#pikes cass’s notes are VERY neat and well organized but there was not a single empty spot on each page
caitlynmeow · 9 months
Modern AU:
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Alcina's daughters are going to inherit their mother's work and wealth so to them a lot of things are just, there. They were enrolled in the best schools when they were young, and when it was time for university it was clear what they are going to study because if you're going to run the centuries old family business its makes sense that you will be getting a business degree.
They don't really need a degree. They never have to worry about getting a job and it's more of a formality than an actual necessity. Alcina is a noblewoman with ancient wealth that keeps growing with the family business. Work and earning money aren't things the daughters even consider because this kind of thing is so out of their orbit. It's just who they are. They don't quite understand money because they never think about it. They just want things and it's all...there. Promptly.
Bela and Daniela did study business in university for those obvious reasons. Cassandra, however? This poor misguided soul always felt more comfortable around numbers and she decided to study something different.
While both of her sisters went for business majors, she decided to study applied mathematics because she's good with numbers and math was her favorite subject in school.
More specifically, Cassandra chose to study Applied Mathematics, and studying things like calculus based probability. Not the easiest of things to study, but Alcina would never stop her daughters from choosing their own path in academics.
It's always been like this. Daniela would complain about not understanding math, and having a hard time with homework, but she’d avoid going to Cassandra because her older sister gets mad at her very quickly because she doesn’t understand some very basic concepts (Daniela gets it, it’s just that Cass is so advanced with maths she can’t really communicate with her sister about it)
Because Cassandra is okay with calculus. She doesn’t even use a calculator for most problems because she can do these problems in her head and Dani is just like @__@ “Can you do this the normal way please?” And Cassandra is at her limit because why are you not getting it’s so easy????
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