#pirate their shit and donate that money if you have it to PCRF or literally any aid fund for Palestinians
gravesaint · 1 month
i don't feel the need to post much about the stuff going on with watcher, but one thing i will say is people are being real weird about shane. like for one it stinks of racism to say that he's innocent while blaming everything on ryan and steven as if they aren't all grown ass men with agency and equal stake/say in their company.
and secondly, everyone saying "HOW could he have done this, comrade shane would never sell out like this," like how far down your throat does the boot have to be for you to think you know this random man on the internet well enough to know his personal politics. has he EVER taken any real, consistent action to back his supposed leftist ideology? or has he just been using radical language to appear #relatable to his audience? critical thinking goes out the window when its the internet's favorite white man
and the issue isn't even so much that he doesn't act on those words, the issue is that fans seem to believe he does act on them just by saying them, and then they put him on a pedestal for it. the argument over whether or not celebrities should be obligated to activism when they are oftentimes very tone-deaf and out of touch people whose opinions I would caution you against putting too much stock into is a different conversation for a different post. just let it pass through a few braincells before you jump to defend someone in the most parasocial and uncritical way imaginable
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