ohyeahben10 · 4 months
In honor of Pride Month, do you have any LGBTQ+ worldbuilding headcanons for any alien species in the Ben 10 Cinematic Universe, whether biological or societal/cultural?
Biologically, I consider Pyronites agender at default (inevitably by process of space travel and meeting cultures in which gender is prevalent there will be Pyros who think social gender sounds awesome actually and promptly trans their gender), we’ve only seen Pryonite transformations and hybrids as full characters, leaving them up for interpretation in my opinion. Any two of the species can mate, in which they will mutually erupt in flame until a rocky body is formed from their combined material and a fire inhabits it.
(Which results in a very interesting kink scene for other species with a thing for burning)
Vulpimancers lack a social concept of romance. Which in a way means they have an aromantic society but also not because they have no reference of what romance is to consider themselves devoid of it.
Necrofriggians are an agender and sexless species we all know this.
Anur Transyl has a very prominent queer scene, it effectively goes hand in hand with accepting so many different cultures as a multi species planet.
On that note, Ectonurites are a sexless species that reproduces via apomixis. Though they do have a cultural understanding of gender that translates to our understanding of m/f, but it has nothing to do with anything thing related to reproduction.
Tetramand culture has a very prominent f/f culture in its history. Many of female Tetramand that were unable to be defeated by any man were instead eventually bested by a woman and were promptly betrothed. These pairs were typically renowned as images of strength. M/m couples took longer to be accepted, unfortunately, initially being regarded as both partners being too weak to court a female.
Polymorphs are biologically sexless and socially genderless. Single cell organisms don’t have much to work with.
Lepidopterrians are a tri-sex species. Sexualities are thought us which of those the individual is attracted to. Three for exclusive attraction to each one, three for any combination of two of them, and one for attraction to all and any. Which of the three the individual happens to be is not considered.
Piscciss Volanns have the natural ability to change their sex when their current environment necessitates. Now however, it is used also as a way to transition for bodily dysmorphic transgender Volanns. Due to the larger size and different physicality of the females compared to the males, it’s a long and rather strenuous process, but is met with much celebration when completed.
Planchaküle treat genderfluidity as the default. They love their adaptations after all. Can’t leave one thing as it is for too long.
Methanosians have four sexes. Two which produce pollen, pollination functions with only one of them providing the pollen, but the two of them joining together in the act results in more diverse offspring and is the social norm. The other two are the pollinated. The first of them will always bare offspring of the two pollinator sexes, while the other will always bare offspring of the pollenated sexes. Perhaps not the most streamlined reproduction cycle but it seems to be working for them.
Cerebroian Currmary all default to male as a result of their biological programming. This was unintentional of the Cerebrocrustians, but they would claim otherwise. Many decide they prefer to be female, neither, or both however.
Galvanic Mechamorphs don’t have sex, but they do base their gender off of the Galvan’s because they think it’s neat.
That’s all off the top of my head. Happy pride to you anon!
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insane-mane · 13 days
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Everyone’s favorite alien to ever exist: BLOXX!
My version of Bloxx would be a semi-organic/semi-created species, crafted by the Planchaküle for both protection and for mobile shelter. With some minor help from Cerebrocrustaceans trying to take a page out of the Galvan playbook of creating a new species, this new life form has a trinary helix DNA with materials such as Brick (red parts) Metal (blue parts), and of course plastic(yellow parts). Making him a durable yet moldable creature.
(Please Do Not Reupload or Use My Art)
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thenten · 1 month
Restoration HQ had been adapted to shockingly quick by it's newest, albeit temporary, occupant- even with him usually standing more than a head-taller than anyone else there as the only human present. The newcomer had made it earnestly clear he was used to both secret bases and being a bit of a fish out of water.
While Ben was stranded in this world by complete accident, he was certainly making the most of his presence here, helping out in any ways he could (which, as it turned out, was a lot), in between his own work in figuring out a way back to his home universe.
As he was doing work on right now, in his new wolf friend's workshop; the stolen ring that had whisked the hero here in the first place being setup amongst applicable tech in it's use & study.
Tech which, after an at this point familiar FLASH, was now being pounced upon by a feral red gremlin cackling maniacally.
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"FIIIIIIIX!!! FIX, FIX, FIX!" The Planchaküle screeched as he moved as a red blur between all the available materials, rapidly assembling what to most engineers would be an utterly nightmarish amalgam of machinery, framing the ring in the most backwards way.
A backwards way that, despite everything, worked perfectly- Juryrigg flipping a switch and activating the ring, forming a portal through space and time. Even better, this time it was stabilized, and without the fierce gravitational pull that would threaten to tear apart the room and everyone in it to force them inside.
"Easy-peasy-lemon-squeezy!" He proclaimed with pleased laughter, twirling a wrench in his hand. "Inter-dimensional travel, complete with an environmental stabilizer! WOO-HOO!"
He turned to face a flat wall with a hand proudly on his hip, tapping a clawed finger at his waist, projecting his holographic communications onto the wall. "How's things on your end, guys!?" He asked with clear excitement, only to droop upon seeing the two Galvans staring back at him completely aghast.
"We... haven't even located your beacon yet? It's been two minutes..." Driba said, recoiling at the sight of Juryrigg's creation. "Should'a picked Grey Matter. You'd be more in-tune with our process." The lankier Blukic continued, doing a slow blink. "Not to mention more sane with your design... Planchaküles unnerve me..."
Ben merely rolled his eyes with a frustrated sigh at the duo, shutting off the display and collapsing into a chair. "Well, I think I did a good job. A great job! Guys, I did an amazing job, right?"
He asks, peeking over the back of his seat at Whisper (and her Wisps) who'd paid silent witness to the whole crazy thing.
// An Unprompted Starter for @fstbmp //
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simply02artists · 1 year
Kuphulu; hey Ben, let’s play a game! Truth of dare?
Ben: *abit suspicious* truth.
Kuphulu: how many hours have you slept?
Ben: I chose dare.
Kuphulu: go to sleep!
Ben: I don’t like this game.
Zs’skayr: Ben, please go to sleep!
Ben: *in his ectonurite form* I said I have slept…
Vilgax: blinking is not sleeping!!!
Ben: *is literally barely awake, and has bags under his eyes*
Ben: if the plumbers have a million haters, I am one of them, if they have one hater, it’s me, if they don’t have a hater, I am dead.
Kuphulu: Ben and I were crossing the street, and this dude drove by and honked at us
Sed: *Sighing* What did Ben do?
Kuphulu: he chased him to the next red light, then reached into his window and...
Ben: *in his Planchaküle form* Who wants a steering wheel?
Ben: Not trying to brag or anything, but I can wake up without an alarm clock now simply due to my crippling and overwhelming anxiety, so...
Psyphon: when was the last time you went to therapy?
Original shapeshifter Ben au belongs to @sweetpeaches666
This version of shattered glass shapeshifter natural ben belongs to me
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dittotruther · 11 days
Oh great truther...
I would like to share the stupid silly "my faves interacting" idea i had where the dittos help ash fix up the delta...it is a very silly thought :3
Truthfully, there was many aliens better for the job, Juryrigg would've fixed the car right up within a moments notice, but the Omnitrix never made things that easy. no no no.. everytime Ben slapped that thing it came out with the complete opposite or whatever it felt was better in that moment. this time, it was Ditto. Ash already was wary about this mysterious traveler with the shapeshifting watch device, but it certainly wasn't the strangest thing he'd seen in his time.
Ditto wasn't smart like a galvan, or tech savvy like a Planchaküle. but hey, many hands were better than two right? ... riiiight. this was going to be an absolute disaster. no wonder Kevin never let Ben touch his car...
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rizegreymon22arts · 5 months
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 Name: Stinkrigg
 Fusion between: Stinkfly and Juryrigg
 Species: ½ Lepidopteran ½ Planchaküle (Lepinchaküle)
 Home planet: Lepidopterra/Aul-turrhen
Can fly.
Spits a foul, sticky fluid from his eyes and mouth that is very sticky and has properties capable of putting out fires.
Can release poisonous and methane gas.
Has a strong exoskeleton.
The sting of his tail can cut metals.
Can scale walls and ceilings.
Has enhanced intelillence.
Has the ability to dissassemble or destroy all kind of mechanisms, and rebuild them as different and improved weapons.
His tail is prehensible.
Can't fly with his wings wet.
Poisonous chemicals and gases weaken him.
His stinky stench makes it difficult to go unnoticed.
Is Buglizard's natural prey.
Is not very good melee fighting for his size, unless his opponent is a machine.
His crazy behavior does have an uncontrollable habit of destroying and assemble mechanisms.
Most of the devices he creates are basically are not normally meant to last and will eventually fail. or can be unstable and hard to control.
Commissioned by Beyond Imagination Studios from ko-Fi.
If you want a commission, go to my Ko-fi page: ko-fi.com/rzgmon200 Also support me on patreon, www.patreon.com/RZGMON200
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omniglitch-au · 2 years
Ben: Who gave a gun to ditto!?
(Ask is referring to this submission)
A certain very irresponsible Planchaküle left it lying around.
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pluagemask042 · 1 year
Could you make Nexutrix, Zombitrix, Hero-Watch, Neotrix, and Antitrix samples for a Planchaküle? Could you also make versions for Gwen 10, Albedo, Gwen 10 Albedo, and Gweniverse Charmcaster, as well as a Nemetrix predator?
I have made a nexutrix version of a plancha but for the rest I have not gotten to it yet
They will come just eventually
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iridescentmidnights · 2 years
Do they know what a child is? 3/4 Ultimate Alien
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The criteria I’m using has three major factors 1) would this race understand what a child is 2) do they raise children or are they born self reliant not needing parents and 3) would they understand developmental cycles of childhood like understanding that Ben is child at 10 and 15 and understand a kid and teen are different that still means a child not an adult. Sometimes I have canon support, sometimes it’s just vibes, sometimes canon contradicts itself so I pick and choose. I have been made unhinged you cannot stop me <3
Going in order:
Gimlinopithecus (Shocksquatch) I understand they are inspired by the Yeti but hear me out the VIBES tell me they’re bear-like in their communities. I think the parents part ways and the mother raises the young and is extremely protective of them. She is ALWAYS around even if you can’t see her and if you go near her kids that would be the last thing you see. I do not believe they have children frequently and wont have more kids if they’re currently raising their current children. I believe they have a complex social structure and are commonly spacefaring.
Geochelone Aeriens (Terraspin) sea turtle alien lays those eggs and hides them well then ditches. They’re born self reliant but live long enough and are intelligent enough to understand what a child is. They are born functionally the same with no development past getting bigger and does not understand development cycles. Not commonly spacefaring
Citrakayahs (Fasttrack) I do not think much of this alien in general. I think they raise their young until they’re old enough to take care of themselves. I also feel like their speed is built up on training and age. I feel they have a lose social structure and live a largely solitary life. They have a very short childhood but still completely understands the concept of child and “growing up”. Commonly a spacefaring race.
Talpaedians (Armodrillo) born defenseless and armor is artificial and made from Slammoids that they hunt as a group. Tightly knit communities they raise and train their young together and give armor to their children when they come of age. Relatively long childhood but they functionally never change so they have no understanding of developmental cycles. They don’t normally like to leave their communities but willing to be spacefaring if hired in groups to do temporary jobs.
Orishians (Water Hazard) similar to Talpaedians except opposite I believe they are very reclusive even to their own race and born almost completely self reliant. I believe they get some guidance on how to defend themselves and grow up on their own fairly young. I also believe they craft and update their armor with the hides of predators and precious metals they scavenge. If spacefaring they excel at mercenary jobs and other occupations that allow them to work alone.
Merlinisapiens (Chamalien) I believe they are born self reliant and are intelligent to understand the concept of a child but mostly views them as defenseless and unintelligent.
Planchaküle (Juryrigg) I think they have a complex social structure and understands what kids are on paper. Specifically I think they see their young as “adults with zero EXP” so they dutifully and gleefully care for their babies and they develop and grow in cycles similar to humans but just don’t think of them as kids just family. I think they have extremely tight knit family groups. No eggs live birth.
Oryctini (Eatle) Born completely self reliant. I imagine either the mothers lay a small clutch of eggs and hides them well and leaves or they are genderless and reproduce asexually after consuming enough martials. I also like to imagine their species is diverse and appearance changes depending on the material eaten. Would not understand the concept of children. Often a spacefaring race hired for jobs like eating garbage or terraforming.
Amperians (Ampfibian) lays thousands of eggs in water and ditches like jellyfish and a lot of frogs. They take turns loosely guarding the eggs. Ironically they’d understand development cycles but I don’t think they’d care about what a child is even if they knew.
Prypiatosian-B (NRG) I see them as genderless and reproduce asexually. I believe they can choose to “mother” children by using their energy and dividing themselves in to imperfect copies effectively ending their own life. The more energy dispersed the more numerous and powerful the progeny are. But they usually only do this when severely low on energy and injured. No understanding of what a child is and born self reliant.
Chronosapiens (Clockwork) “born” self reliant and understands what children are and doesn’t care. I believe they are born from time rifts and SOMETHING originally gave one a mechanical body and then that first one continued to build bodies for others of it’s kind. I believe that original something that built that first body was Paradox seeking companionship. 
I’m not gonna theorize on the Ultimates, they aren’t real species and only one exists of each so I think they can reproduce with whatever they’re the ultimate of and whatever the default can reproduce with. Child rearing would then depend on the couple
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calculovo-ben-10 · 3 years
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Gender: Male (he)
Species: Planchaküle
Age (Human Equivalent): 16
Height: 3' 3" (99 cm) + spiky hair
Personality: ESFP
Wrench is an upbeat teen, and the team's youngest member. He is the life and the humor of the team, though he can be quite scatterbrained if he gets bored. He spends a lot of time working on machinery, and likes to play pranks.
Wrench used to be a tech smuggler in order to survive, but, after finding and fixing an destroyed Omnitrix from a galvan junkyard, caused too much noise trying to sell it away and got arrested and sent to Vulpin. Though after meeting the rest of the team, an escapade soon followed.
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darthkvznblogs · 3 years
Of all the various sentient species in the Kryptonverse, which one has the longest lifespan and which one has the shortest?
Discounting species such as Gems and Anodites, which lack any sort of biological aging mechanism, and ones that age so slowly that they're functionally ageless, such as Cybertronians and To'kustars, the longest lifespan belongs to the Asgardians, who typically live for over five thousand years upon consuming the Apples of Idunn.
The shortest lifespan is...a spoiler. But the one I can tell you about is Planchaküles, which live for an average of 70 years.
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ohyeahben10 · 7 months
Have you done headcanons for Appoplexians or Cerebrocrustaceans yet? If you haven’t done either, your pick, and if you’ve done both, you can instead share headcanons about your favorite alien species or the one you have the most thoughts about!
I haven’t posted about Cerebrocrustaceans specifically but I have talked about them before! Namely in my Vulpin headcanons as I like to imagine them being in the same planetary system! I’d love to talk about these crabs some more!
Intergalactically, Cerebrocrustaceans have a somewhat bad reputation. Not only can they be hard to work with, but because of how they drained their former planets Encephalonus I, Enceph. II, and Enceph. III of all life.
Them being hard to work stems from deeply instinctual territorial behaviors. Despite their highly advanced intelligence, Cerebrocrustaceans simply never evolved out of their primitive hostility to Any Threat to their Territory.
This being where the species’ rivalry with the Galvans stems from.
Additionally, Cerebrocrustaceans have a strong dislike of Planchaküles. Cerebrocrustaceans culture highly values order and dignity, while Planchaküles behave as absolute chaos goblins and achieve incredible mechanical advancements that easily rivals Cerebrocrustacean work.
Their territorial nature makes lab assistances a non-concept on Encephalonus IV.
When group collaboration is needed (such as the creation of the Cerebroian Currmary as discussed in the aforementioned Vulpin post) Cerebrocrustaceans will agree to meet in a neutral gathering space owned by none of the working Cerebrocrustaceans.
Planet hopping greatly encouraged adaptation in Cerebrocrustacean biology. Modern populations are observed to be more capable of operating on less food and more resistant to pressure changes.
On the topic of adaptation, there is very apparent differences between subsections of Cerebrocrustaceans. The most notable is some being aquatic and others being terrestrial. (This is can seen in examples such as Brainstorm requiring a breathing brace, while Dr. Psychobos does not.)
Aquatic Cerebrocrustaceans have built expansive underwater infrastructure that spans for miles on record. Their water built technology puts them on interplanetary interest.
Semiaquatic, air-breathing Cerebrocrustaceans typically live just above the water, enjoying the brackish and humid conditions.
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Fully terrestrial variants seemingly instead push themselves as high above the water as they can manage, many apparently believing this to be proof of their higher advancements to their cousins.
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There are five united societies on Encephalonus IV. Two of these are fully aquatic, two semiaquatic, and one fully terrestrial. When planet wide matters are up for discussion, representatives from each of these five nations meet on unowned territories and attempt to reach the most mutually beneficial agreement.
Cerebrocrustaceans do not care for their offspring. Eggs are laid and left. Newborns will hatch and fight for rugged survival until their brains have developed enough to join proper society.
There is no social concept of romance in Cerebrocrustacean culture. Reproduction exists as a part of a natural cycle, usually having little intimacy in it.
On this, there is a booming interest in hormonal adjustment practices that remove the urge to breed.
There is no mass recognized currency on Encephalonus IV. Accommodations (such as travel, lab spaces, high functioning homes, etc) are earned through having the Cerebrocrustacean’s intelligence being recognized. If your work is considered impressive and worthwhile, you will have access to ever increasing resources.
Many Cerebrocrustaceans will agree to off planet work with no financial compensation, believing the work will bolster their reputation on their homeworld.
Meanwhile, so to say “low class” Cerebrocrustaceans are limited to a conservative amount of resources to use. Caused by their society’s fear of draining their planet like they had in the past. Cerebrocrustaceans at the bottom of the bucket are expected to work their way up to higher recognition through success. However, there is history of Cerebrocrustaceans whose failures are well known enough that they are “unofficially” given even smaller access to resources.
There are some Cerebrocrustacean whose measurement of intelligence are less material and more philosophical. They are not well respected.
Hope this is acceptable anon!
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insane-mane · 8 months
Would the Cerebrocrustaceans still attempt to create their own species to try to one-up the Galvans? And also the Planchaküles since they're jealous that a "lesser species" managed to pull it off?
They would feel they were “above” that, but secretly be jealous
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thenten · 2 months
Ben 10 Alien Comparisons: Smart-Alecks
This is part of a series of headcanons (see the tag) that I'll post every once in a while comparing aliens with similar abilities, outlining the differences, advantages, and weaknesses of each one to help establish why one isn't just the blanket best for every job.
We'll be starting off the aliens with Super-Intelligence:
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Grey Matter
Species: Galvan.
Home Planet: Galvan Prime.
The original smarty-pants alien, of the same species as the creator of the Omnitrix himself, Azmuth. Needless to say, Grey Matter is Ben's most intelligent alien- not necessarily because they are intellectually superior to their close-competitors (heavily debated topic), but more so that a Galvan being the Omnitrix's creator allows it to more effectively map out innate information of the species neurologically, and produce a pinnacle example of their race.
But just as his strengths are obvious, Grey Matter's weaknesses are even more so- Galvans are small and physically weak, even if proportionately they're actually fairly competent for their size. Grey Matter works best when Ben has a long-term project to work on, but can also jump into an open machine and rewire it from the inside pretty easily if he needs to. Though, there are more ideal aliens.
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Species: Cerebrocrustacean.
Home Planet: Encephalonus IV.
The second genius-level intellect alien for Ben to use, which his Omnitrix recalibrated and gave him a different playlist of aliens. Brainstorm is pretty soundly considered his second smartest alien in terms of general knowledge, and can actually think faster & analyze more information immediately than Grey Matter can, due to his much larger brain (which doesn't equate more intelligence, just the capacity to become more intelligent). Could've been Ben's smartest one, but again, that's debatable and not really the point of the discussion.
Back to the topic at hand, Brainstorm has the significant advantage over Grey Matter of actually being a functional direct combatant, with electrical blasts and shields and levitation and such, which does allow him more versatility than the Galvan.
However, it comes at the cost of turning Ben into a complete smartass who uses big words just because it sounds smarter.
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Species: Planchaküle.
Home Planet: Aul-Turrhen.
Unlocked randomly in Ultimate Alien and initially appearing almost uncontrollable, Ben eventually learned how to make this alien's rabid mechanical prowess work wonders for him.
Juryrigg definitely isn't as smart as Grey Matter or Brainstorm, and he's also not particularity impressive for direct combat on his own- however, he more than makes up for it in the sheer speed at which he's able to work, being capable of completely disassembling full alien robots in seconds, and rebuild them all into one new machine under his command just as fast.
He is the absolute best alien for dealing with a piece of technology under a time limit, and is also just endearing as fuck.
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Species: Transylian.
Home Planet: Anur Transyl.
While it's not as obvious of a feature of the alien as it is for the others here, Frankenstrike is commonly considered one of Ben's naturally smarter aliens- a version of Ben 10,000 having used him in conjunction with Grey Matter and Upgrade to create an entire new Omnitrix for his son, Ken Tennyson.
This is something that's rarely brought up in the actual series, and has possibly been forgotten... but, not by me. Frankenstrike is definitely not as smart as the former three, but he still gives Ben a useful bit of extra brainpower- particularly, I'd say he's exceptional at medical knowledge, due to it's common practice in his species.
Moreover, Frankenstrike is easily the strongest alien with a superior intellect in terms of actual fighting, having strength comparable to Tetramands and electrical firepower comparable to Shocksquatch.
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Species: Unknown.
Home Planet: Unknown.
An alien species Ben still doesn't really know anything about, short of their abilities, which in itself he only learned because Future Animo is an idiot and just chose to explain it to him.
Gutrot is a lot more specialized than Grey Matter or Brainstorm, more along the lines of Juryrigg of having a very specific intellectual niche instead of a wide range of applicable knowledge. For him, obviously, it's chemistry and species biology, giving Ben the capacity to properly create chemicals despite chemistry being his weakest subject in school, showing it's definitively the transformation.
He's also shown impressive knowledge on technology and time travel, even if it's not as applicable with his power set.
Gutrot's versatility is clear as day, he can theoretically create any gaseous chemical compound, for offense or utility.
Special Mention: Upgrade
Upgrade does not grant Ben any intellectual boost- in fact, Ben's DNA actually compromises the capacity of a Galvanic Mechamorph to retain knowledge of technology it's interfaced with and recreate it at will, as the information doesn't translate properly to Ben's mind.
However, he's still an amazing alien for other reasons.
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charmergirl2468 · 4 years
Hermitcraft X Ben 10 AU
Because I’ve lost control of my life
I’d imagine Scar would get the omitrix. Mostly because I’d imagine he’d be a really sweet, Spider-Man-esqe hero
Stress is half Necrofriggian, so she looks mostly human but has the eyes, antenna, and wings of her alien parent. (Might’ve though of this idea during season 6 and didn’t let go of the base ideas)
False is a Tatramand. Because the queen of hearts, heads, and body parts should be a strong alien
TFC is a retired Plumer who helps whenever there’s an issue. Like Stress accidentally freezes someone over
Tango is a Pyronite. Because fire. Also red aesthetic
Cub is either a scientist that works with the plumbers or a Cerebrocrustacean. I can’t decide
Again, Xisuma is either a scientist for the plumbers or a Galvan. Probably the maker of the omnitrix
Leading to, yes, Evil Xisuma being like Albedo
Mumbo can be a human who hangs out with Galvans. I just don’t see him as an alien
Iskall is Stress’s human friend. He doesn’t know the whole universe out there, but he don’t care he just wants to make sure Stress is comfortable on earth
Grian could easily be a Planchaküle, he has the chaotic energy for it
Joe is spiritually everyone’s grandpa Max. Wise and respectable, but also has out there habits
Docs a plumber. A very experimental plumber. He’s like if Blukic and Driba were one person
Impulse can be a Piscciss Volann since he keeps building in the water.
Wels is a forever Knight That defected and joined the plumbers
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Here’s another one This is Fender, He’s a Planchaküle He likes making people happy more than doing what his species naturally does, break and make things, Jury Rigging stuff together
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