#placeholder tag since I don't want this showing up in the search tags
laurelwen · 10 months
I'm here to give you all a random tip, just in case you don't know this. So, we know you can go into your own or someone else's Archive to see past posts, and search based on the tags. This might work sometimes, but also I find it has limits. The following trick will bring all of the tagged posts up on their actual Tumblr blog rather than as a grid of posts where you have to click on each one to see it.
However, if you enter the following in your browser, you can pull up every post that any user has tagged with any tag you want:
Example: [https://laurelwen.tumblr.com/tagged/like%20minds]
Simply replace any username instead of laurelwen, and any tag (however long) instead of like minds. The key here is that the link shows up in a tumblr post with the "%20" as a placeholder for the space between words in a tag. If you want to put this link into a post (like I've done on my Masterpost) you use the placeholder for each space between words.
If you are simply typing this in your browser, you can just put a space between the words, like so:
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I know there must be lots of other posts out there with this same information, but I didn't feel like tracking them down. Just thought I'd share since it's a handy trick if you want to browse through someone's posts.
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chibisunnie · 3 years
Blanc Ch 11 translation
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EDIT: BLANC HAS BEEN LICENSED IN ENGLISH!! :D It is now released and can be ordered from all the places listed on Seven Seas’ site here: https://sevenseasentertainment.com/books/classmates-vol-6-blanc/  Since deleting a tumblr post from my page won’t delete it everywhere on tumblr, I figured the best thing to do for right now would just be to delete the pictures from my translation and then whenever anyone clicks the read more they’d see this update and the link of where to buy it. So if you want to read it, go buy the official version or request it from your public library! :D  Below the cut is my translation for Blanc Ch 11! Aka THE WEDDING CHAPTER!! :D I AM SO HAPPY FOR KUSAKABE AND SAJOU!! :D
I was told Honyakusuru already translated this, but I had to do my own translation for Zandynofansub’s scanlation and I like to have all my translations on my tumblr for consistency’s sake. I’m so frustrated it took me this long to finish this chapter. T_T But between everything that happened last year and everything that’s happened this year (I had to deal with a lot of life things such as moving to a new state and Murphy’s Law has been relentlessly following me around this year @_@), I feel like finding time and mental energy to work on it at all is an accomplishment. >_< But I did my best to be sure it’s as accurate as possible! ^_^ Like with the kanji for Kinosaki’s first name that could be read as either Hideto or Shuuto, the kanji for Tani’s first name could be read as either Naohito or Naoto and the kanji for his wife’s first name could be read as either Maaya, Maya, or Aya. I went with Naohito for Tani because I’ve seen that name more frequently in mangas I’ve read. As for his wife, I thought it was cute that she might have a similar name as their daughter, Mayumi. But Miyamura’s first name is Maya, so I went with Maaya to make it slightly different than that and still have that Ma starting sound.
As always, please support Nakamura-sensei and buy the mangas if you’re able! Vol 1-3 of Doukyuusei are already available in English (they call it Classmates) at pretty much all places that sell mangas. Vol 4 (Sora to Hara) will be officially released in English from Seven Seas in November 2021, and a combined omnibus of vol 5 and 6 (OB) will be released in April 2022. Pre-ordering/buying them can help get Blanc and Futari Gurashi licensed in English in the future! Requesting Blanc and Futari Gurashi on Seven Seas’ monthly survey can also help them get licensed!
Pg 1: Panel 1 Bubble 1: Hey, are we on the right road?   Panel 2 Bubble 1: Maa-chan, wait! Bubble 2: Don’t go off on your own! Bubble 3: Go hold Papa’s hand for a bit.   Bubble 4: It’s like we’re getting further and further from civilization. Bubble 5: Why don’t you look at your phone’s map instead of the invitation?   Bubble 6: Well, because where my phone says we are is wrong.   Tiny text: Says we’re in the river. Bubble 7: What the hell? Bubble 8: Papa, carry me!   Panel 3 Bubble 1:  Ah.
Pg 2: Top Right Side text: Latest Work in the Doukyuusei Series   Bottom Right text: Nakamura Asumiko Left Side text: Beyond the curtain of greenery,   Bottom Left Text line 1: Books & E-books now on sale:   Bottom Left Text line 2: [Doukyuusei] [Sotsugyosei -Winter- ] [Sotsugyosei -Spring- ] [Sora to Hara] [O.B. 1] [O.B. 2] [Sotsugyosei Album Extended Edition]
Pg 3: Panel 1 Text:  is a place overflowing with light and the promise of happiness……………. Panel 2 Bubble 1: Welcomeeeeee!
Pg 4: Panel 1 Bubble 1: No, don’t say “Welcome” like that. Tiny text: What are ya, a saleswoman? Bubble 2: Ah! Bubble 3: You’re right, it shouldn’t be like that! Bubble 4: Errr Tiny text: I’m kinda nervous. Bubble 5: Congratulations!   Panel 2 Bubble 1: Ah, Bubble 2: th- Bubble 3: thank you so much for making time in your busy schedule to come today. Bubble 4: No problem, Bubble 5: I’m happy to be here.   Panel 3 Bubble 1: Here you go. Envelope Top: Best Wishes Envelope Bottom left: Tani Maaya Envelope Bottom right: Tani Naohito Bubble 2: Thank you very much. Bubble 3: I will take care of this.   Panel 4 Bubble 1: Well then, please write your name here… Bubble 2: Hey, Papa! Bubble 3: Looook!   Panel 5 Bubble 1: So cuuuuute! Bubble 2: Oh, awesome! Tiny text: It’s made out of cookies. Bubble 3: I know, right?
Pg 5: Panel 2 Bubble 1: WOAH IT’S THE STAR OF THE SHOW!! Bubble 2: Hey there! Bubble 3: IT-- �� Panel 3 Bubble 1: IT’S REALLY HIM!!   Panel 4 Bubble 1: OH! SORRY! BUT UMM BUT Bubble 2: YOU-- Bubble 3: YOU’RE SO COOL!! Thought bubble 1: Ah, Thought bubble 2: that’s right, Tani’s wife was one Thought Bubble 3: of the original ZGOK fans… Tiny text 1:  Or something like that.   Panel 5 Tiny text 1: In person!! Bubble 1: I was the vocalist, you know. Tiny text 2: For what it’s worth. Bubble 2: Ahh, well, thank you… Bubble 3: Umm, if you don’t mind, c-could I shake your hand… Tiny text 3: Like, as a fan service or something.   Panel 6 Bubble 1: This isn’t the kind of day for that. Bubble 2: Hikaru.
Pg 6: Panel 1 Bubble 1: Rihito! Bubble 2: Excuse me for interrupting.   Panel 2 Bubble 1: The flower coordinator wants to fasten the boutonnieres on us. Bubble 2: Boutonnieres? Bubble 3: It’s a flower attached to the lapel. Bubble 4: Ohh, Sajou-kun!   Panel 3 Bubble 1: Congrats! Bubble 2: Ah, Bubble 3: thank you. Bubble 4: Sorry about my wife.   Panel 4 Bubble 1: Ah…it’s Bubble 2: no problem… Bubble 3: Let’s go, Rihito.   Panel 5 Bubble 1: Well then, I’ll see you later! Bubble 2: See ya!
Pg 7: Panel 3 Bubble 1: …You know…   Panel 4 Bubble 1: Hm? Bubble 2: Er, I thought that something like this, Bubble 3: how do I put it…   Panel 5 Bubble 1: I thought that it would feel really weird. Bubble 2: But like… Bubble 3: It’s not like that at all.
Pg 8: Panel 1 Bubble 1: Ahh, I know what you mean. Bubble 2: And now… Bubble 3: I’m feeling…   Panel 2 Bubble 1: Well, I’m glad that I came.   Panel 3 Bubble 1: Even though I hesitated for a moment, Bubble 2: I’m glad that you called to invite me, Tani. Bubble 3: Thank you.
Pg 9: Panel 1 Bubble 1: You should have shaken her hand.   Panel 2 Bubble 1: Huh? Bubble 2: Who, Bubble 3: Tani’s wife? Bubble 4: That’s right.   Panel 3 Bubble 1: You jealous? Bubble 2: Not really.
Pg 10: Panel 2 Bubble 1: Because today WE are the stars of the show.   Panel 3 Bubble 1: Kiss
Pg 11: Panel 1 Bubble 1: Let’s get going. Bubble 2: O… Bubble 3: Okay.   Panel 2 Bubble 1: HE’S TOTALLY STOLEN MY HEART!!   Panel 3 Text line 1: Event Staff Text line 2: Waiting Room   Panel 4 Bubble 1: You guys are late.   Panel 5 Bubble 1: Hey, Chin Pubes. Bubble 2: Eh?   Panel 6 Bubble 1: When did you get here? Tiny text 1: Are you wearing make-up? Bubble 2: You idiot, I’ve already been here for about 30 minutes. Tiny text 2: It’s just oily-skin concealer. Bubble 3: What are you two stars of the show doing giddily wandering around? Bubble 4: Isn’t it supposed to be a surprise or some shit? Bubble 5: A surprise? Tiny text 3: But it’s not like I’m wearing a fancy dress.
Pg 12: Panel 1 Bubble 1: And what the hell is up with your hair?! Bubble 2: You just wake up? Bubble 3: No, as I’ve been growing it out it just does this for some reason. Tiny text 1: And it’s uncontrollable. Bubble 4: Sensei…   Panel 2 Bubble 1: …you Bubble 2: cut your hair too.   Panel 3 Bubble 1: Ah. Bubble 2: Ohhh. Bubble 3: That’s right, it’s kinda like Bubble 4: an image change? Bubble 5: Or more like a change of pace? Bubble 6: Aahh, Bubble 7: that’s enough. Bubble 8: Let’s not get into that topic. Tiny text 1: It’s dangerous to get involved.   Panel 4 Bubble 1: Thank you for helping us today. Bubble 2: Ahh there you are!   Panel 5 Bubble 1: Where’ve you two been? Bubble 2: The flowers are gonna wilt.
Pg 13: Panel 1 Bubble 1: Koma-chan has been looking for you! Bubble 2: Ah, really? Bubble 3: Okay, I’m going to fasten on the flower.   Panel 2 Bubble 1: Thank you so much. Bubble 2: Oh yeah, Kusakabae-san, I saw it! Bubble 3: That soda commercial   Panel 3 Bubble 1: with your song!   Panel 4 Bubble 1: WHAT? Bubble 2: Ah, err…   Panel 5 Bubble 1: Man, I was so surprised! Bubble 2: I just happened to turn on the TV and in the corner your name appeared! Bubble 3: It’s so great! What an awesome song! Bubble 4: Ah, Bubble 5: I’m sorry but Bubble 6: please don’t move.   Panel 6 Bubble 1: Say, did you cut your hair? Bubble 2: Was it for this? Bubble 3: What soda commercial?
Pg 14: Panel 1 Bubble 1: Well, that’s ummm…. Bubble 2: They’re using your song? Bubble 3: In a commercial? Tiny Text 1: All done!   Panel 2 Bubble 1: Yeah, but ummm really, Bubble 2: just since like yesterday. Bubble 3: It was only super recently…   Panel 3 Bubble 1: …that they started playing it………. Bubble 2: Didn’t I tell you to inform me of such things right away?   Panel 4 Bubble 1: Ahh, well, yes. Bubble 2: You did say that. Tiny text 1: Sorry… Bubble 3: This is so typical of you. Tiny text 2: Kyoooot. Thought bubble 1: This must be the way that Sajou loses his temper against Kusakabe. Bubble 4: Don’t get all lovestruck, Old Man.   Panel 5 Bubble 1: Didn’t I tell you this countless times? Bubble 2: Err, yeah, you really have.   Tiny text 1: But I like your angry face… Bubble 3: Aaahh!! Here you are!!
Pg 15: Panel 1 Bubble 1: Geeze, what’s this? You came back to the waiting room? Bubble 2: I’d been looking everywhere for you! Bubble 3: Ah, Bubble 4: sorry…………   Panel 2 Bubble 1: Anyway, that aside,   Bubble 2: look at this!! Bubble 3: Surprise! <3   Panel 3 Bubble 1: Aren’t they cute?! <3   Bubble 2: They’re flower crown veils! <3   Panel 4 Bubble 1: I coordinated them to match the boutonnieres! Bubble 2: They’re a present from me! <3 Tiny text 1: Aren’t they great? <3 Tiny text 2: Yeah! <3   Panel 5 Bubble 1: Come now, try them on! <3
Pg 16: Panel 1 Bubble 1: OMG!!   Panel 2 Bubble 1: TOO. CUTE!! Bubble 2: You’re so cute I hate you!!   Panel 3 Bubble 1: Cut it out!! Bubble 2: Don’t clam up, you two!!   Panel 4 Bubble 1:  You’re blushing!!   Bubble 2: Ah… Bubble 2: Thank you… Bubble 3: It’s about time to stop welcoming guests. Tiny text 1: Kyaaah! Tiny text 2: Kyaaah!
Pg 17: Panel 1 Bubble 1: EH?! Bubble 2: WHAT’S THIS?! Bubble 3: SO NICE!! Tiny text 1: Wow!! Bubble 4: I know, right?! <3   Panel 2 Bubble 1: Ohhh it’s almost   Panel 3 Bubble 1: like you’re already… Bubble 2: Sob   Panel 4 Bubble 1: Miyamura-san… Bubble 2: It’s too early to cry. Bubble 3: Waaah but Bubble 4: when they’re already like this I can’t help iiiiiit.   Tiny text 1: There there.   Panel 5 Bubble 1: Ah…That’s right. Bubble 2: Sajou-kun, so,   Panel 6 Bubble 1: um… Bubble 2: Your father is the only one who hasn’t come yet………
Pg 18: Panel 1 Bubble 1: …Okay. Bubble 2: It’s alright Bubble 3: to start. Bubble 4: Thank you…   Panel 2 Bubble 1: …welcome!   Bubble 2: It’s a perfect day for a wedding.
Pg 19: Panel 1 Bubble 1: Fittingly, the young couple is starting their new life Bubble 2: under a clear blue sky… Bubble 3: …where the brilliant sunlight is pouring down…   Panel 2 Bubble 1: …and brightly illuminating their future.   Panel 3 Bubble 1: …Sorry Bubble 2: about earlier.
Pg 20: Panel 1 Bubble 1: Huh? Bubble 2: Ah, no, Bubble 3: I’m sorry… Bubble 4: I was Bubble 5: their homeroom teacher… Bubble 6: When the officiant gives the signal Bubble 7: I’ll open the door.   Panel 2 Bubble 1: …when they were in their second year.   Panel 3 Bubble 1: Congratulations.   Panel 4 Bubble 1: I was looking forward to the arrival of this day more than anyone.   Panel 5 Bubble 1: At that point, please proceed into the hall. Bubble 2: Now then, Bubble 3: I present to you my dear students…
Pg 21: Panel 1 Bubble 1: From today on, these two Bubble 2: will walk through life together. Bubble 3: Squeeze   Panel 2 Bubble 1: …Can I kiss you? Bubble 2: Everyone, please welcome them with warm applause.   Panel 3 Bubble 1: Do you even have to ask?   Panel 4 Bubble 1: Go ahead.
Pg 22: NO TEXT
Pg 23: NO TEXT  
Pg 24: Panel 1 Bubble 1: …-san…   Panel 2 Bubble 1: Sajou-san.   Panel 3 Bubble 1: Gasp Bubble 2: Eh? Bubble 3: Ah, Bubble 4: sorry. Bubble 5: Umm.   Panel 4 Bubble 1: No, I’m the one who should apologize Bubble 2: for nodding off… Bubble 3: I need to get going now. Panel 5 Bubble 1: Ah.
Pg 25: Panel 1 Bubble 1: Thank you. Bubble 2: Umm… Bubble 3: The welcome board was really popular. Bubble 4: And the cake was very delicious. Bubble 5: Ah, Bubble 6: don’t mention it…   Panel 3 Bubble 1: Um…   Panel 4 Bubble 1: I also have a male partner.
Pg 26: Panel 1 Bubble 1: Up until now, er……. Bubble 2: It’s like, even though I’d been invited to wedding ceremonies, Bubble 3: I never felt like it was something I would be a part of. Bubble 4: That’s what I thought, anyway. Bubble 5: But, Bubble 6: today…   Panel 2 Bubble 1: I was thinking, Bubble 2:that isn’t the case at all.   Panel 3 Bubble 1: Congratulations.
Pg 27: Panel 1 Bubble 1: …Thank you. Bubble 2: Sajou-kun!   Panel 2 Bubble 1: Sorry to interrupt, Bubble 2: but like, Bubble 3: just now someone from the ceremony hall gave this to me.   Panel 3 Bubble 1: They said it came from some old guy who said he was your relative.   Panel 4 Bubble 1: I heard that he just left the congratulatory gift and went on home. Text on present: Congratulations
Pg 28: Panel 1 Bubble 1: They asked if he’d like to at least give ya a greeting but Bubble 2: he declined sayin’ that was good enough.       Panel 2 Bubble 1: When? Bubble 2: When did they say he came? Bubble 3: Ju-- Bubble 4: Just a moment ago.   Panel 3: Bubble 1: Oh, and Bubble 2: he also left this with it for Kusakabe-san…   Panel 4 Bubble 1: Sajou-kun!
Pg 29: NO TEXT
Pg 30: Panel 1 Bubble 1: Dad!
Pg 31: Panel 5 Bubble 1: ...You………….
Pg 32: Panel 1 Bubble 1: You actually came…
Pg 33: Panel 1 Bubble 1: Rihito!   Panel 2 Bubble 1: Oh……..   Panel 3 Bubble 1: Uh… Bubble 2: Umm.   Panel 4 Bubble 1: About this…   Panel 6 Bubble 1: My wife had made a list of songs for the present she wanted to give you.
Pg 34: Panel 1 Bubble 1: She was very grateful for the CD.
Pg 35: Panel 2 Bubble 1: Dad!
Pg 36: Panel 1 Bubble 1: ……………. Bubble 2: I’m sorry……�� Bottom Text: Blanc #11/End
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chibisunnie · 4 years
Blanc Ch 10 Translation
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EDIT: BLANC HAS BEEN LICENSED IN ENGLISH!! :D It is now released and can be ordered from all the places listed on Seven Seas’ site here: https://sevenseasentertainment.com/books/classmates-vol-6-blanc/ Since deleting a tumblr post from my page won’t delete it everywhere on tumblr, I figured the best thing to do would just be to delete the pictures from my translation and then whenever anyone clicks the read more they’d see this update and the link of where to buy it. So if you want to read it, go buy the official version or request it from your public library! :D Below the cut is my translation of Blanc Ch 10! Thank you @aliciacentolla​ for the raws since I can never get good pictures from my own copy!  ^_^ Also thank you to @kusajo​ for being my sounding board when I was debating between the possible ways to read some of the lines! ^_^  This chapter taking so long is like a direct reflection of 2020. >_< My friend told me that Honyakusuru had posted their translation of this chapter a full week before my magazine had even arrived. Since Zandy’s group can’t make the scanlation until the digital raws come out 3 months later and the fandom already had a translation from Honyaku, I figured there was no rush. And then 2020 decided to be extra 2020-full and just about every week I had some sort of life stuff to deal with (things like my apartment building having no water due to a city water main break, my car battery dying, getting my heart broken) on top of still struggling with depression and having class and work. >_< So I really didn’t get a chance to start working on this until about 2 weeks ago. But I did my best with it! ^_^ And like with Ch 9, I’m just posting it here so I can have all my translations on my tumblr. 
As always, please support Nakamura-sensei and buy the mangas if you’re able! Vol 1-3 of Doukyuusei are available in English (they call it Classmates) at pretty much all places that sell mangas, and you can buy the rest of the series and the current issues of Opera that contain Blanc on amazon.jp or CDjapan (they even have ebook versions, but they’re always at least 1 issue behind for the magazine)! Also Seven Seas has a survey on their website where you can request titles you want them to license. So if you haven’t yet requested them to license the rest of Doukyuusei (Sora to Hara, O.B., and Blanc), let your voice be heard and fill it out! :D
Pg 1: Top text: Latest Work in the Doukyuusei Series   Middle text: The ribbon that was cut is tied together again…   Bottom Left Text line 1: Books & E-books now on sale:   Bottom Left Text line 2: [Doukyuusei] [Sotsugyosei -Winter- ] [Sotsugyosei -Spring- ] [Sora to Hara] [O.B. 1] [O.B. 2] [Sotsugyosei Album Extended Edition]   Bottom Right text: Nakamura Asumiko
Pg 2: Left Side Boxes: Top part: Past Issues:   Bottom part: Due to the long-distance, Kusakabe and Sajou had briefly separated. Because Sajou’s mother who was hospitalized asked Kusakabe “I want you to make a CD of your own,” he had sung an original song that he had composed about Sajou. Just as they had recovered from the distance, Sajou’s mother suddenly died. Sajou was furious at his dad who had returned home and criticized Kusakabe. At the funeral service, Kusakabe showed up with cut hair and declared “We’re getting married.”   Panel 4 Cell phone text part 1: Marriage Ceremony Q&A Cell phone text part 2: Q. Should I send out written invitations to my parents, brothers, siblings, and relatives?   Cell phone text part 3: As it turns out, it’s not mandatory. However, in any case, it’s good to send notice in advance. Cell phone text part 4: time and place memories Bubble 1:  --------You know, I also…
Pg 3: Panel 1 Bubble 1: …wondered about all those sorts of things and what would be good for us… Bubble 2: I thought about it and… Bubble 3: And well, I think for me it’s more like…   Panel 2 Bubble 1: … I want things like having the same last name as you. Bubble 2: And I want to be buried together. That sort of thing… Bubble 3: Well, it’s not like there’s anything…   Panel 3 Bubble 1: …that we have to do. I don’t have any must-haves. Bubble 2: But like… Bubble 3: That’s why something like… Bubble 4: I guess, really… Panel 4 Bubble 1: We-
Pg 4: Panel 1 Bubble 1: We’re two people who love each other. Bubble 2: So we   Panel 2 Bubble 1: could Bubble 2: m-   Panel 3 Bubble 1: Make an announcement…? Bubble 2: Or something!! Tiny text: Kyaaaaaaa! Bubble 3: Well, that’s why umm…   Panel 4 Bubble 1: …a marriage ceremony is…
Pg 5: Panel 1 Bubble 1: …something I was thinking…   Panel 3 Bubble 1:  …that I want to do. Bubble 2: Okay.   Panel 4 Bubble 1: With our friends… Bubble 2: And people we’re indebted to…   Panel 5 Bubble 1: Okay. Bubble 2: If that’s the case, we might have to invite Harasen. Bubble 3: Also…   Panel 6 Bubble 1: …our parents.
Pg 6: Panel 2 Bubble 1: Tug   Panel 3 Bubble 1: ….What? Bubble 2: Mr. Negative Face. Bubble 3: Shut up.   Panel 4 Bubble 1: …Even if we invite him, he won’t come.
Pg 7: Panel 1 Bubble 1: …It’s not about whether or not he comes. Panel 2 Bubble 1: Isn’t it about whether or not you want to ask him to come?   Panel 3 Bubble 1: Don’t you think?
Pg 8: Panel 1 Bubble 1: EEEHHH?! Bubble 2: MARRIAGE?!   Panel 2 Bubble 1: Not marriage, more like a marriage ceremony. Tiny text: You idiot! Bubble 2: Those are the same thing!! Bubble 3: What’s with you?! You haven’t said a single thing about this person! Bubble 4: Well, but it’s not like we’re going to be expressly changing the family registry.   Panel 3 Bubble 1: Eh?! Bubble 2: WHAT?! Bubble 3: WHY?! Tiny text: Why won’t they be in the registry?! Bubble 4: What kind of person are they?! Bubble 5: Well, a normal person. Bubble 6: Ah, he is a man, however.   Panel 4 Bubble 1: EH?! Bubble 2: HUH?! Bubble 3: Ah, but rather than normal, he’s actually super smart. Bubble 3: A MAN?! Bubble 5: He’s going to Kyoto U.   Panel 5 Bubble 1: KYOTO U?! Bubble 2: I MEAN— Bubble 3: EEHHH?! Bubble 4: A MAN?! Bubble 5: Easy there, Mom.
Pg 9: Panel 1 Bubble 1: After all, these sorts of things exist. Bubble 2: WHAT ARE YOU--?! Bubble 3: And I never pictured Okaru with a girl.   Panel 2 Bubble 1: JUST BECAUSE--!! Bubble 2: And well, how to phrase THIS… Bubble 3: I’m pregnant.   Panel 3 Bubble 1: HUH?! Bubble 2: WHAT?! Bubble 3: Well, that’s how life goes. Bubble 4: Hold up, what’s with you two all of a sudden?! Geeze… Tiny text: Are you idiots?! Bubble 5: Sis?   Panel 4 Bubble 1: Is Daddy here? Bubble 2: In the Japanese-style room upstairs. Bubble 3: Say, what’s with your head? Tiny text bubble 1: Hey, are you listening?! Tiny text bubble 2: You two!!   Panel 5 Bubble 1: I really wanna touch it. Let me touch it. Tiny text bubble 1: Listen to what I’m saying! Bubble 2: Later, okay?
Pg 10: Panel 2 Bubble 1: Dad!   Panel 3 Bubble 1: Hey, Dad? Bubble 2: Can I talk to you?
Pg 11: Panel 1 Bubble 1: Buzzzzzzzzzzz Bubble 2: Buzzzzzzzzzzzz Cell phone text line 1: Kusakabe Hikaru Cell phone text line 2: Slide to Answer Bubble 3: WAH   Panel 2 Sfx 1: Clink Sfx 2: WHACK Bubble 1: Buzzzzzzzzzzzz Bubble 2: Buzzzzzzzzzzzz Bubble 3: OW!   Panel 3 Bubble 1: Hello? Bubble 2: N- Bubble 3: No, er, Bubble 4: I’m fine…   Panel 5 Bubble 1: Eh…?
Pg 12: Panel 1 Bubble 1: You didn’t have to wear a tie. Bubble 2: After all, I’m not wearing one. Bubble 3: I have to when I’m… Panel 2 Bubble 1: wearing a suit.   Panel 3: Bubble 1: But you didn’t have to wear a suit. Bubble 2: I have to when I’m…
Pg 13: Panel 1 Bubble 1: …you know.   Panel 2 Bubble 1: I know it’s pointless to say don’t be nervous, but…   Panel 3 Bubble 1: I’m here with you.   Panel 4 Bubble 1: Shall we go?
Pg 14: Panel 1 Bubble 1: YOU CAME!!   Panel 2 Bubble 1: That “you came” seemed unhinged, Mom. Sfx line 1: Scared Stiff Bubble 2: AH! Bubble 3: WAS IT?! Bubble 4: I guess so. Sorry! I’m a bit nervous!   Panel 3 Bubble 1: YOU LOOK SO SMART!!   Panel 4 Bubble 1: How?! Bubble 2: How are you with our idiot?! Bubble 3: I will start the cooking.   Bubble 4: Mom, calm down. Bubble 5: Hey, and you two.
Pg 15: Panel 1 Bubble 1: Don’t just stand there idly. Hurry up and sit. Panel 2 Bubble 1: She’s beautiful……… Bubble 2: ‘Kay. Bubble 3: OH, Bubble 4: KYOTO U?!   Panel 3 Bubble 1: IT’S KYOTO U, RIGHT?! Bubble 2: KYOTO UNIVERSITY?! Bubble 3: Ahh, really, how are you with our idiot… Bubble 4: WHERE DID YOU--?! Bubble 5: Y-yes. Bubble 6: So like, take your coats off! Bubble 7: I can take care of your coats. Bubble 8: You said you went to high school together, didn’t you? Bubble 9: Everybody fine with beer? Bubble 10: Sis, you can’t have beer. Bubble 11: Ohhhh is that right? Seriously?! Bubble 12: OH, Bubble 13: THEY SAY THAT KYOTO U IS A LOT LIKE TOKYO U, DON’T THEY?! Bubble 14:  WHICH ONE HAS SMARTER STUDENTS?!   Tiny text: Beware, this arouses controversy Bubble 15: Mom, like…   Panel 4 Bubble 1: …why are you being such a shithead? Tiny text bubble 1: Eh?! I can’t ask that?! Bubble 2: Sajou Bubble 3: Rihito-kun.
Pg 16: Panel 1 Bubble 1: Is that right?   Panel 3 Bubble 1: …Yes. Bubble 2: It’s the same name as our Hikaru.   Panel 5 Bubble 1: …Umm…
Pg 17: Panel 1 Bubble 1: This was so sudden… Bubble 2: I bet… Bubble 3: …you were really surprised… Bubble 4: Haha, Bubble 5: well, I must admit…   Panel 2 Bubble 1: But you know…   Panel 3 Bubble 2: …when it comes to important things, he doesn’t talk about them readily.   Panel 4 Bubble 1: Until he’s sure of it himself, Bubble 2: he absolutely won’t say anything to anyone else. Bubble 3: …That’s why Bubble 4:  the other day when he suddenly came home, I thought…
Pg 18: Panel 1 Bubble 1: that he was saying that he found the person he wants to be together with. Panel 2 Bubble 2: Yeah, he was saying that he had already come to that decision.
Pg 19: Panel 2: Bubble 1: Congratulations.   Panel 3: Bubble 1: And also, Bubble 2:  thank you.   Panel 5: Bubble 1: … Bubble 2: Y-… Panel 6: Bubble 1: Yes… Bubble 2: Um…
Pg 20: Panel 1 Bubble 1: EH?! Bubble 2: HOLD UP, WHAT’S WRONG, SAJOU-KUN?! ARE YOU ALRIGHT?! Sfx: Urk   Panel 2 Bubble 1: JEEZE, DEAR, WHAT DID YOU DO?! Bubble 2: YOU’RE HARASSING HIM!! Bubble 3: Hahaha. Bubble 4: N- Bubble 5: no, Bubble 6: please excuse me. Bubble 7: It’s nothing like that………   Panel 3 Bubble 1: I’M SORRY! THIS MAN CAN’T READ THE SITUATION! Bubble 2: You’re the one not reading it, Mom. Bubble 3: Mom, shut up. Bubble 4: Sorry to keep you waiting. For your drinks…..? Bubble 5: Ah, beer for me! Bubble 6: I already told you, you can’t have beer, Sis. Tiny text line 1: Noooooooo! Tiny text line 2: That’s Tiny text line 3: riiiiiiiiight.
Pg 21: Panel 1 Bubble 1: That sure was exhausting.   Panel 2 Bubble 1: My family is so loud. Bubble 2: Or rather, it’s only my mom who’s loud. Bubble 3: But she makes about as much noise as 100 people all by herself. Bubble 4: No, Bubble 5: not at all.   Panel 3 Bubble 1: …But, well, Bubble 2: I was nervous.   Bubble 3: You did so well.   Panel 4 Bubble 1: ...Daddy is awfully old, isn't he?
Pg 22: Panel 1 Bubble 1: You know, this is my daddy’s second marriage.   Panel 2 Bubble 1: His previous wife had passed away… Bubble 2: But my daddy was my mom’s boss.   Panel 3 Bubble 1: That’s why remarriage was very troublesome. Bubble 2: People said all sorts of things about it too.   Panel 4 Bubble 1: Even so, Bubble 2: they got married.
Pg 23: Panel 1 Bubble 1: ……………My condolences,   Panel 2 Bubble 1: on the loss of your mother. Bubble 2: Ah… Bubble 3: Yes, Bubble 4: thank you…   Panel 3 Bubble 1: I heard about your father.   Panel 5 Bubble 1: …My dad hardly ever lived with us. Bubble 2: That’s why Bubble 3: I think it really was a shock for him find out about all that so suddenly.   Panel 6 Bubble 1: It’s futile trying to ask him to understand. Bubble 2: Even though I think it would be better if he understood… Bubble 3: I wonder if it’s selfish to think that………..
Pg 24: Panel 1 Bubble 1: It might be more so that you want him to understand…   Panel 2 Bubble 1: …regardless of whether or not you ask him to do that.   Panel 3 Bubble 1: Don’t you think?
Pg 25: Panel 1 Bubble 1: ...Your dad is wonderful. Bubble 2: Hmn? Bubble 3: He also Bubble 4: is so similar to you.   Panel 2 Bubble 1: Ehhh? Bubble 2: Hahaha, seriously?   Panel 3 Bubble 1: But I’m happy.   Panel 4 Bubble 1: Because I love my daddy veeeery much.   Panel 6 Tiny text: It Bubble 1: It’s not like I don’t.… Bubble 2: Hm? Bubble 3: It’s not like I hate my dad… Bubble 4: Eh?
Pg 26: NO TEXT
Pg 27: Panel 1 Bubble 1: …We will make it a good ceremony.   Panel 3 Bubble 1: Yeah.
Pg 28: Panel 1 Envelope text left side: Kusakabe Hikaru Envelope text right side: Sajou Rihito   Panel 2 Envelope text: Hara Manabu-sama   Panel 3 Envelope text: Miyamura Maya-sama   Panel 4 Envelope text: Kinosaki Hideto-sama
Pg 29: NO TEXT
Pg 30: Panel 2 Envelope text left side: Kusakabe Hikaru Envelope text right side: Sajou Rihito   Left side text:  Line 1: blanc #10 \ End
49 notes · View notes
chibisunnie · 4 years
Blanc Ch 9 Translation
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EDIT: BLANC HAS BEEN LICENSED IN ENGLISH!! :D It is now released and can be ordered from all the places listed on Seven Seas’ site here: https://sevenseasentertainment.com/books/classmates-vol-6-blanc/ Since deleting a tumblr post from my page won’t delete it everywhere on tumblr, I figured the best thing to do would just be to delete the pictures from my translation and then whenever anyone clicks the read more they’d see this update and the link of where to buy it. So if you want to read it, go buy the official version or request it from your public library! :D   Under the cut is my translation of Blanc Ch 9! ^_^ The beginning part made me cry while translating it, so you may want to have your tissues ready. T_T Also I had to censor some pages, but I did it in a fun way. XD 
I’m so frustrated it took me this long to post this and I’m so sorry for the delay. >_< It only took me a week to translate, but between the coronavirus chaos (which triggered my depression to come back >_<) and the usual school/work/adulting etc commitments, I didn’t get a chance to start translating until now. T_T Zandynofansub should have the sparkly digital raw scanlation with my translation up soon. But for consistency’s sake of having all my Blanc translations on my tumblr and for anyone who wants to read it before Zandy’s group posts it, I decided to go ahead and post my text translation as usual. ^_^
As always, please support Nakamura-sensei and buy the mangas if you’re able! Vol 1-3 of Doukyuusei are available in English (they call it Classmates) at pretty much all places that sell mangas, and you can buy the rest of the series and the current issues of Opera that contain Blanc on amazon.jp or CDjapan (they even have ebook versions, but they’re always at least 1 issue behind for the magazine)! Also Seven Seas has a survey on their website where you can request titles you want them to license. So if you haven’t yet requested them to license the rest of Doukyuusei (Sora to Hara, O.B., and Blanc), let your voice be heard and fill it out! :D
Pg 1: Panel 1 Box 1: It’s always been difficult for me when it came to my mother.   Panel 2 Box 1: I felt like I betrayed… Box 2: …all of her kindness and warmth.   Panel 3 Box 1: I always averted her gaze.   Panel 4 Box 1: Until that time...   Left Side Boxes: Top part: Past Issues:     Bottom part: Due to the long-distance, Kusakabe and Sajou had briefly separated. In this situation, Sajou’s mother had ended up in the hospital again and Kusakabe offered to look after her. Just as they had been in the process of making up, his mother suddenly died. When Sajou introduced Kusakabe to his father as “my partner,” he attacked him saying, “It’s your fault that my son became deviant isn’t it?!”
Pg 2: Top text: Latest Work in the Doukyuusei Series   Left Side text: The other side of the desk, the high ceiling. Lying down in the classroom, we were able to see things we couldn’t usually see.   Inside the box text: Nakamura Asumiko   Bottom Text line 1: Books & E-books now on sale:   Bottom Text line 2: [Doukyuusei] [Sotsugyosei -Winter- ] [Sotsugyosei -Spring- ] [Sora to Hara] [O.B. 1] [O.B. 2] [Sotsugyosei Album Extended Edition]
Pg 4: Panel 1 Bubble 1: …………….Sorry for the other day.   Panel 3 Bubble 1: I was shaken up…   Panel 4 Bubble 1: …because it was such an unusual time… Bubble 2: …I get it. Bubble 3: I was too…
Pg 5: Panel 1 Bubble 1: …You haven’t taken off that ring?   Panel 4 Bubble 1: …You haven’t taken off yours, have you? Bubble 2: My ring is different from yours.   Panel 5 Bubble 1: …Take that into consideration.
Pg 6: Panel 1 Bubble 1: ----------We are humbled…   Panel 2 Bubble 1: …that you took time out of your busy lives to be here today. Banner line 1: The late Sajou Kumi-sama Funeral Service Hall Banner line 2: Wake from [illegible text] until [illegible text] Banner line 3: Memorial Service from [illegible text] until [illegible text]   Panel 3 Bubble 1: Thank you very much.   Panel 4 Bubble 1: Presently we are holding…
Pg 7: Panel 1 Bubble 1: …the late Sajou Kumi-sama’s…     Panel 2 Bubble 1: …funeral service, Bubble 2: as well as her memorial service…
Pg 8: Panel 3 Box 1: --------I feel like that was the first time…   Panel 4 Box 1: …I was able to directly look at my mother’s face.
Pg 9: Panel 1 Bubble 1: Everyone in attendance at this funeral… Box 1:  I had Box 2: assumed that I would always…   Panel 2 Bubble 1: …please come up in order and offer incense. Box 1: …be able to see her…   Panel 3 Box 1: …and yet…
Pg 10: Panels 1 & 2 Sfx: CLATTER
Pg 11: NO TEXT
Pg 12: Panel 2 Bubble 1: Rihito, Bubble 2: sit down.   Panel 3 Bubble 1: Rihito.
Pg 13: Panel 1 Bubble 1: Rihito…!
Pg 14: Panel 1 Bubble 1: H-…   Panel 2 Bubble 1: Hey, Bubble 2: umm.   Panel 3 Bubble 1: Rihito…   Panel 4 Bubble 1: …Why?   Panel 5 Bubble 1: Why did   Bubble 2:  you--?!
Pg 15: Panel 1 Bubble 1: WHY…?! Bubble 2: …Well…    Panel 2 Bubble 1: …I suppose it’s mostly because of what your dad said. Bubble 2: But really, it’s also… Bubble 3: because at a time like this… Bubble 4: It’s wrong!   Panel 3 Bubble 1: All of this is wrong! Bubble 2: Actually, Bubble 3: I was…
Pg 16: Panel 1 Bubble 1: That time you told me let’s postpone joining our family registries…   Panel 2 Bubble 1: It felt like you had…
Pg 17: Panel 1 Bubble 1: …completely forgotten about the promise we made that day!
Pg 18: Panel 1 Bubble 1: That was it!   Panel 2 Bubble 1: It was only because of that!   Panel 3 Bubble 1: That I…
Pg 19: NO TEXT
Pg 20: Panel 1 Bubble 1: …I’m sorry.   Panel 2 Bubble 1: I’m so sorry.   Panel 3 Bubble 1: No. Bubble 2: I’m sorry. Bubble 3: I’m sorry. Bubble 4: I’m so sorry…
Pg 21: Panel 4 Bubble 1: …What are you doing?
Pg 22: NO TEXT
Pg 23: Panel 2 Bubble 1: We’re going to get married.
Pg 24: NO TEXT
Pg 25: Panel 1 Box 1: Dad didn’t say a word.
Pg 26: Panel 1 Bubble 1: …haah   Panel 2 Bubble 1: Haah   Panel 3 Bubble 1: Haah   Panel 4 Bubble 1: Haah Bubble 2: Hah   Panel 5 Bubble 1: Haah   Translator’s Note for this page:   The packets on the floor in panel 3 are purifying salt. After attending a funeral, before entering into their home it’s custom for people to either sprinkle the salt on their chest, back, and feet or to spread it on the floor of their entrance way. This purifies themselves from any evil spirits that may be on them or trying to follow them home. It’s also believed that if they don’t do this, they can’t return to their normal lives.
Pg 27: Panel 1 Bubble 1: Haah Bubble 2: Mmn   Panel 2 Bubble 1: Haah   Panel 3 Bubble 1: Hah…   Panel 4 Bubble 1: Haah
Pg 28: Panel 1 Bubble 1: Ah   Panel 2 Bubble 1: Hah… Bubble 2: Ah Bubble 3: Ah!   Panel 3 Bubble 1: Haah   Panel 4 Bubble 1: Haah
Pg 29: Panel 2 Bubble 1: Haah…   Panel 3 Bubble 1: Haah   Panel 4 Bubble 1: Haah
Pg 30: NO TEXT
Pg 31: Panel 1 Bubble 1: Ruffle   Panel 2 Bubble 1: Ruffle   Panel 3 Bubble 1: Ruffle Bubble 2: Feels nice, doesn’t it?   Panel 4 Bubble 1: You know, my shampoo foams a lot. Bubble 2: Oh, does it? Bubble 3: Yep. Bubble 4: So when I washed my face, I just kept going and washed my hair too.   Panel 5 Bubble 1: Haha
Pg 32: Panel 2 Bubble 1: You laughed.     Panel 3 Bubble 1: It’s been a while since I’ve seen you laugh.       Panel 4 Bubble 1: ……………. Bubble 2: …Same here. Bubble 3: It feels like it’s been a long time since I last laughed.
Pg 33: Panel 3 Bubble 1: Let’s get married.
Pg 34: Panel 1 Bubble 1: …What? Bubble 2: How? Bubble 3: In what manner would we do it?   Panel 2 Bubble 1: …I’ve thought a lot about it as well, but…   Panel 3 Bubble 1: Because each person is different… Bubble 2: …it can take various forms…   Bubble 3: I don’t know what’s the right answer. Bubble 4: What would it be?   Panel 4 Bubble 1: When it comes to myself… Bubble 2: When it comes to us, I can’t figure out what exactly it would be.
Pg 35: Panel 4 Bubble 1: Let’s have a wedding ceremony.
Pg 36: Panel 2 Bubble 1: Sound good?
Left Side Text: Blanc #9 \ End
150 notes · View notes
chibisunnie · 5 years
Blanc Ch 8 Translation
EDIT: BLANC HAS BEEN LICENSED IN ENGLISH!! :D It is now released and can be ordered from all the places listed on Seven Seas’ site here: https://sevenseasentertainment.com/books/classmates-vol-6-blanc/ Since deleting a tumblr post from my page won’t delete it everywhere on tumblr, I figured the best thing to do would just be to delete the pictures from my translation and then whenever anyone clicks the read more they’d see this update and the link of where to buy it. So if you want to read it, go buy the official version or request it from your public library! :D Under the cut is my translation for Blanc Ch 8! ^_^ Thank you as always to @aliciacentolla​  for letting me use her pictures of the raws for this post! :D Also thank you to Kai for answering my “is this an idiom or a grammar thing I haven’t learned yet?” questions so that I could ensure this is as accurate as possible! ^_^
I’m still working on Ch 7 (this semester killed me @_@) but Ch 8 was so intense that I ended up translating 20 pages the weekend it came out. ^^; So I figured I might as well just finish it up and post it before Ch 7. ^^; I advise you read this chapter somewhere where it’s okay to scream and cry. @_@ Seriously. Have tissues ready. You will need them. T_T
Please support Nakamura-sensei and buy the mangas if you’re able! Vol 1-3 of Doukyuusei are available in English (they call it Classmates) at pretty much all places that sell mangas, and you can buy the rest of the series and the current issues of Opera that contain Blanc on amazon.jp or CDjapan (they even have ebook versions, but they’re always at least 1 issue behind for the magazine)! Also Seven Seas has a survey on their website where you can request titles you want them to license. So if you haven’t yet requested them to license the rest of Doukyuusei (Sora to Hara, O.B., and Blanc), let your voice be heard and fill it out! :D
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Pg 1: Panel 1 Box 1: ------------Huh? Where is…   Panel 2 Box 1: …that song? Box 2:  I thought I included that song. Box 3: Let me see… Box 4: Huh?   Panel 3 Box 1: What song was it again?   Panel 4 Box 1: Uhhhh… Box 2: No. Box 3: Wait. Box 4: Wait!
Pg 2: Panel 1 Box 1: Wait!   Panel 2 Middle of Page: Nakamura Asumiko Right side text line 1: A thing we can’t go recover, a thing we’re unable to turn back. Right side text line 2: Continually spilling, the time flows moment by moment…
Pg 3: Panel 1 Bubble 1: Gasp Bubble 2: ------------We’ve arrived.   Panel 2 Bubble 1: That’ll be 2620 yen.
Pg 4: Panel 1 Top part: Past Issues:   Main Box: Three years since graduation, Kusakabe and Sajou have been in a long-distance relationship where they haven’t been able to see each other and became distant. In this situation, Sajou’s mother Kumi has been hospitalized with cancer, and Kusakabe offered to help her. Kumi said, “I want to listen to music chosen by you, Kusakabe-kun,” and when he gave it to her, the final track included a song he had made himself about Sajou. That lead to him getting inspired to start afresh, but meanwhile……….
Pg 6: Panel 1 Bubble 1: ………….. Bubble 2: How did………….   Panel 2 Bubble 1: …They said it was pneumonia.   Panel 3 Bubble 1: Because last time they had to perform a small surgery on her lung, Bubble 2: it was quite frail. Bubble 3: And because of that… Bubble 4: Um….
Pg 7: Panel 1 Bubble 1: Well, umm… Bubble 2: There’s really not much…   Panel 2 Bubble 1: But…   Panel 3 Bubble 1: Still, I’ll try to do absolutely… Bubble 2: ...everything I can…   Panel 4 Bubble 1: -----------Who is this?
Pg 8: Panel 1 Bubble 1: What the heck are you--?   Panel 2 Bubble 1: No one except family can be in here! Bubble 2: Dad!   Panel 3 Bubble 1: This is improper, you know that, right? Bubble 2: Get out of here!   Panel 4 Bubble 1: No! Bubble 2: He’s-- Bubble 3: I…
Pg 9: Panel 1 Bubble 1: …I’ll go home. Bubble 2: You’re allowed to stay! Bubble 3: Rihito!   Panel 3 Bubble 1: He’s…   Panel 4 Bubble 1: He’s my partner!
Pg 10: Panel 1 SFX: Shaaa   Panel 2 Bubble 1: Rihito!
Pg 11: Panel 1 Bubble 1: I know that…   Panel 2 Bubble 1: …I shouldn’t have said that last thing.   Panel 3 Bubble 1: But… SFX: Tremble SFX: Tremble Bubble 2: …I couldn’t stop myself.     Panel 4 Bubble 1: Those things Bubble 2: he said to you…   Panel 5 Bubble 1: …are unforgivable…!!
Pg 12: Panel 2 Bubble 1: …………….. Bubble 2: What…?
Pg 13: Panel 2 Bubble 1: …What are you saying?   Panel 3 Bubble 1: You’re…   Panel 4 Bubble 1: …Mom had known everything.
Pg 14: Panel 1 Bubble 1: I’ve Bubble 2: always…
Panel 2 SFX: SLAP
  Panel 3 Bubble 1: RIHITO!   Panel 4 Bubble 1: Are you okay?! Bubble 2: Cough Bubble 3: Haah
Pg 15: Panel 1 Bubble 1: Haah Bubble 2: What kind of… Bubble 3: What kind of plan was this?   Panel 2 Bubble 1: Haah Bubble 2: At a time like this…     Panel 3 Bubble 1: You…   Panel 4 Bubble 1: Mom just died! Bubble 2: What a perverse…   Panel 5 Bubble 1: HAVE YOU NO SHAME?!!
Pg 16: Panel 1 Bubble 1: SHOULDN’T YOU BE THE ONE WHO IS ASHAMED?!   Panel 2 Bubble 1: Your own son said that he likes men Bubble 2: and because you don’t accept it…   Panel 3 Bubble 1: …you hit him! You’re a horrible person!   Panel 4 Bubble 1: Rihito.
Pg 17: Panel 1 Bubble 1: I’m the one who should be embarrassed! Bubble 2: Since I was born to an old-fashioned bigot of a dad like you!   Panel 2 Bubble 1: Stop it, Rihito!   Panel 3 Bubble 1: You work overseas and yet your worldview hasn’t expanded at all!   Panel 4 Bubble 1: Because of that, you didn’t notice anything at all about your son! Bubble 2: Your wife as well! Even though you outlived her, Bubble 3: you left her all alone and made her last years Bubble 4: sad and lonely! Bubble 5: Rihito, stop!
Pg 18: Panel 1 Bubble 1: You’re queer! Bubble 2: You became queer!   Panel 2 Bubble 1: Since when?! Bubble 2: It’s because of… Bubble 3: You became like this after going to that low-ranking school!   Panel 3 Bubble 1: WHAT?! Bubble 2: Don’t!!   Panel 4 Bubble 1: You’re in front of your mom!!   Panel 5 Bubble 1: …Is this your fault…?
Pg 19: Panel 1 Bubble 1: What a… Bubble 2: Your hair too. It’s so provocative because it’s a weird color and long…   Panel 2 Bubble 1: You don’t have any decency, do you?! Bubble 2: It’s you, isn’t it?!     Panel 3 Bubble 1: It’s your fault that Rihito is deviant!!   Panel 4 Bubble 1: SHUT THE FUCK UP!!
Pg 20: Panel 1 Bubble 1: I WISH YOU HAD DIED INSTEAD!!
Pg 21: NO TEXT
Pg 22: NO TEXT
Pg 23: Panel 2 Bubble 1: …I’m going back.   Panel 3 Bubble 1: Because there are things regarding the funeral service and such……….. Bubble 2: …Ahh. Bubble 3: Will you be okay? Bubble 4: Yeah………….   Panel 5 Bubble 1: …Sorry. Bubble 2: About saying that unexpected thing.   Bubble 3: Huh? Bubble 4: Introducing you as my partner.
Pg 24: Panel 1 Bubble 1: Right now we’re… Bubble 2: You know…   Panel 2 Bubble 1: Umm… Bubble 2: For me, that’s…   Panel 3 Bubble 1: …that’s been Bubble 2: the plan all along.
Pg 25: Panel 1 Bubble 1: I’ve been waiting for you.   Panel 2 Bubble 1: Well then, Bubble 2: take care of yourself so you don’t catch a cold, okay? Bubble 3: And ice down your cheek. Bubble 4: Ah--   Panel 3 Bubble 1: Tell me when you’ve decided the date of the funeral service and such. Bubble 2: I will. Bubble 3: Umm….
Pg 26: Panel 3 Bottom text: Blanc #8 / End
397 notes · View notes
chibisunnie · 5 years
Blanc Ch 7 Translation
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EDIT: BLANC HAS BEEN LICENSED IN ENGLISH!! :D It is now released and can be ordered from all the places listed on Seven Seas’ site here: https://sevenseasentertainment.com/books/classmates-vol-6-blanc/ Since deleting a tumblr post from my page won’t delete it everywhere on tumblr, I figured the best thing to do would just be to delete the pictures from my translation and then whenever anyone clicks the read more they’d see this update and the link of where to buy it. So if you want to read it, go buy the official version or request it from your public library! :D Under the cut is my translation for Blanc Ch 7! ^_^ Thank you as always to @aliciacentolla for letting me use her pictures of the raws for this post! :D (The pics I take of my own copy always turn out terrible. ^^; ) Also thank you to @kusajo for being my sounding board when I was debating which context to translate some lines that could have been interpreted in several ways! ^_^
And thank you for your patience in waiting for this! <3 I’m soooooooo sorry for the delay. T_T Last semester killed me, and then I translated Ch 8 before Ch 7 (you can find Ch 8 under my chibisunniestranslations tag), and then when I finally got a chance to work on this it involved a lot more researching idioms and slang/colloquial terms than usual. T_T But I put forth my very best effort to make it as accurate as I could and to make it flow well in English, so hopefully that makes up for the wait! ^_^ 
Please support Nakamura-sensei and buy the mangas if you’re able! Vol 1-3 of Doukyuusei are available in English (they call it Classmates) at pretty much all places that sell mangas, and you can buy the rest of the series and the current issues of Opera that contain Blanc on amazon.jp or CDjapan (they even have ebook versions, but they’re always at least 1 issue behind for the magazine)!
Want to help get the rest of the series (Sora to Hara, O.B., and Blanc) licensed in English? If you haven’t done so already (because you can only request each title ONCE), fill out Seven Seas’ licensing survey on their website. It’s usually in the upper right corner with the pic of the hamster. If you’ve bought the official English releases and have a twitter account, post pictures of your books or pics of your favorite scenes from the official translation and then tag Seven Seas’ official twitter account. If you have an amazon account, leave nice reviews for each of the volumes. Those are things the company said they’re looking for in addition to sales for whether or not to license the rest of the series. 
Pg 1: Top text: Latest Work in the Doukyuusei Series   Left Side text: Rihito was waiting for his mother to come home from being hospitalized. He was supported during that cold, lonely time by a meal for two.
Inside the box text: Nakamura Asumiko   Bottom Text line 1: Books & E-books now on sale:   Bottom Text line 2: [Doukyuusei] [Sotsugyosei -Winter- ] [Sotsugyosei -Spring- ] [Sora to Hara] [O.B. 1] [O.B. 2] [Sotsugyosei Album Extended Edition]
Pg 2: Side box Top part: Past Issues:   Main part: Three years since graduation, Kusakabe and Sajou have been in a long-distance relationship where they haven’t been able to see each other and became distant. One day, Sajou received news that his mother had been hospitalized with cancer, and Kusakabe offered to help her. Kumi made the request, “I want to listen to music chosen by you, Kusakabe-kun.” When he gave it to her, the final track included on it was a song he had made himself about Sajou.   Panel 1 Bubble 1: Ehh?   Panel 2 Bubble 1: You’re alone today?   Panel 4 Bubble 1: …Huh? Bubble 2: I messaged you, didn’t I? Tiny text: By LINE Bubble 3: Ahhhhh. That’s right. Bubble 4: That’s right, you did. Bubble 5: I see~~~~~.   Panel 5 Bubble 1: Sorry you’re tired of seeing me. Bubble 2: Ah, that’s not it at all!
Pg 3: Panel 2 Bubble 1: I’m sorry, Rihito. Bubble 2: Thank you…   Panel 3 Bubble 1: …from the bottom of my heart.   Panel 6 Bubble 1: ……………. Bubble 2: It’s nothing… Bubble 3: By the way, did you two make up?
Pg 4: Panel 2 Bubble 1: EH? Bubble 2: ..Wh- Bubble 3: What? Bubble 4: I heard about it. Bubble 5: Ah, Bubble 6: but of course, it’s not like I pressed him for details. Bubble 7: You see…   Panel 3 Bubble 1: …isn’t there a saying that lovers’ quarrels are so common Bubble 2: you shouldn’t get involved? So, I must admit,  Bubble 3: I really don’t know what’s up with you. But… Bubble 4: H-… Bubble 5: Hey! Bubble 6:  What-- Bubble 7: What are you saying?   Panel 4 Bubble 1: When it comes down to it, he came to see me every day for a week.   Panel 5 Bubble 1: He really…
Pg 5: Panel 1 Bubble 1: …truly, Bubble 2: is a sweet boy…. Bubble 3: …Hello?   Panel 2 Bubble 1: Ah, Bubble 2: sorry Bubble 3: for making you call me…………….. Bubble 4: No, Bubble 5: it’s no problem…   Panel 3 Bubble 1: …………….   Panel 4 Bubble 1: ……………..   Panel 5 Bubble 1: … Bubble 2: …………… Bubble 3: … Bubble 4: Heh 
Pg 6: Panel 1 Bubble 1: ….What? Bubble 2: Nothing, sorry. Bubble 3: It’s just…   Panel 2 Bubble 1: I ended up listening to you breathing.   Panel 5 Bubble 1: Huh…? Bubble 2: Well, Bubble 3:  I mean, I could hear your breathing. Bubble 4: So I…   Panel 6 Bubble 1: …subconsciously ended up listening intently.
Pg 7: Panel 1 Bubble 1: … Bubble 2: So that’s… Bubble 3:  …what you’re doing… Bubble 4: Haha Bubble 5: That’s right.   Panel 2 Thought bubble 1: His breath………….   Panel 3 Bubble 1: …………… Bubble 2: ……………..   Panel 4 Bubble 1: ………………. Bubble 2: ―――――… Bubble 3: ……………..   Panel 5 Bubble 1: ―――――… Bubble 2: じわ  Sniff   Panel 6 Bubble 1: ―――――… Bubble 2: -----------I…   Panel 7 Bubble 1: I’m starting to have trouble breathing……. Tiny text: Heehee Bubble 2: Sorry.
Pg 8: Panel 1 Bubble 1: …Ah, that’s right. Umm… Bubble 2: I just got to the point where I can finally take a break……….. Bubble 3: Oh yeah? Bubble 4: I’ll be leaving first thing tomorrow morning… Bubble 5: I’ll probably arrive there in the afternoon.   Panel 2 Bubble 1: Ah, really? Bubble 2: …Then…   Panel 3 Bubble 1: …let’s meet up? SFX: Badum   Panel 4 SFX 1: Ba-dum Ba-dum   Thought bubble 1: Uwah, that made… SFX 2: Ba-dum SFX 3: Badum Bubble 1: …Ah. Bubble 2: S- Bubble 3: Sure. Bubble 4: Well then, if you’re taking the shinkansen, it’d be the line to…. Bubble 5: Tokyo? Bubble 6: Ah, or Shinyoko? Thought bubble 2: …my heart skip a beat…………..   Panel 5 SFX 1: Ba-dum SFX 2: Badum SFX 3: Badum Bubble 1: Eh? Bubble 2: It-- Bubble 3: it’s fine, really, you don’t have to go all the way to the station. Bubble 4:It’s far away. Bubble 5: You sure? Bubble 6: Um…
Pg 9: Panel 1 Bubble 1: Be-- Bubble 2: Because I’ll have things like my luggage and stuff, Bubble 3: I’ll be stopping by my parents’ house first… Bubble 4: I see. Well then…. Bubble 5: As--   Panel 2 Bubble 1: As for the evening…I’m going to the hospital, but… Bubble 2: Ahhh….   Panel 3 Bubble 1: I’ve got work from the evening on. Bubble 2: Then, the next day… Thought bubble 1: …It’s like…   Panel 4 Thought bubble 1: …we’re choosing a day for a date………... Bubble 1: Yeah.   Panel 5: Thought bubble 1: Although we didn’t really do things like go on dates… Thought bubble 2: I wonder why… Floaty bubble 1: We were always…
Pg 10: Panel 1 Floaty bubble 1: …by each other’s side.   Panel 2 Bubble 1: ...Well then, Bubble 2: should I meet you…   Panel 3 Bubble 1: …at the hospital? Bubble 2: …Yeah.   Panel 4 Bubble 1: Um…. 
Pg 11: Panel 1 Bubble 1: Thank you………..   Panel 2 Bubble 1: Did you thank him properly?   Panel 3 Bubble 1: Well…umm, Bubble 2: I said it several times over the phone……… Bubble 3: That’s no good! You have to say it properly in person.   Panel 4 Bubble 1: I’m not in a position to say anything, but… Bubble 2: I know that, okay? Bubble 3: Rihito.
Pg 12: Panel 1 Bubble 1: You need to truly cherish the things that are precious to you. Because one day, they may suddenly be gone.   Panel 2 Bubble 1: So, don’t have any regrets.   Panel 4 Bubble 1: He’s your special someone, isn’t he?
Pg 13: Panel 2 Bubble 1: I-   Panel 3 Bubble 1: I know that already! Bubble 2: That’s why… Bubble 3: …we really were planning on meeting today.   Bubble 4: But he couldn’t fit it in his schedule… Bubble 5: You got dumped, didn’t you? Tiny text: You poor thing.   Panel 4 Tiny text: Irritated Thought bubble 1: Saying it like that… Bubble 1: I’m putting your reading glasses that I brought in the drawer.   Panel 5 Bubble 1: Clatter   Panel 6 Bubble 1: Ah! Bubble 2: ? Bubble 3: What’s this?
Pg 14: Panel 1 Bubble 1: That’s not allowed~~~~~~! Bubble 2: It’s my treasure! Bubble 3: It’s a secret! A secret~~! Tiny text: Grab Bubble 4: What the--…? That’s gross.   Panel 2 Bubble 1: Well! Tiny text: Such a mean thing to say! Bubble 2: Oh, that’s right. Bubble 3: A little bit ago Dad messaged us……… Bubble 4: Did you see it?   Panel 3 Bubble 1: I saw it, I saw it. Bubble 2: He said he’s able to come back to the country this weekend. Bubble 3: I’m truly so sorry for all of this. Bubble 4: It’s fine, really. Bubble 5: If it wasn’t like this, we wouldn’t get the opportunity to see Dad.   Panel 4 Tiny text: Heehee Bubble 1: Ah, that’s right! Bubble 2: Rihito.   Panel 5 Bubble 1: To put something like music onto a CD……… Bubble 2: To burn it? Bubble 3: Are you able to do that?
Pg 15: Panel 1 Bubble 1: Eh? Bubble 2: I don’t know… Bubble 3: But I think I could do it. Bubble 4: Really? Bubble 5: Then next time teach me, okay? Bubble 6: I was thinking I want to return the favor.   Panel 2 Bubble 1: Return the favor? Bubble 2: Tee-hee   Panel 3 Bubble 1: I wonder what I should choose~~~! Bubble 2: Oh! Bubble 3: It’s a secret! A secret~~! Bubble 4: Gross……..   Panel 4 Bubble 1: Cough Bubble 2: Cough   Panel 5 Bubble 1: ? Bubble 2: Are you okay? Bubble 3: Well, Bubble 4: it’s probably nothing…   Panel 6 Bubble 1: But it feels a bit like I’m choking.
Pg 16: Panel 2 Bubble 1: It was built in Taisho era 10.   Panel 3 Bubble 1: Taisho Era 10? Bubble 2: That’s 1921. Bubble 3: They built it using Frank Lloyd Wright’s design.   Panel 4 Bubble 1: Frank Bubble 2: Lloyd Bubble 3: Wright.
Pg 17: Panel 1 Bubble 1: I think I’ve heard of him. Tiny text: Haven’t I? Bubble 2: He designed things like the Guggenheim Art Museum.  Tiny text: Oh, and the Imperial Hotel.   Panel 2 Bubble 1: The Guggenheim………… Tiny text: I think I’ve heard of that. Bubble 2: What’s your impression after seeing it?   Panel 3 Tiny text: Unique, isn’t it? Bubble 1: What’s… Bubble 2: my impression? Bubble 3: Well, it’s extremely cool. But… Bubble 4: Umm…. Bubble 5: You can’t envision it yet?   Panel 4 Bubble 1: No, it’s not that. Bubble 2: It’s just that I don’t have any experience making a music video…. Bubble 3: Ahhh. Bubble 4: Well, so far, Bubble 5: doesn’t it seem like an absolutely great place for the music video?
Pg 18: Panel 1 Bubble 1: We’ll release the music video to the public before the broadcast. That’s the course of events in the current mainstream. Bubble 2: After all, the youth watch nothing but Youtube! Bubble 3: Thus, the music video is quite important for promotion. Tiny text: Well, even though we don’t rely on the youth to boost sales, it’s more like a prior investment. Bubble 4: I see.   Panel 2 Bubble 1: Anyway, thanks for Bubble 2: coming on such short notice. Bubble 3: These days, you can’t look around whenever, so it’s hard to schedule……….. Bubble 4: Ahh, Bubble 5: no problem.   Panel 3 Bubble 1: I guess… Bubble 2: Well then, let’s try to go inside for a bit, okay?   Panel 4 Bubble 1: On visiting days, it seems you’re allowed to freely check it out.   Panel 5 Bubble 1: I’ve heard on weekends it’s pretty booked with events………..
Pg 19: NO TEXT
Pg 20: Panel 1 Bubble 1: You can have things like weddings and such here.   Panel 2 Bubble 1: Isn’t it nice? Bubble 2: How it’s, like, Bubble 3: quiet Bubble 4: and calming….   Panel 3 Bubble 1: …with the natural light…   Panel 4 Bubble 1: …and the breeze… Floaty bubble 1: When we turn 20…
Pg 21: Panel 1 Floaty bubble 1: …marry me.
Pg 22: Panel 1 Bubble 1: ----------Kusakabe-san?   Panel 2 Tiny text: Gasp Bubble 1: Ah, Bubble 2: yes? Bubble 3: Did you hear me? Bubble 4: Uhhh---… Bubble 5: ahh Bubble 6: no…   Panel 3 Bubble 1: …not everything… Box 1: It’s not like…   Panel 4 Box 1: …I forgot about that. Box 2: But… Bubble 1: ...But…
Pg 23: Panel 1 Bubble 1: Well, umm…. Bubble 2: This is good. I think this will work.   Tiny text: Really? Bubble 3: …Saaaay, this is just my own image, but, Bubble 4: it’s like this…   Panel 2 Bubble 1: Kusakabe-san, you’ll be here singing and playing your guitar, won’t you? Bubble 2: At any rate, Bubble 3: so…   Panel 3 Bubble 1: The crux of your song’s story, so to speak, is the contrast between when you two met and now.
Bubble 2: Therefore, for example.......
  Panel 4 Bubble 1: Wouldn’t it be good if we put in a flashback Bubble 2: of a girl who appears to be a high school student? Tiny text: In a lo-fi image   Panel 5 Bubble 1: That way… Bubble 2: it’ll have a feeling of transparency. You’ll choose the actress… Bubble 3: I wasn’t picturing a girl for that part.
Pg 24: Panel 2 Bubble 1: ……………… Bubble 2: What? Bubble 3: Huh? Bubble 4: Is that so? Thought bubble 1: How will this go? Bubble 5: Haha.   Panel 3 Bubble 1: Eh? Bubble 2: But. Bubble 3: Ummm…………   Panel 4 Bubble 1: WHAT? Bubble 2: Hahaha.   Panel 5 Bubble 1: Well, Bubble 2: um, Bubble 3: but if it has to be that way for the sake of production, it can be.
Pg 25: Panel 1 Bubble 1: But well, it’s just, my mental image is different. Bubble 2: Huh? Bubble 3: No no no!   Panel 2 Bubble 1: Let’s… Bubble 2: …see. Bubble 3: Ummm.   Panel 3 Bubble 1: I’ll make that adjustment.   Panel 4 Bubble 1: Ah, but, umm… Bubble 2: I’ve never been in charge before. Bubble 3: They say that musicians tend to be those sorts of people……….. Bubble 4: Those sorts of people?   Panel 5 Bubble 1: Ah! Bubble 2: No, Bubble 3: that’s not what I meant! Tiny text 1: How should I put it? Bubble 4: Hahahaha Tiny text 2: I’m teasing.   Panel 6 Bubble 1: Uuuummmmmmmm…. Bubble 2: But then again… Bubble 3: Let’s think about it for a sec.   Panel 7 Bubble 1: Because it wouldn’t feel right, would it?
Pg 26: Panel 1 Bubble 1: You’re not picturing a girl. Bubble 2: So if a girl came out, Bubble 3: it wouldn’t feel right. Bubble 4: I mean, Bubble 5: it wouldn’t feel right if doesn’t match up with what you’re thinking…   Panel 2 Bubble 1: …despite being your own song.   Panel 3 Bubble 1: So, let me think it over Bubble 2: for a bit more.   Panel 5 Bubble 1: Okay.
Pg 27: Panel 1 Bubble 1: You’re a good guy, Hiraoka-kun. Bubble 2: I am? Tiny text: I get told that a lot!   Panel 2 Bubble 1: ---------------But this is a good place, isn’t it?   Panel 3 Bubble 1: You agree? Bubble 2: Ah, Bubble 3: yeah.   Panel 4 Bubble 1: It is…   Panel 5 Bubble 1: See you later! I’ll be in touch! Tiny text: Good work today!
Pg 28: Panel 3 Bubble 1: ----Kusakabe-san!
Pg 29: Panel 1 Bubble 1: Kusakabe-saaaaaaan!! Bubble 2: Huh?   Panel 2 Bubble 1: Um, Bubble 2: just now! Bubble 3: I just heard from the company…!   Panel 3 SFX: Rattle rattle rattle   Panel 4 Bubble 1: We finished the preparations. Bubble 2: You two are the family? Bubble 3: Y- Bubble 4: yes!
Pg 30: Panel 1 Bubble 1: Then let’s go together partway. Bubble 2: Once we reach that point, there is a family waiting room. Please wait there. Bubble 3: After the procedure is over, we will call you on the phone extension……….. Bubble 4: Mom!   Panel 2 Bubble 1: Mom!   Panel 3 Bubble 1: Mom!!   Left Side text Blanc #7 / End
73 notes · View notes
chibisunnie · 5 years
Blanc Ch 6 Translation
EDIT: BLANC HAS BEEN LICENSED IN ENGLISH!! :D It is now released and can be ordered from all the places listed on Seven Seas’ site here: https://sevenseasentertainment.com/books/classmates-vol-6-blanc/ Since deleting a tumblr post from my page won’t delete it everywhere on tumblr, I figured the best thing to do would just be to delete the pictures from my translation and then whenever anyone clicks the read more they’d see this update and the link of where to buy it. So if you want to read it, go buy the official version or request it from your public library! :D Under the cut is my translation for Blanc Ch 6! ^_^ Thank you to @aliciacentolla for letting me use her pictures of the raws since I can never seem to get good pictures from my copy of the magazine! ^_^ Also thank you to my friend Linzz for answering all my kansai-ben and “is this either an idiom or slang?” questions so that way I could ensure this is as accurate as possible! ^_^  
I’m super sorry it took me this long to finish translating. T_T This summer was so busy I barely even had time to sleep, much less translate. T_T Hopefully it never again takes me this long to translate a single chapter. @_@ But I am extremely grateful for your patience and how kind everyone was about the delay! This really is an incredibly sweet and patient fandom, so thank you thank you thank you for being so wonderful! ^_^ <3
As always, please remember to support Nakamura-sensei by buying the mangas when they come out! As of right now, Vol 1-3 of Doukyuusei are licensed in English--vol 1 and 2 of Doukyuusei are out already in English as Classmates, and vol 3 comes out in November! :D Vol 4-6 can be found on amazon.jp, and Blanc can be found in Opera Magazine also from amazon.jp! ^_^ 
Tumblr media
Pg 1: Left side boxes top box: Past Issues:     Left side boxes bottom box: Three years after graduation, the long distance has produced a big gap between them; and when Sajou was keeping himself at a distance he received news that his mother Kumi has been hospitalized with cancer. When Kusakabe offered to help Sajou’s mother, she made the request, “I want a CD of music chosen by you, Kusakabe-kun.”…
Pg 2: Top text: Latest Work in the Doukyuusei Series   Right Side text: When we were high school seniors, that first time we rode the motorcycle, we soared down the highway. However, we had been hurrying, as if we were in a dream.   Inside the box text: Nakamura Asumiko   Bottom Text line 1: Books & E-books now on sale:   Bottom Text line 2: [Doukyuusei] [Sotsugyosei -Winter- ] [Sotsugyosei -Spring- ] [Sora to Hara] [O.B. 1] [O.B. 2] [Sotsugyosei Album Extended Edition]
Pg 3: Panel 1 Bubble 1: Rihitoooooo! Bubble 2: Rihitoooooo! Box 1: In the distance, my mother is calling. Panel 2 Bubble 1: Rihitoooooo! Box 1: She’s searching for me and calling for me.     Panel 3 Box 1: I know this and yet… Box 2: …I’m unable to leave. Bubble 1: Rihitoooooo!
Pg 4: Panel 1 Box 1: My mother is calling. Bubble 1: Rihitoooooo!   Panel 2 Box 1: I could go out right away and jump into her arms. Bubble 1: Rihitoooooo! Box 2: And then, I’m certain that she would hug me tightly.   Panel 3 Box 1: I know this. Bubble 1: Rihitoooooo!   Panel 4 Box 1: I know this and yet… Bubble 1: Rihitoooooo!   Panel 5 Box 1: …I’m unable to leave.
Pg 5 Panel 1 Bubble 1: Rihitoooooo! Box 1: The fact is that I’m unable to leave. Bubble 2: Riiihiiiito!   Panel 2 Bubble 1: Mhn… Bubble 2: Hey. Bubble 3:  Wake up already.   Panel 3 Bubble 1: Dream… Bubble 2: A dream? Bubble 3: …Bad dream……….   Panel 4 Bubble 1: …I had a bad dream…….
Pg 6: Panel 2 Spiky bubble 1: WAH!! Bubble 1: “Wah!” is my line.   Panel 3 Bubbles 1 & 2: S-Sorry! Bubble 3: Haaaaaaaaaa. Did’ya mistake me for someone else? Though I don’t really need the answer… Bubble 4: Was the dream so bad it made you confused about what you’re doin’? Tiny text 1: Here, coffee. Tiny text 2: Glasses glasses   Panel 4 Bubble 1: ‘Cause my hug calmed you right down. Bubble 2: No that wasn’t… Bubble 3: It’s not… Bubble 4: The hug with me isn’t like that either?   Panel 5 Bubble 1: No, it’s not like that! BG text: Only a dream! Bubble 2: Oohhhhhhhh that’s not good Sajou-kun!
Pg 7: Panel 1 Bubble 1: To think I’d get embraced as a stand-in like that… Tiny text line 1: You’re a bad boy. Tiny text lines 2-5: How many people have you made cry with that syrupy seductive voice of yours? Tiny text line 6: Like this person Bubble 2: It wasn’t an embrace, it wasn’t an embrace. Bubble 3: Well… Tiny text line 7: Syrupy?   Panel 2 Bubble 1: You better make up soon. Panel 3 Bubble 1: Or else my chastity will be in danger. Bubble 2: I said it wasn’t an embrace…… Bubble 3: I mean… Panel 4 Bubble 1: …actin’ like that, you’re really spoilin’ your boyfriend, aren’t ya?   Panel 5 Spiky bubble 1: It’s not--!! Bubble 1: Ah, I gotta tell this to Miyamura. Tiny text line 1: How you took advantage of me when you were half-asleep. Bubble3: No-- Bubble 4: Wait-- Tiny text line 2: I mean, why were you even calling me by my first name earlier?!
Pg 8: Panel 2 Bubble 1: It was absolutely wonderful!!   Panel 3 Bubble 1: Ah.   Panel 4 Bubble 1: The tape was absolutely wonderful~! Bubble 2: No, the CD! Bubble 3: Ah-- Bubble 4: Er-- Bubble 5: I ended up listening to it over and over again!   Panel 5 Bubble 1: That’s really great… Bubble 2: I mean, I was hooked from the Beatles song!
Pg 9: Panel 1 Bubble 1: Here Comes the Sun! Bubble 2: It’s such a gentle song, and yet it’s extremely moving~~~! Bubble 3: On top of that, Sachiko Kanenobu for the second song! Bubble 4: I was well acquainted with Sachiko Kanenobu~~~! Bubble 5: I love her~! I mean, her singing voice is so mystical! Bubble 6: And then, when I was expecting it to continue with that gentle feeling… Bubble 7: …Spookey Reuben? Bubble 8: That song “Wendy McDonald” is super funky! Bubble 9: From the intro on it’s very cool! Tiny text lines 1-3: It had the feeling of the morning sun sparkling on the ocean’s horizon. Tiny text lines 4-9: I particularly loved Anata kara Toku e and its sorrowful yet light-hearted scat part. Tiny text line 10: For some reason, I’m embarrassed. Bubble 10: Ah-- Bubble 11: Er--   Panel 2 Tiny text line 1: Th- Bubble 1: That’s really great… Tiny text line 2: For the second time Bubble 2: Gaaaahhhhh I could go on forever about each and every track! Bubble 3: But even so, the absolute best one was the very last track. Tiny text lines 3-4 : Like Mathieu Boogaert’s Ondulé and Elliot Smith’s In the Lost and Found.   Panel 3 Bubble 1: That was your song, wasn’t it?   Panel 4 Bubble 1: Ah- Bubble 2: Uh- Bubble 3: Yeah... Bubble 4: I guess so… Bubble 5: I knew it right away because of your great voice!   Bubbles 6-7: No, not at all! Tiny text line 1: I just did it on a whim.
Pg 10: Panel 2 Bubble 1: For some reason, I ended up crying.   Panel 3 Bubble 1: Well, Bubble 2: I might be wrong but… Bubble 3: I wondered if you were singing about Rihito.   Panel 4 Bubble 1: Perhaps I’m being overly self-conscious… Tiny text line 1: Aha! Bubble 2: Phrasing it as self-conscious is odd, isn’t it? Bubble 3: But……..
Pg 11: Panel 1 Bubble 1: If that is the case, the lyrics are a bit…….. Bubble 2: Um   Panel 2 Bubble 1: Ah………I mean…. Bubble 2: Well… Bubble 3: Y- Bubble 4: You’re right.   Panel 3 Bubble 1: …So…. Bubble 2: …the truth is, right now we’re kinda… Bubble 3: W-   Panel 4 Bubble 1: We broke… Bubble 2: That boy went off on his own and said something weird again didn’t he?
Pg 12: Panel 1 Bubble 1: He goes off on his own and overthinks things! Bubble 2: He keeps coming to these arbitrary conclusions all on his own, you know?   Panel 2 Tiny text 1: Well… Bubble 1: But you’re probably familiar with that. Bubbles 2-3: Ah, no. Bubble 4: But… Panel 3 Bubble 1: I have a lot of bad traits too…. Bubble 2: Like how I can’t always sympathize in certain situations. Bubble 3: For some reason…     Panel 4 Bubble 1: …when I think that it might have become hopeless, I cut things off right away. Bubble 2: Or rather it’s like…. Bubble 3: You lose your temper? Bubble 4: Ah.   Panel 5 Bubble 1: No. Bubble 2: It’s not that I lose my temper. I end…..   Panel 6 Bubble 1: …our relationship. Bubble 2: …I mean
Pg 13: Panel 1 Bubble 1: ……….. Bubble 2: …No. Bubble 3: I might have…….   Panel 2 Bubble 1: …been losing my temper. Bubble 2: And been thinking I’d had enough.   Panel 3 Bubble 1: But,   Panel 4 Bubble 1: I’m just as bad.   Panel 5 Bubble 1: I’m exactly the same. Bubble 2: I also… Bubble 3: ...overthink everything on my own… Bubble 4: I really….
Pg 14: Panel 1 Bubble 1: …don’t know what to do……   Panel 3 Bubbles 1-2: …You know, I didn’t understand that boy very well either.   Panel 4 Bubble 1: You see, long ago…
Pg 15: Panel 1 Bubble 1: ...when he was a child… Bubble 2: That’s right. We really were…   Panel 2 Bubble 1: a normal parent and child. Bubble 2: We often would play together. Bubble 3: He’d cry and he’d laugh. Bubble 4: But…   Panel 3 Bubble 1: at some point… Bubble 2: …I wonder since when…that boy…   Panel 4 Bubble 1: …wouldn’t even make eye contact with me.   Panel 5 Bubble 1: At first, I wondered if it was just my imagination. Bubble 2: But he wasn’t acting rebellious for someone in a rebellious phase. Bubble 3: Because even without me telling him to do so, he continued to study as I wanted. Bubble 4: But…
Pg 16: Panel 1 Bubble 1: But more and more… Bubble 2: …I wonder how to put it…   Panel 2 Bubble 1: Perhaps I should phrase it as, he became distant… Bubble 2: …That’s it.   Panel 3 Bubble 1: Thinking about it now…   Panel 4 Bubble 1: …perhaps he was feeling something like a guilty conscience.   Panel 5 Bubble 1: He didn’t have to have that sort of feeling. Bubbles 2-3: But, that’s why…
Pg 17: Panel 1 Bubble 1: …I always had that impression. Panel 3 Bubble 1: After he met you…  
Pg 18: Panel 1 Bubble 1: …that boy was able to laugh openly like that again.   Panel 2 Bubble 1: That boy…is truly glad that he’s met you.   Panel 3 Bubble 1: Without a doubt, Bubble 2: you are the most important person to that boy.
Pg 19: Panel 2 Bubble 1: Th- Bubble 2: that’s too much…   Panel 3 Bubble 1: I suuuuuuuuuuuuuper love him too.
Pg 20:   Panel 1 Bubble 1: …To tell you the truth…   Panel 2 Bubble 1: …when that boy told me he was dating a man, I was shocked.   Panel 3 Bubbles 1-2: Since his father wasn’t at home very much I… Bubble 3: …questioned if I hadn’t raised him well enough, or something like that… Bubble 4: I was worried…   Panel 4 Bubble 1: But I was completely wrong.   Panel 5 Bubble 1: There’s nothing wrong with the way things are.  
Pg 21: Panel 1 Bubble 1: I’m glad that Rihito fell in love with you.   Panel 2 Bubbles 1-2: I also love you very much, Kusakabe-kun.
Pg 22: Panel 1 sfx: Hoooonk   Panel 2 Bubble 1: Haaaaa……… Tiny text: Sniffle Bubble 2: I…   Panel 3 Bubble 1: …can’t believe I did nothing but cry in front of Kumi-san. Bubbles 2-3: Buzzzzzzzzzz Buzzzzzzzzzz   Panel 4 Bubbles 1-2: Buzzzzzzzzzz Buzzzzzzzzzz   Bubble 3: -----------Hello?   Panel 5 Bubble 1: Hello, how are you doing? Bubble 2: This is Hiraoka from BB Pro. Bubble 3: Ah…Hello. How can I help you? Tiny text: Sniff   Panel 6 Bubble 1: I heard your live performance the other day!
Pg 23: Panel 1 Bubble 1: Eh? Bubble 2: Er, well, I wasn’t able to go. Bubble 3: But I heard about it from my younger kid who went to see it.     Panel 2 Bubble 1: Seems like your new song’s amazing!   Panel 3 Bubble 1: Ah… Bubble 2: Er-- Bubble 3: No, it’s true. I mean, the whole audience gave it a standing ovation. Bubble 4: Well, no, they were standing in the first place. Bubble 5: Uhh--…. Bubble 6: Well… Bubble 7: Perhaps I should say that they had that level of passion for it!   Panel 4 Bubble 1: But I got someone to show me the video recording. Bubble 2: It was very good!! Bubble 3: It was completely different than your songs up until then. Somehow you weren’t aiming for what’s professionally popular! Bubble 4: Haha Thought bubble 1: So that’s what he thought of it?... Bubble 5: It has an honest feeling!   Panel 5 Bubbles 1-2: Ah--….well, thank you…….. Bubble 3: Let’s submit it to this competition going on now!  
Pg 24: Panel 1 Bubble 1: There’s going to be another commercial competition. Bubble 2: Although it’s for carbonated soda, your music suits that image. Bubble 3: I have a feeling that this will go well! Bubble 4: They said that there will be great exposure via TV and other things, so how about it~~~~? Bubble 5: Okay, I’ve heard enough. I leave it all up to you….     Panel 2 Bubble 1: Well then, please send me the sound source version of the recording! Bubble 2: Oh.     Panel 3 Bubble 1: What? Bubble 2: No, it’s just, I haven’t made a proper audio recording of that song… Bubble 3: Ehh, seriously?! Tiny text: Well then, we’ll go ahead and book you a studio.
Pg 25: Panel 4 Sfx: SPLASH Bubble 1: Pfft   Panel 6 Bubble 1: Clatter… Bubble 2: Rattle
Pg 26 Panel 1 Bubble 1: Oh, Bubble 2: you’re done.   Panel 2 Tiny text 1: Y’know, yukata isn’t a bad look on you. Bubble 1: Since it’s awfully late, I was thinkin’ about makin’ my way home if I didn’t see your face soon. Bubble 2: It’s bad to sleep in the bathroom. Bubble 3: Ah………Sorry. Tiny text 2: You have ESP?   Panel 3 Bubble 1: You’re going home already? Bubble 2: Yep, I’m leavin’. Bubble 3: Ah, thank you…   Panel 4 Bubble 1: Seriously, thank you so much… Bubble 2: You helped me immensely. Bubble 3: Klak Bubble 4: Klok Tiny text 1: Haha Bubble 5: You owe me one. Bubble 6: Ah.   Panel 5 Bubble 1: Your phone was buzzin’. Bubble 2: Might’ve been LINE?
Pg 27: Panel 3 Bubble 1: Klak   Panel 4 Bubble 1: Klok Bubble 2: Klak   Panel 5 Sfx: Tap   Panel 7 Cell phone text line 1: LINE Cell phone text line 2: Kusakabe Hikaru Cell phone text line 3: Today when I went
Pg 28: Panel 1 Cell phone text bubble 1: Today when I went to visit Kumi-san, she was watching TV. I brought her 2 bottles of tea. For lunch, she had rice, salted grilled salmon, a small bowl of miso soup, and an apple.   Panel 2 Cell phone text bubble 2: The rice was donburi style. She complained that she gained weight since entering the hospital. Bubble 1: Hah   Panel 7 Bubble 1: Haaaaaaaaaaaaaa………
Pg 29: Panel 1 Bubble 1: Gratitude…. Bubble 2: Start with gratitude…   Panel 2 Cell phone text typing area: Th   Panel 3 Cell phone text typing area: Thank you   Panel 4 Bubble 1: Bzz bzz   Panel 6 Cell phone text bubble 3: Thank you Cell phone text bubble 4: Can we talk on the phone?
Pg 30: Panel 1 Bubbles 1 & 2: Buzzzzzzzzzz Buzzzzzzzzzz Cell phone text line 1: Kusakabe Hikaru Cell phone text line 2: Slide to answer   Panel 2 Bubbles 1 & 2: Buzzzzzzzzzz Buzzzzzzzzzz   Panel 3 Bubble 1: ………Hello… 
187 notes · View notes
chibisunnie · 6 years
Blanc Ch 5 Translation
EDIT: BLANC HAS BEEN LICENSED IN ENGLISH!! :D It is now released and can be ordered from all the places listed on Seven Seas’ site here: https://sevenseasentertainment.com/books/classmates-vol-6-blanc/ Since deleting a tumblr post from my page won’t delete it everywhere on tumblr, I figured the best thing to do would just be to delete the pictures from my translation and then whenever anyone clicks the read more they’d see this update and the link of where to buy it. So if you want to read it, go buy the official version or request it from your public library! :D Under the cut is my translation of Blanc Ch 5! ^_^ Thank you to @aliciacentolla for providing the raws!! :D :D :D (I bought my own copy of the magazine and used that to translate, but Alicia had taken pictures of her copy first and was kind enough to let me use her pics for this post. ^_^ )
Also thanks to all of you for being patient! <3 Between catching a cold, all the kansai-ben, and not being able to figure out a few sentences despite my best effort at researching, this took a lot longer than I had anticipated. T_T I asked my friend who is fluent about those sentences, but she still hasn’t had a chance to look at them yet. So I decided that it’s not fair to make you guys wait any longer and I’m posting it now even though some sentences are just my best guess. Once my friend answers my questions, I’ll update this with the corrections. ^_^ But really, I’m so grateful for how sweet and patient you have been and for all the kind messages you sent me! <3  EDIT: My friend answered my questions (Thank you, Linzz!! <3 ) and I updated the sentences that needed correcting (my best guess was correct for some of them, though! :D ). So it should be all accurate now! ^_^ 
Please enjoy and please remember to support Nakamura-sensei by buying the manga once it becomes available! Volume 1 of Doukyuusei comes out in English (they’re calling it Classmates) June 4th and you can already pre-order it from amazon and most bookstores! ^_^
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Left side text: During our third year in high school, that one winter night we talked. But now, it's already different from that time……..
Panel 1 box: Past Issues: It’s three years since graduation. Sajou went to Kyoto University, while Kusakabe has been working a part-time job in Tokyo. The long-distance gradually grew into a big gap between them, and in the end Kusakabe returned the ring that Sajou had given to him as a present. Emotionally wrecked, Kusakabe tried to begin things again with a phone call…When Kusakabe discovered that Sajou’s mom has Stage III cancer, he offered to take care of her in Sajou’s place.    Panel 2 bubble 1: I’m here!   Panel 3 bubble 1: Eeee Kusakabe-kun!   Bubble 2: I’m truly sorry, this is so impudent of me! Bubble 3: No, no, it absolutely is nothing at all! Bubble 4: Ah, here’s some tea. Bubble 5: Aaaah thank youuuuu!   Panel 4 bubble 1: Now, let me pay you back. Tiny text: wallet wallet Bubble 2: No, it’s fine. It’s just tea. Bubble 3: No way, no way.     Panel 5 bubble 1: If that’s the case, then I won’t be able to ask you to do anything without feeling bad. Bubble 2: Ok?
Panel 1 bubble 1: But……..you’re so busy with all sorts of things, aren’t you?   Panel 2 bubble 1: You don’t think that boy is forcing you to help me out, do you? Bubble 2: No, no. Honestly, not at all.   Panel 3 bubble 1: I want to do whatever I can. Bubble 2: I mean, well, umm……   Panel 4 bubble 1: Honestly, except for my part-time job, I’m free, so.... Bubble 2: What about music? Bubble 3: Are you still playing?   Panel 5 bubble 1: ……… Bubble 2: …..well, more or less.   Panel 6 bubble 1: I mean, ummm…. Bubble 2: Is there anything you need? Bubble 3: You’re usually reading a magazine or something……..Uhhh, what else?   Panel 7 bubble 1: A game? Bubble 2: Something like that? Bubble 3: Hmmm, well...
Panel 1 bubble 1: ………Ah.   Bubble 2: Music?   Panel 2 bubble 1: Music? Bubble 2: That’s right. Bubble 3: It’s light’s out at 10 o’clock. Bubble 4: Because of that, I’m not able to watch TV anymore. Bubble 5: Nevertheless, I’m not sleepy yet...   Panel 3 bubble 1: But I could still listen to music then… Bubble 2: Ah, so you want me to put a variety of songs…on your phone? Bubble 3: And buy you earphones. Cup text: Sajou Kumi Bubble 4: Yeah…   Panel 5 bubble 1: ……Can I say something a bit selfish? Bubble 2: What? Bubble 3: I…
Panel 1 bubble 1: …want to listen to music that you’ve chosen.   Panel 2 bubble 1: Oh? Bubble 2: Heehee. Bubble 3: Back when I was a student… Bubble 4: …I would exchange tapes with my friends. Bubble 5: Cassette tapes, you know?   Panel 3 bubble 1: Choosing songs that I loved… Bubble 2: …thinking about the possible song order… Bubble 3: …putting them on the tape as a present. Bubble 4: Since a tape has an A side and a B side, you also had to think about how it would flow… Bubble 5: Heehee. Bubble 6: And then write something that resembled liner notes.
Panel 1 bubble 1: We made them often. Bubble 2: Occasionally we did things like that with several friends. Bubble 3: When we didn’t have the song on hand, we’d go into a panic and scavenge through our parents’ and siblings’ records.   Bubble 4: Did you make them for your boyfriend too?   Panel 2 bubble 1: NO WAAAY!! Sfx: Slap Small text: Ahaha! Bubble 2: Don’t tease an adult!! Bubble 3: I’m an adult too. Bubble 4: But.   Panel 3 bubble 1: Well, I must admit… Bubble 2: …that’s true.   Bubble 3: I made them often. Bubble 4: For your now-husband too? Bubble 5: That’s a secret. Tiny text: I guess I made one.   Panel 4 bubble 1: But… Bubble 2: ...yeah.   Panel 5 bubble 1: Therefore, when I come across various music… Bubble 2: …it truly is… Bubble 3: …nostalgic.
Panel 2 bubble 1: Okay. I’ll make one.   Panel 3 bubble 1: Really? Bubble 2: It’s okay? Bubble 3: I’ll do it, I’ll do it. Absolutely. Bubble 4: It seems kinda fun.   Panel 4 bubble 1: I’m so happyyyyyy! Thank youuuuuuuu! Bubble 2: Say….That CD I gave you as a get-well present before…… Bubble 3: Ah, Sugar Babe! Yes, yes, I loved that very much! That made me very happy! Bubble 4: So something along those lines… Tiny text: Something with a “happy ending” vibe?   Panel 5 bubble 1: Ah, since it’s hard to play back tapes now, is it okay if I make a CD? Bubble 2: That’s fine, that’s fine! Bubble 3: I’ll leave all that up to you!
Panel 1 bracelet text: Sajou Kumi Bubble 1: ….Aahhh.   Bubble 2: I’m immensely looking forward to it.   Panel 2 bubble 1: Songs that I love make me happy. Bubble 2: Songs that I don’t know also make me very happy. Bubble 3: I wonder, what kind of songs do you love?     Panel 3 bubble 1: I’m truly looking forward to it.   Panel 5 bubble 1: Oooohhhhh! Such pressureeeee! Bubble 2: Shall I put in something like super hardcore screamer music in there? Bubble 3: Ahaha! That’s unexpected, but if that’s the case, I’m looking forward to it!
Panel 1 bubble 1: Sajou-kun!   Panel 3 bubble 1: Professor. Bubble 2: Sorry to bother you. I heard from an associate professor... Bubble 3: ...that you’re takin’ a leave of absence.  Bubble 4: Your mother is doin’ terribly, isn’t she?     Panel 4 bubble 1: …Ahh. Bubble 2: Well……… Bubble 3: It’s good to take some time off for a bit. But what are you gonna do about the third trimester report?   Panel 5 bubble 1: My submission deadline’s the beginning of the year but… Bubble 2: I mean, you don’t even know if that’s gonna be possible, do ya? Bubble 3: Right?....   Panel 6 bubble 1: Perhaps you submit it early?
Panel 1 bubble 1: I had planned to announce the topic next week… Bubble 2: …but now I’m gonna to do that this afternoon. Bubble 3: So yeah.   Panel 2 bubble 1: You’re gonna have to start awfully early to get it submitted, but it’s fine. Bubble 2: Although, if you want to wait and see and follow the regular beginning of the year deadline, that’s fine too.   Panel 3 bubble 1: How about it?   Panel 5 sfx bubble X 3: Click   Panel 6 thought bubble 1: Hmmm….. Thought bubble 2: No. Thought bubble 3: After all, the first song in the playlist needs to grip them. So… Sfx bubble X 2: Click
Panel 1 thought bubble 1: What’s a good catchy one?   Thought bubble 2: Japanese music from… Thought bubble 3: Kumi-san’s generation… Tiny text 1: I’m stumped. Was Ohtaki Eiichi at that time? Tiny text 2: RC might be good too. Thought bubble 4: And from there, Western music… Tiny text 3: The Beatles era. And The Monkees would be good, right?   Panel 2 thought bubble 1: Then keep it uplifting like that? Thought bubble 2: Should I make it calm down at one point? Thought bubble 3: Hmmmm…. Sfx bubble: Clatter   Panel 3 thought bubble: OH YIIIIIIIKES Sfx: CRASH   Panel 4 bubbles 1 & 2: Ahhh hey hey…. Thought bubble 1: Geeze, what am I doing...   Panel 5 sfx bubble: Buzz buzz
Panel 1 and 2 sfx: BA-DUM     Panel 2 cell phone text line 1: Day: Monday Cell phone text line 2: LINE Just Now Cell phone text line 3: Rihito Cell phone text line 4: Thanks for helping out.   Panel 3 sfx X 4: badum Thought bubble 1: Oh! Thought bubble 2: What’s this? Thought bubble 3: Calm down, calm down……..   Panel 4 thought bubble 1: I’m sweating so freakin’ much. Seriously… Sfx: badum   Panel 5 sfx: badum Thought bubble 1: …I’m like a teenage girl… Cell phone text: Thanks for helping out. How was she doing?
Panel 1 cell phone text box 1: Good to hear from you. Cell phone text box 2: She seemed good! Cell phone text box 3: She was so energetic. Panel 2 cell phone text box: Thanks. Thought bubble 1: Hm? Thought bubble 2: Huh? Thought bubble 3: Eh? Thought bubble 4: It’s over?   Panel 3 thought bubble 1: Hold on…… Sfx: BADUM   Panel 4 sfx: BADUM Cell phone text line 1: Thank Cell phone text line 2: Can   Panel 5 sfx: BADUM Cell phone text line 1: Thank Cell phone text line 2: Can I call you?
Panel 1 sfx: bzz bzz   Panel 2 Cell phone text: Sure. Sfx: BADUM   Panel 3 sfx X 3: badum Bubble 1: Hooooo….. Thought bubble 1: Compose yourself. Thought bubble 2: Compose yourself. Bubble 2: Haaaaa…….   Panel 4: sfx X 3: BADUM Thought bubble 1: It’s like… Panel 5 Thought bubbles 2: …how it was when we first started dating…. Sfx X 3: BADUM
Panel 1 bubbles 1 & 2: Buzzzzzzzzzz Buzzzzzzzzzzz Cell phone text line 1: Kusakabe Hikaru Cell phone text line 2: Slide to Answer   Panel 2 bubbles 1 & 2: Buzzzzzzzzzz Buzzzzzzzzzzz   Panel 3 bubble 1: …..Hello?   Panel 4: sfx: BADUM
Panel 1 bubble: …Hello.   Panel 2 bubble 1: Were you awake? Bubble 2: I was.   Bubble 3: I see…   Panel 3 bubble 1: Your mom… Bubble 2: …seemed to be doing well.     Panel 4 bubble 1: Or I guess should say, she seems to be doing well...... Bubble 2: Okay… Bubble 3: Thanks.   Panel 5: ………Errr.
Panel 1 bubble 1: ….What? Thought bubble 1: I love you!   Panel 2 bubble 1: Well… Bubble 2: Are things alright over there? Thought bubble 1: I love you.   Panel 3 bubble 1: Yeah… Bubble 2: But I think I want to get back over there as soon as possible… Thought bubble 1: I love you just like this, you know. Bubble 3: It’s okay to take your time.   Panel 4 bubble 1: I’ll take care of things over here. Bubble 2: Don’t push yourself too hard. Thought bubble 1: Even though it’s like this, I love you. Bubble 3: Okay…….
Panel 1 bubble 1: ……Thank you.   Panel 1 & 2 thought bubble 1: I love you.   Panel 3 cell phone text: Rihito
Panel 1 bubble 1: Haaaaaa…….   Panel 4 thought bubble 1: What about music?   Panel 5 thought bubble 1: Are you still playing?
Panel 1 sfx: Rise Panel 3 bubble 1: Hm Bubble 2: Huummm….   Panel 4 bubble 1: Li--   Panel 5 bubble 1: Light… Bubble 2: In the light. Bubble 3: Your…
Panel 1 bubble 1: …profile… Bubble 2: Is soft… Bubble 3: starts to soften… Bubble 4: ………..   Panel 2 bubbles 1 & 2: Call from your boyfriend?   Panel 3 bubble 1: ….how--? Bubble 2: It’s easy to tell.   Panel 4 bubble 1: Look, I’ve been puttin’ together this table. Bubbles 3 & 4: Ah, thank you.
Panel 1 bubble 1: ------Warmhearted. It’s warmhearted but…   Panel 2 bubble 1: …submittin’ the report in advance is also kinda brutal. Bubble 2: I wouldn’t say that.   Panel 3 bubble 1: I’m immensely grateful.   Panel 5 bubble 1: Well… Bubble 2: That makes sense.     Panel 6 bubble 1: In the meantime, you’re gonna to do it in one-go without restin’? Bubble 2: Erm, well… Bubble 3: I’m keeping an eye on the situation. However…   Bubble 4: …probably.
Panel 1 bubble 1: My father has so much work that it seems he can’t take time off. Bubble 2: That makes sense. Bubble 3: If somethin’ were to happen, Kyoto and Tokyo are…   Panel 2 bubble 1: Ah! Bubble 2: When I said if somethin’ were to happen, I didn’t mean it like … Bubble 3: Yeah, I know.   Panel 3 bubble 1: It’s alright.   Panel 4 bubbles 1 & 2: ……my mother has an incurable disease.
Panel 1 bubble 1: She got hit with the disease when I was in junior high.   Panel 2 bubble 1: I had entrance exams Bubble 2: and a kid brother. Bubble 3: It was seriously chaotic. Bubbles 4 & 5: But aside from that, more than anything else…   Panel 3 bubble 1: …I thought about what if it reached the point where my mother wasn’t there. Bubble 2: We would no longer have food or be able to support ourselves. It made me mental! Bubble 3: Really…   Panel 4 bubble 1: …up until now she’s been livin’ with it as best she can. Bubble 2: It was tough.   Panel 5 bubble 1: But she’s had a good medicine.
Panel 1 bubble 1: It was a good match for her. Bubble 2: It’s super effective. Bubble 3: However, even now, she’s got to take it every day. Bubble 4: Yet she’s able to live a super normal life.   Panel 2 bubble 1: That medicine is amaaaazin’.   Panel 3 bubble 1: …and because of that, you’re in the pharmaceutical department? Bubble 2: It’s a heartwarming story, don’t’cha think?   Panel 4 bubble 1: It’s okay to cry.  Bubble 2: I won’t.  Bubble 3: Hahaha!   Panel 5 bubble 1: Still, I can’t say anything that’s really comforting, though.
Panel 1 bubble 1: Our parents’ generation and before have robust constitutions.   Panel 2 bubble 1: I just keep thinkin’, “It’ll be alright, it’ll be alright.”   Panel 3 bubble 1: That’s about the only thing we can do, you know?   Panel 5 bubble 1: ……….. Bubble 2: ….Yeah.
Panel 1 bubble 1: Hmm. Bubble 2: It seems like it’s hopeless for our generation and after, though! Bubble 3: We’ve been growin’ up on potato chips and instant ramen! Bubble 4: Ahaha!   Panel 2 sfx: St-ruuummmm
  Panel 3 bubbles 1 & 2: Errr…..uhhhhh.
Panel 1 bubble 1: It’s not like it’s unusual to introduce a song. However…
Panel 2 bubble 1: …this next song isn’t the usual… Bubble 2: I mean, it’s really a different type of song. Bubbles 3 & 4: Uuuuhhh but it’s like…   Panel 3 bubble 1: I feel that this is the sort of thing I want to sing.     Panel 4 bubble 1: …I tried composing. Bubble 2: Uuuhhhhh. Bubble 3: So……
Text at bottom: blanc#5/End 
307 notes · View notes
chibisunnie · 6 years
Blanc Ch 3 Translation
EDIT: BLANC HAS BEEN LICENSED IN ENGLISH!! :D It is now released and can be ordered from all the places listed on Seven Seas’ site here: https://sevenseasentertainment.com/books/classmates-vol-6-blanc/ Since deleting a tumblr post from my page won’t delete it everywhere on tumblr, I figured the best thing to do would just be to delete the pictures from my translation and then whenever anyone clicks the read more they’d see this update and the link of where to buy it. So if you want to read it, go buy the official version or request it from your public library! :D Under the cut is my translation for Blanc Chapter 3! ^_^ THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU to @aliciacentolla for providing the raws!!!! :D :D :D :D :D I appreciate your patience since this took longer than I thought it would! I wanted to be sure it was as accurate as possible, which meant going slowly and asking my friends who are higher Japanese levels than I am questions on anything I wasn’t sure about. So thank you to my friend Linzz for telling me the yomikata of the tiny handwritten kanji, explaining the complex grammar structures I hadn’t learned yet, and for giving me a crash course in Kansai-ben grammar rules so I could accurately translate Miyamura’s lines! Also thank you to my friend Julie for explaining what some phrases that confused me meant in Japanese (they turned out to be idiomatic phrases!) so I could translate those properly too! ^_^ And like Alicia said in her post, please support Nakamura-sensei and buy the manga when you can/when it comes out. ^_^ 
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Side text: Telephone pole, fence, townscape, things that change over time, get wet with the raindrops.
The tiny text on the side is the info on what happened in the previous chapters.
Panel 1 box: When I was in 6th grade, one of my female classmates confessed to me. 
Panel 3 bubbles 1 & 2: I don’t really understand.
Panel 4 box: From the next day on, all the girls in my class ignored me. 
Panel 5 box: I...
Panel 6 box 1: ...was terrified.
Box 2: Because it felt like they were able to see right through me. 
Box 3: What…
Panel 1 box 1: …kind of person am I?
Box 2: That is to say…
Panel 2 bubble: It would have been better if you had cried.
Panel 4: Aaahhh geeez I’m never going to be able to go to that restaurant again!
Panel 5: Next time it’ll be your treat.
Panel 1 bubbles 1 & 2: ………Sorry……
Panel 3 bubble: —Look. I love you, Sajou-kun!
Panel 4 bubble 1: And it’s not just me!
Bubbles 2 & 3: Kinosaki does. Kawa-chan too.
Bubble 4: Everyone in our seminar as well.
Bubble 5: And of course, your boyfriend in Tokyo.
Panel 1 bubble: I’m certain that eeeeeveryone loves you!
Panel 2 bubble: Understand?  
Panel 3 bubbles 1 & 2: I’m a woman. So maybe I don’t understand what you’re thinking.
Bubble 3: But.
Bubble 4: I don’t think it’s possible that soul mates can stay apart.
Panel 1 bubble: Sajou, you love your boyfriend a ton, don’t you?
Panel 2 bubble: And your ex-boyfriend loves you a ton too! 
Panel 3 bubbles 1 & 2: But even with that, your feelings of love are heart-breaking. 
Panel 4 bubble: Love is gentle and warm!
Panel 1 bubble: There’s no reason to be scared!
Panel 2 bubble 1: Thank youuu.
Bubble 2: I’m happy.
Bubble 3: That’s it.
Panel 4 bubble: You see?
Panel 1 bubble: Miya…
Panel 2 spiky bubble 1: AAAHHHH GEEEEEEEEEZE!!!!
Spiky bubbles 2 & 3: WHY CAN’T YOU JUST CRY?! IDIOOOOOOT!!
Panel 3 spiky bubble 1: Why am I the one crying?! This is bad!!
Tiny text: People must think this is a lover’s quarrel
Spiky bubble 2: This is so frustratiiiiiing!
Bubble: Miyamura-san…
Panel 4: Thank you.
Panel 1 sound effect: Hug
Panel 2 bubble 1: sound effect of phone vibrating
Bubble 2: WAH!!
Panel 3 spiky bubble: That’s probably your boyfriend from Tokyo now!
Tiny text: I’m guessing!  
Bubble: There is no way…
Panel 5 tiny text: Haaaa…Why is it that I’m so warm? I’m sweating, huh?
Bubble: —Hello?
Panel 1 and 2 bubble: ….Eh?
Panel 1 bubble: You sure do a lot of instrumentals.
Panel 3 bubbles 1 & 2: It’d be better if you sang more. I think you can sing well enough.
Panel 4 bubble 1: …Why’re you here?
Bubble 2: I came to see what my former student is doing after graduation. I don’t think that’s a bad thing.
Panel 1 bubble: Ahh but that last song was good.
Panel 2 bubbles 1 & 2: That new song. The short one.
Bubble 3: You should add lyrics to it…
Panel 3 bubble: Can I leave?
Sound effect: crumpling of cup sound
Panel 5 bubble: I think if you’re gonna be crabby like that, it seems like you should go patch things up.
Panel 2 bubble: You’re acting like a child.
Panel 3 bubble 1: Well, you are still a child, aren’t you?
Bubble 2: Shut up!
Panel 4 bubble: No matter what you choose to do…
Panel 5 bubble: …if you don’t act quickly, he’s gonna get away.
Panel 1 bubble: Do you realize how blessed you’ve been up until now?
Panel 2 bubble: When you were in school, you were always able to see each other. You can’t do that anymore.
Panel 3 bubble: Neither of you are at fault for that.
Panel 4 bubble: But if you wanted to be together forever, was this really the best thing to do?!
Panel 5 bubble: This is reality, do you get that?
Panel 1 & 2 bubbles: You’re just scared…
Panel 3 bubbles: sound of people murmuring/talking
Panel 3 bubble: …That guy.   Panel 4 bubble: He sure has gotten taller.
Panel 1 bubbles 1 & 2: Well, despite that…
Panel 2 bubble: …he still is a child, isn’t he?
Panel 4 bubble: Do you…
Panel 1 bubbles 1 & 2: …want to practice?
Bubble 3: After this.
Panel 2 bubble: The song.
Panel 3 & 4 & 5 bubbles: Singing…with you…singing with you was….
Panel 1 bubbles 1 & 2: Do you…enjoy being with me?
Panel 2 bubble: Sajou, you’re my number one.
Panel 3 & 4 bubbles: As long as you’re by my side…that’s enough for me.
Panel 5 bubble: I love you.
Panel 1 bubbles 1 & 2: I love you, Kusakabe.
Panels 2 & 3 & 4 bubbles: sobbing noises
Panel 5 bubble: knocking on door sounds
Panel 1 bubble: door opening sound
Panel 2 bubbles 1 & 2: Hey. So uh, sorry.  I sent a ton of LINE messages, though.
Bubble 3: You see, my wife still hasn’t come home yet.
Panel 4 bubbles 1 & 2: And I accidentally missed the last train. So about that…I was wondering if you’d let me stay here tonight…
Tiny text: I got beer and snacks.
Bubble 3: What are you doing coming here?!
Panel 1 bubble: Eh?
Panel 2 spiky bubble 1: WHAT ARE YOU DOING COMING HERE?!?!
Spiky bubble 2: Take a taxi or something and go speed over to see her!!
Panel 3 spiky bubbles 1 & 2: Don’t be so stubborn about this! Do whatever you can! Make a fool of yourself! Get on your knees in front of her, beg for forgiveness, and start sobbing!
Panel 1 spiky bubble: Even if she rejects you, even if she spits on you, don’t give up!
Panel 2 spiky bubble: Beg her to please give you one more chance to start over!!
Panel 3 spiky bubbles 1 & 2: If you don’t do that, you might never get back…together…
Panel 2 bubbles 1 & 2: Even….even if you hadn’t told me that…
Bubble 3: I’m gonna call!
Panel 3 bubble 1: Huh?
Tiny text: My wife’s parents’ house? How do you know that?
Bubbles 2 & 3: Sound effect of typing on phone
Bubbles 4 & 5: Sound effect of phone buzzing
Panel 4 spiky bubble 1: WAAAH!!!
Spiky bubble 2: WHAT?!
Panel 1 bubble 1: sound effect of heart beating intensely
Bubble 2: sound effect of phone buzzing
Phone: Rihito  Slide to Answer
Panel 2 bubbles 1 & 2: sound effect of phone buzzing
Bubbles 3-7: sound effect of heart beating intensely
Bubbles 8-10: Who? What? What’s wrong?
Bubble 11:  ….If—
Panel 2 bubbles 1 & 2: If I’m told something definitive now, I won’t be able to recover…No, I can try to change my fate.
Bubble 3: What are you talking about…?
Panel 4 bubbles 1 & 2: sound effect of phone buzzing
Panel 5 bubble 1: sound effect of phone buzzing
Bubble 2: sound effect of pushing button on phone
Phone: Rihito
Panel 1 bubble: —Hello?
Panel 2 bubbles 1 & 2: Yeah. No, not at all.
Bubble 3: It’s fine anytime.
Panel 3 thought bubble: It’s Sajou-kun?
Tiny text: I can’t drink this beer right now, huh?
Bubble: Yeah…
Panel 4 bubble: Eh…?
Panel 1 bubbles 1 & 2: I’ll go! Of course.
Panel 2 bubble: I’ll go right away.
267 notes · View notes
chibisunnie · 6 years
Blanc Ch 4 Translation
EDIT: BLANC HAS BEEN LICENSED IN ENGLISH!! :D It is now released and can be ordered from all the places listed on Seven Seas’ site here: https://sevenseasentertainment.com/books/classmates-vol-6-blanc/ Since deleting a tumblr post from my page won’t delete it everywhere on tumblr, I figured the best thing to do would just be to delete the pictures from my translation and then whenever anyone clicks the read more they’d see this update and the link of where to buy it. So if you want to read it, go buy the official version or request it from your public library! :D Under the cut is my translation of Blanc Ch 4! ^_^ Once again, THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU to @aliciacentolla for providing the raws. :D :D :D Also thank you to my friend Linzz for answering my grammar questions on the few sentences I wasn’t completely sure about so that I could be sure everything is accurate. ^_^ I know that another group will be doing an actual scanlation, but at least this way everyone can read the dialogue for the chapter while we wait. ^_^ As always, please remember to support Nakamura Asumiko by buying the manga when it comes out! 
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Side text: The stairs ascending, the stairs descending, from the school’s staircase landing, you can see both.
Panel 1 bubble 1: Ah…
Panel 2 bubbles 1 & 2: Sorry, for so suddenly…
Bubble 3: No problem.
Panel 3 bubbles 1 & 2: Thank you for calling me.
Panel 6: This way.
Panel 5 bubbles 1 & 2: …….It seems like…
Panel 6 bubble 1: …he lost weight again…….
Bubble 2 sfx: Ding
Bubble 3: We get off here.
Panel 5 Sign: Sajou Kumi
Panel 6 bubble: We’re here.
Panel 1 bubble 1: Oh my!
Panel 2 bubble 1: No way! Is that Kusakabe-kun?
Panel 3 bubble 1: No waaay. And I’m looking like this!
Bubble 2: Ah.
Bubble 3 & 4: No, it’s fine.
Bubble 5: It’s nooooot!
Bubbles 6 & 7: Ahh but come to think of it, the first time we met was like this too, wasn’t it?
Panel 4 bubbles 1, 2, & 3: Really, Rihito. You should have told me beforehand that you were bringing Kusakabe! I could have at least put on makeup!
Bubble 4: …At this point…
Panel 4 bubble 1: …it wouldn’t really make a difference even if you had put on makeup…
Spiky bubble 1: Goodness!
Sfx: Slap
Bubble 2: You’re able to speak your mind now, huh? Oh, this boy!
Panel 1 bubbles 1, 2, & 3: Really now. Even though he hardly ever comes to visit our home, on the occasions he does see me, he’s like this.
Bubble 4: I’m putting the tea here.
Bubbles 5 & 6: Oh, thank you.
Panel 2 Bubbles 1, 2, & 3: He seems like such an adult. But he keeps his worries to himself—you never know what he’s thinking. It’s a bad trait. Right, Kusakabe-kun? It seems like it’d be exhausting going out with this boy!
Panel 2 bubbles 1 & 2: Well…it’s not.
Bubble 3: Mother.
Panel 4 bubble 1: You’re talking too loudly.
Tiny text 1: There are other people around here.
Bubbles 2 & 3: Whoopsie! Yeah, you’re right.
Tiny text 2: How rude how rude
Panel 5 bubbles 1, 2, 3, & 4: …But truly, I’m sorry you had to go to all this trouble. This isn’t a big deal at all. Really.
Panel 1 bubble 1: But it’s so good to see you again, Kusakabe-kun.  
Panel 2 bubble 1: …Thank you.
Panel 3 bubbles 1 & 2: Somehow I feel I’ve become incredibly energized! It seems like I could get discharged tomorrow!
Bubble 3: You have another examination after this, don’t you?  
Panel 4 bubble 1: But really.
Bubbles 2 & 3: The hospital lends me clothes and there’s even a laundromat.  It’d be fine if the next time you come is when I get discharged.
Bubbles 4 & 5: You’re so busy with all sorts of other things. Okay?
Panel 1 bubble 1: …You know there’s no way I can do that…….
Panel 4 bubble: …Somehow…
Panel 5 bubbles 1 & 2: …she seemed more energetic than I thought she’d be…I mean…
Bubble 3: Even though she’s in that state…
Bubble 4: They said it’s Stage III.
Panel 1 & 2 bubble 1 & 2: And my mother knows this.
Panel 1 bubble 1: For now, she’s getting examined in the hospital.
Bubble 2: When I contacted my father, he said he had a lot of things to do and it would be about a week before he could return to the country.
Bubbles 3, 4, 5, & 6: I don’t think……that it will be necessary for me to stay around to attend to her. But rather…in a situation like this…it’d be just in case.
Bubbles 7, 8, & 9: In addition…I plan to talk with the university…I might have to take a leave of absence for awhile.
Bubble 10: For the time being, I’ll live here…
Panel 2 bubble: What if I came?
Panel 1 bubbles 1, 2, 3, & 4: Um, even though I’m not a relative, I can still do something. If there is anything she needs or something like that, she could ask me.
Panel 2 bubbles 1 & 2: My job usually starts in the afternoons…And your mom might be hesitant about it…
Panel 3 bubble: But.
Panel 4 bubble 1: At least until your dad returns to the country.
Bubble 2: But…
Panel 1 bubbles 1 & 2: …too hard. I mean…
Bubble 3: At least…umm….
Panel 2 bubble 1: Please let me do at least this much.
Panel 1 sfx: Crackle
Panel 2 sfx: Plunk
Panel 3 bubble: blub blub
Panel 4 bubbles 1 & 2: …Um, about what you said earlier...
Panel 5 bubbles 1 & 2: I asked my mother if she’d be okay with that. Erm…
Bubbles 3 & 4: She said she’s immensely sorry for the trouble. But she’d be grateful if you could do that.
Panel 6 bubble 1: Sure.
Bubbles 2 & 3: So…umm…
Panel 1 bubble 1: She also said…
Bubble 2: …that the hospital provides various services. So there isn’t much for you to do.
Panel 2 bubble 1, 2, & 3: You’d be bringing anything that she needs from the house, buying some minor items. Things like that.
Bubble 4: It’ll be mostly odd jobs.
Panel 3 bubble 1: Okay.
Bubble 2: Also, she will be fairly busy with the examinations, so she might not be in her bed very much.
Panel 4 bubble 1: It’ll be about the same as last time...
Bubble 2: You’ll go during the morning, then sit with her as she eats lunch, then head home.
Bubble 3: Okay.
Panel 5 bubbles 1 & 2: ……….Um……..
Panel 1 Bubbles 1, 2, & 3: Somehow…I’m sorry about this, I really am.
Bubbles 4, 5, & 6: No problem. I said it’s fine. Seriously.
Panel 2 bubble: Thank you.
Panel 3: Please take care of her on my behalf.
Panel 4 Sfx: Blub
Panel 5 bubble 1: Yikes
Bubble 2: Shoot
Sfx X 2: Sploosh
Panel 6 bubble 1: Ack
Bubble 2: Shoot
Sfx X 2: Sploosh
Panel 1 bubble: Sigh…
Panel 2 bubble 1: …….
Panel 3 bubbles 1 & 2: …aaaaAHHH DAMMIT!
Bubble 3: Why?!
Panel 4: I can’t even give him a single kiss!
Panel 1 bubble: Why?!
Panel 2 bubble 1: Dammit!
Bubble 2: Damn!
Bubbles 3 & 4: Why are we fighting at a time like this?! I’m such a dumbass!  
Bubble 4: Damn!
Panel 3 sfx: grab
Panel 4: DAMMIT!
Panel 5 bubble 1: …..
Bubble 2: …I want to hug him tight.  
Panel 1 bubble: biiing
Panel 3 phone screen line 1: Friend Added
Line 2: Sajou Kumi
Line 3: Add
Panel 4 phone screen message 1: I got your LINE address (?) from Rihito.
Sticker text: Good evening
Panel 5 phone screen message 1: It really seems so impudent of me to ask such a favor. I’m very sorry. But it truly made me happy to see you, Kusakabe-kun.  
Message 2: Don’t push yourself too hard, ok?
Panel 6 phone screen full message 1: Don’t push yourself too hard, ok?
Message 2: Thank you. Good night.
Sticker text: Thanks for taking care of me
Panel 4 bubble: Alright.
Panel 2 bubble: Bzz bzz
Panel 3 phone screen line 1: Miyamura-san
Line 2: What will you do?
Line 3: Take care, ok?
Panel 4 message bubble 1: Are you alright?  
Message bubble 2: Yeah. I’m on the train now.
Message bubble 3: Eh? you’re coming back today?
Message bubble 4: I have a lot of things I need to discuss with the university.  
Message bubble 5: Ah--that makes sense.  Have a safe trip!
Panel 1 message bubble: That reminds me, were you able to see your boyfriend?
Panel 3 message bubble 1: I was.  
Message bubble 2: I see! So he was there for you!
Panel 4 phone screen full message 1: I was.
Phone screen message 2: I see! So he was there for you!
Phone screen message 3: How sweet!
Sticker text: I’m so glad bread
Panel 4 message bubble 1: Yeah
Message bubble 2: He truly is
Message bubble 3: sweet
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