ghost-in-the-hella · 2 years
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Finally, Max gets to be “the tall one” in a relationship! Prompt “short” from the plastober prompt list.
[Image ID: Digital drawing in grayscale of Max Caulfield from Life is Strange and Alex Chen from Life is Strange: True Colors. Max is resting her head against the top and side of Alex's and has her arms wrapped loosely around Alex's neck and shoulders. Alex tips her head back and looks at Max fondly.]
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theartforest · 2 years
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another last minute entry lmao - really twisted the prompts around this time, it’s the mason system from apollo justice with phoenix looking grim and two paths/roads leading to either sphere?? idk lol but i had a bit too much fun screwing around with the layer effects on procreate and it made the spheres look ten times cooler and this is the first time i think i’ve tried really intense lighting i hope it looks okay?? anywho have fun
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ghost-in-the-hella · 2 years
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Introducing... Charlotte HARM! Drawing for the day 25 Plastober prompt “Skate.” Were there other directions I could’ve gone with that prompt and Life is Strange? Absolutely! But I love Charlotte and haven’t drawn her enough. Besides, I think she’d kick ass at roller derby.
[Image ID: Digital drawing of Charlotte Harmon from Life is Strange: True Colors wearing roller derby gear and skating like her life depends on it, looking strong and happy. Her helmet is decorated with the logo for her Silver Dragon dispensary. Her fingernails are painted in the colors of the pan pride flag. Her socks are rainbow striped. Background is purple with a pinkish glow around Charlotte.]
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ghost-in-the-hella · 2 years
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I’ve been dusting off a lot of my old fandoms this year! And with The Sandman getting its lovely translation to the TV screen, why not make some fanart for one of my favorite fictional characters of all time? Have some Death (of the Endless) for Plastober’s day 22 prompt: “Grim.”
[Image ID: Black and white photograph of dark, misty woods with a road stretching between the trees. A silhouette of Death of the Endless (The Sandman - comics & tv) stands in the middle of the road with her hands in her pockets, wearing a top hat. Her silhouette is filled with dark blues and purples and bright stars, suggesting the cosmos. A white ankh stands out against her chest.]
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ghost-in-the-hella · 2 years
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Plastober prompt for day six is “soup.” How could I resist?
[Image ID: Digital drawing of Harrowhark Nonagesimus from the Locked Tomb book series, circa Harrow the Ninth. She is shown from the waist up, clasping a steaming bowl of soup at her waist. She is dressed in black with a ribcage over her torso, with a iridescent white cloak thrown over her shoulders. Her hair is shoulder-length and looks greasy and tangled. She is stick thin and scowling and looks like she hasn't slept in days.]
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