#plagued even in dreams by ur annoying brother
meruz · 1 month
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kid au i guess? idk
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airbendertendou · 8 months
SLEEP DEMON! ♥︎ belphegor
synopsis : your usual sleep paralysis looks different ; odd. you can’t help but miss the one you’d see weekly.
content warning : descriptive bodily horror ; demon forms ; poor sleeping ; yandere!belphie ; it pronouns used for the demons
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It always lingered, just out of reach of your vision. At first, it only stayed for a few minutes ; then a few hours. You’d see it for only a month ; until that turned to weekly.
Just a distant, shadowy figure.
You could see the horns ; could see the flickering of its tail when you stared for too long. Just barely, you could make out the shine of stars, right where eyes should be.
As always, you were completely frozen. From the start of your toes to the tip of your head, you couldn’t move at all. All you could do was simply stare at the figure at the base of your bed.
And as the clock hit 5:30 am, it all went away. Like it never happened.
Sighing, you take another sip of your piping hot coffee, basking in its warmth and taste. Your game was currently paused as you shoved the mic away from your lips — hearing someone slurp couldn’t be anymore annoying, could it?
“You okay over there, [name]?” A voice calls through your headset. You hum, yawning halfway through. A snicker, “sure about that?”
A smile creeps onto your face. He’s your only friend, after all — the only one who checks up on you. “Just my lovely sleep schedule as always, Levi.”
“Another nightmare?”
You think about the tendrils you see. Think about the hovering and hesitance of a hand just above your face. Looking down at your keyboard, your mind is plagued with darkened thoughts. “Something like that.”
“My youngest brother is really good at sleeping.” You can hear Levi move on the other side of the headset. He lets out a groan as he stretches before sighing. “I can ask for some tips…?”
“I forget there’s seven of you,” you say instead. You smile at the thought of having that many siblings. “Your parents were busy, huh?”
You laugh at your own joke, snorting and tapping the table with your hand. Levi, however, stays silent as he stares blankly at the wall before him. You hear him mumble about you being so funny and seriously, I’m crying here. Calming down, you let out a loud sigh, followed by another giggle.
Letting out a yawn, you briefly ignore the time. Levi echoes the noise, yawning himself before he speaks. “Heading to bed soon?”
Biting your lip, you notice how late it actually is. You should sleep soon — attempt to, at least. But, you hesitate. Going to bed meant it would visit you ; meant you’d be frozen for hours as it creeped closer. You let out a hum.
“Me too,” he clicks a few times as the avatar onscreen waves your way. You grin and respond by sending him the middle finger. Levi snickers, “sweet dreams, then.”
“I’ll try my best.” Even if it won’t work, you think to yourself.
It’s different this time. You wait, tossing and turning to look at each corner of your room. But, it’s empty and you can still move. With a sigh, you try to relax each tense muscle you can feel, easing yourself to sleep
And of course it’s in vain.
A figure appears just out of sight. But, it’s different this time. It’s bigger, taking up a larger part of the edge of the room. It’s hulking ; shaking as it looms closer. A smile forms on its face, ear to ear as it opens wider and wider and wider.
A mouth bigger than you can imagine, edges jagged and dripping with something you can’t see. It snaps at you — you jolt awake.
You tell Levi about the dream you had. That your normal demon — the one who only sits and stares — was absent. You say something about this one seemed hungry ; like it would actually latch into your skin and peel it away.
levi ‼️
ur hopeless no sleep 4 u Ever .
tell me something i don’t know !!
Munching on your chosen breakfast, you scroll through different apps until you grow bored. Nothing helped when it came to your sleep paralysis. No matter what you ate, what position you fell asleep in, how late you went to sleep — nothing changed.
It would happen, whether you wanted it to or not.
The hulking figure lingers in your mind, it’s teeth snapping and breath ghosting on your face as it does. You let out a sigh and take a sip of your drink. This won’t become your new norm, you hope.
A month and two weeks go by and nothing has changed. The new sleep paralysis demon that decided to greet you stayed. Mouth watering and dripping what you hope was drool, taking up an entire corner of your room.
Part of you missed your older, serene demon. At least you didn’t fear for your life with it.
Nighttime comes sooner than you want it to and you think of pulling an all-nighter. Another one, you should say. But, your eyes droop and you stumble as you walk — beyond exhausted and in need of some sleep.
Frozen, your eyes scope over your room. The lights you keep on seem dimmer, the room colder as your body refuses to move. A flicker in the distance — and then a face is hovering over you.
Star-filled eyes stare down at you menacingly. But, you feel comforted somehow. This was the demon you were used to — this was the thing that greeted you every night.
Your finger twitches as you feel the will to move.
You reach a shaky hand out until it lands on its horns — the right horns. Curved against its head and longer than the other pair you’d seen. A flash of relief falls into your eyes before they shut and you go back to sleep.
Belphegor is so sure of it now. He’s positive you’re meant to be ; positive you should travel to the Devildom with him and stay by his side for eternity.
——♥︎—— im not super super satisfied w this but am deciding to post it anyways <3 if youd like to b tagged / untagged in any obey me content, let me know! ♡
airbendertendou © do not copy, plagiarize, repost, or translate my content on any platform. if you see my content under any other name than my own, let me know. i only have this tumblr and an ao3 account under the same name.
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d0llhousess · 4 years
unexpected sight
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⇢ pairing: Momoharu Hanazono x f!reader
⇢ requested?: yes
Anon Requested: Hope ur havin a great day.but um i was wondering if i can request momoharu peeping on the manger of the girls basketball team on accident.And whenever he see her all he thinks of is her in her bra and panties.Then he just snaps at her telling her to leave him alone but at the end he apologized.Also reader is a first yr and Madoka sister. But he never tell her that what he did. I feel like this is weird if it is just ignore it. This is also my first time requesting something.
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⇢ warnings/tags?: strong language, light nudity, light angst, slightly nsfw?
⇢ word count: approx. 2.2k
⇢ summary: Momoharu doesn’t make it a habit to peek in on others, yet somehow the one instance where his eyes land itself on an unknown peep hole, he is met with the bare vision of a friend, you. Now he doesn’t know how to even be in the same area as you. 
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⇢ a/n: listen, this gave me so many issues, and was a struggle to write because I’m so not comfortable writing Momoharu yet. I hope this is what you hoped for, Anon, and despite the issues, I did have a fun time writing it! I really do hope you enjoy and thank you for reading! Also I am so sorry for the wait!!
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⤆ Back to the Masterlist                     ~                crossposted on ao3  ⤇
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Momoharu has shit luck. 
Well, He believes he has shit luck, and with the way his life constantly plays out, why wouldn’t he? 
It just seems like with each complete turn the Earth makes, his luck just gets shitter and shitter, and today appeared to be the shittiest. Teachers seemed to be getting even more annoying, and his classmates were grating. 
Hell, by the time he made it to the boy’s locker room, a steady headache was surely starting to pound away at his last bit of patience. So, who could blame him for not thinking straight? 
He didn’t put the hole in the wall. 
Shit, he forgot that it was there, and that unfortunate failure of his brain caused him to place his eye right over the hole because, hey, what’s the worst that he could see?
Apparently the universe decided to, bless,curse him with the sight of a smooth, bare skin of a young woman’s stomach.
Of course, the hole was a clear gateway to the girls’ locker room. 
He should’ve reared back, snapped his eyes away from the small eye-sized hole and forget the smooth display of skin he’d just witnessed. Yet, he didn’t. He was frozen. Eyes non-blinking  as he watched the young woman tug a baggy gym shirt over her out of sight head, and then drop her regulated uniform skirt, exposing thighs that he was fucking sure would be soft to touch. 
With a bated breath, he watched as the girl stepped father away from the  unknown peak hole, her face slowly coming into his view and suddenly it felt as if someone sucker punched him right in the gut--because holy fuck that girl was you. 
You, the manager of the girls’ basketball team. 
You, the person that was the first to volunteer and help Nano out, even though he was sure you already had your hands tied with the girls’ team. 
You, a girl who somehow was a daily fixture of the boys team despite not formally being involved with any of them and who was also a year his junior. 
Momoharu damn near stopped breathing. 
His body finally reacted, eyes breaking away from the sight of you slightly  bending over to tug your gym shorts over your smooth, naked thighs as he retreated to the other side of the boys’ locker room, far from the offending peep hole. 
His heart was racing faster than it ever had during practice. Fuck, he was going to have to face you in just a few short minutes. How was he supposed to look you in the eye knowing he’d just seen you in an intimate, private moment.  Shit, how was he supposed to look at you without imaging your damn near perfect breast, and smooth thighs that his hands were practically shaking to grasp.
Plus, it wasn’t as if you weren’t attractive to him before. 
Hell, he had to hear from his brother damn near 24/7 about how they somehow managed not to get one cute girl to help out with the team, but two--and he somewhat agreed. You had sweet almost doll-like features, an insanely helpful and caring personality and apparently a damn near sinful body to match.
Momoharu let out a deep, heavy sigh. His eyes shutting for a brief moment before immediately blinking back open because all he could see in the forefront of his mind was you. Inhaling slowly, he turned to his locker and began to slowly prepare for practice, ignoring his teammates and friends‘ loud chatter as they slowly filled the club room. 
Once he was in the gym, he tried to ignore your light voice as you spoke to the girls on the other side of the gym. He tried to not let his gaze wander to your place on the sidelines as you timed the girl’s wind sprints. He definitely did not allow his mind to wander, his gaze to linger. 
One could even say he was flat out ignoring your existence. 
Even once the girls were done with their practice and you migrated to the boys half of the court, eagerly speaking to your sister and Nano, he did not acknowledge you. Instead he kept his focus on the task at hand and frankly, it didn’t seem like you noticed anything abnormal. 
Well, until you began to hand out water to each of the boys towards the final minutes of their practice.  
You approached Momoharu with a soft smile on your face as you offered the cold beverage to him, and the moment his eyes met yours, he almost choked on his spit. Simply because his brain was a fucking traitor and decided to flash that alluring scene from the locker room, the scene he was not supposed to be a witness to. 
Rather than accepting the cold beverage with his usual placid expression and small talk, he practically snatched the bottle from your hand and stalked out of the gym. He didn’t see the mixture of confusion and hurt on your face. No, he was too occupied with fleeting images of your body in a state of undress. 
He could feel a sense of guilt begin to make its way onto his traitorous mind. He wasn’t supposed to be thinking of you in this manner, to be allowing his mind to sullying the image of you with lewd thoughts about a moment you, yourself wasn’t even aware of. 
It was dirty, and a bit despicable. Well, at least to him it was. 
Yet he couldn’t stop thinking about it. Even after he’d gotten home, and attempted to close his eyes to rest, images of your curves fluttered to the forefront of his mind. His dreams were plagued with your soft, playful voice, beckoning him to run his hands over each curve and contour of your body. Fuck, his morning routine was even cursed with images of you bending over once you’d dropped that damned skirt. 
There was no way he could face you, not when his brain seemed set on imaging every scenario that involved you in a state of undress. 
So, he began to avoid you. 
It was a simple enough task. The pair of you were in two different years so it wasn’t as if you shared classes. Plus, you were busy with the girls’ team so it wasn’t like you were actively seeking him out often.  The only problem was when you helped Nano out. Then he had to brush away any interaction with you. 
If Nano asked him to take something to you, he’d ignore her, causing her to turn to another member of the basketball team. 
If you approached him with that damned soft (teasing his mind tried to convince him) smile, he’d immediately retreat the other way or all around escape to the boys’ locker room. 
Shit, even when you offered to help him improve his shooting by acting as a resident ball girl (fetching and catching the ball so he didn’t have to stop his shooting motion every time his shot didn’t go in), he snapped at you simply because he could not manage being alone with you for a lingering period of time without the safety net of the others around. 
He tried to not pay attention to the looks of hurt you sent him, to ignore the way your lips twisted into a pout every time he blew you off. It wasn’t like it was his mission to hurt you, he just needed to purge his mind of every impure thought that kept entering his mind at the mere sound of your voice. 
This went on for weeks, the two of you falling into such a tense and awkward dance that the people surrounding began to notice the unspoken tension in the air. 
It wasn’t until a rainy day when practice had been canceled due to an upcoming storm, and Momoharu approached the gym for some time to practice alone did he come to face the hurt he caused you. 
Pausing on the concrete steps to the gym, he hesitated as he heard your soft voice accompanied by the familiar sound of a basketball hit the waxed gym floors. Of course, Sora would be practicing and you and Nano were helping him. Stopping at the entrance of the gym, he caught a diagonal view of your face, a pout on your lips, arms crossed over your chest as you spoke to the blonde just out of his view. 
“Do you think I did something to him?” He heard you ask, voice riddled with confusion as your brows furrowed. It didn’t take a genius to guess who the two of you were discussing, and he felt a slight pang sting through his chest. 
“No,” He overheard Nano say, “Maybe he’s just going through something right now, ya know? It probably has nothing to do with you.” 
Momoharu watched as the pout on your lips twisted into a small frown, and from your expression he could tell you didn’t believe a word that’d escaped Nano’s mouth. You thought you’d actually done something to offend him. That you were the cause of his short answers, and avoidance. When to him that really wasn’t the case. You weren’t in the wrong, he was. 
Now, he felt even more like a piece of shit. 
He exhaled before stepping into the gym, both your head and Nano’s turning his direction once they heard the squeak of his sneakers against the waxed floors. 
“Yo,” He stuttered out in a greeting, as he watched the frown on your face deepen. He expected you to ignore him, because he’s been on the other side of a cold shoulder from a Yabuuchi before. Yet, you face his gaze head on, and returned his greeting. 
The gym was quiet beside the familiar sound of Sora bouncing the basketball down the court, and Momoharu let out  a tentative sigh. 
“Can we talk?” He questioned, watching as you tilted your head and narrowed your eyes as if you were trying to look for some sort of double meaning in his words. 
He was sure you would deny his request because of the way he treated you for the past few weeks, but you nodded, and even followed him back outside of the gym for some sort of privacy away from Sora and Nano. 
You didn’t speak, obviously waiting for him to say whatever he had to say, and Momoharu found himself at a loss. His hand came up to rub the back of his neck as his eyes avoided you, because fuck what was he supposed to say? 
That he’d been so short with you and avoiding you because he caught a full strip show of you in your underwear? That the reason he didn’t speak to you was because his dreams had been filled with your enticing form, and soft voice. That every time he laid his eyes on you, his mind was immediately sent back to him looking through a fucking peephole at your unsuspecting form? 
Fuck no, he couldn’t say that. 
He lets out another deep exhale, before looking back at you, “Sorry,” He manages to say without stammering, and a singular eyebrow raises on your face. 
“For?” You simply question, your gaze still hard and un-moving as your head tilted to face him fully. 
“Being shitty towards you, “ He responds, and he watches as you stare at him, feeling as if you were peeling back every layer of his tone and expression, like you were figuring out exactly why he’d been shitty towards you. Yet to his surprise, you just shrug, a small grin appearing on your lips. 
“Well it took you long enough,” You stated, head shaking slightly, “I thought you were going to stay in your little asshole funk forever.” 
Momoharu snorted, hands going into the pocket of his gym shorts, “Well I’m over it now,” He mumbled out, and your grin widened even more. 
“Good,” You say, a playful tilt to your voice, “Because a week more and I was gonna have Chiaki kick your ass for me.” 
 A chuckle escaped him, and he reached out to ruffle your hair before passing you into the gym. You follow, still informing him that even if you didn’t enlist his brother to help you, that you probably would’ve just beaten him up yourself, causing another chuckle to leave his lips as he walks in front of you. 
Sure his brain isn’t quite over seeing you in such a state of undress, but it was truly unfair of him to just ignore you because he decided to peak in on an unknown hole. 
He was just glad that you were understanding enough to not poke him for more information about his distance.
Yet, even with the now dissipated awkward tension gone, there was still something tense about the air surrounding the two of you, and Momoharu prayed to high heaven that you didn’t notice the heat behind his dark gaze from now on.
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