#pipmod posts
kinfolk-pick-me-up · 6 years
Hello everybody! I just wanted to make a kind of... Update post. 
Basically: My living situation and life hurdles have continuously drained my energy and I’ve been experiencing a lot of ups and downs with my mental health. I just, really want to get into a space where I can be confident I’ll have energy more times than not to do what I want to. I’ve been missing this blog a lot, I know that ironically, helping people will help me feel better... But I feel terrible for all the times we’ve tried to start up again and inevitably left requests for months, gathering dust. It is simply not right. But this blog will never truly die unless something crazy happens to me or Tumblr gets shut down. I think that right now I have to get some financial difficulties settled and then seriously start looking for a new place to live. My housemates aren’t bad people there’s just... A lot of drama and overall negativity in the household that’s exhausting to be in. I wish I could be a force for positive change, but it’s becoming harder and harder with my own personal difficulties involved as well.
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kinfolk-pick-me-up · 8 years
Is everything okay? You haven't been very active recently. This is a very good blog so it'd make me sad to see you abandon it. Take care of yourselves, alright? I hope you'll come back soon!
I can’t speak for the other mods, but for myself, I’ve been alright, school has been swamping me, as has searching for a job. There are also a few personal problems I don’t want to get too far into right now, but I’m safe. I have no intentions of abandoning the blog! I’m a bit daunted by the asks, but I hope to get some stuff done, anyway.
Thank you so much for your concern, though, Nony! It’s very sweet, and very appreciated!
P.S. If the other mods would like to edit this to add their response, that’s cool!
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kinfolk-pick-me-up · 8 years
Hey guys! Just a tiny update! I’m going through the inbox right now, and I’m going to get a few done. I don’t know what’s up with the other mods right now (I haven’t heard from them in a week, but I’ve seen them active a little bit, so I’m sure it’s just life/stress stuff), but for me, my legal issues are done! But school did start again, and my laptop’s wireless adapter went bad, so I’m on less than I would prefer. I’ll get to as many as I can! I’m very, very sorry for the wait, and how long some of these might end up taking. I also don’t know how getting a hold of the other old mods (minus the one who took over the blog, of course) is going. But I just wanted to let you guys know, we have absolutely not forgotten about you guys!
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kinfolk-pick-me-up · 8 years
Hey there, I was wondering if I could get some motivational self care? I'm Lemy Abelard from the Evillious Chronicles and I'm struggling with my bipolar 2. I either get really depressed or easily irritated and it's been really hard to deal with. Thanks in advance.
Hey! Not a problem, Lemy! I know that struggle all too well, here’s your self care: https://kinfolk-pick-me-up.tumblr.com/post/149060057404/motivational-self-care-for-lemy-abelard-from-the
Feel free to talk to me if you ever need it!
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