kamalsmom 5 years
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My baby is having a baby 馃挋 馃挋 馃ゴ 馃挋 馃挋 #bigheadboy #pissedtothemax #illacceptitduringdelivery #untilthendonttalktome #stillmad #stillnotbabysitting #babyNolan #teamgirl #stillhope https://www.instagram.com/p/B9zsgJ9pmtq/?igshid=wicvgnntyg15
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bemashallah 11 years
this is so bullshit like wtffff
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artistsofsociety 11 years
My mom took my keurig out of my room. Who the hell does she fucking think she is? She really needs to stop coming in my room and moving shit after i organize it.
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lolly-is-me 11 years
To the Pieces of Shit Next Door
Are you fucking kidding me right now? Letting off fireworks this late at night! Normally I wouldn't mind this but I have school tomorrow along with your own fucking children which means SLEEP!! Not only this, but you know I have a dog who is curled up against me crying and shaking because of your fucking fireworks and every time I get her to FINALLY calm down you let off another one! And let your idiotic kids aim the fireworks at our fence!! So FUCK OFF!!
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telaulvnodi 11 years
So jealous of all the people that are at walkerstalkercon :((((
I wish I would have know, and wish I would have gone!
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andreathebaee 11 years
"You better watch who you're talking to."
I can't believe my older brother said that to me. That is the most disrespectful thing he has ever told me. I'm glad I have my other brothers to tell him that it was wrong to say that.
"Did we ever tell that to you?"聽what my other brothers told him.
His response"No."聽
Other brothers:聽"Then what gives you the right to tell that to her? She's your little sister. We have NEVER said that to you."
And also, I can't believe you lied to me and virlee. When are you guys gonna grow up? Seriously tho. Be considerate of other people around you. You woke the whole entire apartment up because of those stupid drunk girls and you slept in your own little sister's room with them.
How dare you guys take advantage. Grow up already and know what's right and wrong.聽
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xbeeeeee-blog 11 years
I'm am fucking pissed to the fucking max. This is the first time I ever came home "late" and my mom is making is seem like I come home this fucken late every fucking night. Calm the fuck down mom. I already know you don't like me dancing okay. We all fucking get it. You don't support me in dance what so ever. You tell me to tell you about my life well you know what, dance is a HUGE fucken part of my life. Either you're with me on that or not. Stop fucking bitching because anything you say or do will NEVER STOP ME FROM DANCING. Why can't you be one of those supportive moms instead of the OVER OVER OVER PROTECTIVE MOMS. Like wtf. I know I am your only child. But I swear the more you pull some shit like this on me, you will lose your only child. Stop fucking suffocating me. You're pushing me to move the fuck out already. AND I GUARANTEE YOU, I WILL MOVE THE FUCK OUT NEXT YEAR. That is my fucken goal.聽
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hayleyymaria 12 years
So fucking tired of this shit. I'm ready to fight someone, that's how high my adrenaline is. I can't deal with stupid shit any longer.
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