#fandom questions
misspeppermint2003 · 21 days
⭐️ Weekly Fandom Vote (Round 5) ⭐️
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autismohead · 2 months
Are you homestuck trash?? Take this survey today! I wanted to see what the most common and uncommon classpects are, as well as what ways people decided on their classpects. I’m gonna post the results after I get enough responses. THANK UUUUUUU!!
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capnko · 5 months
This question has been on my mind a while now.
Would you have liked your favourite actor's performances as much if you hadn't fallen in love with your favourite character?
(Note that English isn't my native language - please tell me if I didn't formulate the question right!)
I, like most people, have favourite actors. They became my favourite actors by bringing my favourite characters to life.
Take Michael Sheen for example. I'll admit that I'd never heard of him until I watched good omens. I fell instantly fell in love with Aziraphale when I first read the book, and was ecstatic when I started the show. Michael Sheen did an incredible job, his performance made me love the angel even more than I did before, which I hadn't known was possible until it happened. The same thing counts for David Tennant's Crowley.
When I finished season 1, I watched every film and series with Michael and David as cast members that I could get my hands on. Takin' over the Asylum, Bright Young Things, The Good Fight, Mad to be Normal, Underworld, Bad Samaritan, Masters of Sex - the list goes on.
Here's the thing though.
Would I have enjoyed all these shows/films as much as I did, if I hadn't watched Good Omens first? If I had watched Prodigal Son before Good Omens, would I have gotten so excited when I saw Martin Whitly on screen? Or would he have been just another killer on a crime show?
Here are some other examples:
Would I have appreciated Mischa Collins' performance as Harvey Dent/TwoFace in Gotham Knights as much as I did if I hadn't fallen in love with Castiel in Supernatural? Would I have cared at all about Jensen Ackles' character Soldier Boy in The Boys if I hadn't cared for Dean Winchester? Would I have watched every comedy show, every film and series Rhys Darby acted in if I hadn't been obsessing over Our Flag Means Death, more specifically, Stede Bonnet?
Rhys Darby became my favourite comedian when I checked out his most recent special "Mystic Time Bird". It makes me uncomfortable to think about how I probably never would've laughed my ass off because of his jokes if I hadn't watched OFMD first.
Fucking hell, would I even find him as hilarious as I do if I wasn't absolutely gone for Stede?
I can't answer that question and it's really uncomfortable (at least for me) to think about.
There are all of these incredible characters that make so incredibly happy, all these actors that make me laugh, all these authors/writers who I'm so so grateful for.
And I'm not sure I would feel all these things if I hadn't stumbled upon them the way I had. If it hadn't happened in the order it had.
Does that make sense? I don't know if I'm just overthinking this or if I'm being overly emotional or something - I'm just, worried? I guess?
Idk man, thanks for listening (well, reading) to me rant ig. Have a nice day/evening/night!
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skyedom · 2 months
What is that one specific character that you 100% claim as yours?
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fights4users · 6 months
What are some good computing terms to incorporate into Tron works? There’s a lot that influences the language and objects of canon and game works, however there’s still more out there. Stuff that’d be good for both program biology, general speak and world building. I don’t know a thing about programming or computers in general so if you have some good terms and computer related stuff you use in works, want to be used or think would be neat to start using please Lemme know!
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thatonebirdwrites · 11 days
Fandom creators tag game
1. What sort of content do you create, and what is the thing you’ve made that you’re most proud of?
I write stories. Usually original science fiction, but in the past two years, I've branched into fanfiction. I also create art and music.
I'm damn proud of my rewrite of Book 2 of Legend of Korra in my Shared Moments series.
I wish I could find a publisher for my original fiction; then I could share what I'm most proud of but alas. The publishing market is incredibly hard to get into and I don't have the health to self-publish, so we'll go with the Korrasami tales for now. For art, I'm damn proud of this piece I did of Lena.
2. What fandom(s) do you create for?
Korrasami from Legend of Korra.
Supercorp from CW's Supergirl
Rojarias from CW's Supergirl.
3. What is your current favourite ship (or brotp if you prefer), and how controversial is it?
Korrasami. Not controversial much at all. (As a side note, Supercorp feels like an angstier Korrasami. Might be why I like that ship equally well. Supercorp doesn't seem controversial?)
4. For your answer to question 3, are they canon?
Yes, Korrasami is canon. (Supercorp isn't necessarily canon, but there's so much evidence of it in the show that it might as well be.)
5. What was your first fandom, and how old were you?
First fandom I created something for? Or first fandom where I dived into and read everything I could? Because if it's read everything I could, then it's Star Wars before Disney threw out the old Canon (still salty about that). I'd have been pretty young -- still a kid when I was devouring all the Star Wars books. I didn't have any favorite ship though while I did this.
For something I created, Korrasami was the first one I wanted to create art and writing for to be honest. That was three years ago when I started writing Korrasami.
6. What is your most unhinged fandom creation to date?
Oh, that's a Supercorp one. I was inspired by a weird camera glitch, and wrote an unhinged horror set after season 6. The first part of it is in tumblr. I have yet to publish to AO3 mostly because I want to finish more of it before I do. Sort of loosely based on Lovecraft's Color out of Space.
7. Do you remember what started you off creating fandom content, and if so, what was it?
Three years ago I first started drawing and writing Korrasami. Then I branched out into Supercorp.
8. Do you let people you know in real life see your fandom creations?
Only my trusted friends and siblings.
9. How do you feel about fanworks of fanworks? Has anyone ever made something based on a thing you made?
If anyone did, they have never shared it with me. I would love to see it, and I'd treasure it always!
Though if I'm being honest. I doubt I'll ever get fanworks. Why would anyone go to that much trouble for something I wrote? I doubt anything I write is worth that much.
10. What feeling do you most often try to evoke with your creations?
I want to show possible healing journeys that aren't the most painful angstfest known to humanity. I want people to feel the journey too, to capture the world within the character's senses so that their tale feels real.
Whether I achieve this, I have no idea. Some people have written very kind comments stating that I have, and I am delighted by those comments.
11. Has someone ever paid your work a compliment (in any form) that has stuck with you, and what was it?
Two people have said I made a place feel alive through the storytelling and worldbuilding I did. That compliment haunts me in all the best ways, and I have done my best to try to keep that tradition going.
12. What’s your favourite thing someone else has made that you’ve seen in the last 24 hours (and link it if you can find it again!)
It was a Supercorp art piece, but after searching, I can't seem to find it again. It was Lena leaning backwards into Kara's arms, while Kara gently holds her. Colored piece, digitally drawn I think. They look almost like they were swaying back and forth.
13. Give a small sneak preview of something you’re working on right now (eg a couple of sentences of fic from a WIP, a gif set theme, a small piece of a larger picture, whatever you feel happy to share)
Korra looked at their entangled hands. “Yeah, yeah, it’s just some stitching.”
“And yet, that ‘some stitching’ made something wonderful.” Asami was determined to remind Korra of what she could do. It’d been her mantra for the past six months. She wanted Korra to regain her confidence, but it'd been difficult. Thanks to Asami's foolishness they'd both backslid.
Korra had called it Asami’s paranoia.
Maybe they were both right.
Lena rises before dawn, prepares her corporate armor, and heads to her full-time job as CEO of L-Corp. Today’s agenda includes four meetings, one of them with the board, an hour of lab time, a brief lunch, and a visit to Florence in late afternoon.
It’s the visit with Florence that troubles her the most. The exposure to the strange artifact gave her unsettling dreams, and she woke in a cold sweat after a particularly gruesome one. In that one, she’d had no control over her body, only watched in horror as another person used her abilities to harm all she loved.
Kara had woken too, and her gentle reassurances had helped Lena fall back asleep, this time with no dreams.
Diving into work to escape the nightmares is how she copes. Perhaps not the healthiest, but undoing all her bad coping mechanisms will take far longer than just admitting they exist.
Tomorrow morning? Sam reeled from the news. That gave her very little time to pack and prepare Ruby for Sam being gone a week or two.
Yet here she was again, unable to say no. Especially not when two beautiful women were looking at her expectantly.
Damn, Sam was too gay for this. “All right. Tomorrow it is.”
14. Have you ever seen/read anything made by the person who tagged you? If so, what was it and what was your favourite thing about it? (pick a favourite if there are several)
Yes, I have. I'm not entirely sure what exactly they published on AO3 however. I found the tiny Kara piece absolutely hilarious.
15. Do you leave comments on fandom works, and if so how would you describe your comment style?
I do leave comments, yes. I share my enjoyment of the piece, sections that really stood out to me, and/or an overall feeling I got from the piece. I'm trying to be more consistent about it since I know how much comments mean to me as a writer, and I know other writers enjoy them too!
16. How many works in progress do you currently have? Will you finish them all?
Original fiction: (on hiatus but I do plan on finishing) 3
Korrasami: 2 (plan on finishing them, yes).
Supercorp: 3 (yes, plan on finishing them.)
Rojarias: 1 (yes, I need to get on this as it's due next month actually).
Art for Supercorp: 1 (I also need to work on finishing this before the due date next month. I got the rough sketch and need to run it by the author to make sure it's what they want, before I go to town inking it).
17. what’s the longest it’s ever taken you to finish a fandom project?
Shared Moments: Books 1 through 3 (the finished ones) took me a year. A million words no less. Whew. I'm working on Book 3.5 now. I tend toward longer works, which takes a few months to complete.
My shorter fiction (the ficlets) take less than an hour usually.
For art, it takes me one to three weeks.
18. Describe the thing you made most recently in a way that is technically true, but also completely misleading. Link the thing if it’s published!
These paralleled kisses shake their world. (A chapter for Unraveling Realities)
19. Do you ever engage with fanworks for a fandom you’re not in? Which one(s) and how did you get into it?
I'm not really sure what counts as being "in" a fandom or not. If I enjoy something, I'll engage with it, but does the engagement mean I'm "in" the fandom now? Or do I have to create something and talk with others in the fandom to be considered "in?" How does this work?
20. Recommend a fan work from your fandom to your followers
I absolutely adore Make this your home by pcrtifacts so much I even made fanart for it. It's not finished, but it's regularly updated and so, so good.
Suggested tag list, but there are no rules here, follow your heart.
A mutual you have never actually spoken to but think seems cool -- All my mutuals are really cool! And I'd love to read more of their stuff. Thanks all of you for sharing your stuff!!
The most recent person whose content you engaged with (eg read a fic, reblogged art, whatever form you feel best fits) -- I'm not sure? Maybe the person I reblogged this from?
Someone whose content you saw via tags/reblogs and you followed them because of it @luthordamnvers (I honestly love the indepth knowledge of the show nic has, how willing to share that knowledge, nic's kindness, the fics they write. Honestly, all around wonderful person.)
Someone in your fandom that you think makes cool things @ekingston (Shape of Soup being my favorite plus the art is amazing.)
Someone in a different fandom that you think makes cool things (this is hard. I really only seem to follow or find Korrasami, Supercorp, and on rarer occasions Rojarias or Dansen. There's some Star Wars folks that do fun things, but I can't remember their usernames tho.)
Someone you always tag on things like this @nottawriter
Someone you have never tagged before (I can't remember who I tagged before, so I guess whoever wants to play this game?)
Someone you would like to get to know better @pcrtifacts (love, love their make this place your home fic. And chatting in comments with pcrtifacts has been lovely.)
Someone who makes art you like -- @snazzy-korra (honestly, she's an all around amazing person, and Iove all her art and chatting with her. So grateful for our chats too.)
Someone who writes fics you like: @fazedlight (I seriously love everything mel writes. It's all so damn good. I even wrote a fanfic continuation of a piece I really liked of mel's ficlets. First and only time I've ever done that.)
I suspect some of these people have been tagged multiple times. My apologies if so. But I did want y'all to know how you're appreciated and how much I enjoy your content too. :)
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soodoonimin · 10 months
So I am kinda curious. I’ve been reading the homecoming series, land before crime, all the way through to Venom Rex and in the comics it seems Symby is very fond of Flash (as mush if not more than they are of Eddie) so why does the fandom not like that ship as much? Or am I just imagining things? Lol
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ursulanoodles · 5 months
For your favorite chicken man Shane, let's go with #6 and #12 🐔🐔🐔
Okey dokey artichokie, let's do this.
6. What's something you have in common with this character?
Secret Note #7: "Shane is messy and anti-social. But I think his gruff exterior is a defense mechanism, insulating his softness from the world."
Hi. It's me. I have far more in common with this sad chicken man than I'm willing to admit, but making myself cold and unapproachable is my number one defense mechanism to insulate myself from others. Being open and vulnerable is fucking scary, especially when you're easily hurt by others.
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
This is something a lot of people would probably disagree with, but I think Shane loves cooking and baking, and he's pretty good at it too. He doesn't do it very often because he's too busy working to death and drowning his sorrows, but if he's in a good mood and having a good day, I think there is nothing he loves more than baking cookies with Jas and Marnie. 🥺
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misspeppermint2003 · 7 months
⭐ Friday Vote Battle (Round 14) ⭐
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otakufimi · 7 months
so, I fell down the rabit hole that is the marauders fandom and I hva some questions:
I know that we all ignore CANON in this fandom, but some headcanons had to have an origin, no? So, the prank, did we just imagined this extremely andsty thing or is there some canon in this?
Also, as a fandom did we all agreed that Evan Rosier is blond? (I'm kinda beeen obsessing about him this past days, so I wanna know more headcanons that you have, so please tell meee)
Also, are Pandora and Evan siblings or...?
You can comment answers, questions or anything really...
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I have a question for the TGCF fandom, since I'm pretty new to it.
So, as I understand, Hua Cheng died as a teen, pretending to be old enough to be a soldier and getting away with it bc he was tall for his age.
Now, the timeline is a bit confusing, but let's say that war did last a couple of years. So Hua Cheng would have been 15-16 at most when he shuffled off the mortal coil.
Then how come his "true" form as a ghost looks around 20??? How did he continue growing despite being, you know, dead? Am I missing something?
Is it ever explained or is it just For Plot Reasons™️?
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madsworld15 · 19 days
K and M <3
K - What character has your favorite development arc/the best development arc?
I will always say Mickey Milkovich on Shameless. He went from asshole/closeted thug who spoke through violence to a man who’s gentle and kind and happy to stand in front of everyone and marry the man he loves. The way he grew to accept and love himself to the point where he could love and support the man he loved in his struggles with mental illness was just *chefs kiss*
Also, I wrote a whole ass article about him that’s how much I love him.
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M - Name a character that you’d like to have for a friend.
This is actually a 3-way answer that I can’t break down any further. I would want Stiles Stilinski (Teen Wolf), Lucius Spriggs (Our Flag Means Death), and Emmett Honeycutt (Queer as Folk)
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theautisticcentre · 1 year
Which Owl House character do you think gets the most undeserved hate (and why is it Camila Noceda)?
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rey-jake-therapist · 30 days
Fannibals, I have an idea for a Hannibal pre-Will fic (2-3 years before, when he was active at the Chesapeake Reaper), and I'm curious about how the fandom feels about a certain subject:
Feel free to give other answers in the comments if you wish to! At the end of the day it won't stop me from writing this story if the inspiration keeps coming so please don't shy away from saying what you think :)
(please ignore the typos in the poll question, when I write fics I generally do better than that!)
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fights4users · 7 months
Ever sit and think about the time difference and how “Program-cycles” is essentially “Dog-years”? How someone could be thousands of cycles old, maybe more and that translates to like five years old in our time- that’s a exaggeration but you know what I mean.
Even more considering how they have a loose grasp on how our time works considering computers do have a clock/date system. Our time moves slowly and we essentially live forever in their eyes, it’s interesting.
Prime example- Clu would be thousands of cycles old but is only 27. Same age as Sam. Same age as a young someone so many years ago…
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xeniiye · 3 months
Alr so question the SheZow fandom ks very small in the US but in Latin America its small but bigger and question how did SheZow x Randy Cunningham happen idk if it was a weird phenomena or started as a joke but git more serious idk im genuinely curious since i wanna be part of a fandom of I show I’ve lived for a lil over a decade now
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