#pineclan year eight
pineclans · 2 years
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Moon 11 : Leafbare : Year 8
Sun dies in an accident at 82 moons. The whole clan mourns him.
Briarkit, Honeykit, and Flashkit reach 6 moons and become apprentices. They train under Robinfur, Jumpdust, and Sunstrike, respectively.
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daandyli0n · 2 years
the first arc of the ‘burnt leaves’/warrior cats au, aka “all the clans lived in harmony. all of that changed when the fire (nation) attacked”
(this is an au about the dsmp characters)
link to the original post
hoo boy, here we go:
main events of this arc:
Dream (cream colored cat with light brown spots and green eyes)’s exile of Crowfrost (mumza; dark brown, almost black, with amber eyes) that boils down to “relationship with kittypet bad >:/” (”kittypet” in question is Phil (pale gold cat with blue eyes), who more accurately fits the description of a loner, might i add). oh yeah, chat is canon to this! phil can just talk to crows :]
early family life of Soot (wil; a brown cat with black gradients going down his legs to his paws, as well as a black stripe going down his back, and amber eyes), Blade (techno; a reddish brown cat with red eyes.), and Kasper (ghostbur; the same markings as Soot, but replace the brown with silver and the black with a bluish gray color, and give him blue eyes).
Crowfrost dies to a fox defending her family. she gains Cat God Powers™.
Soot decides to create Pineclan. his family tries to support his decision. Kasper becomes a kittypet.
Niki (black and ginger spotted cat; a former baker’s cat), Jack (brown cat with blue and red eyes; a stray she befriended), Eret (a pale siamese cat with completely white eyes; a loner), Sally (a dark ginger cat with blue eyes; a stray who Soot fell in love with), and Quackity (dark brown, almost black cat with amber eyes; a stray who got separated from his cousin (MD) and was found by Pineclan) join and get the names Cherrypool, Thunderblaze, Glowsight (because Soot swears that their eyes would glow in the dark), Salmondash, and Duckclaw respectively. Soot takes on the temporary name of Sootsong.
Pineclan gains some traditions and rules, like passing down suffixes to loved ones (this will be displayed later) and also allowing apprentices to become warriors/medics early if they clearly pass their training quicker (with the exception that they can’t go into battle until they’re a year old). of course, kits still have to be six moons/months old before they can begin apprenticeship. one final tradition is that most of the rules for medics (basically, none of them can get married or have children) are removed, and medics are also given warrior training so that they can also fight.
Sootsong becomes Sootstar. he finds two young kits: later to be named Sunkit (tommy; golden cat with blue eyes) and Beekit (tubbo; scottish fold-munchkin mix, cream colored cat with brown spots and blue eyes). Salmondash becomes his deputy.
Salmondash becomes pregnant with, and gives birth to, Foxkit (fundy; dark ginger cat, colored exactly like a fox, with amber eyes).
time goes on. Sunkit and Beekit become Sunpaw and Beepaw. Sunpaw trains to be a medic (look, tommy’s always made a warrior, and i just thought ‘what if i made him a medic?’ also, religious c!tommy) under Cherrypool, and Beepaw trains to be a warrior under Salmondash.
life goes on. both Sunpaw and Beepaw complete their training early (at eight moons/months; aka, very quickly). this is technically something that would be considered a big no-no, but Sootstar sees it as “Well, if they prove themselves early on, shouldn’t they be able to graduate quicker?” Sunpaw becomes Sunsong (remember that one tradition? remember what Sootstar’s original suffix was?), and Beepaw becomes Beeflight.
Foxkit eventually becomes Foxpaw, and is mentored under Glowsight (who, keep in mind, is eret. wilbur trusted eret to train his only child).
everything is peaceful for another moon/month…
…and then Dream and Co show up.
Dream basically critiques Sootstar on the fact that he isn’t following the warrior code and that he’s made children into warriors. Sootstar basically just tells him to deal with it.
at this point, Sunsong and Beeflight are about nine moons, and Foxpaw is about seven moons.
a gathering happens the next night. Dream accuses Sootstar of training young kits prior to them turning six moons. which is a lie.
Sootstar defends himself. people are split on who to believe. a war breaks out. Glowsight betrays Pineclan, something that almost ends in a lot of cats dying (Sootstar loses his eighth life), and ends up becoming leader of Cloverclan.
Pineclan ends up basically winning within about a week.
now, Dream had an apprentice, named Duskpaw (ranboo; a skinny, half black, half white cat with a red eye and green eye), who he was essentially training to become a mini-him. Duskpaw, however, shared almost none of his beliefs, and even stated that they should never have gone to war with Pineclan.
so, what did Dream do? did you guess, “attempt to commit child murder by shoving his apprentice off a cliff?” if so, you’re correct!
of course, Duskpaw survived. he just…has amnesia and memory problems now. the only thing he remembers is his own name.
for two weeks, everything is peaceful.
…and then Dream shows up with a cat named Lionfrost (punz; a light cream-colored cat with bright blue eyes). it’s a stormy night; lightning is striking around everyone.
another confrontation occurs, Dream basically claims that he’s above Starclan (he’s not), and says that, if Pineclan was Never Meant To Be, then Starclan would strike them down this very night.
now, Starclan can’t control the weather…but most living cats aren’t aware of that.
Sootstar laughs at Dream, stating, “Well, if Starclan doesn’t like us, then why would they let us last this long?”
and then lightning struck a tree in the territory, setting it on fire. it spread, fast. and people began to scatter.
but that wasn’t where their nightmare ended. not even close.
Lionfrost and Dream began attacking cats trying to flee. it was here that everyone realized that the pair hadn’t come here with any peaceful intentions.
Phil and Blade witnessed the fire starting, and while they both believed that Pineclan needed help, they both had two different opinions on what to do. Phil believed they needed to help the clan; his son and Blade’s brother was in trouble, as were the entire clan. But Blade pointed out that there were yowls and cries of pain coming from the woods, implying that the clan wasn’t just dealing with a fire, but with something, or someone, attacking them as well. He argued that it would be dangerous to just run in to help while an attack was going on. And so the pair simply decided to wait the fire out, much to Phil’s displeasure.
Salmondash gives Foxpaw to Cherrypool and simply gives the pair the order to run. she believed that, due to Foxpaw being her and Sootstar’s son, he was more at risk of being injured or killed. and so, the pair began to try and flee towards safety, and Salmondash ran to help others fleeing and with the fighting.
due to the circumstances they were all dealing with, Sootstar decides to get Dream to follow him up a tree, to get him away from the rest of his clan; to allow everyone else to flee. after all, as leader, it’s his responsibility to protect them, right?
the only problem? Sootstar only has one of his nine lives left. one more death and it was over for him.
so Dream follows him up there and the two fight. however, Dream ends up finding a rather sharp stick and, as i like to word it, pulls a c!phil (aka stabs wilbur).
Sootstar falls to his death…
…right in front of Sunsong.
now, Sunsong had been running with Beeflight, the pair running from the destruction and chaos, only to run straight into a murder.
Sunsong is mortified, as is Beeflight. understandably so; that was their older brother, after all.
but they couldn’t stand there mourning forever. Dream eventually jumped down, and started staring them down. the pair came to the realization that they were probably next.
it was here that Sunsong came up with a plan: the pair would split up, so that if Dream did decide to chase after them, he would only be able to follow one, which would hopefully save the other. the pair would run until they managed to get out of the territory and to safety, and would then meet each other toward the plains to the east after the fires died down. but, of course, that was only if both of them made it out alive.
and so they did just that. Sunsong figured out very quickly that he was the one being chased. but his main concern was to get away and to safety. he didn’t want Sootstar’s sacrifice to be in vain, after all.
Beeflight, of course, started immediately running to the plains. however, as he was running, he ended up getting stuck in a lot of brambles. while he was stuck, the fires ended up burning the right side of his body; specifically that side of his face, and his front leg, as well as his shoulder.
thankfully, he was saved by Salmondash, who then took him to the river to try and put out the fire and to cool him down. it was nice and wholesome for about five seconds.
and then chaos suddenly hit. Beeflight found himself being launched away from Salmondash and deeper underwater. as he attempted to turn upwards, he noticed that a dark cloud was spreading through the water. blood. probably Salmondash’s, given what had just happened.
Beeflight began to swim to the other side of the river, mostly out of panic. upon arriving on the other side, he looked back at the other bank, trying to see what had happened. why had there been blood?
and then he froze.
because there was Dream. standing over Salmondash’s body.
there was blood coming from some sort of wound from her neck. it still isn’t entirely known what exactly happened; whether Dream had somehow ripped her throat open, or if he had caused her to puncture her neck on a particularly sharp stone in the river. either way, she was now bleeding out into the river. she wasn’t dead, at least not yet; she was still gasping for air, possibly choking on her own blood. it was a very disturbing sight.
while Beeflight was stuck there, staring at the scene before him in absolute horror, and also struggling to understand why he couldn’t see anything on his right side (what was going on? why couldn’t he see out of that eye? why couldn’t he see?), a cry rang out from somewhere in the forest (it was Sunsong, who had stumbled in on what happened). Dream turned back to look at Beeflight, narrowed his eyes at him, and then turned around again to run into the trees. Salmondash, now without a weight holding her down, attempted to stand up again, but fell back down immediately. Beeflight began to step forward, about to offer help, until Salmondash yelled out, with as much strength she could muster (which wasn't much), “Don’t! I-I’ll be fine! Just keep running-!”
so Beeflight, despite the guilt, turned around and continued running (more like sprinting and stumbling) towards the plains. it was the last time Salmondash was seen alive by anyone in the woods…
it’s here we get into the other four members: Duckclaw, Cherrypool, Foxpaw, and Thunderblaze.
Duckclaw was the first who actually managed to escape the forest. he ran into Phil and Blade, who offered to give him protection until he came up with some sort of plan on what to do next. he accepted, and that was his life for the next couple of weeks. however, the peace wouldn’t last very long, given that Duckclaw didn’t leave that fire with the same trust in Starclan than he had prior to it, and that, while they weren’t clan cats, Phil and Blade still had a heavy amount of belief in Starclan…
Thunderblaze had gotten into a confrontation with Lionfrost, and eventually decided to play dead, believing that the attack might stop. but Lionfrost just..stood there. like he was waiting to see if Thunderblaze was actually dead. he started getting anxious, as the fires were getting closer. why wasn’t Lionfrost leaving?
as the fire got really close, it was only then that Lionfrost chose to leave. but, at that point, the fire had surrounded Thunderblaze enough to where trying to leave normally would be impossible.
Cherrypool eventually realized while running that she hadn’t seen Thunderblaze in a bit, and decided to run back into the forest to find him. she told Foxpaw to sit where he was and wait for her there (unless the fire got too close, of course).
but, while she runs back to the forest, Dream comes up to Foxpaw. he stands there, tells Foxpaw that he has killed his parents, and that if Foxpaw stays there, he will kill him too, and then slashes him across the face to show he’s serious. Foxpaw, understandably scared, turns around and runs further into the woods.
Cherrypool saves Thunderblaze from the fire, but he is still Very Badly Burnt. the pair goes back to where Foxpaw is supposed to be, only to find no one there. not even Dream is there.
as the fire starts to calm down, Sunsong attempts to make his way to the plains where Beeflight is. out of nowhere, Dream tackles him and begins to drag him away, all while the smaller cat is screeching bloody murder and trying to claw himself free. nothing works and Dream successfully drags him away. i’ll give y’all three guesses as to where he’s being dragged to.
Beeflight waits in the plains for his friends, but slowly realizes he’s not coming. eventually he decides that Sunsong must be dead, and he continues off to a new home all alone.
absolutely no one is happy about anything that happened.
so, now that i’ve finished this, which part of arc 2 do y’all wanna see?
tommy/Sunsong’s pov of exile
tubbo/Beeflight’s pov of the aftermath
fundy/Foxpaw’s pov of the aftermath
or just other general facts of the aftermath?
anyway, hope y’all enjoy!
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pineclans · 2 years
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Moon 10 : Leafbare : Year 8
Twinespot saves Dawnsplashed from a coyote while the latter was foraging in the Hills. Dawnsplashed is extremely grateful and offers to treat Twinespot's wounds on site.
Swallowkit reaches six moons and becomes Swallowpaw, training under Dawnsplashed as a cleric.
Nettlebite defends Firmask from a fox in the forest outside of camp, earning a nasty wound that causes the warrior to fall unconscious after the fox leaves.
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pineclans · 2 years
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Moon 12 : Newleaf : Year 8
Flashpaw dies after slipping down the cliffsides during a rainy day at 7 moons. They are mourned by the whole clan.
Sweetkit reaches 6 moons and becomes Sweetpaw. He is mentored by Driftwood.
Sunstrike, Wildwatcher, Nettlebite, and Hickoryspot battle and kills a coyote that attempted to enter the camp.
A tom by the name of Bigheart joins the clan with his two children, Smokekit and Turtlekit.
Twinespot manages to take on four rogues who invaded Pineclan territory, skillfully defeating them all and sparing their lives.
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pineclans · 2 years
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Moon 9 : Leafbare : Year 8
Roseshade dies in a rockslide from the Cliff Edge, leaving Dawnsplashed as Pineclan's sole cleric. She feels underprepared despite holding the position of cleric for a long time.
Downkit reaches 6 moons and becomes Downpaw, training under Glimmerheart.
Thistlejump and Driftpuddle are attacked by a fox while on patrol in the Hills, leading to Driftpuddle's face to be scarred.
Twinespot has a vision while on patrol with Sun and Driftwood, nearly falling unconscious near the River bank. The other two warriors have to bring Twinespot home.
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pineclans · 2 years
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Moon 8 : Leaffall : Year 8
Dawnsplashed has a litter of three kits; Skunkkit, Squirrelkit, and Mousekit with an outsider tom. Roseshade takes over her duties while Dawnsplashed nurses her kits.
Mothbloom, Wisteriaclaw, and Oliviajay catch greencough and stay in the cleric's den for the moon. Luckily, they all recover fine.
Sakitail gets her foot stuck in a trap while on patrol, and Firmask has to free her. After a couple of hours, Sakitail is freed without major injuries.
Lightbounce fights a vixen with cubs and earns a scar.
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pineclans · 2 years
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Moon 7 : Leaffall : Year 8
Bloompaw, Glimmerpaw, and Lightpaw all pass their assessments, and travel to the Star Hollow to receive their warrior names. They are named Bloomstep, Glimmerheart, and Lightbounce.
A lost kit is brought to the clan and named Thistlekit.
Jumpdust and Mothfall slay a large coyote at the Cliff Edge, bringing back a tuft of fur as a trophy.
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pineclans · 2 years
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Moon 6 : Leaffall : Year 8
Jumpdust has one kit, Sweetkit, with a tom from Birchclan. She does not tell anyone who the father is.
Sakitail and Brightblink find a kittypet and invite him to join the clan. He names himself Driftpuddle proudly, and lets the kits have his collar as a toy.
Frogslip is murdered by a gang of rogues near the Star Hollow, who drag her body around the sacred site then leave. The clerics discover her and immediately report it to Beetlestar, who's enraged at the news.
Beetlestar tells the clan that patrols will be in trios from now on due to Frogslip's murder.
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pineclans · 2 years
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Moon 5 : Greenleaf : Year 8
Sun discovers three abandoned kits near the river, recovering them and bringing them back to Pineclan. He names them Briarkit, Honeykit, and Flashkit.
A molly named Poppy joins the clan, changing her name to Rustpoppy. She's an old friend of Sun's.
Vixentrot tries to defeat a fox, but fails, and has to be treated at the clerics for hours so her injuries don't become infected.
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pineclans · 2 years
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Moon 4 : Greenleaf : Year 8
Thistlejump has one kit, Swallowkit, fathered by an outsider tom.
Twinespot and Wildwatcher defeat a coyote at the River, bringing back a patch of fur from its tail as a trophy.
A new clan has moved into the territory across from Birchclan, naming themselves Aspenclan. Sunstrike, Lightpaw, and Driftpaw meet some of the warriors from Aspenclan during a hunt and have a polite conversation.
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pineclans · 2 years
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Moon 3 : Greenleaf : Year 8
Alderwhisker fathers a kit with a loner molly, bringing the newborn to the clan and naming her Downkit.
Roseshade and Dawnsplashed receive a prophecy from Sunshimmer, and work tirelessly the whole moon to unravel it.
Oliviajay manages to fight a particularly mean loner near the Lake Mouth by herself, earning a battle scar to prove it.
Duskwater defends Bloompaw from a rogue, earning a scar.
Wisteriaclaw falls ill with greencough for the moon, and her family worries that she won't recover.
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pineclans · 2 years
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Moon 2 : Newleaf : Year 8
Vixenpaw, Firpaw, Mothpaw, and Ridgepaw all pass their assessments, and travel to the Star Hollow to receive their warrior names. They are named Vixentrot, Firmask, Mothbranch, and Ridgetail, respectively.
Ridgetail and Bellshine both die of a bad bout of greencough that spread around the clan. Both of their families are devastated, and Sun holds a three day vigil alone.
Beetlestar names Twinespot as her deputy, which the clan seems fine about.
A young cat is discovered near the Star Hollow by Sun and Beetlestar. Beetlestar offers to shelter the cat, and she introduces herself as Light. Light is apprenticed under Mothfall and given the -paw suffix over the moon.
Bloompaw has a vision and tells Duskwater about the experience.
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pineclans · 2 years
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Moon 1 : Newleaf : Year 8
Bloomkit and Glimmerkit reach 6 moons and become Bloompaw and Glimmerpaw. They are apprenticed to Robinfur and Oliviajay.
Roseshade talks with Dawnsplashed if he should take another apprentice. The two go back and forth on the matter for the moon.
Beetlestar worries about the clan's relationship with Birchclan, thinking that Pineclan appears weak due to the recent leadership changes.
Bellshine and Sun become mates. The clan congratulates them!
Shimmermoth tells Mothfall that he had a vision while hunting alone, but didn't know who to talk about it with. Mothfall guides him through the experience.
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