ao3-fanfic-rec · 8 months
Past Imperfect by Vitellia
Fandom: Harry Potter
Riddle is dead, but he took most of Hermione Granger's loved ones with him. She is just going through the motions in a bleak postwar world until a stray comment by Dumbledore's portrait gives her a renewed purpose in life—to go back and fix what the scheming Headmaster wrecked.
Hermione Granger x Severus Snape, <50k words, AU, Time Travel Fix-It, Hermione teaches at Hogwarts
Thoughts: I like reading fix-it fics, but so many of them tend to be really long. And with the amount of readings I already do for school, it's hard to find the time to commit (even without the occasional once a month staying up all night to read a fanfic lunacy). That's where this fic was so good, it perfectly struck the balance between setting up the reason for the time-travel, and handled all the fixings without making it be super stressful.
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ao3-fanfic-rec · 8 months
Seek and Find by serpent_and_sage
Fandom: Harry Potter
Hermione Granger constructed a predictable life for herself following the war. However, she realizes that within the constraints of control there is no room for want. In an uncharacteristic move, she flees her life in London to visit Neville, who works as a gardener at the Zabini Estate in Italy. The Estate, now a wellness retreat for elderly witches and wizards, is also the refuge of three of her Slytherin classmates that she has not seen since the war. This is a story of overcoming assumptions, judgmental garden gnomes, flowers, and the quest for contentment.
Hermione Granger x Draco Malfoy, 200-300k words, Slow Burn, Hurt/Comfort, Not epilogue compliant
Thoughts: One thing I find kinda neat about this fic is how it utilizes having all these characters live together without putting them in Hogwarts. I found this to be a great take on Dramione where it manages to bring in aspects of 'pureblood' culture without doing bashing.
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ao3-fanfic-rec · 9 months
hii !! dy have any fic recs for anime fandom
Hi I'm so sorry, I do not. I haven't watched anime since 2017.
Maybe someone can suggest some, which anime do you want fanfics for?
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ao3-fanfic-rec · 9 months
Lionheart by greenTeacup
Fandom: Harry Potter
How Draco Malfoy met a girl on a train, ruined his life, started a war, and ended one.
Hermione Granger x Draco Malfoy, >500k words, AU - Canon Divergence - Gryffindor Draco, Slow Burn, Golden Trio Hogwarts Years Rewrite
Ongoing as of 2023 - 08 - 19
Thoughts: If I fail my econ final tomorrow - you can blame it on this fic for being extremely addictive. I think I spent about 3 solid days reading this (the fic is complete up to the end of Goblet of Fire era). Come for Dramione, stay for the found family aspects, banter and absolutely hilarious Author's notes. The stress this fic has put me through with just the Prisoner's of Azkaban section is enough to send me to an early grave.
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ao3-fanfic-rec · 10 months
jump spark by goldcarnations
Fandom: Never Have I Ever
“For your information, my life is extremely glamorous and fun. For example: soliciting my colleague and close friend for a sexy, cool favor.” [ alternatively: ben and devi need fake dates for two separate weddings. ]
Devi Vishwakumar x Ben Gross, 20-50k words, Alternate Universe- Lawyers, Fake/Pretend Relationship
Thoughts: I love the banter in Ben x Devi fics and this was so fun! I liked that the characters were aged up and the co-workers who are getting to know each through their fake dates was sweet but still maintained that lovely tension.
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ao3-fanfic-rec · 10 months
At Dawn by WaterlilyRose
Fandom: Bridgerton
"I will not let you marry my sister and, as reason and common decency seems to have failed you, I have only one option left.” She sucked in a breath. “I must demand satisfaction.” For a bizarre second, Anthony didn’t quite understand what she was referring to. Demand satisfaction – what, did she want him to take her back in the study and make her feel so good that her ruin was somewhat worth it? But Daphne seemed to understand and her gasp of horror made it startlingly real to Anthony: She wants to duel me. OR What if Kate challenged Anthony to a duel at dawn?
Kate Sharma x Anthony Bridgerton, 5-10k words, Duelling, Mutual Pining
Thoughts: Trust our boy Anthony to somehow have the worst and best rizz I have ever seen. See; the object of your affection wants to duel you to the death...and yet you capitalize on their hesitancy to murder you by using this moment to shoot your shot.
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ao3-fanfic-rec · 10 months
Part of the Plan by keeperofthemoon
Fandom: Harry Potter
“Thought for a moment there you were going to send the Killing Curse my way,” Malfoy said tensely. “Tempting. Though it’d be much more likely for me to reach over and strangle you with my bare hands,” Ron grunted, folding his arms across his chest. Malfoy sniffed. “Comforting.” When Ron Weasley signs up for tutoring his eighth year, he's not exactly happy to find out Draco Malfoy is his tutor.
Ron Weasley x Draco Malfoy, <50k words, Eighth Year Hogwarts, Past Ron/Hermione
Thoughts: So I ship Ron when he's paired with someone intellectual (my favorite ship is actually Ron and Padma but until I sit down and write that fanfic I must go on reading all the Ron rare pairs I can find). Ron and Draco do that enemies to lovers trope so well (especially with the family hatred) and I love that the story took the time to flesh out that period where they begin to trust each other. As an eighth year fic, it could have chosen to gloss over why Ron would dislike Draco - but I like that it actually took the time to use that and see how their feelings changed.
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ao3-fanfic-rec · 10 months
Some Cupids Kill With Dice by horrormoviebarbie
Fandom: Stranger Things
Steve Harrington doesn't have time to date. In fact, between working multiple part-time jobs and raising two rambunctious and poorly-behaved preteens, he doesn't have time for much of anything. And it's fine. He's fine. He's having an absolutely awesome time slinging ice cream, sorting DVDs, and dodging questions from his friends and family about his love life. That is, of course, until the twins come to him with a simple request: go to Parents Night and sign them up for Mr. Munson's Dungeons and Dragons club. --- Or, the one where Steve is a tired and overworked DILF who may or may not be smitten with his kids' seventh grade English teacher. Featuring: busted old Hondas, milkshakes as an intricate mating ritual, twelve year-old wingmen, and the worst flirting you've ever seen in your life.
Steve Harrington x Eddie Munson, 100-200k words, Romantic Comedy - Alternate Universe, Single Parent Steve, School Teacher Eddie
Ongoing as of 2023 - 11 - 13
Thoughts: So this fic is basically a romantic dramedy starring the characters of Stranger Things, don't read this if you want the fantasy elements of the show. That said, it is very cute and weirdly informative - as a straight person I have learned a lot more about gay sex than I knew originally so it's a win for the academics. This fic also has me on the edge of my seat for poor Steve, if Eddie hurts him istg I will have no choice but to BAWL MY EYES OUT (this is a threat).
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ao3-fanfic-rec · 11 months
Obliviate by ihaveabigstick
Fandom: Harry Potter
When you came in the first time, you knew – you know – who I am! Please, I have no idea who you are, but if you know anything about me --,” she stopped as he looked up at her. With a soft growl, he pushed himself away from the bookshelves to stand upright. Dark grey eyes traced her face, and his hand twitched, as if resisting the urge to reach out to her. “My name is Draco Malfoy, and I know who you are.”
Hermione Granger x Draco Malfoy, 50-100k words, AU - Voldemort Wins, Memory Loss, Slow Burn
Ongoing as of 2023 - 11 - 12
Thoughts: I really like the dynamic between Hermione and Draco in this fic. Obviously the fic is dark, I feel all Voldemort wins AU tend to be - but the way memory loss Hermione retains her personality and love for the library and is working with Draco to help him take down Voldemort (this is not really a spoiler, it's the first few chapters in a nutshell) is handled so well. There's mystery, there's intrigue and I love the way it's going so far.
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ao3-fanfic-rec · 11 months
A Sign of The Morning by ToEdenandBackAgain 🔒
Fandom: Stranger Things
Vecna is dead. The Upside Down is cut off from Hawkins yet again. Steve is trying to go back to normal, whatever that is. He's also trying to figure out exactly how Eddie Munson has managed to fit so easily into his life.
Steve Harrington x Eddie Munson, 50-100k words, Everybody Lives Canon Divergence, Slow burn friends to lovers
Thoughts: This fic is SO GOOD. It's so heartfelt and sweet. Steve has PTSD cause who wouldn't after all that these kids went through but the story balances heavy and heartfelt topics so well. I loved the depiction of his friendship with Robin and Eddie, and how the characters had their own growth and arcs outside of the romance aspects.
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ao3-fanfic-rec · 11 months
La Semi-Dolce Vita by caciopepebowl
Fandom: Bridgerton
Kate Sharma is a talented, London-based sous chef who spends one week per year working as a private chef on Lake Como. Anthony Bridgerton is a highly regimented financier on holiday with his family in Como, and he's hired Kate to cook for them. She lives to eat. He eats to live—or at least he used to.
Kate Sharma x Anthony Bridgerton, 50-100k words, Modern Setting, Fluff and Smut
Ongoing as of 2023 - 10 - 15
Thoughts: Kate would be such a good chef??? One thing I love in Kanthony fics is how somehow Anthony always manages to find a way to put his foot in his mouth. Here he does it within five minutes of meeting Kate? Amazing.
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ao3-fanfic-rec · 11 months
Hydra by setissma
Fandom: Harry Potter
He sighed, stirring more sugar into his tea. “Exactly how bad is this going to be, Pansy?” There was a very long pause. “Look. Draco and I are engaged.” “Er,” Harry said, slowly. “Congratulations? Except, um, you do know -” Pansy glanced up, looking almost amused. “That he’s stupidly in love with Hermione?” “I was more going to say that she was stupidly in love with him.”
Harry Potter x Pansy Parkinson, 50 - 100k words, Fake Dating, Post DH, Not Canon Compliant
Thoughts: Long time no post (lots occurred - I had a surgery and complications from my surgery which didn't go well with a big move. I digress) - but I am back, albeit on a semi-spotty level with my first ever Hansy fic. READ. THIS. FIC. It's cute - it handles the general trauma of working in health care, and the slow burn was worth it.
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ao3-fanfic-rec · 1 year
will post again soon - just drowning in work and my pre-req that i gotta finish before i start my masters!!!!
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ao3-fanfic-rec · 1 year
till forever falls apart by Moomin_94
Fandom: Bridgerton
And she could have gone her whole life without wanting to see him again, until a pilot was brought in, suspected paralysis from the waist down, with no one any the wiser as to how he survived at all. And she looked at his sleeping face, hollow and gaunt and still so handsome, and her heart stuttered. Anthony Bridgerton.
Kate Sharma x Anthony Bridgerton, <50k words, World War 2 AU, Slow Burn
Ongoing as of 2023 - 01 - 07
Thoughts: Somebody sedate me because I am actually kind of feral for this fic. As a kid, I read the entire Anne of Green Gables series (like up to Rilla of Ingleside) and this is awakening the same sort of obsessiveness that AoGG did for me.
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ao3-fanfic-rec · 1 year
Flappers and Philosophers by bookishandbossy
Fandom: Gossip Girl
Dan Humphrey first meets Blair Waldorf at a party he's not invited to. He doesn't mean to write a story that's all about her, but somehow it happens. Blair Waldorf has every intention of giving an aspiring writer a sharp talking-to about the character he's based on her. She doesn't mean to get fond of him, but somehow it happens
Dan Humphrey x Blair Waldorf, <5k words, 1920s AU
Thoughts: I've never really cared about the 1920s aesthetic (i like my period dramas, just not this period), but the 1920s setting works so well for Dair, and as a commentary on how little things seem to change in the UES (I may be reading too much into a one-shot but i digress)
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ao3-fanfic-rec · 1 year
Draco Malfoy and the Mortifying Ordeal of Being in Love by isthisselfcare
Fandom: Harry Potter
Hermione straddles the Muggle and Magical worlds as a medical researcher and Healer about to make a big discovery. Draco is an Auror assigned to protect her from forces unknown – to both of their displeasure.
Hermione Granger x Draco Malfoy, 100 - 200k words, Action/Adventure, Forced Collaboration, Unresolved* Sexual Tension
* eventually resolved
Thoughts: Okay so I know this fanfic is super hyped up, but it was my first time reading it and I think it is decidedly worth the hype. I love the characterizations in this fic - it's a fun mix of canon and fanon characters and ships and it works so well. I am willing to let this overtake canon entirely and can only accept this as the actual ending of the Harry Potter series.
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ao3-fanfic-rec · 1 year
The Puppets, 1986 by mokuyouubi
Fandom: Stranger Things
Eddie remembered reluctantly agreeing to this horrible request... for something stronger. Chrissy Cunningham had a lot to lose and he certainly did not want to be responsible for whatever terrible drug habit she was about to form. But one moment he was tearing through his trailer, and the next he's waking up again on Friday, March 21st, 1986. And he can't shake the feeling that he's forgotten something important.
Eddie Munson x Chrissy Cunningham, 100-200k words, Time Loop, Fix-it fic, Slow Burn
Ongoing as of 2023 - 05 - 29
Thoughts: What drugs do people put into time loop fics, because I need to be kept away from it. They are such a weakness of mine. But about the fic, I like how it takes the usual time loop and experiments with the POV to add to the intrigue and confusion.
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