*I got a few questions last time about Murtaugh and Ellen and it was just something that happened. When I was writing the last chapter Jenny just kept talking and out it came and I kept it for Jamie's reaction really. But it does make me feel awful for Brian. Unless Jenny is making something out of nothing . . .
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