#pl and james bond got me in a chokehold again
big-teez-club · 4 years
James Bond Drabble
Imagine: Reader somehow got transported into the Bond universe 
Pls don’t judge this is just a random thing I wrote i’m aware it’s cringey
Warnings: violence, flirting???? subject to interpretation lol
Word Count: 705
Part 1/? who freaking knows not me
A pistol clattered onto the floor, sliding across the tile to a stop in front of your knees. You couldn’t breathe. Your eyes were glued on Bond and the stranger. It was all happening so fast. Punches. Bones cracking. Blood. Grunts. You reached out for the gun.
Finally, Bond wrestled the man into a chokehold, but you could see the man’s hand grasping dangerously close to a knife strapped to his side. You leveled the gun.
“Let him go, Bond!”
James locked eyes with you. The man yanked the knife out of its sheath.
A gunshot. A yell. A thud.
Bond had jumped back just in time as the man fell to the floor, clutching his thigh and groaning in pain. You took a shaky breath, surprised you even hit him at all, and stood, keeping the gun aimed at the threat. Your legs were trembling, and your hands just as unsteady, as you slowly walked closer.
“Who has the list,” you grit out. The man let out a breathy laugh, but you were having none of it.
Another gunshot. Another yelp of pain partnered with a squelch from the fresh wound. Your stomach lurched.
“Who has the list,” you repeated, wishing your voice didn’t sound so whiny and strained. The man had a bullet in each leg now and he still wasn’t talking. You shoved the gun against his groin.
“Your balls will be next if you don’t answer me RIGHT NOW!”
The man laughed again, and you were so scared you'd need to pull the trigger once more, until he finally croaked out, "Silva."
A hand rested on your shoulder. You looked up at Bond as he coaxed you back onto your feet, slowly taking the gun from you.
"Turn around," he whispered, gently pushing your shoulder. You obliged, but not before seeing Bond aim the gun down at the man. 
"Where do we find him?"
Bond's question was met with silence, and you almost looked back until a final gunshot rang out, making your body jump. Bond turned back to you, standing close so that he blocked your view of the body.
"Let's go."
You barely made it to the elevator before you had to veer to the side and vomit. God, you couldn't stop shaking, even as you felt Bond's reassuring hand on your back. Still, you lifted your chin and tried to keep your cool all the way back to MI6.
"I'd like to commend your assistance to Bond, Y/N." M stood from her seat behind her desk. "Had he been alone I doubt the man would have lived long enough to give any substantial information. Have you ever trained with a gun before?"
"No ma'am."
"Well that's quite surprising. We really didn't expect you to be much help other than giving us insight into other universes."
M walked over to you. "How would you like to train for fieldwork?"
"As an agent?"
You laughed incredulously. "Oh I don't think I'd even survive through training, let alone on a real mission. Imagine! Me, running around like I had a clue what I was doing!"
M opened her mouth to give a rebuttal, but Bond walked in, interrupting her. You hopped on the opportunity to push your point.
"Nearly all the men out there look like Bond, M. And Bond would have no trouble at all snapping my wrist like a toothpick if he wanted to." You stretched out your arm to Bond as he walked closer. "You wanna try?"
Bond reached out and wrapped his hand around your wrist. Your heart jumped, and for a second you feared he'd really try to snap it. Instead, he gave a slight smile.
"Toothpicks can still deal a bit of damage if used properly." He let go of your wrist and unexpected relief washed over you.
"You should think on it," M said to you, before facing Bond. "In the meantime, 007 will show you your new room now. You'll be staying here in this facility while we continue our research into your bizarre appearance."
Bond extended his arm toward the door, allowing you to walk in front. He gave a nod to M, and followed you out of the office.
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