#planned to do more Thominho things on this post but eh
star--anon · 9 months
Minho's ears turn red when he's embarrassed or flustered. Or just when too many people look at him.
He likes to flaunt this boyish, carefree, cocky personality, but his ears never lie.
Everyone collectively agreed not to tell him. Minho could never understand why sometimes, during an argument or a Meeting, the Gladers would smirk and giggle.
It was the longest kept secret throughout the Glade, only getting out when Alby told him to "shut up and stop acting like you're so confident when your ears are redder than the roses Zart grows" during a Keeper Meeting
For a brief time, Minho actually grew his hair out just to cover his ears. But it kept getting in his eyes when he ran, so he eventually cut it and went back to his usual style.
Newt calls his ears his tail - same way a dog tail wags when it's excited, his ears go bright red when more than 3 people look at him
It went on like that until one day, during a meeting, Newt (Alby was busy chasing down a cow with Winston and Newt was his stand-in) told Minho to, "Shut up, you shuck puppy."
They got in a bit of a fistfight, and Minho landed a solid punch to Newt's shoulder, but by that point it was too late.
Puppy became the only thing Gladers would call Minho for about two weeks (until Minho punched someone square in the face for it). It's still the only thing you can say to Minho where he won't have anything smart or snarky to quip back with. His ears just go red and he looks away.
(Newt teaches it to Thomas once they get to Safe Haven)
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