#pit babe ep 6
nemesis-21 · 2 months
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I see no difference.
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distant-screaming · 4 months
episode 6 was so good can we just stay in this ep for a while. sit in this space with me. everyone's happy (except way and like, tony I guess). charliebabe are official boyfriends. alanjeff are gay. sonicnorth ❤️. what more could you want tbh. the only thing missing is kim. where is he!! free him!!!
Current Fave Character Leaderboard:
Babe (the guy of all time, he is so cute and tortured <3)
Jeff (he's literally everything to me. hr's beloved employee)
Sonicnorth (they're one entity to me shush. anyway need I even explain)
Honorary spot goes to: the background engineers that just 🧍 when the situation calls for it. you're doing great guys, keep it up!
Amount of Characters I Wish To Punch Counter: 2
Way (what is his problem)
Dean (babygirl this isn't you okay)
New feature!
Mama/Papa counter: 3 (this is counting situations, not individual instances)
(ep 5 summary)
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flopgirlsummer · 6 months
still in denial about the more or less confirmed mpreg narrative. I have somehow trojan-horsed myself by believing they wouldn't go all-in with the omegaverse, when they have literally slapped us across the face with that plot line within the first three minutes of the first episode
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gillianthecat · 6 months
aha, the infamous "can I knock you up and call you mama?" scene! This date night was so cute that I was able to ignore the fact that Charlie's manipulating Babe and just enjoy the moment.
And the role reversal role play in the locker room was so sweet and so sexy. Their little smiles as they enjoyed their game! Charlie is so much more appealing when he stops pretending to be submissive and lets his true dominant self show.
Is Charlie starting to feel guilty? He was very serious-faced while lying on the tarmac. We're exactly halfway through the series now, so we're going to need to get some insight into what he's thinking soon if this show is going to work.
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jenyifer · 4 months
Pit Babe ep 6 initial reaction
So I recently got back from a trip to Korea and Japan in January (which is why I’m watching everything late cause couldn’t watch it there). Hardcore studied Japanese for 7 years Koran for 3 years. Can read to a decent level in both. Now started my Thai Bl stuff? Maybe 2 years ago when I watched KinnPorsche. I have not actively tried to learn Thai. So why is my auditory understanding of Thai at the same level as Korean. I keep hearing changes from the subs on iqiyi. This is why when I was in Korea and Japan I kept accidentally speaking Thai? 😭😭 anyways onto the photo review.
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Is it crazy babe is that good without his abilities? As far as I can tell he hasn’t been using his skill since he started seeing Charlie. Also feel like this is great meme potential.
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Very very very harsh Alan. He doesn’t really give Dean any advice on achieving his goals. Also I think Dean was angry when he was racing Babe and Charlie. Seems like if Alan had more practice maybe he’d feel more comfortable
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Way is moving through the stages of grief. Acceptance of the enemy. Way kept treating Charlie like he was replaceable. Also babe was looking hella tiny in this scene. Specifically when he was going down the stairs
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Couple things that annoy me about this scene.
1. Jeff doesn’t eat or drink. Look at that milk shake and cake. Come on a tiny nibble? It’s good for the baby.
2. Love Actually in my opinion is one of the weakest romance films of all time. It’s sad the porn couple Martin Freeman and Johanna Page were the sweetest one. But the paper holding scene I found fucking creepy? Her husband kids etc are inside and that’s why the guy is doing the paper signs. Romantic? No. Traumatizing kids on Christmas? Yes.
3. Is Jeff a Uni student? Because… I think Way said he’s known Babe for 7 or 10 years. Which means Alan has to be in his 30s and Babe Way are 25 or 28? Idk concerning age diff at least for Jeff and Alan. Also Alan has a bad case of No means No, but I guess very abo.
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Babe’s actor is so Beautiful and convincing at being in love with Charlie. He’s so soft and cute. However suggesting babies is fucking weird Charlie. Maybe it’s cause I don’t want any but seems a bit strange but no kink shaming babe and Charlie can have a mommy kink if they want.
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“Why don’t we do it in the road?” By The Beatles
I think I’m just too American South brained because my reaction to this is it’s not cute. A rural road would definitely have road kill splatters and broken glass. Also I’d be worried someone would come out of their house and shoot me to death and that’s before they find out I’m of the LGBT+ variation of human.
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I actually think the one I like is called Sonic. Oddly not the one who wears blue? But anyways style icon legend got checked by Dean for doing work? They didn’t seem to be doing the social media thing but helping in the garage so not fair he is taking his frustrations out on them. Also Sonic and North should have an opinion on Charlie joining. Wish we could know if they are friendly with Charlie or not. We do see them also at the party but Charlie is so babe focused I guess they don’t exist but they should be closer to his age.
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Awwww Babe is taking the boyfriend title seriously trying to look out for Jeff now. But Jeff sees some bad shit but he just doesn’t share it with us. What’s Charlie’s ability? I guess something with his mouth and that’s why he can by pass Babe’s no’s
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Babe was a bit heartless to Way. I mean Way made it clear what kind of simp he was for Babe. I get that Way was Babe’s first friend and he’s very attached to Way for that reason but Babe does have Alan too. I feel like when Way asked for Babe’s necklace then Babe should have said hey just so we clear besties. But then again idk how socialized Babe was at that point.
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mirabella96 · 6 months
Pit Babe ep 6
This series is so funny and part one of ep 6 has to be the funniest!
Alan and Jeff are so cute and funny
But Charlie, oh boy, Charlie asking about children made me laugh so hard I almost fell from my chair.
And this airs in television XD
This is so FUNNY
And did they put Charlie in a sweatshirt with shop tags still attached
I can not hahahhahahhahahahahaha
I do not know who is more confused about what Alad said - Jeff or Alan himself XD
Oh, so whole Jeff car is a product placement
Oh no I am going to cry.
And now my head will hurt.
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le-trash-prince · 5 months
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Why? Why don’t you guys ever appreciate me?
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gaym3bo1 · 6 months
babe is actually the biggest softie wdym you're just gonna forgive the dude who lied to you for like two months and also irreversibly stole all your powers in secret admit it it's just bc u were horny and wanted to ride him why are you crying again stop crying you're breaking my heart this show isn't good for me stream of consciousness abt ep 7 end
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emjcarr · 6 months
Pitbabe episode 6-
I actually felt really bad for Way in this episode and the acting was phenomenal, he really displayed heartbreak well. The show is getting more suspenseful too. Like what are Jeff and Charlie hiding? 🤭
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7-starboi · 5 months
Why does way gotta act like that but look so good doing it 😭😭
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distant-screaming · 4 months
if you thought the fact that you haven't heard from me in a couple weeks means you're safe you're SO wrong. hi :) I'm back :) for episode 6 of pit babe!! I missed them dearly and I just know so much is gonna happen I can't wait
Last time on Pit Babe: charliebabe made up but haven't really used their words, alan had his cringefail moment and jeff got accused of being autistic in a slash neg way, dean was being weird and middle child'y, jeffcharlie brothers is real, and pete made an appearance!! surely everything will be fine (we are not even halfway through the show)!!
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flopgirlsummer · 6 months
whoever decided to use early 2000s-gallery-lounge-pop as the musical backdrop for any slightly relaxed and wholesome scenes, but especially for the spicier scenes in pit babe, needs to be stopped. there has to be some better stuff out there that could be used in these moments and I am not talking about the grating, funky-ass tv-static sound they use whenever anyone enters into a slightly menacing environment. that shit is also cursed, it sounds like what monster mixed with pepsi vanilla tastes like
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gillianthecat · 6 months
Way sobbing alone in his car is breaking my heart. Nut is so expressive.
I'm glad we got these two scenes—his half confession to Babe at the bar, and his golden-hued memories of their relationship—because I feel like understand Way better. If that was how he and Babe interacted all those years, I can see why he thought they were on the friend-to-lovers track. We know Babe flirts with him, easy as breathing. He put his amulet around Way's neck when Way asked for it! I'm still curious about the details of why he was too scared to confess, but emotionally it makes more sense now.
What I still don't understand is what he was doing with his magic manipulation powers. Maybe I'm swayed by Nut's beauty, but it feels out of character for everything else we've seen from him, which is to quietly pine. And why would he enchant Babe into remaining single instead of into falling in love with him? Did that seem like a bridge too far, like it would be ethical to block other relationships but not to do a love spell?
And on a technical level, it didn't even work! Babe fell in love anyway. I was getting annoyed that the show had dropped the thread on this entirely, so I was relieved (on a narrative structure level) when Way made a tentative, aborted motion to enchant him again, in their last conversation. And on a character level, I was relieved that he was so hesitant about it. Perhaps it was something he did only rarely, when he felt most desperate.
Will we get answers to any of these questions?nWho knows.
Speaking of not getting answers, the show still hasn't given us any insight into what Charlie and Jeff are up to. We no longer even have the scenes of them talking, or the moments Charlie's mask slips; both of them seem fully committed to their roles. If I hadn't seen the early episodes I would think it a straightforward love story.
It's an interesting approach to storytelling, revealing the secret early on and then falling so completely into the point of view of the characters being fooled that the secret isn't even hinted at. It could work really well if handled correctly. Fingers crossed that they manage it.
Presumably his duplicity and manipulation will get revealed eventually, but when? And will it be a good reason?
Charlie is a blank slate of a character right now, given that we don't know which parts of what we see of him are real, or indeed if any of it is. This could work, in terms of storytelling, if in the second half they flay him open and we get to see what makes him tick. Please give that to us, Pit Babe.
(I don't watch the preview at the end of the episodes, so perhaps I would already know some of these answers if I did.)
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bugbuoyx · 5 months
Hey, I saw you're watching pit babe and when I Googled it a while ago I swear it said it wasn't omegaverse? Can u confirm if it's omegaverse pls?
its absolutely omegaverse but its honestly not relevant at all, its just a few lines here and there including references to pheromones but it doesnt affect anything, you could easily ignore it if you wanted which kind of sucks if thats what youre into.
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spicyvampire · 6 months
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Today on the fast and furious omegaverse bl
PIT BABE (2023) EP. 6
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ohshinytrinketsmine · 6 months
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I don't want you to be lonely any more. At least, you can try opening your heart and getting to know me. I'll try it out. But I don't know if it will work.
Pit Babe, ep 6
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