icreativetech · 3 years
More and more business people come to us seeking improvement in their internal processes around Product Information Management Systems and to discover a way to provide steadier PIM in eCommerce to end customers. In this article, we’ll cover the following aspects related to PIM:
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Know Why A PIM Solution Is Important & Effective For Your Online Brand Strategy
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The latest stats prove that how nearly all ecommerce companies which handle online sales channels might add a PIM solution to their system in the coming years. Those companies do not imbibe PIM system will be at drawback in building multi-channel strategies, maintaining a loyal customer base and save time in adding advanced technologies and channels which are combating for their market share such as searches through voice controls, chatbots, augmented reality or virtual reality.
Adding product information management software to an ecommerce company is not just a remedy to previous practices, but a decision which can optimistically lay impact on the future challenges. A PIM system is the foundation of every contemporary and cutthroat online brand strategy, since it reinforces the sales channels positioning and makes sure that the users get a global amalgamation of online and offline user experience.
Let us see how ecommerce businesses must consider a PIM solution to boost their performance and why the biggest ecommerce companies across the globe cannot visualize their strategies without a PIM solution.
Understanding Why A PIM Solution Is Important & Effective For Your Online Brand Strategy:
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The key of success to the online brand managers- displaying a steady image across all the online sales channels, social media channels, printed corporate materials, communications and events and trade shows. Universally, a company’s brand’s representatives and products or services should be properly coordinated and illustrate standardized data. A PIM solution can strengthen these tasks, since it is the single resource of reality or the central database which makes sure that the product data is enhanced, complete and updated for all the channels and for everyone. Every individual from inside the ecommerce agency or third parties having the access to the company’s system will get the same information and they can create consistent messages and a powerful online brand image for each sales or marketing action.
·Integrated Social Media Marketing:
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Selling via social media channels is mandatory now for online brands. Facebook, Twitter or Instagram are quite appealing social media channels to gain sales and create a loyal customer base. Having a centralized product data database makes it handy to add new sales channels to an online brand strategy, together with new materials which are extremely relevant in those channels such as Meta description, images, videos, tutorials and a lot more.
·Omni-Channel Future:
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Online brands cannot survive now if they do not fight for extra space in different online markets and platforms. Customers now believe more and more in online sales, particularly in marketplaces and online brands require understanding how marketplaces work and discover a cost-effective approach to sell products in them without investing several resources and time. A product information management solution assists online businesses adding new online sales and all big or small marketplaces which online brands find fascinating for their development strategies. Customers can find your products quicker and jump flawlessly from one channel to another. Simply export the right data fields from the PIM software to a file which you can simply send to any marketplace. A couple of clicks and you are all set to become the next ecommerce industry king, since PIM system saves you editing time which an online brand can invest on evaluating the competition, dealing with the customer queries and build creative online marketing campaigns.
·It’s All About Customer Service:
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And individuals generally have many questions about the product catalogs, since they cannot find some data or they do not have the time to search it by themselves. Customer support should get the access to the same true database like the remaining departments of a company. It is up to them to make sure that the customers get right data and prompt answers, about the status of their order, the expected date for a product stock refill and if a specific product is available in their area or not. Just like warehouse employees require the PIM system to complete the right orders, the customer service team needs PIM system to retain their loyal customers and create a huge loyal customer base.
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While evaluating new markets, countries or digital channels, online brands should be sure that they work with accurate and error-free product data. That way it is extremely simple to send content to new digital channels and enhance it as the marketing team finds new SEO possibilities and adapts the data to new market’s requirements such as decoded data. Also PIM solution enable brands to customize product data more that is a hot demand amongst users, build more artistic descriptions, customized data to every channel and distinguish themselves from their competitors.
·Advance Insights:
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Having the best possible product data does not mean that it will never require improvements or transformations. Online audiences’ tastes and trends grow with the passing time, so every online brand should speedily respond and become accustomed with the product content to any newness or possibility. If one product data system gets centralized then, it will provide an opportunity to analyze the existing condition of product data with accurate analysis reports and helpful history feeds, since the best PIM software include workflows, activity and changes tracking to provide full control to managers. PIM insights enable you to observe the exact quality level on every product, category or digital channel and simply identify omissions and aspects which must be improved to optimize catalogs, websites or the online sales channels. Getting engaged with the consumers becomes simple with a PIM solution that delivers you quick access to valuable data regarding every channel performance.
So, are you all set to consider a PIM solution for your ecommerce business? If yes then, choose the best one wisely!
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questudio · 4 years
Challenges in E-Commerce and How PIM Helps Sort It Out
When you run an e-commerce website you know that it involves a whole lot of processes and channels. Trading your products using e-commerce technology involves emailing, social media, and Internet marketing, electronic fund transfer as well as inventory management. There are many challenges that you will face while starting up your e-commerce business. How then do you ensure that you are on the right track and will have success?
Take a look at Product Information Management (PIM) software which is now considered the most important aspect of any successful e-commerce venture. What is PIM and how does it help you to sort out your e-commerce problems? Let’s have a look:
 -          Questudio is a premier service provider and CatalogStudio is its flagship PIM tool. With the help of CatalogStudio, a central repository is created that holds all the pertinent data regarding every product that a business deals in. It is this central repository that plays an important part in the success of your e-commerce business. When the data is kept in a single place, it leads to consistency and validity. So data that is used by any location of the enterprise will always be up-to-date.
 -          Questudio has its e-commerce platform - WebStudio that helps create feature-rich and customizable websites. It helps to create a dynamic website with a customizable theme and layout.From the central repository, the product data is then uploaded onto the website.
 -          As mentioned before, the central repository plays a crucial role because the in-depth data that is loaded then can be synced with the website. This makes a customer more informed about the characteristics of the product they are trying to purchase. When customers can be sure of the product they are purchasing online, it automatically increases their loyalty to the brand.
 -          Another important point that is to be noted is that customers want items categorized so that it is easy for them to locate the right product quickly. This feature is available in the PIM software and where product data is arranged into categories and sub-categories. With the use of high-quality images from all angles, descriptions, and stock quantity information, a customer can make a good purchasing decision, which in turn reduces product returns.
 -          Up-to-date content is another major source of a business’ success. When inconsistent and old data is still on webpages, a business is sure to lose its customers. All product information at any given point in time should be updated and in line with current trends. Blogs and newsletters are all great ways to keep your customers informed about your latest product line. All these features are readily available in CatalogStudio.
 -          Every e-commerce website should have a secure payment gateway and order processing feature. The eCommerce platform WebStudio creates this efficiently with all needed features like order tracking, expected delivery date and time, etc. Giving your customers multiple payment options like debit/credit card, UPI, and cash-on-delivery is a great way of maintaining customer loyalty.
 -          Along with payment facilities, e-commerce businesses need to go a step further and maintain positive customer management. Increasing customer base and building your brand loyalty is a very important step as well. Through the use of a product marketing solution like MarketStudio, you can create customer groups based on locations. This helps you to target customers according to various demographics. When customers see products they need without much effort in searching for it, it helps to increase their satisfaction.
 -          Security is a feature that a customer hopes is in place every time they shop. When you can assure your customers that all their information is accepted over SSL (Secure Socket Layer), they will be able to shop more freely and this again builds loyalty.
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questudio · 4 years
How can a PIM Software solve your product information management problems?
So let’s see how PIM software is good for your business.
Software     and service providers like Questudio have PIM software called     CatalogStudio, which manages the products of a business. Within it, the central repository stores all the product information. This information is detailed and contains images, prices, color, attributes,     sizes, weights, etc. 
Having     a central repository is great for businesses that have offices in geographically spaced areas. Every employee at any of these offices can     retrieve the product information and use it as required. 
One of     the problems faced by widespread offices is that data is compromised. But with the help of the central repository, data is always validated and normalized.
·         With the use of PIM software, you also get the benefit of a unique website. The software creates a website that incorporates your business theme and model. This will help with getting more customers and sales. 
Another great use of the catalog management software is the creation of catalogs for distribution. The PIM software easily creates catalogs for all the products based on a number of categories. Catalogs can be created for print or online medium. The use of PDFs is a great way to showcase many products in an attractive manner
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How PIM Solutions Can Assist You Keep Your Customers Happy and Boost Customer Retention Rates?
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We live in a computerized and digital world, where simplicity and comprehensibility in the B2B industry is playing an imperative role which encourages industrialists to focus on attaining new consumers and users’ acquisitions.
Attracting new customers is not an easy task, especially for the online business owners, because it’s hard to found how many prospective customers are interested in your brand and your offerings.
To amplify customer retention rate and to keep the customer contented, the newest and advance PIM solutions are speedily reforming the whole layout of data organization. It will allow you to keep your customers happy without any hassle, and also amplify your customer retention rate. Let us see how!
Know How PIM Solutions Can Assist You Boost Your Customer Retention Rates:
·Pamper Your Customer! It is a Must:
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For the online stores, it is really important to pamper your customers. The modern-age PIM solutions are truly a customer-centric system and assist the business entrepreneurs to take good care of the customers. It allows them to see the exact details of your products. Often the customer prefers buying the products that are reliable and accurate and once the customers sees the transparency in your services, they will adore and respect your brand even more and become the most valuable marketing assets for your brand.
·Share Meaningful Information:
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This is the most significant part of the data management cycle, here we are not exactly talking about the providing your products and services at reasonable prices and discount offers, but providing the accurate details of the product so that, the customers can easily take their decision whether they want to buy it or not.
·Improve Product Image:
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In the shopping industry, product image plays a significant role, as it can boost the sales rate. The advanced PIM software is more focused on the modern tactics and thrives to develop the clear product image to magnify the sales and customer retention rate. Along with the perfect image, you can also describe some important things about a product like how a product might be used.
·Data Quality:
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This outstanding PIM software system assists the business owners to enhance the data quality which is directly proportional to the customer retention rates. So, to boost customer retention rates and sales percentage nowadays, the business owners are trying hands on the most sophisticated tools to enhance the data quality to achieve accelerated implementation for the organization.
So, as you envisage from the above mentioned pointers that how the advanced PIM solutions are dominating the e-commerce world and helping them quickly and systematically increase their sales percentage and customer retention rates, choose one for your organization and reap all the benefits these PIM solutions proffer!
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