groppi-gc · 2 years
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Nachdem ich den Tag heute am Rechner verbracht habe, hagelt es Entspannung vor dem Ofen mit einem #Bowmore12 und einer #PigBurner #Toro von @c.cigars #cigarrebellionsocietygermany #cigarafficionado #whisky #bullerjan #vrff #vrff_wdr (at Bad Honnef Am Rhein, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/CZUzzMJAE9u/?utm_medium=tumblr
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timelesslady · 6 years
I was tagged by @mirthfulrealist - thanks and happy to answer :)
rules: tag (nine) people you want to get to know better. Why *brackets* nine? Idk.
relationship status: single
favorite color: Was originally yellow; post 2005 = TARDIS Blue; more recently... soft blues... but I also have a growing fondness of black.
lipstick or chapstick: To be completely accurate, a homemade honey lipbalm a friend made me - its more hydrating, softening and longer lasting than any other balm I've tried, and I've been keeping that little tin going for years. I'm going to have to try and make some myself as I'm running out.
If it's got to be lipstick or chapstick though, lipstick. I don't wear make up often, but it can be fun.
last song: Garoun Yekav
Last movie: The Water Diviner - it was on TV the other night. As for last film in the cinema, that'd be Dunkirk. Twice.
Top three shows: In the past I might have said Doctor Who... but I don't watch it all the time like I used to. Similar would go for Sherlock. Hmmm... Midsummer Murders, Simpsons, and... oh, now that's hard... I'm suddenly remembering all those great comedies: M*A*S*H, Blackadder, Monty Python, Father Ted, Faulty Towers... Oh dear... It'd have to be a comedy, and likely a non-current one, but it's hard to put my finger on what.
Top three ships: Hard to say. I tend to get on with most canon ones. In just Discworld, or all fandoms? I'll go with Sam/Sybil, Carrot/Angua, and Moist/Adora, for Discworld ones at any rate. Not that I've read fsn works around them much in recent years. Beyond that...? I must admit, I read a lot of Hermione Granger/Severus Snape (*quickly ducks behind a table in case of things thrown* *mutters* Look, I can't help it... I went of wandering into fanfic with a certain relationship dynamic for inspiration/information, stumbled across them and got hooked. I know it's frowned on by some for various reasons - but the questions here, and at least I've the integrity to be honest. And actually there's quite a lot of post-hogwarts stuff out there, so age isn't always an issue, and it's nice to see two unusual intellectuals find empathy, at least, in someone similar, and for Snape's situation to not always be the cruel state it was in canon - that's sort of what fanfic's for, isn't it? reimagining and playing with ideas and seeing other potentials, and "righting the wrongs", as it were, that sometimes happen (as they should) in canon.). Hermione Granger/Sherlock Holmes is another interesting one. What can I say? Brainy's the new sexy - and brainy ships can be fun to read (And gods, I never expected to be typing that on such an open platform...).
Top three bands: Faun, Pink Floyd, and Fairport Convention... although I'm also giving an honourable mention to Vasen and Stellamara. Of course, by asking for bans that's sort of missing a whole load of music I love; were one to ask for artists, I'd have to name Mike Oldfield and Hans Zimmer. Even then, that misses a huge amount of the medieval and folk music I love, much of which is traditional and/or anonymous.
Three favorite foods: Pasta... Pastries... Bread... But oh fudge, I'm Gluten-sensitive, so scrap that - the replacements aren't quite the same. Ok, second attempt: Coleslaw (homemade is best!), Rice cakes with butter and jam (good alternative to bread, and healthier too), and... hmm... oh, I guess it has to be chocolate, or turkish delight, or marshmallows. I don't know. Hot Chocolate doesn't count as a food, does it? Though the way I'm making it with cacao and sugar and cocnut milk and water it tends to have a fair consistency... Oh, I know! Home made quinoa burgers!
Currently reading: not much. Need to more. DESPERATELY need to more. But most of my reading these past few months has been fanfiction, so changes quickly, or is for betaing. I am, however, listening to an audiobook of the Old Kingdom - and it's rather nice to revisit "real" literature, though I'm like a toad under a stone with fanfiction.
Oh gods, now the /really/ hard part. I hate tagging stuff, and almost pushing stuff under peoples noses - especially people I don't really know. But hey, here goes. If you're tagged, please don't feel any need to do this - it's just a bit of fun, because I think there is, in some, an innate urge to fill in questionnaires etc. It's probably egotism or something, lol. And sorry for any hassel...
I’m tagging: @rufuvus ; @alynnl ; @lilsherlockian1975 ; @persnicketyfics ; @big-cock-prince (because I haven't heard from you in a while - how are you doing); @dreamsinthyme (love the name, by the way, and you share some lovely pictures); ... ooh, I'm struggling even more now. I'd tag @mirthfulrealist - but you tagged me originally - and @sator-the-wanderess , but I see the MirthfulRealist beat me to it... ok... @pigburner and @burningbreadtheorist ... and fellow Discworld fan @tocxica
OK, is that enough? Eh... yeah, looks like it. hmmm... tumblr seems to have difficulty tagging some of those. *shrugs* I tried.
You know, I had no idea I had 15 followers 'til I just checked to get ideas of who just now. Thanks for following, and sorry for potentially dragging you into this.
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groppi-gc · 3 years
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Einkauf und 2/3 der Hausarbeit erledigt - jetzt erstmal Kaffee und Genuss! Habt ein schönes Wochenende! #PigBurning #CCigars #cigar #Zigarre #Kaffee #Milchkaffee #Wittlich #BadHonnef #Laubrollenzierde (at Bad Honnef Am Rhein, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/CK8qJRCA5oB/?igshid=zlvow8jgrbz8
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