#ok to rb I GUESS but no clowning
gravesaint · 1 month
i don't feel the need to post much about the stuff going on with watcher, but one thing i will say is people are being real weird about shane. like for one it stinks of racism to say that he's innocent while blaming everything on ryan and steven as if they aren't all grown ass men with agency and equal stake/say in their company.
and secondly, everyone saying "HOW could he have done this, comrade shane would never sell out like this," like how far down your throat does the boot have to be for you to think you know this random man on the internet well enough to know his personal politics. has he EVER taken any real, consistent action to back his supposed leftist ideology? or has he just been using radical language to appear #relatable to his audience? critical thinking goes out the window when its the internet's favorite white man
and the issue isn't even so much that he doesn't act on those words, the issue is that fans seem to believe he does act on them just by saying them, and then they put him on a pedestal for it. the argument over whether or not celebrities should be obligated to activism when they are oftentimes very tone-deaf and out of touch people whose opinions I would caution you against putting too much stock into is a different conversation for a different post. just let it pass through a few braincells before you jump to defend someone in the most parasocial and uncritical way imaginable
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I don't use Facebook for anything except keeping in contact with our ferret breeder, who I've been talking to again to get (hopefully) another couple kits this summer. I also don't keep in contact with anyone I went to high school with--people who make up the majority of my FB friendlist.
So, in opening FB for the first time in years, I was extremely amused to find that a solid 1/4 of the people I liked enough to friend them on FB have come out as some flavor of trans. Some I suspected, some were a complete surprise. But they all look so happy now, and I'm so happy for them. <3
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fearforthestorm · 1 year
actually yeah I DO get mad when I see a post that I image described at like 500 notes, that I specifically said "hey edit the ID into the original post" and op just reblogged the ID instead, on my dash without an ID at like 15k notes. I do get mad and I will not lie and say I don't.
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titanofthedepths · 2 years
Not being attracted to people but like still having those wants is kind of like being in a buffet when you’re not particularly hungry, tbh. There’s options, sure, and you can definitely tell what you do and don’t like! Some things are going to appeal more than others, some things you just do not want, and you might even indulge just because… well, why not? It’s good stuff! But you’re not going in with your eye on anything particular right off the bat
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clownfall · 1 year
intro post time (ive had this blog for years but . no time like the present i guess)
hey im fitz im 20 i have issues
i like funny things so i reblog funny things. also sometimes other things that i think r interesting or want to save for later but mostly funnies.
i think trans people are better than cis people btw (<- terf repellant)
more under the cut if u even care
ok thanks ily bye
other interests include
philosophy and sociology
clowns and puppets and the like
minmaxxing the neurochemistry of my brain
cats and other beasts
evil schemes
sex* and drugs and general deviance
art and music and movies and shows
and so much more!
* i rb nsfw jokes sometimes but if its rly graphic i'll tag it nsfw so like. filter that if u want ig. i dont rly tag anything else but you can dm me or send me an ask if i frequently post something that you want tagged so u can filter
other tags r
#posts about me
#nonfunny posts (usually stuff i still personally think is important but its none of my business whether u give a shit)
side blogs r
@claroobscuro (aesthetics and drawing refs)
@fitzerris (my autism outlet)
@butchb3ar (fagdykeposting)
heres credit for my pfp
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sunflowerseraph · 3 years
Fuck I hate tiktok so bad part 500. So there's this video of a person giving "trans masc/ftm tips" on how to "pass better" and it's all...such like western masculinity shit. Also like idk how to tell you this bestie but alot of ur tips on contouring your jawline and cheekbones and not dying your hair and wearing baggy clothes and needing a completely flat chest really only caters to skinny white ppl lol!! Getting your hair cut and "natural colors" is so. Like this person said if you dye your hair you'll be misgendered. And suggested getting undercuts or cutting your hair in general. Like. Bro. I feel like alot of skinny/medium/"average" sized white trans people have it so so easy and don't even. Realize that. Like not everyone can bind,not everyone WANTS to bind. Not everyone needs or wants voice training. Sucking in your cheeks and trying to fake having a razor sharp jawline and cheekbones bones is fucking fatphobic,you are not any less valid for being plus size. Or having dyed hair. Or having long hair. Or not wearing hypermasc clothes. It's bullshit that tiktok pushes this skinny white transmasc image and I'm sick of it.
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calocera · 3 years
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hehe :)
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kisstheashes · 2 years
24/7 pain fucking sucks
Like jesus christ you really don't get how people in chronic pain feel until it happens to you
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radioactive-mouse · 3 years
ok i’ve said this time and time again but it seems to be time to reiterate: if you are a c!dream apologist following my blog or engaging with my content YOU. ARE. NOT. SAFE. HERE. this isn’t a joke post. some of the shit you people try to defend is fucking horrific, and i do not want you here. leave.
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seidurs · 3 years
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goth bimbofication is real becoz I Looked Like That the last time i posted a selfie on this website 0_0′’ (now vs like 2018)
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biohazrd · 2 years
me: :|
someone: what if cas can see deans soul
me: 🥺❤️🥰💋🤗❣️😍
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b1rdonawire · 3 years
israeli government: american jews don't like occupation hmm what do we so.
israeli government: brilliant idea! we're girlbossing this by JEWISH occupation
exactly this. the fact that the israeli government thinks that they can gloss all of this shit over with imagery of “strong jews” and “jewish pride” and inspirational quotes about how we can finally defend ourselves is so fucking insulting. they really think that us american jews are stupid. a jewish occupation is still an occupation, and it doesn’t show strength, it shows a complete betrayal of 4000 years of jewish history. seeing a “jewish army” doesn’t make me proud, it makes me sick. so many israeli jews ive met seemed to look down on me for living in the diaspora and being “assimilated,” as if the ultimate mark of assimilation isn’t resorting to the same imperialist tactics of our oppressors. i think israel (specifically the israei right) takes the support of american jews for granted, assuming that we’ll always be there to back them up and use our country’s political power to defend them no matter what. but honestly, i’m quite tired of making excuses. they think we’re unhappy in america, that we’re just waiting for a time to get out, but that’s just so ridiculously far from the truth. they’re just unable to fathom jewish coexistence, because they’re so far entrenched in nationalism. if i wouldn’t tolerate it in my own country, why should i tolerate it in another country, especially one that claims to speak for me and act on my behalf? i don’t want this to sound like a condemnation of every israeli jew, because it’s not — there is still an israeli left, and there are israeli jews speaking out and protesting and doing important work — but i’m personally tired of being taken for granted by a government that occupies in my name, with no regard for the impacts of its actions on my safety, or my support for them. 
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13dollz · 3 years
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She's edited but its cute no?
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hongjoongpresent · 3 years
i hate that just because im able to do a thing today that i was unable to do yesterday, people suddenly assume i was faking not being able to do it yesterday. no, yesterday i had a depressive episode and i couldnt do it. today i happened to have enough energy and willpower to do it. it doesnt mean im suddenly cured of my depression or that it was easy or didnt cost any energy. it still cost me energy. just because i dont openly talk to the voices in my head doesnt mean theyre not there. just because i am sometimes able to see what is or is not a hallucination doesnt mean the hallucination isnt there. it also doesnt make that hallucination less "real" to me. just because the voices are sometimes more quiet doesnt mean im not psychotic anymore or that i was faking it.
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vanityloves · 3 years
im just gonna say it - "trying" doesnt translate to "excuse their actions." we tend to give people the benefit of the doubt bc we take into consideration how they were raised n stuff and that's great! but if this is something that greatly bothers you, whether it triggers you or simply makes you uncomfortable, just know that sometimes "trying" really isn't enough. its pretty harsh but its our need to see change. actions absolutely speak louder than words, in my opinion.
i know people come from different cultural backgrounds, home life, etc, but i truly do not expect anyone to change for me when its something so engrained in their mind. realistically, it takes months or years to break these habits and it might be something you can not handle and thats ok. if communication is good, they should be able to understand the frustration on both ends. this isnt be saying 'give up on them when they mess up' though. its knowing that you will always have the option to speak up ab things you are unhappy with.
another note: just bc you decide to leave, it doesnt mean either of you are bad people - you just have limits and boundaries and thats good. youre not a bad person for standing up for youself and recognizing their behavior is not something you can handle. on the flipside, your best and their version of 'your best' is different. this doenst mean stop trying to improve yourself or unlearn what you just learned.
leaving doesnt mean you 'lose' or that 'youre weak'. its so much harder to admit that "this is not working out" and growing from it rather than putting yourself in stressful situations all the time.
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sirensorisons · 3 years
anyone else think its extremely fucked up how normalized abuse is between siblings. like im not talking bickering and fighting bc thats on both sides, equivalent power dynamic, that is normal. but it should not be considered normal for one sibling to just completely terrorize and traumatize the other. and then when the victim tries to defend themselves it gets framed as a regular sibling rivalry, to the point where the victim may not even realize they were being victimized in the first place
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