#planetary gear design
fanfic-obsessed · 1 year
Back with the questions!
So Actually Traitors has Dooku getting taken with the Jedi when they leave. What's he doing there? Making trouble, furthering Palps' plan, gradually talking more with the clones and oh no he's attached??
Also. Fox. Is apparently allergic to particular Force acts? It's less that I think this is ridiculous (though it is very funny) and more that I'm wondering what the hell they did? And whether anyone thinks it's weird that they're writing papers on this or if the Archivists/researchers are just like "YES fun none war things to research!"
At first Dooku was supposed to play nice, to gain the confidence of the Jedi, banking on Yoda's love for his lineage. Then his job was to be three fold: 1. to provide Palpatine with information on the Jedi and their movement, so they can plan accordingly, 2. to encourage the idea that the Jedi need to act as the aggressor toward the republic, and 3. to plant the seeds to fracture the Order if necessary.
It never really gets off the ground, primarily because of Obi Wan. Though no one in the Jedi Order ever found out that Dooku was a Sith in this, Obi Wan did make a point of telling Jocasta Nu exactly who vandalized her Archive (in part out of pettiness to head of the Seperatists, in part to direct her attention away from Cody-who had just accidentally broken a data chip with a slightly rare treatise dating from the Old Republic). As a result Madame Nu effectively grounded Dooku- She has restricted his ability to send communications, he is NOT allowed to interact with any Jedi below the level of Knight OR any of the clone cadets or Shinies, and she or a designated guardian would be escorting him everywhere until 'he was mature enough to not destroy other people's knowledge'. No one is really sure that Madame Nu has the authority to ground Dooku (Who is at least nominally still a planetary leader and, strictly speaking, is being held against his will after being abducted by the Jedi Order).
By the time he is no longer grounded he has gotten attached, specifically to Alpha-17. Alpha-17 was one of his more frequent escorts, and the two shared similar opinions on the Senate (In that the application of some generous assassinations' would greatly enhance the atmosphere), Anakin Skywalker (far too too reckless, far too arrogant, and in desperate need to therapy-Dooku never seems to realize the irony of this belief), and a taste for very expensive alcohol. It is Alpha-17 that draws Dooku back to the light.
Dooku eventually goes before the Jedi Council to confess to being a former Sith, to find that no one is surprised. It took precisely two weeks in frequent contact with Dooku for each of the Council to realize he had fallen, but it was decided to see where things would go, and that Dooku's communications would have been monitored (and still would be monitored).
For Fox; he, Ventress, Vos they were experimenting with the use of Jedi mind tricks when compared to Sith mind control in sex. It is all Safe, Sane, and Consenual and heavily discussed beforehand. However it turns out that having both a Mind Trick (Actually three separate mind tricks geared toward increasing Fox's sensitivity and attraction) and Mind Control active at once caused hives for Fox. The baffled healers and medics, who had never hard of that reaction before, also found out that something in Fox's genetic code caused Antihistamine to get him really high.
Th Archivist are ecstatic with the experiments, especially since the Kenobi/Cody Polycule insist on the scientific method. It is the only reason that Madame Nu forgave Cody.
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The rationalisation of space under capitalism is one facet of the ideology of progress which has had a profound impact on the spatial organisation of society in nature. Marxist geographer David Harvey writes that ‘capital accumulation and the production of urbanisation go hand in hand’. For Harvey, urbanisation is a physical manifestation of the drive to produce a ‘rational landscape’ in which barriers to the turnover time of capital accumulation are removed. In this sense then, letting space lie fallow introduced unacceptable friction into the capitalist system. Highlighting this shift, urban and environmental geographer Matthew Gandy notes that ‘the very idea of rest, and of resting space in particular – letting the earth sleep – counters the accelerative and all-encompassing momentum of late modernity’. The incongruity, however, isn’t just a question of an anxious space of late modernity. The instrumentalisation of space is already apparent in the mid-19th century, when Ildefons Cerdà’s opening statement for urbanisation sought to ‘fill the earth’. And by the early 20th century, this programmatic vision for design was fully institutionalised when Ebenezer Howard’s seminal Garden Cities project ‘sought to maximise functionality through territory saturated with activity’.
Time is also rationalised and subsumed under the growth imperative, which legitimates practices used to force people into reconfigured social relations. As critical urban theorist Alvaro Sevilla-Buitrago remarks, for example, ‘improvers couldn’t stand idleness, regardless of whether it referred to a quality of land or to poor commoners “wasting” productive time by contemplating their grazing livestock instead of embracing wage discipline as day labourers’. It was the capitalist project to proletarianise the population that transformed social relations connected more with ecological rhythms into the realm of the abstract rhythms of capitalism. Put another way, wresting productivity from humans – and non-humans – through labour discipline has always been a central feature of the project of capitalism, from the Enclosure Acts in England until today. Capturing ‘wasted time’ also had another social dimension: the production of new forms of citizenship meant to underpin the bourgeois vision of the modern metropolis. In New York City, for example, Sevilla-Buitrago interprets the construction of Central Park as a ‘special kind of enclosure … [that was meant to] shift behaviors from one regime of publicity to another’ in a battle that pitted the elite against the commoning practices of the New York City streetscape by recently arrived immigrants. While geographer Tony Weis has shown that the slow rhythms and periodic pauses of fallowing can influence social organisation in potentially progressive ways, we see above that the devaluation of idleness has instead promoted a capitalist subject synchronised to the rhythms of capitalist time.
Taken as a whole, the move to valuing progress over fallowing signalled a regime change that rationalised space and time, which, in turn, produced radical social, ecological and continuous urban transformations that, today, are felt on a planetary scale. Viewing the planet as a kind of perpetual growth machine with a core purpose of chasing profits, an ever-growing metabolism, is churning the earth in successive waves of creative destruction. This results in both acute and chronic pathologies of devalued human social relations, diminished diversity of the biosphere and a continually transformed urban fabric at ever larger scales. What impact has the growth imperative had on the design professions? Embedded in, and arguably a tool of, capital, the design professions have been criticised as largely geared towards solving the problems of wasted space to restore class relations and processes of accumulation. Can a design culture that sees itself as inextricably linked to growth retrain its analytical lens on social and ecological value production that exists outside capitalist sociospatial relations, rather than viewing moments of inactivity merely as opportunities to promote the next growth cycle?
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thehydromancer · 4 months
HT-06 Dahlia
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With the success of the HT-05 Astrant, Dramstellar's mobile frame R&D division began brainstorming the next Jacaranda variant for production. Owing to the Jacaranda being capable of a high degree of customization, the onus was to develop a mobile frame that filled a role that couldn't simply be satisfied by equipping the original with new gear. While technically the Astrant faced the same onus, there was concern amongst the Dramstellar suits that their first foray into variant HT-04 didn't go far enough in standing out to the customer base. The pressure was on to design a mobile frame that truly brought something new to the table. Enter the HT-06 Dahlia. Stripping the Jacaranda down to the bare essentials in order to build it back up, the Dahlia was an exercise in pushing the articulation possible in a mobile frame to the extremes. Light weight and incorporating fresh advancements in muscle cylinder miniaturization, this mobile frame wowed even the developers with its nimbleness, and captured the imaginations of countless pilots when it performed boost assisted flips and cartwheels during the 2XXX Inner Sphere Showcase. Understandably, due to the high degree of skill to master as well as the expense of building and maintaining the Dahlia (it only incorporated 45% of the Jacaranda's frame and parts) the mech only saw a limited initial production run, but the design plans proved to be a popular set for many megacorps and planetary authorities intent on gaining the upper hand in mobile frame combat.
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lonestarflight · 1 year
Space Shuttle Development, Phase B: North American Rockwell and General Dynamics B9U/NAR-161-B
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North American and General Dynamics B9U / NAR-161-B proposed their final Phase B shuttle proposal on June 25, 1971.
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"The fully reusable 'B9U / NAR-161-B' configuration would now weigh 2,290t at liftoff vs. the Phase-A limit of 1,587t and the total estimated cost of the development project had doubled, to almost $10 billion. The thrust of the space shuttle main engines had to be increased from 1,850KN to 2,450KN. Part of the problem was the shuttle now would have to be a much more versatile and capable vehicle than originally anticipated, since the space station and the manned lunar/planetary program evaporated in 1970. Critics in Congress contended that it was 'a project searching for a mission.' As a result, the new space transportation system was instead increasingly being promoted as a low-cost 'space truck' for unmanned NASA & USAF satellites."
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"The North American Rockwell 'NAR-161-B' orbiter was designed for carrying a crew of two plus up to ten passengers in the forward crew module. Note the four deployable landing jet engines on top of the vehicle; NASA was planning to use modified F-15 or B-1B aircraft jet engines on some missions and for ferry flights from test sites or alternative landing fields. But the jets would be omitted for heavy-lift missions since the additional weight greatly reduced the shuttle's payload capability. The thermal protection system was based on silica tiles. The blended wing/body design was chosen for uniform load distribution. It would have produced a 2300-kilometer crossrange capability to satisfy USAF reentry requirements; North American also decided to replace the wingtip fins with a single vertical tail. The 2,450KN main engine thrust upgrade was motivated in part by the need to have a single engine-out abort capability. Analysis showed that the orbiter still would be able to return to the launch site after a single orbit in case one of its two main engines failed during ascent, but only if the engines were powerful enough. Unlike McDonnell-Douglas (who proposed to use RL-10s), North American favored a brand new oxygen/hydrogen 45KN-thrust orbital maneuvering system (OMS) engines. Three OMS engines would have been carried for orbit insertion, orbital changes and the de-orbit burn."
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"General Dynamics' final 'B9U' booster design differed considerably from the earlier straight-wing 'B8D' concept. The landing jets were moved from the nose back to the delta wing in order to reduce the launch drag & heating effects and to minimize the jet engine exhaust effects on stability, control and drag. General Dynamics felt the delta wing would provide better stability & control over the entire flight regime than the B8's straight wing. It would also create more room for the main landing gear and jet engine installation. The gross liftoff mass was 1,886.2t including a jet fuel load of 62.2t for the 850km flight back to the launch site. The high staging velocity (3300m/s) and altitude (73.8km) created some problems since the booster would have to be very large, require a relatively advanced thermal protection system and carry lots of jet fuel for the return flight. The contractors also examined downrange landing sites or in-flight propellant transfer in order to reduce the amount of booster jet fuel. NASA also seriously considered a proposal to use gaseous hydrogen rather than jet fuel since it would have saved thousands of kilograms, but decided against the idea in the end since it would have increased the technical risk."
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North American Rockwell Phase-B shuttle orbiter docks with modular space station.
"Payload capability (without landing jets): 29,484kg into a 185km 28.5 deg. Orbit; 18,144kg into a 185km 90 deg. polar orbit; 11,340kg into a 500km 55 deg. orbit with landing jets installed on orbiter and 20,411kg without landing engines.
Cost per mission: $100-200/lb. [1970 rates] or $950-$1900/kg in 1999. 75 missions/year max. Space station rescue mission capability within 48 hours of emergency call.
Liftoff Thrust: 2,606,810 kgf. Total Mass: 2,188,488 kg. Core Diameter: 10.4 m. Total Length: 98.0 m.
Stage Number: 1. 1 x Shuttle R134C-1 Gross Mass: 1,886,200 kg. Empty Mass: 290,000 kg. Thrust: 29,370-32,233.575 KN. Isp: 442 sec. Burn time: 209 sec. Isp(sl): 392 sec. Diameter: 10.4 m. Span: 43.9 m. Length: 82 m. Propellants: Lox/LH2 No Engines: 12. SSME Study
Stage Number: 2. 1 x Shuttle R134C-2 Gross Mass: 383,260 kg. Empty Mass: 121,560 kg. Thrust (vac): 5,624.8 KN. Isp: 459 sec. Burn time: 264 sec. Isp(sl): 359 sec. Diameter: 4.6 m. Span: 32.6 m. Length: 62.8 m. Propellants: Lox/LH2 No Engines: 2. SSME Study
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- information from "INTRODUCTION TO FUTURE LAUNCH VEHICLE PLANS [1963-2001]" by Marcus Lindroos: link
SDASM Archives: 08_00941, 08_00943, 08_00944
Mike Acs's Collection: link, link
Numbers Station: link, link, link, link, link
Boeing image: 71SV13043
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scifigeneration · 9 months
From the Moon’s south pole to an ice-covered ocean world, several exciting space missions are slated for launch in 2024
by Ali M. Bramson, Assistant Professor of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences at Purdue University
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The year 2023 proved to be an important one for space missions, with NASA’s OSIRIS-REx mission returning a sample from an asteroid and India’s Chandrayaan-3 mission exploring the lunar south pole, and 2024 is shaping up to be another exciting year for space exploration.
Several new missions under NASA’s Artemis plan and Commercial Lunar Payload Services initiative will target the Moon.
The latter half of the year will feature several exciting launches, with the launch of the Martian Moons eXploration mission in September, Europa Clipper and Hera in October and Artemis II and VIPER to the Moon in November – if everything goes as planned.
I’m a planetary scientist, and here are six of the space missions I’m most excited to follow in 2024.
1. Europa Clipper
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NASA will launch Europa Clipper, which will explore one of Jupiter’s largest moons, Europa. Europa is slightly smaller than Earth’s Moon, with a surface made of ice. Beneath its icy shell, Europa likely harbors a saltwater ocean, which scientists expect contains over twice as much water as all the oceans here on Earth combined.
With Europa Clipper, scientists want to investigate whether Europa’s ocean could be a suitable habitat for extraterrestrial life.
The mission plans to do this by flying past Europa nearly 50 times to study the moon’s icy shell, its surface’s geology and its subsurface ocean. The mission will also look for active geysers spewing out from Europa.
This mission will change the game for scientists hoping to understand ocean worlds like Europa.
The launch window – the period when the mission could launch and achieve its planned route – opens Oct. 10, 2024, and lasts 21 days. The spacecraft will launch on a SpaceX Falcon Heavy rocket and arrive at the Jupiter system in 2030.
2. Artemis II launch
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The Artemis program, named after Apollo’s twin sister in Greek mythology, is NASA’s plan to go back to the Moon. It will send humans to the Moon for the first time since 1972, including the first woman and the first person of color. Artemis also includes plans for a longer-term, sustained presence in space that will prepare NASA for eventually sending people even farther – to Mars.
Artemis II is the first crewed step in this plan, with four astronauts planned to be on board during the 10-day mission.
The mission builds upon Artemis I, which sent an uncrewed capsule into orbit around the Moon in late 2022.
Artemis II will put the astronauts into orbit around the Moon before returning them home. It is currently planned for launch as early as November 2024. But there is a chance it will get pushed back to 2025, depending on whether all the necessary gear, such as spacesuits and oxygen equipment, is ready.
3. VIPER to search for water on the Moon
VIPER, which stands for Volatiles Investigating Polar Exploration Rover, is a robot the size of a golf cart that NASA will use to explore the Moon’s south pole in late 2024.
Originally scheduled for launch in 2023, NASA pushed the mission back to complete more tests on the lander system, which Astrobotic, a private company, developed as part of the Commercial Lunar Payload Services program.
This robotic mission is designed to search for volatiles, which are molecules that easily vaporize, like water and carbon dioxide, at lunar temperatures. These materials could provide resources for future human exploration on the Moon.
The VIPER robot will rely on batteries, heat pipes and radiators throughout its 100-day mission, as it navigates everything from the extreme heat of lunar daylight – when temperatures can reach 224 degrees Fahrenheit (107 degrees Celsius) – to the Moon’s frigid shadowed regions that can reach a mind-boggling -400 F (-240 C).
VIPER’s launch and delivery to the lunar surface is scheduled for November 2024.
4. Lunar Trailblazer and PRIME-1 missions
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NASA has recently invested in a class of small, low-cost planetary missions called SIMPLEx, which stands for Small, Innovative Missions for PLanetary Exploration. These missions save costs by tagging along on other launches as what is called a rideshare, or secondary payload.
One example is the Lunar Trailblazer. Like VIPER, Lunar Trailblazer will look for water on the Moon.
But while VIPER will land on the Moon’s surface, studying a specific area near the south pole in detail, Lunar Trailblazer will orbit the Moon, measuring the temperature of the surface and mapping out the locations of water molecules across the globe.
Currently, Lunar Trailblazer is on track to be ready by early 2024.
However, because it is a secondary payload, Lunar Trailblazer’s launch timing depends on the primary payload’s launch readiness. The PRIME-1 mission, scheduled for a mid-2024 launch, is Lunar Trailblazer’s ride.
PRIME-1 will drill into the Moon – it’s a test run for the kind of drill that VIPER will use. But its launch date will likely depend on whether earlier launches go on time.
An earlier Commercial Lunar Payload Services mission with the same landing partner was pushed back to February 2024 at the earliest, and further delays could push back PRIME-1 and Lunar Trailblazer.
5. JAXA’s Martian Moon eXploration mission
While Earth’s Moon has many visitors – big and small, robotic and crewed – planned for 2024, Mars’ moons Phobos and Deimos will soon be getting a visitor as well. The Japanese Aerospace Exploration Agency, or JAXA, has a robotic mission in development called the Martian Moon eXploration, or MMX, planned for launch around September 2024.
The mission’s main science objective is to determine the origin of Mars’ moons. Scientists aren’t sure whether Phobos and Deimos are former asteroids that Mars captured into orbit with its gravity or if they formed out of debris that was already in orbit around Mars.
The spacecraft will spend three years around Mars conducting science operations to observe Phobos and Deimos. MMX will also land on Phobos’ surface and collect a sample before returning to Earth.
6. ESA’s Hera mission
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Hera is a mission by the European Space Agency to return to the Didymos-Dimorphos asteroid system that NASA’s DART mission visited in 2022.
But DART didn’t just visit these asteroids, it collided with one of them to test a planetary defense technique called “kinetic impact.” DART hit Dimorphos with such force that it actually changed its orbit.
The kinetic impact technique smashes something into an object in order to alter its path. This could prove useful if humanity ever finds a potentially hazardous object on a collision course with Earth and needs to redirect it.
Hera will launch in October 2024, making its way in late 2026 to Didymos and Dimorphos, where it will study physical properties of the asteroids.
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heavenboy09 · 2 years
10 Years Ago Today
1 Of The Most Epic Scifi Action/ Adventure MMORPG Videogame Was Released On This Day
Players control members of the Tenno, a race of ancient warriors who have awoken from centuries of suspended animation far into Earth's future to find themselves at war in the planetary system with different factions.
The Tenno use their powered Warframes along with a variety of weapons and abilities to complete missions.
While many of the game's missions use procedurally-generated levels, it also includes large open world areas similar to other massively multiplayer online games, as well as some story-specific missions with fixed level design.
The game includes elements of shooting and melee games, parkour, and role-playing to allow players to advance their Tenno with improved gear. The game includes both player versus environment and player versus player elements. It is supported by microtransactions, which lets players purchase in-game items using real money, but also offers the option to earn them at no cost through grinding.
The concept for Warframe originated in 2000, when Digital Extremes began work on a new game titled Dark Sector. At the time, the company had been successful in supporting other developers and publishers, and wanted to develop their own game in-house. Dark Sector suffered several delays and was eventually released in 2008, having used some of the initial framework but far different from the original plan.
By 2012, in the wake of the success of free-to-play games, the developers took their earlier Dark Sector ideas and art assets and incorporated them into a new project, their self-published Warframe.
Initially, the growth of Warframe was slow, hindered by moderate critical reviews and low player counts. Since its release, the game has experienced positive growth. The game is one of Digital Extremes' most successful titles, seeing nearly 50 million registered players by 2019.
#WarFrame #Tenno #NinjasPlayForFree
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ao3wasntenough · 2 years
Cybertronian Sam but really weirdly specific
So drawing robots is hard
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And almost everything has a purpose more explaining below
1- literally drawn to specifically mimic the human anotomocal heart (image below). He’s a human, from earth, easy to make him wear that heart on Is sleeve if it’s not in his chest. A lot of his Exhaust pipes and such are the vents and tubes you see on both the front and back. I’m pretty happy at the asymmetrical design and breast plate. “Blood” like veins that could possibly be exposed energon lines that would have and do make Medics nervous but it’s very strong, alludes to human nature but also just boosts that alien kind of factor to Sam amongs homeworld Cybertronians
1- literally drawn to specifically mimic the human anotomocal heart (image below). He’s a human, from earth, easy to make him wear that heart on Is sleeve if it’s not in his chest. A lot of his Exhaust pipes and such are the vents and tubes you see on both the front and back. I’m pretty happy at the asymmetrical design and breast plate. “Blood” like veins that could possibly be exposed energon lines that would have and do make Medics nervous but it’s very strong, alludes to human nature but also just boosts that alien kind of factor to Sam amongs homeworld Cybertronians
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2- fuck everything I loved the ideas and hc’s around Ratchet and Sam becoming close. It’s mine. It’s close to my heart. Means the world. Like Bee may be a Guardian figure and Optimus is Optimus but Ratchet never hesitating to inform Sam of stuff or educate him because if he’s going to be around them Prime he needs to be helping or learning. The TFP/cartoon ratchet is just more iconic to me personally and the red worked well with the heart
3- Leaving Earth so permanently is physically painful i imagine. Knowing you’d most likely never make it back if you ever tried. Especially harder with the transformation from organic to metal everything would feel gone. So Sam has Ratchet install an water/liquid canister to retain a little bit of hose for him. And Wheeljack (another bot I love imagining dynamics with Sam) created a compact star map/globe of earths stars and planetary bodies as a little going away gift, that Sam also just kinda uses as a fidget
I didn’t really want a bulky frame, a more fragile and agile kinda guy, wheels help to be quick on his feet and since Sam in the movies was really only told to run I felt it would probably be one of his better physical strengths.
The wheels were inspired by acrees and elita designs I just really love their characters and their mobility is so amazing. Also kinda felt like merging more femm frame work with Sam could be fun.
The helms are my weakness 💀 never happy drawing and designing them never happy when finished. Looks rather plain front on but he has more sensor gear at the Back, you can slightly see some sensor panels that looks like earth satellites
Not sure if I’m convinced with the green on blue kinda just needed to make the green stand out but definitely not happy now I’m tying it out :p
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skateboardelectrik · 1 year
Yo yo yo, are you ready to kickflip your way into the electric skateboard game? There's a ton of sick decks out there, but you gotta make sure you choose the right one for you. Whether you're tearing up the streets, shredding trails, or just cruising to class, you gotta find a board that fits your style. And let's be real, you don't want to break the bank either. That's why we've compiled this list of the top ten most affordable e-boards that will have you doing donuts in no time. Just make sure you don't end up with less than you want, because the worst thing would be getting a board that can't even go further than 10 miles on smooth streets. Check out the options below, and choose wisely my fellow skaters. AEBoard AE2 Electric Longboard   Yo bro, check out the AE2 Electric Longboard by AEBoards - it's the top pick for all you new skaters out there. With a 6Ah battery, you can ride for 13-18 miles without breaking a sweat, and the dual 250 watt motor will have you cruising at a sick 20mph. And when it's time to juice up that bad boy, it'll only take you 1-2 hours to get back in the game. All in all, the AE2 is a solid choice for any skater looking to get their grind on without breaking the bank. So, what are you waiting for? Get out there and shred! https://skateboardselectric.com/products/aeboard-ae Skatebolt Tornado II Pro   Are you ready to shred some serious pavement w...
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im still so annoyed about the (very cool!) planetary gear reduced 3d printer extruder design that had nonmeshing gears on purpose to try and balance out the tolerance issues with trying to 3d print perfectly meshing gears & i commented asking about it and then the description was updated to be like "SOME people have asked for a 72t (or whatever) version, even though i designed it like that for a reason, so if youre really anal about gear ratios you can try it out. youll probably have to run it in for a really long time to get it to go smoothly if you dont have good tolerances, and my first design was literally fine, but here you go. UNRELATED: in the next version were moving to sls printed part kits because theyre more reliable and have better tolerances so thats very exciting :D" like so then i was RIGHT!!!!! is what youre saying!!!!!! bastard!!!!!!!!!! and he already warned that a run in period was mandatory on fdm printed sets anyway even with his design!!!!!!!!!
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fallout-boiiiiii · 2 years
Wave four prehiatus
This wave isn’t set in stone, the phantom fifth wave will be when I actually hand create each shoe and that will be its final design. As I make them they’ll get their own post chronicling the design process.
A Split EP (2002)
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This design is a new addition! Based on the first recorded work Fall Out Boy ever put out, a split EP with Project Rocket. The art itself is almost entirely white with a line each of lime green and gray. So the shoes are almost entirely white with minor gray and lime green accents to reflect that. I chose checkerboard for the quarters to keep the design simple and the Vans feature white drip as a highlight detail. The lace charm pictured is a clock gear, which matches the gear design to be painted onto the toe of the opposite shoe. These are inspired by the EP art of what looks like stage schematics. I’m unsure as of posting (11/29/22) if I want to keep the PR/FOB on the toe of the opposite shoe or if I’d rather write it somewhere else, like the heel or the sidewall.
Evening Out With Your Girlfriend (2003)
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This is the same wave one base we saw before. For this one, I’ve added a fortune cookie lace charm to one shoe and a fortune patch that says “you’ll have a better life if you just stay home” to the other. These both play on the numerous fortunes and other scraps of paper seen on the album cover. The patch itself has the same sort of cynical, wry message the album gives off about being young, infatuated, and in the scene. The patch will go on the heel and on the opposite heel I’ll paint the lyric “this is the last song that I waste on you” from Parker Lewis Can’t Lose. On the seam of the toes I’ll paint the same sun ray like pattern seen on the album.
Take This to Your Grave (2003)
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Simple lace charms on this one. A blue crystalline one to bring in the blue accent we were missing before, and a silver middle finger for the opposite shoe. Feels self explanatory. First names of the band members on the side stripe I may or may not keep, but it’s meant to reflect the line of text displaying their names on the album. On the heels I’ll paint “I read about the afterlife but// I never really lived more than an hour” from Saturday.
My Heart Will Always be the B-side to My Tongue (2004)
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The detail additions of this one make it feel a lot more like the album it represents to me. One shoe will have a lace charm of a functioning anatomically correct gold heart locket pendant. The other has a red heart lace lock that I may or may not keep. On both toes, I’ll sew on a crochet heart patch like the one pictured. I’ll replace the laces to make them a light orange to match the text on the album art. On the heels of each shoe I’ll paint the lyric “wouldn’t know a good thing// if it came up and slit your throat” from My Heart is the Worst Kind of Weapon.
From Under the Cork Tree (2005)
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The customization detail on this one that actually excited me most was replacing the Vans laces for ones that were the same shade of brighter yellow (as opposed to gold) but velvet. Need I say more. On one shoe there will be a key lace charm and on the other “misery loved me” from Dance, Dance painted on the side stripe. The shoe with the key will have “loaded god complex” from Sugar, We’re Going Down painted on the heel, and the shoe with the Dance, Dance lyric will have a broken heart patch sewn on the heel as well as a banner that says Fall Out Boy. On the tread, I’ll paint in white “take aim at myself//take back what you said” also from Sugar. Some of these details may be omitted when I physically make the shoes if I find the design to be too busy.
Infinity on High (2007)
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This design has a lace charm for each shoe, a blue Saturn-like planet (to tie into the starry, planetary theme) and a silver lamb. Before anyone says anything, I know Franklin is not a lamb. All the sheep charms I could find were either ridiculously expensive or ugly. So lamb it is. I’m sure there’s symbolism in it anyway. On the back of one heel I’ll have the IOH moon and some stars (it says embroidered but that’s not a requirement). “Infinity on High” in the IOH cursive font will be painted on the side stripe of the opposite shoe.
Welcome to the New Administration Mixtape (2008)
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Another new entry! The WTTNA mixtape was made by “CitizensFOB” (Citizens For Our Betterment) and hosted and mixed by Clinton Sparks for promotion of their upcoming album Folie a Deux. (It was one of many fun promo tactics for Folie- Fresh Only Bakery, anybody?) The art and promotion of the mixtape had a very political campaign vibe and imagery, which I tried to capture. The pointing fingers are not only pictured on the actual art, but are representative of the guys raising their hands in the air as pictured. The candy striping red of the quarters is meant to invoke a specific time period of politics while being a simple background. The eyestay features the same pattern as seen on the SRAR shoes, just to add texture. The shoe is red, white, and blue despite the brown tones of the art to capture the election feel. One shoe will have a VOTE charm. On the toes of both shoes will be a Stars and Stripes banner as pictured. On the heel of one will be the design of the CitizensFOB campaign button and on the other the Fall Out Boy banner as pictured on the cover.
Folie a Deux (2008)
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You know how I mentioned earlier that this base stays mostly the same except for one change in wave four? That change is sewing a dark brown teddy material over the tongue of each shoe. The shoes will also have three lace charms, a gold Rx pill bottle on one shoe and a small bear and golden anchor on the other. The gold tones are to match the warm color scheme of the shoe. The pill bottle is a reference to the album name but also the America’s Suitehearts music video and 20 Dollar Nosebleed lyric references to Benzedrine. The bear is obvious, and the anchor is in reference to What a Catch, Donnie. On the heels of both shoes, in yellow, I’ll paint “detox just to retox” from Disloyal Order.
Believers Never Die: Volume One (2009)
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More lace charms! These ones aren’t terribly deep. One is a coffin charm that can open to reveal a skeleton, and the other is a skull. I may switch the skull out to something else, that’s tbd. On the heels I’ll paint “tell rock and roll I’m alone again//I wanna put the Midwest home again” from Alpha Dog.
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hzpt112 · 2 hours
Understanding Speed Reducer Gearboxes: Key Functions, Types, and Applications
What is a Speed Reducer Gearbox?
A speed reducer gearbox is a mechanical device used to decrease the speed of an input shaft and increase torque in machinery. Essentially, it takes the high-speed power from an input source, such as an electric motor, and reduces its speed to provide more manageable and stable output speeds. This allows for greater control of machinery without compromising its efficiency. By altering the gear ratios, the gearbox is able to adjust the speed, which makes it adaptable to a wide range of applications, from heavy machinery to everyday devices.
How Does a Speed Reducer Gearbox Work?
At the core of a speed reducer gearbox is a set of gears that are responsible for changing the speed and torque of a motor. The basic principle revolves around transferring energy between two gear sets with differing numbers of teeth. The larger gear reduces the speed of the output shaft while the smaller gear increases the speed. As speed decreases, torque increases, which is crucial for applications requiring significant force at lower speeds.
For example, when the motor turns at a high speed, the gears within the speed reducer slow down the rotational motion while multiplying the force (torque). This process enables precise control over mechanical operations and ensures that machinery can function under heavy loads without damaging the motor or the equipment itself.
Types of Speed Reducer Gearboxes
There are several types of speed reducer gearboxes, each designed for specific industrial and mechanical needs:
Helical Gear Reducers
Helical gearboxes feature helical gears arranged at an angle, extruder gearbox which allows for more surface contact between the gear teeth. This results in smoother, quieter operation compared to straight-cut gears. Helical gear reducers are widely used in heavy-duty applications like conveyors, compressors, and turbines.
Worm Gear Reducers
Worm gearboxes consist of a worm (screw-like gear) and a worm wheel (gear with teeth). This design offers high torque reduction and is ideal for applications requiring low-speed and high-torque, such as in elevators, conveyor belts, and heavy machinery. Worm gear reducers also have the advantage of being self-locking, preventing the output shaft from moving when the motor is not running.
Planetary Gear Reducers
In a planetary gearbox, multiple gears (called planets) rotate around a central sun gear. The arrangement provides high torque output in a compact design, making planetary gear reducers suitable for precision applications, such as robotics and automated systems. They offer exceptional efficiency and durability under high load conditions.
Bevel Gear Reducers
Bevel gearboxes use bevel gears, which have teeth that are cut at an angle to the surface of the gear. These gearboxes are typically used in situations where the direction of a shaft’s rotation must be changed, such as in differential systems in vehicles.
Applications of Speed Reducer Gearboxes
Speed reducer gearboxes are used in a wide array of industries and applications due to their ability to provide efficient torque control at reduced speeds. Some of the common applications include:
Industrial Machinery: Gearboxes are essential in machines such as conveyor systems, pumps, compressors, and cranes, where precise speed control is needed for operational efficiency and safety.
Automotive Industry: Gearboxes are used in vehicles to manage engine speed and provide the necessary torque for driving. They are also found in ancillary automotive systems like steering mechanisms and windshield wipers.
Energy Sector: In wind turbines and hydroelectric plants, speed reducers help regulate the speed of rotating machinery to optimize energy generation.
Robotics and Automation: High-precision gearboxes are used in robotics to ensure accurate and smooth movements, critical in automated systems requiring exact positioning and motion control.
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wormgearbox · 1 day
How to Select the Perfect Gearbox for Conveyor Systems
Choosing the right gearbox for your conveyor system is crucial to optimize performance and ensure long-term reliability. Whether it's for heavy industrial use or light material handling, selecting a gearbox tailored to your conveyor's requirements can boost efficiency, reduce downtime, and enhance energy savings. Let’s explore how you can make the best choice.
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The Role of a Gearbox in Conveyor Systems
A gearbox plays an essential role in the smooth operation of a conveyor system. It regulates the speed and torque, ensuring that materials are transported at a consistent pace. Without the right gearbox, your conveyor system might experience inefficiencies, increased wear, and potential breakdowns. Gearboxes not only support operational stability but also contribute to energy savings, making them a vital component in any conveyor system.
Key Factors to Consider When Choosing a Gearbox for Conveyor
Several key factors influence the selection of the ideal gearbox for your conveyor system. Let's break them down:
Load Capacity and Torque Requirements
Understanding the load capacity is critical. Different conveyor systems handle various weights, so the gearbox must match the torque requirements of the application. A gearbox with insufficient torque will struggle to move heavy loads, while an overpowered gearbox can waste energy and increase operational costs. Evaluate the maximum load capacity of your conveyor and choose a gearbox that delivers the necessary torque for smooth, consistent operation.
Operating Conditions
Operating conditions such as temperature, humidity, and exposure to chemicals play a significant role in gearbox performance. In environments where extreme temperatures or corrosive substances are present, it's essential to select a gearbox designed to withstand these challenges. Additionally, consider whether your conveyor system will operate indoors or outdoors, as this can impact the durability and longevity of the gearbox.
Speed and Gear Ratio
The speed of the conveyor and the gear ratio of the gearbox are closely linked. A gearbox with the right gear ratio will ensure that the conveyor operates at the correct speed, matching the requirements of the material being transported. Different applications require different conveyor speeds, so it's essential to consider the desired pace of material handling when selecting a gearbox. Balancing speed and efficiency can significantly improve the overall system's performance.
Types of Gearboxes Suitable for Conveyors
There are various types of gearboxes designed for conveyor systems, each with specific advantages. Understanding these types can help you make an informed decision.
Helical Gearbox
A helical gearbox is ideal for conveyors requiring high efficiency and smooth operation. Its angled teeth reduce friction and increase load capacity, making it suitable for continuous applications. Helical gearboxes also operate quietly, which is a benefit in noise-sensitive environments.
Worm Gearbox
Known for their compact design, worm gearboxes offer high torque at low speeds. They are commonly used in conveyors that require precise movement and positioning. While worm gearboxes are less efficient than other types, they provide significant reductions in speed and are suitable for heavy-duty applications.
Bevel Helical Gearbox
Bevel helical gearboxes combine the benefits of helical and bevel gears, offering higher torque and better speed control. They are often used in conveyors with complex layouts, as they allow for angular transmission of power. This makes them versatile and ideal for systems where flexibility is crucial.
Planetary Gearbox
Planetary gearboxes are compact and efficient, providing high torque in a small footprint. They are often used in conveyors that require high precision and durability. The planetary arrangement of gears ensures that power is evenly distributed, making it suitable for high-performance applications.
Importance of Efficiency and Energy Savings
Selecting an energy-efficient gearbox is vital for minimizing operational costs. Gearboxes with higher efficiency ratings reduce energy consumption and improve the overall performance of the conveyor system. In applications where the conveyor runs continuously, even small improvements in efficiency can lead to significant energy savings. Look for gearboxes designed with modern engineering practices that prioritize energy optimization.
Get Expert Guidance on Choosing the Right Gearbox for Your Conveyor Today!
Selecting the perfect gearbox for your conveyor system can be a complex process, but expert guidance can simplify it. Consult with professionals to ensure you make the best choice for your specific application, optimizing both performance and energy savings.
For more information, visit How to Select the Perfect Gearbox for Conveyor Systems
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bright-industries · 6 days
Understanding the Planetary Gear Set
A planetary gear set, also known as an epicyclic gear train, is a sophisticated arrangement of gears used in various mechanical systems to achieve specific transmission ratios and functionalities. It consists of three main components: a sun gear located at the center, planet gears (typically two or more) that orbit around the sun gear, and a ring gear that encircles the planet gears. This configuration allows for different gear ratios, torque multiplication, and directional changes within a compact and efficient design. Planetary gear sets are widely utilized in automotive transmissions, industrial machinery, and aerospace applications due to their versatility, durability, and ability to handle high torque loads effectively. Understanding the dynamics and applications of planetary gear sets is crucial for engineers and designers seeking optimal performance and efficiency in their mechanical systems.
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smddrives111 · 6 days
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Planetary Speed Reducer with Shaft-Style Output
This Planetary Speed Reducer has a shaft-style output with a durable aluminum housing. It’s fully enclosed for easy installation and motor compatibility, offering high torque, low inertia, and a long shaft design ideal for rack-driven systems.
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emmbros · 9 days
Planet Carrier Design and Its Impact on Gearbox Performance
The function of a planet carrier is crucial in the field of mechanical engineering, particularly in planetary gear systems. In order to maintain the planetary gears, guarantee flawless operation, and increase the gearbox's efficiency. Knowing the importance of design is crucial, regardless of whether you're shopping for agricultural spare parts or examining automotive products in Baddi.
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Define planet carrier
A planetary gear system's planet carrier is a crucial part that holds the planet gears, which revolve around the sun gear. The gearbox's longevity, strength, and efficiency are all directly impacted by its design. High-performance transmission systems are essential in several industries, including as automotive and agricultural machinery.
The Significance of Planet Carrier Architecture
Manufacturers of planetary gearboxes claim that the gearbox's overall performance is dependent on the planet carrier's design. Some of the primary design factors are as follows:
Distribution of Load: To avoid any one gear experiencing undue stress, the planet carrier must divide the load equally among the planet gears. The gearbox and the machinery will last longer with a well-designed carrier.
Material Selection: In heavy-duty applications in particular, selecting the appropriate material for the planet carrier is crucial. High-strength alloys are frequently chosen by manufacturers to guarantee longevity and enduring performance.
Precision in Production: The sun gear, planet gears, and ring gear must all interact with one another smoothly thanks to exact design. The efficiency of the gearbox is increased by precision production, which guarantees low wear and friction.
Effect on the Performance of the Gearbox
The smooth operation of the entire planetary gearbox is ensured by a well-designed planet carrier. This is how gearbox performance is affected:
Enhanced Efficiency: The globe carrier reduces power losses in the gearbox by effectively dispersing the load. Car products function more smoothly and use less gasoline as a result of this.
Durability: A sturdy planet carrier design lengthens the gearbox's lifespan, which is crucial in sectors like agriculture and the automobile where equipment must function in harsh conditions.
Decreased Maintenance: The globe carrier's superior materials and ideal load distribution lessen gear wear and tear, which saves maintenance expenses.
Utilizations in the Agricultural and Automotive Industries
Businesses in areas like Baddi, where there is a large need for agricultural and automotive spare parts, rely on sophisticated planetary gear systems for their machinery. Planet carriers are an essential part of these systems, and companies such as Emmbros Autocomp Ltd. are vital to providing high-performing solutions.
Your equipment's performance and dependability will be directly impacted by the planet carrier's design and quality, whether you need high-efficiency gears for your car or sturdy parts for your tractor.
Why Go with Emmbros?
Planet carriers that are designed and produced to the highest industry standards are our specialty at Emmbros. Our products are frequently utilized in agricultural and automotive gear, especially in places like Baddi where performance and dependability are essential. Our group is dedicated to meeting all of your gearbox demands with long-lasting, effective, and affordable solutions.
In summary
To guarantee a planetary gearbox operates at its best, the planet carrier's design is crucial. The longevity, durability, and effectiveness of your gear system can all be considerably increased with the correct design, components, and manufacturing techniques. Choosing the appropriate planet carrier might be crucial for anyone operating agricultural spare parts in Baddi or working in the automotive industry. Emmbros is pleased to provide premium products that cater to your specific needs.
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nehachoudhar1 · 14 days
Understanding Geared Motors and Planetary Gear Motors: Insights from TopGear Transmission
In the world of mechanical engineering and automation, geared motors play a pivotal role in driving machinery and equipment efficiently. Among the various types of geared motors available, planetary gear motors stand out due to their exceptional performance and compact design. TopGear Transmission, a leading manufacturer in the industry, is at the forefront of delivering high-quality geared solutions tailored to meet diverse needs. This blog explores the essentials of geared motors and planetary gear motors, highlighting why TopGear Transmission is your go-to source for these advanced solutions.
What Are Geared Motors?
Geared motors are integral components used to convert electrical energy into mechanical energy, delivering controlled motion and torque to various applications. They combine a motor with a gearbox to adjust the speed and torque output. The primary purpose of a geared motor is to provide a precise and reliable drive system for machinery, ranging from conveyor belts and industrial robots to automotive systems and home appliances.
Key Benefits of Geared Motors:
Enhanced Torque Output: Geared motors can deliver higher torque at lower speeds, making them suitable for heavy-duty applications.
Speed Control: They offer precise speed control, which is essential for applications requiring specific operational speeds.
Compact Design: The integration of the motor and gearbox results in a compact and space-efficient design.
What Are Planetary Gear Motors?
Planetary gear motors, a subtype of geared motors, feature a unique gear system designed for high efficiency and durability. They consist of a central sun gear, multiple planet gears, and an outer ring gear. This configuration allows for a compact design while delivering high torque and smooth operation. The planetary gear system is renowned for its ability to handle high loads and provide consistent performance.
Advantages of Planetary Gear Motors:
High Torque Density: The planetary gear design distributes load evenly across multiple gears, resulting in higher torque capacity in a compact form.
Precision and Reliability: These gear motors provide accurate positioning and stable operation, making them ideal for precision applications.
Durability: The even distribution of load reduces wear and tear, enhancing the lifespan of the gear motor.
Why Choose TopGear Transmission?
TopGear Transmission stands out in the market for its commitment to delivering superior geared motor solutions. As a leading manufacturer, TopGear Transmission is dedicated to providing products that meet the highest standards of quality and performance.
What Sets TopGear Transmission Apart?
Innovative Technology: TopGear Transmission employs cutting-edge technology to design and manufacture geared motors that meet the evolving needs of various industries.
Customization Options: Understanding that different applications have unique requirements, TopGear Transmission offers customizable solutions to ensure optimal performance.
Expertise and Support: With years of industry experience, TopGear Transmission provides expert support and guidance to help clients select and implement the best geared motor solutions for their needs.
Applications of Geared Motors and Planetary Gear Motors
Geared motors and planetary gear motors find applications across a wide range of industries:
Manufacturing: Used in conveyor systems, robotic arms, and automated machinery.
Automotive: Essential for drive systems, power windows, and other automotive components.
Aerospace: Applied in actuators and other critical systems requiring precise control.
Consumer Goods: Found in appliances such as washing machines and electric tools.
Geared motors and planetary gear motors are crucial components in modern machinery and automation, offering enhanced performance, precision, and durability. TopGear Transmission, with its extensive expertise and commitment to quality, provides industry-leading solutions that cater to diverse applications. Whether you're looking for a high-torque planetary gear motor or a reliable geared motor, TopGear Transmission ensures you receive products that exceed expectations.
Visit us https://topgeartransmission.com/products/planetary-geared-motors/ 
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