#plastic pands
fernadoabdl · 21 days
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Today’s disabled character of the day is Andrew Bart Testaburger (Captain Bart) from the Playmobil universe, who is visually impaired
Requested by Anon
[Image Description: Plastic figure of a man holding white rope and silver sword in his left hand. He has brown hair and hair brown peach fuzz. He is wearing red coat, gold shoulder pand, golden sash across his chest, white pants, white undershirt, black boots, brown socks, and black bicorne hat with blue feather. The hat has a skull and cross bones printed on the front. His left eye is cover by a black eye patch and his right eye is brown.]
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rotterdamvanalles · 18 days
Portret van meneer Hipke, poppendokter, in zijn winkel aan de Jonker Fransstraat, 11 augustus 1972.
Uit het Vrije Volk van 10 januari 1983:
(Van een onzer verslaggevers) ROTTERDAM — De laatste Poppendokterwinkel van het Rijnmondgebied staat op het punt te verdwijnen. De broers Hans en Coen Janmaat hebben hun pand op de hoek van West- Kruiskade en Van Speijkstraat te koop aangeboden. Ze willen in een ander deel van Rotterdam een nieuwe zaak beginnen in luxe en huishoudelijke artikelen. Ongeveer zeventig jaar is De Poppendokter een begrip geweest voor bewoners van het gebied langs de Nieuwe Maas. In verschillende wijken van Rotterdam, in Schiedam en in Vlaardingen stonden winkels met die naam.
De Maassluizer J. C. van Hartingsveldt heeft onlangs vastgesteld, dat hierbij geen sprake is van een groot concern met filialen. Toch waren het allemaal zaken waar speelgoed, snuisterijen en huishoudelijke artikelen te krijgen waren. Ook leverden zij onderdelen van poppen en repareerden ze poppen met porseleinen of schildpadleren hoofden.
Coen Janmaat (54) vertelt dat daarop de naam Poppendokter duidt. „Die tijd van het herstellen van poppen is echter al lang voorbij. Er zijn geen onderdelen meer te krijgen van poppen. Ook zijn er vrijwel geen poppen meer als vroeger, met elastiekjes. Tegenwoordig is alles van plastic."
Op de winkel, die hij thans nog samen met zijn een jaar oudere broer Hans drijft, staat nog wel — zij het onopvallend — de naam De Poppendokter vermeld. Het repareren van poppen is allang verleden tijd. "Lang hebben we nog voor de enkeling die met een te repareren pop in onze winkel kwam de opdracht doorgespeeld naar de heer Hipke, maar die is inmiddels overleden. Volgens mij is er nu niemand meer die poppen repareert," aldus Janmaat. Uit het onderzoekje van de heer Van Hartingsveldt blijkt, dat Jacob Hipke de laatste eigenaar was van De Poppendokter, die aan de Jonker Fransstraat was gevestigd. Sloop maakte in 1972 een einde aan het bestaan van deze winkel, waarin sinds 1902 naast speelgoed, lederwaren, parfumerieën, souvenirs en kerstboomversiering verkocht werd.
De fotograaf is Lex de Herder en de foto komt uit het Stadsarchief Rotterdam. De informatie komt via delpher.nl uit het Vrije Volk van 11 augustus 1972.
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regioonlineofficial · 7 months
Tijdens een controle bij een bedrijfspand aan de Industrieweg in Assendelft is afgelopen vrijdag ruim 3,5 kilo hennep aangetroffen. Het pand is per direct gesloten voor zes maanden. Het gecontroleerde adres was in beeld gekomen naar aanleiding van een tweetal drugsdumpingen. Vervolgens is de gemeente, samen met de wijkagent, in het gebouw geweest. Daar werd een ruimte waarin een ‘oude’ hennepkwekerij had gestaan gevonden. In die ruimte lag verdeeld over drie grote plastic zakken in totaal 3569 gram hennepgruis. Sluiting om pand uit drugscircuit te halen Zaanstad heeft een streng sluitingsbeleid in de strijd tegen ondermijnende drugscriminaliteit. Dat betekent dat niet alleen bedrijfspanden maar ook woningen worden gesloten waar drugs wordt aangetroffen. De tijdelijke sluiting is niet alleen bedoeld om een einde te maken aan overlast en brandgevaar, maar ook om de aanloop van drugsgebruikers en criminelen te stoppen. Melding maken via de politie of Meld Misdaad Anoniem Melding maken van (vermoedens) van een hennepkwekerij of drugshandel kan bij de politie (0900-8844). Anoniem melden kan via Meld Misdaad Anoniem. Zij zijn zeven dagen per week bereikbaar via 0800-7000. Anoniem melden kan ook via het online formulier: www.meldmisdaadanoniem.nl/melden/
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eddie-marie · 2 years
Proyecto 2: Chindogu- PAND-EYES
Title of work: Pand-eyes
2 word prompts: Panda + Goggles
Size of work: max. (23 x 16) cm
Artist Statement:
I wanted to ensure I achieved the concept of Chindogu. but first, i looked into both contextual and visual ideas surrounding pandas and goggles- especially features that they both relate to.
I ended up finalising the idea:
Problem: cannot see through dense forestation- especially for observational research ( inspired by how Pandas' eyes have adapted to their environment which is usually in dense forestation)
Solution: goggles that help adapt to light intensity for your eyes
Inconvenience: It is incredibly heavy and so complicated in its set up (i really liked the aesthetic over function idea, especially in what you see in a lot of steampunk concepts)
Key visual Inspiration:
steampunk goggles
bamboo (texture and panelling)
snow goggles ( also helps with light intensity in different environments)
The black patches around the panda's eyes
wish I could've done more impressive mechanisms
wish it resembled more of a panda (the nose bridge feels more like a beak than a snout when in 3d- really struggled to figure out a dome shape with cardboard that would work along the shape of the lenses
I was able to implement a lot of experimentation (different forms of binding, materials, shaping and interactivity)
> "Magnifying" Lense--> acetate plastic, card, superglue, double-sided tape, toilet roll, corrugated carboard, brown sewing thread
a loose, dangling joint- can sit sideways on top of the goggles- would have to hand hold to align to the main eye-hole
> "Scope" Lense--> acetate plastic, superglue, glass paint, pins, stirrers, styrofoam, corrugated cardboard, toilet roll, black ink
using a linkage mechanism- adjustable by hand by moving arms.
> "Light intensity" Lense--> card, black ink, styrofoam, pin
Sliding mechanism along the eye-piece and rotate 90 or 180 degrees to mimic a vertical or horizontal slit eye-whole
Would've been cool to at least have light intensity apply to both sides and to have a fourth mechanism like a mechanical iris.
A lot of my ideas of lenses were made as I went along- i need to be able to finalise more of my ideas beforehand.
I could've been more cautious of precise measurements since some mechanisms or pieces like the nose bridge get in the way or sit awkwardly together
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abellaheart-blog · 2 years
“Love You Inside and Out”(Overweight Yugi x Reader) 🔞NSFW
Summary: Yugi struggles with his weight problems and it’s up to you help him realize his body is still perfect.
Warning: Mentions of weight problems, Eventual sexual content. Ages 18+
Word Count: 4.4k
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“How many times have I been to this burger place..? Too many to count.. I'm pathetic. All this eating.. How did it get this far? It's every week now. I eat out at a fast food joint and can't stop. It's not helping my weight problem but does it stop me...? No. I'm unable to stop now. It makes me feel worse stopping. It makes me feel worse wondering how she would react seeing my poor eating habits. Would she be disgusted? Leave me? Of course she would leave me.. I'm a liar. No matter how I look at it I lied to her. For a long time too. It's gotten worse lately. It's hard eating around her. I can't go to a restaurant with her. How did I get someone so perfect to become my girlfriend? She could honestly do better. It's nights like these where my darkest thoughts appear. I decide to walk home today. My tears never burned more than they have today. Watching happy couples as I walk lonesomely wondering how long until the day she ends up leaving me because I'm fat and disgusting.”
Yugi ended up crying himself to sleep that night. He couldn't look at his closet. Not when there are clothes in there you've bought him. Not one in the correct size. This isn't the first time Yugi has done this. He's often felt bad about himself ever since his old clothes no longer fit him. He has always been skinny his entire life but now it's no longer the case. He hides a big stash of his clothing he truly wears in large bins hidden in his closet. Yugi isn't one to over react. To put it bluntly he's over weight. He has done everything he can to prevent you from knowing the truth. 
He woke up early shutting off his alarm clock. His morning routine is awfully lengthy. He begins with his makeup routine. Anything to create a thinner look for his facial structure. Eyeliner, foundation, bronzer. He does it all including on his neck. Almost all his wardrobe is black since he's read it makes him appear more slimming. Lastly and notably more tiresome was his biggest secret to his morning routine. He slipped it out from the back of his closet with a long sigh. He thought he would be used to it by now but with everyday he placed it on his body the more he became ashamed of himself. Wrapping it around his belly the girdle restricts all the fat he loathes to look at. How could such a garment hurt so much? The fabric beige in color tightening harder with every bit of effort he took to hide himself with. He didn't care how hard it was to breath as he was too distracted with tucking every roll of fat inside. After a gruesome twenty minutes of stress he was finally done. He sighed putting on the finishing touch in order to constrict his thick thighs. He brought out a plastic sauna wrap from his desk. An infomercial product promising a slimmer body by wrapping a plastic wrap around arms, legs, and waist. Yugi used it for his thighs. It's a clear pink wrapping he fixed snuggly around his thighs. He slipped on a pair of spandex slimming shorts over his legs. As much as it pained him he didn't care. He proceeded to grab the clothes from his wardrobe you've bought him. It was a perfect fit. All he needs to do is focus on his breathing and sitting posture. He sighed before heading to his kitchen for some toast. Finally ready for the day he left his apartment heading to your place. You also live in an apartment but you live far from Yugi. About a twenty-five minute drive. You both have dated since high school but never have you suspected any of his weight gain. He did everything he could to conceal the truth. 
You two planned a date at your place. A new video game came out. A fantasy rpg filled with bright colors and cute characters. You bought a copy wanting to play it with him. Yugi was eager to play it as well. Upon arriving you greet him with a hug and kiss.
"I missed you panda!"
"I missed you too, cutie." He hugs back tightly since he missed you.
Due to conflicting work schedules it's been a good two weeks without each other. You pulled him to the couch not wanting to wait any longer. You have your console set up including the controllers. Yugi laughed grabbing a control from the coffee table. He ignored the pain sitting as casually as he could. Yugi was the happiest he's been. The game was truly fun playing with you. Multiplayer games are always enjoyable to him. He didn't want to snack on the bag of popcorn you brought. You never pressed him to eat since you figured he didn't have a big appetite. You believed your Yugi to be the skinny young man he has always been. This was the reason you bought him clothing meant for a skinny Minnie. 
You have a special surprise for him. You found clothing you had a feeling would fit him perfectly. Several button up tops and skinny jeans. Upon bringing them out to him you had no idea how much damage it was doing to him inside. He is used to hiding these feelings. He simply smiled and gave your cheek a kiss. 
"If only I could tell her."
Yugi went out for donuts tonight he wasn't up for eating dinner. He sighed eating the twelve dozen box at his dining table. Not wanting to think about how many donuts he ate he looked through his stack of mail. One caught his interest it was an invitation. Upon opening it he found that it's for a party welcoming pro duelists. He was happy at first until realizing he would have to wear a formal suit. The party is put together by Pegasus so of course he chose a classy theme. Yugi went to his closet. He already felt awful inside from being constricted by his girdle and the one dozen donuts in his full belly. He remembered you picked out a suit for him. You knew he didn't own anything formal so you took it upon yourself to buy it for him when you found one on sale. It's a purple tux with a red tie. He could easily pair it with his choker. He decides to change into the clothes you bought him but unfortunately one of the tiny sleeves rip. He looked into his stand up mirror in tears. He sunk to his knees feeling pathetic. He covered his eyes with his arm unable to look at himself. 
"How will I make it through the party? I know she will want to go. I can't be rude to Pegasus and decline his invite."
Yugi threw away the purple top you bought him since it's unwearable now. He removes his girdle and other means of hiding his weight. He slipped on his pajamas crying himself to sleep. The next morning he woke to the noise of his cell phone ringing. He answered hearing your lovely voice. 
"Morning Yugi! Have you heard about the big party Pegasus is holding? It's all over social media! Are we going?"
Yugi gulped.
"Yes we're going. He sent me an invite. It's on Friday. I think Joey and the others may have been invited too."
"Great! I can't wait to go!"
"Me too kitty.." He said in a light voice.
"Sorry did I wake you?" You said noting his groggy voice.
"It's okay! I don't mind waking up to your voice."
"Aww panda..." 
Yugi felt his cheeks blushing imagining your bashful smile. 
"Anyways I better get breakfast prepared. Maybe come over if you're free?"
"Sounds great kitten."
"Bye panda." You hung up to prepare your favorite breakfast meal. 
You sighed after the phone call ended. He wasn't sure how to feel. His morning routine made him feel empty. He didn't want to eat breakfast since he was disgusted with the box of donuts he ate the night before. He fixed his hair as usual then wore something more comfortable out of the wardrobe you picked for him. He didn't bother going back for his choker now that he was already in the car. He was grateful he did all his contouring on his neck. The drive on the way to your place felt so boring he didn't bother playing music since he had a lot on his mind.
You and your adorable boyfriend continued playing video games and planned for the night of the party. Yugi would pick you up before the party would begin since he's on the VIP list. You weren't sure what dress to pick but you knew it would have to be something long. You wanted to make sure you dressed nicely for your dear Yugi. You always loved his reactions whenever he saw you in a more elegant look. You smiled at the thought. Yugi would hope he could outlast the party. He never felt comfortable going out since he always tried hiding his secret from everyone. No one knew about it. His worries would last the rest of the week up until the day finally arrived. He is on his way to pick you up. He was prepared for the party being sure to have backups or wipes for sweat in his cars trunk.
He wears the tight fitting purple suit. Yugi felt as though this party brought the worst in his fears. He doesn't want to be surrounded by others who could possibly notice his weight. It's hard enough hiding it in regular clothes much less in his suit. He adjusted his tie since it felt tighter for some reason. As happy as he was finding you to be drop dead gorgeous in your dress he wasn't enjoying the idea of the party like you. You looked out the window eager for what would get to come.
"Yugi! Yugi! Look! All the lights! Oh and the celebrities! I bet it will be beautiful!"
"Of course kitty! It will be fun."
"Do you think we will duel?"
"I sure hope so." He smiled nervously.
Arriving to the party early was incredibly long. So many celebrities Pegasus invited arrived. There was a lot on the VIP list. The whole event took place at his mansion. His background to be more precise. He had it set up so there was red carpet and several magazine publishers to duelist weekly. You have your arm wrapped around Yugi's as you arrived. Pegasus later greeted Yugi before he became crowded with different people asking him questions. Being king of games gave him a lot of publicity. 
"Yugi boy! I see you have your girlfriend with you! Why don't you two come with me? I must show you the dueling stages!" Pegasus grabbed both you and Yugi by the arms leading you.
You giggled at the tall male. Yugi was already used to Pegasus. He couldn't deny how impressed he was by the new stages he had set up for matches. They're colorfully lit as well as the duel disks. They're set on table ready for a fun duel. He had Yugi bring out his deck to test the new equipment.
"Go ahead summon a duel monster." Pegasus politely commands.
"Sure." Yugi smiled summoning his dark magician.
"Whoa!" You said with stars in your eyes from the brand new appearance. The technology is advanced making for the duel monster to appear better than ever. 
Many duelists nearby are also impressed. Pegasus smirked grabbing a drink from a waiter. You decide you want to be your boyfriends first opponent before someone challenges him. He beat you of course but it was still fun playing against him. Yugi didn't want to be stuck dueling so he left with you to meet up with the others. He missed his friends. Pegasus understood and decides to fill in for Yugi. He dueled a couple of willing duelists. 
"If it ain't the king of games himself! How's it going Yug!" Joey ran toward his buddy hugging him like a goofball.
Anzu and Tristan laughed. Mai walks up to the group with a wine glass in hand. She's greeting the others with a small smile on her red lips. 
"I was wondering where the 'in crowd' was." She caught everyone's attention.
"MAI!" Everyone cheered crowding around her. She enjoyed the friendly greeting.
"Look the whole gang is back together." Mai said.
"You look beautiful!" Anzu chimed.
Mai wore a golden dress with two straps tied behind her neck. It has a v cut in the front with the skirt of the dress long in length. Her black pumps are peaking out from under her dress. Lastly her hair is done in a bun with her front bangs sticking out from the sides. 
"Thank you." She mused. "I see everyone dressed nicely too. Even you Joey. I thought you'd come wearing a t-shirt and jeans."
"Very funny Mai." Joey sighed with a smile.
"And look at you Yugi! I barely recognize you." Mai compliments causing Yugi to blush.
"Yeah Yug even grew!" Joey laughed patting his best friend's head.
Yugi pouts while everyone giggled. Everyone sat at the same table catching up. Stories from high school to recent dueling events. It was nice because not everyone was able to see each other a lot. Anzu was in town for a week since it's her mother's birthday. Mai and Joey are pro duelists so they travel the world. Tristan is busy working as a mechanic. Then there's you and Yugi busy with your own dream jobs. Yugi works on making games of all kinds with Kaiba Corp. It felt like the good old times. Unfortunately you noticed Yugi acting weirdly four hours into the party. He seemed more quiet and tired. You're not sure what could be bothering him. He kept telling you he was fine. 
Yugi enjoyed catching up with his friends in person but his belly was in pain and his thighs are tired. The girdle doesn't help with his breathing. The spandex slimming shorts with the the plastic wrap around his thighs underneath create more discomfort. He wasn't sure what was wrong. 
"Could it be I gained more..?" He thought in realization. 
He was in the restroom trying to breath more properly since he needed a mini break. He adjusted the girdle before putting his top back on. He sighed as he headed toward the table. Someone interrupts him. It was a fan. A young boy wanting an autograph. Yugi smiled and had light chat with his little fan. It always cheered him up meeting a fan. A waiter with a plate of appetizers came by offering one to Yugi. Not being able to resist he grabbed the tiny delectable eating it promptly.
"Delicious." He then decides he needs water so he serves himself a glass of water. 
At the table was a huge set up of drinks and food. It's a red tablecloth with the large table at the center in the entire building. He appreciated the refreshment throwing away the clear plastic cup. He realized something terrible when he heard something snap. How would he avoid getting scene now?! He panicked until he realized all hope isn't lost. He could pretend to have stomach problems and run to the restroom. Exactly what he did but by the time he was halfway there it was too late. The girdle was too small so eventually it snapped at the wrong place at the wrong time...
Everyone witnessed Yugi at such a bad state. He was frozen with shock. All he could hear was the tears from his clothing. Shreds of fabric left his torso while the girdle flew from his body. Out from his belt is his belly he felt would lose his relationship. He felt he lost more once everyone's eyes looked at him. Most of the crowd began laughing at such a sight. For those who had a heart they looked at the king of games feeling bad while others were surprised and simply stayed quiet. People began taking pictures which made you upset. The gang was surprised to see their spiky haired friend in such a state. Mai and others were about to go defend him when Joey grabbed their arms. The two girls look over to him while he shakes his head. Tristan was confused so he paused too.
"Don't worry she's got this." The blonde said referring to you.
You're marching right up to Yugi who is on his knees in tears. You're angered by everyone laughing at your beloved boyfriend. Sure you never had any idea of his true appearance but it didn't matter to you. You kneel in front of him looking at him directly in the eyes. You wipe his tears.
"Yugi.. look at me." You gently said.
"I.. I.." Yugi tried talking between his crying. "I'm not good enough for you I understand if you want to leave me.. I'm so sorry for not telling you sooner."
Standing up with your head held up high you shock both your boyfriend and the audience. You remove your false lashes and throw them on the ground.
"I don't have luscious long lashes..."
You then reach into your hair removing all your hair extensions and throw them next Yugi. A small pile of long hair shocked him. He never expected your lashes or hair to not be your own. He could only stare while his tears stopped flowing down his face. He noticed how thin and short your hair truly is. 
"My hair isn't long nor thick. I barely have enough hair as it is.. and."
You reach into your chest removing your two silicone bra pads that secretly lay in front of your breasts. Your chest is immediately flattened like a pancake. You throw the two humiliating bra stuffers on the ground. They match your skin tone.
"I don't have the perfect chest. I'm flat and they sag. Get over it. I'm not perfect and neither is my boyfriend. If you're going to laugh, laugh at me. I'm the one being fake. Not my Yugi so leave him alone." You said loud enough for all the hear. 
Yugi had no idea you used so many means of beauty products to hide your looks. The girls in the audience knew they're each self cautious about something in their appearance so they stayed quiet. Mai and Anzu already knew you were hiding the truth about your hair and boobs. They smiled while Anzu wipes her tears of joy watching you help Yugi off the ground. You ignored some of the cruel comments as you took Yugi's hand. Some applaud you while others laugh at your exposed secrets. You looked over to the group with a wink to ease their worry. You wanted to privately talk with Yugi. Joey and Tristan were still in a state of shock while Mai and Anzu sat at the table talking as if nothing happened.
You led Yugi outside in the gardens. Somewhere secluded where no one would see you two. You're both standing in front of large rose bushes. The grass is healthy and the stone wall preventing anyone outside the mansion is huge. The area is nice and private. Yugi was smiling ear to ear the entire walk. He wanted to start with an apology but you didn't let him. You pinned him to the wall smacking your lips on his. You removed his belt and the rest of his top. The shreds of expensive purple fabric fall to the ground while sounds of smooching fill the air. Yugi giving into your aggressive passions tugs at the zipper of your dress. You didn't care about the rolls you felt in your hands all you want to do is show your partner how much you love him. Yugi moaned against your lips when you pinched his nipples. He managed to get your dress to the ground. He licked his lips at your stretch marks. You smirk noting how red his face is. You unzip his pants now looking at the men's spandex shorts. You felt saddened he was so self cautious about his body. You kiss his cheek.
"You don't need this. Not ever again." You rip it right off him making him moan in shock. He was becoming really aroused by your unexpected dominance. You weren't expecting pink plastic wrap underneath. They're wrapped all over his thighs.
"Oh Yugi you don't need any of this. I love you.. all of you." You shred the pink plastic slimming wrap with your hands. 
"I love you too, kitty." He pulled you in for a breathtaking kiss. He had tears of joy leave his eyes. He gripped your boobs loving how you're now moaning against his lips. 
"Yugi, Yugi I love you...!"
“I love you too. I really want you."
You slid down his boxers gasping. He was above average. You're not sure if it's because you're in the mindset of a horny school girl at the moment or if it's the fact you're witnessing his nice package for the first time. All you know is you need him now.
"Oh my god. Fuck Yugi. Let's go to the car." 
You were only going to give him a hand job at first but this changes everything. You slip your dress back on then head to the parking lot. Yugi picks up his belongings in his arms following behind. He didn't want to wait a minute longer. You made him into a lewd mess. It's clear to him you love him and want him as he is. He's never seen you so needy. In the car you pushed him in the back seat straddling him. The poor security guards and valets saw a single car bouncing for hours..
Neither you or Yugi went back to the party that night. The others understood thinking you were both over the party. Anzu was nice enough to give you back your expensive hair extensions that were left back at the event. That wouldn't be until the day after late into the afternoon. You and your boyfriend were exhausted from your love making. Yugi never imagined a better experience for losing his virginity. It was honestly the best day of his life. He didn't care about hiding his weight now. Not with the way you admired him for so long on the car seats. He was defeated by you at his apartment too. You're a dream come true his dream girl. He was happy talking to you through the entire after math. It was a heart to heart discussion about how you're both self cautious about your imperfections. It was a romantic display of both of you admiring each other until you two fell asleep. 
You and Yugi became closer ever since. Eventually you both moved into a new place together. You two vowed to never hide anything from each other again. To make sure Yugi was healthy you changed around a lot of his eating habits. Now that Yugi wasn't hiding anything from you anymore he happily agreed to the healthier lifestyle. He knew you were doing it because you're worried about his health. A month into eating a healthy diet he felt the best he ever has in his life. He lost several pounds from it so he chose to start exercising from home. Being the supportive girlfriend you are you decide to exercise with him. You two go on runs and exercise together regularly not caring about appearances anymore. You never stuffed your bras again and you wore extensions only on a couple of occasions. Yugi made sure to show how much he loves your body the way it is as you did with his. 
Today you both exercised in your home made gym. After exercising you both sat on the gym mats tiredly. You both worked up a sweat. Catching your breath you look over yo Yugi. As he laid down you got a good peak at his exposed legs and bulge. Loving the red tiny pair of gym shorts he's wearing you decide to pin Yugi down. He smiled up at you mischievously. 
"My kitty is being naughty again." He said huskily.
"For this handsome man beneath me I always am." You cooed lifting his white t-shirt with a finger. 
Exposing Yugi's sweaty torso made you practically drool. He may be skinny and slightly muscular now but it made no difference to you. It's a bonus. You'll always love him for who he is. You then bit your lip sliding down his shorts. His black boxers expose his bulge. You hummed in approval then slid your hand in his underwear. He grunted at your soft hand wrapping around him. He could hardly move with your weight sitting on top of him and your rough strokes underneath his shorts.
"Please... kitty. I'll be good this time."
"Oh no you don't. I won't fall for that again. Last time you were like a hormonal tiger."
"I didn't hear you complain- aaauugh!!"
"I'll have to teach you a lesson. Maybe break you in half skinny boy." You tugged at him rubbing his tip with a sinister finger.
"Oh... fuck, kitten!"
You continue rubbing him down then cover his moan with a sloppy kiss. He pulled you into his arms kissing back.
"Oh kitty I love you. You're so good to me...!"
"I am Yugi..!" You pant with his hand wandering into your own gym shorts.
"Say you love me..! Say it. I need you to." Yugi moaned while adding more fingers that made you quiver.
"Oh..! I love you Yugi..!" You closed your eyes in pleasure.
He knew exactly how to get you to say what he wants. This wasn't the first time you and Yugi got down and dirty after exercising. He has an incredibly perverted side he only shows you. It's times like these he feels grateful to you because you truly love him. You take care of him and prove your love in many different ways. You both became obsessed with each other in the best ways possible. Imperfections and all.
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zippityzero · 2 years
Number 15: Burger king foot lettuce. The last thing you'd want in your Burger King burger is someone's foot fungus. But as it turns out, that might be what you get. A 4channer uploaded a photo anonymously to the site showcasing his feet in a plastic bin of lettuce. With the statement: "This is the lettuce you eat at Burger King." Admittedly, he had shoes on.
But that's even worse.
The post went live at 11:38 PM on July 16, and a mere 20 minutes later, the Burger King in question was alerted to the rogue employee. At least, I hope he's rogue. How did it happen? Well, the BK employee hadn't removed the Exif data from the uploaded photo, which suggested the culprit was somewhere in Mayfield Heights, Ohio. This was at 11:47. Three minutes later at 11:50, the Burger King branch address was posted with wishes of happy unemployment. 5 minutes later, the news station was contacted by another 4channer. And three minutes later, at 11:58, a link was posted: BK's "Tell us about us" online forum. The foot photo, otherwise known as exhibit A, was attached. Cleveland Scene Magazine contacted the BK in question the next day. When questioned, the breakfast shift manager said "Oh, I know who that is. He's getting fired." Mystery solved, by 4chan. Now we can all go back to eating our fast food in peace.
it had been so long since i last had to see this
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subwalls · 3 years
WHUMPTOBER 2021 - 10/30
No. 10 - OOPS, I DID IT AGAIN hospital | flare-up | ice chips
Also available on AO3!
Tubbo sits on the edge of the hospital bed containing the man who both rebuilt and razed his home (and threatened to kill him, too—but many people have done that) and says, “Hey, Dream.”
Dream, bound in so many bandages that any kind of physical restraint would’ve seemed like overkill, lifts his eyes to Tubbo. “Hi,” he croaks, his voice rasping out of his horribly mangled throat. Only some of those injuries come from the potion overdose. The rest comes from the hand-shaped bruises latticing his neck like a gruesome noose. “Are you… here to kill me?” 
“I’m still thinking about it,” Tubbo says honestly. It probably wouldn’t stick, not while they’re in the safe haven of Noxcrew’s oversight, but it’s tempting nonetheless. He looks down at the cup of ice chips that was shoved into his hands at some point, brows furrowed. He vaguely remembers someone telling him it was okay to give the patient one, if he wanted to. “Are you going to kill me?”
In his peripheral, he sees Dream close his eyes. A long, labored inhale drags in through his teeth. “I’m still… still thinking about it,” he says, between breaths.
Tubbo wonders what else he’s thinking of. For the first time in months, he can read clearly the exhaustion on Dream’s face. The pain, the cracked resolve, the bitter embers of defeat.
He can read the lack of regret just as easily.
“Do you still think it was worth it?” 
“Yes,” is Dream’s immediate response. His fingers twitch, closing into a fist—Tubbo’s heart jackhammers up to a dizzying pace in his chest, nearly strangling him with remembered panic, and he doesn’t even register sliding off the bed and shifting into a more defensive position until he bumps into one of the plastic chairs someone left pushed up against the bed—but Dream is wounded and broken and still, too weak to even rip out the IV in his wrist. 
Tubbo has had months to force himself to move on.
(Dream has had months to marinate in the consequences of his actions. They stain his skin in blood and scabs, unhealed, infected, a thousand ailments without a cure.)
Tubbo sits in the uncomfortable plastic chair, hand tightening on the plastic cup. The ice might’ve been meant for Dream, but it’s Tubbo’s now. He takes out a piece and crunches it between his teeth, loudly, to break the oppressive silence. 
“I liked L’Manburg,” Tubbo says when the crunch gets no response, just to see the utter loathing flicker across Dream’s expression. It’s a terrifying look on him, but a familiar one. Better than the pain. And it keeps Tubbo feeling… like this is right. This is better. “I’m not—that doesn’t mean I’m stupid. I know how I was recruited.”
“Do you?” Dream murmurs, and turns his head away from where Tubbo is seated beside the bed. Everything in his slumped posture displays a sense of giving up, like he had when almost the whole server came pouring through that portal. It’s a weird look on him, and one that should make Tubbo feel good and strong. “Pand… Sapnap didn’t even know… how he ended up enforcing a… a rule that doesn’t exist.”
No stealing, no griefing, no going to the End. Not once had there been a ban on potion-making or cleric brewery. Tubbo had been given a light tap on the wrist, once, for trying to abuse the peculiarities of the world for his own benefit, but nobody had ever been scolded for potions.
Tubbo remembers Tommy echoing Wilbur’s claims, that they were oppressed and lesser because they weren’t allowed to craft potions. He remembers playing along to something—it’s a blurry memory now, but he thinks, he thinks… 
“I think it was fun,” Tubbo says. “It didn’t make sense, but we let it happen anyway, because it was fun.” He remembers it clearly: the taste of rebellion, of independence, was so sweet in the summer heat. Wilbur’s need to make something his own, to make a story, was infectious. Even if it meant carving out the server’s peace and replacing it with dynamite and short fuses. Especially if it meant they could prove themselves greater than even the admin, than even the people who came before. 
They didn’t know yet, the way that Philza always had, that Wilbur loves to destroy what he creates, loves more to see it burn and than to watch it flourish. 
“Fun,” Dream echoes, muffled by the pillow. He makes a sound that might have been a laugh, but it shakes his frame like a sob, and he twists his fingers into the sheets. Tubbo surreptitiously scoots his chair a few centimeters away. “Yeah. It was… fun. Hunting my friends. Losing my family.”
Tubbo says, “That’s your fault.” It comes off more defensive than he means it to.
Dream says nothing.
“You know it’s your fault. And,” Tubbo says, picking up steam, “you know you’re just going to do it again. Because you’re awful, and you do awful things, and you know it’s awful but you do it anyway.”
“To bring my server together again,” Dream says, hoarse but level, “I would have done anything.” 
What he means: I would have done worse.
Tubbo doesn’t flinch. He feels the plastic cup crumple up in his hand a little, sharp edges jabbing into his palm, and he says, “I hate you.”
“Okay,” Dream says, the same way he had when Tommy had called him a monster. Not with resignation, or anger, just… acceptance. Like it’s an ultimatum he’d come to terms with long ago.
Suddenly, Tubbo’s seized by another memory, of a claustrophobic box and an ally who stalled for just over two minutes before pulling the trigger anyway, the helpless acceptance that something bad must happen, and the uselessness of it all. 
Tubbo has spent countless nights with starbursts painted on the back of his eyelids, wondering why Techno hadn’t just pointed the crossbow at the others to begin with if he was going to kill them afterward, wondering if the quaver of stress in his voice was worth the life Tubbo lost to the hungry, faulty server they lived on.
So what if he hadn’t known, if none of them had really realized how broken the server was before it forbade Wilbur from respawning.
He wasn’t supposed to have been hurt.
“You didn’t have to be a monster,” bursts out of Tubbo’s chest before he can think better of it. “You didn’t have to be. This isn’t a, a fairytale story, Dream, you didn’t have to—to do what you did. You chose to. You wanted to.”
“You know what I want,” says Dream. He shifts, fabric rustling, and Tubbo’s fingers close over nothing as he thinks about his netherite axe and armor and weapons. All he has is a stupid plastic cup. “I thought it would’ve worked. It was the only thing that… that would’ve worked.”
Tubbo doesn’t believe that. He refuses to. It hadn’t worked, after all. “Why couldn’t you have just let us—”
“Ruin everything?”
“—live in peace, after,” Tubbo says. “New L’Manburg never hurt anybody, Tommy wasn’t hurting anybody.”
Dream’s eyes narrow, and there’s real anger in them, for all that it fails to translate into his body language. “The Butcher Army,” he says, very precisely, enunciating every syllable.
“That doesn’t count.”
“Doesn’t it, now,” Dream says, a facsimile of a smile on his lips. He doesn’t elaborate, but he doesn’t have to; Tubbo has long heard from Ranboo in the soft of night about Techno’s list of grievances, about emeralds filling Tubbo’s pockets and the armor filling out the resistance, about Techno’s condition of anarchy that everyone assumed could be overwritten, that Techno thought was still a conversation to be had.
Ranboo still chose Tubbo over them, despite all that. He still came home to Tubbo and Michael in Snowchester, and never so much as looked askance in his direction.
Tubbo… thinks about a burger shop, and the first time their loyalties had truly been divided. But he’d only done it because it felt right, coming to arms again, butting heads with someone over something so small. 
The Butcher Army isn’t like that. It doesn’t count. Tubbo doesn’t regret it. Can’t, because Techno had been a threat anyway, and the execution had been the only way, and besides, it hadn’t worked.
(Dream doesn’t regret it. Can’t, because Tommy had been a threat anyway, and the exile had been the only way—)
(Quackity doesn’t regret it. Can’t, because Dream had been a threat anyway, and torture—)
(Tubbo feels nauseous.)
“It doesn’t, and besides, it doesn’t have anything to do with Tommy,” Tubbo says, stiffly. 
“Good to know that George’s house is so easy for you to forget,” Dream says, low, bordering on a hiss.
“You can’t say anything about George’s feelings,” Tubbo retorts. “Everyone heard you strip him of kingship.”
“And that I don’t value my friends at all, apparently,” Dream says, rolling his eyes. Another laugh bubbles up in his throat, morphing into a coughing fit as it hits his mouth. By the time it subsides, all of that fury has been drained away, and he barely meets Tubbo’s gaze. “I left my team, and they left me, and Sapnap watched me lose two lives and told me—”
Dream cuts himself off. His breathing rattles noisily in his chest as he catches his breath. 
“It’s fine,” he says, at length. “I don’t have any attachments.”
“That’s really pitiful,” Tubbo says. Lacking loved ones and loved things isn’t a strength. It’s just sad. “And it’s not even true! You’re obsessed about attachments.”
Dream doesn’t respond, for a moment. And then he says, “You know, since I collapsed turing Parkour Tag, I wonder if I can just—”
He lifts a hand, and Tubbo moves so quickly he practically teleports to the room exit. 
Suddenly, lines of code sprawl open at Dream’s fingertips. An admin’s console flickers to life, pale letters glitching through the language of the End before settling into something legible. 
Tubbo flattens himself against the door, torn between getting the hell out of dodge and killing him before he can do whatever he’s going to do.
“Tommy was in here, earlier,” Dream says without inflection, but quickly, rushing through the words like he wants to forget them as soon as they leave his mouth. “With Scott, and Noxite, and… others.”
“I know,” Tubbo says, past the taste of iron in his mouth. It’s why he’s here at all; Tommy hadn’t told him anything at all before Philza and some of the other swept him away, fussing about one thing or another. 
“We agreed it wasn’t working. That it should end. Scott said he could set something up… some contacts.” Dream waves his hand, and Tubbo sees just a glimpse of his name—Tubbo_—before the console dissipates. “Another world. For you all. With something new. I don’t know.”
“A new start,” Dream says. He sounds tired, and also like he’s being held at arrowpoint, somehow. “A new beginning. An origin story you can control.”
“You can’t just—”
“Dream SMP is closed,” Dream says. He does turn away now, and Tubbo finds himself staring at the unfamiliar nicks in Dream’s ear.
The plastic cup hits the floor. It spills cool water over the polished tiles, but he isn’t there to watch it.
The door swings shut behind him as he leaves, closing out one story—left incomplete, but maybe for the better.
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bookplush · 3 years
panda :D (have u seen the videos of the dc pands in the snow)
i live in dc and went to the national zoo all the timeeee as a kid it was the best!! and i got this like plastic panda lunchbox as a kid once there :DDDD
also i remember i had a “family” of like 5 or 6 panda plushies as a kid because i just kept accumulating them asldkjfklsdfjsdfj the national zoo is Very proud of their pandas
i have not seen those videos but i am going to look for them now!! 👀👀👀
thank u for the ask!! ily
send me a word and i’ll tell you a fact about myself based off that word
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Articles On Home Improvement - (page 2 Of 735)
. Maintaining an in-house cleaning crew will take valuable serious amounts of resources from growing your business. Each person has its own priorities. You will be a trusted asset for the customers you service and your work will probably be much appreciated. Having a clean house is really a necessity no matter location and also the type of home you have. The wool carpets are awesome and therefore are the favorite type of many homeowners. These small bristle brushes are perfect for obtaining the crud out of small spaces. Replacing the curtain is the easiest and cheapest way to redecorate your bathroom. House cleaners in Coventry can perform the drudgery that you simply detest. Knowledgeable Of Areas. Not only are you going to save room on storage, nevertheless it will be simpler to move from room to room when you might be cleaning. If you raise chickens, you will need to wash regulary to prevent mite infestation or Red Mites. It is also helpful for killing germs round the toilet plus bathroom surfaces. NY without these firms that offer their cleaning services would wind up deteriorating faster. Here are a few tips to look for a cleaning service which suits your needs:. Every situation is different. You need articles written about your company and submitted on dozens of sites every couple months. a simple flyer using Microsoft word and print out a couple of hundred copies. Though it is known if you pay someone a good wage then they will take more pride within the job which subsequently is likely to make your business look more professional. This notion is extremely inaccurate because cleaning services are for everyone who does not have enough time to do these chores for themselves. We often just go at the identical time through one. Use a soft brush to work it into the grooves of the plastic as well as for scrubbing seat pands and umbrella fabric. You probably need to become careful when soaking nappies in the chlorine solution, as urine can give off a little ammonia, but for as long as you're not using straight chlorine bleach or too strong a solution, and also you change the solution daily, you shouldn't have any problems - this writer didn't). That's it, the simplest way to completely clean up a house. These small bristle brushes are great for getting the crud out of small spaces. Moreover, the woven surface even manages to go inside the crack and crevices of your floor, effectively pulling out all the debris. House cleaners in house cleaning perth Coventry can perform drudgery that you detest.
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To close the sale after every one of the questions happen to be asked and answered, just say "What day of the week is best for you?" When they answer, you've made an easy sale and added an invaluable customer to your list. If you raise chickens, you'll need to completely clean regulary to prevent mite infestation or Red Mites. Not only do you want to save room on storage, nevertheless it is going to be easier to move from room to room when you might be cleaning. House cleaning jobs aren't all that bad in the wedding you could possibly get good clients who keep your place clean already but just needs a tidy up every now and again. # Reward Yourself. Dish Soap: should you actually want to generate your drain region experience arranged and clear, use press containers to look your recipe soap. They offer daily, bi-weekly, weekly, or monthly services, depending on the requirement. In contrast to consumer market groups, janitorial businesses which supply a diverse array of services, which include big cleaning companies of carpet, belongs to the commercial market group. When you go to bed it will feel comfortable, cosy, friendly and should smell fabulous. Though it is well known should you pay someone a good wage then they will take more pride inside the job which consequently can make your business look more professional. A third house cleaning tip will be to stick to a schedule. Even filling a bowl with all the solution inside the appliance and turning it on for a couple of seconds will do the trick. A comprehensive directory well over 20000 House Cleaning Services across the USA including their street addresses, contact numbers and direction maps.
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fernadoabdl · 20 days
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rotterdamvanalles · 1 year
Portret van meneer Hipke, poppendokter, in zijn winkel aan de Jonker Fransstraat, 11 augustus 1972.
Uit het Vrije Volk van 10 januari 1983:
(Van een onzer verslaggevers) ROTTERDAM — De laatste Poppendokterwinkel van het Rijnmondgebied staat op het punt te verdwijnen. De broers Hans en Coen Janmaat hebben hun pand op de hoek van West- Kruiskade en Van Speijkstraat te koop aangeboden. Ze willen in een ander deel van Rotterdam een nieuwe zaak beginnen in luxe en huishoudelijke artikelen. Ongeveer zeventig jaar is De Poppendokter een begrip geweest voor bewoners van het gebied langs de Nieuwe Maas. In verschillende wijken van Rotterdam, in Schiedam en in Vlaardingen stonden winkels met die naam.
De Maassluizer J. C. van Hartingsveldt heeft onlangs vastgesteld, dat hierbij geen sprake is van een groot concern met filialen. Toch waren het allemaal zaken waar speelgoed, snuisterijen en huishoudelijke artikelen te krijgen waren. Ook leverden zij onderdelen van poppen en repareerden ze poppen met porseleinen of schildpadleren hoofden.
Coen Janmaat (54) vertelt dat daarop de naam Poppendokter duidt. „Die tijd van het herstellen van poppen is echter al lang voorbij. Er zijn geen onderdelen meer te krijgen van poppen. Ook zijn er vrijwel geen poppen meer als vroeger, met elastiekjes. Tegenwoordig is alles van plastic."
Op de winkel, die hij thans nog samen met zijn een jaar oudere broer Hans drijft, staat nog wel — zij het onopvallend — de naam De Poppendokter vermeld. Het repareren van poppen is allang verleden tijd. "Lang hebben we nog voor de enkeling die met een te repareren pop in onze winkel kwam de opdracht doorgespeeld naar de heer Hipke, maar die is inmiddels overleden. Volgens mij is er nu niemand meer die poppen repareert," aldus Janmaat. Uit het onderzoekje van de heer Van Hartingsveldt blijkt, dat Jacob Hipke de laatste eigenaar was van De Poppendokter, die aan de Jonker Fransstraat was gevestigd. Sloop maakte in 1972 een einde aan het bestaan van deze winkel, waarin sinds 1902 naast speelgoed, lederwaren, parfumerieën, souvenirs en kerstboomversiering verkocht werd.
De fotograaf is Lex de Herder en de foto komt uit het Stadsarchief Rotterdam. De informatie komt via delpher.nl uit het Vrije Volk van 11 augustus 1972.
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regioonlineofficial · 10 months
Dinsdag 18 juli trof de gemeente Middelburg onder begeleiding van een ecoloog maatregelen voor het verhuizen van vleermuizen aan het voormalige schoolgebouw aan de Churchilllaan. Na de bouwvak gaat het gebouw tegen de vlakte. Woongoed gaat hier drie nieuwe woongebouwen realiseren. Omdat vleermuizen beschermde diersoorten zijn mogen de gebouwen waarin ze zitten niet zomaar gesloopt worden. Voordat het gebouw gesloopt kan worden, moeten de diertjes dus eerst het pand verlaten hebben. Om ervoor te zorgen dat de vleermuizen een ander onderkomen zoeken, worden er zogenaamde 'exclusion flaps' (plastic flappen) aangebracht. Hierdoor kunnen de vleermuizen het gebouw nog wel verlaten, maar niet meer terug naar binnen. De flappen kunnen alleen opgehangen worden als er geen kraamkolonies meer aanwezig zijn. Een ecoloog ziet hierop toe. Vleermuizen Vleermuizen zijn nuttige dieren. Ze eten honderden tot enkele duizenden muggen en vliegjes per nacht. Het gaat niet alleen niet goed met de diersoort. Ze verliezen steeds meer leefgebied en door de afname van insecten is ook het voedselaanbod een steeds groter wordend probleem voor deze diersoorten. Sommige vleermuizen verblijven overdag vaak in gebouwen. Algemene soorten als de gewone dwergvleermuis en de laatvlieger worden regelmatig gevonden in spouwmuren, onder dakpannen of andere plekjes in gebouwen. Ze hebben maar een doorgang van 1cm nodig om binnen te komen. Onderzoek Eerder is al onderzoek gedaan naar de vleermuizen in de voormalige schoolgebouwen. Uit het onderzoek kwam onder andere naar voren dat er meerdere verblijfplaatsen van gewone dwergvleermuizen zijn gevonden. Om de verhuizing van de dieren alvast in gang te zetten, zijn een jaar geleden vleermuiskasten opgehangen. Sloop pand Sinkegroep Sloopwerken B.V. is begin juni al begonnen met de sloopwerkzaamheden binnenin het gebouw. Direct na de zomervakantie gaan zij van start met de sloop van het gebouw zelf. De sloop staat gepland van medio augustus tot uiterlijk medio oktober 2023. De exacte start van de werkzaamheden is afhankelijk van de populatie die in de te slopen gebouwen aanwezig is. Werkzaamheden en vervoersbewegingen Met de aannemer zijn afspraken gemaakt over de tijden van de sloop en de vervoersbewegingen. De werkzaamheden vinden plaats tussen 7.30 en 17.30 uur. Bij de vervoersbewegingen wordt rekening gehouden met schooltijden. Tussen 8.00 en 9.00 uur en 14.30 en 15.30 uur is bouwverkeer niet toegestaan. Op donderdag 20 juli kunnen omwonenden met vragen terecht bij medewerkers van de gemeente en de aannemer op de locatie. Zij zijn aanwezig tussen 16.00 en 18.00 uur.
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restyatikaa · 2 years
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$33.39 Only! ~ Victor Rat Traps (12 Pack ) Easy Set Snap Trap w/ Plastic X-panded Trigger M326, Rodent Control Products, Animal Rodent Control, E001 BUY HERE! #RodentControlProducts, #AnimalRodentControl, #E001,
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orangecityhospital · 2 years
TEAM OCHRI reconstructs shattered face of Policeman
TEAM OCHRI reconstructs shattered face of Policeman
One may recollect that around 2 months back, one 33-year-old police jawan was brought by Gadchiroli Police in a Critical condition to Nagpur based Orange City Hospital & Research Institute owned by Ravi Nair Hospitals Private Limited with history of accidental firearm injury on neck passing through face and head. On examination; he has Firearm Entry wound at neck which passed through internal fascial structures, tongue, palate, left orbit and exited from forehead just above the medial half of brow gruesomely shattering total face. Provisional Diagnosis was Alleged history of Firearm Injury on face with complex multiple facial fractures with Left eye injury with Head Injury. He was taken for emergency surgical management and after stabilization underwent First session of complex supra major reconstruction surgery of 8 hours. Subsequently he underwent multiple surgical sessions for facial reconstruction of soft tissue & bone. Cosmetic artificial eyeball was inserted in Left enucleated socket to restore his facial appearance. At present he is walking, speaking and doing his daily routine work schedule.
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Multidisciplinary OCHRI Surgeons TEAM namely Dr. Darshan Rewanwar- Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Palak Jaiswal Neuro Surgeon, Dr. Abhay Agashe- Ophthalmologist Dr. D. Kane- General Surgeon and Dr. Siddharth Saoji- ENT Surgeon performed varied complex surgeries. Apart from above consultants he was comprehensively treated by Dr. Rajesh Atal- Critical Care Physician, Dr. Hemant Waghmare- Physician. Dr. Nishikant Lokhande, Dr. Manish Agarwal & Dr. Saurabh Jaiswal- Radiologists, Dr. Milind Pande- Pathologist. Dr. Smita Harkare, Dr. Neeta Deshpande, Dr. Anita Pande – TEAM ANESTHESIA, Dr. Atul Dekate- Physiotherapist and Dr. Ninad Gawande- Medico-legal Consultant. 24x7 stationed specialist Intensivist Cover was provided by Dr. Mohit Gharpure, Dr. Akshay Burlawar, Dr. Suchita Naik and Dr. Rajashree Kapkar who led clinical assistants Dr. Aves Hasan, Dr. Kushal Narnawre, Dr. Nilesh Pidhekar, Dr. Akash Jaiswal and Dr. Dhananjay Chafle backed by OT, CCU and Ward nursing & paramedical TEAM. Dr. Anit Prakash- Incharge Wards and Dr. Kavita Dhurve- SMO Incharge Surgery backed them.
Shri.Udaybhaskar Nair-NAIRSONS Chairman complimented TEAM OCHRI and said that, “This gunshot victim whom at first instance all felt will not pull through has returned to routine life. No words to express the happiness on observing such realization of our hospital's mission i.e. Saving lives, Saving families.”
Recently he came for follow-up, expressed his gratitude towards TEAM OCHRI and said that, “I will be grateful to Orange City Hospital & all doctors for giving me new lease of life. This second birth of mine is only possible due to hard and dedicated work of Specialists, nursing and housekeeping staff. Dr. Darshan Rewanwar has aesthetically reconstructed my shattered face to normal and Dr. Palak Jaiswal wonderfully did my brain surgery.”
At the outset he was felicitated by Dr. Usha Nair- RNHPL Managing Director for the complete faith shown. Prominently present were Dr. Vidya Nair- RNHPL Vice Chairman, Dr. Anup Marar- OCHRI Director, Dr. Darshan Rewanwar- Plastic Surgeon Dr. Abhay Agashe- Eye Surgeon, Dr. Smita Harkare- Anesthetist, Dr. Suchita Naik- Intensivist and Dr. Noorul Ameen- Medical Superintendent, OCHRI.
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Jual Plastik Shrink ౦882_1Ϭ27_1558[WhatsApp]
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Ulasan jual plastik shrink ini bisa kami jumpai di situs laman. Laman yg diniatkan ialah situs / alamat web yg terdapat di internet. Isi ulasan bisa bermacam-macam cocok sekitar hasrat pencipta web halaman. Yg harapannya kita ulas kali berikut ini merupakan situs halaman yang memuat tulisan tentang tertentu produk. Adanya pembahasan yang dibikin harapannya berguna bagi seseorang yang menginginkannya, karena berkembang sumber data sebagai dapat digunakan bagi materi penelitian, mengerjakan tugas perguruan atau untuk memiliki wawasan serta data yg baru. Artikel ulasan dapat diakses dengan gampang oleh karenanya, oleh karena itu harapannya begitu menolong bagi seseorang yg mencari referensi / wawasan dengan pesat. Referensi dapat diakses darimana saja, sebab dg terdapatnya sains tempo berikut ini yg makin maju dan membentang. Dg ilmu pengetahuan yg makin kompleks dengan mesin penemu otomatis seseorang yang di kota, di kampung maupun di pedalaman mampu menemukan pembahasan ini. Bagi bisa bisa menemukan sebuah pembahasan perlu adanya network. Network ialah suatu cara ditempatmana satu dg yang yg lain dapat terhubung. Dengan gampangnya dan rumitnya ilmu pengetahuan, maka kamu dapat mengakses situs ini bila dan ditempatmana saja yang kamu ingin. Andai dikau mendapatkan ide, komentar / ide yg beda mengenai artikel ini kau bisa memberikan masukan / mengutarakan pula lanjut pada pada kotak ide-ide. Di dalam situs situs berikut ini udah disediakan tabel untuk komentar, dan atau dapat mengkontak dg kontak yang telah tercantum pada pembahasan ini. Polyolefin shrink film - macam segel wrap yang membentang pilihan utama sebagai produk kemasan, baik edible ataupun non edible. Polyolefin susut wrap lagi disukai karena berbagai penyebab, termasuk lagi sedikit aroma tempo disegel, susut lagi tahan, serta penyimpanan lebih fleksibel. Film menyusut poliolefin tidak mempunyai klorin; bagi karna tersebut, dia-dia tiada menghasilkan gas hidrogen klorida. Shrink bungkus polyolefin tiada memiliki plasticizer, sehingga suhu tiada berkembang problem. Polyolefin mampu disimpan dalam aneka suhu dan tidak mengeras serta melunak di lingkungan yg lain semacam film menyusut pvc.
jenis plastik shrink wrap
Kelemahan pvc susut film - kekuatan penyegelan, problem penyimpanan, serta produk sampingan penyegelan merupakan kelemahan umum dari pvc segel bungkus. Plasticizer dalam pvc susut bungkus mengeras dalam ketentuan dingin serta melembutkan pada kondisi kalor, sehingga mengurangi kekuatan susut dan plastik. Pvc susut bungkus serta melepaskan sejumlah kecil hidrogen klorida ke arah udara dan endapan karbon ke arah sealer. Ventilasi yang benar diperlukan kali menyegel shrink bungkus pvc. Pembahasan jual plastik shrink wrap surabaya berikut ini dapat kami temui di website laman. Laman yang dituju merupakan web / alamat situs yg berada di pada www. Konten artikel mampu bermacam-macam cocok tentang keinginan pembuat website laman. Yg akan kita bahas tempo berikut ini merupakan website laman yg bermuatan ulasan mengenai suatu produk. Adanya artikel yang dibikin akan bermanfaat sebagai seseorang yang memerlukannya, karna membentang pangkal referensi bagi bisa digunakan untuk materi penelitian, mengerjakan mandat sekolah atau untuk mendapatkan wacana serta wacana yg anyar. Pembahasan artikel mampu diakses dg gampang maka, sehingga harapannya amat menopang guna satu orang yg menggali informasi atau data dengan pesat. Wacana bisa dibaca darimana sekedar, karna dg terdapatnya teknologi saat berikut ini yang kian kedepan serta berkembang. Dg teknologi yang kian rumit dg alat pemburu otomatis satu orang yg di metro, di desa maupun di pedalaman bisa menemukan tulisan ini. Untuk bisa bisa mengakses sebuah ulasan perlu terdapatnya jaringan. Jaringan ialah tertentu skema dimana satu dengan yg lainnya bisa terkoneksi. Dengan mudahnya dan rumitnya sains, maka kau mampu menemukan website ini bila dan ditempatmana sekedar yg dikau ingin. Apabila kau mendapatkan opini, komentar / pandangan yg lain tentang artikel berikut ini dikau dapat berkontribusi / membuat sampai lebih banyak di pada kotak ide-ide. Di dalam website website berikut ini udah tersedia kolom guna opini, serta atau dapat men-japri dengan kontak yang sudah tercantum di tulisan berikut ini.
plastik segel murah
Di as serta jepang, bungkus plastik terkadang diproses menggunakan polivinilidena klorida pvdc, meskipun beberapa merek, semacam bungkus saran, sudah beralih ke formulasi beda karna soal lingkungan.
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