magickedhat · 2 years
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@pinevalley​ asked:  “  i’ve never really learned to identify one emotion from another.  i never got that?  how some people just know what they’re feeling.  it’s all just one mess inside me.  i just feel.  i don’t think about it.  i just feel things—so strongly it’s like it takes over my entire body and soul.  ”  (ok but like,, cassie @ wren,,,,)
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“no, yeah, like, i get it.  it’s weird, isn’t it?  but what’s weirder is like-- what’s the alternative like?  how’s it like to know what-- why you’re acting the way you are?”
the night was hot, save for the occasional soft caress of a short-lived breeze.  next to cassie, though, a sort of chill always hang in the air.  wren spread out their legs on the roof and allowed their gaze to travel as far as the ghostly light of the lamp posts reached. 
“thing is,” they said, head tilting left and right, shoes tapping against each other,  “i don’t think anyone takes the time to teach us how to do this.  they all just assume we know.  but it would’ve been really fuckin’ great if i knew what was wrong with me when i nearly ghosted my boyfriend for a whole week, y’know?  some... some guideline book.  a handbook for emotions.  someone should make that a thing if it’s not already, huh?”
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maryjabens · 2 years
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Listen 8x10” oil It was pure joy to setup by he creek and paint. Rushing water is such a great sound. I think I captured the movement of the scene. Thoughts? Available, message me or website link in bio Put your email in comments if you want to be added to may mailing list - thank you! #springwaters #pinevalley #southernutah #pleinair #pleinairlife #goodforthesoul #hmarttherapy #utahrocks #livinglife #womenartistofthewest #womenartistofinstagram #utahig #optoutdoors #findyourpark #keeppainting #wander_souls #southwestlife #naturelover #boldbrush #artforsalebyartist #feelinghappy #flowerpainting #boldbrush #exploreutah #mytinyatlas #mhoilpaints #dailypaintworks #cedarcityarts #handmade (at Pine Valley Recreation Area) https://www.instagram.com/p/CfJZGecLjBG/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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helpfulhannah-blog1 · 6 months
Philly 19115 
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bothfeetinthegrave · 2 years
| @pinevalley :: from here |
Judging by the size of this blurry shape, this person was either just as short as he was or a kid, and the voice confirmed it. What was this kid doing out here by himself though? The store that this parking lot belonged to went out of business ages ago. That's why he was here - fewer obstacles and people to see him. Plus it was getting dark. That was something he would have to ask the other when he got back.
Cautiously, he sat up while the kid ran off, baring his teeth in a wince as he listened to the crack-crack-crack his shoulders made when he rolled them. The checklist he usually went through when he fell hard rattled through his head as he got to his feet: head? fine; arms and legs? more or less; board? being dealt with. Nothing too severe in terms of damage, but still a disappointment overall - this was still too hard to do, cane or no cane. More practice necessary, regardless of how many times he fell.
With a huff, he felt around for and picked up the boy's backpack, pausing to squint at the nearby lamppost where'd left his own gear. Once his own backpack and white cane were retrieved, he trotted off in the direction of the boy's footsteps. "Hey!" he tried not to raise his voice too much - just enough to be heard at a distance, " N-not that I don't appreciate the help, but uh... what are you doing out here, anyway?"
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batteredoptimist · 2 years
@pinevalley liked this post for a starter!
James’s trip to the States had been complete happenstance. A paper he’d published on reviving long-dead plant species had caught the eye of someone in the Horticultural Society, and before he knew it James had been recruited on a mission. Many plants that now grew wild in the States had originally been brought over by British colonizers and had kept their old traits which had been bred out of modern British domesticated plants. The goal was to revive older, more hardy strains, and what better place to find a large concentration of such natives than in Massachusetts?
       The adventure of it was too much to ignore and James had agreed to come along. The Horticultural Society had found someone to run his shoppe, and he’d hopped on an eight hour plane ride.
      When he realized that he could still navigate the woods easily despite being in an entirely separate continent, James had felt huge relief. The forests of Britain felt far more like home than his own flat, and now he was learning that feeling apparently extended to all places with green growing things. He’d gone out for a stroll early that morning- only two days after arriving to Pinewood.
     At some point movement between the trees caught James’s attention. He was aware that the States had more threatening animals than the UK, and went stiff at the thought of encountering a coyote- or maybe even a wolf? Such thoughts were banished, however, when he realized the hound up ahead of him was too tall and thin. James laughed nervously at himself.
    “Goodness- you scared me... who let you you out here all on your own?”
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Alex: Cassie, I-... I gotta have a word with you.
Cassie: Oh, are you gonna arrest me?
Alex: Uh-... no, quite the opposite.
Cassie: ...
Cassie: I'm gonna arrest you???
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pcsitivibee · 3 years
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positivity for pinevalley :  Sending love to @pinevalley! Laura's collection of muses is so varied and so undeniably creative - I'm constantly blown away by Laura's immense talent and I can't wait to see what else they do in the future! Your work is so, so very loved, and your Pine Valley is nothing short of a magnificent, beloved work of art! Thank you for sharing your creations with us!
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dis--parity · 3 years
okay i couldn’t narrow these down, so you can totally pick which ones you want to answer, but for the character solidifying: 10, 12, 29, 32, and 49 for yeong-hui!!
Character Solidifying // Accepting!
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Me, answering all of these anyway bc they need development and also bc I love you and your curiosity about my characters:
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10. Is your character street-smart, book-smart, intelligent, intellectual, slow-witted?
Yeong-Hui’s intelligence is... hard to define. I’ll get more into the reason in the next question, but Yeong-Hui is mostly more emotionally and linguistically intelligent than anything else - one of the precious few traits they share with Garis. Emotionally intelligent, in that they can understand and empathise with peoples’ emotions very easily, and if they put effort into doing so, can understand peoples’ motivations and intentions quite easily. Linguistically intelligent, in that they’re not only poetic and silver-tongued, but also have a keen faculty for learning new languages. Though Yeong-Hui themself only speaks Korean, English, and Mandarin, Garis can speak those three as well as Swedish, French, Spanish, German, and Japanese.
12. How does their education and intelligence – or lack thereof - reflect in their speech pattern, vocabulary, and pronunciations?
Yeong-Hui’s education is a complex matter - most of it took place when Iris fronted for what would become their system, so Yeong-Hui has no direct memory of it. Only the essential knowledge such as some languages, basic math, English, and home economics, were willingly transferred to Yeong-Hui once they became the host again. As a result of this, Yeong-Hui mostly takes their speech patterns from the kinds of people they associate with, rather than any formal ‘education’. Their vocabulary in day-to-day conversation is therefore rather basic and laid-back, mostly crutching on contractions and slang to get through a conversation - but they do know how to use much more flowery language when they turn on the charm, or when they want to write a poem for someone, for instance.
29. What is your character’s weaknesses? Hubris? Pride? Controlling?
Yeong-Hui’s main weakness is that they’re too self-absorbed, and too nonchalant about, well... everything, except for the things that they can be convinced to care about. This isn’t rooted in apathy, however - it’s more a result of a narrow, self-serving approach to life. If someone is in need, they’ll still do everything they can to help - it’s just that they’ll be more inclined to help if it benefits them in some way. This isn’t always the case, obviously - a huge part of their reputation as a model consists of their charitable donations towards homeless shelters and medical research - but it certainly is more of a motivating factor for them. And, as with some of their relationships, they end up being prone to stepping on other people, inadvertently or not, to rise above their own station.
32. How does your character react to stress situations? Defensively? Aggressively? Evasively?
Yeong-Hui mostly tends to be avoidant of any kind of stress in their life - if anything, it mostly feeds into and roots from their attitude as outlined in the previous question - they firmly believe that nothing in their life is permanent, and the quicker something that no longer affects them is forgotten about, the better. Of course, there are times where they just can’t avoid stress, whether it’s thrust upon them, whether it haunts them in the middle of the night, or in the rare occasion they find themselves in a life-threatening situation. In either case, they’re very much prone to receding into a dissociative state - which is when Garis is more likely to emerge out of defense for the system they don’t know exists.
If that happens, of course, Yeong-Hui retains none of the memories of it - and if it’s been dealt with and they wake up back at their apartment without explanation, they don’t deign to question it. They just move on, and try to forget it ever happened - whatever ‘it’ may have been.
49. What about voice? Pitch? Strength? Tempo and rhythm of speech? Pronunciation? Accent?
I hate this question because I only just recently came across a decent singing voice reference for Yeong-Hui but it’s from a fucking bingus video bc I can’t find the original audio source... here it is but god. god dammit.
For a more written description - when speaking normally, their voice is quite thin rather than strong, but with a moderately low pitch. However, they do not speak flatly at all most of the time - while their resonance is mostly consistent, their pitch fluctuates wildly, especially when they’re in public or talking at length about something they like, or something that’s interesting to them. They’re also prone to letting vowels ‘hang’ for a bit -- for lack of a better term what I mean by this is that they often say words like “so” as “sooooooooo”  in conversation - letting it drag out for a second or two for emphasis.
As for accent, this is once again a product of their associates, and they take on a slight American drawl to their accent when they’re speaking English. Sometimes they end sentences or words slightly abruptly, taking from Korean and Chinese pronunciation structure, but this mostly only occurs when they’re speaking to either another native speaker, or when they’re generally more relaxed - otherwise, they seemingly make a purposeful effort to drag out vowel sounds and word endings in public, or with strangers.
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elwyngwyn · 3 years
“This place is kinda cursed, y’know.” A forgotten graveyard in the middle of the forest, ivy-wrapped tombstones sunken deep into grass and moss, a low fence of rotted wood surrounding it. Peculiar plants grew in patches around some graves. Cassie sat cross-legged atop a larger tombstone, having appeared from thin air. “Like, people might think you’re a zombie or a witch or something.”
Elwyn missed the first part of what she said - his eyes had not yet caught sight of his company, although when they did land on her he gave a soft smile - but the second part gained a small giggle from red lips.
"You say that like it uhm...like b-b-being a witch is a b-b-bad thing." The soft rise and fall of his Welsh lilt was paired with gentle footsteps as he worked his way through the cemetery, careful steps taken with intent to be mindful of the dead buried beneath their feet, before stopping a few graves away from her with the same gentle smile.
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halbermenschenaa · 3 years
@pinevalley​ SAYS: “Nights are long and boring when everyone is asleep.” (from cassie, for darby!)
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     “That’s why I usually just sleep through them, myself. Plus, there’s not really much of anybody to sell to when it gets late. Not many people out there who would want a salesman interrupting their good night’s sleep.” Really, that’s only part of the reason he does. The primary reason is to retain the sense of normalcy he seems to be trying so hard to cling to, instead of dealing with his emotional trauma head on.
     “I mean, I don’t mind spending time with you, if you get bored.” It’s the polite thing to say, he thinks. And Darby does very much mean it. Cassie is a... mischievous girl, sure, but Darby doesn’t think she’s all that bad. (And this kind of behavior is probably normal for teenagers these days, for all he knows. There were teenagers like this back when he was alive. He can’t imagine things would have changed that much.) “Just... don’t go running around too fast, alright? I’m not sure how well I can keep up, at my age.” A little joke at his own expense.
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magickedhat · 3 years
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@pinevalley​ asked:   “trick or treat!” twitch was very much not a normal trick-or-treater, but his voice matched that of a cheerful child before shifting back to its typical crackly tone. “that means ‘give me candy,’ yes? the trick is that i will bite you if you do not!” he grinned.
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“yeah, don’t worry!   i’ve stolen plenty of candy for you, too.   cool voice trick, by the way.”   they didn’t expect to run into twitch tonight, nor did they expect him to know about halloween, but both surprises manage to put a smile on their face, anyway!   wren sat on their heels and turned their angler fish hat upside down;  instantly, bunches of stolen halloween candy tumbled out into the cold concrete.   as much as they enjoyed twitch’ attention, they still preferred to keep it steered away from their hand.
“hey, i’ve got an offer for you,”   wren piped up, fingers drumming eagerly on their knees.   they pointed at an RV at the side of the road.   warm light painted the curtains gold and hearty laughter rang from inside.   “see that?   people live in there.   i’m sure they’ve got loads of candy.”   their gaze turned to twitch, glinting, conspirational.   “care to make a distraction for me?   tear up a tire, make them come out?   i’ll sneak inside and we’ll split the candy i find in half.”
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maryjabens · 3 years
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Lake Zen 8x10” oil This was my escape on the anniversary of my husband’s death. It gave me so much peace and assurance that life is ok. I finished the painting and sat there for awhile just absorbing the calm and beauty. I would love to bottle that and use it in the winter! Available, msg me or www.maryjabens.com Drop your email in comments if you would like to be added to my mailing list. available msg me or website link in bio. #lakelife #pinevalley #maryjabensart #windowtomysoul #southernutah #goodforthesoul #utahrocks #livinglife #womenartistofthewest #findyourpark #womenartistofinstagram #utahig #optoutdoors #keeppainting #wander_souls #southwestlife #naturelover #boldbrush #artforsalebyartist #feeling happy #boldbrush #exploreutah #mytinyatlas #mhoilpaints #dailypaintworks #cedarcityarts #paintdaily #allaprima #contemporarypainting #dowhatyoulove #contemporaryartist https://www.instagram.com/p/CVc1raCltq_/?utm_medium=tumblr
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ciircusbrats · 4 years
@pinevalley   /   x.
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He beams once she agrees,  but then his features settle into skepticism again. What kind of demon did he want? Honestly,  he hadn’t exactly thought that far. A hum rings in his throat,  and he begins to bounce his leg.  “I guess something cool. Maybe something less likely to kill me -- would be pretty sad if I died before I even tried my birthday cake, y’know?” He leans his back against the bench, eye travelling to the side. “Maybe an interesting kind of demon. Would be cool if I could talk to it.”
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thehopcful · 3 years
a gift from twitch!! it’s a smooth, circular grey rock with a hole through it. he found it glimmering in the river, but it’s covered in dirt now — not as shiny, so he sees no reason to keep it for himself. washing it off would reveal its glittery surface again, though!
Hope lets out a soft gasp as she takes up the timberhound’s gift.  It may be covered in dirt, but that doesn’t make it any less special in her eyes. It’s a rock, yes, but it’s a special rock now. Aside from the unique shape (which reminds her of something she’s seen in Garen’s shop once), it’s a gift. Even if she doesn’t know much about the hound, she’s still going to treasure this.
“Thank you!”
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viibechecks · 3 years
@pinevalley said: hi!!!!!!
Victorious - RAC remix
I'm like a scarf trick It's all up the sleeve I taste like magic Waves that swallow quick and deep Throw the bait Catch the shark Bleed the water red Fifty words for murder And I'm every one of them
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triiiplecgoddess · 4 years
Skylar gently lands their broomstick near the beaten road, looking up to see a scrapyard near by. A chill goes up their spine as the wind harshly blows past them. They never did find out who was it that sent them that letter to come to pinevalley but nether the less, they priested and head towards the scrapyard. Any investigation of the supernatural is worth looking into no matter what the threat or lack there of.
closed starter for @pinevalley
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