solwaycoastwise · 4 years
Sheeps’ Rink Co’
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Sheeps'Rink Co', Ardwell Bay -  is a tiny cave on the western shore of the Rhins, which was inhabited by Will Purvis in the late 1800s.  It can no longer be found on modern maps.
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Will Purvis was a former clown and strongman who retired to this cave and undertook odd jobs, as well as selling postcards such as this of himself. He kept a record of the many visitors to his home over the Summer season.
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solwaycoastwise · 6 years
Caves near Ardwell Bay
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Red Cave, Ardwell Bay, took some finding, although it is easy to access once located. It is one of a number of caves inhabited in the early 1900s.
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Ersbal’s Caves  It is said that a man named Ersbal (who committed murder) took shelter in this cave as a hiding place to evade the law.
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Another cave nearby is Black Cave aka Dripping Co’.  These were photographed whilst researching caves for our publication ‘Caves and Graves’. You can veiw a copy of the publication here. But we would still love to hear from anyone who knows any Dumfries and Galloway coastal caves with interesting stories?
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